-THE XiOKSIKG OKEGONIAN. STHBDAY, MAY. 30, 1903. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF The OregroHlan'a TeXesfeeaea. OREGON. Counting Room Main 867 H. W. Eeott. Editor Main 811 Jasagfng Editor .... ...Maln 636 City Ittltor . M!a 106 Composing Room State. 685 Eat Bide Offlce East 1 Superintendent Building tUd 2n COLTJSIBIA. Counting Room ................ ...... Editorial Room Engine Boom AMCSEMEXT3. CORDRAT'S THKATER Thii afternoon at 2; erenlrur. 7:30, Edward Shield' 'Contin uous Vaudeville.'1 THE BAKER THEATER Erenlnr at 8:15. "FerncllftV BASEBALL TODAT. 3:30-National Park, East Eighth and Hawthorne avenue. Skylarks Seen in Their Ovd Haunts. Mention waa made a few daya ago of the skylarks having returned to one of their favorite haunts near the eastern boundary of tiie city- Their arrival was reported Tjy a resident near Judge H. llallory's place, who had been watching all the Spring for them and was rejoiced to hear their sweet notes from high in the air. The notice attracted the attention of many friends of birds, who had begun to fear that the larks had deserted their haunts in this city. As showing how diffi cult It Is to get things right it may be noted that Rev. C EL Cllne called atten tion to the notice and said he thought It must be Incorrect, as he had been watch ing for larks in the L-add. tract on Haw thorne avenue and had not seen any. The next to be heard from was E. S. L-add, who lives near the Ladd tract, who stated that skylarks had been singing there for some time, and that he and his wife had been making observations of these im ported birds for several years, and had come to the conclusion that they are not migratory, as he Is certain he has seen them about the Ladd tract all Winter long. Difference of opinion In regard to these birds and their habits doubtless aroee from the fact that they are not con spicuous when on the ground, and as they Blng only when soaring high In the air, almost out of sight, they are noticed by few except when singing and then appear only as a speck in the sky. The larks do not elng In the "Winter and so might be about the Ladd tract or other haunts without being noticed except by the few who were able to recognize them. Whether - the larks are migratory or not Is a matter of no particular Importance, but It Is very" desirable that they be protected from bad boys who by harrying their nests might drive them away from their haunts. Baseball Baseball. Baseball. Baseball Todat, 10:30 and 3:30. Two Good Games Plated Todat. FmsT Game, 10:30; Second Game, 3:30. Comb Oct and See the Nationals. National Baseball Park. East Eighth and Hawthorne Avenue. Portland vs. Tacoma. Fast Fielding. Good Bass Running. Everybody Plats Ball Today. Remember Two Games Today. First Game, 10:30; Second Game, 3:30. East Eighth and Hawthorne Avenue. Baseball. Baseball. Baseball. Rose Season Backward. The display of roses in the floral decorations today "will fall far short of what. Is usual on Memorial day owing to the backward sea son, as Winter has been lingering in the lap of Spring till both must desire to be widely separated. While there are a good many roses about town, the greater num ber of them are climbers and in the gardens of some of the most extensive rose growers but few are to be seen, and among them very few of the large and fine, hybrids which will not be In bloom for ten days or so. People who two weeks hence would furnish a wagon load of roses for decorations now will have to strip their gardens of the few blooms they have bo long and patiently waited for. Even then the few roses obtained will add but little to the display. Medcal Society Meeting. The County and City Medical Society, of Portland, held an enthusiastic meeting Wednesday evening at the PorUand Hotel and elected officers for the ensuing year. Steps were also taken for the maintenance of a med ical library. The officers chosen are as follows: President, R. L. Gillespie; vice president, R. C. Coffee; secretary. A. D. Mackenzie and treasurer, A. E. Mackay. The society has about 120 members and these hav from time to time collected a. good llb-ary. and, with this as a nucleus, a forger one will be collected. In time the society hopes to have a large working library that will be of real use to every merober. Vert low Excursion rates have been placed In effect by the Northern Pacific Railway Company. Tickets will be on sale June 4. 