Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, September 19, 1903, Page 10, Image 10

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Carnival Ground Swarms
With Sightseers.
Roberts' Turn Comes in
Pplice. Investigation. :
Irncral Demand for More Perfora
miccjt of "When Knighthood Wa
in Flower" -Ed-wards Ride .
for Life Children' Day.
He Declares That Jack Ho are Caused
Charges to Be Made for Venge
anceBoth Parties Prom
ise Racy Evidence.
School Children's Day.
2 to 5 Band concert. In tho -pavilion.
2:13 Jabour shows.
Confetti night.
7:30 Band concert.
0 Itlde for life.
Tho largest crowd of the -week -witnessed
the best performance of the week
j-esterday at the Multnomah Club Car
nival. From the time the gates opened till
they closed over 15,000 poured through and
saw every feature at Its best. Edwards,
the new daredevil blcycllsty made the
thrilling ride for life twice, and each time
successfully. And In the evening a splen
did production of "When Knighthood Was
In Flower" roused the Immense audience
to enthusiasm, which was not lessened
when three teams of Woodmen went
through a showy drill. At 8 o'clock the
IVoodmen of the city gathered at Tenth
wd Washington streets and paraded
through the city. Tuey were received
irlth acclaim, and when they reached the
:arnlval grounds were greeted with cheers
for their fine showing.
Everj' seat was filled at 9 o'clock, when
Brown's Band took its place before the
big spectacular stage. Immediately the
huge chorus filed out, and for half an hour
glittering costumes, lively music and en
trancing ballets kept every one up to the
highest pitch of enjoyment. The famous
'Sadie Girls" from the "Wizard of the
Kile" were there and gave their dance to
the rollicking notes of "Zamona."
Special mention Is due the excellent
urork of the girls and clubmen in the
jpectacular performance. Their clear-cut
lancing and drill was good to see, and
when the last grand dance came on under
l shower of fireworks the assembly gave
Aem the loudest of applause. In response
:o the demand for more nights of this. It
s likely that the management will put
"When Knighthood Was In Flower" on
'.he programme for more than the two
nights first assigned next week. Profes
jor Krohn Is getting the whole show Into
setter shape each evening, and It now
ranks as best ever seen In Portland.
Then Edwin C. Edwards, who had suc
cessfully essayed the ride for life In the
ifternoon, went to the lofty height of the
unway and dashed down and out into the
ilr to land with a clean Give in the pool
ai the center of the field.
While the side shows were in full blast
Uiree teams of Woodmen of the World
:ook the stage and went through an ex
haustive drill. Prospect Camp, 140, had
iS men In line under Captain J. B. Barnes,
Prosperity, No. 39G, had 17 men under
Daptaln W. Cramer, and ten men under
Captain Brown represented Portland, No.
107. The prize for the besi drill was
twarded by the judges to Prosperity
Today Is Children's day, and the school
children - ..e city will be welcomed free
io all parts of the earnlvni jn-ounds. Next
" be free to the children.
Knnsaroo Court..
"This is Indeed a carnival of crime,"
said Judge Riley, of the Kangaroo Court,
as he took his seat on the bench and
gazed at the long docket of offenders.
Prosecuting. Attorney Dolph agreed with
His Honor and stated that he. was not
In favor of j any leniency In dealing with
hardened criminals of the sort he saw
lined up Inside the prisoners' rail.
"Frank Myers," yelled the bailiff.
Myers responded and pleaded guilty to
the alias of "Squeaky," and was assessed
200 for being so noisy.. He paid 50 cents
and gave bail for his .appearance at a
later date.
Tony Metschan was brought up for run
ning a bank. Metschan pleaded guilty and
was promptly fined 25 centi, as he said
that was his salary. A nickel was re
turned him to get out of the grounds on.
Paul Langley, an ex-lawyer, gave the
name C. W. Fulton, but. on the Judge's
stating that he had never heard of him,
confessed to his right name, and was ad
vised to work for his living and quit
hanging around low places. A fine of
four bits hastened his steps.
