THE MORNING OEEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, OUJL'UtfiSK 14, luus. 13 n ARE MOVING wers Selling More Freely at Lower Prices, RGE LOTS CHANGE HANDS Indon Says Quotation Are Too 1Kb Many Grovrers Arc Stills Firm Holdem Local Produce -and Jobbing Qnotatloas. tie week has opened with more actMty In s. but at a lower range of prices. Sales jre numerous yesterday at from. 19c to 22c, L-cral lots of largo die changing hands, one I the transactions was a 275-ba.le lot, which Ls taken at 22c Another good-slsed lot went the lower fljrure. The quality of the hops Raging the higher figure was said to be very Bod.. London letters received by dealers jes- tday said the market must go lower before fcslness could bo done. The writers stated at the crop had unexpectedly yielded 500.000 k. These flcure vary from those of the Kent- fo Observer of September 27, which gives a Lmber of estimates of the yield of the 1003 ton. and they ranged from 3S0.O00 to 425,000 Irt. Eastern markets are quoted steady, and California hops appear to have a weak un done. Many growers here continue to be rm holders for better prices, realizing that he season has hardly begun, but there are Sihers very anxious to sell. The August "Summary of Imports and Ex orta" gives the following statistics: Pounds. mparts of hops for eight months end ins August, 1903 . - . - -2,701,512 Jxports of hops to all countries for August CCo,343 Exports to all countries for eight months ending August. 1003 3.635.w3 ixports of foreign hops for August, .... lS.Vtit fcxports "of "foreign hops for eight monuia enaing August, i PORTLAND MAHKETS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. Th nrhont market has a steady tone, with the average amount of business under way. Hour, feed and cereal products are uncnaascu. wheat Walla "Walla. 74c: bluestem. 76c; valley. 70 77c . . ! BARLEY Feed, $0 per ion; """'"f $21; rolled, $21. . ,. T -i nr.n T11... H T. tit CK rr hftrrel: hard wheat straights. j53.758".10: hard I wheat patonis, "; i'iiW. . j s-.rtn r.rt- rrahnm. S3.3533.75: E whole 'wheat, $3.554; rye wheat. OATS No. 1 white. $1.10: gray, $l1.0a Per cental. JULLSTUt J)T5 Jiran. per , l1lnr-K $24: shorts. $20: chop. U. S. mills, $18. linseed, dairy food, $19. , HAT Timotny, per iu; vt grain. $10; cheat, $10. sacks, $5.57 per barrel; rolled oats. 00-pound sacks, $5.25 per barrel; -J5-pound sacks. $5.35 ' per barrel; 0-pound sacks, $2.00 per bale; oat , ... r.n.nnimi ci(-l; SS7.50 Tier i barrel; 10-pound sacks. $4 per bale; oatmeal (ground, ou-pouna ebchk, im, 3 o Tr. rir halo- unlit neas. 50- i i i,.' inn nminilxf ."i-round boxes. $1.30 per box; pearl barley. 50-pound sacks. $4 per 100 pounds: 25-pound boxes, 11.25 oer box: Daatry flour. 10-pound sacks, $2.30 per bale. Butter, Egg, Poultry, Etc. Fresh ranch eggs continue to be a scarce article, and are firmly held at 27i5c Chicken receipts were average, but the demand was very slack. There Is a better inquiry for tur keys. BUTTER Fancy creamers', 2527!$c per pound; dairy, 1620c; store, 1316c CHEESE Full cream, twins, 14c; Toung America. j&SpJOc;. factory prices, llic POULTRY Chickens, mixed, 1010c per pound; Spring. 10c; hens, llllc: broilers, $1.75 per dozen; turkeys, live, 15 Q 10c per pound; dressed. 1C1Sc; ducks, $G 7 per dozen; geese, $710. . EGGS Oregon ranch, 27Ac; Eastern, fresh 20c; Eastern, Aprll,r24c Vegetables, Fruits, Etc. The steamer yesterday brought; up a good supply of Tokay grapes, which were only In fair condition. Local peaches are plentiful, and sell well. These, with apples and melons, comprise about the only fruit In market. Arti chokes and sprouts were also received from below. A car of bananas Is rolling and should be offered Friday. VEGETABLES Turnips, C5c per sack; car rots, 75c; beets, 00c; parsnips, G075e; cabbage, llVic; lettuce, head, 15c per dozen; pars ley, per dozen. 25c; cucumbers, 15c per dozen; oer kin. lfiilV. ONIONS Yellow Danvers, 7OS0c per sack; Tanno. $1 per sack. HONEY 1415c per No. 1 frame. POTATOES Oregon, G575c per sack; sweet potatoes, 2Q2Vic RAISINS Loose Muscatel. -.-crown, 7?c: 3-layer Muscatel ralslns,7c; unbleached seed less Sultans, 6c; London layers, 3-crown. whole boxes of 2u pounds, $1.85; 2-crown, $1.75. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated, 5ViGVic per pound; sundried. sacks or boxes. 4?i6c; apricots. S'S'lOc; peaches, 5SGc; pears. b8fec; prunes. Italian, 44c; French, 33i$c; figs, California blacks. 5c; do white. 7fcc; famyrna, 20c; plums, pitted, 4WaVfi. DOMESTIC FRUITS ADDles. 40c?$1.25 box; peaches, COSWOc; cantalopes, 50cr$1.25 per crate; pears, $ii.iu per dox; prunes, GOc ner crate: granes. 75cT$l per crate; quinces, 75c per box; cranberries, $910 per barrel. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, $2.7503.75 per box. oranges, Valencia, $2.75Sp3.50; graperruit, $3 per box; bananas. 5c per pound; pome granates, $1.25 per box; pineapples, $3.50 per dozen; persimmons, $1.25 per box. GroccrlcN, XutN, Etc. COFFEE Mocha, 262Sc; Java, fancy. 2GQ! 32c; Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordinary, 16 20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 1820c; Costa Rica, good, 1C1Sc; Costa Rica, ordinary, 10(g'12c pound; Columbia roast, cases, 100s, $11; 50s, $il.25; Arbuckle's $11.C3 list; Lion, $11.C3. SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails, $1 05 per dozen: 2-pound tails, $2.40; fancy 1-pound flats, $1.80; V&-pound fiats, $1.10; Alaska, pink. 1-Dound tails, 75c; red, 1-pound tails. $1.20; sockeyes, 1-pound tails, $1.5o; 1-pound fiats. $1.00. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1, $5.87; No. 2, $5.50; Carolina head, $7.75; broken head. $1.00. SUGAR Sack basis, per 100 pounds; cube, $0; powdered. $5.85; dry granulated. $5.75: extra C, $5.25; golden C, $5.15; advance over sack baMs as follows: Barrels. 10c; half barrels, 25c; boxes, 50c per 100 pounds. (Terms: On remittance within 15 days, de duct c per pound; If later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct c: no discount after 30 days.) Beet sugar, granulated, $5.C0 per 100 pounds; maple sugar, 15SflGc per pound. NITS Peanuts. 65ic per pound for raw; SSSVtc for roasted; cocoanuts. 8590c per dozen: walnuts, l&tc per pound; pinenuts, 10&12c: hickory nuts, 7c; Brazil nuts, 4.0c; moens, l&C'JUc; rancy pecans, i7c; aimonos. Jnuuc; cnestnuts. aoc. SALT Liverpool. 