THE MOBNING OBEG'QNIAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL .8,. 1903. IB FAILURES IN TRADE Commercial Losses During First Quarter of 1 903 COMPARED WITH LAST YEAR howlnK JSade -by the, Paclfle. Coast States Xtw Terms of Sncar Billing- Drop in Tur pentine. Strictly commercial failures, exclusive of banking defaults and railway insolvencies, during the first quarter ot the cm lent jur wfj, according to reports from the branch offices of R. O. Dun A- Co, to Dun's Review. 3200 In number and 154. 1 44. 433 In amount ot llablUlles, ' compared with 3118 la the corre epondlng' month ot 1601 -when the defaulted Indebtedness was t33.WX.TM. While there ap pears a decrease of about 8 per cent In total number of Insolvencies, the liabilities Involved snow an Increase ot almoit S per cent. Manu f lxturlng failures numbered 635. against 748 a year sa-o, and Involved lJ,ee2,718. compared with 14.77S04 defaulted liabilities lsst year; trading tallores were 2338. against S3C2 la 1802. while flSC&MS liabilities compare with. 115. These two chief commercial- classes make a. much better exhibit than lsst year's figures: but in the leas important third divi sion, embracing brokers, transporters, eta. liabilities were 14.781170. against 13.4Z8.S27 a year ago. a considerably' heavier percentage ot Increase than appears elsewhere, although In number there .was a -decrease of 4 to 168. In banking and other fiduciary failures there appears a striking 'Improvement, liabilities ag gregating but Se.lCS.4C2. against tlS.SES.683 a year ago, while the number decreased from SS to 22. Tbe cumber ot failures and amount of lia bilities during tbe first quarter this year and last In dISerent sections ot the coon try are compared below: , Number. Liabilities. 1803. 1B0Z. New Eng.. 418 611 Middle ..i. 8C9 647 Boulh ..... 727 748 Southweit . 339 648 Cent. West. 670 693 Uorthweet . 360 303 Pacific . 102 268 V. S. ...3200 3418 Banking ... 22' 28 Canada ... 2SS 383 1D0, 1902. 38.442.S29 12.340.960 3.eSS.28 2.272.181 0. 303.740 1.648,190 S&6.145 fS. 894.241 0.314.703 4.083,781 -2,334,384 6.843,634 1,672 L789.S19 334,344,433 333,731.768 34,683,402 315,688.663 1.764.173 3.438,993 Tbe number of failures In the Pacific Stales during the first Quarter, this year and last, and liabilities both years, are compared be low: Number. Liabilities. 1603. 1002, 1903. 1802. Utah 13 22 3117.761 33&S.6S3 Idaho 11 22 IS. POO 102,100 Arlsona ......... 2 ... 40,714 -Weahlnaton 39 66 173.878 601.689 Oregon 28 37 101.437 134.138 California ,....ioo is 42,133 Alaska 1 3 200 68.000 Total ..102 68 3SSS.145 31.799,919 BILLING OF SUGAR. . Terms Effective Today In the Local Grocery Trade. The wholessle grocers have sent the follow, ing circular to the local trade: Portland, Or., April 6. To tbe Trade: The following terms will be effective April 8, 1908, in uniformity with other Jobbing centers on. this Coast: All sugars will be billed at Me above tbe prevailing net cash basis. Terms Cash, less !4c per pound it remit tance reaches our respective offices within 15 days from data of invoice; It later than 15 dara, but within SO days,'s deduction ot Ho per pound will be-allowed. No discount will be alloaed after 80 days. On all shipments from store and warehouse In city and country (except carloads) cartage will be charged at the rate ot 60s per ton. with a minimum charge of 25c Positively no deviation from above terms. Tours truly. ALLEN & LEWIS, LANG & CO.. MASON. EHRMAN & CO., WADKAMS & CO, WAD HAMS A KERR BROS. Decline in Turpentine. Turpentine yesterday declined 8c a gallon, this is the heaviest drop la this article for come time. The entire turpentine list Is af fected. WEEKLY CROP nEPORT. Fall 'Wheat and Forsge Plants Slake Fairly Good Growth. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AG RICULTURE. Weather Bureau. Portland. Or.. April 7. The past week has been cool and abowery. with some high winds and frequent light frosts. The toll Is In excellent condi tion for plowing and seeding, and this work, aa a rule, has progressed satisfactorily. Fall wheat and forage plants In all parte of the state have made fairly good growth, and pas turage Is much Improved. Stock Is thinner In flesh than usual at this season ot the year, and. on account ot the weak condition ot the ewes, tbe loss ot lambs has been heavy. An gora goat shearing in the western section of the state Is nearly completed, and the clip is an average one. Hopyards have been cleaned and cultivated, and the bops have started to grow. Early gardens haro been planted, except In the high level sections ot the state. Fruit trees came through the Winter in excellent shape; fruit buds have been held back by the cool weather, and only a small propor tion of the earliest varieties are cow In bloom. COAST DISTRICT. Wamnton, Clatsop County. R. A. Abbott- Week showery, with sunshine; nights cold- Grass is growing fast, but not ready to turn etock on. Oats about all sown; early potatoes planted. Some early gardens np and growing nicely. No fruit in bloom. Tidewater. IJnroln County, James Monroe Cloudy, with showers. Night togs, prevent frost. Grass growing. Fruit prospects good. Empire City. Coos County. W. T. C Spencer Weather good. Warm showers, with light southeast wind. No frosts; prospects for crops of all kinds good. Wedderbum, Curry County, William R. Mil lerWeather very favorable. Grass growing flnelr. and some early gardens being planted. Minerva. Lane County. U. C Akerley Weath er showery; oats coming up, also eariy gar dens. Fine STOwlng weather during tbe week. Spruce. Tillamook County. H. C, Gassner All vegetation somewhat backward on account of prevailing north winds and snow In the mountains. Oats up and show good growth. No grass as yet: need warm rain. WILLAMETT23 VALLET. Mlit. Columbia County. J. W. Jooes-Cloody and cooL with some rain; farm work pro gressing finely: greater part ot crops In; stock dolar welL Terry. Multnomah County, William Sales Crops are good; 8pring grain growing well, Csld ruin during the last two days will prob ably injure early fruit. SUley. Washington County. William R. Ste phens Seeding progressing" favorably. Crops in good condition: some light frosts, but not heavy enough to do any damage. Fruit is belsg held back by cool weather. New Era, Clackamas County. O. H. Brown Grain Is looklnr" well tor this time of year. The cold weather during the past few days sept crops and fruit back. Some peaches and other early fruits In blossom. Falrcale. TaahlU Countv. 