THE MORNING OREGOfflAN, MONDAY, NOVEtaBftB 3, 1902. X RICE CROP SHORT Market Is Firm and Advances Are Expected, ESTIMATE OF .PRODUCTION XiORlxIana .nd Texas "Will Pr.otluce Half a Million 'Bag Less Than Xast Year Crop in ". " Japan. J The rice market .Is "very flrp on the shortage la the crop, and hlirher prices aro looked for. The estimate or the product for 1D02 Is that ftr the total acreage of 345,242 acres in Louisi ana, the cioectcd yield' Is 2.003.238 bags. On the total acreage of 173.737 acres In Tesas. the expected production Is 1.03G,'9j6 bags, mak ing c crand total for tho entire production of the two states 3,100,019 bags. This Is 500.000 be irs less than the output last year, and that means a shrinkage of 50.000.000 ponnd3. The quality of some of the crop Is said to bo upe rtor. The monthly Government crop report on rlco 'places "the condition In Texas 11 points above and South Carolina 1. Florida C, North Caro lina 8, Alabama 12, Mississippi 17 and Louisl "ana 23 points below their respective averages Jtor the last eight years, while the condition In Georgia" Is the same as such average. . Advices from Japan state that gloomy fore Ijpdlngs regarding a serious shortage In tho crop contlnuo to crow. Tho Bank of Japan alculates on a shortage of from 10 to 13 per ent, while some other estimates place It from 90 per cent upward. Several foreign firms aro said to have already contracted for large quan tities of rlco from Rangoon. Consul-General 3D. C Bellows, of Yokohama, Jaran. In his -forthcoming annual report, says of rice: Almost every civilised country In the world tuys rice from Japan, and the exports last year were doublo those of 1900, although less than In 1SD0. The value of the rice ex- ted last year was about four-fifths that of 3-tea these two being tho principal unman ufactured vegetable products exported from Japan. Other vegetable exports aro barter. "ginseng, groundnuts, gallnuts, oranges, musn- Vooms, camphor and potatoes, the Philippine ijslands being tho heaviest purchaser of the Jast named, whllo the United States ranked third la the amount of rlco taken. Tho cold jfveather of tho first weeks of May affected the Tyoung rice shoots, and the crop for this year "la somewhat doubtful. F. H. Hitchcock, chief of the section of for eign markets of tho Agricultural Department. eeys Tice finds considerable favor in the United Ximrdom as an article of food. During 1000 'this product in its various forms, including 'rice meal and flour, was imported into the United Kingdom to the extent of 705,000.000 (pounds. The total import value was about $12,000,000. Tho bulk of the rice imported in that year came from the British East Indies, ,Xrom which source 525.000.000 pounds were re ceived, tho value amounting to $8,119,000, or C9 per cent of the total. A large part of tho Xast Indian shipments came from Burmah and Bengal. Rice was also purchased Quito extensively from the Netherlands, that coun try being a large importer from tho East Indies. The quantity of rlco procured from the Netherlands was 65,000,000 pounds, and its value $1,097,000, or 14 per cent. French Indo Chlna was one of the Important sources of supply. Among other countries from which considerable shipments wero received should be mentioned Germany and Asiatic Turkey. Imports amount to 1,741,000 pouuds. and val-jj-ed at $30,000, wero recorded as coming from -titt'UWtes St&iaes. ... $506 20: cube. S205: badger, each. 10240c: wildcat, 25690c; house cat, B10c; fox, common gray, each, s&OsfMJc; ao rea, each. $1 50Q2; do cross. each,5f5yC; do silver and black, each. $1000200; fljshar. each. ?5gC; lynx, each, $223; mink, strictly iso. i. eacn. ooc;ioo; marten, dark Northern, $0312: marten, pale pine, ac cording to size and color, $1 602; muskrats, large, each. 5310c; skunk, each. 40350c: civet or polecat, each. 510c: otter, for largo prime sxins, eacn, ouaiwc; huh, muuutain, witn nead perfect, each, $3 505; wolf, prairie (coyote), without head. each. 3035c; wolverine, each. $407; beaver, per skin, large, fSSfO; do me dium, f34; do small, $11 50; do kits, 50375c. SHEEPSKINS Shearings, 1520c: short wool, 25985c: medium wool, 30300c; long wool, 00c$l each. