THE MORNING OBEGOXIA37. TUESDAY, JUNE 9, 190 1SKFORMOREFAGT8 City Retail Lumber Co. An swers Complaint, SAY IT IS NONE OF HIS BUSINESS Salt Brought Agrainat Alleged Trnst Is TJeclarea Y t Attorney to . Bo Incompetent Court Tafce Hatter Under Advisement. ; la tho suit of VT. . Jealdris against Xnxnan. Poulsen & Co., North Pacific dumber Company and others, comprising the City Retail Lumber Company, a mo tion that the complaint be made more definite was argued yesterday before Judge Frazer. The attorney for the defense wants Jen kins to specify particularly In -what man ner be has been discriminated against by the alleged lumber combine; -what con tracts he has lost; -what contracts be has puttered loss on because of the acts of the City Retail Lumber Company; what the prices -were before July. 1S02, and ?rtiat the prices have been since that are alleged to have been unreasonable and ex cessive. Specific allegations were asked concerning many other things set forth In the complaint. Counsel Insisted that Jenkins must show a personal and pri vate relation that is affected differing from that of the general public He must enow that he is affected and discriminated against differently to 300 other contract ors. Continuing, the attorney said: "He cays his business Is ruined; that he has iour or five contracts ho cannot complete; and In another place that he has been re fused lumber altogether; also that he Is charged more than members of the Mas ter Builders Association, because he em ploys union labor." Commenting on all these allegations, counsel asserted that they were entitled to particulars, so as to know what to meet. The attorney wanted to know the amount of lumber Jenkins had purchased, and what particular building he Is en gaged In constructing; what ho paid for lumber In July, 1902, and what he pays now. Many other specific allegations were demanded; and the assertion was made that Jenkins must show a particu lar injury within the purview of the law to be entitled to maintain a suit at all. Counsel for Jenkins argued that It was sufficient for his client to show a gen eral Injury to his contracting business. He alleged that ho had to charge cus tomers more because prices were arbi trarily advanced, and consequently lost business. The ultimate fact that prices were unreasonable was sufficient. Jen kins alleged that the defendants sold only through one -corporation, tho City Retail Lumber Company: the prices were fixed by themselves, were within their own knowledge, and did not have to be stated in the complaint. The same was true as to what lumber was bought. The defend ants knew what they had sold him, and he could not buy anywhere else. The attorney argued that the members of the Master Builders' Association were granted a rebate on lumber purchased from the combine, and, therefore, could underbid Jenkins on contracts. It could be proved by dozens of witnesses that the Master Builders receive 5 per cent rebate every six months from the City Retail Lumber Company on all lumber pur chased. "The injury continues," counsel said, "so long as Jenkins Tefuses to Join their association and employ such men as they dictate. The lumber mills have taken the part of the Master Builders against union men. and this contractor has suffered. Various other points were made in sup port of the sufficiency of the complaint, and Judge Frazer took the matter under advisement. FLED WITH THE CHILDREN. "Winifred Leppere Carries Them From IVllwnnkee. Winifred Leppere. accompanied by her husband, C. A. Leppere, and Edith and Olive 'Wiersum. two children by a former marriage, appeared before Judge Cleland yesterday afternoon to oppose an applica tion for tho custody of the children filed by their aunt, Nellie "vVIer.sum. Miss "Wiersum came here from Milwaukee. Wis., bearing with her power of attorney from Henry Wiersum. the father of Edith and Olive. ana filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus demanding that the mother produce and surrender the two little girls, who are aged 9 and 7 years, respectively. Mrs. Leppere declines to give up the children, and has engaged At torney George "W. Joseph to defend the caee. Mr. Joseph was caught In the tralnwreck at Latourell Sunday, and had not got back to Portland yesterday after noon, so Attorney Waldemar S-ton pre sented the matter to the court, explaining the unavoidable absence of Attorney Jo seph and asking for a continuance of the hearing until "Wednesday morning, which was granted. Alexander Bernstein, counsel for the pe titioner, consented to the postponement with the understanding that Mr. and Mrs. Leppere would promise not to remove the children toeyond the Jurisdiction of the court. Mr. Seton assured tho court that there was no danger at all of their being taken away. Mr. Leppere- is employed by the "Western Union Telegraph Company, and owns his own home at Mount Tabor. The children wore brought Into court to show good faith, and the mother and stepfather are willing to meet the case. The petition filed by Nellie "Wiersum re cites that Winifred Leppere, formerly "Winifred Wiersum, was granted a di vorce from Henry Wiersum on March 17. 1902. She was granted $15 per month ali mony for the support of the children dur ing their minority, and was to take them to her home. On August 6. 