Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 27, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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Tie Orcsroninn'H Telephone.
ountlntr Ttnom Main CB7
Maraglne Editor Main C30
City Editor r. Mala ICO
Composing Room MUn.65?
East Bide Office - EL5i
superintendent Building Kea
Counting: Room ?87
Editorial Room -
Composing Room
Engine Room 25,8
CORDRAT'S THEATER This evenlwr at
815. Myron B. Rico's "wnoee uauj -to
THE BAKER THEATER This evening at
8:15, "Charley's Aunt."
Wttpv. Lorn to say Good-Bte. The of
ficers and cadets o the German training
ship Herzogln Cecllle. -which -went down
the river Sunday morning, were accom
panied as far as Knapp's Light, 23 miles,
by some 25 of their friends among the
German people of Portland, whose friend
ship and esteem they won during their
stay In this port. There were about 15
ladles In the party, and a "very enjoyable
time was had. Captain Spencer kindly
furnished a boat for the use of the party,
and spread a nice lunch for them, to
whirti thn curtain of the ship added
champagne. Tho band of the ship fur
nished music, and a Jolly dancing party
was held 'tween decks, on the ship. The
excursion was a regular demonstration.
As they passed tho Government revenue
cutter Perry all on board tho ship cheered
the Stars and Stripes, flags were dipped
in salute, and tho band played "Hail, Col
umbia." 'The flags of all the ships of
different nationalities were saluted, and
appropriate music played as each was
passed, and when these courtesies had
been attended to, dancing was resumed.
When it came time to separate, both the
departing visitors and their friends were
in a high state of enthusiasm and there
were not a few tears shed when the final
handshakes were taken. The party,
climbed down aboard the tug which was
to bring them back, with many an "auf
wlodersehen," and many expressions of
good will and affection on both sides. It
is safe to say that all on board the ship
will long remember their sojourn in Port
land, and will look forward with pleasure
to returning here.
Dredge Has to Quit. The Port of
Portland's dredge. Columbia, which has
been deepening tho channel at Postofflco
bar for about a month, has been obliged
to suspend operations on account of the
freshet on the Willamette, and the amount
of driftwood being carried dewn. Assist
ant United States Engineer Eagnal, who
Is in charge, expects to be able to resume
operations in a few days, and thinks that
the Improvement can bo completed with 10
days work. The flood In the Willamette
has caused back water at the locks in tho
Yamhill River, and the water there marks
42 feet above zero on the gauge. A tor
rent 21 feet in depth was pouring over the
lock walls, and at last accounts yesterday
the water was still rising. River boats
with machinery powerful enough ought to
be able to climb over the lock now without
waiting for the gates to be opened, and
unless the water stops rising ocean steam
ers will soon be able to navigate the roar
ing Yamhill. The flood has prevented
Assistant United States Engineer D. B.
"Ogden from getting over to Umpqua to
make some examinations there, but no
communication by wire can bo had with
Umpqua. '
Good Buck Shooting. Sportsmen gen
erally enjoyed very good duck shooting
last Sunday, much better than for sev
eral weeks, although the day was too flne
and bright for this sport. In a few places
the water came up so rapidly, and to
such a height, as to interfere with the j
sport, but there were ducks everywhere.
A fine bag was made at Dead Willows,
the full limit being shot The ducks killed
mostly mallards, were tho finest shot this
mnnnn Ji, Aumber jCtt. thtiZn. IVClch ed 'in
the neighborhood of four pounds each,
and. one, a whopper, came within two
ounces of five pounds. At Morgan's, one
of tho best day's sport of the season was
had. Jerome Thorne, the youngest of
the party, distinguished himself by bring
ing down two swan, one with each barrel,
a long shot; and ho would have- dropped
another if his gun had been a three
barreled one. There are many ducks
about the preserves, and owing to their
being well fed are in unusually fine con
dition for this late in the season.
