TflE MORNISg QREGONIAN, TUESDAY., DECEMBER 16, 1502, 13 MA ROPE LOWER hipulators at Chicago Bear the Market. s iiBLE SUPPbY. IS LARGER Form of Hop Contract Being Iraira Up FatHre Delivery of Fruit Jars at Lovrer Prices. ill rooe declined c yesterday on advices the East. The base price for Manila Is I3ttc and for sisal 10c. Regarding tne Iral situation for some time past. It Is led that the large harvester concerns 01 lie- have been the most Influential factors. i the purpose of Betting sisal for binder Le as cheaply as possible, these concerns, u lid. have been "bearing" the entire mar- Another iuse of the wcaKness 01 me . . .1 that th tntal visible ip jnarKep is uj . i larccr than at this time last year, ai lend of November It was estimated at about I WO bales. Cables from London report tne net there very dull. Advices from Mexico ; that the market there for sisal shipments Wr now than In the United States, tne valent of 7c being quoted as the price. the situation In New Tork, the Journal o. hmercc of the 8th Inst, said: nrkrt continues, dull and weak. ro Iness is doing in the Manila grades, and I iir,ro n the bear" movement from ago Is strongly felt tnrougnouu xnc hl f9t..T r tho. market Is sisal. In which e a little oulet business has been done of But even this' Is uncertain and lacking wv-hone." and the continued tendency consumers to buy direct from the pro- Rng countries msteaa 01 mrougn is a deadening factor, opoi -at at S8c, and shipments xmgui dc ilned for less. IEW FORM OF HOP CONTRACTS, rlcct DhII, With Groovers More AnslonK to clL hrtaln hopdealers of Oregon. Washington California have combined forces in order -et out a uniform contract form that will ilnate the uncertain and" objectionable fea- mi of the Present form and that will be Ming to both sfdes. When an agreement Is ched as to the proposed form or contract, is be .submitted to the best legal talent ee use Is made of It. Ihe hop market Is dull, with growers more serous than heretofore. Plenty of hops are fred for sale at about 24c Sacrar-ntos being ottered at 22c It Is said there Is Ice the amount of hops in growers' basis In Ifornla that there was a year ago. Accord - to dealers, many of the recent re irted es of large lots for . London shipment were carried through. Most of the late trans- lions have been between dealers. Copbuyers. who quote the market weak at mom-nt, nevertheless predict an advance (the Spring. Frslt Jnrs Will Be Cheaper. fruit Jars will be cheaper next year. New ccs fcr future delivery show that Mason Its will be COb, quarts 90c and half-gallons 10 below former figures per gross. The lie. which Is for delivery previous to April hnly. Is as follows per gross: Pints, $5 00; trts, SC 50; half-gallons, f 15. On dellv- bs after April 1, 10c per month will be add- to" .quotations. Porcelain, - caps are 3ted at 2 5. "Sew York Hop Mnrlcct. TEW YORK, Dec 15. Special.) Locally ruled culct and few sales were noted. Ices are unchanrcd. Calilcs from, the Ger- n markets noted some Improvement In the sand and prices hardening. New York quo- lions: State, common to choice. 1902 crop. l?37c; 1001 crop, 2420c; olds, 712tfc; Pa le Coast. 1902 crop. 25SJ31c; 1901 crop. 23C3 olds 712Hc PBUXE MARKET STROXG. rices Are Not Weakened ly Heavy- Receipts. JEW YORK,, Dec 15. (Special.) Supplies' prunes were again Increased today by the rival of 24.000 boxes, all sizes. Despite ivy receipts an active and firm market rules. lere Is no pressure to sell In any quarter. Id bids of c below quotations are repeatedly cllned. Sales, while mostly Jobbing In char- Iter. are freely made at 7Uc for 40-50s, Cc 50-COs, 5c for 00-70s, 4c for 70-BOs; 4c 80-OOs, and 3c for 90-lOOs. Soma scarcity 50-OOs and 70-SOs Is noted, with slight ad- Inces over figures given on these sizes. Lots sregatlng 2000 boxes, slzco 40-70s. were we ired from several holders today by an ex- jrtcr. but the price was withheld. Inother sale. Including a round lot of Oregon 50s, was secured for export to France at the pi equivalent of spot. On 30-40s 7"4c Is Iked, OVic for 40-50s and 5ic for 50-C0s. A slderable portion of the late arrivals Is un- contract for Boston asd Philadelphia, these itters being lightly supplied. There were In Idltion to domestic receipts 89,000 boxes for I?ort account- roast wires report advancing markets In Cal- brnia and Oregon and bids on the fcasls loted for offerings Friday .were turned-down sizes oo-aos in Santa Clara-Valley today. Ibbers view the situation with the utmost ifldence, and will sell only in a. small way. ieans are Inactive and weals Salmon Is steady, but there Is no Important PORTLAND 3IARKETS. Gral Flonf. Feefl, Etc. "here Is but little doing totally In wheat. bd prices are about as quoted at the close of 1st week. Eastern advices were better, but tin Francisco was weaker. Liverpool cables we sSbc higher. Paris "4 lower, and Ant- t:rp unchanged. No new business is reported pre In grain freights. Oats and barley are brhanged. J "LOlTft Valley. $3 4003 05 per barrel: harrt heat straights, $3 303 firf; hard wheat pit- rts. $3 60S4 10; Dakota hard wheat, $4 40 P0. graham. $3 203 60. IWHEAT Walla Walla. 7071c; blucstem. Ij79e; Vajley. 