Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 01, 1903, Page 14, Image 14

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Lumber Company Files Claim
Against Port of Portland.
Demands Treatment Similar to That
Accorded Another Company
Time Ball for Cnstom-Houae
Indraparn -Arrives.
The lat few weeks of the present Port
of Portland Commission will be entirely
taken up with the drydock location. Some
thing In the nature of a controversy has
sprung up between the board and the
North Pacific Lumber Company regarding
dredging done nearly two years ago that
may not be settled readily. In June. 1SW.
the port dredged an opening from the
ship channel to the lumber company's
dock, for which the company paid the
commission the sum of J300. Recently. In
roan. Poulsen & Co. aaked that a channel
be dredged to their dock and offered to
pay J1000 toward the cost of It Engineer
Lockwood estimated that euch a channel
would cost 13000. The commissioners ac
cepted Mr. Poulsen's offer and ordered the
work done. Now. the North Pacific Lum
ber Company comes forward with a re
quest that It be accorded the fame treat
ment: In other words, that the Port of
Portland refund tfiOO of the money they
paid.-which will put the two mills on the
same footing so far as bearing the burden
of the cost of the channel to concerned.
.At a meeting of the Port of Portland
Commission a written request was re
ceived from Cotton. Teal & jlinor, at
torneys, asking for an opportunity to
present a petition of the North Pacific
Lumber Company for a part of the pay
ment made by them. The letter aroused
a great deal of discussion and finally on
motion of Mr. Swlgert, seconded by Mr.
Adams, the following letter was ordered
sent to Cotton, Teal tc Minor regarding
the claim:
At the neurit of the North Padfle Lum
ber Company, this commission did some dredg
ing adjacent to its wharf, it deslmatlnx the
location and work to be .done, and agreeing
to pay for the time of the dredge while so en
caged at the rate of (ICO per dr. So far as
thU commission 1 concerned. no Question of
policy Is Involved In the transaction.' and the
eunmlKlon declines to entertain Its proposi
tion for a return of any part of the money
There the matter rests for the present.
The next move must necessarily be made
by the lumber company. If It Is to be car
ried any farther. Officials of the company
decline to say what they will do. President
Donald Mackay believes the company
should be reimbursed for two-thirds of the
money It paid out for the channel. "There
Is no reason why one company should
be treated differently from another," he
said. "We are heavy taxpayers and ehould
not have to pay for the full cost of a
channel when another company does not."
One May Or Placed On the Federal
llnlldlnir In it Few Months.
The United States Branch Hydrographlc
Office will probably place a time ball on
the Federal building about July L Ship
ping men have long recognized the neces
sity of a time ball here, and have been
agitating to have one established. One
of the towers of the Federal building will
probably be chomn as the place on which
to erect the apparatus. If permission Is
received from headquarters. The build
lng well located for this purpose, as the
ball could be seen from all parts of the
harbor and from most parts of the city.
The principal object of a time ball Is to
enable shlpmastera properly to rate their
chronometers. At present the Instruments
are taken ashore for this purpose, and are
often affected by the moving and the
change of temperature. Many nhlppera
leave their chronometers at Astoria on
their arrival In the river, and then get
mem properly rated hefore they leave.
The time ball will be hoisted five mln
utea before noon and then droDned ex
actly at noon by telegraphic signal from
the united States Naval Observatory at
Mare Island. The only time ball now
operated on this Coast Is located on the
ferry building at San Francisco. Nearly
all the Eastern ports and the Lake cities
are supplied with them. Time balls were
recently Installed at Boston, Galveston and
Tncoma People Still Goetitng Abont
Porllnnd-Ilnllt Boat.
The Tacoma News says that the steamer
Arrow, nearlng completion In this city.
was designed to run on the Seattle-Bremerton
route. It is believed there that
the Isaac? Bros., bankers of Walla Walla,
ore the principal owners of the boat. The
News' Information was obtained from a
letter from one of the best-Informed
ct earn toat men of Portland. The writer
states that wnllo It is not known posi
tively tl)at teases Bros, own any Interest
in the boat, it Is a known fact that the
money to pny help and for material comes
Irom them. He further adds that while
the boat was designed and built for the
Bremerton run, there is some reason to
think that there has been a change in the
plans, as it Is now thought likely that
the Telephone, which was recently pur
chased by the same company, will bo
needed on that route.
AUternlxe Leaves Eaqnlmnlt.
The German bark Alsternlxe. towed by
the tug Tyee. left Esquimalt yesterday
morning for Portland, bne la under en
Kagtment to the Pacific Export Lumber
Company to load lumber for China, and
her charter expired at midnight last night,
but It is understood that the charter will
be renewed on the original terms. The
Alsternlxe Is the vessel that ran on Pea
cock spit, at the moulhr of the Columbia,
February 9, during a heavy gale. She
was slightly damaged, and was taken to
Esquimau for docking and repairs.
Two Arrivals Ont.
The two latest arrivals out are the Ger-
roan ship Adolf and British bark Ancenls,
both November ships. The Adolf has
reached Falmouth with bushels of
wheat, shipped by Balfour. Guthrie & Co.,
and the Ancenls has arrived at Port Natal
with 18.1M barrels of flour. 1M6J bushels
of oats, and ISC? bushels of wheat, dis
patched by the Portland Flouring Mills
Indrnpnra In the River.
The Portland & Asiatic liner Indrapura
arrived at Astoria at 10:30 yesterday morn'
lng. and left up at 2 In the afternoon. She
will reach Alaska, dock early this mom
lng. The steamer brings a fair cargo of
Oriental merchandlM and a number of
AtJatlc passengers.
Iak Liner's Carso.
The steamship Pak Ling, which took on
130 000 feet of lumber at Portland for
Manila, has completed her cargo at Ta
coma by loading 3,473 feet more, also
30,011 barrels of flour, sm cases of canned
salmon and a quantity of machinery and
general merchandise.