5. C4, 25. 26. 27. 2S, 29 and 30. and on July 15 and 16, and again on August 25 and 2 This affords an excel lent opportunity for all to visit points In the East at a very low rate. Full par ticulars will be fsrnlshed on application in person or by letter to A. D. Charlton, assistant general passenger agent. 255 Morrison street, coiner 6f Third, Port land, Or. Baseball Todxy, 3:30 P. M. Baseball Today. 3:30 P. M. Professional Grounds, Twenty-fourth and Vaughn Streets. Admission 25c Local Championship. Monograms vs. Multnomahs. A Red-Hot Game. Everybody Will Bb There. Follow the Crovd. Baseball Today, 3:30 P. M. Baseball Today, 3:30 P. m. Baseball. Sunday, May 3L At Twenty-fourth and Vaughn streets, Schiller vs. Oregon City. Game called at 3 P. M. Twenty-five per cent of proceeds are to bo devoted to Benjamin E. Thomp son, the blind lettercarrler. Tickets on sale at Schiller's Cigar Stores, Third and Morrison. Fourth and "Washington, Sixth and Washington, and B. E. Mott, First and Alder streets. Blind Letter-Carrier's Benefit, June 3. at Marquam Grand Opera-House. Tick ets on sale at the following places: Rows 6z .Martin's drug store, Sixth and Wash ington; Woodard, Clarke &z Co., Fourth and Washington; Laue-Davls Drug Com pany. Third and Yamhill, and all of the B. B. Rich cigar stores; Koehler & Gra don. First and Main streets. If You have In mind a. trip to the East this year, call on or address A. D. Charl ton, assistant general passenger agent, 255 Morrison street, corner o( Third, Port land. Or., for special excursions that will be run via the Northern Pacific to the East in June. July and August Decoration Dat Outings. Take the River Trip to Oregon City. Boat Leaves Taylor Street at S:30. 11:30 A. JL, 3. 6.15 P. M. Round Trip 25c Grand opening of Captain Scanelder's Summer Resort at Montavllla, Sunday, May 31. Free concert by Brown's. Orches tra from 2 to 6 P. M. Bring along your family. Soft Shell Crabs. A very large con signment of soft shell crabs were received at Mace's market yesterday and were sold as fast as help could count them out. Sunday trip up the Columbia to The Dalles. Round trip to Cascade Locks Regulator line steamer leaves Alder-street wharf 7 A.M. Phone Main 911. Grand Opening. Saturday evening "The Office." 2S5 Washington street. Fine lunch will be served. Jack Talbott. suc cessor to Mcll Yates. We close Saturday at 1 P. M.. Get your order In by 10 A. M. Last delivery sharp at that time. L. Mayer & Co., Its Third street. The rooms of the Portland Art Associa tion, in the Library building, will be open fre this afternoon from 2 to 4:50. To Return to Their Mike. Members of the Fort Stevens Mining Company, Includ ing E. W. Paget and three sons of C A. Reed, who have been spending the Winter In Portland, are getting ready to go. back to their mines as soon as the road Into the mountains where It is situated is clear of snow. They have spent four Winters at the mine, and last Winter decided to enjoy the pleasures of life In a civilized community for a season. Their, mine Is situated some ten miles from Resort Post office. Warm Springs. Idaho. The lode Is of great extent and contains galena as saying from $16 to JS00 per ton. as well as copper and Iron ore. They have a tunnel running lengthwise of the lode 120 feet and will extend it to 200 feet, and then crosscut to find the walls. Then they will begin to stope out ore as there will be enough overhead to furnish all the galena they want, and they