755376c. export valuee. BARLEY Feed. $23 5(pcr ton; brewing, $24; MiLLSTUFFS Bran, $1819 per ton; mld lnss. $2324; sfcorts. $19!?20: chop. $18. OATS No. 1 white. $1 15G1 17; sray. $1 12J4 1 13 per cental. HAY Timothy, $1011; clover. $0; wheat. loa per .ton. Bnttcr, Eggs, PoHltrr. Etc. "hlrkcn receipts were quite good for Mon- P-r. and sales were steady at prices ruling Iiturday. Oregon eggs were scarce, and the w tliat came In move easily at the top price carload of Eastern eggs was received, and jet with a good demand at slightly -better flg- rps Lian the last car, single-case lots being wed at 29c. and flvecase lots. 2814c But- P is weak and unfchanged. POVLTRY Chickens, mixed, "lie per pound; iuc; nens. llllc; turkeys, live, 13 rc' drsed. 1517Hc: ducks. $536 per dozen; pes, iC 5CXJ7. ' CHEESE Full cream, twin inil?lTtin- Ioung America, 17"tilSHc; factory prices 'l nriSf v'"consin. 16c per pound. KrZJ . K ranc' creamers', 27748300 per EGGS-2535c dozen: ' " Vesetables, Fruit, Etc. The fruit business was good la the .forenoon. jecelpts Included a, carload of oranges, which ' -ower, navels Tselng quoted at 2 75fS 25, and seedlings," $1x7502' 50. Japanese oraages are plentiful at 75c per small box. VEGETABLES Turnips, TSfSOc per sack; carrots, 73t?S0c; beets, $1 per sack; parsnips, $1 per sack; cauliflower, $1 752 per crate; cabbage. lUc per pound ;.celery, Los Angeles, 5075c; Denver, 1 er dozen; letruce,f head, per dozen, 25c; hothouse. $17Mf2 per boy green onions, per dozen. 12c; cucumbers. 73c 21 per box; green peppers, 45c per pound; dry Chile peppers. 20c per pound; Brussels sprouts, Sc per pound; squash, $11 50 per hun dredweight. ' GREEN FRUIT Apples, table. 85c5?$l 50 per box; cooking. 50c; pears, 75c0$l 23 per boxr grapes. Niagara. 50c per crate; Concord, 2030c. per basket. 15c per half basketf Cali fornia Tokay. SI 40 per crate; Muscat, $1 25 per crate: Cornlchon. SI 25; quinces, Oregon, 65c$l per box: cranberries, Jersey, $11; Wis consin. Bell & Cherry. $1111 50; persimmons, Jl 25 rr box. TROPICAL FRUIT Lemons. $3 5b 4 per box; oranges, new crop navels, ?2 753C5; seedlings, $17502 50; grape, fruit," $3 "50 per box; bananas, $2 252 75 per bunch'; pineap ples, ?5 50 per dozen; pomegranates, $1 50 per box. , DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 7&c per pound: sun-dried, sacks or boxes, 56c; apri cots, 8010c; peaches. 79c; pears, 7H?8Hc; prunes. Italian. 4Gc; figs, California blacks, 6c; do white, 7c; Smyrna. 20c; plums, pitted. 4C5a RAISINS Loose Muscatel, 4-crown, 7c; 3 crown, 7c; 2-crown. CSc; unbleached seedless Muscatel raisins. TMc; unbleached seedless Sul tans, 0?4q; London layers, 3-crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds. $1 85; 2-crown, $1 75. POTATOES Best Burbanks. G070c per sack; ordinary, 50 60c per cental; grt r" prices; Merced sweets, ?C. per cental. ONIONS Oregon and "Washington. 75c$l per cental: shippers' price In carload lots, 50c per cental. Groceries, Nut. Etc. COFFEE Mocha, 2328c; Java, fancy. 2C 32c; Java, good, 2024c; Java, ordinary. 183 20c; Costa Rica.' fancy, 1820c: Costa Rica, good, 1018e; Costa Rica,- ordinary, 1012c per pound; Columbia roast. $10 75; Arbuckle's, $11 25 list; Lion. $10 75. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1, 5c; No. 2. c; Carolina head. 77c SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis, $1 85 per dozen; 2-pound tails. $2 75; fancy 1-pound flats. $1 00; "4-pound flats, $1 25; Alaska pink. 1-pound tails, 90c; red. 1-pound tails, $130; cockeye. 1-pound talis, '$145; 1 pound flats, f L 60. SUGAR Sack basis, net cash, per 100 pounds: Cube, $5 30; powdered, $5 15; dry gran ulated, $5 05; extra C. $4 55; golden C, $4 45. Advances over sack basis as follows: Barrels, 10o; half-barrels, 25c; boxes, "50c per 100 pounds. Maple, 1516c per pound. Beet sugar, granulated, $4 95 per 100 pounds. HONEY 13e per No. 1 frame. "BEANS Small white, 4c; large white. 4c; pinks, 3c;-Bayou, 3c; Lima, 5Hc"per pound. NUTS Peanuts. 6e per pound for raw, S& 8&c for roasted: cocoanuts. MtgDOe per dozen; walnuts, 1314a per pound: pine nuts. 10j 12$4c; hickory nuts, 7c; Brazil nuts, 16c; Al berts, l5CflGe; fancy pecans, 17c; almonds, 14 15c; chestnuts, lCc . GRAIN BAGS Calcutta. $6 25S0 50 per 100 for srot. SALT Liverpool. 60s. $20 SO per ton; 100s, $20 40; 200s, $19 50; half ground, per ton. 50s, $16; 100s. $15 50; Worcester salt, bulk, 320s. $5 per barrel; linen sacks, 60s, 86e per sack. OILS Coal oil, cases, 23c per gallon; lrpn barrels, 10V4c; wood barrels. 10c5 linseed, boiled, cases, 59c; .barrels, 64c: linseed, raw, cages, 57c; barrels, 52c; gasoline. Iron barrels, cases, 26c; turpentine, cases, 72c: wood reis. wsc; iron Darreis, 00c; lots ot iu cases or e, 7ic. Collier and Atlantic -white and red n lots of 500 pounds or more. Cc: less '00 pounds, S&c Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS Choice. 25K26Uc ocr pound; prime to choice. 24H025c; prlme,- 24c; medium, 22 23c per pound. HIDES Dry hides, No. 1, 16 pounds and up, 1515Hc rer pound; dry kip. No. 1. 5 to 15 pounds, J2c; dry calf. No. T, under 5 pounds. 10c; dry salted bulls and stags, one-third lesB than dry flint; salted hides, steers sound, '60 unds and oer,SJf9cf 50 to 60 pounds. 7Sc; under 50 pptinds and cows, 7c; stags and bulls, sound, 5f5&c: kip. sound, 15 to 20 pounds. 7c: veal, sound. 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, unacr iu pounas. sc; green (unsalted), 1c per pound less; culls, lo per pound less; horse hides, salted, each, $1 502: dry. each, $10 1 50; colts' hides, each. 2550c: goat skins, common, eachr 10(J15c: Aurora, with wool on, each. 25cfl. WOOD-Valley.