Might Claim the Reward. A member
of the City Council desires attention
called to tho fact which is a plain one,
Tint thft port, linlf nf tho hlnrlr Vipru.'pn
Mill, Columbia, Fourth and Fifth streets
is being made a common dumping ground
for garbage and refuse of all sorts. On a
building near the north end of the block
is posted a placard, signed by S. A. Mil
ton, offering $5 reward for the detection
and conviction of any one trespassing on
this property. The half block, or the
greater part of it, belongs to the Meade
estate. It is valuable property, finely sit
uated for residences, and the agent of
the Meade estate might have the tin
cans, old cement barrels and garbage re
moved. Three very nice houses have
been erected lately on Mill street oppo-.
site this property, and three buildings of
lour flats each are nearlng completion on
Columbia street There seems to be too
many places about town where garbage is
jelng dumped.
Report op Horticultural Society.
irgo Lamberson, secretary of the State
lortlculturol Society, by working all day
pSunday, has completed the index to the
f society s report to the Legislature. He
will go to Salem this morning to arrange
with the State Printer for having it print
fed as soon as possible. He has arranged
S the illustrations in a dummy copy for tho
guidance of the binder, and the printed
sheets and pictures will be placed in his
hands at once. The report is not quite so
flarge as the last one was, but will con
tain about 2S0 pages of reading matter
and 40 full-page illustrations, 300 pages in
all, which is a very good size. The report
"will be ready for circulation in a short
Baby Seal Is Dead. The baby seal
-which has been in the pond at the City
.Park for somo time and had grown to be
t about 2& feet in length died on Sunday.
The cause of its death is not known for
certain, but from a bruise on the body it
is thought that the large old seal in the
pond must have hurt it This seal is
about flvo feet long, and is sometimes
cross. The skin of the little one will be
mounted and placed in the free museum.
Colonel Hawkins thinks there will bo no
difficulty about getting another baby seal
for tho park, as soon as the salmon fish
ing season opens, for the fishermen fre
quently capture seals of all sizes In nets,
seines and traps.
Only Boulders Survive. Columbia
street between Front and Water streets.
is in a fearful condition, being worn out
by the heavy traffic to and from the Jef.
ferson-street depot The block was im
proved with macadam long ago, when it
was usual to begin such Improvements
with a layer of boulders. Now all tho
macadam is worn out except these boul
ders, and heavily-loaded vehicles find it a
hard road to travel. The truckmen and
teamsters wlio have to drive heavy loads
of wheat, wood, etc., over this bad street
would be obliged to any city official or
any one else who will have some repairs
made there.
Mrs. J. Gschwandner, -whose flne cook
ing is remembered by many of Portland'6
best citizens, has been engaged to take
charge of the grill and lunchroom of
Welnhard's Cafe, Fifth and Alder.
Lost. Taken from coat rack, Portland
Hotel. Saturday evening, about S:30. one
black, heavy overcoat Reward of 25
and no questions asked if returned to 2S1
Washington street
Coast Championship Basket-Ralx.
Seattle vs. Portland,
Jan. SI, 8:15, Y. M. C. A. Gymnasium.
Seats Now Selling, Y. M. C. A., 35, 50a
Dandruffene is a guaranteed cure for
dandruff or eczema. Scalps examined free.
D'Orlan Cle Toilet Parlors. 348 Wash.
Wibx Bros., dentists, The Falling
Mills Never Stop. The Portland
Woolen Mills in Sellwood have been run
ning day and night, and so getting a six
set product out of three sets of machinery-
Now the plant Js being doubled by
putting in three additional sets.' By run
ning the whole day and night the prod
uct of a 12-set mill will be secured. The
mill has been in operation about a year,
and has proved a success from the start.
The product is sold in New York and
San Francisco, and is in demand. The
mill, when the additional machinery is In,
will be the second largest on the Coast,
the mill at Oregon City being larger. The
output will be raised to 40,000 yards per
month. The stock in these mills, amount
ing to $100,000, has all been taken, and
there is not a share on the market. At
the annual meeting of stockholders, held
a few days ago, the following officers were
elected for the ensuing year: W. P. Olds,
president; Captain Gordon "Voorhies, first
vice-president; Charles Coopey, second
vice-president; E. L. Thompson, secretary
and manager; Charles Carter, superin
tendent The stock is all owned by Port
land capitalists, and in addition to those
mentioned Includes W. M. Ladd, W. F.