A. K. Bentley, who escaped from Jail
two days ago, was recaptured and ar
raigned on a charge Of being a successful
director. He pleaded guilty and was
promptly fined ?5 for being stuck up.
Sam Morris, alias Smith, was the next
offender, and was fined 50 cents for being
a knocker.
The stately form of a gentleman of
leisure was then guided before the bench.
Judge Riley bent a stern gaze on the
criminal, and asked him his name.
"William Reld," was the answer, in a
low tone.
"Speak up!" roared His Honor. "You
don't owe all these people, do you?"
Reld said he did not, and that his sole
offense consisted In having organized a
carnival of his own. This was no pallia
tion of his crime, and he was fined 51 so
quickly that he nearly fainted. He was
Supported by the bailiff and managed to
dig up the money.
Dan McAllen was charged by Lipman.
Wolfe & Co., Olds, Wortman &. King and
"Meier & Frank -with successfully running
a dry goods store.
"How were sales today?" queried His
"Fine," said Mr. McAllen, enthusias
tically. "The limit," said the Judge, and the
would-be dry goods man subsided.
Roscoo Oates was charged with being a
breakfast food and with having a name
like sawdust. He explained that his name
was no fault of his. but paid a fine of 25
cents for talking back to the Judge.
Ben Holman, who was accused of selling
wet slabwood, dug up $20 for his fun.
Nineteen dollars was m refunded him on
condition of good behavior.
C. C. Smith, arrested by Officer O'Toole
without cigars in his possession, was as
sessed 50 cents and "scored severely by His
Fritz Abenroth wa fined 50 cents for
-the came offense, as was Fred Noltner.
F. W. Leadbctter was up for vagrancy,
and his excuse that he was. running a
woolen mill was not accepted by the
court as a good reason for his being
without visible means of support. He
paid 51 on a fine of 5500.
W. E. Carll. giving his profession as
that of physician, was caught talking to
Dorom. the wild girl, and pair 52.
A San Francisco tourist named
Schwabacher was sentenced to pay 52 for
wearing a carnation after hours. Ed Mil
ler, who was caught with a loud necktie,
was fined 52.50.
A desperate character named Flanagan
was next, but as a cigar was found on
his person the Prosecuting Attorney rec
ommended him to the mercy of the court,
and he was let off with a fine of 25 cents.
Floyd, who said he was cook of the
Scandian Hotel, paid 50 cents for punting
a football 90 yards, which broke the rec
ord and peace of the club.
Dr. McKay, who swore lie was no doc-f-
was promptly convicted of obtaining
money under false pretenses and paid 51
to go free.
H. Dickson, who looked so much like
J. P. Morgan that the court asked him
for a pass, was searched for cigars, but,
only a beer check being found, he went
the limit.
Ronald Johnson, a Government em
ploye, talked back to the "Judge, and he
was two bits loser when the dust settled.
"None but the brave deserve the fare,"
remarked His Honor when F. Cooper, a
street-car man, was arraigned. Cooper
claimed he' had done no wrong, but on
testimony being offered that he had
knocked down a fare and beaten the com
pany he collapsed and was fined 25 cents.
W. A. Clcland, who comes of good fam
ily, was up for shooting ducks on Sunday
with a bean-shooter. He asked for an at
torney, and was immediately fined 52, part
of which he paid. 7
"Who are you?" asked the Judge of the
next offender.
"Senator Rand, of Vancouver," was the
"Of Vane " roared the Judge, and
nearly fell oft the bench. "Where did you
"I was appointed by Governor McBride,"
announced the prisoner. .
"Governor McBride Is a good man
sometimes," said His Honor, "but I shall
have to fine you 25 cents for being no poli
tician." "King" Cole admitted that he had
nothing but complaints from people "who
bought his roofing, and, as he had on a
dress suit, he was fined 51.50.