-12V415c; Eastern Oregon. S& 14c:. mohair... 2$2Sc . v PELTS Bear skiE'Cu'Io size. No. 1, each."' $56 20; cubs, ?25; badgef. each, 1040c; wildcat, 25Q50eihOBse.ce:t, 510c; fax." com mon gray, each, 3C50c; do red. each". $1 502; do cross, each, $5?6: do silver and black, each. $100200; fisher, each. $56: lynx. each. $23;' mink, strictly. No. 1. eacb,0c$l 50. marten, dark Northern. $6312;, marten, ypale pine, ac cording to size and color. $1 502; muskrats, large, each, 510c; skunk, each. 406150c; civet or polecat, each. K01Oe; oer. for large prime skins, each, 3050c: wolf, mountain, with head perfect, each. $3 505: wolf. pralrlo4 (coyote), without head, each, 30ff35c; wglvexlne, each, S4ST7; beaver; per skin, large, $56; do me dium. $34?4; do small, $11 50; do 1-lts. 5075c SHEEP8KINS Shearing. 15 20c; short wool. 2535c; medium wool, 3060c; long wool, 60c?$l each. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 43c; No. 2 and grease, 23c Meats and Provisions. , BEEF Gross, cows. $33 B0 steers, $44 35; afessed. 6(g7c per pound. VEAL 7V58Uc per pound MUTTON Gross, $3 25; dressed. 6ffCc LAMBS Gross, $3 50: dressed, OHc HOGS-Gross, $0S1 23; dressed. 77i4c LARD Portland, tierces, 13Hc per pound; tubs, 13Hc; 50s, 13c: 20s. 13c; 10s. 13o: 6s, 14c Compound, tierces, OUc per pottnd; tubs, 9c; fine, 10s. 154c; seconds. 5s, Uc; 10s, 14Uc 1 BACON Portland, 1618Hc per ound; East ern, fancy, 174c; standard, hea-y, "lBHc; bacon bellies. 15c. HAMS Portland. 13c per pound; picnic 10c per pound; Eastern fancy. 1351 14Vc " DRY-SALTED MEATS Portland clears". 12& 1?n354c; backs. 1213c; bellies, 15016c; exports, 2025 pounds average. 13S?14c; butts, 910c SAUSAGE Portland, ham. per pound; minced ham. lOc; Summer, choice dry. 17Hc; Bologna, long. 8c: wclnerwursts, 9c; liver, 7c; pork, 9e: blood. 7c; head cheese, 7c; bologna sausage link, 7l4c PICKLED GOODS Portland, pigs' feet. M barrels. $4 50; U-barrels. $2 50; 15-pound kit. $1. Tripe. ?barrels. $5 50; Vi-barrels. $2 73; 15-pound kit, $1; pigs' tongues, -barrel. $0. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current at Chicago, Omnlia and Kansaii City. CHICAGO, , Dec. 15. Cattle Receipts. 13,000. Market slow and lower. Good toprime steers, $5 G0ST6 80; poor to medium. $3 505 50; stockers and feeders. $24 50; cows, $1 25 4 50; heifers, $1 005: canners. $1 25g2 35; bulls. $2Sf4 50; calves. $37; Texas fed steers, $3 504 75. a Hogs Receipts today, 60,000; tomorrow, 40, O00 ; left over, 8500. Market 1015c higher. Mixed and butchers, $3 S5Q6 25; good to.ch6lce heavy, $6 3006 50; rough heavy, $5 S5C 25; light, $5 606 10; bulk of sales. $ft&'6 20. Sheep Receipts, 33,000. Market steady and weak. Good to choice wethers, $3 754 25; fair to choice mixed, $2 75375; Western sheep, $3 634 25; native lambs, $3 755 50; Western lambs. $405 "50. OMAHA. Dec 15. Cattle Receipts; 2S00. Market steady to 10c higher. Native steers; $3 255 75; cows and heifers. $2 B54: West ern steers. $34 75; Texas steers, $3! 25; cows and heifrs, range. $2 50ff3 23; earners. $1 502 50; stockers and feedefcs, $2 504 25 calves. $36; bulls, stags, etc, $1 753 75. Hogs Receipts, 4000. Market 510c higher. Hea-j-. $6 050 15; mixed, $C 05S6 10; light $C0 05; pigs, $5g6 10; bulk of sales, $0 05 Sheep Receipts, 11,000. Market steady. Fed muttons. 5 804 40; Westerns, $33 50; weth ers, $3 604 25: ewes; $3 25 4 23: canners and stockers. $1 505J3 25: lambs. $4 505 50. ICANSAS CITY. Dec 15.-Cattle-Recelpts -8000. Including 200. Texans. Market steady Native steers, $2 6336 10; Texas and Indian steers, $2 353 60; Texas cows, $22 25; na tive cows and helfejs, $1 254; stockers and feeders, $2 503 60; bulls, $2 2SST3 75; calves $36&. T Hogs Receipts. 4000. Market strong: bulk of sales $5 flSOM 10. Heavy. $0 0200 15; pack ers. $5 97V4S6 05; medium. $65JG 12i4; light. $5 9506 074; Yorkers. ?C6 074; pigs, $5 50 5 95. . Sheep Receipts, 11.000. Market steady to weak. Muttons. $304; rang wethers, $3 50 5 25; ewes, $45; stockers and feeders. $3 3 95 Wool at St. Louis. ST. LOUIS. Dec 15. Wool .unchanged; ter ritory and Western mediums, 1719c; fine, 18q;i8c; coarse, unfile JJccline In Susrar.' . -NEW YORK, Dec 15. All grades of reflnel sugar were reduced 10 point today. TAKEN AS A PRECAUTION RELIEF FUNjj RAISED FOR IV'EW, YORK MONEY MARKET. Protective Measures Check. Danger. oas-Looklnp: Decline in Stocks and Close Is Trnnn.ull. NEW YORK, Dec. 15. The protective meas ures, agreed .upon, by the banks of this city had the effect of checking a dangerous-looking decline In the stock market today, and the market closed tranquil and rather dull. The undertone at the last waa firm, and the losses of the earlier part of the day generally were recovered. When 'Saturday's level had been reaehmi on the recovery, the action of the mar ket Indicated that the- .measures taken by the' banking community were by no means de signed to Induce speculation for the rise at this time. Prices dt the market leaders, as they rose over Saturday's level, were held back. by very liberal offerings. The statement was made that no fears were entertained of the situation, and that the formation of the .proi tectlve pool was only a precautionary measure; and probably no action would be required on the part of Its members -In the way of supply ing funds to the market. While