1902, this decree was amended to the effect that the pay ment of alimony was to cease, and the father was granted the custody of the children on Saturday and Sunday, ex cept If they were sick, and during school vacation. It was decreed that the mother should reside in Milwaukee. In the No vember following, the decree was agala modified to give the father the absolute care of the children. Soon afterward Mrs. Leppero came to Portland with her off f.pring. and it is charged in the petition that in so doing she is guilty of con Urapt. because she disobeyed the order i f the Milwaukee court and carried the iildrcn "beyond dts Jurisdiction. Counsel for Mrs. Leppere will doubtless - the point that the court here has no 1 "lotion in the matter. The little girls veil dressed, and have every oppear - of th best of care. BOTH WANT THE MONEY. Metker and "Wife of Alva. Hollovray Qnarrel About His Insurance. The Independent Order of Lions yester day filed an interpleader suit against Mrs. Xerner Holloway. mother of Alva Hollo way, and Mrs. Tenny Holloway. who was his wife, to have tho court determine who shall receive SKK) funeral benefits, and a pension of S3) per month for a period of four yeans. Alva Holloway died in Los Angeles on January 20, 1903. The original beneficiary certificate taken out by him was executed In favor of his mother, and on January 12, 1903, Holloway undertook to hive tho certificate changed In favor of his Kifc. Tenny Holloway. The- mother, Mrs. Kcrnoy Holloway. contends that the certificate was not regularly signed or revoked at all. and that she is entitled to receive the money. Tho wife .disputes this right. The society is perfectly willing to pay, but is unable to settle the con troversy between the contestants, and consequently' asks the court to do so. Long & Sweek appear as attorneys for the MaintlE. Recently Mrs. Tcnny Holloway cued tho order to recover on the beneficiary certificate. Attorney Long states that the Lions never denied the liability, and sug gested that the disputants get together and compromise. As this was not done, the only remedy Is to have a legal adjudi cation, which will be brought about as soon as possible. AWARDED BIG DAMAGES. Mining: Company Mast Pay an Em ploye for BroUen Hip. A verdict for $9000 damages was returned in the Federal Court yesterday by the Jiiry in the case of Charles P. Jones against the Bunker Hill Mining & Con centrating Company. Jcnes sued for 520,- 000 damages on account of Injuries sus tained by five tons of ore falling upon him. His leg was broken near the hip joint, and he testified that the injuries he received caused atrophy of the nerves. Jones is a miner, and is a man of Intelli gence. His statement of the ciuse of the accident was convincing. He asserted that the company in the floor above where he was employed mined beyond the safe limit, and drilled a hole downward, with the result that the rock fell from under neath, and struck him where he was in tho chamber below. He said that after the accident. In coming up he saw the upper chamber and observed what had taken place. Tho defense was that the fall of rock, was not brought about in this manner nor from the place designated by Jones, but was occasioned' by Jones drilling into dan gerous rock, and not working where ne was stationed by the shift boss, and that Jones himself was entirely at fault. The Jury was out but a short time. Judge O'Day, of Portland, and Fred Miller, of Spokane, appeared as attorneys for Jones. Court Notes. Judge George will announce decisions this morning In the following cases: Eliz abeth Schleger vs. Northern Pacific Ter minal Company, motion for a new trial; State ex rel. Wheeler vs. McKittrlck, on merits. Orin R. Baker yesterday filed suit against Alfredla O. Baker for a divorce, on the ground of desertion occurring Sep tember 4, 1900. They were married In Missoula in 1S36. Tho Victor Land Company has sued Amelia Laurent In the State Circuit Court to quiet title to lots 3 and 4, block 24. Mount Tabor Villa. GETTING READY TO OPEN Booking Agent of Empire Theater Arrives. Charles H. Brown, who will have charge of the performances booked for the new Empire Theater in Portlana, and tho other houses of the Northwestern Vaude ville Company's circuit. Is In tho city. Mr. Brown has his headquarters in San Francisco, but will remain here until after the opening of the amusement tem ple at Twelfth and Morrison streets, on Monday night next. "From the night that the Empire opens," said Mr. Brown yesterday, "Port land will be on an equal footing with San Francisco and other large cities as far as high-class vaudeville goes. The' at tractions we have booked for the local theater are among the best In the busi ress'and are of a class that has .never yet been sent through the Northwest. Our people aro coming from the East, and some of them will appear In Portland for the first time on the Coast, playing the engagement here before proceeding to San Francisco." The chief reason assigned by Mr. Brown for this Invasion of the Northwest by the stars of the vaudeville firmanent Is the growth of the country. "Of course." he said, "It would not even now be possible to book such perform ances as we wilj have, for Portland and ether cities on the circuit, were It not for the practical combination we have ef fected between the two big California cir cuits, the