Burrell and R. D. Larmbee, of Montana,
who is practically a Portland capitalist.
Watchmkn Were Sportive. Some of
tho sportsmen's clubs of this city, who
have had poor shooting in their pre
serves of late, have finally tumbled to
the situation, and by investigation have
found that they have been "done, up by
the watchmen employed to take care of
their preserves. Early in the season one
of these fellows was found to be double
shooting the game by selling part of the
wheat sent to him to be fed to the ducks
and by shooting the ducks that he at
tracted with the remainder of the wheat.
He was discharged and a successor em
ployed, who did not sell wheat, but ho
could not refrain from having some sport
himself during the week, ivhen the ducks
were just loafing about waiting to bo
shot. These matters were finally satis
factorily adjusted, and the clubs have
enjoyed some good sport ever since. A
man who watches a preserve should not
know how to shoot ducks.
Had a Boom of Loos Once. Robert
Alexander, who Is engaged In the round
timber and other lumber business at Cot
tage Grove, has been in the city for sev
eral days, and is beginning to feel anx
ious in regard to getting away. He has a
lot of piling and timber In a boom on the
West Fork of tho Willamette, or had
last Saturday, when he last heard from
his foreman. Then railroad communica
tion was cut off by the flood, and he could
not get back to Cottage Grove. The tele
phone line went down, and he could not
hold communication with the town, and
ho feels as if something had gone astray.
The condition puts him in mind of early
days, when there were no railroads or
telephones in Oregon. He would then
have acbepted the situation as a matter
of course, and would have waited pa
tiently till the clouds and the floods rolled
by. People are not so patient as they
used to be.
Profanity Didnt Help Much. The
broken axle of a wagon pllad high with
cordwood delayed the cars on both the
Fifth and the Morrison-street lines list
evening, at the time when the down-town
crowd was swarming homeward. Tho
wagon was at the . corner of Fifth and
Morrison streets when the break-down
occurred, and though one of the cars
pushed with all Its power, and the horses
responded nobly, a long lino of cars filled
with hungry people had to wait until the
wood was unloaded and the horses could
pull the broken wagon out of the way.
Accidents of this kind usually happen
when every one is in a particular hurry,
but no amount of swearing on the part
of either the passengers or the carmen
helped to unload the wood any faster.
To Show Colored Lantern Slides.
The collection of colored lantern plates
taken along the line of the O. R. & N.
o. in Oregon ana uasnington, wnicn is
Voon to be sent East to the Harriman Infor
mation bureau to be used to advertise this
section of the country, will be displayed
on Saturday evening- in the rooms of tho
Commercial Club In the Chamber of Com
merce building. The exhibition will be
made under the auspices of the Board of
Trade, the Chamber of Commerce, tho
Manufacturers' Association and the Com
mercial Club, and only member of those
organizations in good standing will bo
allowed to be present This collection is
without a doubt the best that has ever
been made in the Northwest and will oe
well worth seeing.
To Hold Good Roads Convention.
The impetus given to the work of secur
ing good roads, by the Government con
vention held in this city last Fall, does not
appear to be diminishing. There will be
held in Medford on February 13 and 14 a
local convention of good roads workers
and fruitgrowers, at which time a com
plete organization will be effected and offi
cers elected. President Scott and Secre
tary Mager, of the Oregon Good Roads
Association, will be on hand to help or
ganize the convention. There has already
been one county association farmed at
Coquille, in Coos County, which was or
ganized on January 15.
Religious Brotherhood. The prelimi
nary steps for the f6rmation of a Port
land branch of the Brotherhood of St
Paul was taken by 30 members of tho
Grace M. E. Church, last evening, and
anotner meeting will be held February 2.
at which the constitution will be adopted
ana tne local society organized. Rev. J.