the knowledge ot the steps taken bythe ruling powers In the financial world Induced a feeling of great re lief In all quarters, the belief was not' disguised that the pool was an emergency measure, not differing In kind or degree from those adopted In other pertods-of crises In Wall street. The action of the market this morning, on top of last week's violent decline, following as that did also a prolonged period of , gradual de cline, awakened real anxiety over the outcome The violent measures adopted In the Venezue lan trouble added to the uneasiness. Senti ment was also pessimistic over the money, mar ket. The" opening rate was 10 per cent, and the day's large syndicate requirements and the heavy accumulations for the Standard Oil divi dend aroused the fear that" there would be ad ditional large, withdrawals of credit Not only the immediate, but the prospective syndicate needs, running up to many millions ot dollars', were calculated to aggravate the fears of bor rowers. The statement) of the country's foreign trade for November was discouraging an to the foreign exehango situation, showing, as it did, a decrease In the balance of trade In our favor of over $24,000,0001 compared with No vember, 1901. The small Interior grain move ment lessened the effect also of the recent re vival In grain exports. Later In the day some effect wasproduced upon sentiment by the rise In Chicago exchange from 25c premium on Saturday to 40c premium today. The payment by the Subtreasury of $350,000 on a telegraphic transfer from .San Francisco marked the abatement of a demand upon-the-New York money market, which has.! caused much apprehension. The foreign ex change market also weakened materially. This last-named fcatufe was directly due to the money rate. What effect upon all these fac tors mav result from thn nrnvlnlnn nf n . '000,000 relief fund for the New York money 'j market is a problem which Is. the subject of imuch Interesting surmise. The market showed f-ome nesuauan ciose, Dut tne tone was .Arm. The bond market, was broad and In J.he jaorn ing was weak,-but Bhowed fome recovery. To tal sales, par1 value, $3,120,000. United States bonds were all unchanged" on the last call. New fork Stock Market. e9 52. 3 STOCKS. Atchison do pfd Baltimore & Ohio do pfd, Canadian J'a.clnc Canada Southern Chesapeake & Ohio Chicago & Alton dq pfd Chicago, Ind. & Louis.. -do pfd j.. Chicago Eastern 111.. Chicago Great Western. do A pfd do B pfd.... Chicago & N. W...J... Chleago Term. & Tran. do pfd .".... f? C. f t..BI Tju.I. 00,300 79 77 92?i 124' 27 07 04 91U 4.000 30,300 'ii.'ioo ' "o.'ooo 1,400 200 07 94 125?i 125:)(, 73i4 44 44: 43 20 C9H 3"7a 09 74 91 195 79, 3J. GOVS 1.500 ""soo 23 22H 33" 33T4 100 300 100 212 212 211 16 -15 OS 08 40 15 9l !? 4014 93 Colorado Southern 2,200) ao 1st pro. ; do d pfd Delaware & Hudson.... Del.. Lack. &. Western., Denver. & Rio Grande.. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d prd Great Northern pfd Hocking Valley do "pfd : Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd Lake Erie & Western... do pld Louisville, & Nashville.. Manhattan devatnl 07 4014 1.200 1,600 1,100 ,400 1,000 25,300 3.400 150 154 W irG 240W 240 240 : 30VJ 30' .87 30 42 183 934i 87 sot 86 29 004 62 1.200 800 5,100 500 '4,400 2,200 " 200 43 411, 1SS 1S7 09 93 93tf 1 95 140 133H 35X 45' 35H 33 83. 42 115 80.0PO 119 HO: 111) 13.700 Metropolitan Street Ry. 3,000 1.100 400 '29.500 3,300 130Hll35,130vJ .Mexican vjcntrai .. Mexican National . Minn. & St. Louis.. Missouri Pacific ... M.. K. & T do pfd ; New Jersey Central New York Central.. Norfolk & Western. do pfd f... Ontario & Western. Pennsylvania Reading do 1st pfd........ 21 W 20 V 1 21 14 14r H ioi 23J4 53 105 102 23 52 1,000 .165 15.000 151 14Sjl&J 7(200 1.000 0.700 ?7S 90 27U, 40,400'152 149 152 65TO00 57 84 73 64 77 66 24 37 1.600 do 2d pfd. St. Louis & do 1st pfd do 2d pfd. St. Louis S. 700 San Fran.. 1.300 100 400 500 1.000 W. do pfd St. Paul - do pfd. ,. ........ Southerii Pacific Southern Railway do pfd Texas & Pacific Toledo. St. L. & W.,... do pfd -Union Pacific do pfd I Wabash do pfd Wheeling & Lake Erie.. do 2d pfd Wisconsin Central do pfd r Express Companies Adams American .". United States Wells-Fargo- Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper-.. Amer. Car & Foundry.. do pfd American Linseed Oil... do pfd I Amer. Smelt. & Refln.. do pfd Anaconda Mining Co... Brooklyn Rapid Transit Colorado Fuel & Iron.. Consolidated Gas Cont. Tobacco pfd...... General Electrlo Hocking Coal .......... International Paper do pfd , International Power ... Laclede Gas National Biscuit National Lead North American Pacific Coast Pacific Mall People's Gas ,.. Pressed Steel Car do pfd . Pullman Palace Car.... Republic Steel do pfd , Sugar Tennessee Coal & Iron. Union Bag & Paper Co. do pfd f.... United States Leather.. do pfd United States Rubber.. do pfd , United States Steel..... . do pfd Western Union American Locomotive .. do pf.i Kansas City Southern do Pfd Rock Inland do pfd . 65.900! 1664 168 183 " 12.800 68 29 90 38 20 45b 06 m 24 21 31 23 200 800 1.600 l.SOO 1,100 70.300 3.200 2,100 4.700 500 "i.700 700 200 IOO! 215 215 125 120 215 10.400 54 32 87 14 .2,000 700 700 as 40 S8 90 83 62 7GU 3,000 300 52 W 37 mi 84 62 78 300 20,600 2,900 1,000 -5994 i3 200 114 17294 207 207 300 115 175 70 114 174 17 16-14 00 44 25 109 65 37 90 56 S9 1,700 300 100 70 1.600 100 "Voo 3,700 900 200 25 24 10991 37' 10054 '37' 09 56 9S 89 222 17 100 222 222 1,000 17i 74! 