Crimps at Tncoma.
TACOMA. Wash. March ZL Six sailors
have deserted from the British ship Pytb
oroene. now taking on a cargo of grain at
Tacoma. They applied to the "British
Vice-Consul yesterday for a discharge, ol
Itclng the mate swore at them. They ed
rolttei that they heard mates swear be
fore, but this was an aggravated case.
Their application was denied, and they
took French leave. They say they were
Induced to leave by down-Sonnd crimps.
as sailors are scarce on the Sound at pres
On st Mlnintr Expedition.
GUAYAQUIL. March II. The yacht
Lady Nan. from San Francisco, has ar
rived here.
schooner yacht Lady Nan sailed from this
city December 8. bound for Galapagos
Island on a mining expedition. Bne was
cleared by Spalding & Co.. an Eastern
Spoke the Andromeda.
ASTORIA. Or.. March ZL Special.)
The steamship Indrapura, which arrived
In from the Orient today, reports having
spoken the British four-masted bark An
dromeda, on March M. In 17:07 north. 13:13
west. She wished to be reported "all
Lynch, Ont on Ball.
ASTORIA. Or- March SL Special.)
Paddy Lynch, who has been in jail for
several days awaiting trial on the charge
of kidnaping, was released this evening
on the deposit of $1500 cash ball. The
amount of the ball was fixed by Judge Mc-
Bride at Hills bo ro yesterday.
Under Charter for Salmon Loading".
ASTORIA. Or., March ZL (Special.)
The American stub Berlin, which arrived
In from San Francisco this morning is
under charter to the Alaska Fishermen's
Packing Company to load supplies for its
Bristol Bay, Alaska, cannery.
Baric llnrry Morse Examined.
ASTORIA. Or March 31. Special.)
Government Inspectors Edwards and
Fuller were In the city today and inspected
the American bark Harry Morse, which
will take cannery supplies to Bristol Bay.
Frnlt Steamer Ashore.
Norwegian steamship Brighton, from Port
Antonio for New York, with a cargo of
fruit, came ashore early today. It Is be
lieved the ship can be saved.
Marine Xotea.
The Irby will move from the flouring
mills to the elevator today.
Local United States Inspectors Edwards
and Fuller yesterday inspected the bark
Harry Morse, at Astoria.
The Cockermouth shifted yesterday from
Greenwich dock to the North Pacific mill,
where she will load lumber for Callao.
The steamer Ruth has arrived up with
50 tons of redwood from Eureka, and a
quantity of nitrate and sugar from San
The Heffernan Engine Works, of Se
attle, yesterday notified the Port of Port
land Commission that the tender Mc-
Craken will be In the Columbia River to
The wreck of the British ship Helga,
which sailed from San Francisco last Sep
tember, and went ashore near Queens-
town In January, was sold March 3 at
Queenstown for $30; the cargo, which con
sisted at one time of "500 tons of wheat,
brought $11.50.
A telegraph station, connected by tele
phone with Punta Arenas, has been erect
ed at Cape Vlrgenes, on the north side
of the eastern entrance to Magellan
Straits. Punta Arenas is to be connected
with the Chilean telegraph system.
President Roosevelt has sent to the
United States Consul at Glasgow a beau
tiful gold watch, suitably Inscribed, for
delivery to Captain Morgan, of the British
Ft earner TVesthalL in recognition of his
humane services in effecting the rescue
of the captain and crew of the American
schooner Anna L. Multord, abandoned at
eea January 23 last.
Domrstlc and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. March 31. Arrived at :1S and
left up at 11:20 A. Jf. Steamer Geo. W. Elder,
from San Franclico. Sailed at 8 A. SL Steam-
er Elmore, for Tillamook. Arrived at 1020 Ai
M. and left up at S P. II. British steamer In
drapura, from Hong Kong and way porta. Ar.
rived at 1 P. M. American ship Berlin, from
San Francisco. Sailed at I P. St. Steamer A ti
re Hi. for San Francisco. Sailed at 2 P. M.
Norwegian ateamer Norman Isles, for Port Ar
thur. Outside at 8:30 A asted bark.
Arrfwl at 7 P. M Tsm frShsnter and Val
entine. Condition of the 4r at S P. M.. mod
erate: wind northwest: weather clear.
Falmouth. March 31. Arrived 30th German
ehlp Adolf, from Portland.
Port Natal. March so. Arrived previously
Brltl.h bark Ancenls. from Portland. ,
Rotterdam. March 31. Sailed S7th British
this Ardencralg. for Portland.
San Francisco. Varea 31. sailed 20th
Steamer Fulton, for Portland. Arrived at 10
A. M. Steamer Columbia, from Portland. Ar
rived Schooner Cxarlna, from Unga; atesmer
Newburc. from Gray's Harbor. Sailed Steam
er Beluga. haling: steamer Theben, for Van.
couver: schooner Lily, for Umpqua.
Hamburg. March 31. sailed fillesia. for San
Bremen. March 30. Arrived Barbarorsa,
from New Tork.
Cherbourg. March 31. Arrived Kronprlnz
Wllhelm. from New Tork.
Hamburg. March 3L Arrived Blucber, from
New York.
Napier. March 30. Sailed Jloltke. for New
Guutvw. March 31. Arrived Astoria, from
New Tork.
Antwerp. March 31. Arrived Vaderiand,
from New York.
New Xork, March 31. Sailed Boric, for Liv
erpool. Hoqulam, Wathu. March 30. Sailed Schoon
er A. J. West, from Aberdeen for San Pedro;
steamers Chehalla and Ltndauer, from Aber
deen for San Francisco.
San Franclico, March IS. Sailed at 7 P. M.
Seattle. March 31. Arrived Steamer Noma
City, from Valdes; steamer South Portland.
from San Francisco; steamer Rainier, from
San Francisco.
Maklnir False Balance Sheets and
Changing Books of 'Compauy.