50s. 48c ner sack: half ground, per ton. 50s. $12.50; 100s, $11.50; "Worcester salt, bulk, 320s. $5 per barrel: linen sacks. 505. S6c per ack; bales, 2s, 3s. s, as ano lus, $2.10 per bale. Hops, Wool, HidcK, Etc. HOPS 1003 crop, 10ff22c per pound, accord lnc to quality. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 45c; No. 2, and grease. 24 3c HIDES Dry hides. No. 1, 10 pounds and up, 15iKic per pound; dry kip. No. 1. 3 to 15 pounds, 12c; dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounos. joc; ory salted, bulls and stags, ont-thlrd less than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound, CO pounds and over. S9c; 50 to CO pounds, 7Sc: under 50 pounds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, sound. 5B5Uc: kip. sound. 15 to 20 nounds. 7e: under lO pounds, Se; green (unsalted). lc per pound less; cuns. ic per pound jesB; horse hides, salted, each, $1.502; dry. each. $11.50; colts' hides, each. 25 30c; goat skins, com mon, each. 10l.c; Angora, with wool on. 23c$l. WOOL Valley, 17 18c; Eastern Oregon, Menttt and Provisions. BEEF Dressed. G$f7c per pound. VEAL Small, 7,Sc; large. 5&r5c per pound MUTTON Dressed. 5ff5iAe: lnmh HAMS 10'14 pounds. lGc per pound; 14 IC pounds. 154c per pound; 18f20 pounds, none; California (picnic), lOK-c; cottage hams, none; Union hams, 40 pounds, average, none; tshoulders, 104c; boiled hams, 22c; boiled picnic hams, boneless, 16c CON Fancy breakfast, 20c; etandard breakfast, 18c; choice. 164o; EnglUh breakfast bacon. 11014 pounds, none. DRY SALT MEATS Regular short clears, HHfi'12c emoked; clear backs. llHc-salt, 12V4c smoked: Oregon exports, 205J25 pounds, average. llc dry salt, 1214c smoked; Union butts. 10S18 pounds average; 0c dry salt, iuc smoked. j SAUSAGE-Portland ham, 13c per Pjund; minced ham. 1014c; Summer, choice dry. 17c. bologna, long. C14c; welnerwurst. 8c; liver, 54c; pork. 10c; blood. fi4c; headcheese, 54c; bologna sausage, link, 514c. PICKLED GOODS-Portland pigs feet. J4 barrels, $5; -barrels. $2.85; 15-pound kits, $1.25. Tripe, -barrels. $5.50: y4-barrelA,$2.75; 15-pound kiu. $1: Pigs' tongues. H-barrels $0-y4-barrels, $3; 15-pound kits. $1.25. Lambs tongues, -barrels, $8.25; U-barrcls, $4.5; 15-pound kits. $2.25. , LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces. lOc; llcTfiOs. lie; 20s. llc: 10s. lSc;fBf. Standard pure: Tlercea, 10c; tubs, 1014c; 50s, 1014c; 20a, 10ic: 10s 105ic: 0s, 10J4c. Com pounds: Tierces, Sc; tubs, S14c . Oils. Eocene and elalne oils have each advanced 4c per gallon." COAL OIL Pearl or astral oil. cases, 22 c per gallon; water white oil, ,lron barrels, 10c; wood barrels. 1814c: eocene oil, cases. 2414c; elaine oil, cases, 2714c; extra star, cases. 25c; elalne oil. cases 2Sc; extra star, cases, 2514c; headlight oil, 175 degrees, cases, 2414c: Iron barrels, ISc 1 Washington state tert burning oils, except headlight. 4c per gallon higher.) GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 24c; Iron barrels. 18c; 80 degrees gasoline, cases. 2814c; Iron barrels. 22c BENZINE 03 degrees, cases, 22c; Iron barrels. 15 c LINSEED OIL Pure raw, In barrels, 40c; genuine kettle-boiled, In barrels. 51c; pure raw oil. In cases. 54c: genuine kettle-boiled. In cases, 56c; lots ct 250 gallons, lc less, per gallon. ia , TURPENTINE In cases. 80c: wood bar rels, 7014c: Iron barrels, 74c; 10-case .lots, 78c LEAD-Colller Atlantic white and red lead In lots of 500 pounds or more, Cc; less than 500 pounds. 64 c TjI VE STOCK MARKET. Receipts and Rullnsr Prices at Port land Union Stockyards. Receipts at the Portland Union stockyards yesterday were 145 hogs, 100 cattle and 200 sbeep. The following prices were quoted at the yardsi CATTLE Best steers, $3.75; medium, $3 3.50; cows, $2.'50g2.75. HOGS Best large, fat hogs, E&o; medium large, fat hogs. 4"4f5c SHEEP Best wethers. $2.73; mixed sheey $2.50. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current at Cklcasro, OxaaZta and Kansas City. CHICAGO. Oct. lS.-Cattle Receipts. C0O0. Including 500 Texans and 1200 Westerns. Good to prime steers. $5.105.75; poor to medium. $3.304.7D: stockers and feeders. $2.23j4.25; cows. $1.404.50; heifers, $2gS; canners, $1.40 Q2.CO; bulls, $24.35; calves. $2.507.35; Tex as fed steers. $2.753.75; Western steers, $33 4.60. Hogs Receipts today, SOCK); tomorrow, 20,000. Market steady. Mixed and butchers, $5.35 5.C0; good to choice heavy, $5.355.84; rough heavy, $4.005.35; light, $5.2565.00. Sheep Receipts, 25.000. Market for sheep and lambs steady and 15c lower. Good to choice wethers. $3.5064.25; fair to choice mixed. $263; Western sheep. $2.255I4i native lambs. $3.257.50; Western lambs. $3.5060.75. OMAHA, Oct. 13. Cattle Receipts. 0000. Market steady. Native steers. $S.7565.C0; cows and heifers, $34.25: Western steers, $3.10 4.10; cows and heifers. $1.5062.25; canners, $2."5064-10. Hogs Receipts, 2000. Market steady. Heavy, $5.2565.40: mixed. $5.3065.50: light, $5.40S 5.50: pigs. $565.40; bulk of sales, $5.355.40. Sheep Receipts. 14.500. Market steady. Westerns, $3.403.85; wethers, $3.4063.00; ewes, $2.7563.50; common and stockers, $2.256 3.50; lambs, $465. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 13. Cattle Receipts, 10.000, Including 3000 Texans. Market steads'. Native steers, $4.1565.50; Texas and Indian eteers. $2.5064.25; Texas cows. $1.5062.55; na tive cows and heifers. $1.3064; stockers and feeders. $2.2564; bulls. $1.5062.00; calves, $2.50 06.50; Western steers, $1.7562.40; Western cows. $1.5062.40. Hogs Receipts, 6000. Market steady and strong: bulk of sales. $3.456J.75. Heavy. $3.35 5.60: packers. $5.5065.75; medium, $5.i0 6.S0; light. $5.6565.75; porkers, $5.7065.75; pigs. $5.6065.75. Sheep Receipts, 4000. Market steady. Mut tons, $2,606-": lambs. $2.9065.35; range weth ers. $2.2063.25; ewes, $2563.50. BAR SIUVER AT HIGH POINT. Kcw" Yorlc and London Report Prices tbe Best In Years. NEW YORK, Oct. 13. Commercial bar ellver nAnv tnurhpA She hiehest tolnt established In v ?M r ounce in London, and C0t4660c here. The advance abroad is equal to &a, as compared with yesterday's closing. Th Treasury DeDartment has purchased 1,000.000 ounces of silver bullion for delivery at the San Francisco mint lor tne rnuippwe coinage at 60.125 cents per ounce, the highest nrlcB that has vet been nald. The New York market fer silver reflects the price established In London, where the market has been strong for several months, the ad vance being attributed In great measure to de mand from India and to purchases by the United States Government for the Philippine account. Metal 3Iarkets. NEW YORK. Oct. 13. The London tin market was higher, spot advancing 7s Cd to 114 and futures 5g to 114 lis Cd. 