THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1903, V "help wanted male. wanted to r the u. s. marine corps, able-bodied, unmarried men, between 21 ana 35; good character: must speak, read and write English; marine nerve at sea on men-of-war in all part of the world, on land In our Island possessions, and at naval stations in the United State. Apply at recruiting: of fice, Fostofflce bids.. Portland. Or. "WE ARB LOOKING FOR A BRIGHT. CAP able man who Is not making as much money as he would like; one who Is not afraid of the cars; one who can present an honest straight-forward proposition In an honest, straight-forward way, to represent a. Port land oompnay. Give experience, age and references. Address H 45. Oregonlan. WANTED NUMBER OF MEN AND WOMEN Of good address to accept positions paying from $50 to ?100 a month, with additional allowance lor expenses during Summer months; unusual opportunity for students and teachers. None but trustworthy persons need apply. Address Q 45, Oregonlan. WANTED 'FOR U. S. ARMY ABLE-BODIED unmarried men. between ages of 21 and 85, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habit, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to Recruiting Office, 3d and Oak its, Portland. Or. NEVADA. Laborers, drillers, tcnselroen, S2 to M oaf. FREE FARE. SHIP DAILT. Chances for machine men. teamsters, etc. C. R. HANSEN & CO 28 N. Second st WANTED 2 SHIPPING CLERKS. TOUNG man In dry goods, grocer and delivery roan, manager branch employment office; young man stenographer, out city. Clerks' Regis tration Bureau, 265 Morrison st WANTED TOUNG MAN TO LEARN street-car work; must have first-class refer ences and be willing to leave the state; no strike. Give full address for personal lnter- t view, Y 40, Oregonlan. WANTED SOLICITORS IN OREGON AND Washington to sell Insurance; yearly, month ly or weekly plan; profit-sharing contracts. U. 8. Health & Acc Ins. Co., 209 Marquam. ATTENTION. EMPLOYERS t Skilled and unskilled male labor promptly supplied for out-of-town work. C. R. Hansen & Co.. 20 N. 2d st. WANTED TRAVELING MEN; SALARY ISO per month, all expense; $25 cash security required. Call or' address L. D. Abbott & Co., Templeton, 206 1st St., room 4. J1RST-CLASS S KIDDER, $3.75; STICKER man. $3; man for mill. $2, rent free; boys, city, $1.50 day. Pioneer Employment Co., 215 Morrison. Branch office 253 Couch. I WANTED-MAN WITH TEAM TO HAUL wood; $3.50 per day and board for roan and team; also boltmakers and mlllmen. Flnke Bros., 185 Madison st. WANTED MANAGER FOR BRANCH OF flce: salary $1800 yearly; man with $5000 preferred. Address Treasurer. 203-7 Secu rity bldg., Chicago. WANTED STUDENTS IN TELEGRAPHY, by experienced teacher and old-time operator. Will fit you for position; switchboard, etc B 12, Oregonlan. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR EASTERN wholesale liquor house, for Eastern Oregon, Washington and Idaho; liberal salary. V 40, Oregonlan. 100 MEN TO WORK IN THE WOODS. ON flume, and In mill, at Mrytle Creek, Or. William P. Johnson Lumber Co., Myrtle Creek, Or. I 1 R, R, LABORERS. TEAMSTERS. TUNNEL roen; all over on new R. R. work. Free fare; $2 to $3 a day. C. R, Hansen & Co., 20 N. 2d it. $20 WEEKLY AND TRAVELING EXPENSES paid talesmen to sell goods to grocery deal ers; experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chi cago. STATION MEN. SUBCONTRACTORS, SMALL outfits, new R. R. work. East, lfurtner par ticulars from C. R. Hansen & Co., 23 N. 2d. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS MILITARY tailor; good wages; Company D. 10th Infan try. Vancouver Barracks, Vancouver, Wash. THE COLUMBUS CALIFORNIA WINE DE pot, headquarters for cooks, waiters and bar tenders, 148 4th at.. Portland. Or. GRAND W. O. W. CARNIVAL BALL, SAT urday night G. A. R. Hall; gentlemen 35c; ladies 15c; prize waltz two-step. WANTED A GOOD. STEAD'S. INDUSTRIOUS boy to drive express wagon. Must give best of references. Inquire 45 1st st. WANTED ONE COATMAKER; ALSO ONE pants and vestmaker. Address or apply A. KJljunen, Astoria. Or. WANTED BARBER. STEADY. WORK. PAL aoe barber shop 107 Front at. Howard & Dennlson Company. SAWYER SMALL MILL. NEAR CITY, $3.50 ratchet-setter. $2.50; blacksmith, $2.75. Room 2, 205 Mlrrlson. WANTED FIRST-CLASS ICE CREAM MAK er; references required. T 42, Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MEN DESIRING TO learn the baking trade. 300 Washington. IF YOU WANT WORK OR MEN SEE HANSEN ABOUT IT. 20 N. 2D. BARBER. STEADY JOB, $15 GUARANTEE per week. Albert M. Darling, Olympla. WANTED MAN TO WORK ON FARM. IN culre room 322. Ablngton bldg. HELP WANTED FES1A LB. 8 COOKS. COUNTRY. $30; B CITY, $30; 4 $25; 6 waitresses, coast, $25: 20 city, $15 to 530; 8 chambermaids, $15; 4 second grls, $15 to $20; 2 housekeepers. $15; 45 housework. $15, $20 and $25. Canadian Parlors, 220 Morri son. WANTED SALESLADIES, GLOVES, R1B bons. laces, cloaks, suits, crockery, tinware, lady handy with needle. Clerks' Registra tion Bureau, 265 Morrison st. FEW LADIES TO DO CUSHION WORK AT home during spare lime or steady; about 10 cents per hour; no experience or talent re quired, call 372 E. Morrison; hours, 0 to 6. WANTED LADY DEMONSTRATORS FOR house-to-house canvassing; salary, $10 per week. Apply to Johnson-Lleber Co., No. 1 1st. bet 8:30 and 0 this morning. WANTED GIRLS TO SEW SHIRTS AND overalls; paid while learning. Apply ' Stand, ard Factory No. 2, corner Grand avo. and East Taylor st. WAITRESSES AND CHAMBERMAIDS, ticean hotels, $20; restaurant waitress, laun dry help, housework girls. Drake, 205 Washington. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, WAIT resscs, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louts Agency, 230 Ya,mhlll. Phone Black 28SL WANTED GIRL NOT UNDER 17. TO As sist with housework and care of baby; will be at Coast for few weeks. C48 Lovejoy. WANTED Singers, Performers, musicians, etc Talent for all occasions. Newman's Theat rical Agency, Lockwood, 351 Morrison. ' GRAND W. O. W. CARNIVAL BALL, SAT urday night. G. A R. Hall; gentlemen S5c; ladles 15c; prize waltz two-step. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COOK AT NE canlcum Inn, wages $30 per month. Address Miss E. Daroann, Seaside, Or. GIRL OF 12 CAN SECURE GOOD HOME with family of two. assisting. do light house work. Inquire 84 North 16th. WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; 3 in family. Apply from 2 to 4 P. M., Wed nesday, at 850 E. Couch st. WANTED G IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; must be good, plain cook. Inquire afternoons. 553 lHoyt st. WANTED SEVERAL GIRLS TO OPERATE sewing machines In bag factory. Apply Ames & Harris. 