"Who. are you?". asked Prosecuting At
torney Dolph of the next man.
"Wilder, of Honolulu," said the prisoner.
"Any relation to Dorom, the wild girl?"
"Oh, you're wilder than her, are you?"
Judge Riley commented, sarcastically.
"Well, we'll fine you 50 cents."
J. G. Mack, F. O. Downing and Walter
Smith received the limit for being happy
and selling goods without a license from
the club. A. Caswell was charged with
Impersonating a policeman, and was fain
to make the defense that he looked after
the streets.
"You haven't seen all of them," re
marked His Honor. "We sentence you to
look at Eleventh street and lower Wash
ington street" Caswell pleaded that the
punishment was too heavy, but the court
was obdurate.
Eagles Will Celebrate It by Hold
in p: Reconciliation Social.
The Eagles are to have a "reconcilia
tion" social In their hall at Second and
Yamhill streets next Friday evening.
After the good things that are in store for
the members have passed away, it Is be
lieved the last trace of recent differences
will have gone. At least the aerie Is
planning the social for the purpose of
bringing the different factions together
again and restoring complete harmony in
the order.
Fred Merrill is chairman of the commit
tee which has charge of affairs pertaining
to the social, and associated with him
are Eugene Blazier, William H. Brown,
Slg Wertheimer, Fred Fritz and William
M. Davis.
The social Is to follow the regular lodge
meeting, the first number being called at
9 P. M. There are 18 numbers on the
programme as it is now constituted, and
in addition the committee is planning 12
surprise numbers and the introduction of
a number of features which have not yet
been assured. Myers' Eagles' Band is com
ing from Seattle to take part.
Oregon Hone for Alaska Stnjre.
Horses adapted to all kinds of service are
still to be found In this state. If one knows
where to look for them, although they
are not so numerous as they used to be.
William Frazler has just returned from
"Wallowa, where he has spent ten days
collecting a band of 44 horses for an
Alaska stage company, operating ya line
between White Horse and Dawson, carry
ing mall and passengers. The horses are
well-bred and weigh about 1300 pounds
each, which is the weight desired, and
are clean limbed, which Is a very desir
able feature in horses which have to
travel over muddy or snowy roads. There
has been so much Clydesdale and Perch
eron blood mingled in the stock of Oregon
horses of late years that most of them
have long hair on their legs, which, as it
accumulates snow or mud, is very unde
sirable on coach horses. A class of horses
used to be plentiful here some years ago
which were very suitable for stage horses.
They were of Belfounder stock, fine boned,
clean limbed, sinewy and sprightly, but
they are growing scarce. These horses
will be shipped about the 21st to Skag
way. The company ordering them is a
large one, and runs Its stages through
the Winter on schedule time. It has sta
tions every 20 or 30 miles which are
warmed by stoves, so that when the horses
come in they are kept comfortable and
dried and cleaned and are thus always
In condition for making time.
tins up tt nieht, cured by Oregon Kidney Tea,
New BnlldinprH on East Side Are Not
Finished, and Present Buildings
"Will Be Overcrowded.
Monday morning the city schools open.
It is the day -when the festive small boy
must forsake the companionship of his
dog and must give up his da'lly trips to
the swimming ponds and the other many
joys so dear to the heart of the youngster
in the good, old summertime. He must
henceforth direct all his attention to the
mysteries of reaaing and wrltlnc and
spelling and arithmetic, or, If he is a, larg
er boy. to the Intricacies of
Latin. The next- nine months, until June
vacation time again-rolls around, will be
busy ones.
A matter which is just now absorbing
the attention of the school officials Is
whether the school buildings will be ad
equate to accommodate ail tho
There is considerable doubt as to the ca
pacity of the North Central, the Stephens
and the Central schools, on the East Side.
j.nese scnooLs are those with a record for
crowded attendance nn1 tvViiio tVio
of building annexes to each school has
Deen in progress all Summer, not one of
them has vet been comnlptpd.
pletion anywhere In sight.