Orpheum and Groiiman's, and the Norttiwtstern Company. But the peo ple In control of the Southern circuits be lieve that the cities lying north of San Francisco will support a line of first-class vaudeville houEes. and accordingly the present company was organized, in con junction with the local theatrical man agers. Calvin Helllg and George L. Baker. the latter of whom will manage the Em pire. "Tho opening bill of the Empire will be ao excellent one, and different to any thing seen here In the pist. Four of the acts will arrive here within the next few days, and two of them have already come. Tho opening bill will consist of nine fea tures, and there will be one performance every night and three matinees a week. "We should know by this time what the public wants in t;e way of vaudeville The promoters of the Northwestern Com pany have been In the business for years, and between us we have' handled every big act that has come to the Paclflo Coast. Our salary list will be the larg ett, Avlth the exception cf the Orpheum, of any house on the Coast, and it Is pric that tells the tale. High-priced ner- forn-ers must be high class, or else man agers will not pay the big salaries. "Before long we will offer all our per formers an engagement of 20 weeks. Wc are at present payingvall railroad fares and baggage charges, so that good per- iormers in tne isast iofc nothing by com ing to the Coast except the actual time spent in traveling." Mr. Brown is the "Western booking agent for the Grauman circuit, as well as for tho new company, and is also interest ed in the Orpheum. These concerns also employ a booking agent who has head quarters in Chicago, but Mr. Brown is in charge of the talent after It arrives on the Coast. He sees that the weekly bill at each theater is so arranged that tho acts, do not conflict. From Portland Mr. Brown goes to Seattle, where the com pany is to open a large Summer -resort known as the Empire Gardens. This will plso contain a vaudeville theater, which win constitute part of the circuit. "WILL PUT COMPANY OX ROAD. George X. Baker to Start New Ven ture "With "The Christian." Manager George L Baker will send out a road company early thte Fall with Hall Calne's "The Christian." having secured the right to reproduce this play in the territory west of the Missouri River. Miss Cathrlne Countlss, tho present leading lady of tho Baker Theater Company, now playing at Seattle, will play the part of Glory Quayle In "The Christian," but no body has as yet been decided on as lead ing man to play John Storm. Among the actors who are being considered for this part are: Lionel Adams, the flrst John Storm to appear In this city; Walter R. Seymour, tho leading man with Elslo Ellsler In "When Knighthood Was in Flower": Asls Lee Willard and Arthur Maltland. The season of tho company will open at the Tabor Grand, in Donver, the week of September 6, when the Mountain and Plain festival will be In progress, "Will lam H. Dills, the character actor of the Baker Company, who was lent by .Man ager Baker for a New York production of "The Starbucks," Is now In the East se curing people for the road companj'. Mr, Dills will not go out with "The Chris tian," but will remain with the Baker Theater Company. Frank King will paint the scenery, which will be an exact dupli cate of the original production. Carlyle Moore will stage the play, and will see that it starts well, after which he will return for the season to Baker's Theater. Chris O. Brown, at present publicity man for the Baker, will be sent out as Mr. Baker's manager for "The Christian" Company. ManagervBaker's company is now being booked through tho New York oflice of Klaw & Erlanger. the theatrical mag nates, who control a great many of the hlshcr-priced theaters fbrouxrhout this N EARING THE FINISH Bankrupt Stock of Gilbert Bros. Melting Away Before Buyers Like Ice In This Tropical Sunshine. A. few more davs like yesterday and tho great bankrupt sale of Gilbert Bros.- -will be a big piano event gone Into "history. Buyers irom early yesterday morning until late in tne evening made immense inroaas in our line of sale pianos.. Extra Inducements Quality and style, prices and payments. all offer exceptional inducements. A small outlay now means a line piano. Those who prefer may take two yeans in which to pay for their instrument, bypay- lng one-tenth down and the remainder in equal monthly installments, deferred pay ments drawing & per cent interest. iiere are a iew of tne Bargains: J. & C. "Wheeler UDrichts. worth S225. for $112.50. Schiller uprights, three pedals, choice walnut cases, tor $117.50. Schaeffers, large size, that have been formerly held for as mueh as 54505156 and SloO. Many others at corresponding reductions. Organs, Too All at Tractlcallv half nrlce. Sea this list: Schultz. brand new. formerly valued at from SS5 to 295. marked down to $42.50 and 54S. Needham orcans. valued at from J90 to 10, going at tfom S45 to $55. Bently organs, for which from $75 to $150 was formerly asked, all while they last at $38 and $46. Second' hand Pianos That have been turned In to us as part payment for new Chlckering, Weber and that modern piano, the Kimball, of Chi cago, at prices and terms simply irre sistible. Here are some of them: Largest size fancy machine carved wal nut case. Royal upright,so!d recently