13. THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17,. 190S. s Help wasted male". COMEDIAN. STRONG SKETCH TEAM: top salary for top-liners. Apply aftor 12 until October 24 to O. C. Brace, room 14. "Wigwam, 1st and Main. Don't misrepre-sant. JAPANESE AND CHINESE HELP FUR nlshed, domenttcs, farmhands, laborers, shovel wo:kers. potato-diggers. Japanese Employ ment Office. CO North 5th st. Phone Clay 002. "WANTED TWO COLLECTORS AND CAN lassers. who can furnish a bond of $500, to collect on and sell Singer sewing ma chines In Portland. 340 "Williams av. "WANTED Solicitors in Oregon. California and Wash., to sell accident insurance; good territory; profit-sharing contracts. U. S. Health & Ace Ins. Co.. 200 Marquam.' "WANTED MEN TO LEARN THE BARBER trade, constant practice and success guar anteed. Call or write to Portland Barber College, 253 Everett St. LODGE ORGANIZERS WANTED FOR principal cities; $100 to ?200 monthly. Walter A. Rice, Secretary. 344 EUIcott Square. Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED PARTNER WITH ABOUT $300 to take charge of profitable established manufacturing business at once. E 32, Oregon tan. "WANTED MAN TO TEACH ARITHME- tlc and grammar two hours each after noon. Address u 31, caro orcgonian. WANTED TWO GOOD SOLICITORS TO So licit in Salem; steady work and good pay. Address E. R. D.. box 299. SUverton. Or. ''COLUMBUS-CALIFORNIA WINE DEPOT Headquarters for cooks, waiters ana bartend era. No. 148 4th st. Phone Red 1993. TWO DRY GOODS SALESMEN, ABLE and willing; not afraid of work. Apply 8 A. M. McAlIen & McDonnell. TWO FIRST-CLASS UPHOLSTERERS and two first-class carpet layers. Tull & Glbbs, Morrison and 2d sts. HEN AND BOYS TO GET BEST 10C shaving and 15c haircut ting; open until S:3Q evenings. 31 North. 2d. WANTED BOYS OVER 10 TO DISTRIBUTE samples; telephone Scott Cb6 for particulars; 7 to s A. JJ.. or v w u Jr. Jl. WANTED 251 7TH ST. BOY, 14 OR 15 years old. ror chores. BOY WANTED. THE J. M. ACHESON CO., 5th and Alder sts. ,1 , WANTED FIRST-CLASS COAT MAKERS. Nicoll the Tailor. WANTED WAGON 211 Washington st." PAINTER. INQUIRE BARBER W'ANTED STEADY JOB. 224 Taylor st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. . 1 WANTED A GOOD RELIABLE GIRL FOR general housework; must be neat and tidy and fully competent to do housework prop erly, others need not apply. A good homo with all modern Improvements; wages $20; only two in family. Apply Cordray's The ater or 751 E. Burnsido st. JOOKS, WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS, city and country, nurse girls, second girls, housekeepers; plenty of housework, $15 to $30. Phone Main 1323. Canadian Par lors, 226 Morrison. YOU MAY LEARN OF A SURPRISING opportunity for obtaining spare tlmo work done at home without even your friends knowing It, by addressing O 31, Oregonian. WANTED GOOD NURSE GIRLS; MUST have reference and experience and willing to assist In light duties. U95 Davis, be tween 21st and 22d. Apply 5 to 6, even'gs. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, waitresses, chambermaids, general workers,- St. Louis Agency, 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2SS1. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; plain cooking; good wages. Apply 009 E. Taylor, corner 10th st. WANTED TWO GIRLS TO DO THE work In private family; liberal wages. Phone Scott 1802, or call 400 Commercial block. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED HOUSE kooper to take charge of rooming-house; with references. Inquire 3 3d st.. Bangor House. WANTED DEMONSTRATORS WITH wrinkles or smallpox plttlngs to be treated free at Saxe Institute, -17 Ablngton bldg. - STEADY GIRLS, EXPERIENCED ON sewing machines on power. Portland Glove Works. 210 Stark st. WANTED A girl to assist in general housework; must sleep at her own home. Call at 250 Salmon st. WANTED WOMAN OR EXPERIENCED girl as working housekeeper. Address W. A. B., Little Falls, Wash. HELP WANTED A YOUNG WOMAN TO assist In housework in private family. Ap ply 574 East Pine st. WOMAN WANTED TO SELL A NECESSITY to mothers; $12 a. week clear. Dept. M,, box 78, Philadelphia. NURSE GIRL WANTED DURING THE day. Room 205, Grand and Hawthorne ave., "The Brown." "WANTED Near Vancouver, Wash., S or 10 girls to pack prunes. Apply at 422 Jef ferson st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN family of two. Mrs. R. W. Wilbur, 780 Lovejoy st. EXPERIENCED ARM WAITRESS. THOMP son'a Restaurant. 5th St., bet,. "Washington and Alder. WANTED A GOOD. RELIABLE WOMAN for general housework. Call 305 Han cock st. "WANTED GIRL. AGE 15 TO 17, TO HELP in kitchen in boarding-house. 104 North 7th st. LIGHT UPSTAIRS WORK; NO WASH ing; $15.00. 433 E. 15th and Tillamook sts. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work. small family. Inquire 334 Halsey st. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. At Morris' Restaurant, 327 Washington st. "WANTED LADY CLERK ACCUSTOMED to office work. Address Postofflce Box 148. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SECOND GIRL. Apply Mrs. F. N. Hopkins, 6U Lovejoy st. "WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED CHAM bermalds. Apply Hotel Portland. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. G95 Hoyt st., near 21st. "WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work and cooking. 161 14th st. ANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. 393 11th st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE, EITHER SEX $50 A MONTH GUARAN teed, permanent work; investigate. Bon Ita House. S9 7th st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MALE STENOGRAPHER AND OFFICE man of four years' experience desires per manent position; railway office or whole' eale Irouse preferred; best city references have held positions of trust. Address Y 31, Oregonian. MAN OF MECHANICAL AND BUSINESS ability will place $100 to secure paying work; state nature of work; no canvass lng. E 14, Oregonian. I MAN WITH 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN all kinds of woolen cloth, likes position of any kind in a wnoiesaie nouse or store. K 30, Oregonian. BY YOUNG MAN, POSITION AS SALES- man in clothing or dry goods; two years' experience; must have work, i 31, Ore gonian. rxr TETTtJVTCtj rrxfrcnrT Tiivna "tr a r mer; also all kinds help.' Japanese Labor Association, zus isverett. uiacK auz. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO do housework: name George, Japanese Mission. Phone Clay 745, GOOD. HONEST JAPANESE WANTS SIT uation to do plain cooking and house work. Phone Hood 303. YOUNG MAN. 25 YEARS OF AGE, would like situation of any kind in city. D 31. Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED JAPANESE DESIRES situation as cook. S 11, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER WISHES -work part of day. X 30, care Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. HouHckcepers. WANTED. BY RESPECTABLE WIDOW V. ILJ1 fell J, JIWIUUU fl .w...... petent; references. K 32. Oregonian. Phone Main 2923. RESPECTABLE YOUNG WIDOW, WITH girl 4 years of age. wisnes position as housekeeper. O 11. Oregonian. Domestical. TWO GIRLS WANT TO DO CHAMBER- maid work or factory work, km iutn St., North Portland. Dressmakers. WANTED BY DRESSMAKER WITH Ex perience, charge of workroom; thoroughly competent! 'Phone Front 23S3. "WANTED DRESSMAKING BY DAY; thoroughly experienced. 'Phone Front 23&J. Miscellaneous. A LADY OF EDUCATION AND EXPERI ence wantK position as governess; capable of teaching music and doing children's sewing. Address Box 103, Mllwaukle. Or. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPER with boy, 4 chambermaids, cooks, gen eral girls. 230 YamhllL Phone Black 2S8L WANTED BY MOTHER AND DAUGH ter, chamber work or cooking. Address The Castle, 372 Washington st. HELP FURNISHED ON. SHORT NOTICE: girls waiting. Working Girls' Home, 291 3rd. Phone Clay 1993. MASSEUSE WANTS SITUATION IN- LA dies' bath. C 31, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS' CHRISTMAS HARVEST; MAGA zlne subscription agents take 30 orders dally; authorized history St. Louis Exposition, In Campbell's Illustrated Journal, similar, prlre history it made of Chicago World's Fair .and Paris Exposition; large commissions; of ficial bird's eye view, entire exposition; 12 rich colors; size 32x44 Inches, now ready; price. $1; jsent with complete Journal outfit to working; agents for 20 cents postage. Ad dress Exposition Department, Campbell's Journal, Sc. Louis, Mo. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED NOVEMBER 15, PARTLY FUR nished or furnished small cottage or houskeeplng rooms: man and wife without children. D 32. Oregonian. WANTEDr-TO RENT BY FIRST-CLASS tenant, C to 10-room modern house, fur nished or unfurnished; best references. G 32, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT & OR 10 ROOM FUR nlshed hous. within walking distance, suit able for boarding. Address W 81, care Ore gonian. WANTED 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping; A 1 references given if de sired. Address "W 5L care Oregonian. BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY. FIVE OR SDC room cottage in suburbs, near car line; state price and location. Y 02. Oregonian. WANTED BOARD IN SMALL PRIVATE family by young man; state price and lo cation. D 29, Oregonian. WANTED ROOMS AND .BOARD FOR 3 adults in private family; close In. Y 143, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT UNFURNISHED 8 OR 10-room house. West Side. A S3, Oregonian. WANTED 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, GAS and heat; central, w i, uregonian. WANTED TO RENT OR 7-ROOM HOUSE. inquire at uia 2d. WANTED MIS CELLANEOUS. WANTED A first-class rooming house of 20 to 30 rooms in good location; west Side between Taylor and Ankeny sts. Give location. Address F 32. Oregonian. MEM'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING HIGHEST price paid for men s cast-on. ciotning ana shoes. 02 North 3d. Phone Hood 517. WANTED GENTLE DRIVING HORSE for lady this Winter for its keeping; gooa references. P si, oregonian. WANTED Good cylinder press, six-column quarto; capacity ouu or ivv. vriie ouu day Sun. Aberdeen, "Wash. . "WANTED PONY. CART AND HARNESS; must be in good oraer ana cneap. x oi, care Oregonian. CHILDREN BOARDED; NICE HOME. 395 Salmon su CHILDREN BOARDED; NICE HOME. 395 Salmon st. FOR RENT. Room. THE PHILADELPHIA FURNISHED APART- ments; everything new; running water In rooms; electric lights, baths, magnificent view plaza blocks and D. P. Thompson Elk foun tain; for transient and tourists; a model of comfort. N. E. cor. 3d and Salmon. Phone Main 202S." J. E. Mlnard Black, prop. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. AL- der and Park sts., formerly tho Spalding The most complete apartment-nouso in the city; entirely renovated, steam heat, gas. electric light. porcelain baths; even' modern convenience; tourist and transient trade solicited. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT SUITE. modern flat; also pleasant furnished room; no children; gas. bath, phone; 7tn st., near Hotel Portland. A 24, Oregonian. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS FOR GENTLE- men or business women; private house; desirable neighborhood; no sign. 4i4 Yamhill. FOR RENT FRONT PARLOR. FURN- ished suitable for lady or gentleman, also one bedroom with -or without board. 390 1st st. 181 1ST.. COR. YAMHILL NEWLY FUR- nisned rooms; an modern conveniences; rea sonable; transient solicited. Phone Clay 755. bath, gas, 'phone, in a French family, for NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, ONE OR two gentlemen or man and wife; gas. phone, bath, heat. 06 N. 14th st. LARGE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, modern conveniences; private fam ily; $2.00 per week. 28 North 7th. THE MONTICELLO, 124 12TH. COR. WASH ington Elegantly furnished rooms; every thing new. Phone Green 480. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR one or two gentlemen or ladles; modern conveniences. 551 Taylor st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS BY THE day or week at Steel Bridge Rooming' house, 222 Crosby st. NICE BEDROOM IN MODERN FLAT. PRI vate family of two; bath, phone, beat. M 29, care Oregonian. NEW AND NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room on ground floor, for rent reasonable, 507 Williams ave. ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO GENTLEMEN. with board; gas, heat, bath and phone. H a.', oregonian. THE TAMARACK. NEWLY .FURNISHED. CUUUjT 4 UVUir. UUI, KUl. .MCLUl&UU, fiUUtt cation; $10 up. GENTLEMAN WILL FIND PLEASANT, weu-iurnisned single room or suite at 39: Columbia st. VERY DESIRABLE LARGE FRONT AL cove room. ISO 14th, bet. Yamhill and Taylor. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms; close in. 80th 10th, near PLEASANT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. witn grate on nrsi noor. 4U3 2d St., cor Har rison. 3S1 Yamhill St.. The Ramona Rooms at reason, able prices with steam heat, light and bath. 1st and Alder: Tremont Hotel, 7th and Everett FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT IN PRI vate family. 44 E. 7th, corner Pine st. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE WITH PIANO, 432 Burnslde st. Phone 400. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH BOARD. 12th Kt. 215 Room With Board. 718 WAYNE ST.. BEL KING AND ST. Clair; well furnlrhed rooms with board, one block from Washington car. Phone Front ROOMS AND BOARD IN A PRIVATE family for gentlemen only. C71 GUsan st. FOR RENT. Rooms Wlttt Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 16TH YEAR; rooms wltn board; use of sewing-room; us of llbrarj'; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Anabel Russell, superintendent. 510. Flanders. HOTEL BROWN Rooms newly furnished; baths, electric lights, elevator; rooms for transient; on both car lines. 271 Grand ave. BLAKELY HALL, 251 7TH ST Large rooms. wltn ant-ciass noara; nnc location; iout blocks from Hotel Portland. Main 2C31. FOR STUDENTS BREAKFAST AND (tupper If desired; fine view of Mt. Hood. Call at 555 5th. Phone Black BLAKELY HALL. 251 7TH; REFINED young lady wishes roommate with board. Telephone Main 2631. PLEASANT ROOMS. NEWLY FURNISHED. with board; every convenience, xne fiieriing. ICth and Couch. THE COLONIAL, 165 10TH ST. ROOMS. suitable for one or two persons, won nrai- class table. ROOMS AND BOARD AT 468 YAMHILL at. We have two vacant rooms. Phone West 320 225 11TH ST. DESIRABLE ROOMS. RUN- nlng water; table first-class. Mrs. Muiiord, manager. HOTEL YENDOMB, COR. 13TH & ALDER; furnished rooms with board; reasoname rates. 394 ALDER, COR. 10TH ST. NEWLY FUR- nished rooms with table board; reasoname. PLEASANT ROOM FOR TWO GENTLEMEN; good home cooking. 221 13th st. Housekeeping Rooms. TWO OR THREE FRONT ROOMS, FUR- nlshed complete for housekeeping; every thing new and clean; gas range; cook stove. 300 4th. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, hot and cold water, pantry, batn. ground floor, central. 187 Chapman near Morrison. FOR RENT 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping: with bath and pantry. 154 E. 20th. Call at 392 E. Morrison. No chil dren. FOR RENT FURNISHED FRONT PAR- lor with folding bed, and board for two gen tlemen, $20. 4C9 E. Stark;. bet. 8th and 9tn. FINE ROOMS. SUPERIOR BOARD. MOD- ern conveniences; naif block from Port land Hottl. Phone Hood 1713. 183 7th st. 72 FIRST STREET, TWO NEWLY PA- pered rront unfurnished Housekeeping rooms, $8.00; respectable people only. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping In new private home; ref erences required. No. 1 East 12th. 75 NORTH PARK STREET NEAR EVER- ett, two large furnished housekeeping rooms; private residence. TWO OR THREE LARGE HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished, water in kitchen, bath; $11 or $12.50. 548 MtlL TWO LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- lng rooms; respectable people, without chil dren, only. 81 North 9th. 27 WEST PARK FURNISHED HOUSE- kecping rooms; furnace heat, gas, bath and ?hone. THE HE1LER FURNISHED AND UNFUR- nlshed housekeeping rooms to rent. 2M) Grand ave. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms, close In. 86 10th, near Stark. THE MONNASTES, 283 1ST ST. ONE front suite, $4; one back suite, $2 per week. WITCHi HAZEL. Front and Madison House- Keeping rooms; transient; bath; electric ngnt. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $12 per month. 5SS Pettygrove st. 04 WASHINGTON ST., FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Corner sulto. UNFURNISHED rooms. 231 Cth st. HOUSEKEEPING IXousck. FOR RENT AT 704 E. BURNSIDE NEAR 20th St., one of the prettiest homes In E. Portland; even-thing modern and complete; 8 rooms. 'Phone Scott 3004 or call at premises. FOR TIE NT MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. 833 Kelly st.. South Portland; very desirable lo cation; gas, cnandellers; rent, $22.50. D, W. Hoelblng. 250 Stark st. DONALD G. WOODWARD, 246 STARK ST.. rents ana insurance, fnone Main ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. FIVE-ROM COTTAGE. BATH. PATENT touet. gas, etc; rent $25 per month. Apply at house, -145 5th or 289 7th. THE 4-STORY BUILDING ON COUCH AND Front sts. is for rent, and may be occupied uctODer l. Ted lilckei. A FIVE-ROOM LOWER FLAT. WITH store rront. suitable for dwelling or dress making, at 569 5th. FOR RENT $15, NEW MODERN 0-ROOM nouse. 014 E. Cth South. 'Phone Scott 821. TO RENT 8-ROOM RESIDENCE IN NEAT condition, at 312 Cherry st. Houses for Rent, Furniture for Sale. HOUSE FOR RENT WITH EVERYTHING complete lor housekeeping for sale; will not rent except sale of furniture, etc.; location central, a ou, oregonian. THE NEW FURNITURE OF 0-ROOM NEW house for sale cheap If sold at once; all conveniences. :h Houaday av. $375 FURNITURE. INCLUDING PIANO. modern 5-room cottage. Upper Alblna; rent u is. oregonian. FURNITURE OF 9-ROOMED HOUSE FOR saie cneap li sold at once. 107 West I'ark near Morrison. FURNITURE OF SIX-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale, .inquire at 1U5 Park st. Summer Resorts. FURNISHED HOME MODERN CONVEN iences; central location. Call between 10 and 5 Saturday or Monday, 41 E. 8th cor ner Pine. 