According to City Superintendent Rigler,
the contractors are taking their time. The
result may be that the three schools
named will be crowded to such an extent
as to necessitate the establishment of
"half-day" classes. Under this method
half the students take their lessons In the
forenoon and the other half during the
afternoon. No overcrowding Is feared at
the other schools.
"As soon as the annex buildings are
completed, the problem of seating all the
school children of the city will have been
solved," said Superintendent Rigler yes
terday. "Until then we may have more
or less difficulty. These haft-day classes
are not desirable, by any means, but there
will be nothing else to do If there Is an
overcrowding of the East Side schools.
This system. If it Is necessary, will be
only temporary, as the additions will
surely be finished before a great while.
"However, the contractors have us at
their mercy. In their contracts there Is
no penalty or forfeit clause, and they can
have the buildings ready when they feel
like it. They promised to have them ready
by the middle of August, and again by the
1st of September. It may be the middle of
the year before they get them done.
"The maximum attendance of the city
schools Is about 12,000 pupils," continued
Mr. Rigler. "At the beginning of the
school year the attendance does not reach
this figure, nor Is the attendance likely to
become this heavy until along In Febru
ary. When the annex structures are com
pleted, we will have seats for 14,000 pupils.
"The heavy attendance is confined to the
East Side. The attendance at the Park
and Harrison and Atkinson schools Is
comparatively light, but, of course, the
fact that we have extra seats ln these
buildings does not relieve the overcrowded
conditions In other districts.
"When the contracts were let for build
ing additions we had difficulty in letting
the contracts. We could not dictate to
the contractors, as there had been a strike
of some -sort, and labor -was scarce. We
couldn't find a contractor who was willing
to talk to us of a penalty clause under
which they would have to get the build
ings ready at a stipulated time or pay a
forfeit. That is the reason the buildings
are not ready for occupancy yet.
"While the attendance is. usually heavy
at the HItrhlnnd School, we do not antici
pate any difficulty there, as eight rooms
of tho new building are completed and
ready to be occupied. There are six rooms
yet to be finished at this school, and when
they are done there -will be plenty of room
in the district."
Superintendent Rigler stated that there
will be no hitch at the High School, and
no overcrowding Is looked for there.
All teachers have been secured, supplies
have been distributed, and everything Is In
readiness to enroll nunlls at everv schoftl
when the bells strike the eventful hour
Monday morning.
Wnys of Indian and Chinook Jargon
Indians of every kind especially
blanketed and moccasined ones, arc a
rare sight on the streets of Portland these
days, and are becoming scarce even In
their own haunts. The Chinook Jargon,
which -was the chief means of communi
cation between the early settlers and the
Indians, and words and phrases of which
not many years ago were heard on every
corner, is now never heard, and It may
fairly be said of the Indian that his name,
race and tongue are things of the past
A recent visitor to the city, Charles Gra-
ham, whose father after being a pioneer
resident of this state for some years, went
back to Illinois and remained there, af
ter having heard so much about the In
dians here and their jargon, was very
much disappointed not to see a single
"Siwash" on the streets nor to come
across any one using or having any knowl
edge of Chinook jargon. It is probably
difficult for a resident of old settled sec
tions to realize how swiftly backwoods
settlements grow and how completely
they change In population and culture In
a quarter of a century. Few come here
nowadays expecting to find .many In
dians or to hear Chinook jargon In use,
and those who do are bound to be disap
pointed. The Northwest is no longer the
wild and woolly West of 50 or even 25
years ago, and the last dictionary of
Chinook jargon was printed over 25 years
ago and a copy of it could hardly be
found now except In the case of some
collection of curios. Whisky and high liv
ing have made Indians about as scarce.
Stnte Agricultural College Asked to
Hold Institute at Grcsham.
ROCKWOOD, Or., Sept. IS. (Special.)