by a prominent firm which has gone out of Dusiness tor now $lb5. Largest size walnut case Nugent up right. $164. Medium size genuine mahogany case Lelcht upright, has been out on rental. $167. Another one, $182. iieautirul nearly new fancy walnut cased Decker & Son, original price $500, now $245. Fancy English oak Colonial Jacob Doll upright, the $350 style, $252. .rnncy caninet grand .Decker Bros, up right genuine rosewood case, the $450 style, 237. Largest size and very fine A. B. Chase upright, an Instrument that will please the most. lasuaious musician, wos. Fancy genuine rosewood case Stelnway upright, could not be told from new. $365. Another beautiful mahoranv Decker Bros, upright, the $600 style, now $250. Very ttne. genuine rosewood case Hallett & Davis upright, tho regular $500 style. A slightly used mahogany cased Kimball Cottage upright, the $365 style. $248. Fancy large -size ebony case Ivors & Pond upright. $195. very elaborate. largest size Jiathushek upright, the $500 style, for $153. uargest sizo Colonial Jacob Doll up right, the $425 stylo, $218. Largest size, very elaborate oak case Ludwig upright, the $250 style, $165. Largest size, fancy mahogany, carved case Laffargue upright, the $275 style. tor ?ib.i And many others. Every Instrument thoroughly repaired and tuned and in perfect condition, and every one having our unconditional writ ten guarantee as to. title and thorough ness of make. You will surely never be sorry if you buy now. Ellers Piano House, wasnington street, corner .Parte, Portland, ur. country. As Manager Baker jls the sole controller of "The Christian" in the West, he will vigorously proceed against any one who pirates the rights of reproduc tion. Ectemn, No Core, Xo Pay. Tour druggist will refund your money If Paso Ointment lalli to cure Ringworm. Tetter. Old Ulcers and Sores. Pimples and Blackheads on lh" face, a&d all tkln diseases. So cents. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL report. PORTLAND, June 8. Maximum tempera ture. 85 drjr. ; minimum temperature. 00 deg.; river reading. 11 A M., 20.2 feet; change in 24 hours, rise 0.5 foot: total precpltatlon. 5 P. M. to 5 P. M., none: total precipitation since September 1, 1002, 33.81 Inches; normal pre cipitation. 44.31 Inches; deficiency. 5.50 inchefc; total sunshine June 7, 1903, 15 hours 30 min utes; possible sunshine, 15 hours 30 minutes; barometer, reduced to sea-level, at 5 P. M.. 29.63. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. STATION'S. Baker City BlBrnarck Boise S6! C2 02 561 .001101 N .00 112; NW .00 Jjtw .OOllOl N .00 141 N .001 01 ,091161 NW .00l2i N .001 G7NW .00 JN .00(10 N .00112! S .00:22! N .00 30, W .00 8NE .00 e'Nvr .00 14SV .00116! NE Clear Cloud' tPt. cloudy I Cloudy Cloudv Eureka ...... ... Helena .'- Knmloops. B. C. North Head .... 64 92 62 Clear Cloudy Pocatello . 62 tat Pt. cloudy Clear Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento .... Salt Lake City.. 1021 PL cloudv 91 Clear 90 PL cloudy PL cloudv 84 San Francisco . . 60 PL cloudy Pt. cloudv Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island ... CO 96 70' Clear IClear Clear Walla Walla 96(0 "WEATHER CONDITIONS. The temperature has fallen 4 deg. at Portland and 8 deg. at Roseburg since yesterday. At Seattle It has risen 12 deg. and reached the 96 deg. mark, which breaks all previous rec ords for heat In June at that station. In the Interior of California, It Is slightly cooler. East of the Cascade Mountain?. It is only moderately warm. wUh temperatures generally between SO deg. and 90 deg. No rain has fallen In the Pacific Coast States during the last 24 hours, but cloudiness Is In creasing, and the heat wave west of the Cas cades will break during the next 24 Sours. The Indications are for continued warm weather" In Eastern Oregon. Eastern "Washing ton and Idaho. THE RIVER. The river at Portland reached a stage of 20.3 feet at 5 P. 'm. It will continue slowly to rise during the entire week, and reach a stage of 20. S feet Wednesday, and 23.5 feet by next Sunday. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for 28 hours end ing at mldntghL Tuesday, June 9: Portland and vicinity Partly cloudy and cooler. Westerly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Careful of Impure and improperly prepared foods and confections are responsible for 5 many of the ills from which human nature suffers. 9 v i HAZELWOOD ICE CREAM ..- Is Absolutely Pure and Can Be Relied On. . - . 1 9 9 3 Partly cloudy: cooler, except Bear the coast; westerly winds. Eastern Oregoa. Eastern Washington and Nortiem Idaho Increasing cloudiness. Con tinued warm. Southern Idaho Increasing cloudiness, fol lowed by showers and thunder storms; con tinued warm. DAILY RIVER BULLETIN. O S O S tp 5Js 2 " xr S5 3 n o-T STATIONS. ' 1 l f I 2 Sft :i 3 r J I :-:- 0 Portland. Or., ...'.....1 The Dalles. Or. Umatilla, Or. .......... North port. Wash. ...... enatchee. Wash. .... Rlparla. Wash. Le wliton. Idaho ...... "Wclser, Idaho 20.11 37.1 22 1 238 30.5 15.0133.0 in ril '.a i 25lo!.t45 50.053.0 40.05S.0 ....24.7 24.0 26.0 10.0126.5 14.5 15.0 9.7 WEATHER NOTES. Tho temperatures this morning over the Uj per Columbia and the Snake River basins range between 52 deg. and 64 deg., and the weather is clear. The temperatures will continue high during the next 4S hour. RIVER FORECAST. The river at Portland will slowly rise during the remainder of the week. The following stages will occur at Portland: Tuesday. 