R. T. Lathrop. the pastor of tho church.
told those assembled last evening of the
purpose of the brotherhood, and his re
cital awakened so great an Interest that
nearly all present signified their desire to
Marine Engineers' Convention. A
private dispatch has ' been received in
Portland stating that the annual conven
tion of marino englnoers, being held in
wasnmgton, u. j.. old not take anv ae
tion in regard to a new scale for engi
neers on tho Pacific Coast The strike on
the Willamette and Columbia Rivers was
considered in executive session, but the
result of the deliberation has not yet been
maao pumic iiessrs. Smith and Welch.
tho local delegates to the convention, are
expectea nome some time next week.
Friends Bear All Expense. The
funeral of Thomas Wall, a veteran hack.
driver, will be held this morning from
l imey s unaertaKing parlors at 10 o'clock.
Wall was born in Portland 34 years acn.
and has worked as a hackdriver here
nearly all his life. Ho died on Saturday.
The expenses of the funeral have been
borne by the hack and stablemen of the
city, together with a number of hotel
men, with whom tho veteran driver had
many friendships. The Interment will be
in Lone Fir cemetery.
To Aid Injured Railroad Man. There
will be a dance given this evening at
Arlon Hall, under the auspices Jot the
Columbia Club, for the benefit fit John
T. Collins, who recently lost one of his
legs In a railroad accident Tho commit
tee hopes to see the dance liberally pat
Social Tonight at Grace Church.
Japanese entertainment; refreshments; all
Fifty $100 snaps! Write Immediately to
JfcL B Reynolds, 615 Washington street
Social at Grace M. E. Church Wednes
day evening. All friends invited. '
A good bunch of them, all brand new
mane ana styles, xney are no old on-
hand coats. We are trying to clear out
but are our own make just znado last
week, late style in silk and cloth. We
make all our garments. Linings war
ranted to wear two years, buttons are tho
same. If we have not got your size we
will make it up for you without extra
charge. The J. M. Acheson Company.
yirth and Alder streets.
For that hungry feeling try the Port
land restaurant 305 Washington street
For a Q,HXet Game ef Pool,
Parlors. 227 6 th. adjoining Orezcml&n Bids..
Result Wan Expected "by Prisoner
and His Frlentla, lint an Ap
peal Will Be Taken.
A verdict of manslaughter was returned
by the jury In the case of John Castro
novo, at 6 o'clock last evening. This ver
dict was about what was expected by the
prisoner and his friends, and was received
with satisfaction. A few oi tne most san
guine looked for an acquittal.
Dr. C. F. Candlanl, the Italian Consul,
Is among the latter, and says an appeal
will be taken to the Supreme Court. The
Consul asserts also that tne interpreter in
the case, Peter Jacoy, Is a first cousin of
thn murdered man. Josenh Gucllclmo. and
was brought hero from Spokane by the
prosecution because tney xnew no wouia
rrlvp nnstrnnnvo the worst of it Tho
doctor says the Interpreter did not put
the questions and answers properly.
If this Is so, objections snouia nave Deen
made while the trial was In progress, and
it is doubtful li it win avail now to pro
tect Th attorneys for the nrosecution
deny that the Interpreter was unfair, and
say the courtroom was crowaea witn
Italians, who would have made a demon
stration if such was the case.
District Attorney John Manninc made
an able argument for the prosecution, and
Dan R. Murohv. attorney for the defense.
spoke In an effective manner. John Cor-
dano, now an ex-detective, who arrested
Castronovo, assistea materially in tne
convlqtlon. The penalty for manslaughter
Is from one to lo years in tne peniten
Affidavits That the Savnjses Guarded
John R. Foster.
Freemasons are not allowed to see John
R. Foster, the aged pioneer, of whose per
son and estate B. G. Whltehouse was ap
pointed guardian by the County Court sev
eral days ago.