'Phone union 1025. PARADISE INN." BEAUTIFULLY SITU ated on Paradise Farm; open all Winter. Address Entrlcan, Hood River, Or. Stores. FOR RENT NEW STORE BUILDING AT City View Park. Apply to Sharkey & aiorrow, -OS Allsky bldg. Offices. OFFICES FOR RENT DESK ROOM IN elegant rurnisnea omce; steam neat, elec tric lights; telephone free. 101 Sherlock Bldg. r- FOR RENT FINE OUTSIDE ROOM. Superintendent of Orcgonian "bldg. SEE BUSINESS CHANCES. STRONG BEAR MOVEMENT ON IN THE East against Oregon securities; now Is the time for Portland people to reap a harvest by buying cneap. i Keady & Co., Fall ing Diag. A SPLENDID LOCATION FOR A NO. doctor and surgeon In Eastern Oregon; grafters need apply. G 21, Oregonian. CIGAR STORE AND BILLIARD HALL tor saie in nest town in valley; West ssiue. Aaarcss o 3, car.e Oregonian. BUSINESS! BUSINESS! "WOULD YOU GO into business if suited? See us about It. uoiuscnmiax. a Agency, ou stark st. GREAT SNAP 10-ROOM FLAT, FINELY furnished, fine transient place, in business ccuiu, uui) fiiwu. x io, uregonian. 7 ROOMS, WEfLL FURNISHED, CHEAP IF taken at once. Ralston, 232 Washington St., room u. rnonc xiooa loos. $500 SECURES INTEREST IN WELL-ES tabllKhed. nicely paying business. Call for full particulars at n-i 1st st. . ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SAL El WPTHIN blocks Portland Hotel; 12 rooms furnished price 5000. w y. oregonian. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN WELL paying real estate and employment offlco, Room 10, 233 Burnslde. $1000 BUYS HOUSE THAT NETS $100 PER month: central; modern and full; no agents. Address C 14, Oregonian. , $1400 BUYS THE FURNITURE OF 23 room house; rent $00; lease. Walderon, 522 Chamber Commerce. MINING STOCK BOUGHT, MONEY LOANED, Income stock sold. 215 Commercial block. ROOMING-HOUSE. 23 ROOMS. RENT, $00. iviia fcuuu ieo:e. au ti xiumsiae eu BUSINESS CHANCES. FORD'S BUSINESS. CHaNCES. INC. SEE FORD IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A ROOMING-HOUSE. BANK REFERENCES. 28-room house: rent $50; price $2100. 18-room house; rent $00; prlco $S00. 15-rooms. rent $20; price $1000. 10 rooms, rent $45; price, $1050; modern; steam-heated; lease. ,. , Elegant 0-room cottage, modern, well lo cated, price $600. , , Furniture of a 12-room house, with lease: fine residence; price $1050. 32-room. elegantly furnished; price. $6SO0. FORD'S BUSINESS CHANCES. 265 4th at. Phone Clay 533. Young womaa wants partner; a good man to take half Interest in a good-paying restaurant doing a fine business; price for one-half Interest, $300, I have grocery stores, cigar stands, sa loons. If I haven't what you want, I can get it. Can make safe loans for clients; good interest. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY ARE in possession of the latest information re gardlngbusiness chances In city or country Parlies looking for an established: mercan tile business, partnerships or Interest In corporation are Invited to call at their of fices. None but legitimate propositions coa sldercd. Ames Mercantile Agency4 Ablng ton bldg. TWO GOOD OPPORTUNITIES Old estaDiisnea wooa yara, euner a. uau Interest or whole business $1500.00. First-class bakery largest and besV1 pay ing trade In city $3000:00. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Ablngton Building. WANTED GENTLEMAN OR LADY PART- ner manuiactunng Dusiceas; uncuu uiuto; experience unnecessary: biggest money-making business Portland; $350 buys half inter est; Investment fully secured; no risk; no loss; Investigate this. Call 211 Morrison st., room 10. AN ESTABLISHED CEREAL FOOD COM- piny desires the services of reliable man to SIl responsible position; compensation $3000 per annum. Highest references required and given. Address Auditor's Department, Box 4812. BatUe Creek, Mich. FOR BALE NEATLY FURNISHED SALOON and 3-year lease, or will rent came, com- filetely furnished, at reasonable price; good ocatlon. if looking for a saloon don't miss this. Apply at 249 Burnslde sU FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE business, in- suburbs, on good county road, pontofllce; cheap If taken at once; 111 health the reason for selling. Further particulars In quire at 107 3d su. room 1. -WANTED MANAGEMENT OF ANY PART or all of a sawmill or store, on salary or for a share of profits; or will construct mill of any slzo and guarantee capacity. Box 50, Stayton, Or. I FOR SALE ESTABLISHED GROCERY business in live town; low rent, small capital required and splendid opportunity for extensive business. Lock Box 4, Sumpter, Or. MERCHANDISE BUSINESS FOR SALE IN good Valley town; stock consists of dry goods, turnshing goods, clothing, boots and shoes; brick storeroom; low rent. M 32, Ore gonian. WE HAVE A GOOD LOCATION FOR A small shingle mill with plenty of cedar stumpage. Inquire Oregon Fir Lumber Co., 7S0 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. CORDWOOD STUMPAGE FOR SALE cheap; on the line of the Oregon. "Water Power & Railway Co. Address or call L. Gerllnger, 730 Chamber of Commerce. $350 BUYS INTEREST IN: SMALL MANU- lacturing business; want reliable man to take charge of shop, oversee help, etc.; will pay $25 week. 324 1st st. $3000 BUYS- INTEREST IN GOOD ESTAB- nsnca business; goou nookKeeper pre ferred; Investigate this: Walderon, 522 Chamber of Commerce. PARTIES HAVING" $100 OR MORE TO IN- vest can obtain 10 per cent interest, pay able quarterly. Cal or address room 427 Chamber of Commerce. 1- UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY TO BUY FAMILY liquor business; well established; doing good business; stock and nxtures at cost. a. a. Kline, Pendleton, Or. . WANTED PARTY WITH $3000 TO TAKE interest in sawmill and o.ooo.ooo nrst class timber. Address, for interview, R 31, Oregonian. RESPONSIBLE PARTY WANTS NEW house, central, and modern, 50 to 100 rooms; can wait till first of year. Q 2S, Oregonian. $500 BUYS 12 ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE good business corner, must sen on account of slckntEs. inquire at 4 North 3d, cor. Ankeny. FOR SALE HOTEL. 