'Locally. tin was about 10 points lower, however, with spot quoted at 25.6025.8714c Copper' was lower in London, with spot quoted at 53 12s 0d, a decline of 10s, while futures declined only 5s and closed at the same figure. Locally, copper was quiet; lake Is quoted at 13613.25c; electrolytic at $13 13.12 V4c and casting at 12.75c Lead was unchanged at 11 In the London market, and remained firm here at 4.50c Spelter declined 2s Od in London to 20 5s, but remained quiet here at 6c Iron closed at 50s In Glasgow and at '43s Cd In Mlddlesboro. Locally. Iron was quiet: No, 1 foundry. Northern. $16617; No. 2 foundry, Xorthern, $15610; No. 1 foundry. Southern, and No. 1 foundry. Southern soft, $15615.50. Wool DIarkets. BOSTON, Oct. 13. Tho advent Into the market of some of the big mill buyers caused a distinctly better feeling In the wool mar ket this week. Prices are strong and there Is no semblance of weakness. -Quotations California, northern choice. 21622c; middle counties, 1718c; southern, 12 13c; terrl too. Idaho fine, 14 615c; fine medium, 10 17c; .medium, 18 10c; Wyoming fine, 14 15c; fine medium, 10 17c; medium. 1814 6 10c; Utah and Nevada fine. 15 10c; fine me drum, 1717!4c; medium, 1020c Montana fine choice. 1920c; fine medium choice, 10 20c; staple, 2021c; medium choice, 2021c ST. LOUIS, Oct. 13. Wool, nominal; tcrri tory and Western mediums, 1018c; fine mo dlum, 15 17c; flie, 1516c Dried Frnit at S'etv Yorlc. NEW YORK. Oct. 13. The market for mn orated apples is quiet, under continued light demand. common. 4Htc; prime, VAQZMc choice. 6SC14c: fancy. 6i7c Prunes are a little easier in tone, with offer ings more liberal. Quotations range from 3Uc to 7c for all grades. Apricots are In lair demand and unchanged at 0K6ttc for choice, 10101ic for extra cnoice ana uy-iic xor lancy. Peaches firm at H6TKc for choice. 7iSHc ror cxira ccoicc, ano ujiiffiuViC ror fancy. Coffee and Snirnr. NEW YORK, Oct. 13. Coffee futures closed steady, net unchanged to 5 points lower. Total $ales. 31,000 bags, including: November. $4.75 (ffl.80: December. $565.05: March, sr. so- May, $5.4565.50; July, $5.50u.C0; spoi jinn; -o. invoice, oc; muo steady. Susrar Raw firm: refined ste&dv; tnir rn Ing, 35c; 00 test, 3c? molasses sugar. 3Hc; crushed, $5.35; powdered, $4.85; granulated. $4.7o. Kew York Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 13. The cotton market closed steady, net i12 points higher. October. 0.26c; November, 0.2Sc; Decembor. 9.30e; Jan uary. 0.40c; February and March. 9.42c; April, 040; Jday, .4tc fapot cotton closed steady. Middling uplands, 9.00c; middling Gulf, C.S5c. Sales, 329 bales. Dniry Prodncc at Chicago. CHICAGO, Oct. 13. On the Produce' Ex change today the butter market was steady; creameries. ii4gr20c; dairies, U&l&c Eggj Steady at 1861c Cheese Steady. 116H&C OPENS FIRMJHENSLUMPS "WIDE FLUCTUATIONS IN STOCK PRICES AT NEW YORK. Lqndon Takes More Cheerful 'VIevr ol Financial Oatlook-Dovrnwara Plunge In Steel Preferred. NEW YORK. Oct. 13. Today's stock market passed through a number of separate phases, and ended the day In a nearly stagnant con dition, and with prices for the most part not far from last night's level. The market enjoyed Its period of decided strength during the early part of the day, when the selling pressure which has been so conspicuous recently seemed to be entirely withdrawn. An organized party of professional traders made an attempt to start prices up ward, perceiving a number of circumstances which might work In favor of the attempt. The most notable of these was the building up of a large short lattrest, which gave evidence of Hs existence by an eagerness to borrow stocks for deliver, causing a number of the Industrials to command a slight premium for that purpose In tbe loan crowd. London was Inclined to take a more cheerful view of the financial outlook, and felt some what reassured over the prospects In the Far East. 'and decidedly so over the absence of trouble In the progress of the stock exchange settlement. Buying for the new account In London puts the next settlement lot two weeks on more splld terms. But the most Important effect of the London position was Its relaxa tion -of pressye here. Speculative circles wero Inclined to attach Importance to some very large and" concen trated buying of United States Steel preferred, which was, noted yesterday, and gave rise to reports of a very Important accumulation. That stock. In consequence, recovered to 60. and In spired hope that Its downward course had been arrested at last. The Importance attached to the Shipbuilding case was Indicated by th good effect of a rumor that the suit was to be adjusted and discontinued. At the same time, there was some talk of a dividend Increase on Amalgamated Copper and of a declaration of a dividend on Reading second preferred. A downward plunge In United States Steel j-Tireferred to 57U, the lowest price on record. had a chilling effect on the whole movement, and caused a reactionary tendency. The sell-. Ing of the stock was associated with the re newed stock market flurry In Pittsburg, and it was rumored that the Steel preferred of fered In tbe market came out of collateral for loan which was affected by tho Pittsburg money troubles. A three-point break In West Inghouso Electric and a decrease of 11 In thp first preferred were supposed to find" their origin at the came source. The slump of 9 points in Colorado Fuel had no news to explain It, but was supposed to bo connected with a specu lative accumulation of this etock, while Its control was still disputed. As a minority stock, the demand has so far fallen oft as to offer little market for a forced sale. The rail road equipment companies were still- notably weak, under the Influence of the official admis sions of large measures of economy by the great railroad systems which are expected to become general throughout the railroad world. The break In Canadian Pacific Just at the close was attributed to an order from Montreal. The Western demand for currency Is still deferred, and New York exchange at Chicago vent to 15c premium. Outside of the fluctuations In Steel bonds, the bond market was narrow and unchanged. Total sales; par value. $2,842,000. United States 2s advanced & per cent 'on the last call. Sales. Hltih. Low. bid Atchison ......... 