'N. G. Falrehlli Weather very changeable, sunshine, rain, frost and some snow. But little fanning and gar- oenirg cone. Orass is growing nicely. Jefferson. Marlon County, E. 8. Longaere oprlag backward; recent showers caused grass and grala to start. The ground Is in good condition tor plowing; and fanners are rush- ing their work. Salem. R. T. D. No. L Polk Cntmtr. P. F. Clark Warm showers, favorable tor Fall -sown crops, grass and fruit buds. Goat shearing auaost aoae. Eceep are picking up and cattle begin to look better; prospects tor all kinds obi good; spring seedier almost done; orchard " 11 "tt and spraying; In progreaa. Brownsville, Linn County. Peter Hume Week, generally favorable for seeding: nights too cold, however, for growing. Some rain, but not ex reserve. BUehly Lane County. L. W. S. Poet "Wet and cold: heavy frosts at night. Some snow Saturday morning; buda swelling, no bl es soins yet; cot much gardening on account ot wet weather: grass very slow In slarting. S0UTHERN OREGON. Drain. Douglas County. Charles Remington Nights continue cool: showers have started the grass to a rapid growth: crops In general never looked better In this section. Eagle Point. Jackson County. A. J. Florey Spring very backward. 'Wheat and oats look well; rather cool for grass: fruit prospect Is good. Gsllce, Josephine County. J. E. Lootnls Rata fore part of week, following warm weath er, started grass and benefited gardens; frosts on higher grounds Wednesday and Thursday trr, and colder weather retard fruit. Peaches begin to bloom. COLUMBIA. RIVER VALLET. The Dalles. Wasco County, O. D. Taylor. Jr. Week coot and stormy; light frost Thursday: no damage; some seeding done. Kent. Sherman County, Otto Peets Fore part ot week warm, latter part cold and cloudy; some snow on 3d. Grass Is fine; lambing, well along: grain doing fairly well. Blalock, GUlIam County. W. J. Mariner Fall wheat continues to grow In good shape after re"rr through the Winter unhurt. Weather has been favorable for plowing and Spring seeding. Lexington, Morrow County, Edwin R. Beach Weather variable. Vegetation has developed slowly. Fruit buds are beginning to open. Echo, Umatilla County. John Dorn Fall- sown gram doing welL No perceptible dam age by Winter freezes. Spring seeding well advanced; pastures backward: fruit prospects excellent; alfalfa beginning to grow rapidly: gardening well advanced. Crop ot lambs will apparently be an average one, or better; they are la good condition. PLATEAU REGION. Cove. Union County. Jasper G. Stevens- Plowing and seeding going on rapidly; nights cold; grass growing slowly. Fall-eown grain looking' well, apparently not Injured during the Winter. Miles. Baker County. P. H. Miles Cold' winds and freextng nights, bad on vegetation. Noth ing growing; prospects for fruit favorable. Owyhee, Malheur County, J. IT, Harris-Weather- favorable. Farmers plowing and sowing grain crops. We tesr much alfalfa has been Winter-killed. Gardening Is pro gressing rapidly; fruit prospects are fine. Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Francis J. Bowne Weather Springlike. Spring rye seed ing well advanced on dry ranches, and plowing uned on irrigated ranches. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grala. Floor, Feed, Etc Aa yesterday was a holiday In England and the .Chicago Board of Trade was closed on ac count of the election In that city, the local wheat market showed even lees life than it has recently. Prices are almost wholly nominal. WHEAT Walla Walls, 70c: bluestcm, 76c; Valley. 75c BAltLET-Feed. 321(722 per ton; brewing. 323: rolled. 323. OATij No. 1 white, 1L13CL20; gray. 3L13U 01.13 per cental. M1LLSTUFF3 Bran, 319 per ton; middlings, 324; shorts, 320? chop. 318. HAV Timothy. 313313.50; clover. 310811; grain, 11 It 12 per ton. FLOUR Valley, 33.6003.70 per barrel: hard wheat straights, 33.500165; bard wheat pat ents. 15. HX 4.23: Dakota bard wheat. 14.100 4.25; Graham. 13.43(13.83. Batter, Cera, Poultry, Etc Eggs moved quite well yesterday, and are expected to no as good today. Quotations are unchanged. A limited Quantity of poultry came In, and was taken up at steady figures. BUTTER Fancy creamery. 27H8300 per pound; dairy, 2O022Hc; store. 16318s. T POULTRY Chickens, mixed. 12ig 13a per poond; young, 18814c; hens. 12313c; turkeys, live. 16817c; dressed. 20ft22o; ducks, 3187.64 per dozen; geese, 3988. CHEESE Full cream twins, 16Hc; Young America. 17Uc; factory prices. 181Hc less; Cal. Ifomla, 16c EGCS-Qregon ranch. 16317H& Vegetables, Fruits, Etc There were no carlot receipts of fruits or vegetables. Local trade was fair, and the shipping movement was good. No changes In California truck are expected for a few days. VEGETABLES TurnlDs. SOflSOo cer sack: carrots. SOtrSOc: beets, 51 per sack; parsnips. 51 per sack; caullnower. 32 per crate: cab bage, s per pouna; rea caDbsge. sc per pouna: celery, 53.75 per crate; lettuce head. 30c per dozen; hothouse. 31.75 per box: green onions, per dozen, 12Sc; squash. 2c per pound; peas, Kr pound. 7Hc: parsley, per dozen, 26c; rad aes, 25c; green artichokes. 40876c per dozen; asparagus. no per pouna; rnuDaru, tc per pound; cucumbers, 2 per dozen; tomatoes, 33.60 per crate. DOMESTIC FRUIT Apples, table. 5I.WOZ per box: cooking. 75c631; cranberries, Jersey, iKuntL ftiviibenons, az.dtr- per box: oranges, navels. 3283 per box; tangerines. 3L73H2: crape fruit. 32.50 ner box: bananaa. 32.S3&3 per bunch: c-lneaDDlea. 3588. vmau KtiiT Apples, evaporateo, ?ko per pound: sun-dried, sacks cr boxes, 688c: apri cots. 8810c; peaches. 7H89c: peers. 7tt8Stta: prunes. Italian, ettvoc: cgs. California Diacas, Ac: do white, 7ttc; Smyrna, 20c; plums, pitted, 4Se5Hc POTATOES Best Burbsnka. 60e per sack; ordinary. 25840c: growers prices, new pota toes, str-ttc: aicrceo sweets, zbsmc RAISINS Loose Muscatel. 4 -crown. 7Kd: 3. crown. 