20.3 feet? Wednesday. 20.8 feet; Thursday. 21.3 feet; Friday, 22.3 feet; Saturday. 22.S feet; and Sunday, about 23.5 fteL The river at The Dalles will reach the dan ger line of 40 feet by AVcdnesday morning, and the Cascade locks will be obliged to close Tues day. EDWARD A. BEALS. Forecast Official. This is comfortable and all right sometimes, but most times all wrong. We have thin coats at $1.00 that do not add to the warmth and are all right, at all times. Take a look today, at our Two and Three Piece Summer Suits, light in weight, splendid for wear. Special moving sale price, $8.65 per suit. Soft bosom shirts 45c to $1.25 Straw or Porto Rico Hats 50c to $4.00. Summer Underwear 25c to $ 1 .50 Collars, Ties, Hosiery, Belts, and other warm weather wants, at moderate and pleasing prices. LET US MAKE YOU COMFORTABLE. LION CLOTHING CO. 165 THIRD STREET, NEAR MORRISON We are going to move very soon to the new store across the. street SMOKED GLASSES Elegant Rimless Smoked Glasses, (The $1.00 Kind) 50c. Smoked Glasses with Frames, 25c. OREGON OPTICAL CO., 173 Foarth Street, Near Yamhill. NEW TODAY. WASHINGTON STREET Excellent quarter-block once worth over f40. 000, can now be bought for $26,000. easy terms. F. V. Andrews & Co.. Hamilton bids. Business Property Corner lot on the leading street, pnly 512.500. Buildings aro all rented" and return 11.31 per cent net Interest. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton bldg. , Iteinunerative Investment From J26.000 to $36,000 invested In Income raylnf: propsrty. eltuated one and two blocXs Iroro rortland Httel r.nd postoince. will return 7.35 per cent to about 10 per cent net Interest: cn amount Invested. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hair-llton bldg. What You Eat! AMUSEMENTS. DCTHEATER 1 twelfth m mnaisM I PkOBC Clay 1921. Northwestern Vaudeville Co.. Props. George I. Baker, Kesldent Manager. ONLY THEATER IN PORTLAND DEVOTED TO HIGH-CLASS .... VAUDEYILLE .... Opens Monday June 15 MATIXEES WEDNESDAY, SATURDAY AAD SUNDAY PJUCES Matinees. 20c. 10c. Evening. 20c. ok, .wc. .Boxes and loges, 50c. S.4LE OF SEATS BE&1NS THURSDAY, JIHIE 11 WATCH AMOUKCEMEST IN THUBSOAT PAPEHS CORDRATS THEATER g"'" Phono Main 1502. Fortlanerg Popular Famllr Resort. Summer prices Matinees 10c and 20c. Evening 10c, 20c and 30c MATXXEE TODAY. 2:15. TONIGHT AT 8:15. "A GIAX1 AMONG PIGMIES." SEES SEE1 SEE! EDWARD SHIELDS' CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE President Itoonevelt In vaudeville. Tho wonderful Polyscope will show the President passing; the Hotel Port landBiggest crop of umbrellas on rocord. President enjoying an Oregon rainstorm. Ded icating the Lewis and Clark monument. People you know and meet dally reproduced In a mar velous manner. O STAR ACTS O Including the Monopede Acrobats Ernie and. Honegger. THE BAKER THEATER GEORGE L. BAKER, Manager Did you see what the dally papers said of the play? The most distinct novelty seen here In years. A truly great play. THE CAT AND THE CHERUB." Manufactured to make you laugh, and you do. THE PEACEMAKER. " Evening. 15c. 23c. 33c. 50c; matinee, 10c. 15c. 25c , Last production by the Stuart company 'The Virginian." AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's auction rooms, corner Alder and Park sts. Sale at 10 A. M. Geo. Baker tc. Co.. Auctioneers. At GUman's auction rooms, 413 Washington st.. at 10 o'clock AM. S. L. N. Gilman. Auc tioneer. 3IEET1XG NOTICES. HAWTHORNE LODGE. NO. 111. A. F. & A M. Special communica tion this (Tuesday) evening. F. C. degree. All F. C cordially invited. By order TV. M. F. GLAFKE, JR., Secretary. A. & A. S. RITE. Eighth semi-annual reunion. Pro gramme for this day: 9 A M. 18th degree. 11 A. M. 19th to 20th degrees. 2 P. M. 30th degree. 3;30 P. M. 31st degree. S P. M.-32d degree. MULTNOMAH COUNCIL. NO 1481. ROYAL ARCANUM Regular meeting this (Tuesday) evening, at Auditorium Hall. & & o'clock. All members and visitors cordially In vited. JERRY BRONAUGH. Sec COURT PACIFIC NO. 1217. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. Meets second and fourth Tuesday emlvss at Elks' Hall, Mar quam building. J. PENNOCK, Rec Sec ELIZA SPAULDING CABIN. NO. 1. N. D. O. A regular meeting of the cabin will be held this (Tufyday) evening in their hall. 412 East Alder street. KULLA C. McF. DUNNING. Rec Sec. COURT SCANDIA. NO. 7. F. OF A., AT TENTION! The funeral of our late brother, John T. Larson, will take place from Flnley's undertaking parlors, next "Wednesday. June 10. at 2 P. M. All members are requested to meet 'at Grand Army Hall at 1 P. M. to attend tha ceremonies. AXEL. E. SCHWARTZ, sec. DIED. SAMPSON Carrie., nee Miller, dearly be loved wife of R. L. Sampson, died at her home. 505 Madison St.. at 2 P. M.. Monday, June 8. 