1 38,410 .. C50 .. 9,400 64 63 WW do preferred .... S7fc, S7 87 TSfi 72 73 -.ft: 8314 Baltimore & Ohio... do nref erred Canadian Pacific . . rvnL of New Jersey. 0.600 119 116 110 JIB Chesapeake & Ohio.. 000 SO 29 2SU Chicago & Alton.... 3,iu z-ijg do preferred 210 C214 62 24Vi 01 1414 23 H, 154 ii 71 47 1SH Chicago G. W 015 14 14 do u preferred Chicago North-West. 200 150 154 Chi. Term. &Z Trans. 200, 814 tt do preferred 100 100 550 100 100 1014 1014 C C. C. & St. L.. 70 12 4714 10 0 Colorado Southern... 47($ 19 150 do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred.... Delaware & Hudson.. 100 150 150 Del.. Lack. & West. 300 232 230& 233 ...It 18 Denver & Rio Grande do preferred 500 63 3.755 27i 1,500 G3 1.480 47i 200 1C5 6514 284 C5- 47U 164 65 20 65 47 1G5 07 Erie a.... do let preferred.... do 2d preferred.... Great Northern pfd. Hocking Valley do preferred Illinois Central Iowa Central do preferred Kan. City Southern.. do preferred Louis. & Nash Manhattan L Met- Street Railway. Minn. & St. Louis... Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. & Texas.. do preferred Nat. of Mexico pfd.. New York Central... Norfolk & Western.. do preferred Ontario & Western.. Pennsylvania Pitts.. C C & St. L. 73 255 12814 12S14 12SU 17V4 32 18 300 3114 31 3114 2.600 9714 00 9G14 1.4C5 13014 129 130 2,200 104 103 103 100 43 43 ,42 8.410 8S14 8714 87 10 33 38 115 56 87 18 111 55 75 62 23 & CO 44 13 500 34 3314 300 38 3S 1,000 116 US 1,032 57 110 88 1.910 20 24.400 118 100 56 50 SS 19 117 50 Reading 10,750 do 1st preferred do 2d preferred.... 300 Rock Island Co 11.350 do preferred 270 St. L. & San Fran do 1st preferred do 2d preferred.... 270 St. Louis Southwest. 100 45 C3 24 59 C2 23 58 44 13 44 13 do preferred 350 30 SO 29 St. Paul 11,565 130 135 135 170 do preferred Southern Pacific 5.400 Southern Railway... 10.400 do preferred 2.000 Texas &. Pacific .... COO Tnl . St. L. & West 40 30 39 as $t 22 22 21 16 do preferred 823 25 Union Pacific 32.3S5 70 do preferred 020 84 Wabash 0O 17 do preferred 1.700 29 Wheel. & Lake Erie.. 400 14 Vi Wisconsin Central .. 1,350 1514 do preferred COO 35-;i Express companies 24 C0 28 13 15 35 24 60 S2 13 14 35 223 Adams American 175 United States Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous Amal. Copper Am. Car & Foundry do preferred Am. Linseed Oil do preferred Am. Locomotive .... do preferred jAm. Smelt. & Ref.. do preferred Am. Sugar Refining.. Anaconda Mining Co. Brook Ranld Transit. Colorado Fuel & Iron .3.700 Col. & Hock. Coal... 100 Consolidated Gas 200 170 General Electric ... International Paper, do preferred 300 140 140 100 11 11 International Pump 31 do preferred 05 National Biscuit .... 000 35 35 12 35 National Lead ...... North American Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car...., do preferred ....... Pull. Falaee Car.... Republic Steel do preferred Rubber Goods ...... do preferred Tenn. Coal & Iron.. U. S. Leather do preferred U. S. Rubber .- do preferred U. S. Steel 13 12 12 72 18 ' 00 29 70 210 58 J4 - 07 400 10 1.-500 90 2,350 29 403 71 100 212 "is 20& 70 " 7 50 11 1.225 1.525 220 "6.410 030 470 1 14 2S 20 2 70 7i 5 u 34 at 81 40.153 111.932 13 60 12 67 do preferred . Western Unton Total sales for the day, 517.400 shares. BONDS. 100l Atchison adj. 4s.. 10C!C. & N. W. con. 7s. 107D. & R. G. 4s.... 10S!N. Y. Cent. 1st.. 135 North. Pacific 3s.. 135 do 4s 110 South. Pacini 4s. 110 Union Pacific 4s.. 102 Wis. Central 4e... 102 U. S. ref. 2s. do coupon . U. S. 3s. reg. do coupon . U. S. new 4s, do coupon . U. S. old 4s. do coupon , U. S. 5.S reg. do coupon . reg. 00 131 reg. reg. 70 100 85 100 80 Stocks nt London. LONDON. Oct. 13. Consols for money, 88; consols for account, 8S 7-16. Anaconda 3j Norfolk & Western 5S ... oNorfoIk & Western 5S .. 06 I do pfd 00 .. '00 Ontario & Western 20 .. 73 Pennsylvania 00 .riicni&on ..... do pfd ...1. Bait. & Ohio., Can. Pacific . Ches. & Ohio. 00A .123, Rand Mines JO ; Readlns Chicago G. W is do 1st pfd... .. 38 ' .. 31 17 .. 73 up " ST .. 13 Cht. Mil. & St. P.140 ca 2d pfd. Dc Beers 19 Southern Ry inn I D. & R. G... 19V do nfd do pfd Erie do 2d pfd Illinois Central .. OS Southern 281 Union Pacific ... !K!! do pfd 133 U. S. Steel 100 200 C5.215 37 35 35- 4.250 22 20 21 2.092 67 C5 C5 1.200 12 11 11 2.470 74 71 71 5. 030 41 39 40 500 87 86 SO 7.500 100 10734 109 500 64 03 03 4.003 32 31 31 33 25 2S 10 10 10 170 170 140 10 00 Louis. & Nash... 80& do pfd .. 60$ Mo.. Kan. & Tex. 17Hi"Wabash IS X. T. Central' ...120t4l do pfd i 30 " Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK, Oct. 13. Prime mercantile pa per 63614 per cent. Sterling exchange about steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.8564.8530 for demand, and at $4.821564.8220 for CO days; posted rates, $4.824.8$ii: commercial bljls, $4.8156. Bar sliver, 60?4c Mexican dollars, 46c Government bonds firm; railroad bonds Ir regular. , Money on call steady at 2624 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2' per cent; time money, easy; CO days, 446'? Per cent; 90 days. 5per cent; elx months, 54 per cent. 1 LONDON, Oct. 13. Bar sliver strong, 2Sfd per ounce. v Money, 26214 per cent. Rate of discount In the open market for short bills. 314 per cent; for three months' bill, 3 per cent. i ' SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 13. Silver bars, G0&C per ounce. Mexican dollars Nominal. Drafts Sight. 7Hc; telegraph. 10c Sterling on London Sixty days, $4.821; sight, $4.8614. 