NEW TORK. March SL The extradition
proceedings for J. H. Whlttaker Wright
were adjourned tooay unui April s to
await additional papers from England. A
second additional warrant was served on
Wright in the courtroom today. It was
merely a matter of former charges.
Messages from England received by Sir
Henry Sanderson, the British Consul-Gen
eral, contain affidavits of Alfred Henry
Barnes, Receiver of the Globe Finance
Corporation. He charged that Wright,
as managing director of the corporation,
perpetrated a fraud upon the sharehold
ers In violation of the British "companies
act": that Wright, as director, made
false and erroneous balance sheets, and
that he made alterations In the books of
the company.
Cared by One Bottle of Chamber
lain's Conch It e m ed y.
The Honest Troth as Stated by Frank
W. Perry, Editor of the Enter
prise, Shortsvllle. X. V.
"When I had an attack of the grip last
Winter (the second one) I actually cured
myself with one bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. This Is the honest truth.
I at times kept from coughing myself to
nlerrs bv taking a teaspoonrul of this
remedy, and when the coughing spell
would come on at night I would take a
cose and it seemed mat in tne onexest in
terval the couch would pass off and
would go to sleep perfectly free from
cough and Its accompanying pains. To
say that the remedy acted as a most
agreeable surprise Is putting it very mild
ly, i nau no tuea. uiai u wuuia or couia
knock out the grip, simply because I had
never tried It tor such a purpose, but It
did It. and It seemed with the second at
tack of coughing the remedy caused It
to not only be of less duration, but the
pains were far less severe, and I had
not used the contents of one bottle before
ilr. Grin had bid roe adieu." For eel
by all arugguu.
Bat Tier Get Increase of Wages
That Will Cost the Company
f30,000 Annually.
All points of difference between the O.
R. 4 N. Co. and its train and engine
crews were adjusted yesterday. The train,
men yielded the question of double-header
and helper service on the mountain divi
sion, and this ended the two weeks con
ference between & delegation of employes
and Superintendent O'Brien.
The question of double-header and
helper service la rather technical in Its
nature, so far as the general public is
concerned, though It is easily understood
by trainmen. It is simply a question of
the manner In which extra, engines shall
be allowed heavy trains on the steep
grades and the manner in which wage ac
counts shall be allowed. The company, as
a rule, prevailed In the question of en
gine service!
During the conferences the company has
granted an Increase of IS per cent In
wages to all members of freight train
crews and 13 per cent to all passenger
crews. This Increase affects all the train,
men employed by the O. R. & N. Co. In
ail a total of ZU men will share In the
increased wage accounts, and the com
pany will be compelled to pay out be
tween CS.000 and 30.000 In extra salaries
each year In order to meet the Increase
that has just been granted. The figures
on the Increase are not exact, for the
company has only estimated its Increased
The conferences between a delegation
of employes and the company have been
JULY. Sailing
Bushels. Value. Date.
9 Jacobsen. Fr. bark. 1730. Olivier. V. K-, f. o. Port. G. Co 110.0S2 X 74.000 U
3 Asie. Fr. bark. 2053, OlUvaud, U. K-. f. o.. Balfour ULtls SS.500 2S
2S Wynford. Br. bark. 1K9. Bellrtnger, Port Elizabeth. Kerr ..1S.CM 8t.0TS S
Total ..3C5.1U tmSTS
11-SIerra Estrella, Br. ship. 1392. Farmer. Port ElUabeth. Kerr.. 78.912 ELI3J 23