1794 74 11894 53 Irk 8694 11 g 52 1W) 11.600 4.000 100 "2.90C 120 04 02 12 12 1 10 80 14 30" 79 87 25 90941 28 i 800 5,700 80.'200 26.400 1.100 14 g 87 25 91 2fl 524: 1.100 300 1.100! . 300 22.300 6,000 62 1 30' 34 77941 73-1 Total sales for the day, 854,000 shares. BONDS. reir.l07StAtfhl.-in -at Am cn U. S. 2s. rrf ao coupon do 3s. res. do coupon do new 4s; do coupon do old 4s, do coupon do 5s. reg. do coupon 108(4 C. & N.W. con. 7sJ33 ....1RjL. c B. G. 4s..-:..10O 107UIV. V -i t.i'-"'ii3 reg..l35Northern Pao. 3s.. 72 135 do 4s ;i03v reg...l0SSouthern Pac. s.. 89 109;Unlon Pacific 4s...l04l. 10394!West Shore- 4s 73 ...... 10394: Wis. Central 4a.... 0094 Sto'ckff at London. LONDON, Dec S15. Closing quotations: Anaconda. 41Norfolk & West... Atchison ......... 80 do pfd I do pfd 8994 Ontario & Western-! jsait. & unio..... UMi U'ennsyivanlaV...... " Can. . Pacific 128WIReadlngr i Ches. & Ohio..... 45V41 do lef.pfd ni. ur. csiern. ao za nra. -OhI.. M. & St. P.172 Southern Ry Denver & Rio Gr. 395S do ufd do nfd 90;Southera Pacific Brie: ,,.30UnIon. Pacific 07 do- 1st pfd 43 I do pfd 92 do 2d pfd 45 Ul S. Steel...:..,. 31 Illinois Central -..143) do pfd 82 Louis. & Nash., ..122 Wabash 25 M.. K. & T 23 do pfd 40 Ni Y. Central 1b3 V Bloney. ISxchnngre, . Etc.' NEW YORK, Dec 15. Money on call .firm, at 45 per cent; closing offered at 4, -per cent.; Time money nominally 6 per cent, .with, com mission, for CO days. 90' days, and six months; prime mercantile r&pcr, 0 per cent. Sterling exchange heavy, with actual business In "bankers' bills at $4 S6.85 for demand and $4 83.25 for 00 days; posted rates. $4' 85 and $4 88; commercial bills, $4 S2944 8394: - Mexican dollars, 37c." Bar silver. 48c. . ' " Government bonds steady. LONDON, Dec. 15, Bar silver Arm, 22d per ounce. . t Money, -11 per cent Rate of discount for short bills. -839 per cent; for three months' "bills, 3.13-10 per cent. Consols for money, 92 9-16; for account, 0294- BAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 15. Silver bars, 4Se per ounce. Mexican dollars Nominal. Drafts Sight, par; telegraph, 2c Sterling on Ixradbn Sixty days, $4 83;. sight, $4 87. Bonk Clearing". Clearings.. Balances. Portland ...$713,241 $ 42.097 Seat!! 733.774 192.208 Tacoma t. 394,110 53.524 Spokane 444,317 77,293 . Dally Trensnry. Statement. WASHINGTON, Dec 15. Today's statement of the Treasury shows: " Available cash balances .' $200,444,075 .Gold j , 120,309,902 SAN FRANCISCO -3IARICETS. Prices Current for Pro&ncc at the jany City. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec 15". Fancy apples are steady. Fancy potatoes and onions are Arm. Vegetables Cucumbers, .75cl25 per box; garlic, 22c per pound; green peas, 3g7c per pound; string beans, 710c per pound; toma toes, 40c$l; onions, 4075c; egg "plant, 10 12c . , Apples Cholce.. $1 75; common, 30c' Bananas 75c0f2 50. Limes Mexican, $404 60. California lemons Choice, $2 "50; common, 505ji75c Oranges Navels, f 24 50. Pineapples $1 504 Potatcbs Early Rose 75S5cj River Bur banks, 30g53c; river reds, 3045c; Salinas fcur banks, 80c$l 15; sweets, $125; Oregon Bur banks. 75c$l 03. Poultry TurKey gobblers, 1618e; do hens, 10 18c; old roostera. $4 505; do young, $5; small broilers. $33 50; do large, $44 50; fo' ers, $4 505;'hens, $4 505; old ducks, J34: do .young. $4 506 50. Butter Fancy creamery, 31c; do seconds, 29c; fancy dairy, 30c; do soconds, 27c Eggs Fancy ranch, 37c; Eastern, 2429c Cheese Young America, 10Q17c; Eastern, 16ffl7c Wool Fall-iHumboldt and Mendocino, 133 I4c; mountains. 810c. . Hay Wheat, $1216; "wheat and oats. $12 15; barley. $S 5010 50; alfalfa, $8011 50; clo ver, $7 E09 50; straw, 50303o . bale. Hops 23S2tte. Mlllstuffs Bran. $19 SOgO 60; middlings? $23 30&23 Receipts Flour, 27,394 quarter sacks; wheat. 780 centals; barley, 19,035 centals; oats, 010 centals; beans, 433 sacks; corn, 15 centals; po tatoes, 65,900 sacks; bran, 445 sacks; middlings, 250 sacks; Hay, 634 tons; wool,' 70 bales; hides, 833. f 3Ictnl Markets. LONDON Dec. 15. The London tin marlcet scored a sensational advance' today, quotations there gaining, 1 12s 6d. with spot closing at 116 5s ahd futures at 110 10a. The local mar ket was somewhat affected by the developments abroad, and ruled firm, advancing a. matter bf. 50 points to 25.7525.q5c, with sales of 10 tons December reported a.t 25.75c Copper, on thecontrary, was lower. In Lon don, declining Is-3d to 50 5s for spot and 30 lis 3d for futures. In the local market, copper showed" nO change, prloes continuing nominal. Standard Was quoted at 10.75c; Lake, 11.63c; electrolytic and casting, 11:45c. Lead was' unchanged here at4c. biit ia 3d. higher In London, that market closing at 10 17s M. Spelter was unchanged here at 4.06c, and In London at 19 17s fid. The English Iron markets were about steady, at Glasgow quoted at 54s 3d and af'Mlddles boro, at 47s Od. The local Iron market was. qbtet ind nomlnallyunclianged. Warrants con tinue -nominal. No. 1 foundry Northern "is quoted at $2325; No, 2 foundry Northern, No. 1 foundry Southern and N6. 1 foundry Southern soft, $2223. Coffee and Soernr. . NEW YORK,.Dec. 18. Coffee Futures closed ai a nei uecune 01 a points. Total sales, 11.000 bags, including: December, $4 45; Jan uary, $4 5034 95; February, $4 00; March, $4 40. Spot Rib quiet No. 7 Invoice, 5c Mild quiet. Cordova. 