7c: 2-crown. GVc; unbleached, seedless Muscatel raisins. 7Vic; unbleached seedless Sul tans. 64c: Londoa layers. 3-crown. whole boxes or zu pounce. xi.b&; z-crown. l. , a. HONET 16o per No. 1 frame. ONIONS-Oregon and Washington, 40850a per cenisk Hops, TVool, Hides, Etc The Boston mohair market has declined, and prices here are Quoted 3 cents lower. Tbe bop market Is dull and neglected. A fine lot of fsncy hops was offering yesterdsy. and the best bid the grower could get from the local trade was 20Hc For the same lot early In tbe season, the owner was offered 27c, but held for 30c HOPS 1902 cron. 20322e oer cound. HIDES Dry hides. No. J, 16 pounds and up. 15816HC ptr pound; dry kip. No. L 8 to 13 pounds, lie; dry -calf. No. 1. untie r 6 pounds. 10c: dry salted bulls and stags, one-third less than dry filnt: salted hides, steers, sound. 60 Dounds and over. 8fJ9c: 60 to 60 DOnnds. 7C8c under 60 pounds and cows. 7c; stags and bulls, sound, 5gx6Hc: kip. sound. 13 to 20 pounds. 7e: veal, sound. 10 to 14 pounds. 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds. -8c: green, (ussalted). lo- per pound less; cutis, le per pound less: horse hides, salted, each. 11.6032: dry. each. 518 1.60: colts' tides each. 23850c: goat skins, common, each. 10816c; Angora, with wool on, each. 26cCll. TALLOW Prime, per pound. 485c; No. 3 and grease. 24tT3c WOOL Valley. 12U81Sc: Eastern Oreroa. .614tc; ZBonair, cgac Groceries, Knts, Etc. COFFEE Mocha. 23828c: Java, fancy. S60 32c; Java. good. 20824c; Java, ordinary, 169 30c: Costa Rica, fancy. 16820c; Costa Rica, good. 16818c; Costa Rica, ordinary, 10812c per pound; Columbia roast, 510.75; Arbuckls's. 31L26 list: Lion. 111.72, SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis. 31.66 per dozen: 2-pound talis. 32.40: fancy i - - -. - . . . . , i . . . . , i(nnaa i,e.u. n(wuuu ... , . Alaska pink. 1-pound tails. 63c: red, 1 -pound tails. 31.20; sockeye. 1-pound talis, 41. UJ; j. pound fiats. 51-60. BEANS Small white. 44e: Urge white. 4c: pinks, SSc; bayon. 3ic; Lima, 5c per pound. RICE Imperial Japan. Km 1. 35.6ZH: Ka z, 16.1SH: Carolina head. 37.23: broken head. 54. SUGAR Sack basis, net cash, per 103 pounds: cube. 35.47H: powdered. 35.32tt: dry granulated. 33.124; extra a 34.62H: golden C. 34.62ie. Advances over sack basis aa follows: Barrels. 10c; halt-barrels. 25c: boxes. SOe per 100 pounds. Maple. 15326c per pound. Beet surer, cranulated. 35.02U ner 100 pounds. NUTS Peanuts. 6ac per pound for raw, SO 8Hc tor roasted; cocoanuts. 85S90o per dozen: walnuts, 13H614HC per pound; pine nuts, lot! 12c; hickory nuts, 7c; Brazil nuts. 16c; fil berts, 15816c; fancy pecans, l'e; almonds, 140 uc: chestnuts, loc SALT Liverpool. 66s, 45e per sack: halt ground, per ton. 30a. 514.50: 100a. 514: Worces ter salt, ouia, sus, so per carrel : linen sacas. 60s. 66o per sack: bales, 2s. Ss. 4s, 6s and 10a, 33.10 per bale. OILS Coal OIL eases. 23c per gallon: Iron barrels, ltn-c: wood barrels, ic; Unseed, boiled. cases, ovc; oarreis. oec; unseec raw, cases 67r: barrels. 62c: gasoline, iron barrels. 19Ue cases. 20c: turpentine, cases. 60c: wood barrels. 76ie: bulk. 74c; 10-cx lots. 7c Collier and Atlantic white and red lead, in lots ot 600 pounds or more, 6c; less than 600 pounds, 6ttC Heats and rrovlsioaa. BEEF-Grosa, cows. 332SC4; steers, 542683; Ciesseo. cu ic per pouoo. VEAL 3tT9o per pound. BACON Portland. 15819c per pound. MUTTON Gross. 3585.60; dressed. 6H89C HOGS Gross. 57O7.S0: dressed. 88S'c HAMS Portland. 14H815V,e per pound: pic pie. line per pouna. LARD Kettle rendered: Tierces. 13e; tubs. Hue; 30a. 134C: 90s. 13Hc: Ita. lSVc: 5s. 13Vc Standard pure: Tierces. 12t,e: tubs, 13c: 60s, 13c: 20S, iihc: jus. isc: oe. ijc uom mri lereL tlereea SUc: tubs, tee. SAUSAGE Portland, ham. 12 We per pound; disced baza. iutc; aummer. -cnoire cry. ihc: bologsa, loog; 6c; wleoerwuriti. Be; lirer, 7c; Yc.kalegsa sausage una, Tttc P1CXLXD OOODB Portland, pigs feet, V4 barrala, 36: '.barrels. 32.86: 13-oouad Int. L 11.23. Tripe, H-barrels. 36.50: !-barrels. 3173; l-pousvi ait. P'S ucenej, e-rjarrex, ssk DRT-SALTED MEATS-Portland clears, 12V 012Ke: backs, UK12-,e: exports. le pounds average. 12H013HC; butts, SViwlOVie. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Friers (Current at Cfelcatro, OtnaUus and Kansas City. CHICAGO. Aprtt 7. Cattle Receipts. O0O. Market steady. Good to prime steers. 14.809 6.60; poor to medium. 1X80C4-23: stockers and. feeders. 3384.13; cows. 3L6084JS: heifers. 32.503-1.73; canners, ILCOeJtSO; bulls, 33.509 45; calves, 3328.40; Texas-fed steers. 34.10 84.53. Hogs Receipts todsy, 15,000; tomorrow.. 28.. COO; left over. SOOO. Market strong to 3o higher. Mixed and butchers. 37.1647. SS: xuod to choice heavy. 37.3587.60; rough heavy. 37-18 C7.33; light, 36.8587; bulk of sales. 37.158 T.40. 'Sheep-Receipts. 12.000. Sheep and lambs steady. Good to choice wethers. 35.7387.26: fslr to choice, 34.6085.60; Western sheep. 36.60 87: Westers lambs, 35,6097.90. SOUTH OMAHA, April T.-Catae Receipts, 8000. Market steady and easier. 'Native steers, KS3-23; cows and heifers. 4L2Sg-L23: can ners. 3283; stockers and feeders, 3384.70: calves, 3386.60: bulls, stags, etc., 32.5084, Hogs Receipts, 6000. Market shade easier. Heavy. 57.2387.36: mixed. 37.2087.23; light. 37.1087.23; pigs. 383T: bulk of sales, 37-200 T-S7H. Sheep Receipts. SOOO. Market slow, 10a lower. Fed muttons. ,aS.53f wethers, 33.753 0.50; ewes, 34.5083.75; common and stockers. 32.S084.75; lambs, 3887J0. KANSAS CITY, April T.-Cuttle Receipts, 10,000. Including 1200 Texans. Market steady. Native steers. 33.6085.20; Texas and Indian steers. 33.S084JO; Texas cows. 32JS083.60; na tive cows and betters, 3284.60; stockers and feeders. 3384.70; bulls, 3283.73: calves, 32.S0O 6.73; Western steers, 32.9066.05; Western cows. 1383.95. Hogs Receipts, 12,000. Msrket opened weak, elosedsteady. Bulk ot sales. XS3f7.33: heavy, 37.3087.40; packers. 37.1087.23; me dlum. 37.1387.32H; light, 57.0687.22: ycrk ers. ;7JDS7i2H; pigs. 42587. Sheep Receipts. 6000. Market steady. Mut tons. 33.8506.60; lambs, 13.75811; range weth ers. 4J0ou,S0; ewes. 34.75Q8. Grain and Prodnee at Xertv Torlc NEW TORK. April T. Flour Receipts. 