Homer D. Sanborn filed an affidavit to
this effect In the State Circuit Court yes
terday. He states that Dora Savage and
her husband, Frank Savage, gave such
Instructions to tho servants In the Fos
ter household. In his affidavit Mr. San
born says: "Sophia told me she had or
ders not to admit Masons. I asked her
who so Instructed her, and she answered
Mr. Savage.
"I said, 'You will have to be very care
ful, Sophia. In the first place, you must
ask them and know that they are Ma
sons, and then you can obey your or
"No one was present except Sophia and
myself, and tho conversation occurred In
the dining-room, just as I was going out
of the dining-room Into the hall.
"Thereafter, I had a conversation with
Bertha Krugg, an unmarried sister of So
phia, who was then engaged in the house
as cook, and asked her if she had the same
orders, and she said she had. This con
versation took place as she came out of
the pantry. I was standing by thei screen
door which leads to tho porch."
The affidavit further recites that Dora
Savage was living in the house at this
time, and has been there since the death
of Mrs. Foster In December.
Mr. Sanborn has also subscribed to tho
following affidavit:
"I, H. D. Sanborn, being first duly sworn,
depose and say that I am acquainted with
John R. Foster, and have been so ac
quainted for 45 years last past, and dur
ing the last 15 months and up to January
11, 1903, I was in almost constant attend
ance upon him in his house in this city.
"That I have read the complaint filed In
the above entitled cause, and that tho alle
gations thereof are true, as i verily be
lieve, excepting as modified hereby.
"That I have been asked to state under
oath what knowledge I have tending to
support the last sentence of paragraph 8
fof said complaint wherein it is alleged In
suDstance mat me aei.enaa.nt, ior tne pur
poses therein stated, refused to permit
tho friends and acquaintances of plaintiff
to visit him and denied admission to all
such friends and acquaintances as desired
to visit him."
W. W. Cotton, attorney for Mr. and
Mrs. Savage, will file counter affidavits
showing that a friend of Foster's came to
see him one morning before he got up,
and that Mr. Foster was displeased to bo
called upon while he was still in bed, and
grieved about it This caused Mrs. Sav
age to remark that she would not admit
any one again in tho morning. It will bo
denied that Masons were refused admit
tance, and it will be claimed that San
born has a key to tho houso himself and
can let anybody elso in.
Defendants In Gambling1 Cascit Not
to Be Tried Immediately.
The gambling cases resulting from tho
raid made by Judge Hogue and Attorney
B. B. Beekman, about one month ago, will
not be tried In the State Circuit Court un
til Henry E. McGinn, attorney for tho
principal defendants, finishes his labors as
a State Senator. Judge Sears made this
ruling yesterday morning.
District Attorney Manning states that
he is prepared to proceed with the. trial.
and may ask Judge Sears this morning to
modify his ruling. The deputy District
Attorney suggested to the court yester
day that as Mr. McGinn is away, the
court might appoint counsel to take his
place and defend the case, but tho court
decided not to do such a thing, and held
that the defendants aro all at liberty on
their own recognizance, and aro therefore
not particularly inconvenienced because of
a month's postponement
Defendants Are Dissatisfied.
A motion to vacate the decree in tho
suit of Louisa Schwartz and Anna Ger-
hardt against their father, Martin Ger-
hardt was filed in Judge Sears' court
yesterday. The children sued their father
to recover money left them by relatives
in Germany, and the decree was in their
favor. The motion is based on tho ground
that at the trial the defendant offered no
testimony, because ho considered tho
plaintiffs had mado no case, and that
plaintiffs are now being allowed to sub
mit further evidence, which .cannot be
done after a decree has been declared.
Court Notes.
Judge Webster has gono to Green River,
ana mere will be no session of tho County
uourc today.
Articles of incorporation of the Oregon
White Pino Lumber Company were filed
in the County Clerk's office yesterday by
joiair r. scott, F. W. Mulkey and C.
Fay; capital stock. J150.000.
Incorporation articles of the Lone Star
Lumber Company were filed yesterday by
P. A. Livesly, Charles J. Schnabel and
M. M. Cavanaugh; capital stock. $50,000.
Katherine Burns Davis has snM r Voir
Davis for a divorce, in the State Circuit
Court on the ground of cruel treatment
and has obtained an order nf nmirt re
straining him for interfering with her or
moiesung ner in any manner.