712c.' Sugar Raw firm; fair refining. 3 7-16; cen trifugal 96 test, 3 15-16c' Molasses sugar. 33-16J;-'xeflned steady; No. 6, $4 45; No. 7, $4 40; No. 8, $4 35; No. 0, $4 30; No. 10, $4 25: No. 11. U 20; No. 12, $4 15; No. 13, $4 10; No; 14, $4 05; confectioners' A. $4 70; mold A, $5 10; cutloaf, $5 45; crushed, $5 45; powdered, $5. 95; granulated. $;3; cubes, $5 10. Visible Supply of GralrT. NEW YORK. Dec 15. TJie visible supply of grain. Saturday. December 13, as compiled by the New York Produce Exchange, Is as 'follows: Wheat, bushels 48.151,000 21000 Corn, bushels 5.49S,000 1.003,000 Oats, bushels .v 0,193.000 . SOS.OOO Rye, bushels 1.302.OC0 29.000 Barley, bushels 2,841,000 107,000 Decrease. Nevr York Cotton Market. ,,NElyORK' Dec' 15--The cotton' market tarted firm and very active, at an advAics of Tl?i?00,nts' and closed flrm. at a net rise of 11Q10 joints. I 3IinInR Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 15.-OrflclaI closing quotations for mining stocks; Belcher ...... $o.53 Mexican $0 65 Best & Belcher... 1 05 Occidental Con ... 23 Caledonia 2 S0:Ophlr 1 30 Challenge Con ... "22 Overman 43 Chollar 21Potosl .......... A Confidence ...... 90 Savage ih Con. Cal. & Va... 1 35,Slerra Nevada ... 41 Crown Point 16 Silver Hill ...... 53 Gould & Curry... 22,UnIon Con ...... 42 Hale & Norcross. - 33Utah Con 12 -Justice 7Ycllow Jacket .... 24 NEW YORK. Dec. closed as follows:- Adams Con $9 Alice Breece Brunswick Con .. Comstock Tunnel. Con. Cal. Va... 1 Horn Stiver l Iron Silver .... Leadvllle Conj... BOSTON, Dec. 15. Advanturo $ 12 15. Mining stocks today 1 15Llttle Chief .' $0 09 IS Ontario 5 75 40,Ophlr .. .J. ...... . 1 80 3iPhoenlx 6 . 4 Potosl 35 Savage 25 Sltrra Nevada ... 70SmaII Hopes 3Standard -Closing quotations: 18 16 38 23 3 25 Parrott Qulncy Santa Fe Cop., Tamarack Trlmountaln .-. Trinity .$ 22 00 . 101 00 . 1 50 . 141 00 , 01 00 . 8 00 . 27 00 . 20 02 . 22 87 . 4 62 . 3 50 . 68 00 Amalgamated Daly West .. Bingham .... Cal. & Hecla. Centennial .. Cnnrxr T?nnc . 55 .. 37 .26 440 .. 15 50, United Copper OOlUnlted States . OOfUtah .63 Domlnlnn Cna 19n Franklin ...... 7 Mohawk 36 Old Dominion , 15 Osceola ........ 50 Victoria ....... Winona Wolverines . . . . Completing Harvester Combine. CHICAGO. Dec. 15.-G. W. Perkins, of the -financial! house of J. P. Morgan &. Co., Is said to havs completed the details ot the new harvester company today. Air. Perkins arrived In Chicago Saturday night', but his presence was kept a secret. Mr. Perkins declined to talk, but it w(as stated that the comDietion of the hnrvftRtr nm. Lbine was What required his presence here, Stratton Will Contest. COLORADO SPRINGS, Dec 15. Tho hearing ot the writ o certioriri in the Stratton will case was resumed today, Harry Stratton objecting to two execu tdts named in his father's will acting as administrators. The case was one of fine legal distinctions. The real fight over the will will come tip, December 2& Prnnc niifTnrlner frrvm elnlr h.n.ln.k. .dizziness,, nausea, constipation, .pain in" the nuc, mc ttsncu iu iij vuc v jtti vl warier 8 Little Liver Pills. MAT, NEWS "BULLISH V8T65G OPEXlkG AT" CHICAGO OX. SMALL WORLD'S SHIP31ENTS. Selling- by1 Longs , Later, Alo create in Receipts, Caused , Some Weakness. Ie- v CHICAGO, Deo. i5. Wheat waa strong at the. opening on small world's shipments, a de crease of '3.140.000 bushels in the amount on passage and heavy snow storms throughout the Northwest. There was -considerable cover ing by shorts, and commission houses also were good buyer. The leading long added to Jhls al ready heavy line early, but Jt was reported he was -selllns through othe houses, and this made so'mo weakness, lonrs wIUi profits being Inclined- to dispose of their holdings. The ex pectation of a large Increase In the visible was'A weakening Influence, as were larger re cclcts and better grading. May opened "Uc to $&0 higher, at 7778c and' sold up quickly to 7SHc, but reacted "later tq 77?4c. The market was nervous the last part of the day. and the close was Ua higher, at 77c. There was a moderate trade In corn, the close being easy. Heavy liquidation In December. In fluenced by a largo Increase In lte vlslbto sup ply, together with, larger receipts, caused a severe "break In that option, the price selling off' to 54c, after touching 57c shortly after the opening. May closed Uq lower, at 43X0. December was off lc. closing at 55c There was no feature In oats. May closed a shade lower. Provisions ruled dull, but the market was firm, the higher prices for" hogs being a strengthening factor. January pork closed 12Hc higher, lard was up 2&c and ribs gained TMClOc " The leading futures ranged as ollows: " WHEAT. . Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing. December ....90 70 SO 76 $0 75 50 75 Mar -77 78U 77 77--J1 July 74 74& 74 74& CORN. ' ' ' Dec2mber .... 5CW 57 54 53 January 48H 4S& 47 47- May 43 . 44 43 43' OATS. ' . Dec (new) . . 51 22 ' 31 31 May 33i 33 33 33Vi , ' MESS ponk. January ......10 72 16 77 16 62 10 72 May 15 75 15 75 15 65 15 67 ' X.ARD. December ...10 22 10 27 10 22 10 27 January 0 80 0 80 9 70 ff72 May . .-. 0 17 9 25 "S 17 0 20 SHOUT RIBS. January 8 42 8 45 8 40 S 45 May 8 35 8 40 8 32 8 35 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Quiet, steady. y - Wheat No. 2 Spring. 