27 1st. ANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER. REAL estate business; address own handwriting; G -10, Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework. Call forenoon, 42 3d st, near College. GIRL WANTED TO DO PLAIN HOUSE work. Portland Heights. Phbne West 2412. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework. Apply 706 Flanders st. WANTED A WOMAN TO WORK IN KITC en and help cook. Call at 180 fith st. GIRL WANTED AT 614 E. ASH. COR. 16TH. Plain Cooking; general housework. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANTED AT WaUon'f restaurant, 100 4th st. TOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST U GENERAL housework.. Phone Main 263S. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Call before 2. 605 Hoyt GIRL FOR SECOND WORK. INQUIRE fort noons. 154 18th st. N. CiyVaReeC-WrEeVegUaEWORK' FAM- WANTEJD-MEN TO WORK ON FARM, IN qulro 60S E. Morrison. v SITUATIONS WASTED-HALE. Bookkeepers aad Clerics. WANTED A POSITION AS HEAD BOOK, keeper. Best of references; several years' ex perience. Good salary expected. X 49, Oret gonlan. TOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER WANTS Po sition in Portland; one year's experience in law and Insurance office. K 45, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY DRY GOODS AND clothing salesman; best of references; long experience. Address B 45, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WANTEDSITUATION BY MIDDLE-AGED man, American, to care for one that needs an attendant, also am handy to help about the house; good references. N. 50, Oregonlan. JAPANESE AND CHINESE HELP FUR nlshed, domestics, farmhands, laborers, can ners, canning. Japanese Employment Office, 60 North 5th st. Phone Clay 692. MAN OF EXPERIENCE WOULD LIKE Po sition as superintendent or foreman on build ing construction; state class of work. Ad dress D 40, Oregonlan. WANTED SITUATION BY STRICTLY TEM prate man as Janitor or night watchman or would take care or a place. K 40, Oregonlan. CAN FURNISH DOMESTICS AND FARMER; also all kinds help. Japanese Labor Associa tion, 268 Everett. Black 002. SITUATION IN A GROCERY STORE BY A man of some experience. Can give refer ence. O 49, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED JAPANESE COOK WANTS permanent position In private family, $30 up. B 40, Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS A PLACE FOR HOUSE work, boarding-house or hotel preferred. O 48, Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE COOK WANTS SITUA tlon to do housework; speaks well. M 50, Oregonlan GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS TO DO DAY work; any place. Japanese Mission! Phone Clay 745. GOOD . JAPANESE WISHES A POSITION cooking and housework In family. F 50, Ore gonlan. JAPANESE COUPLE WANTS A SITUATION on farm; work any kind. F, 60 N. 5th st. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Names. WANTED NURSING BY PROFESSIONAL nurse; would take care of invalid or child at the beach. F 48, Oregonlan. Dressmaking;. MRS. STEWART, FROM ST. PAUL, DOES first-class work at moderate prices; child ren's dresses a specialty. 326 Grant St., near 6th st. Miscellaneous. UNIVERSITY GRADUATE, 'EXPERIENCED teacher, wishes private pupils, common or college branches. Reasonable. A 40, Orego nlan. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, chambermaids, waitresses, nurses, day workers. 230 Yamhill. Phone Blk 2S3L YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE TO GO TO Long Beach with family to assist with work or care of children. L DO, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED SALESLADY; young lady, good practical education; ref erences. Address a O. V., 200 E. 8th st. WANTED POSITION AS CASHIER, OFFICE girl or copyist; no objecton to 'country. Ad dress Room 24, Y. W. C. A. WANTED-POSITION AS SALESLADY. HAD 8 years experience In general store. Address M. H. C. 510 Flanders st. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED TEACHER would like private work In all the common branches. C 40, Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED FAMILY SECOND work. Very competent girl; wages $25. 230 Yamhill. Phone Black 2681. JAPANESE GIRL WANTS POSITION TO DO housework in small family; references. P 50, Oregonlan. WANTED AGENTS. THE ONLY' AUTHORIZED LIFE OF POPE Leo XIII. Written with the encouragement, approbation and blessing of his holiness, by Mgr. Bernard O'Reilly. D- D., LL. D.. who for eight years lived in the Vatican as do mestic prelate to the pope. This distin guished American author was summoned to Rome and appointed by the pppc as his of ficial biographer. Approved and recognized by Cardinal Gibbons and all church authori ties as the only official biography of the pope. Over 800 pages, magnificently Illus trated. Unparalleled opportunity for agents. Best commission. Elegant outfit free. Sena 15 cents for postage. The John C Winston Co., 718 Arch st. Philadelphia. Pa. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL HARDY, northern grown nursery stock. Address Washington Nursery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash. A FORTUNE FOR AGENTS. ADDRESS 403 Sd st WANTED TO RENT. FURNISHED COTTAGE, THREE OR FOUR rooms; bath; central; reasonable; no child Ten; references. P 40. Oregonlan. . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING, SHOES, VA 11 its and grips; highest price paid. Call at the Fair Deal. 62 N. 3d st Phone Hood 517. GOOD DELIVERY HORSE WANTED IN qulre at 121 16th. cor. Gllsan. r-OIt RENT. Rooms. THE PHILADELPHIA FURNISHED APART roents, everything new, running water In rooms; electric lights, baths, magnificent view plaza blocks and D. P. Thompson elk foun tain; 'for transient and tourists; a model of comfort N. E. cor." 3d and Salmon. Phone Main 202S. J. E. Mlnard Black, prop. THE PALMER HOUSE. S. E. COR. ALDER and Park sts., formerly the Spalding The most complete apartment house In the city; entirely renovated, steam heat sas, electric light, porcelain baths; every modern con venience; tourist and transient trade solicited. THE VENDOME COR. 13TH AND ALDER. Elegantly furnished rooms; professional peo ple and transient solicited. Tel. Main 1786. LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, single and double; transient 343 Yamhill st Phone Clay 1051. 440 TAYLOR, NEAR 12TH VERY NEAT single front room for gentleman; gas, bath, telephone; reasonable. FRONT ROOM, FIRST FLOOR, NICELY furnished, gas. etc; handy to carnival. 351 Oak, near Park. 123 12TH ST.. THE 8HERMAN-NICELY furnished rooms; new house; new furniture; bath and phone. LARGE FRONT PARLOR; ALSO SMALLER rooms; centrally located; bath, phone. $8 to $16. 