35 ROOMS. FURNISH cd complete: a regular boarders: rent jay; good lease; cheap, $250. Inquire 331 Burn slde. SHOE STORE FOR SALE ESTABLISHED business, good location. Inquire 87-89 1st st., Portland, or. 0-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED, GOOD Lo cation; price $500. Walderon, 522 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED PARTNER IN FAST SELLING novelty: new patent Just out. Apply to E 31. oregonian. FOR SALE ONE SEVEN-CHAIR BARBER shop; good location; doing good .business. B 1 n.n.la. ' MRS. NETTIE KOCH'S PRIVATE BOARD lng and lodglng-nquse for sale. 89 5th, near btark. FOR RENT LOWER DOCK, WITH BOAT landinr, loot oi .Morrison st. inquire lea ilorrtaon. GROCERY STORE ON 4TH ST.; 3-YEAR lease; living-rooms; invoice. Inquire 331 Burnslde. SMALL OFFICE, GROUND FLOOR. N. 3D St.; tw6 years lease, inquire at 249 Burn side st. ROOMING - HOUSE, 15 ROOMS, 3-YEAR lease; rent 52a; price, $iuoo. can 331 Burn ride. PERSONAL. MADAME VAUGHN. DOCTOR OF DERMA- tology. has established a school for scientific Instruction In skin treatment at offices, 301 302 McKay bldg. Women and girls desiring a prontaDie ana pieasant nusiness career should apply lor admission; classes evenings. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on and rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 347 "Washington, op posite cordray's. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY MADE OVER OR EX changed; diamonds, precious stones: loose and mounted: watches. Jewelry repaired; close prices; gooa work, iingry tne Jeweler, N. E, cor. na ana uasn., ureeaen Didg., -upstairs, "Book of Nature," "Her Hidden Charms, "A Hot Tamale," "Mabel Gray," "Stolen Sweets," "Madelln Feret," "The Beauty Spot." "Darkest Chicago." "The Decam eron." 30c ea., list free. Schraale, "229 1st. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. Roberts' Nerve Globules. One month! treatment, $2; 3 months, $5. Sent secure ly sealed by mall. Agents, Woodard "WHEN YOU SEE THE PALMO TABLET sign In a drug store window there 1 where -you can get Palmo Tablets, the . great nervo and kidney tonic. They cost only sue We print your name on 30 calling cards. proper size and style, 25c; 250 business cards, $1. jurown & acnmale, 229 1st, Portland, or. WANTED TO MEET REFINED. GOOD looking lady under 35. matrimonially In cllped. Particulars address Q 31, Ore gonian. THE STAR HAIR REMEDY RESTORES Paris Hair Store. 30S Washington, sole agentl YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE AC curately and reasonably filled at Eysseli Pharmacy, 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. FINE DAY! BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL las. Repairing and recovering; two stores, "Washington and uiti & Morrison and 5th CATHERINE JOHNSON, FACE AND anln mn.snir, m ftnletirln it. r, O 7 - O Q nough bldg. Phone Brown 441, Portland. WILL EXCHANGE NEW PIANO FOR tsllnr r.r custom-made clolnes and renalr-lni- A FINE. HEALTHY BABY BOY, 3 WEEKS OIU, 1UI uuuuuu. xuuicaa II wrc&UIU "W. H. LE3H. WATCHES. DIAMONDS; EASY payments, uu unuiu uiu&. inujic v-iu ouy CORSETS MADE TO ORDER. ANY MATE- rial; perfect fit. Room 50, Washington bldg, MRS. OB ROCK, graduate masseuse, acute and chronic diseases treated. Ablngton bid. BALM OF FIGS FOR FEMALE TROUBLES. 434 Alder st. mono west I5c0. PERSONAL. n WOMEN WANTED SUFFERING FROM Irregular, painful or stoppages, lucorrhoea fwhltes) and all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler. 230 Yam hill st.. Portland. Or. Private waiting-room for ladies. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. MME. AZA HOLMES. COMPLEXION. HAIR and skin specialist, has removed to 364 Mor rison. Parlors open from S A. M. to 7 P. M. Free demonstrations dally and samples of cosmetics given. Portland s best physicians and citizens for reference; apprentices wanted. tVNY ONE KNOWING THE WHERE- abouts of Mace Do Lane, last heard of at Aberdeen. "Wash., will confer a great fa vor upon his anxious mother by address ing Mrs. James De Lane. 823 W. Augusta, Spokane, "Wash. SEXINE PILLS ARE GUARANTEED FOR all forms. of weakness; $1 a box, 0 for $3. -Address fir call J. A. Clemenson, druggist, corner 2nd and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50C AT HOLLA- baugh's, 189 3d bet. Yamhill and Taylor. L. PATTERSON, OSTEOPATH. NERVOUS diseases women and children. 343 wasn. DR. LAMOTTE'S FRENCH CORN PAINT. The best corn cure. 25c All druggists. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE OF THE SALE OF STATE LANDS Notice Is hereby given that the State Land Board will receive sealed bids until 2 o'clock P. -M.. on Januan- 26. 1904. for the purchase of the following described school lands, to wlt: All of sections 16 and 36 In the following townships and ranges: T. 29 S.. R. 41 E.: T. 2S S.. R. 42 Et; T. 40 S.. R. 37 E.; T. 40 8.. li 8S JS.; T. ) S..K. 39 E.; T. 40 S., K. 40 E.; T. 40 S., R, 41 E., and all of section 16 in tne zoiiowing townsnips and ranges: r. -ix S.. R. 39 E.: T. 41 S.. R. 40 E.: T. 41 S.. R. 41 E. All bids must be accompanied-by a regular application to purchase In accordance with the law for the sale of school lands and by cash or check for at least one-fifth of the price offered. ro bid for less than $2.50 per acre will be considered. The right to reject any and all bids la re served. Applications and bids should be addressed to G. G. Brown. Clerk State Land Board. Sa lem, Or., and marked "Application and bid to purcnase school lands." G. a BROWN. Clerk State Land Board. Dated this 15th of October, 1903. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED bids will be received by the County Com missioners of Skamania County, at Stev enson, Wash., until November - 12, noon. 1003, for the erection and completion of a brick or frame courthouse, according to plans and specifications prepared by C. H. Burggraf. architect, Albany, Or. The suc cessful bidder will bo required to furnish an approved bond equal to 75 per cent of the amount of the contract and also a certified check equal to 3 per cent of the amount of his bid. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the Auditor of Skamania County, or at the office of the architect. , All bids must be filed with the County Auditor, and made out upon blanks furnished by him for the same. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Dated at Stevenson, Wash., this 7th day of October. 1003. (Signed) A FLEISCHHAUER. Clerk of Board. OFFICE CHIEF COMMISSARY, VANCOU- ver DarracKS. wasn., uciuuer iu iwj. Scaled proposals for furnishing and deliver ing potatoes and onions for six months be- vnvmtu.' 