In Memory of Beecner.
NEW YORK, Jan. 25. Among tho sug
gestions being considered in connection
with the Beecher memorial is one to place
in Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, a series
of IS stained-glass windows, to typify
tne struggle ror religious and political lib
erty and commemorate great leaders in
the movement Some of the scenes sug
gested would be Savonarola preaching re
ligious liberty; Martin Luther posting his
defiance of Rome on the rlnnrs nf Vii
church; incidents In the life of Crom
well and in the French Revolution; Pat
rick Henry exclaiming, "Give me liberty
or give me aeatn"; Webster replying to
Hayno, ana Lincoln at Gettysburg,
Stained-glass experts express the opinion
that the Broad-street windows would be
admirably adapted to pictorial treatment
"Uncle Tom's Call In" Tomorrow.
Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" com
pany will bo the attraction at the Mar
quam Grand Theater tomorrow (Wednes
day) night Thursday afternoon and night
The matinee Thursday will be given espe
cially for the ladies and children at popu
lar prices. The company is composed
of 50 men, women and children, all cap
able actors, actresses, singers and
dancers. As a scenic production it Is said
to be better than any other. Among
others worthy of special mention are the
Ohio River by moonlight the beautiful"
vision scene and tho gorgeous transforma
tion scene at the close. A number of
prize Shetland ponies, trick mules and
Colonel Sawyer's splendid pack of genu
ine Siberian bloodhounds aro special feat
ures. The spectacular street pageant has
a great many beautiful Shetland ponies,
chariots and handsomely carved tableaux
watrons. besides other novelties. The
parado Is led by Washburn's great mili
tary band, and is worth going a long way
to see.
Snle for GabrlloTvitsch.
Gnhrllowltsch. -who gives a return re
cital at the Marquam Wednesday after
noon, has blossomed out suddenly. Even
people who seldom go to concerts and do
not follow the reputation of musical ioik
have been aware of the appearanco'of a
genuine celebrity. The programme will
be a most Interesting one, including Men
delssohn, Beethoven, Chopin and Leschet
Izky. The sale of seats opens today.
Sale for Grand Opera.
The advance sale of seats will begin to
morrow (Wednesday) morning at iu
o'clock for the grand opera season at
ih Marnuam Grand Theater next a riaay,
Saturday afternoon and night The rep
ertoire will be as follows: J?naay even-
inir "Carmen": Saturday matinee. 11
Trovatore"; Saturday evening, the double
bill of "I Pagllaccl" and "Cavalerla
"Mr Friend From India."
Three nights, beginning Thursday, Jan
uary 29, "My Friend From India" will be
the bill at Cordray's. This roaring farce
has been from its initial performance an
unqualified triumph, as It well deserves.
Clean In every line and abounding In gro
tesque situations, it holds its audiences
in spells of continuous laughter. There
will be a special ladies' and children's
matinee Saturday.
Burns' Birthday Concert.
On Friday night January SO, the public
will have opportunity to enjoy a real treat
at tho Clan Macleay concert in Arlon
Hall, in celebration of Robert Burns
natal day. Gavin Spence, of Edinburgh,
Scotland, a tenor of National reputation,
Is on his way to Portland to take part at
this concert and will arrive Thursday.
He brings with him his cousin. Flora Mac-
donald, an artistic Highland dancer.
Mrs. Walter Reed, who Is a great favor
ite In Scottish song, will also appear. Mr.
John P. Kavanaugh will deliver the ad
dress on Burns. In addition to the con
cert Everest's Orchestra will provide
music for a dance to follow the pro
W. E. Blanchard, of Skagway, Is at the
George J. Dodeon, a shipping man of
Tacoma, is visiting in the city.
James D. Hoge, a prominent banker of
Seattle, is registered at the Portland.