1903. Funeral notice later. ADAMS In this city, June S, 19(13, Clarenca Adams, aged 37 years. The remains will be 'shipped to Rainier. Or., by J. P. Flnley & Son. at 8 A. M. today, where the interment will take place. FUNERAL NOTICE. . LARSON In this city. June 7, 1003. John T. Larson, aged 23 years. Friends and acquaint ances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at Fln ley's Chapel, at 2 P. M. "Wednesday, June 10. Interment Rivervlew cemetery. J. P. FIXLEY & SOS. Progressive Fusernl Directors and Emlmlmcrs, cor. :d mid Madison streets. Com potent lndy nsn't. Both phones Xo. U. EDWAKO HOLMAX, Undertaker, 4 tli and Yamhill sts. llena Stlnson, lndy usaistant. Both Phones Xo. CUT. CLARKE BROS., FIXE FLOWERS, Floral Designs, 'JSO Morrison. F. S. DUXXIXG, Undertaker, 414 Enst Alder. Lndy assistant. Phone. DUXXIXG Jt CAMPIOX, UXDER.TAK EltSi have moved to 45 X'. Uth. SCHAXEX . A NEC, MOXXMEXTS, cemetery work, etc., 2GS First. XEW TODAY. TO LOAN $15,000 ON MORTGAGES OR collateral. Sums to suit. O 6, care Oregonian. HIGH. SIGHTLY BLOCK. 15TH AND E. Yamhill, overlooking Hawthorne- tract; $2500; part cash. Inquire owner, 355 Taylor. Phone Main 2342. A BARGAIN FULL ACRE LOT. "WITH good two-story house, woodshed, good well, barn, chicken-house and park: 'all kinds of fruit; c large garden spot: $1000 cash. In- ulre of Oregonian agent. Gaston. Or. JOHNSON'S ADDITION Excellent location for sale. One of the best U blocks fox a good residence on King st., also a good well-arranged v 9-room modern house and lot. cheap for $7500. F. V. Andrews & Co.. Hamilton bldg. Two Second Hand 100-Iight Sprague Dynamos, with extra interchangeablearmature. Also one second hand 120-lfght American Engine Co. dynamo, low voltage, suitable for mill work. 110 or 115 volts. Address A. W. COCHRAN, . Oregonian Bldg. Portland Or. Acreage Snap Six Acres, improved, near East Ankeny car line. Just the place for any one wanting a suburban home. Will be sold for one-half of former value. Fine soil; no gravel. GRINDSTAFF & 246 Stark Street CLASSIFIED AD. RATES. Rooms." "nooses and Beari" "Housk Ikk ReosH." "Situation "Wasted." 15 word or 1. IB cents; 16 ta 20 -xords. 20 cents: 21 to S3 wordj, 36 cents, etc. Jv'o discount for ad CHleeal Insertions. TJXDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today." 38 ccats for 15 words or less: 10 to 29 words, 40 cents; 21 ta 23 words, 50 cents, ttc first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, eee-half ; no further discount under one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure- agate). 15 cents per line, first Insertion: 10 cents per Ua for each addltlosal Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care Tho Oregoalan. and left at this once, should always be Inclosed la sealed en velopes. No stamp Is required on such, letters. The Oregonlan. will sot be responsibly for errors In advertisements taken through tho telephone. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS Os improved city and farm property. R. LIVINGTSONE. 22 Stark t. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city and arm troprty. Bulldtax loans. Installment loans. WU. MACMAaTKH. ill tVorcsster block. DECIDED BARGAIN A choice lot facing soutn In excellent loca tion on GHsan St.. for only $2730. Act prompt ly, as the demand Is Increasing. F. V. Andrews & Co.. Hamilton bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS Co Portland real estata at lowest ratra. Titles Insured. Abstracts furnished. Title Guarantee & Trust Co, 7 Chamber of Commerce. F. B. JONES & CO. Have removed their wood yard from the foot of Oak st. to 181 East water at., wtiere tney are now prepared to fill all orders. ury nr wooo. per core 'ong .uu Dry fir wood, per cord, sawed 4.23 uas ana asn wood also on nana. BRONAUGH'S : FOR SALE' fiOxlOO on 32d nt., Willamette Heights, vlth excellent seven-room and attic honne, neivly palnteil anil plumbed throughout; street Im proved: concrete sidewalk and paths, and nice tree. Only $450O. S2i 3d street, corner Oak. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WHO WANTS TO BUY AN EXCEEDINGLY cheap home? Four lots. 60x145 each, with neat and comfortable 4-room cottage; very excellent garden and nice chicken park; place fronting on splendid car line, and Is an absolute bargain; price. $350. The Dunn Lawrence Co., liSVi 1st st., city. 200 FEET WATER FRONTAGE JUST BE low the steel bridge at a prioe 25 per cent below present values. Ha"s paid 6 per cent net on present price for several years. Choice water frontage like this Is scarce. Hart man. Thompson & Powers, 3 Chamber of Commerce. LEWIS & CLARK REAL ESTATE COMPANY can sell your property by modern up-to-date business methods. Call and see them before listing- your property. It will pay you. 553 Worcester Block. 03 3d at. $2625 STRICTLY MODERN COTTAGE. E. Morrison and 15th sts. $2500 Choice home, with 4 lota and running" water. Mount Tabor; desirable and very cheap. Hart Land Co., 107 Sherlock bldg. IF YOU ARE THINKING OF BUYING A home or wish to make an Investment large or small, don't fall to call on the Lewis Clark Real Estata Co., 553 Worcester bik.. 08 3d st. SPECIAL BARGAIN. BUSINESS PROPERTY paying .a handsome profit on $5500: worth double the price; room for more Improve ments; fine Investment. Owner, S car, 07 Corbett. HOUSE FOR SALE-NEW FTVE-R0051ED house with basement, furnace, bathroom and all modern conveniences. No. 090 Williams ave. Apply to John Bain. 224 Stark st. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. BALANCE yearly, buys you the best and ehcapest 5-acr homes near the city. Call between 2 and 4 P. M., PostoBlce. Mllwaukle. Or. VERY DESIRABLE HOME, 100x100; GOOD 8-room house, furnace, gas. porcelain bath, fine fruit; healthy, sightly, cheap; would di vide. SOT Corbett. S car to door. $6000 QUARTER BLOCK. IMPROVED RES Jdence property, one block from car line, payln? 