A special committee of five was appointed
by the worthy master of the Multnomah
County Grange, held at the this place yes
terday, for the purpose of inducing the
State Agricultural College to hold a
Farmers' Institute at Gresham sometime
in the near future. The committee con
sists of L. H. Wells, of Eastern Star
Grange; J. W. Shattuck, of Gresham
Grange; Mrs. Mary Brown, of Multnomah
Grange, F. M. Laslle, of Columbia Grange,
and F. H. Crane, of Rockwood Grange.
The members of this committee represent
the five Granges of Multnomah County
and will do their utmost to have the Ac-
.ricultural College set a data for an In
stitute. It is realized that much could be
learned from such a meeting and that
many of the people hereabouts are anx
ious to learn more about the methods of
scientific farming.
Gresham Is Now a Center for Dis
tributing Mall.
GRESHAM, Or.. Sept. 18. (Special.)
The Portland-Sandy stage Is a thing of
the past. A new line began this morning
between here and Sandy, the other part of
the route from Portland to this place
having been discontinued. John W.
Noble, of Oregon City, was the successful
bidder for the contract, his compensation
being 54SO per year. The schedule Is as
follows. Leave Gresham 8:30 A. M. and
arrive at Sandy 12:30 P. M.; leave Sandy
on return trip at 1.30, arriving back at
Gresham at 5:30. All the mall for the
other postoffices east of here and for
Terry now; arrives at this place on the O.
W. P. & Ry., and will receive quick
dispatch, thus giving those offices an
earlier service by several hours than they
have ever had before. Gresham Is now
the exchange office for Orient, Kelso, Cot
trell, Sandy, Ames, Bull Run, Firwood
and Terry. Mr. Noble nas put on a new
stage and -will drive it himself, this being
required by the department where but one
stage Is ODerated. Mr. Noble left this
morning on his first trip and made good
nme over tne route.
Building? Boom Starts.
GRESHAM. Or., Sept. 18. (Special.) A
building boom has struck this place, resi
dences now being under way and just
finished that will cost- about 510,000.
Charles Cleveland has lately moved Into
a new house that cost about 53000, W. L.
Johnson has done likewise, his newhome
costing about 52000. E. C. Llndsey has just
finished a cottage worth 1500. W. H. Ham
ilton is erecting a residence for himself
that will cost him 51S00. D. W. Metzger Is
doing the same, expending about 51500. J.
W. Lawrence will soon have a new house
costing over 5600. Dave Weaver Is just
finishing an 5S00 residence, and Miss Maud
Rowley is erecting one to cost a like
amout. These houses are all of the latest
styles In architecture, and are modern in
every way. Besides these buildings the
Oregon Water Power & Railway Company
has just erected a commodious freight
depot and is now putting up a brick
building to be used "fcs a supplemental
electric station. When It Is completed
Gresham will be lighted by electricity.
Numerous other smaller Improvements
are also being made, Increasing the -outlay
for new work of this kind to at least
The great alteration sale Is crowding our
store. There Is more magnetism In the
bargains we are offering than there Is In
printer's Ink. Come for your suit, jacket,
cape or fur, blankets, quilts, comforts,
curtains or table linens; corsets, gloves,
ribbons, ' hosiery, underwear, umbrellas or
men's goods. McAllen & McDonnell.
It will be the turn of the defense this
afternoon at the investigation of the con
duct of Special Officer Jack Roberts. Tho
prosecution through its attorney, A. F.
FlegeU concluded Its case Tuesday, and
the defense had lust started Its rasp whon
Mayor "Williams called time upon the pro
It Is -understoodrTiowever, that some of
the witnesses for the prosecution will
again be called to the stand, as the pro
ceedings are informal. For the defense
the principal point will be to show that
the Investigation was caused by persons
having an ulterior motive. Roberts has
admitted that he had on a few occasions
received money from Japanese women
when he performed some special service
for them, but stoutly denied having levied
any weekly assessment upon their earn
ings. Chief Hunt has been drawn into the In
vestigation, as at the session Tuesday
seemed to forget that he was not upon
the stand In his own defense, and ap
peared Intent upon clearing himself of
all suggestion of grafting on the dive
keepers. At the close Mayor "Williams
showed that he for one understood that
the case was as much an Investigation of
Chief Hunt's methods In the North End as
of the official conduct of Roberts. The
'was any graft in the police department
ne wanted to know It, and that with this
understanding the investigation could pro
ceed, even though the evidence seemed ir
relevant to the case In question.