1 Baak Clearings. Portland $SS3.S81 $174,081 Seattle 3,3 Tacoma 357.009 35.505 Spokane 552.834 42.212 Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON, Oct, 13. Today's statement of tbe Treasury shows: Available cash balances $227,729,545 Gold 105.0S7.317 BULL FACTORS IN WJIEAT Chicago Market Cloes at Fair Ad vance. CHICAGO; Oct. 13. Firm cables In tho face of the big decline hero yesterday was a bull factor at the start and December wheat opened a shade to c higher at 78c to 78c Outside markets wero weak, however, and this fact. In addition to the favorable weather In tho Northwest, brought out considerable selling orders during the first hour and a weaker tone developed. St. Louis houses were leaders In the early sell ing movement. With but little demand, De cember sold off to 78 c An upturn at Min neapolis, due to a better demand for flour and a strong cash demand, caused a sharp rally later in the day. The bull feeling was augmented by the comparatively small In crease In the world's vlslblo supply. Brad streets report showed an increase of 4,193, 000 bushels, against 8,039,000 bushels a year ago. There was some Influential buying lata In the session, with but little disposition to sell on tho part of anyone. Closing prices were near the top, December being c higher at 70c, alter touching 7970c Corn ruled weak the early part of the ses sion, duo to mild weather throughout the West and the weakness In wheat. Tho late "strength In wheat stimulated buying and tho close was strong at the top for December at 45 c, an advance of c Oats were easy at tho tart under selling by commission bouses, with little apparent effort to support the market. Final figures on December were c higher at 37 c Provisions were firm at the opening, due to a steady hog market and on covering by shorts, with some demand from foreigners for- December and January lard. January pork closed 2c higher; lard was up 57c and ribs were 2 5c better The leading futures ranged us follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Dec (new).... $0.78 $0.70 $0.78 $0.79 May (new).... 78 79 78 s 79 CORN. December .... 44 45 44 May 43 44 43 45 44 OATS. December 37 37 36 37 May 37 37 37 37 MESS PORK. January 12.15 12.15 12.05 12.10 May 12.27 12.32 12.20 12.27 LARD. October 6.S2 6.85 C.SO 0.82 January 6.87 6.92 05. 6.92 SHORT RIBS. January 6.47 6.50 0:45 6.50 May .?. 0.50 C.52 0.50 6.52 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady. Wheat No. 3. 78682c; No. 2 red, 80S2c. Corn No. 2. 45c; No. 2 yellow, 40-17c. Oats No. 2. 30S3Cc; No. 3. 3639c Rye No. 2, 54c. Barley Good feeding, 4142c; fair to choice malting, 47657c Flaxseed No. 1, 9Cc; No. 1 Northwestern, $1.03. Timothy seed Prime, $2.80. Mess pork Per barrel, $11.20611.23. Lard Per cwt, $6.8566.87. Short ribs Sides, loose, $7.75S. Dry salted shoulders Boxed, $6.5060.75. Short clear sides Boxea, $S.1268.25. Clover Contract grade, $10.85611. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 16,800 14,800 Wheat, bushels 118.600 42.400 Corn, bushels 314.400 230,300 Oats, bushels 348.500 119.700 Rye. bushels 5,700 Barley, bushel 128,200 1,300 Grain and. Produce at New York. NEW YORK. Oct. 13. Flour Receipts, 24. 075 bbls.; exports, 1,152 bbls.; fairly active and firm; Winter straights, $3.80 3.05. Wheat Receipts, 45,800 bu.; exports, 30.931 bu.; spot firm; No. 2 red, 84c f. o. b. afloat and S3c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern, Du luth, 90c f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Mani toba, nominal. The forenoon wheat market, as a whole, was firmer today. Better cables, light Northwestern receipts, room covering and strength at Minneapolis were dull Influ ences; there was also talk of. a better export trade Last prices were at the top for the day and c above Monday. May closed 83c; December closed 85c Hops Steady. Hides Steady. Wool Firm. Petroleum Firm. Butter Receipts, 9000 packages; market firm; creamery. 1021c; state dairy, 15 19c Eggs Receipts, 8600 packages; market dull and steady. Changes In Available Supplies. NEW YORK. Oct. 13. Special cable and telegraphic advices to Bradstreets show the following changes in available supplies, as compared with the previous account: Bushels. Wheat, United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, Increase 1.093,000 Afloat and for Europo, Increase.... 2.200.000 Total supply. Increase 4,193,000 Corn. United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decrease 1,203,000 Oats, United States and Canada, east of the Rockies. Increase 1.000 Grain tet San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 13. Wheat, strong; barley, firm; oats, quiet and steady. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1.36 01.38 ; milling, $142 1.50. Barley Feed. $1.12 1. 13; brewing, $1.17 1.22. Oats Red. $1.22 1.35; white, $1.25 1:32: black, $1.4001.05. Callboard sales: Wheat Strong: December, $1.40 bid; cash, $1.38. Barley Firm; December, $1'.13. Corn Large yellow, $1.33 1.45. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Oct. 13. Wheat cargoes on passage quiet and steady; English country markets quiet; Indian shipments wheat to United Kingdom, 190.000 quarters; to conti nent. 21.000 quarters. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 13. Wheat firm; wheat and flour in Paris, quiet; French country markets quiet; weather In England, part cloudy; October, nominal; December, Ca 4d. No "Wheat Offerlnjr at "Walla. "Wnlln. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Oct. 13. (Special.) No change In wheat, today. Farmers did not offer; buyers did not solicit; nominal quota tions arc: Eluesem. 70c; club, 65c. Another Advance In Crude Oil. LIMA. O., Oct. 13. The third advance for the month was made In crude oil today, prices of Western oil going up 2 cents, while 3 cents was added to quotations on Eastern products. The advance did not result In active selling, as reducers look tor still higher prices. WOOL BUYERS HOLD OFF SAN FRANCISCO MARKET IN1 QUIET CONDITION. . Hops Are Slow and Ensy, but No Lower Good Demand for Oregon Peaches and Apples. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 13. (Special.) A prominent local Interest says of wool: "The general market Is very quiet. Sijles are small and far between. Buyers are holding off. and prices -have, weakened somewhat from previous quotations. Indications are that present prices will rule for some time to come Ruling figures for Oregon wool are lS19c for fine and 17c for medium." Tho hop market Is quiet and easy, but no lower thanvlast quoted. Any evidence of re vival in Easttrn markets would quickly cause better feeling. Grain speculation was .quieter today, but both wheat and barley showed firmness. Cash bai ley was quoted higher, with very light offer ings. Oats and bran are firm. The fruit market ruled quiet but steady. Choice peaches are scarce, and some from Ash land, Or., readily brought 00c. Fancy Oregon apples sold well. Citrus fruits were In more demand. Bananas were well cleaned up, but a, carload of Central American and largo ship ments from Honolulu are close at hand. Potatoes were quiet, with no outside demand. Onions were steady. Butter was weak for all grades. Cheese was weak, excepting extra fancy mild now. Eggs were strong, with fancy ranch bringing high prices. Receipts, 21,000 pounds butter, 5000 pounds cheese. 