471 Alder. NEWLY FURNISHED SLEEPING-ROOMS. Just the place for transients. 163 West Park, near Morrison. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM $3 PER WEEK, will take transient; private house; central, 428 Stark. 180 3D ST. FRONT AND BACK ROOMS, well furnished, $1.50 up week; very central; transient LARGE PARLOR. SUITABLE FOR TWO: few kitchen privileges. Phone Green 553. 322 14lfc st NICE FRONT ROOMS. NEWLY FURNISH ed. bath and phene. 2 urand ave., cor. East Ankeny. NICE ROOM. RENT FREE, FOR LADY FOR making three beds daily. 169 10th, near Mor hlson. NEW PLAZA 207 3D ELEGANTLY FUR nlshed rooas; gents, transients. Main 2313. Furnished rooms. $1 week up. Oilman Hotel. 1st and Alder; Tremont Hotel. 7th and Everett NEWLY FURNISHED, BY DAY OR WEEK, during carnival, 427 Alder, bet. 11th and 12th. FOR CARNIVAL NEATLY FURNISHED rooms. No, 381 Yamhill st, cor. West Park. THE MONNASTES. 2S5 1ST, 8. W. COR. Jefferson Large housekeeping suites & single GOOD COMFORTABLE ROOM IN RESPECT able family. $1.50 per week. 827 3d st PLEASANT ROOM, VERY REASONABLE, wlh free bath and phone. 328 5th.. TAKE CAR AT DEPOT. QO TO 247 5TH and get your sleeping-rooms. EXCELLENT ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT board. 203 7th st 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, UPSTAIRS, $0. 2S3 N. 10th st FOR RRNT. Rooms. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE AND light housekeeping; three blocks from Wash ington, 66 North 14th It NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for one or two with gas, bath and phone. 240 5th. Rooms With Board. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 16TH TEAR; rooms, with board: use of tewlnjc-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. K. C Eckler. Superintendent 610 Flanders st B LAKELET HALL. 251 7TH LARGE ROOMS with board, en suite or single; fine location; four blocks from Hotel Portland. Telephone Main 2031. HOTEL BROWN Rooms, newly furnished; baths, electric lights, elevator: rooms fr transient; on both car lines. 271 Grand ave. NICELY. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH or without board; also one basement room with board $18 per month. 2S8 Jefferson st THE HESPERIAN, 533 MORRISON ST. Furnished rooms with board; transients, $1 per day. Phone Main 1303. BAY WINDOW ROOM WITH BOARD SUIT able for two; two single beds. 15 10th, cor. Burn side. 468 YAMHILL FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH first-class board; bath, etc. Phone West 320. FURNISHED SUITE ON FIRST FLOOR; also other rooms, with board. 225 11th. Beasekeeplag Rooi BENEFIT OF A SUBURBAN HOME BY renting housekeeping rooms at Mount Ta bor in large, modern house; large grounds, near car line. G 50, Oregonlan. WANTED-4 OR 5 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS or fiat furnished or unfurnished, northwest of 16th and Washington preferred; no child ren. Address E 50, Oregonlan. 72 N. HTH ALCOVE SUITE. WITH GAS ' range to desirable tenant; also suite of large Booms, one large single room for housekeep ing. All newly furnished, $10 PER MONTH 3 FURNISHED HOUBE keeping rooms, bath, pantry, woodshed: free water and telephone. 069 Hood at Phone Clay 300. LARGE ALCOVE ROOM WITH LARGE kitchen, closets, gas and wood stoves; bath, telephone; adults only. 163 N, 16th: pbene West 106. 8 t ROOMS COMPLETELY FURNISHED: gas, bath, telephone, gas range, .hot and cold water, entire floor. 489 Davis, near 14th. TWO ROOMS FURNISHED COMPLETE FOR housekeeping, modern conveniences; also three unfurnished rooms. Phone Clay 072. 271 MARKET ST. THREE WELL-FURNISH, ed housekeeping rooms; modern, sanitary; ground floor. Inquire 269 Market st 372 1ST THREE NEWLY PAPERED. UN furnlehed housekeeping rooms, $10.50; also two $8; respectable people only. THE STEVENS TWO COMPLETELY FUR nlshrd rooms, modern, bath, phone, gas range, etc. 420 Alder. Central. 545 WASHINGTON ST.-rELEGANTLY FUR-" nlshed suites, bath, phone, gas range, brick building; also single room. FOR RENT l-ROOMED FLAT, FURNISHED complete, modern, gas, bath. 809 Benton st. Phone Bus e9; reasonable. 300 4TH CORNER SUITE, TWO ROOMS, furnished new and complete; gas range, respectable and clean. LARGE. FURNISHED BAY-WINDOW ROOM for housekeeping. Phone Hood 747. No chil dren. 81 North 9th. 435 ALD ER LOVELY, LIGHT ROOM, FUR nlshed; all conveniences. After July 15, two rooms, with sink. . SINGLE HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, FUR nlshed; no children. 372 East Oak. Phono Union 012. THREE ROOMS, $7 UP; NEW AND MOD ern; fine view, 213 Grand ave. North, near Holladay. ONE SUITE OF WELL FURNISHED ROOMS, cheap to right parties. Phone Green 553. 322 14th st. TWO- ROOMS FURNISHED FOR LIGHT housekeeping; reasonable; very central. 00 7th st. FURNISHED 3-ROOM FLAT; BATH SAME floor; hot and cold water. 435 Everett st (Phone.) $1.25 per week Large furnished housekeeping rooms, with use laundry, bath. 184 Sherman. CANDY AND CIGAR STAND. GOOD LOCA tlon and reasonable rent; will Invoice. 231 1st FURNISHED TWO-ROOM FLAT. ELECTRIC light; separate entrance. Inquire 273 7th. ROOMS, FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, With or without board; adults only. 260 14th. SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; ALSO a 4-room unfurnished cottage. 388 11th fit PART OF FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT, 0 blocks south, of poatoRice. 331 5th st 253 CTH ST. PLEASANT SUITE OF TWO housekeeping rooms; central, modern. 84 10TH FLAT. FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS, hot and cold water; no children. VERY DESIRABLE rooms. 16S W. Park. HOUSEKEEPING Houses. FOR RENT VERY NICE 0-ROOM RESI dence, Sunnsyslde, with fine large corner, centrally located; fine 8-room residence on Mount Tabor, large grounds, orchard: $18 per month. Cbarleson & Staub, 245 Morrison. Phone Red 2971. FOR RENT. JULY 15 SIX-ROOM HOUSE (besides one large unfinished room), with bath, gas. 720 Johnson st, near 23d. Rent $25. Inquire Fred H. Strong, 103 2d st DONALD G. WOODWARD. 240 STARK ST.. rents and Insurance. Phone Main 343. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. FOR RENT LOWER 6-ROOM FLAT; CLOSE in; very- desirable; nice yard. C 306 Orego nian, or 305 14th st HOUSE FOR RENT. LONG BEACH, WASH.; also 650 3d st. Portland, Or. Inquire H. Tlmm. 6T.2 3d st FOR RENT MODERN. NEW. LOWER tfLAT, flee rooms; bath; Waverly-Woodstock car. 514 E. 21st SEVEN ROOMS. PORCELAIN BATH, HAND some home, lawn and fruit 595 E. Plr.e and 15th sts. 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT WITH YARD and fruit, rent $15. 