will leave It to their successors to find how far toward the center of the earth the lode runs. C. A. Reed has painted two views of the camp at the mine from photos brought down by his toons. One shows the mouth of the tunnel and the great War Eagle Mountain behind the range In which It Is situated with a view of the rude clapboard house where his boys have made their home so long. The other presents another view of the house and the rushing mountain torrent of Willbw Creek, which brawls by the door. The slght'of this stream makes one deslro to flee to the mountains, for It looks like a fine trout stream and Mr. Paget says they caughttrout there when ever they wanted any, that Is, of -course, In the proper season, for In the Winter the snow was 15 feet deep around their house and thej had to climb up the chimney to see out doors. These pictures Mr. Reed will keep to look at until the boys have made their fortunes out of their mine, when they will have them framed hand somely and hung in the art galleries of their palatial residences. Progress on Seventh Street. All will be pleased to learn that the work of lay ing the binder course for the asphalt pavement on Seventh street, which was completed from Stark to Alder a few. days ago, was yesterday completed from Stark to Burnslde and that Job is now done with. The asphalt (as usual) Is to be laid as soon as possible, and will probably be started up again today if It does not rain. As 2000 square yards are laid per day it will not take long to finish the section between Burnslde and Alder to connect with the already completed section be tween Alder and Taylor. The first-class stone-block pavement from Burnslde to Gllsan Included in the Improvement of Seventh street is completed from Burn slde to Flanders. The additional block has been delayed on account of difficulty In procuring the stone blocks, 'but they are now at hand and the bfock from Flanders to Gllsan will be completed in a week or ten days, and then Seventh street from Gllsan to Taylor will be the best paved street In the city. Press Cub Election Today. The an nual election of the City Press Club will be held this afternoon in the rooms In the Marquam building. There are a large number of candidates, and the election promises to be very spirited. The club has been in existence for just one year, and the officers who will go out of office this evening have succeeded in building up a club of newspaper boys that would be hard to duplicate. The new officers will take charge this evening at the an nual meeting. The election will be held during the afternoon between the hours of 3 and 5, so that all will get a chance to drop in a ballot. First Presbyterian Church, Twelfth and Alder. At morning worship, 10:30. one of the delegates to the general assembly at Los Angeles will preach. At evening worship, 7:45, Rev. Edgar P. Hill, D. D.. the pastor, will preach upon the topic, "Worshiping God In the Yosemite." Schedule for Decoration day will be same as Sundays. Cars every 30 minutes to Oregon City and Canemah; 20 minutes to Mount Scott; and to Gresham and Bor ing leave at 7:30 A. M., 1:00 and 4 P. M. from First and Alder streets. Open All Day. Open All Day. Open All Day. Mace's Market. 151 Fourth. Dr. H "TP. Hill Returns "Today. Rev. Edgar Hill, D. D.. pastor of the First Presbyterian Church will return today from the general assembly meeting in Los Angeles. Dr. 