20,000 dozen eggs. VEGETABLES Cucumbers, 30 50c; garlic. 23c; green peas, 262c; string beans, 1 2c; tomatoes, 25350c; okra, 30650c; egg plant, 30650c. POULTRY Turkey gobblers 1323c; roost ers, old, $4.5065; do young, $4.5065.50; roll ers, small, $2.5063; do large. $3.2363.30; fry ers, $464.50; hens, $4.5065.50; ducks, old. $4.50 5.50; do young, $5.5066. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 27c; do seconds, 25c; fancy dairy. 24e; do seconds, 21c EGGS Store, nominal; fancy ranch, 47c; Eastern, 2328c WOOL Mountain, 1214c; South Flams ana San Joaquin. 0llc HOPS 20622c CHEESE New, 13c: Young America, 13 14c; Eastern, 14610c. HAY Wheat. $13610.50; wheat and oat, $13 15.50; barley, $9.50313; alfalfa, $9611.50; clover, $9.5011; stock, $S610; straw, per bale, 50605c FRUITS Apples, choice, $1.35; do common. 30c; bananas, $12; Mexican limes, $41.5U; California lemons, choice, $2.50; do common, $1; pineapples, $1.5062.50. POTATOES River Burbanks, 50073c; Salinas Burbanks, $1.101.45; sweets, $1.351.40; Ore gon Burbanks, 70685c MILLSTUFFS Bran, $20.50621.50; mid dlings, $2426. RECEIPTS Flour, 11,754 quarter sacks; wheat. 2SS0 centals; barley, 4GC1 centals; oats. 2443 centals; do Oregon. 1C0O centals; beans. 2072 sacks; corn, 36 centals; potatoes. 9000 sacks; bran. 2031 sacks; middlings. 180 sacks; hay, DCl tons; wool. 277 bales; hides, 10SS. Mlnlns Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13. The official clos ing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Andes Belcher Best & Belcher.. Caledonia Challenge Con .. Chollar -. Confidence Con. Cal. & Va.. Con. Imperial .. Crown Point ... Exchequer Gould & Curry.. Hale & Norcross ?0.23 Justice 16 Mexican . 1.45 Occidental Con . . 93 Ophlr 30 Overman . 21 Potosl 72; Savage . 1.30-Seg. Belcher ... 3 Sierra Nevada . 20 Silver Hill ....T . 17, Union Con . 20 Utah Con 65 Yellow Jacket .. .$0.0' . 1.03 . 1.50 NEW YORK, Oct. 13. Mining stocks today closed as follows: Adams Con $0.10;Llttle. Chief $0.06 Alice i., 14 Ontario 4.30 Breece 10 Ophir 1.40 Brunswick Cor. .. 4. Phoenix Com. Tunnel .... 0 Potosl .. Con. Cal. & Va... 1.20i Savage -. Horn Silver ..... 1.00 Sierra Nevada Iron Silver .... l.oo; Small Hopes .. Leadvlllo Con ... 1 Standard BOSTON. Oct. 13. Closing quotations: Adventure $ 3.00OsceoIa , Allouez 4.12 Parrot Amalgamated... 30.00, Qulncy Bingham '20.50. Santa Fe Copper. Cal. & Hecla.... 440.00! Tamarack Centennial 14.50 Trinity Copper Range .. 44.50; United States .... Franklin- 7.50(Utah Isle Royale 5.00 Victoria , Mohawk 35.75 Winona Old Dominion .. 5.23! Wolverine $51.00 10.50 85.00 1.12 75.00 5.23 16.8 r 24.23 2.73 0.50 C3.00 DOWIEITES FROM WEST. Puset Sound People to Be In the Ad. vnnce on New York. CHICAGO, Oct. 13. Followers of John Alexander Dowie aro gathering In great numbers In Zlon City today In prepara tion for the start tomorrow of the "Res toration Army" for New York. They came from various points In the "West and Northwest and even from' Manitoba and Western Canada. There are Dowie Ites registered at Zion City from the Puget Sound country and from California. The streets of Zion City were thronged with "Guards" in uniform and each bear ing a leather pouch, containing a Bible, while on the face of the receptacle is the Inscription, "The Word of God." A special train of baggage cars was made up today and partially loaded. Lynchbeun Extradition Case. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 13. When the Lynchheun extradition proceedings were resumed today, Addison C. Harris, ex-AIinlster to Austria, began the closing argument for the defense. AT THE HOTELS. THE, PORTLAND. A Stadecker, Chicago IC Ward, Seattle C H Schmidt, San Frn W G French, N Y R H Stevens, Syracuse! J W Flnlgan, San Frn R D Spencer, Chicago F Bernstein, N Y jl unmsion. ixjnaon 31 j uyrd, lialtlmore A J Bestic London Mrs B Ward. Cnlcaco G G Ware. Liverpool J W Esmond, Chicago M B Williams. N Y W F Hays. Seattle L Well. New York A Enkle, San Fran F Russell, San Fran R Morris. Denver T J Lane, St Paul IR S Panter. Cincinnati l Al Fuerstenberg. do P L Campbell. Eugene III M Mather and wife. Merldan J W Reeves & wf, do L M Brown. Burns J R Ponnle, USA IC M Greene. San Fran F G Bartholomew, S F0 J Tormey, San Fran w j auras, city li w Sanborn and wr, A B Pugh. city J Astoria C A Thayer, wife and jG C Fulton, Astoria and child, San Fran j D Klcpper, Los An J Goodman and wife, j geles city (A Cohn, San Fran G C Sherman, Sacmto H Marklnson and wife. Li Garvin, San Fran Eau Claire F J Rieger. Salt Lake J W Maxwell, Tacoma J T Hulsman, San Krn W H Chubb. San Fran J H Armstrong. Boston D Wilson, Spokane C E Day. New York A J McCabe. Tacoma Miss N Cross, Carlton Capt MacDonald, wife : and child.' S F C H Soier. N Y J W Adams, S F I A J Glorlense. N Y G J Bradley. San FranjM W Elmer. Sumpter B S Collins, Ostranderjj E Clifford and wife. G L Baker and wire, 1 Grand Forks Whatcom IMrs G B Clifford, do W P Kearney and wf, Mrs D W Lute, do Montreal Mra C F Williams, do S J Brennan, do J U Bobbins and wife. Miss E M Carroll, do Sumpter R M McCarthy. Seattle; J E Fall and wife. The L L Leadbetter. Camasj Dalles C W Sherman and wf, G J Farley, Tho Dalle? city i THE PERKINS. F C Plummer, Seattle IMrs J W Booth. Wasco J Milne. Seattle Mrs P J Stadelman. F S Gunning. Dalles W Snyder. Colfax W H Townsend, Spo The Dalles i J O Johnson, Jr. DralL' D M Lee. Seattle kane, Wnsn Geo Custer. Sllverton C E Morton, Spokane H E Bickers. Salem J Henry. Seattle T F O'Leary. Colo Mrs Henry. Seattle A J Mellon. Walla Walla. Wash J R Upson. St Paul A H Williams. Che- mawa A Bunnlng. Hlllsboro jirs O Leary. do iDr L M Sepus. Kalama jj H Ackerman, Salem I Mrs Ackerman, Salem !F G Mercelle, Rosebrg JJ F Templin. Roseburg ,G Van GaasUed. do Mrs Bunnlng, do Mrs Van Gaashed, do W J Benson. Hlllsboro! Ij A Long. Hlllsboro Mrs Benson. do IMrs Long. Hlllsboro E W Moore, Hlllsboro, G W Hochsteater, Al Mrs Moore, Hlllsboro : bay. Or R H Green, Hlllsboro f MrsHochstcater. do Mrs Green. Hlllsboro IL G Teledlglan, Mon T J Williams, do mouth Mrs Williams, do ID H Welsh. Astoria J W Sewall, Hllsboro jL Morton, Astoria Mrs Sewall. Hlllsboro I Mrs S Orndorff. Wasco F T Kane. For Grove Master R Orndorff. do Mrs Kane. For Grove iJ L Tinker, Los Angles E W Harris. . do Mrs E P Collln3. Kelso I li nelson, iidiinn .airs A r. ursin, co J A Young. McMlnn W D Roberts. Omaha A w uaiey, scio d s Edden. iioaeow J