Z3 Eskasonl (A). Br. ship. 1715. Townsend, Durban. Balfour 3,7b
27 Elba (B), Ger. str.. 263, Bruhn. Port Natal, Stevens 23,00
Total .11M37 175,01
12 Routenburn. Br. bark. 1333. Roberts. U. K-, f. o Kerr" 110.2 70.000
11 PoUmh-ill (O. Br. str- 2SS7, Heppel. St Vincent, f. a. Kerr 12.MS 7.S12
19 Brambletye (D), Br. bark, 1172. Jones, Cape Town. P. F. M.
Co. 11.923 8.000
19 Peter RIckmers. Ger. sp-. 2S23. Schober, U. K.. f. o.. Balfour.lGS.S33 101.433
20 Austrasla. Br. bark. S Ewart. U. K., f. o., Epplnger ....156.030 100.7S4
29 Forrest HalLBr. ship. 19S9, Logan. U. K., f. o., P. F. M. Co.U6.S57 73,304
23 Cambronne (E), Fr. bark. 1420. Legloahlc. U. K., f. o., Glrvin
30- Khyber. Br. ship, 1927. Rothery. U. K-, L 0.. P. F. M. C0....U4.422 74,174
Total ..6SS.2S6 S43S.799
3 Semantha, Br. bark. 221L Crowe. U. K.. f. o., P. F. M, Co... 122,525 85,340
2 Cypromene, Br. ship. 1750. Roberts, U. K.. f. o., Balfour .... 99,914 C5.943
2 Lime Branch. Br. str.. JiK. Haling. Sc. Vincent, f. o.. Kerr ..2M.723 17S.0OO
14 Fnlrport. Br. ship. 1S57. Armstrong. U. K., f. o., Balfour ....122.821 81.062
18 La Fayette. Fr. bark, 1576. Boju, East London, Epplnger ....103.850 70.595
18 Port Logan. Br. ship. 1SS3. Adam. U. K-, f. o.. P. F. M. Co.117.3S4 79.500
21 Dlmsdale, (F). Br. ship. 1779. Archard. Durban, P. F. M. Co.
21 Wcga. Ger. ship. 1943. Fennekohl. U. K.. f. o.. Balfour 123.359 83.403
23 Dynomene. Br. ship, 1KB. Snodden, U.K., f. o.. Port Grain Co.U0.Sd3 74.000
21 Poplar Branch. Br. str- 3473. Anderson, St. Vincent, f. o.KcrrJ48.766 94.999
23 Chile. Ger. ship. 2054. Spille. U. K.. f. o Balfour 125,227 82.650
2S Copley. Dan. ship, 1G9S. Struckmann, U. IC, f. o., Kerr 99,975 C6.9S3
23 Kereus. Ger. ship. 1714, Baake, U. Kl, f. o., P. F. M. Co... ..103.609 74.598
30- Madagascar. Br. bark. 1996. Smith. U. K., f. o., McN'ear ....12W00 87.850
31 Morven. Br. bark. 1537, Hughes. U. K-, f. o.. P. F. 2jL Co 12S.033 89,621
Total 1.603,073 11.214.91S
7-Adolf. Ger. ship, 1631. Berqulst. U. K.. f. o., Balfour 95.215
7 Magdalene, Ger. bark. Susewlnd. 2722. Hull. Kerr 161,455
14 Ancenls (G). Br. bark. 1700. Salter. Port Natal. P. F. M. Co... L829
14 Crown of Denmark. Br. ship. 19S7, Mllman.Cape TowmKerr.lU.191
18 John Cooke, Br. ship. 175S. Qualle. U. K., f. o., Balfour ....110,297
20 Ingcborg (!'). Dan. bark. 1079. Kaas. East London. Balfour.. 24,482
22 Pass of Brander (I). Br. fh. 1993. Ryder. E. London, Stevens.59.5S6
28 Isle of Arran. Br. ship. 1739. Carse. U. K-. f. o., Glrvin 112,517
2S-G. W. Wolff (J). Br. ship. 15S9. Thomas. U. K.. f. o- Kerr
29 Clan Galbralth, Br. ship. 19S3, Barker, U. K.. f. o.. Balfour .126.187
Tctal SCS.2C3
2 CannleMere. Fr. bark. 1739. Lefcvre. U. K-, f. o.. Glrvin ....112,700
2 Glencsslln (K). Br. ship. 1742. Prltchard, East London, P. F.
M. C. 9.332
Chrlstel (L). Ger. ship. 1777. Wurthmann. U. K.. f. o..McNear. 7,508
9 Lodore. Br. bark. 1268. Kelley. U. K., f. o.. Port G. Co. 92.593
9 County of Roxburgh. Br. ship, 2031, Leslie. U. K.. f. o.,Berg.H7.942
12 Matterhorn. Br. birk, 1S39, Warren, Sydney. Kerr 110.314
15 Cornil Bart. Fr. bark. 1721. Cavelan, U. K.. f. o.. P. G. Co. ..107.SSS
15 Holyrood. Br. ship. 1992. Flndlay. U. K,, f. o., Balfour 112.670
16 Alsterthal. Ger. ship. 1C96. Jensen. U. K.. f. o.. P. F. M. Co.100.163
IS Wandstek Ger. bark. 219S. Tadsen. Melbourne, McXear 134.056
19 Nal. Ger. bark. 2627. Schulte. U. K., f. o.. Kerr 150.1S7
23 Nantes iM). Fr bark. 2029. Rleordel. U. K-. f. o.. P. F. M. Co. 18.976
24 Riverside. Br. ship. 15S0. MeCully, Melbourne. McN'ear 91.343
24 Xesala, Br. ship. 1670. Gerkens. U. K., f. a. Balfour 100,873
25 Lamorlclere (N, Fr. bark. 1471. Trehoudant. East London.
27 Marie. Fr. bark. 1718. Monmolne. U. K.. L o- Berg UL03
30 Werra (O). Ger. bark, ES7, denies. Cape Town, P. F. M. Co
30 Aster, Gr. ship. 1237, Dummer, Cape Town, P. F. M. Co. 75,600
Total -
3 Allerton. Br. ship, 193S, Toye. Melbourne. Balfour .111.003
3 Dowan Hill. Br. bark. 197i Davles. U. K.. f. o P. Grain COJ26.S74
3 K.tK If), aus. sir.. .. -hossieucK.
9 Francois Coppee, Ft. bark, 1728. Iruye,
13 Su"rcouf."Fr. bark. 1744. Rlbault. Port
17-Jean Bart (QJ, Fr. bark. 1727. Gossar,
Co -
19 Daniel. Fr. bark, 1819, Bachleller, Cape
23 Herzogin Cecelia, uer. oaric. z.w, jjietrien, u. ri. t. o., it. w.
W. Co 137.800
23 Fulwood. Br. ship. 19S6, Jones. Melbourne. Kerr ...a .121.201
2S Ventura (n.,. Br. ship, 1581. Rehburg. London. P. F. M. Co. 24.654
2SNorma. Br. bark. 1999, McLaughlin. Brisbane, McXear 128.401
23 Martha Roux- (S), Fr. bark. 1SS1. Gamier. U. K., f. o., Kerr 18.669
21 Dcsalx. Fr. bark, 1730. Boju, Cape Town, Kerr 109.245
Total .L365.493
5 VllledeSt. Xazalre. Ft. bark. ISIS. Davl . U. K., f. c, Balfour.121.S59
Emelle (T), Ger. ship. 172S. Oltman. U. K.. f. o., Kerr. S1.0S3
10 WIscombe Park. Br. ship, 2075, Power, Melbourne, J. J.
Moors 124,333
17 Euphrosyne, Br. ship, 1779, Thomsen, Melbourne. J. J.
Moore J OS, 427
lS-Rlversdale. Br. ship. 2037, Porter. Sydney, McXear 127,502
19 Scottish Minstrel. (U). Br. ship. 1511. MelUn, Fremantle,
Stevens "... 45,663
IS County of Linlithgow. Br. ship, 2069, Streak. U. K., f. o.,
Balfour 118.771
2S Musselcrag (V), Bf. bark. 1871, Robinson. Algoa Bay, Kerr.,110,017
Total .755,707
3 Bllle. Ger. bark. 1179. Eade. Mossel Bay, X. W. W. Co 70.743
Hutton Hall. Br. ship, 1S3S. Thurber, Melbourne, X. W. W. .