27.- 773 barrels; exports, 4S70 barrels. Market steady, but less -active. wheat Receipts. 10,723 bushels: exports, is,. 690 bushels. Spot firm; No. 2 red. T9HC ele vator, and TSSe. t. o. b. afloat. Options. In spite of extreme dullness aa a result of the Easter holidays, were firm all day pa foreign buying, firmer cables and export talk. The dote was lie net advanced. May dosed 7Sftc; July closed TSc; September, 74c. Hops Easy. Hides Quiet. Wool Firm. Butter Receipts. 8500 packages. Market firm. State dairy. 17827c; creamery, extra, 29c: June creamery, common to choice. 19823UC Eggs Receipts, 3300 psekages. Market strong. State and Pennsylvania, 15615He; Western candled. 15c. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. April 7. Wheat Quiet; barley steady: oats firm- Spot Quotations: Wheat-Shipping, 5L3581.3S;; mining. (1.45 81.65. Barley-Feed. ll.l&SLlrPi: brewing. J1.178 1.20. Oats Red. 5I.2081.30; white, 3L2581.37H: black. 31.16Q1.I0. Call board sales: Wheat-Quiet; December. 31.2m: cash. LSHl. Barley Steady: December, S7c Corn Large yellow, 31.3781-3TV,. Chanstes In Available Snpplles. NEW TORK, April ".Special telegrsphla and cable advices to Bradatreet s'Sbow the following changes In available supplies. compared with last account: Wheat. United States and Canada, east ot the Rockies,. decreased 2.187.000 bushels; aSoat for and In Europe Increased 600,000 bushels; total supply decreased 1.6S7.000 bushels. Corn. United Etstes and Canada, east ot the Rockies, decreased 601.000 bushels. Oats, united 8tates and Canada, east ot the Rockies, decreased 238.000 bushels. Enropean Grain Markets. LIVERPOOL. April 7. Wheat-Quiet; No. 1 standard California, 6s Sd. Wheat and flour In Paris steady. French country markets Quiet and steady. Weather In England partly doudy. LONDON. April 7. Wheat cargoes oa pas. sage Quiet and steady; Walla Walla, 20a, ingliea country maraets eteaay. TVheat nt Tacoma, - TACOMA. April 7. WheatUnchanged; blue- stem. .He: dub, 70c Metal Markets NEW TORK, April 7. The decline of yester day was followed by a sharp advance la to day's Londoa tin market, where a gain of XI 2s 61 was reported, with spot and futures closing at 183 15a. Tbe local market was steady, but the demand was light, and the foreign advance consequently did cot greatly affect local prices. Spot dosed at 23.258 20.75c Copper declined 2s 61 to 62 7s U for spot and 62 10s for futures in the London market. but ruled dull and nominal here. Standard is quoted at 1325c: lake and electrolytic 14.50c, and casting. 14.25c Lead advanced 2s 64 in London, where It closed at 12 12s 6d. but remained quiet and unchanged In New Tork at 4.6THC ' Spelter dosed at 62 15s; unchanged In Lon don, as It was also locally, where the quota- lions remained at 3.70c. Iron was lower abroad, dosing at 64s In Glasgow and at 49s lOHd la Mlddlesboro. Lo cally -prices were unchanged. No. 1 foundry. Northern. Is quoted at 323.50824: No. 2 foun dry. Northern, at 321.60822: No, 1 foundry. Southern, and No. 1 foundry. Southern, soft. warrants are sominai Xew York Cotton Market. NEW TORK. April 7. The rise in cotton which was begun almost five months ago was continued today, when May touched 10.40c and July D-dOc Sew high icctud for the pres. ent movement. The market opened strong and active all round, but the shorts were almost the only buyers, of May, the bull element hold. Ing off and taking only so much as wss neces sary to 'strengthen their positions. Advances extended from 1 to 7 points, but the bulk of trading was la Msy aad July. Offerings ot July cotton at 9.98c were liberal.- and sales at that figure were moderately large. By 11 o'clock May sold off to 10.33a and July 0.83c May dosed at 10.29c bid. 10.30c asked; July, B.soe ma. a.910 askea. Futures closed: April. 10-21c; June, 9.92c: August, 9.44c; September, esse; uctoDer, b-mc; november. 8.3le: De. ce ruber. 8.39c Spot dosed: Middling uplands.; uo uuitt JV.tK, o ssieSi Mining; Stocks. RAN FRANCISCO. April 7. The official dos ing quotations tor mining stocks today were as follows; Alta Andes Belcher Best A. Belcher. Bullion Caledonia ..... Challenge Con. CbolUr ,. Confidence .... Ccn. C A- V... Crown Point . .)0 08'Jistlce it 13 Mexican ......... 1 OS .. SllOccidcatal Con. .. 38 .. 1 T3 0phlr 1 60 .. wuromia ei .. 2 15' Potest 21 ,. 654 Savage 3a .. 271 Peg. Belcher 19 .. 1 ii.BUsrra Nevada . 84 .. 1 U Sllrer Hill fa 4. 2S,Unloa Can. ...... Iti Gculd & Carrie 23 Utah con. 28 Hale A Norcross. 23,Tellcw Jacket . 34 NEW TORK. April 7. Mining stocks today dosed: Adams Cm. 30 40ILIttle Chief 30 OS Alice 23,Ontario 5 n Breece 20 Opfalr 143 lirana con. ..... u;r-coenlx .. Comstock Tunnel. , Potest en Ccn. C A V..... TM.Savaga 28 uora buyer ..... l s.eierra Nevada, .. is Iron Silver ...... X 25 Small Hopes .... oo LeadvUle Con- .. s;standard 8 BOSTON. April 7. Closing Quotations: Adventure- .. Allouez ..... Amalgamated Daly West .. ,....810 OOlOseeola tKX 60 ..... 6 75! Parrot 27 OS ee i:,e-uincy lis 00 13 76'Sanla 7e Copper 2 00 zungnam 30 SOlTamaraek Its on wat. A itecis wim mountain .... S3 73 Centennial ..... 23 onjTrinltr 9 50 Copper Pnge .. 62 Til United states .. 23 37 Doza. Coal ,w..liet tO.Utah.. 27 62 iTaaklla 10 SOIVlcutta coo Isle Royals .... 11 oorwiccns 9 50 MonawK. si TOWJiTertte TO 00 parte. 10c: blood, 7c: bead cruel a. 