Hubbard. McMlnn ,J H Petherlck. S V Mrs Hubbard, McMInnjJ W Reeves, Salem Mrs Grlssen, do Mrs Reeves, Salem THE IMPERIAL. D H Gibson. San FranI W C Haywood, Thorp F W Jacobs, city Mrs Haywood, Thorp G G Maygers, MaygersA T Dorsey. Salt Lake a J Dumpny, spoKaneiu u iawson, ban .e run Mrs D H Looney. Jef-I Ira Erb, Salem ferson ;C Johnson. John Day A Bettlngar. Dalles C A Gray, Salem G Schumeadt. Hlllsbro.Mrs Gray. Salem Mrs Schumeadt. do I C A Murohy. Salem W Schumaker, Hills- iMrs Murphy, Salem boro O E Leet. Kansas City W W Barrett, HllIsbroiF D Wagner. Ashland Mrs Barrett. do R J snaw, Asniano C Coffin. McMlnnvlllo 1 C V Brown. Astoria J J Ricks, McMlnnvlllej F Hamilton, Astoria T T Hayes, do 1 E A Burrell, Decatur F Campbell. McMlnn T E Allen. Albany S B Huston, Hlllsboro R J Wlrtz, Fores T Flnqua. Forest ;j H Hamilton, ana family, Prlneville I J A Waif. San Fran IW G Ray land. Tacoma J W Maxwell. Tacoma W R Hicks, do C J uright, Wasco Mra Bright. Wasco THE ST. CHARLES. J W BransCater, Wood W' Riley. Wheatland Mrs J Klley. do R R Gilbert, Barton John Cunningham, do Edward Bailey O D Lavender. Astoria land Mrs M Branstater, do Harry Le Maleter, do J O Spencer,' Pt Tnsnd s M wie3t Mrs Wlest J Belknap, Chinook F G Kelly, Knappa (M Mullhollcn. Albany J A Kin. Cottage urve ,Mls3 Laura Waggner. Hlllsboro. H B Walker. La Grand M White. St Helens C W Blakesley, do E PUlett. Champoeg 1 Mrs Walker. La. Grand Mrs Pillett. ChampoegiE A Knauer. USA E Sink, Wasco JH Crawford, Las Cmas Pat Kennedy iMrs W E Davis. Sven- J R Mondenhall & son: sen Mrs Mendenhall do H J Beaver, Oak Point H Newcomb, USA O V Moore. Indcpendce K M Heath, lone J R Bozartb, Woodlnd Miss Smeltz, Skamkwa,Mlss M Cook, St Paul aiiss wiinams, ao iiis3 ai meuy, ai raui J Rude and family. iA J Pettlt. Mt Sterling Eugene IW II King H T Bagley, Hlllsboro R W Ernest, Omaha B A Barber. Hlllsboro ; D O Dunbar. Chehalls J T Moreland. do IJ E W Cottlngham J W Horner, HcppneriW R Reed. Mrs Horner, Heppner t Joe Paulson, city G F School. Aurora iE A Starr. The Dalles E Priest, Hubbard jMra C C Fox, do jj j facnoa, HUDDard iu Kancn T J Kirk, Sweet Home, Mrs Ranch F W Fry. Hubbard iR K Sellick. Dalles Mrs C E-Cooper, Pen-W E Makinster, Goble dlcton T Danford. Seattle V Davis, Castle Rock James Bell, Kelso Paul Dunn. Kelso G W Lawton, La Centr A M Tallman. do J Miller. Gaston J Wood. White Salmon, Miss Miller. Gaston B Huntington, lonclla. Clara 3ialoney James Walker, S F ;P Maloney i Dixon. Deer island j uarmoay. so isena Jacob Kline, USA Dan D Carmody, ;A w Johnson, carson C A Heath. So Bend W Ruston, Hoqulam jF Schoonover, Hoqulam J C North, city J C Mays, clty C Obeys, Nor Yamhill yEd Schaefer. USA Fred Herrlck, U S A W J Yager. Rainier W W Knight. Canby J W Smith. Halifax John Smith, Toronto A Majore, Kelso THE ESMOND. A Lcfevre, Dayton L Raymond, Moscow J Davis, city F Robertson, Dayton C Hartley. Dayton Mrs Robertson, do W J Hess. Astoria I L Stonebraker. Kelso M E Page, Clatskanle Mrs Hansen, Kelso Mrs Page. Clatskanle (Mrs M J Black, Eugn Mrs M F Dlppold, Mist; J J Rude, Eugene carison. oak romt airs Kude, Eugene S N Yarrlck. Pekln Geo Matley. San Fran P Yarrlck. Pekln A F Farrington. St Paul Mrs Farrington. do P Calkins. Hood Rvr Mrs Calkins. do A Meier. Hood River L J Gannon, Doty A Nackley, Doty H R BlUs. Union M Pcrklnson. Castle Rock M Martin.' Monmouth Mrs Martin, do L Martin. Monmouth Miss Martin, do E Carpenter. Kelso Mrs Matley. San Frar F Mensch, Grant's Pas j carter, Eugene F A Coles, Astoria L N Perkins. Drain IMrs Perkins, Drain J t iNassa, catniamei S Markwell. Clatskanle Mrs Markwell. do R L Faraday. N" Y W Stacey. Rainier R W Ernest. Omaha C Merrill. Omaha B A Spauldlng, Tacoma A D Wolfer. Hubbard 1 Mrs Wolfer. Hubbard IW T. Ticnrit Ratom Mrs T A Nye. Kelso , J McDonald, Goble , E F Patterson, Hol- brook ; P Bernard, N Y Mrs Bernard. N Y W Simpson. Cathlamet G A Graves. Pendleton & C I'aimer, Pendleton L W Connersford, Prlneville G W Taylor, Stevenson C R Johnson. Heppner J W Myers, city C Lonltis, Seaside Isaac Bclknan, Flsners Mrs L L Mastcn. Ska-i R R Frascr, Baker Cty mokawa L B Adams. Kel30 Mrs J N Maston. do W J Carter, city C H Wilson. Seattle ! G Mathews, Turner G Ransom. Dawson E Mathews. Turner R J Pritchard. Seattle F Merrill. Grant's Pass H Gandesbergen, Os-!C W Hayes. Gervals trander J B E Bourne. Rainier A Burleson, Castle Rk; H C Wilson, North Pitt M C Gray, st Helens May Tfcomas. st raul G W Brown. Ridgefield P Jones. St Helens J E Rose. Rideneld W Jones, St Helens Mrs Raymond. Moscow. G Frost, Aberdeen J T Westley, San Fran' Mrs Frost, Aberdeen Mrs Westley, do C Henry, Charleston Hotel Brunawlck, Seattle. European plan, popular rates. Modem Improvements. Business center. Near depot. Tacoma Hotel, Tacoma. American plan. Hates, $3 and tip. Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma. First-class restaurant In connection. Rainier Grand Hotel, Seattle. Euronean nlan. Finest cafe on Coas Hdqrs. naval, military and traveling men. Rooms in suite and single. Free shower baths, itates, u up. H. p. Dunbar, prop. arw Woman Is Interested and should know about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray 1 New Ladles Syringe jest, safest, .Most 7,w convenient. j Ail XA joar dmyslit for It. If hi cannot artpply the other, bat send tump for 11 ltutrated book gives full rarti enlars and directions In. TalnabletoUrtlc M1HVELCO.. Room 200 Tim a Bdx.. Naw York. For vale by Wsodard, Clarke & Co, STOPPED FREE Permanently Cured b? DR. KLINE'S GREAT NERVE RESTORER Nt 71u aW tntiStTlBM. 00XSULTATI0X, pcttsatl tr by U. Ir,tli. aaj. : 8S T1UAL iHJl'J.lxrJ flttUS jPamanent Cure, t taly tmpormr7 rn,t fr all I K'rxrociDiMaBiu.SpUepsT'. Spurns, St. Vitus' 1 Dance, Debility, xlxaaustioii. JomcAxSini. J.riftT.HI.931 ArchSt.. PhllaJalpMs. CHICHESTER'S SNCLIfiH CTVROYAL FILL! Orlriitnt and Onlr Genuine. 18AFE. AluartrtlUMa. Idle. at Prafrirt for CHICIlJSaTBK'B 14U11&U in 11ED at Gold mttaUIe bom. eall witk Maaribbtn. Tiiktitolker. Itefata Danccroa HabtUtntJooa and Imita tion. Say of jotr DriKlit. or tend 4c la staisci for Particular. Teattnoaiala d and ''Relief fur Ladle. " ro ' tnrn Mall. JO.OOO TttttacolaU. SaUby 11 T)rnr1lU- Oil1aMf7 Chmlcml Ca KsaUts Baser. Kadlaan Sasan. I'UILA- .RaW m CURE HOPAf THE MODERX APPLIANCE A positive way to perfect manhood. The VACUUM TREATMENT cures you without medicine of all nervous or diseases of the generative or gans, such as lost manhood, exhaustive drains, varicocele, lmpotency. etc lien are quickly-restored-to perfect health and strength. Write for circular. Correspondence confidential. THE HEALTH APPLIANCE CO., rooms 47-48 Safe Depctflt bulldlne. Seattle. Wash. TRAVELERS tiVlDE. For South -Eastern Alaska LEAVE SEATTLE 9 P. II Steamships COTTAUE- CITY CITT OF 'SEATTLE or CITtf OF TOPEKA. Oct. a, H. 13, 14. 