'Hllhhas become very popular among the commissioners to the general assembly, and in bis genial man ner has persuaded a number oft them to return to their homes in the East by way of Portland and the North Pacific Coast. One or the visitors to Los Angeles will accompany Dr. Hill to this city and. wlU preach in the First Presbyterian Church Sunday morning. In the evening Dr. Hill will preach. On his way to Los Angeles ho visited the Yosemite and "bis topic Sun day evening will be, "Worshipping God in the Yosemite." Photograph Taken Before Sunrise. H. A. French, an amateur photographer of the city, has a remarkable photograph taken from the City Park before sunrise. Mount Hood is the central subject, every portion of the mountain showing up In relief against the light sky. The photo graph was made on the morning of March G, when the sun rose directly behind the peak. The city is seen covered with the morning haze, through which may bo dis cerned the tops of the Oregonlan, High School and Chamber of Commerce build ings. The time exposure was seven sec onds. The picture was made with a telephoto lens- on a 5x7 isochromatlc plate. Death Ends His Suffering. After 11 years of patient suffering, Charles Strahm. an old Mexican War veteran, died at St. Vincent's Hospital last night. During his tedious confinement at the hospital, not once In the entire 11 years has Mr. Strahm left his bed. He was a patient sufferer and was loved by every one in the hospital, who knew him as "Pappy," a name In which he took much delight in calling himself. Death was due to paraly sis. Mr. Strahm has a son In Pendleton, and a brother In Dixie, Wash., who will arrive here tonight. Fighters Help Out City Treasury. Tax Collector McEachern smiled as he placed to the credit of the city yesterday the $100 received as a license for the pugilistic exhibition made by the Myster ious and colored fighters Thursday even ing. When he had figured up how many hundred dollars the pugilists had received for their display and how much of thTe $100 he had received had been contributed by employes about the City Hall, and that citizens had been obliged to contribute the total receipts, the smile faded off his countenance. Men's Resort Entertainment. The William G. Eliot Fraternity of the First Unitarian "Church will give a free enter tainment at the Men's Resort, at 66 North Sixth street, at 8 o'clock tonight. The en tertainment will consist of music and. literary selections. A cordial invitation is extended to the public Oregon Crrr River Trips, A Cheap and Delightful Outing. Boats Leave Taylor Street Sunday, 8:30, 10, 11-30 A. M., 1, 3, 4:30. 6:15 P. M. Last Trip From Oregon City 6 P. M. Round Trip 25c Tiie O. W. P. & Ry. Co. will run Its cars to Oregon City and Canemah Park every 20 minutes. To Mount Scott every 20 minutes. To Gresham and Boring at 7:30 A. M., 1:30 and 4 P. M. AH cars leavo First and Alder streets. ' The Arcade, 330 Washington Street, Opposite Imperial Hotel, Opens This Evenino. A New Amusement Resort For Ladies, Gentlemen, Children. If You are not working, why not go to Hood River to pick strawberries? Plenty of work and good pay. Take Regulator Line steamers from Alder-street wharf, dally 7 A.M. For information 'phone Main 914. Wb have bought the book-binding busi ness of A. J. Dygert & Sqn. Room 25x70, second floor. Front and Stark, for rent. Howe. Davis & Kllham, 109-111 Second street Commencement Exercises, Gillespie School of Expression, Wednesday evening, June 10, Marquam Grand. Tickets on sale at Woodard, Clarke & Cos. " Library Hours Today. The Portland Public Library will be open Saturday Decoration day, from 2 to 6 o'clock, for reading only. Must Be Shaved Before Sbvew. The man who Is a slave to the barber habit must get his shave bjsfore upper after June 1. On that day the shops of Portland will close at 7 o'clock five daya In the week. Saturday evenings they will be open until 10 o'clock, while 8 o'clock "will be the; closing- hour on evenings preceding holidays. Peace and quiet will reign dur ing Sundays as before. The opening- hour in the morning will be 7:30. For the past week cards havo been distributed la the barber shops warning patrons 'that after June 1 they must be & little earlier or they will miss the customary shave. When the proprietors were notified of the change in the hours they made a slight protest, but as the barbers are the men who do the shaving they hold the whip hand, and the bosses had