- It Is promised by both parties that the
session today will disclose even more sen
sational evidence than that which was
brought to light by the questioning of
Tuesday. It Is not yet known whether the
session will be private, but as the Mayor
did not wish any one not dlreclly con
nected with the case In hand to be pres
ent at the last meeting, it is doubtful If
today's session will be public. Fully 50
persons went to the City Hall Tuesday,
and crowded the doors of the. committee
room In a vain attempt to force an en
trance. Some were there simply out of
Idle curiosity, while many others had a
personal interest in the matter and
wanted to hear all of the evidence. There
were also a few representatives of the
good government movement who were de
nied admittance.
The Chief stated at" the, close of the In
vestigation that he knew of one man who
had served the subpenas for the prosecu
tion and Intimated that he was the figure
in the background." He declared that he
had affidavits to prove that Jack Hoare, a
special Deputy Sheriff of the North End,
had sworn vengeance' against him.
The Chief was asked Wednesday if he
wished Hoare to appear before the po
lice committee at the next session of the
Investigation. He replied that he had
no such desire. He Intimated that Hoare
was behind the movement, yet does not
wish that he should be put upon the
stand, where the questions of the attorney
for the defense "might establish this fact.
Mrs. Bowcn Condemns His Interfer
ence as Peacemaker at Carnival.
Mrs. Lottie Bowen didn't like her hus
band, Harry Bowen. to talk to another
woman In her absence, so she vented her
wrath upon the other woman, and has
now had her husband arrested for assault
and battery because he Interfered. Such
was the story which Bowen Told Consta
ble Jackson and those at Justice Reld's
court when arrested. She has also ente red
suit for divorce after being married only
three weeks.
It appears that Bowen and his wife,
who are connected with the Kingston
lodging-house, went to the Multnomah
Club carnival Thursday. Mrs. Bowen
strolled away from her v husband for a
time, and when she returned, behold he
was engaged in conversation with an
other woman. Straightway Mrs. Bowen
expressed her wrath, and concluded by
pitching into the offending woman with
right good will. Bowen came between the
two, and his wife thought that he had
done a little more than a peacemaker
should. So she swore out a warrant for his
arrest on a charge of assault and batter'.
Citizens of University- ark De
nounce Action of Authorities.
A meeting of representative citizens, of
University Park, held In the auditorium
of the Haywood Club last night con
demned the action of the postal authori
ties In turning down their petition for
free mall delivery, and took action re
newing their demand for that service. G.
B. Tucker was chairman, and J. B. Easter
stated the object of the gathering, which
was to protest against not being Included
in the free deliver' district, though there
were abundant streets and the conditions
fulfilled the requirements for free delivery.
Francis J. McKenna said he was confi
dent the people, of the district from North
Albina on down the Peninsula would sure
ly get free mall delivery If they took a
firm stand. He read the following reso
lutions, which were adopted as the senti
ment of the meeting:
We. the citizens of that part f the City
of Portland known as the Peninsula, In
mass meeting" assembled, adopt tho follow
ing preamble and resolutions:
Whereas. The district inside of the City of
Portland without frf-e postal delivery serv
ice contains a population of 3000 people;
Whereas, Said district is almost as level
as a floor and notted over with graded
streets nnd boulevards so as to make every
home convenient of approach by vehicle or
Whereas, This district contains a univer
sity, three public school districts, a street
car line extending through Its center, five
miles of plank sidewalk, 10 miles of graded
streets and many homes v.-hlch cost from
53000 to $1500 each; and. ,
Whereas, The Postofflce Department has
seen fit to refuse our request for free deliv
ery service;
Resolved. That we express our indignation
in no uncertain terms and notify the de
partment that we believe that such act Is
wholly unwarranted, unprecedented and un
wise; that a committee of three bo appoint
ed by the chair to correspond with the
members of our delegation In Congress and
implore tbem to use their influence with the
department for our relief.