'UBLIC NOT INTERESTED XO BTJYISa Or STOCKS OX THE OCT. SIDE, Reports of Strikes at Collieries Has Depressing Effect TOealc Under tone of the Market. NEW TORK. Arril 7. The weakness which developed In today's stock market bore witness to the' disappointment felt In .Speculative circles at the fall ore of what are considered favor able developments la the situation to awaken any algn-of Interest In speculation on the part ot the outside public Call money was not higher thaa per cent atyany time, aad fell lower thaa that on enlarged offerings by the banks. There was soma lending oa call also by stock commission houses, which have sup plied their expectedtseeds with time loans ana have motley oa their hands cow, owing to the practical stssrnatlon ot tbe commission busi ness in stacks at present. Tbe Immediate money situation ceases to be a factor m tne stock market. Great hopes have been enter tained that tha advent ot this condition would aroose some speculative: Interest in securities and would afford opportunities to begin to move the undigested mass , with which the market is -weighted down. Not, tnucn prospect was offered by today's events of any effective assimilation of the congestion ot securities in which Is involved the embarrassing tie-up of credits which threatens the future facilities, ot the money market. Tbe Indefinite poetpoaeznent ot the Southern Padfle annual meeting was viewed In a re encouraged spirit this morning, owing to Its assurance ot the Indefinite prolongation pf the present control ot that .property, but renewed uneasiness was felt over the, position or the speculative pool In Southern Pacific stock. The extension of the pool carries, it only to' April 10, and the suggestive weakness of the stock market today had a -wiakenlrar syzapathetlo effect. There was heavy selling at other points in the list, attributed to the same source. This development put aa end quickly to aa upward movement during the first hour, led by New York Central, which seemed designed as a bull, demonstration, with the purpose of at tracting the expected outside Interest, When this demonstration was seen to fall ot Its ef fects, speculative Interest became stagnant, n Trots of strikes at some of the collieries In tbe anthracite region, owing to disputed interpretation of the Strike commissions award, had a depressing effect bn the coalers. The sharp declines in the United' Stales Steel securities, coming at the same Urns' with a meeting of the finance committee ot the cor- peratlon. had a deddedly unfavorable effect. Both stocks fell over a point, and the new S per cent bonda sold on the curb at 84U. The feature of the day was the wide declines among dormant stocks, made necessary be fore a sale could be effected. Lackawanna waa sold down B points after a preliminary rise ot a point. Lake Erie A Western pre ferred and Cleveland. Lorain ft Wheeling pre f erred each dropped 5 points oa a single sale; Weitlng no use Electric. 4; Virginia Chemical preferred. 3K. aad New Tork Dock pre ferred. 2tt. The expected ludldsl decision in the Northern Securities case comes in for con siderable dlscussloa In connection with the points left uncovered by the decision la the Southern Padfle Injunction case, and the pos sibilities lying la the Northern Securities de. clsloa were believed to have a good deal to do with the weak undertone ot tbe market. Bonds were Irregular. Total sales, par value. 11,750.000. United States 3s, coupon., ad vanced H per cent, and the 3s. registered, H per cent oa the last call. Jiew fork Stock Starker, 8TOCSS. Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohl do pfd Csnadlan Paelfis Canada southern ...... czteaapeaae A Ohio... Chicago A Alton do pfd Chi. A Great Western.. L6O0 20r 200 A Pfd B DM Chicago A Northwestern L500 600 10M ChL Terminal A Trans. do pfd c a. c a st. l... Colorado Southern .... ""600 1st pfd 2d Dfd , 100 100 900 l.coo; Delaware A Hudson.. Dela Lack A West... Denver A Rio Grande., do Dfd ............... 60M 88Vi Erie Lioo 700 600 1st ptd 2d Dfd , Great Northern pfd..... Hocking Valley 00 pto .............. Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd Lake Erie A Western. 8 do pfd 106 106 117 Louisville Nashville. J1P np"Tyf n T- .,. Metropolitan 81. Ry.... Mexican National ..... Mexican Central Minneapolis A St. L... 131 31 1S3H 183S 27$ 28$ 22 97 1S3 Missouri Pacific ....... Mo.. Kansas A Texas 10.200 107 100 7e 64H 84$ do ofd ............... 200 New Jersey Central ... New Tork Central .... Norfolk A Western.... do pfd Ontario A Western.... Pennsylvania Reading evioojiss Iisik 2S'i HSffl 1st pfd ..4 2d Ptd - e 70 St. L. A San F.. .... 77 1st pfd 2d Did St. Louis Southwestern. do pfd SL Psul ., do pfd Southern raetfie .... 38.000 ttoutsern Railway .. do cfd 7.300 100 Texas A Paelfio .... Toledo, St. L. A W. do pfd Unloa Paelfis ....... l.iort 100 do pfd ttanssn do cfd ............ Wheeling A Lake Erie. 2d Ptd Wisconsin Central do pfd Express Companies- Adams American United SUtes Wells Fargo ........... Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper ., 27,230 BOO Am. car A rouncry... da rtfl . 700) 2001 Am. Linseed Oil ao pta Am. Smelting A Retng. do rfj ...........'. 400 300 600 Anaconda Mlnlna Co... Brooklyn Rapid Transit! ILSOOl Colorado Fuel a iron.. Consolidated Gas .... Continental Toe, pfd General Electrio ..... Itoeklnr Coal 4,2001 20W 40ojll3t,' International Paper .... do pfd International Power . Laclede Gas 1 National Biscuit .... National Lead ., North America Pacific Coast Padfie Mall , People'a Oss Pressed-Steet Car ... da pfd ........ Pullman Palace Car , Republic Steel , do pfd Sugar Term. Coal A Iron... Union Bag A P. Co. do. pfd C 8. Leather do pfd U. 8. Rubber, ...... do pfd U. S. Steel , do pfd Western Union .... Am. Locomotive .... 44H 25H 4 23 33U 19U 120S' I19H - is 100 0.300 1.400! do pia ., Vm .Itv SAnfKte. do pfd Rock Island do pfd 1.3l 63 S3 63.4001 4SU 4,4001 7 43! 7S2 Total sales for the day. 444.900 shares. bonds; 108 lAtrhrson. Adj. 4s., ,108 XLAN.W. cons. Ts. 1071t;D. A R. O. 4s... ICiiULs-or. Pac 3a .... lSSHf do 4s , 138 Isc Paetfic 4 Ill lUcloc Pac 4s .., Ill West Shore 4s ... 103H.WU. Central 4t ., 10SH1 U. 6. ret. 2a rer- 00 coupon ...... U. R 3s, reg.... do coupon ...... U. S. new 4s. reg, do coufn ...... U. 8. old 4s. reg, do coupon ...... V. 6. 5s. reer- do coupon SOU 131U ssu io?H Stocks In London, LONDON, Airrtl'T-Cloalng Quotations: Coals, for tany.M 8-16X. T. Central ...lasy do for sect ... MSjyorleesr Tf. Atcaleoa ..i.".K flower?? TvC .ill 73 .... SOU .... 43 .... 38 do rfd sev;: rennsyi vacua it. A o. 9413 Canadlrn Pact2c.l221, C. O. 464 Keafllnjr ..... Isc pfa ..... 2d rfd u. n. ........ ze a. M. fc St. P 17 So. Railway . fl TOO1 U- A O,. STU do ptd ......... St) 1 Sc PacU.e Union Padfle do ptd .... V. S. Steel . do pfd .... Erie ............. 