to allow the cards to be placed upon their walla G. A. R. Veterans Visit Schools. As customary with the G. A. R. on the day preceding Decoration day, yesterday was made the occasion of visits to the public schools by various delegated members. All over the city old soldiers called at the schools, which they found beautifully ornamented with flowers and plants for the occasion. They saw the pupils go through special exercises and then .they gave the young people talks calculated to Inspire enthusiasm. The school at tendance was very -large and as enthmv lastlc as American children know how to be. Trained Nurse Meetino. The first an nual meeting of the Visiting Nurse As sociation of Portland will be held in the chapel of the First Presbyterian Church, Twelfth and Alder streets, on Tuesday afternoon at 3:30. In addition to hearing the report of the work done by the asso ciation, which sends trained nurses to tlio poor iamllles of the city, the gathering will be addressed by Dr. E. P. Geary and Dr. Thomas L. Eliot. The officers of the organization specially request the pres ence of all those Interested In this branch of Portland's charitable work. Special excursion rates havo been named by the Northern Pacific Railway Company to points East. For detailed in formation call on or address A. D. Charl ton, assistant general passenger agent, 235 Morrison street, corner of Third. WHERE TO DINE. Owing to largely increased business, we nave Just added some more private dining apartments, some of which are large and very suitable for parties. Portland Res taurant, 305 Washington, bet 5th and 6th. Imperial Hotel restaurant, 2d floor; six-course dinner EQc; first-class service, a la carte, 6:30 A. M. to S P. M. DECORATION DAY AT VAN COUVER. Steamer Undine will make trips between Portland and Vancouver as follows: Leave Vancouver S A. M., 12:45 P. M., 5 P. M. Leave Portland 10 A. M.. 2 P. M., 6:30 P. m! Fare, round trip, 25c Dock, foot Taylor street. EXCURSION' RATES EAST. Via Great Northern Railway. Chicago and return J7L50 St Louis and return 67.50 Peoria and return 69.25 St. Paul and return 60.00 Minneapolis and return 60.00 Duluth.and return 60.00 Dates of sale June 4 and 5 and 24 to 30. July 15 and 16 and August 25 and 26. Tick ets good for 90 days. For full Information call on or address H. DICKSON. City Ticket Agent. 122 Third st.. Portland. Or. Imperial HalrRegensratw The Standard Hair Coloring Uk Gray or Blenched Hilr. is s clean. aorsoio ana penecur ditbsjms nut t LAS' fteale el hair catered sMsres. SesafetT&BBfelev tree. ,Wtct UtmiAtCEUCALMFa.C0.1UW.2MS(..KYe(ia CLOSED TODAY In memory of the brave soldiers who fought for the Union and the glorious Stars and Stripes. IN ANOTHER VEIN We may be pardoned for making the announcement of the great sale of THOMSON'S GLOVE-FITTING CORSETS that will com mence Monday morning and continue all week. All the new shapes at maker's cost with freight added. This is the corset that makes the . American women famous at home and abroad. Remember, Monday morning. Five experts to serve and fit you in the store or'at your home. Monday and all week for THOMSON'S CORSETS. IVIcAI.en & McDonnell POPULAR DRY GOODS HOUSE The Store Noted for Good Goods at Lowest Prices Bazar Patterns Only 10c corner Third and morrison Lnab THOMSON'S BP VifjL" in many styles for many figures at MjjtA WB B prices from $i to $25 but all alike in ktA t! I TvfrKTg Egl 40 the one vital particular, they are all 71KTK S f tjvDg -ir L i GLOVE-FITTING" and gowns fit like SErxH IeM I aB B slove when wom over tbemj scTns wtTwT lyNn s B Si 7 "GLOVE-FITTING" CORSETS still MlJ I 9 Bl y J u rresent aciae f styic and pcrfeft I B llr jk GEO.CBATCHELLER&CO. gfe J B "By theworkwe know the workman" De La.Fontak Tkeold Frcscii fibo&t's zek orka applies wkk peauar force to the prcxkctSoM of tkc GORHAM Co. Silversmiths One has only to glance at them to know that the workmen respon sible for their graceful lines and refined or namentation must be something more than mere human machines. The spirit of the old ardstrartsmeninfbrms everything that is pro duced in the Gorham workshops, and yet the cost is in every case ex ceedingly moderate. 