Francis I. McKenna. J. B. Easter and
J. B. Hart were appointed to carry out
the resolutions.
It was then moved and carried that arc
lights should be placed on Willamette
boulevard and Portsmouth avenue, on
Fifth street, between Dawson and Wil
lamette boulevard, and also on Agnes
avenue. Councilman Flegel will be In
formed of the action of the meeting In
designating these locations for arc lights.
Gorjreous Snnsets of Rare Beauty.
The approach of the vernal equinox, the
lovely weather and the hazes or vapors
usual In the evenings at this season, com
bine, to produce gorgeous sunaeU ornt-
If you should see a copy of The Main Chance,
by Meredith Nicholson, boy, borrow, bee or
(teal It. For The Main Chance has all the
iesoests of twentieth century greatness. Cti
CJ0 Ixirr-OcesiL.
Harold MacGratb. author of The Puppet Crown,
wrote In The Grey Cloak a book which the reader
could not lay down tm he finished. In a busy
age this is an off ewe against Industry. Oi-
ii iillMllfti i n iifl !nm
mented with all the colors of the rain
bow and some more beautiful. The sun
sets these days a few minutes after 6
P. M., and pn Wednesday, the 23d Inst.,
will set at 6 P. M.. as It "crosses the
line" at 9:34 that evening and Fall begins.
So glorified sunsets may be looked for
every evening from now on as long as
fine weather continues. An enthusiastic
young man of artistic tendencies states
that the sunset Wednesday evening was
one of the most gorgeous and brilliant af
fairs of the kind imaginable, but he
failed utterly In attempting to describe
It, as the halos of varying colors lasted
up till about 9 P. M. The display started
from a bank of pale green clouds along
the horizon and this grew and changed
colors through all shades of red and yel
low to terminate In a gorgeous glowing
shell pink which no artist could imitate
nor pen describe. People who admire
gorgeous sunsets should gaze on the
Western' horizon In the evening with the
assurance that the show will be worth
the price of admission, whk-h Is rather
unusual these days.
Japanese Hihblndcri Attempt to
Levy Tribute.
Japanese blackmailers or highbinders
are at work in Portland according to the
statements of several prominent Japanese
of this city. Two members of the gang
were brought into he Municipal Court
yesterday, on 'complAlnt of M. Hujakwa.
It appeared that Jlra Fnrya raised a com
motion in a Japanese lodging-house in
the North End Wednesday night. He
slashed one of his countrymen with a
knife, according 10 the evidence deduced
incourt yesterday.
Another member of the gang. Telko by
name, was said td have threatened the
lives of a number of Japanese In another
Hujakwa, the man who made the com
plaint against the two Japs, says that
they belonged to the Seattle gang which
destroyed his newspaper offlae and furni
ture there some time ago. Together with
other prominent Japanese he says that
there is a systematic effort now under
way to levy blackmail upon the Portland
Japanese, the gang threatening to do
violence If the levy is not paid.
School Will Open Monday.
The South Mount Tabor School will open
Monday with the following teachers: W.
A. Law, principal; assistants. Eula
StrangQ. Cornelia Falling. Eleonora
Blohm. Anna C. Davidson. Principal Law
will be in his office at the schoolhouse this
5 t A MACA OF Qft 1
jo J hi
YOUNG MEN troubled with night emissions, dreams, exhausting drains, baah
fnlnees, aversion to society, which deprive you of your handhood, UNFITS YOU"
MIDDLE-AGED MEN, who from excesses and strains have lost their MANLY
BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, Syphilis, Gonnorrhoea. painful, bloody urine,
Gleet. Stricture, Enlarged Prostate. Sexual Debility, Varicocele. Hydrocele. Kidney
and Liver Troubles, cured without MERCURY AND OTHER POISONOUS DRUGS.