Co. , .-117.190
10 Bldston Hill (W), Br. bark. 2431, Jones, Sydney, Stevens 26.530
21 Castor, Br. bark. 1933, Campbell. Melbourne, J. J. Moore 117,836
() Sailed following month.
(A) Also 28.825 barrels flour, vauled at $S6.E05.
(B) Also 30.646 barrels flour, valued at PI.93S.
(C) Also 143.925 bushels barley, valued at 869,05a.
(D) AIM 22.250 barrels flour, valued at 364.000.
(E) 115.234 bushels barley, valued at JS3.675.
(F) 22.368 barrels flour, valued at. 833,867.
(O) Also 18.191 barrels flour, valued at 67.215. and 16.167 bushels' oats. 86390.
(H) Also 12.595 barrels flour, valued at 837,787.
(!) Also 17.3S5 barrels flour, valued at 161. 42S.
(J) Full cargo barley. 125.207 bushels, valued at 866.233.
(K) Also 2G.92S barrels flour, 882.975, and 1755 bushels oats. 8580. and miscellaneous
(L) Also 121.175 bushels of barley, valued at 866.900.
(M) Also 12L233 bushels barley, valued at I69.&VS.
(X) 16.5C0 barrels no'-r, valued at 832.800. and 2260 barrels meal, valued at 810,462.
(O) 14.500 barrels flour, valued at 315.675.
(P) Also 10.771 barrels flour, 822.196. 8038 bushels oaU, 83510. 1103 bushels barley,
86SS. and canned goods.
(Q Also 119.640 bushels barley. 347.230.
(IU Also 22.500 barrels flour. J74.250.
(S) Alro 10V714 bushels barley. 855.000.
(T) A!o 88.314 bushels barley. 843.702.
(IT) Also 6023 barrels of flour, 818.253; oats. 2221 bushels, 811.702: barley, S226 bush
els S3S57.
'(V) Also 3147 barrels flour. 811.015. and 2963 sicks bran, 71500.
(W) Also 30.579 barrels flour. 837.24S.
To Europe
To Africa
To Australia
To San Francisco
Total - 522.197
Flour Bbls.
To the Orient 43.057
To Acstrsjra.V."."r"""".rr...I 36579
To San Francisco 10,729
Total S4S5
Flour reduced to wheat measure 2TS.722
Wheat as above - 522.197
Grand total, wheat and flour. 901,923
held at various times during the past' two
weeks. AU but one of the meetings have
been held In Portland. A week ago Su
perintendent O'Brien, who has conducted
the negotiations tor the company, met
the trainmen and engine representatives
at La Grande, in the mountain division.
Two days were spent in conference with
the employes at that point, and then the
conference adjourned to Portland again.
W. R. Shepherd, chairman of the organ,
izatlon of the conductors on the O. R. &
N. and T. S. Tlllson, occupying a simi
lar position with the trainmen, have
headed the delegation which waited upon
Superintendent O'Brien.
The question of an Increase In wages
was easily settled by the conference. The
double-header and helper service proved
to be a stumbling block, but after several
conferences the management of the line
between Portland and The Dalles. Uma
tilla and The Dalles and all Washing
ton branches, was outlined satisfactorily.
The mountain division, or the line between
Umatilla and Huntington.' created trouble
and called for a conference with the men
at La Grande, where train crews are made
up for the run to Umatilla or Hunting,
ton. Finally, at .yesterday's conference,
the 'trainmen decided that, rather than
prolong the discussion or precipitate a
struggle over a question where such
minor differences existed, they would
yield to the compauy. This settled the
inland Is Third Vice-President.
News has been received at the Portland
offices of the road of the election of J. B.
Hlland as third vice-president of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul. Mr. Hlland
is to succeed A. C Bird, who has re
signed to Join the Gould lines, and who
will have headquarters In the future at
Chicago. The position of traffic manager
has been discontinued by the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul. This is the po
sition formerly held by Mr. Hlland. He
has been advanced in rank and Is to con
tinue the duties of traffic manager under
the new arrangement.
S4.52S 17
.1,433,143 11.075,714
1 88.922 15
.83,000 13
77,403 IS
Aigoa nay, Stevens et
Port Ellxabeth. ST.
Elizabeth. Kerr ....
U. K., f. c, P. F.
.. SSJ93
29.243 3
96.224 26
98.460 14
90.000 14
1930 14
102.633 14
Town. Balfour 120.2S0
10,000 13
: 9L334
104.441 16
J 60,200 12
232,301 2271,635
Bush. Value.
70743 360200
.261.556 211.156
.183.896 142.422
Bosh. Value.
Bush. Value.
L012.248 8 66867. L477.S57 8S34.2M
8114.078 L1C0.76S
Value. Bbls.
8 728.176 1.477.237 8S54400
Value. Bbls. Value.
i'",o '.'.'.'.'.'.'Z
""'"iiisi "'23.30 3S6,"707
2 SS.5S! 3X349 3 86.707
Value. Bush. Value.
8 9884 150.070 3 86,707
72S.17S 2.47757 S54J00
I 26,760 1,927,127 8940,807
2273.724 .36.031
Value. Bush.
1273.724 1(2.140
411.078 U0O,7
Month's Exports to Australia,
Africa and California.
Poget Sound Receives Oedlt for
Portland's Floor Shipments
The Movement for the Past
Sine Months.
For the second time this season an en
tire month has passed without the ship
ment of a single bushel of wheat to the
United Kingdom. Wheat shipments from
Portland for the month closing yesterday
aggregated 522,197 bushels, of which 261.