Arthur Seufert, a well-known cannery-
man from The Dalies, is a guest of the
C. T. Early, the well-known lumber
man of Hood River, is spending a few
days In. Portland. t
Sol. G. Simpson, a wealthy timber deal.
er, ship-owner and speculator of Seattle,
Is visiting in the city. .
C. E. A. Boswell, a business man from
the old French City of Quebec, is regis
tered at the Imperial.
B. H. Gule. of Seattle, a prominent at
torney and an active politician, arrived in
Portland last night for a short stay.
Mr. H. J. Eilers, president of EIler3
Piano House, returned from an extended
trip to Spokane and Puget Sound yester
day. C. B. Haraden, a prominent merchant
of Astoria, who has extensive commercial
Interests In Alaska, Is staying at tho Im
perial. Mrs. Haraden and daughter ac
company him.
Deputy City Auditor Lotan, who sus
tained a dislocation of the shoulder by a
fall a week ago, returned to his desk In
the City Hall yesterday. While the Injury
is still painful, Mr. Lotan expects to be
able to perform his duties.
NEW YORK. Jan. 26. (Special.) The
visitors at tho Eastern office of Tho Ore
gonlan today were Roose Hlbler and A.
J. Johnson, National bank examiners.
both of Sclo, Or. The gentlemen have
been staying at the Park-Avenue Hotel,
and will go to Boston tonight, and prob
ably from there to Chicago, and expect
to reach homo In two weeks.
NEW YORK, Jan. 26. (Special.) North
western people were registered at New
York hotels today as follows:
From Portland J. Heiler and wife, at
tho Belvidere; L. Q. Swetland, at tho Hoff
man. From Spokane F. Burbrldge, at the Im
perial; S. Stentenbash, at the Rossmore.
From Seattle H. D. Thomas, J. Astor
and C. P. Devlne at the Hoffman; T.'L.
Henry, at the Grand Union.
From Tacoma Miss M. J. Bell, at the
Park Avenue.
From The Dalles D. J. Riley, at the
Grand Union.
Monster Fir Cut Near Elmo.
ELMA, Wash.. Jan. 26. (Special.) A
Will Be a Day of Values and bargains
It is a conceded fact and admitted by experienced shoppers and
traders, that our prices on all seasonable merchandise have not
and cannot be approached by any dry goods house in the city.
The Best Critics in the "trade Are Loud
in Thete-Praise
Over the result of our Great Clearance Sale. Jaunty Spring Jack
ets, Ladies' and Misses' SilK Monte CaHos in black and brown,
new blue, reptile green and changeable effects. You can have any
of the sample line at manufacturer's cost. Wonderful values and
exclusive designs. Only one garment of a kind.
58 and 60-inch, $1.50 and $1.75 values
ALL COLORS, Clearance Sale Prices
97c and $1.15 a yard
Black Broadcloth, Venetians, Kerseys and Meltons the grandest
array of fine cloths and fine dress goods ever shown m the North
west.' Alonte Carlos, fine long capes in black and castor. Clear
ance Sale Prices on every article in our Cloak Room.
McAllen & McDonnell
Cpr. Third and Morrison
If you want to rent a new machine, come to
ua. If you -want to buy a new machine, como
to us. If you want needles, parts or oil for any
machine, come to us. If you want a good second-hand
machine, come to us.
Phone South 24C1.
Corner Sixth and Alder Streets
Opp. Oregonian Building.
We Can
Please You
In developing and
printing your kodak
and camera Pict
ures Good work on Ahort notice.
The Curio Siore, 331 Morrison St.
Geo. L. Baker, Man.
Tho Comedy Sensation
of the Hour
and every nteht this
The Baker prices never
change Evening I3c,
2Tc, 33c. 6oc. Matinee
10c, 15c, 23c.
Next week Belasco
will make you and DeMille's'llen and
laugh. women."
gigantic fir was cut near here a few days
ago by Trent Beckwlth and Herbert Tay
lor. When scaled by ScriQner s rule it
was found to contain fully 35,000 feet of
lumber. It was over 300 feet In height.
and will be taken to Vance'j mHl In six
large logs, each about 30 feet In length.