Catarrh and Rheumatism CURED.
Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He uses no patent nostrums
or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treatment.
His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent free to all men who describe their
trouble. PATIENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered in
plain envelope. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on or address
WFiJ8)JrJjc Cfttacr Yamhill PsitlmnsL 0
If you have anything particular to do at a cer-
tain hour, such as catching a train, and still S
have a little time on your hands, don't read The S3
FW?Tee Ball, by Anna Katherlne Green, author
of The Leavenworth Case. If yot do, you will J
miss that train. Hex YarJt Timts. M
The charm of Under the Rose, by Frederic S. 3
Isham.Hcs In Its lively wit. Its delicious foollnc. 3
Its fine feeling and perfect taste. Ycu forget it ri
U not reality and succumb to the author's f
spell. Harper's Weekly.
afternoon between 1 and 4 'o'clock. Any
patron or pupil wishing to see him about
the school work for the Fall term cm
do so at that time. All repairs are finished
and the building will be' ready for use
next Monday. The first, second, third,
fourth, fifth and sixth grade pupils of
this school will meet In rooms B, C, D
and E at 9 A. M., September 21. TI12
seventh grade will meet In room A. Sep
tember 22, at 9 A. M.. and grade eighth
will meet In room A, September 22, at
1 P. M.
J. X. Dnvis Sues Fuel Company for
Giving Short Mcn.inrc.
James N. Davis, the attorney, doesn't
like rotten wood and, what's more, he
wants a full cord, 12S cubic feet and not
a cubic foot less. Now he says the Pio
neer Morrison-Street Fuel Company sold
him a cord of wood and took $4.75 of his
good money. He says he notified the fuel
company that the cord of wood delivered
was not up to the required grade and
that it was forthwith to replace It with
fuel of the kind demanded at the Davis
But the fuel company was a little slow
j about exchanging the wood and therefore
I he has filed a. complaint In Justice Reld's
I Court. He appears as his own attorney
J and puts the case very strongly. He de
clares that the cord of wood delivered
at his homse September 14 contained only
104 cubic feet, Instead of the 12S feet
which It contained when Mr. Daris went
to school. He says the wood was rotten.
Therefore he demands the price, $4.75,
together with all' costs.
XotertPliIladclphinn Speaks in Oivn
Defense in Slander Suit.
BEAVER, Fa., Sept. IS. In the Robln-son-Wanamaker
slander suit today. Mr.
Wanamaker was called to the stand. His
direct examination lasted but a few mo
ments. When he was turned .over to At
torney McQuftSton for the defense he was
pressed rlgorcuslwith questions. Asking
the purpose of his now famous speech. Mr.
Wanamaker said it was to lay open the
system of the state officials for their con
duct -was Improper. He had gained his
facts from Governor Hastings. Corre
spondent George Wambaugh, 'from news
paper clippings and In other ways.
PIso's Cure for Consumption Is a pleasant,
effectual remedy for coughs and colds. 25c.
All Starching
from dainty lacos to the heaviest pieces for the best
Baits for tho greatest economy, use
Its superiority shows In the results purest wbitenes3, satiny
llnlah a stiffness that 'Is fleilhle and elastic not harsh and 3
crackly. These are some of the points by which yon know s
poods starched with this starch. It saves because a smaller g
quantity is needed. All grocers have It. a
In the treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kid
ney and stomach disorders, constipation, diarrhoea,
dropsical swellings. Erlght's disease, etc
Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or
bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured.
Such es plies, fistula, fissure, ulceration, mucous and
bloody discharges, cured. without the knife, pain or con
Blood poison, gleet, stricture, unnatural losses, lm
potency, thoroughly cured. No failure. Cures guaranteed.