536 bushels was cleared for Australia and
the remainder for South Africa and San
Francisco. The shipments to the latter
port were the largest of the season, total
ing 189,896 bushels Flour Shipments -ivere
heavier than they were last March, but
were lamentably small In comparison
with those from Puget Sound, the ports
of 3eattle and Tacoma receiving credit
for over 50,000 barrels that wedt out of
Portland territory for shipment to the
Orient by way of Puget Sound. There
was not a single steamer for March ship
ment from Portland, the Indravelll. sail
ing early In the month, being unable to
handle all of the February engagements
which had not been cancelled, and ex
porters were forced to ship their flour en
gaged for March shipment to Puget Sound.
or else run the risk of having the en
gagement cancelled.
For the season, to date. Portland still
leads with wheat, but Is far In the rear
of-Puget Sound ports when It comes to
flour shipments. The figures for the nine
months ending yesterday show that Port
land has shipped to all ports 8.395,831 bush
els of wheat and 732,103 barrels of flour.
compared with 1L6U.8S5 bushels of wheat
and 696,147 barrels of flour for the same
period last season. Puget Sound cities
have exported for the season to date
7.320,105 bushels of wheat and 1.623.547 bar
rels of flour, compared with 10,733,416 bush
els of wheat and 990.0SS barrels of flour.
Included In these totals for Puget Sound
Is about 100.000 barrels of flour and a few
thousand tons of wheat from Portland.
The movement, exclusive of the East
era wheat and flour. Is, with a single ex
ception, the largest on record for the
same length of time. From Portland
and Puget Sound It has already reached
a total (Sour Included) of 26,225,830
bushels. This compares with preceding
seasons lor tne same period as follows
Season. Hush.
Season. Bush.
1901-02 J3.93W6S
1S3S-99 21.688.963
1900-01 JtlS4.85lS?7-98 J4.4CO.974
The wheat crop of 1901 was over 6.000.000
bushels larger than that of 1902, but the
movement has been so much more raDld
proportionately that the shipments to date
are less than 4.000.000 bushels behind those
of the record-breaking season of 1301-02.
There Is still considerable wheat to come
out, and If shipping facilities are aval!
able, April shipments will be materially
larger man mose ror tne month Just
Marriage Licenses.
James W. Putney. 21; Rose Meyer, 18.
James W. Barlow, 44; Fannie P. Gray. 16.
Clarence Ramsdell, 22; Maggie Hoffman. 18.
Amn w. Freeman. 33. King County. Wash.
Gertrude A. S torch. 27.
Berthold Flelsehner, 37, Washington County:
Vary HeItone. 29.
Contagions Diseases.
Arthur Mueller. 704 East Salmon; measles,
Mary Rc-yce. 247 Abemethy; scarlet fever.
Rioda. Grecian, 000 Halgnt avenue; small
Ruth Gregton. 009 Halgnt avenue; mnallpox.
W. P. Day, 60S East Morrison street, measles.
Barry Gregson. 000 Halght avenue, smallpox.
Rullna Gregson. 909 Halght avenue, smallpox.
Frank Kerr, Sellwood. chlckenpox.
Claud Boyce. 117 Abernethy, scarlet fever.
Harold Hohentteln. TOO Hendricks avenue.
Walter Splndler. 463 East Ash. measles.
Alva Wsrd. 264 Fourth, scarlet fever.
Mrs. -J. Schechla, Fulton, measles.
March 13. to wife of Joseph Paris!. Tenth
and Clifton, a boy.
March 23. to wife of Henry Darr, 505 Xorth
Twenty-fourth, a boy.
March 27. to wife of Jacob Brombenr. 232
Glbbs,.a clrL
March 30, to wife of It. R. Rowland. Fnlton,
a boy.
March 3. to the wife of Frank Hoest, 766
Kelly, a hoy.
March 22, to the wife of G. J. Klrkley, 133
East Sixth street, a glrL
March 28. to the wife of Domonle Caputo. 422
Fatton Road, a boy.
March 1. to the wife 'of H. D. Staler. 1481
Winona, a glrL
March 28. to the wife of R. S. Plene. 671
Eait Ash street, a boy.
March 20. to the wife of F. M. Robertson. 343
Water street, a glrL
March 22. to the wife of C C Joiielyn. ICS
Twelfth street, a boy.
Balldlna- Permit.
E. E. BUllnxs, East Sixth and Oxford, cot
tage. 81000. ,
H. C Wolfer. Deknm and Morse, bam. 8200.
The New Baby
From the moment a child is born the question
of nourishment becomes of great importance: A
right start avoids a lot of trouble later on; it's so
easy to begin right, too.
Many women cannot
not nurse their children.
under the circumstances is to help the bottle babies
all we can they're at a big disadvantage at best
We know positively that nothing will do them
more good than Scott's Emulsion a few drops in
the bottle. It seems to furnish just the right
quantity and the right kind of nourishment needed
for babies and growing children.
The women who are willing but unable to
properly nurse their children will find Scott's Emul
sion a great help a two-fold help in fact. It has a
direct and immediate effect, not only feeding and
sustaining the mother, but insuring also a flow of
rich, nourishing milk for the baby.
Thus Scott's Emulsion strengthens the mother
arid goes naturally through the milk and strengthens
the child
Well send you a sample free upon request.
SCOTT & BOWNB, 409 Pearl St, New York.
F. K Dnses, Delaware avraoe, dwelling.
Graves A Co., Seventh and' Waahhurton. re
pairs. 8300.
Mrs. E. C Hamilton. West Park and' Hall,
repairs; 3195.
M. Morhesd. West Park and Yamhill. r
palis: $150.
Chris Larson, East Thirteenth and Malt
comah, cottage; 81100.
W. A. Smith. Colon avenue and Ivy. cot
tage; 812(0,
Gambrtnus Brewing Co.. Third and Taylor,
repairs; 8300,
F. M. Fltts. East Thirteenth and Tailor, re
pairs; J1CO. . .
L. L. Hawkins. Front and Ash. repairs;
Cement Sidewalk Permits.
Mrs. E. C Hamilton. West Park and HaU.
23 feet.
Lena Hetlcrung. Eleventh and Main. 30 feet.