8 per cent net. The Ames Mercan tile Agency, 204 Ablngton bldg. FOR SALE THE OLD HUMMEL HOME ttead. 2 acres of land and three houses; head of Grant St., near 7th- W. F. Hummel, toot of Davis st. TWO LOTS, E. 17TH AND SCHUYLER STS., Holladay's Add.; street and sewers; for sale by the owners. Morgan Wall Paper Co., 181 Second st. $36,000100x100 good business property, brick Improvements, rented $300 per month. Chance to increase; no agents. Address Box 2104 City. NEW THOROUGHLY MODERN HOUSE. 9 rooms, desirable, central location, at a bar gain. David S. Stearns, 240 Washington, $2100 IRVINGTON: 3IODERN 6-ROOM COT tage; sanitary plumbing: connected with sewer; full lot. 508 Tillamook su LOTS IN LENTS. 50X200. $70 TO $100. EASY terms. Take Mt. Scott car; 5 cents. O. R. Addition. Lents. Or. BARGAIN NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE, LOT 50x100; good location; $1150; terms. 2311 Morrison, room 11. $50 FOR LOTS ON ST. JOHNS CAR LINE; $10 down. $5 per month. Sherman D. Brown, 351 Stark. . SIGHTLY 6-ROOM COTTAGE. CORNER OR 2 lots; E Uth, near Hawthorne. W 3, Orego nian. WE BUILD HOUSES ON EASY MONTHLY payments. Better see us. eiz commercial bldg. FOR SALE Small orchards within 2 miles of Statehouse. Derby & Wilson. Salem. A HALF LOT, WEST SIDE, $125; ALSO A business lot. Apply 453 lZth st. FOR. SALE FARMS. FOR SALE-215 ACRES. NEAR BORING ON R. R. track; fine soil, plenty of good water. 100 acres under plow, good orchard. This is a' snap al $35 per acre. 80 acres, one mile from R., R.. all fine soil; 30 acres under plow, balance very light clearing; new house and barn; 2 horses, 4 cows. 2 'hogs, wagon, harness and all farm Implements- and crop go with ranch at $4500. OS acres, near Damascus; 30 in crop, team, wagon and all farm Implements, go at $2500. If sold by July 1. We have soma choloo 10 and 20-a ere tracts, well improved, near Gresham. ROBERTS ft. WIRTZ. Gresham. Or. 13C-ACRE FARM, 40 ACRES IN CULTIVA tlon. balance In pasture: all fenced, good 7 rsom house, barn and other out buildings, living water on tho place, on county road j mile west ot Tualatin Station on Portland and YamhHl division of S. P. R. R.. H mPes from Portland. Will sell on easy terms. Inquire an premises. Isaac Ball. FOR RENT DAIRY FARM, WELL LOCAT ed. 3 miles from Salem, 2 miles from chee?e factory: 50 acres In grain and hay tor sale; plenty of fruit; well watered; cows, horses, implements, etc., for sale. Address J. J. Clark. Salem, Or. R. F. D. Route 5. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALu IN ALL parts o Oregon and Washington, payments made to suit purchasers. For particulars apply to WM. MACMASTER. 311 Worcester blcck. TWENTY ACRES FOR SALE IN WHOLE or part, between two car. lines; all In culti vation, with house, barns, .well and cistern; close to Oatman station, on Woodstock line. Address H. A.. I. O. O. F. Library. 1st and Alder. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A GOOD FARM, ntar Portland, from 10 to 0 acres, a saw mill or flow mill. see. or addrasa T. Wlthy eombb. room 8. Hamilton bldg., 3d St.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE TWO IMPROVED FARMS IN Linn County. Oregon; one of 400 acrei, the other 160 acres. For particulars address J. L. Crols&nt, Kingston. Or. 10.CO0 acres ot choice grain, stock and dairy farms la Taaihlll Valley. Further informa tion' address Dlnsraore & Hunt. Sheridan. Or. WANTED-REAL ESTATE. WANTED SMALL PLACE FROM 5 TO 11 acres near tho city; well improved. Aa dress II 9. Oregonian. "WANTED. FOR CASH RESIDENCE LOT IN upper vuoina. A. u. 4, station s. city. ITOIL REXT-FARMS TO RENT OR LEASE 20 ACRES LAND near Oregon City car line and access to river boats; good for any sort of vegetables. Ad dress I'. O. box SoC, city. TIMBER. LANDS FOR SALE. 12 FIR TIMBER CLAIMS, CRUISE 6.0CO.00Q to each clalr: 25 choice yellow pine claims cruise 2.000,000 to 3.000.000; 19 good farm homesteads; best of grain and fruit lands, near good town and railroad. CanSeld & Bascom. 30A Commercial blocK. LOOK HERE IF TOU ilAVE TIMBER lands to sell, either large or small tracts; list them with us. We sell land. Lewis is; Clark R. E. Co.. 553 Worcester block. WE STILL HAVE FEW YELLOW PINH Umber claims cruising- 2.500,000 to 3,000.000; close to Columbia. Hiver; going this week; . fare ?2. 315 Allsky bldg. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP CERTIFIED IN para to forties, eighties and quarters; Ira medlato delivery. For particulars addresj Box SB3, Portland. Or. FOUR HOMESTEAD RELINQUISHMENTS of Mr timber, cruise 4.000,000 to quarter sec Uon; within 1 mile ot Columbia River. 306 Commercial block. SW. SEC 32, T. 5 N.. R- 3 W.. PITTS burs. Columbia County. Or.; 11.000.P00; prlca $4000. R. Goodrich, Chatham House, Taco ma. Wash. CHOICE HOMESTEADS OF OPEN LANDS; also Al yellow pine timber claims for loca tion. Sanford & Perry. Ablagton bldg. FIFTT TIMBER CLAIMS; FIRST-CLASS yellow pine timber. E. W. Sanderson. Lost Valley. Or. TIMBER LANDS ON NEW PROPOSITION at less than usual commissions. A 7. cara. Orgonlan. FARM. FRUIT AND TIMBER LANDS FOR sale.; sawmill site free. J. B. Godfrey. St. Helens. FORESTi RESERVE SCRIP FOR SALE. T. D. Wilcox & Co.. 202H. Stark st. TO EXCHANGE. I HAVE REAL ESTATE VALUED AT $21. 