75g7Gc; No. 3. 71 72c; No. 2 red.'7570c. Corn No. 2, &4c; No. 2 yellow. 54c. Oats No. 2, 31?Ic; No. 2 whit, 33c; No. 3 white, 3134c Rye No. 2, 49c. Barly Good feedlns, 3S40c;,falr to cholco malting, 45S?5flc Flaxseed No. 1, $1 15; No. 1 Northwestern,. SI 24. Timothy seed Prime. $3 63, Msss pork $17 per bbU Lard $10 3010 35 per cwt. , Sort ribs sides Loose. $3 50g8 75. Dry salted shoulders Boxed. ?8 258 60. Short clear sides Boxed, SS 739. Clover Contract grade, $10 75. , Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels .' 36,000 17.000 Wheat, bushels 80.000 12.000 CotSl, bushels 154.000 5C.0OO Oats, bushels 291 000 232-000 Rye. bu.heU 5.000 2.000 Barley, bushels .. 101,000 Grain atiC Produce nt New York. NEW YORK, bee. 16. Flour Receipts. 19, 043 barrels: exports. 24,390 barrels. Market quiet, but very steady. Minnesota patents, $44 20; Minnesota bakers, $3 25S3 40: Win ter patents, $3 6003 90; Winter straights, $3 43 3 53; Winter .extras, 52 8503 45; Winter low grades, S2 652 05. Wheat Receipts, 28,000 bushels; exportsr 63; 552 bushels. Market firm. No. 2 red. 83c elevator. 79Jc f. o. b. afloat;. No. 1 Northern Duluth. 80o f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Mani toba, 87Mc f: o. b. afloat. On unexpectedly higher cables, bull news from the' .Argentine, foreign buying and small world's shipments, wheat developed early strength, Reacting at .noon on the bis visible supply Increase, the market later rallied on good Western support, but closed unsettlod at Vic advance. May, 8181C closed 81c;.July, 7879c. closed 78?ic Butter Receipts. 2100 packages. Market steady. State dairy, 202Sc; creamery, extra, 30c; creamery. 22320c. Eggs Receipts, 6200 packages. Market stea'dy. State and Pennsylvania. 29c; "West ern uncandled, poor to fancy. 2027c. Hides Steady; California, 21 25 pounds, 19c Wool Quiet. ' Petroleum Firm. Grain nt San Francisco. SAN FRANCJSCO, Dec 15. Wheat stronger,. Barley stronger. Oats firm. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $14014S; milling, f 1 45 r 50. - Barley Feed, $1 22; brewing, $1 251 20. Jats Tted. $1 221 35; white, $1 251 40; black. 1 201 35. Call board sales: Wheat Stronger: December, $1 38; May, $1 30: cash. $1 42. Barley Stronger; May, $1 23. Corn Large yellow, Jl 351 40. ' European Grain Markets LONDON, Dec. 17: Wheat Cargoes on pas sage firm, but inactive; cargoes "No. 1 standard California, 31s 3d. English country markets steady. Wheat and flour on passage to United Kingdom. 2,030,000 bushels; to Continent, 1,240,000. LIVERPOOL, Dec. 13. Wheat flrm; No. 1 standard California, 6s 8d. Wheat and flour In Paris steady.. French country markets flrm. Weather In England fine. IJnlry Produce at Chicago. CHICAGO.. Dec. 15. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was steady; creameries. 182SS; dairies, 17lDc. Cheese Steady. ll12Hc Eggs Steady, 24c. P0GSONPELOUBET &.C0.- Public, Accountants Hcnntssy Building, Butte New York Office 20 Broad Street TRAVELERS GUIDE. , REGULATOR LINE STEAMERS Dally except Sunday. DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTH TIME CARD. BTR.- "REGULATOR. Leaves Portland Tues.. Thurs.. Sat.. 7 A. II. Leaves Dalles Mon.. Wed.. FjL. 7 A. 11. BTR. DALLES CITTl Leaven Portland Mon., Wed., Frl., 7 A. M. Leaves Dslles Tues, Thurs.. Sat. 7 A. 11. LANDING OAK ST. DOCKPORTLAND. Tel. Main 014. M. V. HARRISON. Agent. WHITE COLLAR LINE . VORTLAND-ASTORLV ROUTE. STEAMER BAILEY GATZERT Leaves Portland dally 7 A. M., except Sunday Leaves" Astoria dally 7 P. M., except Sunday! THE DALLE3-PORTLAND ROUTE. STEAMERS TAHOMA AND METLAKO Leave Portland dally 7 A. M., except Sunday. Leave The 'DaUes dally 7 A. M., except Sun day. Landing foot Alder St., Portland, Or. Both phones, Main 351. SJ. W. CRICHTON, Agent, Portland. iJownins.noDK . , Estcblished I893. . f J V;. WEAT AND STOCK BROKERS " " Room 4; Ground Floor ' . Chamber of Commerce A Burlington Badge "For years a Burlington badge or a Bur jington uniform, whether on trafftmahV engine-men, brakeman or agent, has stood, for all the courtesy and consideration of an American gentleman and the loyalty to duty of,a;traihed soldier." : ; . ' Nebraska tlity Tribune.. -V x Three routes East via Billings, St. Paul and Derij'er. Burlington service which ever war you go. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. Short line an Union Pacific THREE TRAINS DAILY FOR ALL POINTS EAST UNION DEPOT. Leave. ArrtYe. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 0:00 A. M. 4:30 P. M. SPECIAL. Dally. Dally. For ths East via Bunt lngton. SPOKANE FLYER. 8:15 P. M. 7:00 A. M. For Eastern Washing- Dally. Dally, ton. IValla Walja. Lew- lston. Coeur d'Alene and Gt. .Northern points ATLANTIC EXPRESS 3:00 . U. A. M. For the Eaat via Hunt- Dally, i Dally. Inrton. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE FOR SAN FRANCISCO. S. S. Columbia From Dec. 8, 18, 2S. Alnsworth k-oov r S. Si G-o. W. Elder- Dock. 5'00 Dec.13, 23. 8:00JM. 6i00 P. Si. Dally except' Sunday. way potnw.connectinglDaily ex.r" mm uicoraer iot liwa-isunaay. co and North Beach, Saturday. sicainer i. J. hotter, 10 P. M. in-stree t jjocK. 0:45 A. M Monday. About o:oo p. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays. For Salem. Corvallls and tray points, steam Wednesday er Ruth. Ash - street Fridays. Dock. Saturdays. FOR DAYTON. Oregon City and Yamhill River points, str. Elmore, Ash-ot. dock. (Water permitting.) 