A. H. AverUl. East Eighteenth and Ash, 138
Mrs. John Poole, Occident and Holladar. 124
Mrs. John" Poole. Grand avenue and EaU Irv
ing. 30 feet.
K. B. Sloper. Grand avenue and Oregon. 100
feet. '
F. E. Cooper, East Sixteenth and Davis, 124
Contractor. Broadway and Larrabee, 12 feet.
Mrs. CXelt, Tenth and Washington. 112 feet.
Mrs. Stemme. Fourth ,and Everett. 200 ieeU
. - . WIHII.IIl ..umcuu.
Real Estate Transfers.
L. P. Beno to Win. Bailie, middle 33 1-3
feet lots 13. IS. block 3, King's secona
Add 4 1
Vim. Ballls to L. P. Beno. east 33 1-3 feet
lots 13. IS. block Z5. Kins s second aqo. 1
Louis P. Beno to Win. Ballls. W. 33 1-3
leet lots 15, 18, blocs Z3. tung a fcecona
Add........ - ...... ......... ........ 1
W. J. Cleaens and wife to W. 3. Lyons
et sl. una. ft lots 7, s, block va. Haw-
uorne ran ............................
A. W. Lambert and wife to O. P. Ramsey,
lots it. 13. block 2. sub. lot M. M. rai
ton Tract 390
M. J. McCrath and wife to M. A. Me-
Klnley. lots 1 tot, block 11. Peninsular
Add. No. :
Point View Real FUtste Co. to C Cain.
lots 3. 4. block 32. Point View 120
rant view Real Estate Co. to A. JU
Culp. lots 1. 2. block S. Point View....
Joan E. Atcheson and wlte to Title Guar.
A Trust Co., parcel land, sec 30. T. 1
N.. R. 1 E
Rasbel M. Kelly et ah to Cbas. Jenkins
and wife, lot 8. block 1, E. P. Heights..
Martha Tavlor to same, lot 0. block 1. E.
P. H.-Ights 223
Park Land Co. to Anna Titus, lot 22.
block 71. University Park 160
Andrew MeGnlra and wife to Msrr F.
Hurley, lot 7, DeLashsutt & Oatman's
Little Homes Sub. No. 4 1
Emll R. Plttelkau and wife to Thomas
Jones, part lot 3, sub. zs, block w car
ter's Add
Louis F. C3iemln and- wife to Albrecbt
Streltf, Jr 18 acres, sec 7. T. 1 S.. R. sUg.
1 E.: also right of way 18033
.uienau iiuner to H. oDie. ir.. u iocs,
block 39. Peninsular Add. No. 3
E. E. Hugen to Andre G rotes a. lot 3, sec
B. F. and M E. SkolflVld"toC. Baih! lot
It. block 4. Alblnon
David Goodsell and wife to Jsmes F. Mc
Connell. lots 7. 8. block 4. E. P. Heights
D. F. Brnnner snd wife to G. L. Webb,
lot 10. block 18. Klntel Psrk
Stenhen Bernl to Xewton Clark, lot 1.
block 218. Holladays Add 3200
R. Martin. Jr.. and wife to City of Port
land, block C. East Irvlngton Annex.... 1
M. A. Shlvely and husband to City of
Portland, parcel land. sees. 23. 24. 35.
So. T. 1 N.. R. 1 B 220
R. Lea Barnes to City of Portland. 10 feet
on north side lot 11, Fernwood 1
M. L and W. S. Smith to Chas. S. Hook
er, lots 3, 4. block 143. East Portland... 3000
M. and X. Bnrllnrame to A. A. Baker,
lot 5, block IS. Columbia Heights 1000
G. W. Jackson and wife to A. A. Kad
derly. lot 4. block 49; lot 4. block La.
Portland City Homestead 300
Heirs of F. Hoelsmann to S.- C Robins,
lot 4. block 14. Mt. Tabor Villa 80
J. O. Wlckham to Goldle BareU, part lots
1. 2. block 13. city 3123
A. A. Crane and wife to L. F. Murray,
lot 8. block 11. Wood lawn 400
Geo. W. and H. L. Weldler to Padlla
Coast Aba. Ouar. & Trust Co.. E. H
block 39, Wheeler's Add 1
Emory A. Hamlin to Allle Xe Roy. lot 2.
block 30. Sellwood 77. 3 430
B. C and J. B. McKlnley to N. Jf. and R.
A. Halvorsen. lot 14. block 1. Alblna
Homestead 800
John Sullivan and wife to William E.
Linn and wife. 33 1-3x100 feet. lot V.
block 17. Smith's Addition to East Port
land 1200
Sheriff (for S. C and A. 1. NIcklln) toy-
Merchants National Bank, lots b. 8.
block 3. Park Addition to Alblna 200
Richard Nixon (receiver; to Elisabeth
Scott, parcel land Sec 1. T. 1 S-. R. 1 E. 1
Elizabeth Scott to Caroline S. Mathews.
same 1
William Relit and wife to Marr M.
Dewey. N. H lot 0. block 17. McMUlen'a
Addltlcn 2230
First National Bank of Hllliboro to James
W. Cook. una. H lots 4, S. block' 3.
Cook's Addition to Alblna 1
Betsey M. McDonald to same, lot 7. S.
lot 8. blocS 26. city BOO
United states Savings & Loan Company to
J. H. Lewis. Sab. G and H. lot 3. -block
17. Portland Homestead 400
Josephine Hlrsch et aL to Mary A.
Graver, lou 7. 8. block 244. city 3S00
A. K. Waabbnrn and wife to T. E. John
son, lots 12. 13. block 18. Mount Tabor
Villa 150
P. H. Marlay and wife to Lena L. Stllxel.
lot 2. Everglade ....