000; rent, fSO per month: Incumbrance, $7000; wish to trade equity for good Improved ranch. V 7. Oregonian. FOR EXCHANGE INCOME - BEARING property In Merrill, Wis., for Oregon prop erty. What have you got? Address Box V. Hubbard. Or. UOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. FOR SALE LARGE TEA5I. WAGON AND harness; stalls and large corral for rent. 16th and Jefferson. Oregon phone West 16C5. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE. IN FINE CONDI, tlon; will sell cheap for cash. Inquire 213 Falllns bldg.. cor. 3d and Washington. FOR SALE ONE SPAN HORSES. WEIGHT 1500 pounds. Inquire 73d Chamber of Com merce. ONE-HORSE EXPRESS, COMPLETE. FOR $100. At 305 E. 12th. Call In afternoon. Very cheap. Several new buggies and wagons; new and 2d hand. ISth and Thurman. Phone West 1703. ONE SPAN HORSES. 1400 LBS.; NEW AND second-hand vehicles and harness. 211 Wash. FOR SALE A CARLOAD OF WELL-BRED unbroken horses at Union Stock Yard. I TWO TEAMS. 1500. 100; FOUR SMALLER horses. 152 5th st. North. Pianos. UPRIGHT DECKER, $117; ORIGINALLY cost. $500; Weber. Stelnway and others; squares. $42 up; old English piano, $8; or gans. $17. $20 and up. Ellers Piano House, 351 Washington. , Upright piano. $125; one $40; organ. $30; gui tar and mandolin. $5. Upstairs 104Va 1st st. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES A FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines at very low prices sing er, U. S.. Domestic. Wheeler & Wilson a"nd White: dropheads In oak and box tops. At Wheeler & Wilson and Domestic office. Slgel & Smith. Agents, 335 Morrison st. FOR SALE EDISON'S LATEST KINETO ccope and take-up device, with double dis solving stireoptlcon. key and Darlot lenses, with 150 feet of film and 150 slides, for $150 cash. J 5, Oregonlsn. New TYPEWRITERS, ah makes. RENTED and SOLD. Expert repairing. Office sup plies; mimeograph work; public typewriting. Coast Agency Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. Main 1407. OFFICE PARTITIONS IN SECTIONS TO suit; will fit any room; for sale cheap 1C taken at once. Call at 221 Falllnsc bldg. FOR SALE ONE DOUBLE DRUM. DOUBLE cylinder, 7x10 donkey engine, nearly new. Mutual Lumber Co., Bucoda, Wash. THOROUGHBRED HATCHING EGGS; stamp for catalogue. Oakland Poultry Yards., dept. S. box 2002. S. F. GOOD MILCH COW; FRESH THREE months; sell cheap it taken at once. Phono Scott 0S6. FOR SALE COWS 20 FINE MILCH COWb, 25 head of young- stock. G. L. Rohr, St. Johns, Or. HELP WANTED MALE. NEVADA. Laborers, drillers, tunnelmen. $2 to S3 day. FREE FARE. SHIP DAILY. Chances tor machine men, teamsters, etc C R. HANSEN & CO 26 N. Second sU ATTENTION. EMPLOYERS! Skilled and unskilled labor for most all In dustries, supplied promptly free ot charge. C. R. HANSEN & CO.'S AGENCY. 26 N. 2d. Phone Main 1528. t - . . . , WANTED THOROUGH ACCOUNTANT. WHO Is intimately acquainted with Portland busi ness, for first-class house; applications taken . in strict confidence; Investigate. Clerks Registration Bureau. 263 Morrison at. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PAINTERS AND paper-hangers: wages from $3 to 13.50 per day; 8 hours" work. Apply to J. Burnham. tecrttary Master Painters Association. 307 Alder St.. Portland. Or. SAWYER. $4. BOARD; MILLWRIGHTS. $3.50 up; planerman, $3; stlckerman, $3; band sawyer. $3; two-horse teamsters. $2.25 up river drivers. $3; mill yard workers, $2. 205 Morrison. WANTED LICENSED CAPTAIN AND EN glneer for small tugboat In Southeastern Alaska, fishing season of 1903. Inquire room 12 Labbe bldg.. cor. 2d and Washington sts., city. WANTED SOLICITORS IN OREGON AND Washington to sell Insurance; yearly, month ly or weekly plan: profit-sharing contracts. U. S. Health & Ace. Ins. Co., 2011 Marquam. 1 WANTED YOUNG MAN IN MERCANTILE oflice; one who has had experience and is capable, willing to work; can figure accurate ly and write well. Address D 12, Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; - market men. 2 drivers, 1 pantry man; also boys; 16 up. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 265 Morrison st. Men to learn the barber trade. Only 2 months required; 2 years' apprenticeship saved: posi tions secured. Catalogue free. Moler System Barber College, San Francisco. Cel. WANTED FIRST-CLASS AGENT; ONE who Iz well acquainted In the city and is a rustler; $100 per month; steady position for right man. E 12, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED SOLICITORS FOR HIGH class financial proposition: commission or salary and commission: state age and experi ence. P 11. Oregonian. BUCKERS, $275: MILL MEN. $2.25; COOKS, $40. hotel: plenty good positions; remember. Pioneer Employment, 215 Morrison. Branch office 253 Couch. SINGERS. PERFORMERS, MUSICIANS, etc., wanted Immediately: big salary. New man's Theatrical Agency, Lockwood. 351?a Morrison. WANTED WEAVERS ON BLANKETS AND robes. Steady work; good pay; new Knowlea looms. Address John P. Wilbur. Supt. Union Or. SAILORS AND ORDINARY SEAMEN WANT ed for ships bound for Europe and China. Apply at Sailors' Home. 2d and Gllian sts. 100 MEN FOR RAILROAD. CITY; GOVERN rflent work; blacksmith helpers, carpenters and farmers. Budd's. 110 1st. BOY WANTED FOR OFFICE WORK .about 16 year3 of t age. P 5, Oregonian. WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL, FOR CALLS and deliveries. 433 Washington st. 3