405 Blackstone, near 22d. FOR RENT GOOD 0-ROOM HOUSE, LARGE rooms, 2 lots, $25. 3S0 E. 9th. cor. Schuyler. FOR RENT MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. S3 N. 17th. Apply A B. Stelnbach & Co. 6-ROOM NEW HOUSE, 105 E. 10, NEAR Alder. Torgler 10C. Sherlock Bldg. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. 206 Whlteaker ft. Apply 821 Front st FOR RENT A VERY DESIRABLE FLAT. Inquire 323 Ablngton bldg. 5-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. 218 MONROE st. Phone Pink 548. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. 707 DA vls st, near 22d. Furnished Houses. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR TWO MONTHS, six rooms, large, airy, bath, water, electric light; good location. 511 Mill st Phone West 3586. FURNISHED HOME. CENTRAL, FOR BENT for the Summer or longer period; no children; references. Cajl rooms 10-11, Hamilton bldg. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED COTTAGE, 7 rooms, beautiful surroundings in Irvlngton. Inquire 105 14th st, cor. Taylor. $12. 4-ROOM HOUSE. NEATLY FURNISHED, basement and pantry. 618 7th st, head of Garu there. 0-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale. Central. Call 408 Salmon. Phone 3142 Summer Resorts. FOR RENT FOUR NICELY FURNISHED bedrooms, upstairs; 2 rooms downstairs, for cooking; one block east of postofllce; also one 6-room house for rent cheap; 5 minutes' walk from beach. H. Chrlstensen, Long Beach. Wash. MOFFETTS CASCADE MINERAL SPRINGS Board and room, $1.25 and $1.50 day. $8 and. $9.50 week; campers, 50 cents each per week. All baths 25o each. Take Regulator for Moffett's Landing. P. O. Cascades, Wash. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLT $1100 FINE NEW 5-room cottage at Seaside, furnished; beauti ful view, -over the ocean; big bargain. Charleson & Staub, 245 Morrison. Phone Red 297L FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE AT GEAR cart Park. W 40, Oregonlan. FOR RENT. jammer Resorts. NECANICUM INN THE FINEST OCEAN view, with grove and flowers; first-class home accommodations for limited number. For terms address Miss E. Damann, Seaside, Or. KLOSTERMAN COTTAGE. SEA VIEW, Wash.: seven furnished rooms, large lawn: rent, $100 for season. John Klosterman. 61 North 21 st, cor. Davis, Portland, Or. Box 417. ' VERY DESIRABLE FURNISHED COTTAGE on North Beach for season. Eight roams. Fireplace, excellent water, ocean view. In quire C & S. Ry. omce. Phone Main 392. FOR RENT SCHULDERMAN'S COTTAGE at Seavlew, Wash., for the season. Inquire 5B5 Gllsan st, cor. 10th. Phone Front 935. 8EACROFT, SEAVH3W. WASH., OPENS July 22. Accommodation for limited num ber, Address Mrs. E. A. Percy. COTTAGE. ALSO BUSINESS BUILDING, near depot. Long iBeach, Wash. Apply to Cardlnel), on the grounds. B-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED. SEA vlew, for the season. Inquire 10-11 Hamilton . bldg. Phone Hood 483. THREE-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE AT 'Tioga; season, $35. Address C L. Simpson, 305 Yamhill. FURNISHED COTTAGE AT SEAVIEW FOR the season. Apply to Sheeby Bros., 10S 6th. Sacrifice Sale Seaside, Dr.. 15 lots; also small furnished house. Houseman Bros., 224 Mor. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE AT SEAVIEW for season. Inquire 325 Wasco st Reases tar Rent Faraltare tor Sale. 12-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED THROUGH OUT new Brussels carpet, oak furniture; flrst ciaas location for hoarders or roomers: price $1000; or would sell carpets, stoves and lease Of same; rent $45; price $450. 72 North 14th. NICE 4-ROOM COTTAGE IN SOUTH PORT land; furniture all nice and nearly new. and plenty of It; Jots of fine rosea and house plants; rooms all newly papered: rent $9; a snap at $300. H. N. Ross, 266. Stark st ENTIRE GROUND FLOOR, THREE DESIR able furnished housekeeping rooms; no child ren. 354 Salmon. Phone West 1711. ROOMING HOUSE OF 14 ROOMS, ALL rented; furniture good, rent low; pays big profit II. N. Ross, 200 Stark st C-ROOM FLAT TO RENT WITH NEW FUR nlture for sale. Centrally located and mod em. Call 40S Ablngton bldg. . FURNITURE OF COZY 6-ROOM COTTAGE, cheap; house rents $15. Phone Front 693. Stores. THE LARGE STORE, tH AND 63 FRONT ST.. now occupied by Wadbams & Co.. will be for rent July 1, U03. Apply to It T. Cox. room 10, Newmarket block. FOR RENTSTORES, 11TH AND MORRISON sts.; reasonable. Inquire at 153 11th. FOR RENT ONE STORE. INQUIRE 631 Morrison. FINANCIAL. MONEY. MONET. To salaried employes and wage-earners Get our system that get you out of debt Any lady or gentleman, clerk, bookkeeper, sales roan, trainman, machinist, engineer, etc.. having reliable employment can get, just on his note: Monthly, man. weekly. $50 Repay to us 13.33 or S6.C5 or $3.35 $25 Repay to us t 6.66 or $3.33 or $1.63 $15-Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 Easiest terms, lowest rates, confidential. No Inquiries-. Quick service. Courteous treat ment. THE STAR LOAN CO.. 210 McKay bldg., 102 3d st. $200 REWARD THE UNDERSIGNED WILL pay $200 reward for the recovery of Garnet McCready (If alive), who disappeared from Corvallls. Or., on July 1, 1903i She Is B years old, has long, light hair, blue eyes, had slight scar on right cheek, near nose, also powder-burn scar on second finger ot right band; can read well; when last seen wore a Jlrht pink dress, brown Jacket, light blue hood and black stockings. Communicate with J. D. McCready, Corvallls. Ot. FRED H. STRONG. FINANCIAL AGENT. Money to loan. No commission. I am In a position to make immediate loans on improved real estate or for building pur poses; any amount; moderate Interest We approve loans from plans end advance money as building progresses when desired. Option in repayment after one year. FRED H, STRONG. Financial Agent 103 Second street near Stark. LOANS WITHOUT PUBLICITY ON REAL or chattel mortgages, personal or salary se curity, at low rates. C. W. Pallett, 213 Com mercial block Telephone Main 18S5. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc, without security; easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cltleb. Toman, 223 Ablngton bldg. , YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BORROW, $1000. long time, no Interest, small monthly pay ments; Investigate; don't delay. Lock box 40, Portland. Or. CHATTEL LOAN 8 IN AMOUNTS RANGING from $25 to $5000; rooming-houses a special ty. New Era Loan & Tryst Co., 200 Ablng ton bldg. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45, Washington bldg. Phone Hood 415. MONET TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES; NO commission and abstract of title furnished. Portland Abstract Co., 602 Commercial blk. Money loaned salaried people, on their own se curity; also on chattels and real property; strictly confidential. Room 717 Marquam bldg. LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 ON ALL kinds of security. R. I. Eckerson & Co., room 5, Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. Money loaned on all kinds of security; 6 per cent building loans a specialty. W. H. Nunn. 652 Sherlock blk. Phone Clay 629. MONET TO LOAN. 6 AND 7 PER CENT, ON city property ind Improved Valley farnu. W. A Shaw & Co., 243 Stark at. LOANS IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP ON ALL kinds ot security. W. A. Hathaway, room lu, Washington bldg. Phone Hood 413. Elx per cent money tuioan on Clackamas Coun ty lands, E. F. Riley, 008 Cham. Commerce. MONET TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. HpU, room 9, Washington bldg. Loans, mining stock ane all kinds of securi ties; gold dust bought 215 Commercial blk. Money to loan, small amounts, short or long time. J. H. Hawley, 2 Chamber of Com. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck. 321 Morrison st PERSONAL. JO-HE. A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL FROM Texas; most wonderful discovery of age; puzzles medical world; rheumatism, paraly sis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neuralgia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old sores yield to this oil like magic; cures In 8 to 2Q days; sample can, 50c, postpaid. Testimonials free. Agents wanted. M. E. Clinton. 515 East Couch st, Portland, Or. Phone Union 1602. TOU DON'T, EN JOT LIFE WHEN YOUR Vi tality Is low. If Sexlne Pills don't tone your nerves to perfect, manly power, the guaran tee Is good for your money back. Address or call J. A. Clemenson, druggist, corner 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland, Or. Price, $1 per box; 6 for $5. Cash coupon guarantee in each box. YOUNG WOMEN AND YOUNG MEN: DO you know Sexlne Fills are guaranteed to do Just what Is claimed for them? They are absolutely guaranteed for any form of weak ness. Cash coupon In each box. $1 box; 6 for $5. Address or call J. A. Clemenson, druggist, 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland, Or. THE SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO, 611 Dekum bldg.; they cure Indigestion, UVer troubles, constipation, plies, tumors, rheu matism and all diseases that women are sub ject to; also floating kidneys; If not, money refunded. Consultation free. Call and see us. MME. CHAPELLE, THE PEERLESS PALM fat and card-reader, positively reveals the future. If sick or In trouble, disappointed in love, business ventures, etc., a visit to this gifted lady will surely' benefit you. 228 Washington. 8 AXE INSTITUTE OF DERMATOLOGY guarantees an absolute cure for smallpox pit tings, wrinkles, freckles and all facial blem ishes; lady on exhibition at office. 417 Ab lngton bldg. Hours, 10 A. M. to 6 P. M. "BOOK OF NATURE." "WHAT DORA DID." "Rosa's Confession," "Mabel Gray," "For bidden Fruit" "A Hot Tamale' "Stolen Sweets," "Bel-Ami," "Silent Shame," 50c each. Lists tree. Schmale. 229 1st. MEN ONLY NO MORE FEMALE Dis eases treated at the St. Louis Dispensary un til further notice. Portland. July 3. 1003. J. Henri Kessler. M. D.. Portland. Or. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB eris' Nerv- Globules. One month's treat ment $2; 8 months, $5. Sent securely sealed sy tl. A cents, Woedsrsg. .Clarke- A Co., Portland, Or. PERSONAL. MME. AZA HOLMES. COMPLEXION." HAIR, skin and scalp specialist has returned and may be consulted fre. at office. 210 Allsky block, until about August 1: will open par lors at 364 Morrison, which will b fur nished with all the latest appliances. Only scientific work given; Indorsed i7 our lead ing physicians and citizens; references. Ap prentices wanted for salesroom and labora tory. MARK MY WORD IF YOUR NERVES ARE fagged, there Is one thing that will make a man or woman strong. Sexlne Pills will maka you sleep well, eat heartily and enjoy life. Absolute guarantee with treatment Price. $1 box; 0 for $5. Address or call J. A. Clemenson, druggist cor. 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland, Or. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 a month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed oa and rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailors lng Co., 347 Washington, opposite Cordray. SUPERFLUOUS BAIh. MOLES,- ETC, RE moved with electric needle: permanent cure; established 1894: lady operator,, physicians' references 335 Salmon st. cor. Park. Phone West 8752. WHEN TOU SEE THS PALMO TABLET sign in a drug store window there Is where you can get Palmo Tablets, the great nerve and kidney tonic. They cost only 60c. TOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Ac curately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison st. bet 1st and 2d. FEATHERS AND BOAS CLEANED AND curled. Mrs. M. Gilbert from London. 150 1st. ntax Morrison. Tel. West 999 or Red 3161 We print your name on 30 calling cards, prop er size and style. 25c: 250 business cards. $t Brown & Schmale. 229 1st. Portland, Or. FINE DAT! BUT MEREDITH'S UMBREL las. Repairing, recovering. Wash, and th. DR. LAMOTTE'S- FRENCH CORN PAINT. The best corn cure, 25 cents. AH drugglsta- SPECIAL NOTICE- Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR MINERAL OU-36 NEW Montgomery st, San Francisco, Cal., June 0; '1003. Sealed proposals in triplicate will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M. June 19, 1903, and then opened Jor furnishing and storing here 300,000 gallons mineral oil, 135 degrees flash test. In cases of two five-gallon cans "each; Preference will be given to arti cles of domestic production and manufacture, condition of price and quality being equal (including In th4 price of foreign productions the duty thereon), and such preference given to articles of American production and man ufacture produced on the Pacific Coast to the extent of the consumption - required by the public Service there. The United States reserves the rjRht to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof, informa tion and blank proposals furnished on appli cation. Envelopes will be indorsed. "Pro posals for Mineral Oil.'' and addressed to Major C. A. Devol, Quartermaster, U. 8. Array, Depot Quartermaster. PROPOSALS FOR IRON PIPE, NO. 30 NEW Montgomery st., San Francisco. Cal., July 13, loos'. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M. Au gust 12, 1003, for furnishing about 000 tons cast-Iron ripe, and 12,000 feet galvanized Iron pipe, with fittings, delivered at ships' tackle In San Francisco. The United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all pro posals or any part thereof. Information and blank proposals furnished on application. En velopes will be Indorsed. "Proposals for Iron Pipe," and addressed Major C. A. Devol. Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Depot Quarter master. ' TREASURT DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF the Supervising Architect, Washington. D. C. June 30, 1903. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 3 o'clock P. M. on the 11th day of August, 1903, and then opened, for the construction, Including elec tric wiring, but excluding heating, of the ex tension to the U. S. Postofflce and Court house at Portland, Or., In accordance with the drawings and specifications, copies of which may be had at this office or at the office of the custodian, at Portland, Or., at the discretion of the supervising architect James Knox Taylor, Supervising Architect OFFICE OF C. Q. M., VANCOUVER BAR racks. Wash., July 10. 1003. Sealed propo sals. In triplicate, will be received heie until 11 o'clock A. M., August 10. 1903, for furnishing forage and bedding at posts In thts department, for year ending June 30, 1004: Information furnished here or by quarter masters at posts. U. S. reserves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked: "Proposals for Forage and Bedding at " and addressed to undersigned. F. H. HATHAWAT, C. Q. M. OFFICE OF C. Q. M.. VANCOUVER BAR racks, - Wash.. July 10. 1003. .-Sealed propos als In triplicate, will be received here until 12 o'clock noon. July 22, 1903. for lumber at Portland, Or. Information furnished here. U. S. reserves tne right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. -Enveloped containing proposals should be marked: "Pro posals for Lumber," addressed F, H. Hath away, C. Q. M. U. 8. ENGINEER OFFICE. BURKE BLDG., Seattle, Wash., June 17. 1903. Sealed pro posals for removing log Jam In Nooksack River, Washington, will be received here until 12 M. July 17, 1903. and then publicly opened. Information furnished on applica tion. JOHN MILLIS, Major Engineers. Miscellaneous. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE sealed blda for a certain stock of general merchandise at La Center, Wash., ot the Inventory valuation of about $4000, up to 12 o'clock noon of July 21, 1003. Inventory of stock may be seen at my office, and Inspec tion of tho property may be had on appli cation at La Center. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated at Port land, Or., this 7th day of July, 1003. R. L. Eabln, Front and Ankeny sts. NOTICE JOHANN SCHWARZ AND GEORGE MARKERT, both natives of Bavaria, who In 1800 lived at Elgin, Or., are inquired for by their relatives In Germany. Any Infor mation In regard to the whereabouts of these persons will be thankfully received by the German Consulate at Portland. BUSINESS CHANCES. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE UNDER AND by vlrute ' of that certain chattel mortgage made by W. J. Montleth to W. J. Van Schuyver, the undersigned will on Monday, July 10, 1003. beginning at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the Mikado Hotel and saloon at 6th and Stark sts., Portland. Or., sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the personal property described in said mortgage, being all of the fixtures, utensils and furnishings of the said Mikado Hotel and saloon. W. J. VAN SCIIUTVER. Mortgagee. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCT GIVE Information on business chances In all lines of trade, city or country; merchants looking for new locations are requested to call ana look over their list; detailed reports oil busi ness conditions throughout Oregon. Offices Ablngton bldg. CHANCE FOR SPECULATION 50-ROOM lodging-house, good location, 3 years' lease, $2000. Will resell wlthjn six months for $5000. 85-room house, long lease, best buy In city at $2600. 20 rooms, with lease. $1300. part time. O. C. R. Ellis, room 21, 204 Mor rison st. FOR SALE STOCK OF GENERAL MER chandlse and business at Carson. Baker County. Or., for sale cheap; good trade now enjoyed. Call on or address William Mc Klnnell, administrator, Carson, Baker Coun ty, Or. BARGAIN FOR SALE. GROCERY. CONFEC tionery, cigars, tobacco, ice cream, soda water, bakery: all fixtures and stock. Includ ing building of seven rooms, furniture, lease, $1000; central. K 48. Oregonlan. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE business. In suburbs, on good county road. Scstoffice; cheap if taken at once; 111 health tie reason for selling.. Further particulars la quire at 107 3d st. room 1. SPLENDID OPENING STOCK OF GENERAL merchandise in a live Whitman County. Washington town: will Invoice $4000; doing $20,000 per year; expenses small; good reasons for selling. Lock box 34. Thornton. Wash. $200 WITH SERVICES, PROFITABLE BUSr ness. guaranteed good wages. For sale, fur nished, 11 rooms, $300, 3 years lease, cheao rent, best location. 32 Front South. Room 4. WE CAN SELL YOUR REAL ESTATE OR business, wherever located; we Incorporate and float stock companies; write us. Horatio Gilbert & Co., Elllcott Square. Buffalo. SMALL BLOCK OF CALIFORNIA HOME Mining Co. for sale, bargain; 4000 Oregon Securities, dividend stock, cheap.- L. T. Keady & Co., Falling bldg. G0OD-PATINO RESTAURANT AND BAK ery for sale at half cost; must sell on ac count of other business. See J. Lacdlgan,, after 5 P. M. 02 0th. BARGAIN ROOMING-HOUSE, TEN ROOMS, modern: extra well furnished, on West Park; rent. $40; price, $050. 205 Morrison st, room 1. FOR SALE FURNITURE 6JROOM COT tagc. close In. near Morrison st; rent $22.50. Inquire 255 4th., corner Madison st Tel Hood 705. T. JOHNS WATER FRONTAGE FOR SAL3 or long time lease: oest manufacturing sites In Portland. M. L. Holbrook. Fhos Mala 1217. BANP. $350 BOARDING CAR BUSINESS near Portland; clears $150 to $200 per month. Inaulro 226 Falllxur bids. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE STOCK OF GOODS. CONSIST lug of dry goods, clothing. ladles' and gents' furnishings, hats, caps and shoes; good lo cation; good business. Address G. W. French, OlymplSf Wash FOR SALE SAWMILL. RUNNING, AND IN good order: new; location convenient; timber good. Inquire 389 East Yamhill. Phone Scott 2955. FOR SALE ONE FIRST-CLASS SALOON IN Uvsly Valley town, doing good business. Cash or term. Address O 44. care Oregonlan. WANTED MAN WITH SMALL CAPITAL. Have fine park proposition; big money. Ad dress box F, 47, Oregonlan. WANTED RELIABLE MAN WITH SOME money, -collect money dally; not debts; hand some pay G 43. Oregonlan. SALOONS. SALOONS UPWARDS OF 20 saloons, all prices from $350 up to $4000. Call 226 Morrison st VERT, FINE BRICK BLOCK. 