Portland L. F. Cem. Co. to Frank J. Su
per, lot 2. block 3S. Lone Fir cemetery. S3
Charles M. Close and wife' to Beverly
Chen, lot 2. block 70. Portland 1
Kirk Hoover to Jullvs Sehoenberg. parcel
land Sec 38. T. 3 N.. R. 2 W 37S
Carrie M. Cavallne to Sycamore R. B. Co..
parcel land Sec 19. T. 1 S.. R. 3 E 12S
F. C Miller (agent) to Jacob Kamnv lot
1. block 231. Hoiladaye Addition 5
C G. and M. Strobe to Joseph Tobias, lots
L 2. block 4. Strobe's Addition 200
C V. McMaeter to Frltx Unger. und.
lot 1, block 13. Mount Tabor Villa 82
W. B. Elam t- David and Mary McMtllen.
lot 1. block 1. Center Addition 323
Minerva 8. RolMon to T. T. Strain, lots 0.
7. block 2. Mount Tabor Villa 105
Sophia M. Harrison et aL to Frances E.
Barrett. W. 33 1-3 feet lots 17, 18. block
21. Sunnyslde 1050
It. W. Gilbert to C H. Thompson. W. 1-3
lot 6. Edsewood ....................... yOO
Charles E. Stewart and wife to the public
parcel land Sec IS. T. 1 S.. R. 2 E
For Guaranteed Titles
See Pacific Coast Abstract. Guarantee et
Trust Ccu. 204-S-6-7 Falling building.
Every day Increases the popularity and
sale of Carter's Little Liver Pills. The
reason Is that when once used relief Is
sure to follow. Don't forget this.
or will not chiefly will
The best thing to do
When a Professional Man Talks, It's
to the Point.
Several famous American physicians
and surgeons were recently dining to
gether after a session of a National meet
ing held In New Tork.
"I had a remarkable case this winter,
remarked a surgeon present, whose name
as a specialist In rectal diseases Is world
wide. "My patient was a woman, a deli
cate, nerve-racked creature, who had suf
fered so fearfully from the ravages of
hemorrhoids, that the .knife seemed the
only solution of the trouble, and yet hec
heart was weak and her strength so
wasted by this; fearful disease, that we
dared not operate
"I had ceased my visits to her for a
time and had given up all hope, when one
morning she entered my office looking
like a new woman; the pallor had disap
peared and the lines of suffering were
nearly eradicated from her face. She told
me that she had purchased a proprietary
medicine, namely Pyramid Pile Cure,
and that from the first Insertion of the
suppositories she had obtained Instant
relief. I made an examination and found
the rectum In excellent condition, the
Inflammation entirely disappeared and the
swollen veins In normal condition.
"I was so interested in the case that I
had th remedy analyzed carefully and
was so pleased with the result of the
analysis, finding a combination of the
most healing and scientific remedies
present In the Pyramid Pile Cure and la
a more convenient form than I could
secure them otherwise, that I wrote to
the Pyramid Drug Company at Marshall.
Mich- asking for their booklet on piles,
their nature, cause and cure, (which by
the way Is sent free), and have since used
their Pile Cure extensively and with best
results In my practice. I do not hesitate
to recommend it to you all. It will often
save your patient from a painful surgi
cal operation, which In many cases re
sults fatally."
Gold Medal
At Fan American Exposition.
Unlike Any Other!
The full flavor, the deli
cious quality, the absolute
Parity of Lowney's Break
fast Cocoa distinguish it
from all others.
No "treatment with alkalies;
no adulteration with flour,
starch or ground cocoa shells;
nothing but the nutritive and
digestible product of the choic
est Cocoa Beans.
Ask Your Dealer for It.
Wife of Heart
Disease and
Myself of Nervous
Dyspepsia With
Miles' Heart Cure
and Nervine.
"If I had but known west medicine and
what physicians were reliable I would be
about $1,000 ahead today, For years my
wife had been troubled with fluttering ana
palpitation of the heart accompanied by
weak, nervous spells. We consulted several
different local doctors and tried nearly every
patent medicine I heard of and my wife had
almost riven cp in despair when my drajnrist
advised her to eive Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
and Restorative Nervine a trial. After tak
ing one-half bottle of the Nervine sh felt
better than she had in twenty reus- She
bought three bottles of each and is today en
joying better health than she did in all her
life. I know it is all due to Dr. Miles Re
storative Nervine and New Heart Cure, I
think Restorative Nervine is the best medi
cine on earth. As a stomach remedy it can
not be beaten. It cured me of nervous dys
pepsia and if from any cause I feel nervous
and I think my stomach is coin? to trouble
me I just take a few doses of Nervine and
Nerve and Ijver Pills and I socn feel all
right again. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are
the biSt remedy for headache and pains I
have ever used. I always keep a box in my
house. One Pain Pill will knock any pain
in thirty minutes. I have been using Dr.
Miles' Restorative Remedies in my family
fifteen years and think they are the best in
the world." Isaac Headley, Station Mas
ter, Santa FeR. R Wichita, Kan.
All druggists sell and guarantee first bot
tle Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book
on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address
Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind.
Specialists for Men's
'V Diseases
They have the tartest and
best-equipped medical insti
tution and the most ex
tenslre practice In th
United States.
Established In ISO).
s 1 n" cure lost strength
. " -I... " MWU
panics it; also special dls-
or. wwu iiuuvd, Queues or lam
iir kidneys, bladder, etc
Unfortunate men who cannot call should
writs for advice and private book ALL PRES.
Thousands cured at home. All letters coaa
denUaL No charge for consultation.
701 First Are, Seattle, Wash.
Every Woman
la lsltresUd awl iLotnld imaw
About IbA wanr4rfrTi
MARVU. Whiffing Spray
TheKewLadlta- Syringe
IA mr ersrftet far t)
It a rannot sspply the
If ARIEL, sec! so
etber. bos tend sump for 11
lrutntert Tires
fall Dsrtlralan and tuwueni tn.
vsinbiioii!ir. Bvaa.r &..,
Room 390 Times) Bdr Xw Tork.
For sale by Woodaril, Clarice tt C