1:0, 20. 2S, Nov. 1. Steamers connect at San Francisco with company's steamers for ports in Call lornla, Mexico and Humboldt Bay. For further Information obtain folder. Itlght is reserv ed to change steamers or calling dates. AGENTS CHARLES H. GLEIJI, 240 Wash ington st,, Portland; F. W. CARLETON, u7 Pacific ave., Tacoma. Ticket Offices 113 James St., and Ocean Deck, Seattle. San Francisco ticket office. 4 New Montgomery sc. C. D. DUNANN. Gen. Pass. Agent, San Francisco. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE STEAMERS ALTON'A AND POMONA For Salem and Way Landings. Leave foot Taylor st. dolly (ex. Sunday) at 0:43 A. M. OREGON CITY TRANS. CO. PHONE MAIN 40. tVSSVKSJr- The Li i w TRAVELERS' GUIDE. akp Union Pacific 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY Through Pullman standard and tourist sleeD- lng cars dally to Omaha, Chicago. Spokan: xounst steeping car cany to Kansas city; through Pullman tourist sleeDlnc car (person ally conducted) weekly to Chicago. Ka&sa cuy. neciining cnair cars (seats Iree). to tna East dally. UNION DEPOT. Leave Arrive. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:20 A. M. 4 30 P. . SPECIAL. Dally. Daily. For the East via Hunt- tngton. SPOKANE FLYER. 8:00 P. M. 7:35 A- M. For Eastern Washing- Dally. Dally, ton. Walla Walla. Lew- . Iston. CocUr d'Alena and Gt. Northern points wTNTiC EXPRESS, 3:13 P. M. 1C-.30A. M. ior the East via Hunt- Dally. Dally, l>oa. OCBAX AXD RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRANClbCOiS:00 P. M. 5:00 P. M. Steamer Geo. W. Elder, From Oct. 9, lo, 29; steamer Alaska Columbia. Oct. 4, 14. 24 Dock. For Aatorla and way S:00 P. M. flcints. connecting wltn Dally ex. Daltr steamer for Uwaco and aunuay; except North Beach, str. T. J. Saturday. Sunday. Potter Ash-st. dock. 10 P. M. FOR DAYTON. Oregon 7:00 A. M. 3:00 P. M. City and Yamhill River Tuesday. Monday, points, Llmore, Ah-st. Thursday Wedn'day. dock (water permit- Saturday Frliay. ting). FOR LEWISTON. Ida- 4:03 A. M. About ho. and way points. Dally. 5:00 P. M. from Rlparla. Wash., except dally, ex. steamers tipokanu or Saturday. Friday- Lcwlstou. TICKET OFFICE, Third and Washington Telephone Main 712. PORTLAND ASIATIC STEAMSHIP COMPAXY. For Yokohama and Hong Kong, calling at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking frelgne via connecting steamers fur Manila, yon Ar thur and Vladivostok. INDRASAMHA SAILS ABOUT OCTOBER 23. Fir rates and full Information, call on or ao dresa officials or agents of O. R & N. Co. EAST yu SOUTH Leave Union Depot. Arrive. OVERLAND EX- VPRES3 TRAINS. 8:30 P. M. ior aaiaro, .nose burg, Ashland. Sac ramento. O g d e n, San Francisco. Mo Jtiv. Los Angeles. 7:43 A. M. El Paso, New Or leans and the East. 3:80 A. M. Morning train con nects at Woodburn (dally except Sun 7:00 P. M. day) with train for Mount Angel, all- verton, Browns ville. Springfield, Wendllng ana Na tron. :00 P. M. Albany passenger 10:10 A. M. connects at wood burn with Mt. An gel and Sllverton local. Corvallia passenger. 7:30 A. M. 3:50 P. M. H4:00 P.M. I Sheridan ia&senger.!S:23 A M, Dally. llDally. except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICES AND YAMHILL DIVISION. Leave Portland dally rur Oswego at 7:30 A. M., 12:50, 2:03. 3:25. 3:20. 6:23. 8:30. 10:10 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. 5:30, U:30. 8:35. 10:23 A. M., 4:00, 11:30 P. M. Sunday, only. 0 A. M. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally 8:30 A. M.. 1:55, 3:05, 4:35. 0:13, 7:35. 9:55. 11:10 P. M. Dally, except Sunday, 0:20, 7:25. 0:30. 10:20. 11:45 A. M. Except Monday, 12:23, A. if. Sunday only. 10:00 A. M. Leave from same depot for Dallas and Inter mediate points daily except Sunday, 4:00 P. M. Arrive Portland 10:20 A. M. The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper ates dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. connecting with S. P. Co.'s trains at Dalian and Inde pendence: . , First-class rebate tickets on sale from Port land to Sacramento and San Francisco; not rate $17.50: berth. ?o. Second-class fare. 513. without rebate or berth; second-class berth. T?ickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan, China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone Main 712. TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND DerarL strive. Puset Sound Limited for Ta coma, Seattle, Olympla, South Bend and Gray a Harbor points ............8:30 am 6.30 pa. North Cout Limited for Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane. ButtX St. Paul. New York. E 03 ton. and all points East and Southeast -..3.00 pa T:00 aaa Twin City Express, for Ta coma. Seattle. Spokane. Helena, St. Paul. Mlnno apollsr Chicago. New York. Boston and all polnta East and Southeast ....11:45 pna 7:00 pa Puget Sound -Kansas Clty Bu Louis Special, for Ta coma, Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Billings. fienvet. Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis and all points East and Southeast 8:30 am 7:00 ara All trains dally except on South Bend broach. a r CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas senger Agent. 233 Morrison st.. corner Third, Portland. Or. tSreat Northern Ticket Office 122 HifnfSL Phone 633 2 TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAINS DAILY Direct connection via Sjeattte or Spokane. For tickets, rates and full information call on or address H. Dickson, C. T. A., Portland, Or. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE SHINANO IV1ARU For Japan, China and all Asiatic points, will leave Seattlo About October 20. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. SUNSET -fl jO 0GEENVSHASIA M upy jo Leaves. " UNION DEPOT. Arrive, Dally. For Maygers, Kalnler, Dally. Clatskanle, Westport, Clifton, Astoria. War 8:00 a.m. renton. Flavel, Ham- 11:10 a. c mund. Fort Stevens. Jearhart Park, Seaside. .storla and Seashore 7:00 p. tr. Express Daily. . . . Astoria Express 0:40 p.m. Dally. C. A- STEWART, J. C. MAYO. Comm'l Agent. 23 Alder st. G. F. & p. A. Phon IVtaln 800.