40 ROOMS. 3 years' lease; cheap rent; a money-maker. See Ford's. 165 4th st. SALOON OR GROCERT LOCATION. LEASE for three years at $40. O. C. R. Ellis, room 21, 264 Morrison st. FOR SALE GOOD RESTAURANT. DOING good cash business, for sale at bargain. 130 Grand ave. BARBER SHOP, WITH THREE LIVING room; cheap on. account of leaving city. 403 Gllsan st ' FOR SALE FURNITURE OF SIX-ROOM house, $300; rent $15; a snap. 318 Allsky bldg. LIGHT DINING-ROOM AND KITCHEN FOR rent with boarders. 167 W. Park, near Mor rison. WILL GIVE GOOD TRADE FOR HORS:. wagon and harness. 335 Couch. Phone Front 1240. FOR RENT ONE OF THE BEST LOCATIONS In Portland for saloon. Apply 127 Grand ave. GROCERT, STOCK AND FIXTURES, $700; rent $15; 2 years' lease. Ford's. 165 4th st FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM HOUSE. $300: rent $15. Ford's, 165 4th st. A SNAP ROOMING-HOUSE. 40 ROOMS, 3 years' lease. 318 Allsky bldg. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Assayers and Analysts. MONTANA ASSAT OFFICE. 208 STARK ST. Experts on analysis of coals, minerals. rocK and mineral water. J. T. Gove, Manager. J. H. FISK. ASSATER. CHEMIST AND mining engineer. 204 Washington st PAUL BAUMEL. ASSATER AND ANALTST; gold dust bought, 228 Stark st Astrolosy. L. K. ADAMS, ASTROLOGER. SCIENTIFIC readings, lessons. 303 Washington, room 2. Attorneys-at-Lnir. N. MOSESSOHN. general practitioner, notary; consultation free. 722 Chamber of Commerce. Carpenters and Builders. GEO. W. GORDON, COUNTERS. SHELVING, houses built and repaired. 208 4th. Clay .174. W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Black 914. Cash RcBlsters. HALLWOOD CASH REGISTERS 204 Stark st Chiropodist and Manicuring. WM. DEVENT tc ESTELLE DEVENT, THE only scientific chiropodists, parlors 301 Allsky building. Third and Morrison. Oregon phone Grant 16. This Is the long-haired gentle man. He Is the man you are looking for. THE ONLT GRADUATE CHIROPODIST IN the city; patients can rely on skillful and scientific treatment: pedicuring and manicur ing. 20 Raleigh bldg. Conl Dealers. WESTTRN FEED & FUEL CO.. DEALERS In all kinds of coal. Call us up for quota tions. 154 North 5th. Main 1018. Col. 268. KING COAL CO.. WTOMING AND WASH Ington houso coals. West Virginia and Wash ington smithing- coals. Tel. Main 1425. VULCAN COAL CO.. wholesale dealers: best coals; foundry and smelter coke. Both phones. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool, mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commission merchants. Front st, near Main, Portland, Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR. TOUNG & CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. - Sherlock build ing. Portland, Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duee merchants. Front tt D sts., Portland, Or. Corrusrnted Iron. CORRUGATED IRON ROOFING. HOT-AIR furnaces. J. C. Bayer, 205 Second si. Dot; and Horse Hospital. DR. S. J. CARNET. veterinary surgeon. 150 N. 15th. Phone Main 1484. Res.- phone West 3871. Dyelnsr and Cleaning;. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer and clean er. 301 17th. cor. Columbia. Tel. Main 2513. Educational. The Pfell Art School Drawing and keramlc depts.; day and evening classes. .328 13th st Fraternal Insurance. Order of Washington, foremost fraternal so ciety of N. W.; protects the living. J. L. Mitchell. Sup. Sec'y., 612-615 Marquam bldg. Gasoline Engines. TATUM & BOWEN, PORTLAND. SAN Franclsco. Seattle. Harness and Saddles. THE BRETMAN LEATHER CO.. WHOLE sale saddle and harness mfrs., saddlery hard ware, leather of all kinds. 7-74 Fifth st THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturers, leather and saddlery hardware. 80-83 1st st. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES, pcits. wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks. 312 front st Leather and Findings. THE BRETMAN LEATHER CO.. MFRS. boot and shoe uppers, findings, shoe store supplies, leather of all kinds. 72-74 5th st J. A. REID, mfr. boot and shoe uppers; full stock shoemakers' supplies. 207 Wash. sc. Machinery. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING SAWMILL, logging machinery, hydraulic pipes, castings of all kinds repaired. 104 North Fourth st SECOND-HAND MACHINERT TO COM pletely outfit shingle mill: boilers and en gines; Wlttler-Corbln Mach. Co., Seattle. THE H. C. ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc. 248 Grand ave. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE" MONUMENTS For bargains, see Weeks; no agents; 20 per cent saved; at 720 Front Massage. YOUNG. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES vapor, electric thermal, alcohol and medi cated baths; magnetic treatment. 20 Raleigh bldg. ( FRENCH LADT. WITH TOUNG LADT AS SISTANT, just arrived from rarls, gives mas sage treatment. 208 5th. Phone West 1073. NEWLT OPENED BATHS, REFINED young lady attendant; salt glow, vapor, per fume; new treatments. 201 3d. room 2. EXPERIENCED TOUNG LADT MASSEUSE, vapor baths, massage and magnetic treat ment Office 28 Raleigh bldg. MAGNETIC TREATMENTS . BT TOUNG lady from the East. 350 Washington. Room 4. EXCELLENT MAGNETIC TREATMENTS by young lady. 350 Washington, room 4. Oregon Vlnvi Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON STS. Health -talks to ladles. Thursdays, 2:30 P. M. 3Iuslcnl. SUMMER TERM JUNE- 24. OREGON CON servatory of Music. For prospectus and terms, address Miss Hurlburt, Portland, Or. ELMORE RICE. VIOLINIST AND TEACHER, also beginners taken, piano. Studio 1. A. O. V. W. bldg,, bra. 32:30. Pbona Union 940. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. FhyaicfaHs and Sarsjreeas. DR. MRS. CARET TALBOT SUCCESS fully treats and cures all diseases of women. Successful home treatment by mall. 30S Sal mon, between Fifth and Sixth. DR. FLORA A. BROWN Diseases of women and children a specialty. Office hours: 10 to 4. 517 Dekum building. DR. JAMES DICKSON. SPECIALIST IN KID1 ney and skin diseases. Oddfellows' Temple. Paints, Oils and Glass. , RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS. PAINTS. Qua, giass, sasn ana aoors. 1st st Palmistry. Mrs. Dreyfus, the unrivaled palmist and clair voyant, card reader. 133 1st. cor. Alder. Patent Lawyers. T. J. GEISLER, patent and trade mark mat-, ters a specialty. 530 Chamber of. Commerce. Slot Machines. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO.." COR. Park and Oak; largest variety; repairing. Safes. DIEBOLD SAFES. JAILS. VAULT DOORS and deposit work. Lockouts opened. General repairs. Burglar alarms. Steel ceilings. Second-hand sates bought, and sold. Goods as represented. J. E. Davis, 66 3d. HERRING-HALL-MARVIN SAFES, PORT , land Safe & Lock Co.. Sole Agents. 