7:00 A. M. 3:00 P. H. Mon., . Wed.. Tues., Thurs., Sat. Frl. For Lewlston. Idaho, and way points, from Rtparla, Wash..'team ers Spokane or Lewis, ton. 4 :03 A. M. About 5:00 P. X. dally ex. FTl'dayt dally oxcept Saturday. TICKET OFFICE. Third and Washington.- Telephone. Main "712. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Tokohama and Hons Konr, calling at "Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freight via connecting: steamers for Manila. P0rt Ar thur and Vladivostok! INDRAPURA SAILS ABOUT DECEMBER 23. For rates and full information call on or aa dress officials or aeenU of O. R. &. N. Co. enencei Traveled la alr7y to be found es the Famont Trains of tor he ltnowi they are the beat, in every renpect. Th e 7 North - Western Limited . 1 dally, between Minneapolis, St. Panl and Chicago, la the peer ' of all flne trains. Full Information In regard to lowest rates and comfort In traveling gladly 1 zurnisnea Dy ri. L. SISLER; General Afifent, v 248 Alder Street, Portland, Or. For South -Eastern Alaska Leave Seattle O A. 31. Steamships Cottage City or City of Seattle, Dec 7; 13. 10. 25. 31. Jan. 0. Steamers connect at San Francisco with company's steamers for ports In Calr rornla. Mexico, and Humboldt Bay. For further Informa tion obtain folder. Right Is reserved to chang steamers or sail ing dates, AGENTS N. POSTON. 240 Washington at. Portland: F. W. CAP.LETON. 007 Pacific awt.. Tacoma; Ticket Office. 113 Jaraes at.. Seattle. GEOW. ANDREWS. North Western Passenger Agent, San Francisco. Ticket Office. 4 New Montgomery it. C D. DUNANN. Qea, Fa&a. Agt.. San Francisco. &Go. - v. "V' si. . TICKET OFFICE i- Cor. Thlrtf Rd Siwk R. W. r4rrTlokot Agent. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. EAST via SOUTH Leave Li 111 on Uepot Arrive OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS, for Salem. Rose- 8:30 P. M. 7:45 A. iS. burs. Ashland. Sac ramento. U g d n, San Francisco, Mo Jave, Los Angeles, ci raso, new ur leans and tha &Amt. 8:30 A. M. Morning train con 7:00 P. at nects at woodtmrn (daily except Sun day) with train for Mount Angel, ail- verton.- Browns ville, Springfield, Wendllng ana Na tron. ?4:00 P. M. 'Albany passenger .. 10:10 A. M. connects at wood burn with ML An sel and Sllverton local. .'orvallls passenger. 7:30 A. M. 3:00 P. SI. 14:C0 P. M. I herldan passenger. I S:25 A. M. Dally. llDally .except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURBAN SERVICS AND 2 DIVISION. Leave Portland dally for Oawego at 7:30 A. II.. 13:60, 2:05, 3:25, 5:20. C-25. 8:30. 10:10 1. M. Dally except Sunoay, 5:30, i:'M. SM. W:25 A. M.. 4-.00, 11:30 P. M. Sunday only. 8:00 A. M. Returning from Oswego. arrive Portland dally 8:80 A. M., 1:55. 5:05. 4:35. 0:15. 7:35. 8:5B, 11:10 XV M. Dally except Sunday. 0:23. 7:25. 9:30, 10:20. 11:45 A. M. Except Monday. 12:25 A. M. Sunday only, 10:00 . M. Leave from same depot for rjailas and Inter mediate points dally expt Sunday 4:00 P. M. Arrive rut liuiiu tu. The Independence-Monmouth motor lino oper ates dally to Monmouth and A!rt:t, connecting with S. P. Co-'fl trains at Dallas and Inde pendence. . Flrst-clasa rebate tickets on sale from Port land to Sacramento and San Francisco; net rate, $17.50; berth. $5. Second-class fare. 15. without rebate or berth: second-class berth. $2.50. Tickets to Eastern nolnts and Europ. Also Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and Washington streets. Phone Main 712. . TIME CARD OF TRAINS PORTLAND Departs. Arrlrs. Paget Sound Limited for Ta coma. Seattle. Olympla, ' South Bend and Qraya - , Harbor polnta ..7:23 am 4:13.PBi North Coast Limited for Ta--coml. Seattle. Spokane, oils, Chicago. New York. Boston and all points East and Southeast 2,-OOpm T:00aa Twin City Express for Ta- oma. Seattle. Spokane, Helena. St. Paul. Minne apolis. Chicago, NW York. Boston and all points East and Southeast 11:45 pm 7 ."00 pa North Coast-Kansas Clty- St. Loula Special, f or Td- coma. Seattle. Spokane. BUtte. Billings, Denver, Omaha. Kansas City. St. Louis and all points East and Southeast i.....2:00 pm 700an All trains dally except on South Bend branch. A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Pas enger Agent, 253 Morrison uU. corner Third. Portland. Or. Astoria & Columbia Riv$r Railroad Co. O OffiEMVSHASiaJ-Iir LEAYJCa lleimt Klftn auu jkKUIViiM I Street. rer Maygers, Kainlir. ClaUkanU. Westport. Clifton. Astoria, War- nnton. Flavel, Ham-I.-COA-lt tnond. Fort Blevatu. la :10 A.M. " Garhart Pk.. Seasld. Astoria and Seahor.M Exprras Dally. T0 Ti M. At0rDallyPr' 'M P Ticket aSlc. 233 Morrison at. and Union Depcu i. C MATO. Oen. Psaa. Agt.. AitorU, Or. Threat Northern Ticket Office 122 Third St Phone &30 LEAVE No. 4 6:16 P. M. The Flyer dally to and from St. Paul, Minne apolis. Duluth. Chicago and all points East. ARRIVE No. 3 7:00 A. M. , Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining .and Buffet Smoklng-LIbrary Cars. JAMAIS - AMERICAN LINE KAGA MARU For Japan, China and all Asiatic points, yel'J leave Seattle About December 16 Willamette River Boats Steamet POMONA, for Salem, Independence, Albany and Corvallls, leaves 0:45 A. M. Tue day;, Thursdays and Saturdays. Steamer ALTONA. for Dayton. McMlnnvlllt and way. leaves 1 A. M. Mondays. Wednesday and Fridays. OREGON CITT TRANSPORTATION CO. Office and dock, foot Taylor at recti