It scaled seven feet on the stump. Some
Idea of Its value may be understood when
It Is said that it will make a 12-room resi
dence In the plain pattern. When mar
keted, at an average of $20 per 1000 feet, it
will bring 5700.
High-Grade Piano tor Rent .
Sold on easy Installments. Pianos tuned
md repaired. IL Slnshelmer. 72 Third at.
For a Social Game of Bllllaras,
Parlors. 127 6th, adjoining Oregonian Bidg.
Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver
Fills? xney are a positive cure ror sick
heauacne and an the ins proaucea oy ais
ordered liver.
Includes all lines of Japanese
and Chinese Curios, Matting,
Rugs, Toys, &c. - - - - -
Ladies' Silk Emb'd Wrapper.. $8.75
Ladies' Silk Plain Wrappers.. $7.45
Ladies' Silk Emb'd Jacket $4.15
Gent's Silk Emb'd Smoking
Jacket $4.00
Gent's Silk Plain Smoking
Jacket $3.00
Cor. 4th and Morrison
j 2474 Stark Street Phone Main 178
Rock Springs Range Coal
For coolistove and small heaters 'tl
cleanest and best $8.C0 per ton,
Oniy &tve Ttfore IDays ffiemain of Our
Jlnnual Sale
No person who is economically
inclined can afford to miss this re
markable bargain event, whether you
buy for present or next winter's
wear t's a splendid investment.
$ 5
2" x
The most difficult defect
of vision to cure is that of
the man so blind to his
own folly as to buy so
called cheap glasses. We
find such cases easy to
fit, however, after their
eyes are opened.
The Optician
Oregonian BIdg.
VI. E. V,. DIU u 11 Marauam ble.. room 07.
similating tticFoodandBeguIa
ling the S tomachs andBowels of
Promotes DigeationXheerPui
ness andUestContains neither
(MumMorphine nor"finraL
Wot 8xlc o tic
ftmfJasi Semi"
Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa
Tion , Sour Stomach,Diairhoca
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signature of
YOUNG itEN troubled with night emissions, dreams, exhausting drains, bash
fulness, aversion to society which deprive you of y.our manhood. UNFITS YOU
MIDDLE-AGED MEN who from excesses and strains have lost their MANLY
BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody urine.
Gleet. Stricture, enlarged prostate, Sexual Debility, Varicocele. Hydrocele. Kidney
and Liver Troubles, cured without MERCURY AND OTHER POISONOUS
DRUGS. Catarrh and Rheumatism CURED.
Dr. "Walker's methods are regular and scientific He usc3 no patent nostrums
or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treatment.
His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent free to all men who describe their
trouble. PATIENTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered in
plain envelope. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on or address
Dr. Walker, 149 First SU bet, Alder and Morrison, Portland, Or.
Largest Clothiers In tbe Nortlivrest.
Cor. Fourth, and Morrison Streets.
Children's :
Department i
By far the largest in the
city Half the entire sec- J
ond floor.
COAL $6.50
KET. Telephone ns yonr order.
oak 1251. KING COAL CO.
Dr. Fred Prohn. Dekum tide.
Full ret teeth.
22K 55
Gold crowns.
Brldso work. 22K
Philadelphia graduate.
All the latest appli
ances tor doing perfect
urork- B"rd Prehn. Tho
Dkam, cor. Sd and "Washington. Portland. Or.
A new collar
E. & W.
E. & W.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Thirty Yea
Bears the I a
jv Jtv In
rM X Use
yjF For Over
In tho treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver,
kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diarrhoea,
dropsical swellings, Bright's disease, etc
Complaints, painful, difficult, too frequent, milky or
bloody urine, unnatural discharges speedily cured.
Such as piles, fistula. Assure, ulceration, mucous and
bloody discharges, cured without the knife, pain or.
Blood poison, gleet, stricture, unnatural losses, im
potency, thoroughly cured. No failures. Cures guaranteed.