1 ififtt n.-lll hp received here and at offices of commissaries at Fort Stevens, uresun; xoise iiuEiiiuia, wauu, i-un. Columbia, iort Casey, Fort Flagler. Fort Walla waiia. .ton noraea anu run vus"w i...i,i.ninn until 1fi-3n A T rw-fnhr "V 1903, and then opened. Information furnished on application. Envelopes contalnlng.proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals for potatoes and onions" and addressed to commissary of post to DC suppiieu or ii .uujui ucvigu jl. uais. wniei vomnussui. - Miscellaneous. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THERE WILL be an annual meeting 01 tne siocKnoiaers 01 the Columbia River & Puget Sound Naviga tion Company, held at tneir omce, ro. 4 Labbe bldg., Portland, Or., Tuesday, October 20, 1003, at 2 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing a board of directors to serve dur ing the coming year. Also for the transac tion of such other business as may come regularly before them. E W. Crichton, sec retary. October 10, 1903. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A LADY'S GOLD WATCH To gether with a blue butterfly pin. Please return to Miss Carlson. 343 Yamhill st., corner 7th. Phone 1051 Clay. LOST BET. 746 JOHNSON ST. AND TRIX- Ity Church, lady s gold watcn, io. ui.uou; stemwinder; half-hunter case. Reward for return to 746 Johnson st. LOST DOG, RED IRISH SETTER, SOME- where on Oregon juy car jine; license No. 33; "Nome Prince;" $5 reward. F. C Strlegl. 327 Mill st. LOST SMALL GROUP PHOTO WITH envelope attached. Return to Strong's Studio. Goodnough bldg. for reward. LOST LADIES' JAPANESE PURSE CON- talnlng bracelet and Jewelry; liberal re ward. 489 Washington. Flat 2. LOST SCOTCH COLLIE. BLACK, BROWN points, uooa rswuru 11 iciutucu iu x Ellsworth St., Richmond. LOST RED IRISH SETTER. NAME NED. License No. 996. Reward for return, to G. Backstrom, 154 1st st. FINANCIAL. .MONEY. MONEY. Get our system that gets you out of debt. Any lady or gentleman, clerk, bookkeeper. salesman, trainman, machinist, engineer. etc having rename employment can get. Just on his note: .UUUlillJ'. 72-iAV. hccai;. ,0 Repay to us $13.33 or $6.05 or $3.33 t.o., t n k 1vr.1t nr s:i :t:t or xi.tt.i $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No Inquiries. Quick service. Courteous treatment. THE STAR LOAN CO.. 210 McKay bldg., iuai m MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE! Any wage-earner needing money before pay day can get it from us; no commission or in terest in advance; no. mortgage or lndorser 1 TAa. ii-ortll v mnnrhlv nr semi- monthly, in amount from $1 and upwards thus aVOlQing paymeui ui iuc nuuic out of any one pay day; and have six months time If desired. NELSON & HINDLBY, 308 McKay building. FRED H. STRONG. FINANCIAL AGENT. .Money 10 iuuu. .-u vuhuuujiuu. I am in a position to make Immediate loans on Improved real estate or for building pur poses; any amount; moderate Interest. We approve loans from plans and advance money as building progresses when desired. Option In repayment after one year. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent, 103 Second, near Stark. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mongasra, i' c curlty, at low rates. C. W. Pallette. 213 Commercial block. Telephone Main 1385. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc, without security; easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman, 223 Ablngton bldg. CHATTEL LOANS IN AMOUNTS RANGING from $25 to $5000; rooming-houses a spe cialty. New Era Loan Trust Co., 206 Ablngton bldg. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, rm. 45, Washington bldg. Phone Hood 415. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 on all securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 5, Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. LOANS IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP ON ALL kinds f security. W. A. Hathaway room 10. Washington bldg. Phone Hood 413. MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD SECURITY; real estate bought and sold. Call room 317 Allsky bldg. Hurlburt, Hoff & Co. MONEY TO LOAN. 0 AND T PER CENT, on city property and Improved Valley farms. W. A. Shaw & Co., 243 Stark st. Money loaned on all kinds of security; 6 per cent building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock blk. Phone Clay 529. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas County lands. B. F. Riley, 608 Cham. Com. Money to loan, small amounts, short or long time. J. H. Hawley, 2 Chamber of Com. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty Wm. Holl, rm. 9; Washington bldg. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 0 PER CENT. TO1 G. Beck, 321 Morrison st." BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Afternoon Kindergarten. THE MATTINGLY PRIVATE KINDER gartcn, 209 14th st. Phono "West 1358. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ' Axsayers and Analysts., MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 20S STAKh. st., Portland. Cut rates for 00 cays; goiu, $1; silver, 50c J copper, $1; lead. $1. J. H. FISK. ASSAYBR. CHEMIST AND mining engineer. 204 Washington. PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAYER AND ANALYST; gold dust bought. 22S Stark st. Attorneys-at-Law. PORTLAND LAW AND COLLECTION AGEN- cy; collections. Room 27, Washington diu,j. Blue Prints., ELECTRIC BLUE PRINTING CO.. PRINTS zurnisnea on snort nonce; mays. "'"j ings , and tracing made. Phone Hood ZOO 271 Morrison st. PORTLAND BLUE PRINT CO. BLUE. black and brown prints, maps and tracings made. 29 Alnsworth block. Phone Main 26So. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general joDDing. contracting 330. starx. aiacK 111-. . GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SHELVING, nouses nuui and repaired, aw -Jin. -iay Cement Contractors, SMITH & WILES. CEMENT SIDEWALKS and building foundations contracted. iOI Chamber of Coaimere. Phone Main ISO. CARTER & ELL. cement contractors, 271 Chiropodists and Manicuring. L. MITCHELL, the leading expert chiropodist of the Nortlwest. has opened tne Desi equlpped chiropody parlors in the city; best lady chiropodist on tho Coast as assistant. Manicuring. All instruments sterilized. Par lor 702, Marquam bldg- Phono Black 2S51. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY, THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors'SOl Allsky building. Third and Morrison. Oregon phone Main 1301.- This is the long-haired gentle man. He Is the man you are looking for. RELIABLE SCIENTIFIC LADY CHIROP odlst. Call and bo convinced by my dem onstrations. Testimonials at office, 20 Raleigh bldg. Coal Dealers. WESTERN FEED & FUEL CO., DEALERS In all kinds of coal. Call us up for quota tions. 154 North 5lh, telephone Main 10,18. KING COAL CO.. WHOLESALE AND- RE- smithing coals; prompt dellven"- Main 1425. I VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers; best coals; foundry and smelter coke. 329 B. st. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commission merchants. Front St., near Main, Portland, Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG ft CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Sherlock build ing. Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND PRO duce merchants. Front &. D sts, Portland, Or. Corrugated Iron. CORRUGATED HtON ROOFING. HOT-AIR furnaces. J. C. Bayer, 265 Second st. Dancing. Miss Helen Copeland teacher of dancing, Burkhard Hall. Monday evenings. Scott 5015. THE MATTINGLY ACADEMY OF DANCING. 269 14th, cor. Jeff. Class or private lessons. MRS. NINA LAROWE. TEACHER OF DAN clng; classes or private lessons. Dyelntr and Cleaning. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean er, 301 17th, cor. Columbia. Tel. Main 2513. Educational. The Pfell Art School Drawing and keramlc depts.; day and evening classes. 328 ldth st. F. McGlashan Crawford, teacher of drawing and painting. 1 E. 12th st., cor. Ankeny. Elcctroplnting-. OREGON PLATING WORKS. 401 WASH. Polishing, plating, lacquering. Tel. atam :&. Electrical Works. PORTLAND MECHANICAL AND ELEC trlcal Works. 178 Madison. Tel. Black 2981, Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal' so ciety or N. w.; protects tne living, j. u. Mitchell, sup. Sec y. uis-uiu aiarquam Diag. Gasoline Engines. TATUM & BOWEN, PORTLAND. Francisco, Seattle. SAN Harness and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLB- aale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 80-86 1st su THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., WHOLE- sale saddle and harness mfrs.. saddlery hard ware, leather of all kinds. 72-73 Fifth st. Japanese Goods. Japanese crockery, all descriptions; bamboo furniture. A. Tanaka, 300 wasningion si. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO., PURCHASERS OF HIDES. pciis. I1UUI, 1UIS, luuun, uiu 1 uuut , ...c. als and sacks. 312 Front st. Leather and Findings. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of all kjnds. 72-74 015 t- J. A. REH), mfr. bootnd shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers" supplies. zu wasn. su Manufacturers of Ladles Goods. DRY GOODS; ladles' underwear made to or der; lowest prices, yuon nop, do- usn Machinery. TDi7ViriV r. rn . MTTCTNfJ SAWMILL logging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings of all kinds repaired. 104 North 4tn st. SECOND.HAXD MACHINERY TO COM- pletely outnt sningie mm; Doners ana en gines, w liuer-oruin aiuuii. vo., mamc- THE H. C. ALB BE CO., SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmnis, etc.. ino vruu ave. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS tor Daigains Hee weens; no acuu, vvt cent saveu; at i;a Toni, cor. nuuncr. Massage. VAPOR BATHS. ELECTRIC TREAT ments and massage, by lady from the East with young lady assistant from Seattle. 209 4th St.. room 14. Phone Hood 700. YOUNG. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES vapor, electrical, thermal, alcoholic and medicated baths; magnetic treatment. 20 Raleigh bldg. -rnrA vAtint. 1filTr vnnnr Knit frlnW- majr netic. perfume baths; new treatments; delight lul, invigorating; a luxurj. -uiy. ou, tuuiu vcwt.v nPRNT.n MASSAGE PARLORS: Spanish lady gives scientific massage; magnetic treatments. 350 Washington. room 0. LADY GIVES VAPOR BATHS. MASSAGE and magnetic treatment; only genuine baths In the house. Room 20, itaieigh Didg. FRENCH LADY. WITH YOUNG LADY AS slstants, gives massage treatments. 208 5th st., near Taylor. Phone west iutj. SCIENTIFIC MASSAGE. ELECTRIC. MAG netlc tieatments; vapor and medicated baths. 26-27 Raleigh bldg. Musical. Arret; fTATmA TlTISH. 217 MORRIS ST sultar teacher; terms very reasonable Union 5512. . MRS. S. B. M. PAUL. Teacher of artistic pi ano playing. 74-5 Lewis bldg. Brown 653. Piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, violin lessons, 50c; tuning, repairing. 104 1st, Mrs. Martin W. F. WERSCHKUL, TEACHER OF VdlCB production. Studio, 4oO Sherlock bldg. Oregon Vla-vi Co T.TTWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON Sts. Health talk to ladles. Thursdays, 2:30 i Ai- , Rubber Stamps. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 249 ALDER. PHONE Main 710. Rubber stamps, seals, stencils. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Showcases and Store Fixtures. R. LUTKE & CO.. SUCCESSORS TO Dixon. Borgesen & Co.. 6th and Hoyt sts. Osteopathy. DRS. AD IX AND NORTHKUP HAVE RE turned to their former offices, suite 418 Dekum bldg.; phone Main 349. Paints. Oils and Glass. F. E. BEACH & CO.. THE PIONEER Paint Co.. selling the" best things made In paints. 135 1st st. Phone Main 1334. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS. PAINTS, oils, glass, sash and doors. 180 1st st. ' t Palmistry. 1 PROF. H. VICTOR SCHILLER WORLD'S GREATEST PALMIST AND PSYCHIC. ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION HIS BEST ADVERTISEMENT. Without asking a question Prof. Schiller tells you Just what you want to know. Ho tells every wish of your life, how to gain success In love, courtship, marriage, di vorce, health, business, lawsuits. In fact, no inatter what may be your fear, trouble, hope "or ambition, call on this gifted mau and find relief. If you are suffering from, any physical or mAntal disorder Prof. Schiller will tell you the nature and causa of your ailment and show you the way to perfect health and happiness. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or no fee taken. Strictest privacy. Office hours from 10 to S. Private parlors, 231 5th st. Phone Clay 9S4. r-r : 4 PROF. W ALLACE HE ADVISES ON LOVii marriage; divorce, death, health, business, property, speculation, lawsuits, changes, sit uations, rivals, husbands, wives, sweethearts. absent friends, success or failure in business. mining; cnances. etc The cosmos, cor. 4W, and Morrison, rooms 27 and 28. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, RELIABLE PSY- chometrlst. prophet and palmist; 10 to 3 dally; 50c and $1; circles Tuesday" and Fri day. 8 P. M. 23c SI 7th. Phone Green 04 L. Patent Lawyers. . J. GEISLEP, patent and trade mark matters a specialty. 530 Chamber of Commerce. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. MRS, CAREY TALBOT. SUCCESS- fully treats and cures all diseases of wo men. Successful home treatment by mall. 308 Salmon, bet. 5th and 6th. Dr Flora A. Brown, diseases of women and children a specialty. Office 517 The Do kum. Safes. DIEBOLD SAFES, JAILS, VAULT DOORS and deposit work, lockouts opened, uen eral repairs. Burglar alarms. Steel ceil ings. Second-hand and steel-lined safes bought and sold; goods as represented. J. E. Davis, 00 3d. HERRING-HALL-MARVIN SAFES. PORT- lana saxe & lock uo., sola agents, u 1st bu Slot Machines. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO., cor. xotk ana oak; largest variety j repair ing. Splrltunlists. MRS. WALLACE. SPIRITUAL MENTAL readings; valuable advice on an anairs 01 life; business and. absent friends a spe cialty. Troubled minds promptly relieved, 165 4th st. room 3S. Office hours 0 A. M. to 5 P. M. LARSEN, scientific palmls.. astrologer, past. present, zutura; reaaings ovc -io Auni, bldg. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, located In room 305 Allsky bldg., cor. aa ana jaorrison. nmu MRS. STEVENS, SPIRITUAL LUTE READER. scientific palmist. 00c a-idja lamnni. cur. m. Storage and Transfer. SAFES. PIANOS & FURNITURE MOVED, packed ready lor snipping auu tuiwou. all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick warehouse on Clay, bet. 1st and Front. Olllco 128 1st st. C M. Olson. Phona Main 547. C O. PICK, office 88 First, bet. Stark and Oak: pnono ou. x-ianos iiuu immiuio moved and pucked for shipping; commo dious fire-proof brick warehouse; Front and Clay sts. FRBD BICKEL STORES AT 31 N. FRONT St.; household gooua ana lurniiuro, iiuius, trunks, tool chests., sawlns machines and all mavable articles at reasonable prices. Stoves. LARGEST ASSORTMENT ON PACIFIC Coast; also noiei anu reai.ttuxu.i4w uij bakers' ovens. Locwenberg & Going Co., 2d and Taylor. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 60 THIRD ST., wnoiesaie ana reuiu. oenu. mi .u.n.v.c. Typewriters. New TYPEWRITERS, all makes, RENTED and sold, iacpen repairing, umco uuy plles; mlmeographic work; public typewrit ing. Coast Agency Co., 231 Stark. Tel, Main 1407. Columbia Bar-Lock Vlslblo Typewriter; get catalogue, mv uiuioruia au, iuu- Cisco. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GRO- cers. cor. r. iront ana uavu om., ruti land. Or. BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR, Designated Depository and Financial Agent of the United States. President.... A. L. MILL3 Cashier J. W. NBWKIRK Assistant Cashier .W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant uasnier. . .13. r. Dirivriio Letters of credit Issued available in Eu rope and tho Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers) 1.1 nn tcTot,' Vnrlr "Roston. ChlcacO. St. Louis, St. Paul, Omaha, San Francisco and the principal points in mo iuimi, ci.ht onrt tlmn hills A rn ivn In sums to suit on London, Paris, Berlln.Frankfort-on-the- ilain. nong iwong, xoKonamu, v,ui;m6Du, Chrlstlania, Stockholm, St. Petersburg. Mos cow, uricn. jtiouoiuiu. Collections made on lavoraDio ierma. LADD & TILTON, BANKERS ESTAiJLilStLeiU liN lOJU. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on tlmo deposits. -mnAc n . nil nnlnrt nn fAvnrnhia AAAt.lAO ... f " - - . terms. Letters of credit Issued available la Europe and all points In the United States. cm. r..)i.nra nml Tolpsrr.-inhlr! Transfers sold on New York, Washington, Chlcaso, St. LOUIS, Jjenver, uraaim, aaa. fiouwauu and various points in Oregon. Washington, Idaho. Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London. Paris, Berlin, Frankfort. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT Cashier GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier United States Depository TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Drafts and letters of credit Issued, avail- able in all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought. LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce Building. Third and Stark Streets. Head office, 55 Old Broad street, London. This bank transacts a general banking business, makes loans, discounts bills and Issues letters of credit available for trav elers and the purchase of merchandise In any city of the world. Deals in foreign and domestic exchange Interest paid on time deposits. W. A. MACRAE, Mgr. WELLS. FARGO &. CO. BANK- Corner Second and Washington. HOMER S. KING President (San Francisco.) R. LEA BARNES Cashier WALTER A. HOLT Assistant Cashier (Portland.) General banking business transacted. Ex change sold and letters of credit Issued available In all parts of tho world. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head office. Toronto. Canada. Capital paid up $S.700,00O Reserve 3,000.000 Transacts a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums of $10 and up ward, and Interest allowed on minimum monthly balances. Rates on application. 244 WASHINGTON ST. E. A. WYLD, Manager Portland Branch. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK ' OF PORTLAND. OREGON. Northwest corner Third and Oak streets. Transacts a 'General Banking Business. Drafts issued, available in all cities of the United States and Europe, Hons Kong and Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President:. J. C. AINSWORTH Vice-President W. B. AYER Assistant Cashier R, W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashlflr...., A. &L "WRIGHT