3&ai 1st ptd ... ... eiti! PIO o!I TIL ue! entral .. .140 IWabash Louis. A Nub 12Wjt -da pfd .... Mol. K. & T..... 23V Xoney, Ezcaange, Etc. NEW TORK, April T. Money" oa call firmer at 4VSC3 per cent, closing 6Q6 per cent. Time money nominal: 60 days. 6854 per cent: SO days. 585H per cent; six months. Stt per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 5H86 per cent. Stirling: exchange weak, with actual" busi ness In bankers' bill at 54.868084.6663 tor de mand and at-34.S36584.8375 for CO days. Post ed rates. ftSVi and fL87H84-S8. Commer cial bills. ft-S24.8J. Bar silver, 4SHc Mexican dollars. SSVic Oovemment bonds firmer; railroad bonds Ir regular. LONDON. April T.-Bar stiver nrtjC 22 11-14 per ounce. Money, STii per cent. The rate ot discount la the ooen market for short bills Is 3U per cent: The rate ot dis count for three months' bills Is 3i per cent. SAN FRANCISCO. Anril 7. Silver bars. 49c Mexican dollars. 39c Drafts Sight. 12t,c: telegraph. 18c 8teriltur on London. 60 davs. 14.&1V? da slrbt. '54.87K. Dally Treasnry. Statement. WASHINStON. April 7. Today's statement ot ths Treasury shows: Available cash balances. J227.640.31J Gold .. 'Bank. Clearlnzrw, a"ia t-tr r-m TTaia nMt Portland .-.;...,. ...llfto.Cwl 34S.C24 Seattle l......... 6rS),g27 72.870 Tacoeisa : . -v?i.toi 1- 11 Bpokaao... ,, 379.173 -. 65.S62 Ilovrard'a .Second Trial. Begins. FRANKFORT. Kr.. A Mil T. The de. fense In the Howard murder case today withdrew lu application for tv chanae ot venue, and the carft was called tor trial. Tbe commonwealth, answered ready, and tne aeicnse was -siren until tomorrow to Tnalto1 answer ton Its side. Howard was'convletcd of tbe murder of uovarnor .uoerei ana sentenced to nans. Ha was. on appeal, granted a new trial, wnicn is now pcnairiK. - , Stratton Compromieo Approved. rYlTiRAno RPnrvnq rv,in ar,wi t u V, . , . .. ,. Tt, r-n Tama. A nf V. tm.v... a.. today signed an order autliortxlnc tbe ad- mineuatiors ot tne ivmneia a. stratton 5350.000 cash, in consideration ot tbe with. Hlo legacy under the will was 100.000. AT THE HOTELS. THE. PERKINS. Mrs H C Bateham, Hoed II reer Henry B la cam an, Heprner E C Klrkpatrlck. DU Mrs Klrkpatrick, do B F Laushllrf. it,, n frank Fraxler. Pndltn jjrs j- Keea. Latrl c A Somroer. Liber tr. Ia irs w reep. iiu- fals, Wssh J L Robertson do Jas Wrlxht, N Tkmi E B Jameson. Men mouin. isr L J Mlkato. Napa. vine. Wash D H Welch. Ast Mrs Welrti. An a U tAirry, Baker City J M French, Ellswortn Mrs French, do F U Eaatv. San Jon Geo M Sterling. Repub lic Wash Mrs John Wilson. Cnpls Miss Nancy Welch, do . uoicmsD, s 2T Otis Mccarty. Echo B Glover, do A Mercsse. Forest G .urs a l. jonnsoa. ao x-cier wooz. lucKreau ev ri epringer. ao F. L Well, hpokano Cecil Ford. Boise Maud EllWt, do J W Booth. Wasco tr v ,,!-, t- si xiosa. s tr H Smith, s V Fred Faulkner. Chcgo n zsacn, Jtenoml nee. Mich T F Parker, Newcas u 1 wniteside, Boston M F Hill. Goidendale tle, wai J Berkshire, Olympta J B 8tetsoru Boise J A Richardson, do z, r, tm, me Danes W H OdelL Salem Mrs F E Blair. Eunj "eo u zarie, a O W Herd. Florence David Brawn. Span J J Bottger. Vaocvr Mrs Root Allen. Kelso Jss Forrcstell, Bzxnaa Mrs Forrestell, do A 8 .Quant, Pendleton cucinee. seattls- zzenry zizrger. RCches- DsrJel Lesley. Indian-1 ie - D D Smith, do J B Hall Clatskanle aooiis. inn J F Reynolds. Seattle W W Corer. Ogden H W Bonne. Bpkn B D Mlnkler. Lyman. Wssh W D Mlnkler. do J M it c Lane. Oksdl W C Marshall, Vncvr lA S Allen, Forest Grov airs w w Hoimsn, Al bsnr H D Schmettser. Hllsbr Jasae Lucas, Rickrealt A L Parkhursr, Rldge- acia. vvasa Mrs Parkhurst. do E J Chess. S F G L LIndsley. Ridge- field. Wash O M Frost. Mora. Or T Johnson. Astoria W Lewis, do ti u M U Gartner.. MeMnv J Tt Upson, 8t P ! W H Wearing. Hllsbr r Kunning. zsprtncceia. aiass Mrs. Runnier, do Miss Running, do THE IMPERIAL. L G Rorse. Sumpler H D Taft. S F E W Bartlett, La O J M Patterson. The D W Freeman. Seattle C J Wood. Tcma C Rlche. do E C Alvord. Seattle iG Chandler, Baker C O C Burkhart. Albnj T J Beufert, The D J D Miller. Tcma F W McGrath. St P I a v, uner, or u lira Wiener, do II McDugaU. Tcma s. A Seagrave. Seattle I J Gueslea. do H G van uusen. Astr H C Harrison, do Mrs Harrison, do E II Hutchinson, Snkn K T Bates. TUIamk G J Farley. Tbe D a w everance, do A R Shreve. CathlamtjB L Eddy, do B A Seaborx. Seattle A O Shaw. Gates. Or 7 W Eeaborr, llwacol 1 K Buchanan.1 Pndltn r uarae, ztpan Mrs Clarke: do tV -H Fry. Frisco u tsanzer, una itpaa IA B Glllla, Salem Urs QIIIIs. do W B Markley. do U it xsny. ao tnna L Hesser, Chgo a Li zirown, aaiem THE ST. CHARLES. Chss Hitch cox R J Moses D A Hart. Greahara Mrs D A Hart, do N H McKay, Scppoose II West, do J Hooper, Am boy, Wn H N Price, Van err. 21 uavis. xne zmies F A Kinney, dty C F Gesner. do Leon Jaspers R CuTbertsoa E J Tsylor. Arthur Robt Oarr. Collins W Bagley. Iiilisboro A C Rice, The D H Randy B Cllne, Underwood A Monlcal. dty A J Hevlln A Richards A A Llnderud. Lonr Prairie. Minn A Eversoa. do J W Atkinson. Nwbg W H French, Stella -A A Union ;G O Vernon. Eeattle u A lletoalf. Coble 8 Desart, Montague. Cal O J Fredrlch. Albam p W Harford, dty a. v xxuxe W W Stevenson, Master C A Breeding. White oaimon E Cattburr. Col ten S W Welat. Oak Point Mrs 8 M Went, do Mrs A McCune, Col lins, Wn C W Brown. Latril H 8ttnnlck J F LaDolnt. Kelso C C Gunneson, Needy tueo arnau 11 Hastings. USA P Burford. dty IF S L Bagby. Needy T C Henahaw. Salem w o Phillips A trade A Henahaw. do A Richards. Centri cnas Harris L Fishes, Nwbg. 8 M Graham. Mrshld C Clark, dry B James, do O L Emcrr. Tcma Louis Peterson. USA 11 la ray 3 M Grimes. Seaside 1 L Grimes, do I S Cox D Ehepardsoa, Catlla D J EchulL Hubbard u a Alien mother. Fishers, Wn A 8 Reld. Cameron, Wis J J Keller, do F S stanehaela, Anoka, Minn J J Tryon, Tangent j xi timiin, uoiaen dale. Wn B D Fltspatrick a F McKlnnon. Clats kanle 3 Shepardron, Enfaula, I It U' THE ESMOND. A Anderson. 