1 i I 1 STEHUNO. Gorham S baaaBH Silverware S -me ham k EYBtm Esterbrook m a pea b runatee Jeff erstfaj is a large, not a. stub. Over 150 other Mylesj erery pur stationers Accept no aa afesslite Its' excelkace No.- 174.3 blurit pen; Try it. varieties of to suit 'pose. All have them. substitute. The Estekskook Sim ?m Co. IN HONOR OF THE G A R Largest Clotklers la t&e Xertavreit. Seatb-rrest Corner Foarlh aBd aCorriaea Streets. DECORATION DAY We close at 1 P. M. today. txAe 9ewest features IN SUiVlMER STYLES 97fens business Outinff and 2acaion Suits $0to$3S C90I, warm -weather styles are to he seen In great quantities In this store, owing to extensive early preparations homespuns, Cheviots, casslmeres, English worsted and flannels In all the smartest of the new Summer Ideas. Business Suits, $10 to $35 Outing Suits, $10 to $18 Outing Trousers, $3.50 to $5 Straw and Panama hats, shirts, under wear, etc., are now at their best. GOOD TEETH ! GOOD CHEER! Bad Teeth means bad digestion, blues and an unsightly appearance. It will cost you nothing to have your teeth examined and you can have the work done to suit your own convenience. Our prices will be found very moderate and no matter what you pay us, the work will be performed with the greatest skill and without causing you the slightest pain. WE GUARANTEE PAINLESS DENTISTRY. Full Set of Teeth, with rubber plates, as low as $4.09 Gold Crowns as low as , $4.08 DR. B. E. WRIGHT'S Sffic'e 42 Washington, Cor. Seventh Fees Reasonable. ConsHltatioa Free. Offlc hours: 8 A. it. to 5 P. U-: evenings, 7:30 to 8:30. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 12 IL Telephone Main 2119. DR. B. E. 'WRIGHT. Graduate Iowa." Stats Unlr. Baltes & Co PRI NTE RS SECOND AND OAK STREETS PHONE MAIN 165 INQUIRIES WiI,Ii RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. Our store will close at noon today. WALTER REED S The Optician S 133 Sixth St. Oregonlan BIdg. Gang Saw For Sale One .Wlck3 Bros., 10x36-Inch fans tuvr. complete tvlth saws, In first-class condition. For price and particulars addre;a PACIFIC LUMBER CO.. 306 Hlalto Bid;., San Francisco. FRED PREHIN DENTIST SUU doing business at my old offlce, 4th door Dekum build ing. Entrance on "Washington street. DR. W. A. WISE. PAINLESS EXTRACTING TVe do Crowa and Bridge "Work without pain. Our IC-years' experience In plate work; enables us to fit tout mouth comtcrt ably Wo have feellns; as irell as yrr Dr. W. A. Wise, manager, has found & ate' war to extract teeth absolutely with. out pain. Dr. T. P. Wise Is an expert at Gold Fllllcr and Crown and Bridge Work. Extracting- Iree -when plates or bridges are ordered. DR. T. P. WIS 3. WISE BROS., DentistS " 8 BBllBIHS.C8r.MaHdWM5.Sli. Open evenings till 0. Sundays from 0 to 12. Or. Main 2029. Never was a time when so much attractive elegance went into Cluett-Peabody neglige shirts as now. Ask your dealer. Cluett Shirts, $1.50 up Monarch Shirts, 1.00 up Cluett, Peabody & Co. rr P r RPMVN ETB and bar diseases. Ur.fc. t. DlU Vi fl narauam big., rooms 628-T. VULCAN COAL CO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers la ROCK SPRING AND RENTON COALS, CHARCOAL. FOUNDRY AND SMELTER COKE, BLACKSMITH AND STEAM COAL. Yard. R. R. track Front and Gllsan. Phone -Main 2776. I COAL DIAMOND, Per Ton. . .......... .SS.Od 1SSAQUAH, Per Ton.." 6. SO Slain. 1423. KXNG COAL CO. SCHWAB BROS. PRINTING CO. BESJ WORK, REASONABLE PRICES 247 Stark Street Phone Main 178 Radway's Ready Relief Is ja. care for every pain, toothache, headache, neuralgia, rheumatism. THE ARCADE 330 WASHINGTON STREET Opposite IMPERIAL HOTEL OPENS THIS EVENING A NEW AMUSEMENT RESORT FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN ANLV CHILDREN 1