76- 1st St Showcases and Store Fixtures. R. LUTKE & CO., SUCCESSORS TO DIXON. Borgesen Co.. Sixth and Hoyt sts. Spiritualists. PROF. W. A. SHELDON. THE SCIENTIFIC palmist, now in Portland. What he tells you (be It good or bad) you can depend upon as the truth. He advises on love, marrlaga, divorce, death, health, business, property, speculation, lawsuits, changes, situation, ri vals, husbands, wives, sweethearts, absent friends, success or failure in business, min ing, changes, etc. In the past year he has read for more people In the United 8tatea than all" other mediums, clairvoyants and palmists combined. The Cosmos, cor. 4th and Morrison, rooms 27, 23, 29, 30. MRS. .WALLACE. SPIRITUAL MAGNETIC healing; unsettled minds promptly relieved: questions on business matters and absent friends answered free. 165 4th, room 3S. Office hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. O. A. THOMSON CIRCLES. MESSAGES, Tuesday, Friday evening. 25c; readings oa all affairs of Ufa dally. 1SS N. 12th st. MADAME RHEA. QUEEN OF FORTUNE tellers, card-reader, palmist: past present and future. 81 North 9th. Hours, after 2 P. M. dally. LARSEN. PALMIST, READINGS, 50c; PAST. present, future; last week. 216 Allsky bldg. Mrs. Stevens, spiritual life reader, scientific palmist; .50c. Clay 1051. . 343 Tamhlll-7th. MRS. ADDIE R. SMITH WILL LEAVE FOR California sqon. 133 5th st, cor. Alder. Storage and Transfer. SAFES; PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED, packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick jfvare house on Clay bet 1st and Front Office 123 1st st C. M. Olson. Phone Main 547. C. O. -lck. office. 88 First, bet. Stark and Oak; phone 596. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipping: commodious fire proof brick warehouse; Front and Clay sts. FRED BICKEL STORES, at 31 N. FRONT st: household goods and furniture, pianos, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all movable articles, at reaesonable rates. Trunk Factory. PORTLAND TRUNK CO.. 60 THIRD ST.. wholesale and retail. Send for catalogue. Typewriters. New TTPEWRITERS, all makes, RENTED and sold. Expert repairing. Office sup plies; mimeograph work; public typewriting. Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. Main HOT- DENSMORE TYPEWRITER WE RENT AND repair all machines. Full line supplies. Hux ley. Ryan Co.. 82 4th st Columbia Bar-Lock Visible Typewriter; get catalogue. 310 California st. San Francisco. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. N. Front and Davis sts., Portland, Or. LOST AND FOUND. LOST SOMEWHERE BETWEEN MILL ST.. 1st ave. and Meier & Frank's, silver purso containing $20. Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. LOST JULY 11, sorrel mare with white face, weight about 1000 pounds, with shoes, brand ed on shoulder; liberal reward. Return to 241 Stanton st, Albtna. LOST BLACK SILK MONTH CARLO JACK et on or near corner 5th and Columbia. Anyone finding same please return to office of The Oregonlan. FOUND TWO NOTES OF $1000 AND $275 each; owner can have same by paying ex pense? and prove property. LOST CHILD'S PONGEE COAT, BETWEEN postolfice and Irvlngton car. Return to 246 7th st Reward. ' ' l LOST P. H. S. CLASS PIN. JUTIB '08. "W. C." on back. Return to 353 Washuitaa st LOST SATURDAY. ODDFELLOWS' CHARM. Please return to Oregonlan. office. BANKS. WELLS, FARGO & CO. BANK ' Corner Second and Washington. HOMER 8. KING ..President (San Francisco.) R. -LEA BARNES.: Cashier WALTER A. HOLT Assistant Cashier (Portland.) General Banking Business Transacted. Ex change sold and letters of credit Issued, avail able in all parts of the world. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Head office, Toronto. Canada. Capital paid up $8,700,000 Reserve 3.QP0.00O Transacts a General Banking Business. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Accounts opened for sums ot $10 and up wards, and Interest allowed on minimum monthly balances. Rates on application. 244 WASHINGTON ST. EL A. WYLD, Manager Portland Branch. i : -i UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OREGON, Northwest corner Third and Oak streets. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued, available in all cities of tha United States and Europe, Hons Kong and Manila. Collections made on favorable terms. President .... J. C AINSWORTH Vice-President -.-W. B. AYER Assistant Cashier R. W. SCHMEER Assistant Cashier ... A. M. WRIGHT FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, OR. Designated Depcsttory and Financial Agent of the United States. President..- VtA Ji&Jt? Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Assistant Cashier ...W. C. ALVORD Second Assistant Cashier B. F. STEVENS Leters of credit Issued, available In Europe and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston, Chicago. St Louis, St Paul. Omaha.. San Francisco and the principal points in the Northwest Bight and time bills drawn In sums to suit oa London, Parts, Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Main, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Copenhagen. Chrts tlanla. Stockholm. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Zu rich, Honolulu. Collections made on favorable terms. LADD & TILTON, BANKERS ESTABLISHED IN 1839. Transacts a General Banking Business. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorabla terms. Letters of credit Issued available la Europe and all points In the United States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphlo Transfers sold on Now York, Washington. Chicago. St Louis. Denver. Omaha. San Francisco and va rious points In Oregon. Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris. Berlin. Frankfort Hong Kong. Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. J. FRANK WATSON President R. L. DURHAM Vice-President R. W. HOYT : Cashier. GEORGE W. HOYT Assistant Cashier United States Depository. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Drafts and letters of credit issued, available In alt parts of the' world. Collections a specialty. Gold dust bought LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. Chamber of Commerce Building, Third and Stark streets. Head office. 65 Old Broad street. London. This bank transacts a general banking busi ness, makes loans, discounts bills and Issues letters of credit available for travelers and the purchase of merchandise In any city ot the world. Deals In foreign and domestic ex change. Interest paid on time deposits. W A. MACRAE, Mngr,