8 F J Aim. Sllverton AMcKennet, do C Goodnouxh. da F Crsbtree. Springfield Mrs Crsbtree, do G W Ranch. La Camas A Forbes. Little Falls II Smith, dty O W Hencxle, Vane Geo Astr S Msnderson. Holbrk. Mrs Msnderson. do F Msnderson, do Maud Manderson. do F Piggott, V(ento Mrs Piggott. do L Ilsrringtoa. Tcma Mrs Harrington, do a Hennessy. Detrott J C McFadden, Cath- lamet A Johnson, Stella J E Smith. Chatnpoeg R D Stanwood. St If H W Long. Cathlamet D W Densmore. Salm iv x-anDion, cath lamet O Henderson. Knappa Mrs xieDaerson, ao W H Reed. Guthrie tinier, za II Percr. Slletr Mrs Percy, do J Marshall, Roseburg IL Hudson, do xt jscjjermert, cath lamet J R Croak. Coble C Wilson. Dallas i H P01' Jort, Or c N Jensen. Kelso, Wa xt u Btaawood. St Hal um ssuiru aiowin. Vane. B C irarry Day, Seattle A J Frtederlck. Albany Hotel Brnzvsrtvfcac, Seattle. European plan, popular rates. Modem teicTOTenients. Business center. Near depot. Taeozna BoteL Taeoznzt. Aiarrican plan. Bates, (3 and up. Hotel Donnelly, Taeozna. First-class restaurant la connection. Rainier Grand- Hotel. Seattle. European plan. Finest cats on Coast, Hdars. naraL military and travellne: men. Booms en suits and stasia. Free shower baths. Rates. B us. a. tr. iBnoar. prop. .... 94 .... ssg .... 2a .... 4SH APPLES FROM THE NORTH snua.xa -vvkll ix sax fraxcisco MARKET. Old Fotatoea Slow bat Steady for Choice Sharp DeeUne la Butter and Ebes Hops Lovjrer. SAN FRANCISCO. April. 7. (Special.) Wheat was fairly steady but quiet, the Chicago market being dosed. Oats were In larger sup ply, chiefly from Washington, but prices were steady. Bran was. well sustained, with ar rivals small. ' The warm weather stimulated tbe demand for fresh fruits. Oranges sold readily at ateady Trices, Receipts were" moderate. Five car loads are In sight for tomorrow's auction. Other dtrua fruits were steady, Ripe be ns use are well cleaned up, and choice Central Americans are higher. Good apples sold read. Uy. -A carload from Ashland. Or., brought 3L40e2 for Pearmalns. 31-S39L83 tor Pippins and 32.S3 for Spltzenbergs. A carload, largely Ben Davlses, from Hood River, sold at 319 LS3. A carload from Idaho. Ben Davlses. poor quality, sold at TScfill. Dried apricots and evaporated apples were higher. .Old potatoes were alow but steady for choice The Oregon's ex-Elders were not all sold. New potatoes were' slightly lower. Sweets were easier. Fancy onions were-firmer. As paragus waa more plentiful and easier. Rhu barb waa less abundant, but dull.. Greea peas ware In lighter supply aad steady. To matoes were still scarce. A carload from Florida Is still delayed. Poultry was In sharp "demand and higher. owing; to ' Easter requirements, "' Batter and eggs srnvea nesniy, mciuamg mueo zroxa toe southern coast, and prices had a sharp de dine. Offers to sen butter to.. Portland at Sic were refused. Cheese was N easy. Receipts, 1C9.000 pounds ot butter, 12,000 pounds of cheese, 70,000 dozen eggs. Hops were weaker locally at 19SS2HC, ow ing to the decline in the country. Quotations: VEGETABLES Cucumbers, T5cr23: garlic. 2HC3e -per pound; green peas. 4c- per pound; string beans. 10c: asparagus, IfjSc; tomatoes. 3132.33: onions. 30Q80c FRUTTS Apples, choice, 11.73: do tamK 30c? bananas. 3163; Mexican limes,. 34.304)5: California lemons, choice, 32.50: do common. POULTRY Old roosters. 33t6: young roos ters. 37S8: small broilers. 334: large broil era. 34.B03o.S0: fryers. 3C67; hens. 3338: old ducks. 3308: young ducks, tags. POTATOES Early rose, TSSOOc: river Bur- banks. -338o3c; river reds. 30033c; sweets. 3I.7391.&3; Oregon Burbanks. COeSSc BUTTER Fancy creamery. 24c: do seconds. SUc: fancy dairy, 22c: do seconds, 21c. EGGS Store. lSSlSc; fsncy rsnch. 20c CHEESE Toung America, 13S13Uc: East ern. lGSlTHc HAT Wheat. 111014: wheat and oats. 3110 13.3Q: .barley. 310312; alfalfa, $10312: straw. 43C3ttc per bale. MTLLSTUFFS Bran. 319.30320: middlings. 326327. itui-a iuw: per pound. RECEIPTS Flour. MHO quarter sacks; do Oregon, 1101 quarter sacks; do Washington. 30S0 quarter sacks; wheat, 40 centals': barley. 843 centals; oats. 1203 centals: 'do Washing- ton. 8930 centals: beans, 1611 sacks: potatoes. 2840 sacks: do Washington. S45 sacks; bran. 200 sacks: middlings, 300 sacks: hay, 200 tons; wool, 30 bales, hides. S71. Wool Markets. BOSTON. April 7. The wool markets con tinue- quiet, as manufacturers are only tak ing material enough for immediate demands. Territory wools have been quiet, with little. It any. change In prices. Quotations: Ter ritory, choice staple, choice scoured basis, fine. S4SS3c; fine medium, 51813c: medium. 433 sic Temcory, ordinary One. S23S3c: fine medium, tSQCOc; medium, 43J46c ST. LOUIS. April 7. Wool Unchanged. Territory and Western mediums. 13317c; fine. Uilisc; coarse, HQlSc Snsrar and CoSee. NEW TORK. April 7. The market for cof fee futures closed steady. Total sales. 113.750 bags, including May. 33.90fi3.S3: July. 34.10S e-is; September. 3t.3094.s3: December. 34-00 64.73; March. 34. COSH. Spot quiet: No. 7 In voice. E-Ke; mild dull; Cordova. 7!4B12c sugar Raw nominal. Fair .refining. 3t,e; centrifugal, 08 test, SUc: refining nominal. confectioners A. X4.C3: mold A. 34.60: cut. leaf. 33.30; crushed. 33.30; powdered, 34.80; granuiateo, x-.iu; cubes. J4.SS. German Pictures for SU Loots Fair. BERLIN, April ".The artists co-oper-sting- with Dr. Lewald, the commissioner ot Germany to the St. Louis Exposition. In choosing- Germany's art exhibition for the fair, have decided to send 330 or 400 pictures. The space, allotted would per mit ot uuu pictures, out 11 was determined to send nothing- except works of the first quality. Woman la iaterested and should know about the wonderful HaKYTI. Whirling Spray iKew Ladles' Syringe near, olllesi, aiost convenient. iareeeereevUtbett. If be esBnot sapply tbe lastrated book-miee It grre ,IU4 V1IUWI11 WIITHVM U For sale by Woodard, Clarke fc Co. MM WILCOX TANSY PILLS I Tor JO Tears the only ssie aad reliable Fe- j aaie ASsrsiazexDrauzrouniea. naaeves t latsr for all trouhlae. BaHeves withla 3 ays. At druggists, or by raalL i m os gcs. arrsa zruu ox - xansy ! HrciMzWswaard''rWWc. Aa 3-. 'ITS! . STOPPED FREE I Pentunerllj Cured bi 1 DR. KLINE'S GREAT NFRVP RFSTflRFR -mil a. 1 TRTAl. TXnTTTT.TI 1TRVP CrLBJ-rllsLlltai rch TTtAVELEltS' GUIDE. Ticket Office 122 ThlrdSL Phone 633 2T RANSCONTINEISTAL o TRAINS DAILY et, Direct connection via Seattle or Spokane. For tickets, rates and full information call on or address H. Dickson, u. l. A., Portland, Or. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE AKI MARU For Japaa, China and all Ailatlo points, win Mass uwim About April 21st WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE CBE60.1 C1TT TUsSrOKTinOI CO. Rte&mer FO110KA. Soc Salem. IndeoendenM Albany and Corvallts. leaves 6.-43 A. IL Tuesl dsy. Thursday. Saturday. Steamer ALTON A, for Oregon City. Butte, vine. WllsonvlUe. Champoeg. Newberg and Dayton, leaves 1M) A. M. Monday, Wedncs. Cay, STioay. TJOCK FOOT OF TATLOR STREET. Oreroa phone Main 40, Every ttf.W w, - 'r - a TRAVELERS RCIDE. N. OREGOff Shoht LIN ami union Pacific 3 TRAINS to the East DAILY ..iu, ruuM iwawu ana zounsc Sleep, lag-cars daily to Omaha. Chicago. Spokane; through Pullman tourist sleeping-cars (persotv- wwuj to uutsKs, rksnsie city. St, Louis and- Memphis: reclining- chair, ears (seats free) to the East daily. OK UNION DEPOT. Leave, Arrive. CUICAGO-PORTLAND'DO A. M. 4:30 P. M" SPECIAL. Daily. Dally. For the East vis Hunt Inxton. SPOKANE FLTER. 6:00 P. M 7:33 A. M, For Eastern Washing- Dally. Dally, ton. Walla Walla. Lew- lston. Coeur d'Alent and-Ut. Northera point ATLANTIC EXPRESS :15 P. M 10:30 A. M For the East via Hunt- Daily. Sally. lagton, OCE.V.V AXD RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR SAN FRANCISCO, 8:00 P. M. rS:00 P. M. Steamer Geo. W. Elder; April 12. 22; May 1 12. 22. Steamer Colum bia. April 7. IT. 27: May 7. 17. 27; Alas-I worth Dock. I I For ASTORIA and way a.tx) p M; 60 P. points, connecting with Pally eat Dally ' 'earner for Ilwaco and Sunaay. except. North Beach, steamer Saturday; Sunday. Harvest .Queen. Asb-it. 10 P,.M, Dock. j l.v-., w . 8:S A U. About F-er SALEM. Corvallts Mondays. 6:00 P. M. and way points, steam- Wednssday Tuesdays, er Ruth. Ash street Fridays, Thursdays, Dock (water permitting) Saturdays. 1 1 1 i . Foe DATTON. Oregon 70 A. M. 3:00 P.M. City and JamhUl River Tuesdays. Mondays, points, steamer Elmore, Thursdays, Wednesday Ash-street Dsek. Saturdays. Fridays. (Water permitting). For LEWISTON. Ida- 4rOS A. M. About' ho. and way points. Dally 3:00 P. M. from Rl parts. Wash., except Dally ex. steamers Spokane or Saturday. Friday. Lewistoa. I TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington. Telephone Main TIS. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For TokohsmB. end stone- Trrmr. esjllnsr at. Kobe, Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connect! nc steamers for Manila, Port Ar thur and Vladivostok. 1NDRAFTJRA. SAILS APRIL 8. For rates and full Information call on or ad ii officials or agents of O. It. & N. Co. EAST via SOUTH Leave' I Union Depot l Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS. for- Salem. Rose burg. Ashland, Bac ramento. Ogden. r3an Francisco. Mo- 7:45 A. M. tave. Lot Angeles, Kl Fsso. New Or leans and tne xaai. S :30 A. U. Mornlns: train con 1:00 P.M. nocte at Woodburn (dally except Sun day) with train for uount Angei. Eui-verton- Browns- vllle. ciringSeld, weudiisg and xa. iron. Albany passenger . 4.-C0 P. SL. 10:10 A. K. Connects at Wood- burn with ut. An- eel and Sllverton local. Corvaliis passenger. T:30 A. 3t 3:50 P. X. II4J0P. M. Sheridan passenger.lnaas A. M. . Dally, IIDally except Sunday. FORTLANO-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICS AND TAMHILL DIVISION. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at TdO A. iL, 13:S0. 2.-05. 33. 0:20. BS. 8:30, 10:10 F. 11. Dally except Sunday. S:30. 6:10. 8:SS. 10:rs A. M.. 4:00. 11J0 P. M. Sunday only. 8:00 A. it. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally 8:30 A. 11.. 1:55. 3:03, 4:35. 8:13. 1:33. 8:55. 11:10 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 8:23. 1:23, B:JO. JO.-20. 11:43 A. M. Except Monday, liJ5 A. M. Sunday only. 10:00 A. iC Leave from same depot for Dalles and later mediate points dally except Sunday 4:0O P. at. Arrive Portland 10:20 A. U. The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper ates dally to Monmouth and. Air lit. connecttns with S. P. Co.'s trains at Dallas and Inde pendence. First-class rebate tickets on sale from Port, land to Sacramento and San Francisco; net rate. 117.50: berth. 13. Second-class tare, 115, without rebate or berth; second-class berth. 12. CO. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Alsej Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third aad Washington streets. Phone Main 712. TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Derjart- Arrive, Puget Sound Limited ; tor Ta coma. Seattle. Olyrnple, fcouia xenu - , Harbor nolnts ............. BJJsn 8:jza- North Coast Limited for Ta- coma, seatue, o...ur, Butte. St. Paul. New Tork. Boston and ail points East, and Southeast ...,2:00pm, T:00 an, Twin City Express for Ta- cotna. Seattle. Spokane, Helena. St- Paul. Minne apolis. Chicago. New Tork. Boston, and all points East and Southeast. ....... .11:45 pra 70 pta North Coast-Kansas Clty ' St. Louis Special. for Ta- coma. SeatUe. Spokane. Butte. BlUlngs. Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. . , .11 wJnl, . ' 7X0 ara sr. a BOTKOM... . .r . AU trains dally except on South Bend : i brsacn. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Paa, senger Agent, 233 Morrison St., comer Third, Portland. Or. For South-Eastern Alaska Leave Seattle O JL. 23. DltTCUAleleAl vW A AUts A A CITY OF SEATTLE or CITT OF TOI'EKA. March B, V, 13. 21. 27: April Z. Steamers connect at Saa Frsxieisco with company's steamers tor ports In Cali fornia, Mexico and Humboldt Bay. For further information obtain folder. Right is rtservea to cnansa ' a'cTS-xL1 L?MURTON. 210 Washington st. PortSd: F. W. CARLETON. 807 Pactno ave. Tacoma: Ticket OBloe. U3 James St.. Sesttle. GEO. W. ANDREWS, North-Westera Passenger A rent- San Francisco Ticket .Of fice. 4 New Montgomery st, C. D. DUNANN, Gen. Pass. Agent. San Francisco. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. tn Jj - LEAVES Depot Fifth and AR1UVZS I Streets. For Msygcrs. Rainier, Clatskanle, Westport, Clifton. Astoria, Wsr renton. FlaveL Ham SXOJL.U. mono. Fort Stevens. 11U0 A, V. Oesrhart Pk.. Seaside. Astoria and Seashore,., Express Dsily. 70 P. if, Astoria Express. fM P. aC Dally. Ticket office, 233 Morrison sc. and Unloa Depot 3. C. MATO. Gen. Pass, Agt.. Astorls, Cx.