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 45c; No. 2 and grease, 2VS3c . Groceries, Nats, Etc. COFFEE Mocha. 232Sc; Java, fancy, 263 S2c; Java, good, 20324c; Java, ordinary, 183 20c; Costa Rica, ancy, 18320c; Costa Rica, good, 10318c; Costa Rica, ordinary, 1012o per pound; Columbia roast. $11: Arbuckle's, $1163 list; Lion. $11 13; Cordova, $11 63 list. RICE Imperial Japan. No. 1, Bttc; No. 2. 4c; Carolina head, G7tfa SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound tails, $1 85 per dozes: 2-pound tails, $2 75; fano 1-pound flats, $1 00; -pound flats. $1 23; Alaska pink. 1-pound talis, 05c: red, 1-pound talis, $1 30; sockeye, 1-pound tails, $1 60; 1 pound flats, $1 CO. BEANS Small white, 4c; large white, 4c; pinks. 3c; Bayou, 3c; Lima, 6c per pound. SUGAR Sack basis, net cash, per 100 pounds: Cube. $4 50; powdered, $4 35; dry gran ulated, $4 25; extra C, 3 75;- golden C. $3 65. Advances over sack basis as follows: Barrels, 10c; half-barrels, 23c; boxes, 60c per 100 pounds. Maple, 1516c per pound. Beet sugar, granu lated. $4 15 per 100 pounds. HONEY 13c per No. 1 frame. NUTS Peanuts, 6?lc per pound for raw, 83 8Hc for roasted; cocoanuts, 85390o per dozen; walnuts, 15316UC per pound: pine nuts, 103 12J4c; hickory nuts, 7c; Brazil nuts, 14c; Al berts, 15316c; fancy pecans, 14014&c; almonds, 15H16c; chestnuts, 16c GRAIN BAGS-Calcutta, $6 2336 60 per 100 for spot. SALT Liverpool, 60s. $20 80 per ton; 100a, $20 40; 200s, $19 50; rock, per ton. 60s. $20: 1009, $19 60. Worcester salt, bulk, 320s, $5 per bar rel; linen sacks. 60s, SOc per sack. OILS Coal oil, cases, 21c per gallon: tanks, 15c; boiled linseed, cases, 62c; barrels, 57c; raw linseed, cases. 60c; barrels. 55c: turpen tine, cases. 72c; wood barrels, CSc; iron barrels. We: lots of 10 cases or more, 71c; gasoline. ! cases, 28c; barrels, .JSHc Collier: and Atlantic white and red lead, in lots of 500 pounds or more, 6c; less than 600 pounds, 6c. Heats hho Provisions. BEEF Gross, cows, 33&c per pound; steers, 4c; dressed, 67c VEAL 7&8Vc LARD Portland, tierces, 13c per pound: tubs. 134c; 60s. 13c; 20s. lS&c; 10s, 13c; os. 14c Compound; tierces, 9Kc per pound: tubs, 9Hc; fine, 10s, 15c; seconds, 6s, 14c; 10s, 14c. MUTTON Gross, 3c per pound; dressed, 6c LAMBS Gross, SHc per pound; dressed, 6c HOGS Gross, GVtSOHc per pound; dressed, 7 THc BATJON Portland, 17 10c per pound: East ern, fancy, 17Hc; standard, heavy. 15Hc; bacon bellies, IStfc HAMS Portland. 15o per pound; picnic. HHc per pound; Eastern, fancy, 16t416a DRT-SALTED MEATS Portland clears. 13 14c; backs, 12H13tfc; bellies, 1516c; plates, 10c; butts, Ofi'lOc. SAUSAGE Portland, ham, 12Hg per pound; minced ham, 10Hc; Summer, choice dry, 17Hc; Bologna, long, 8c: welnerwursts, 9c;. liver. 7c: pork, 9c: blood, 7c; head cheese, 7c; bologna sausage link, 7c. PICKLED GOODS Portland, pigs feet. -barrels. $4 60; -barrels. $2 50; 15-pound kit. $1. Tripe, -barrels. $5 50; -barrcls, $2 73; 15-pound kit. $1; pigs tongues. 4-barrel3, $6; -barrels, $3; 15-pound kits, $1 25. Money and Exchange. LONDON, Nov. 1. Bar silver quiet at 23V1. Money. 2i3 per cent Holiday on Stock Ex change. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1. Silver bars, 50c Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts Sight, par; telegraph, 2c. Sterling on London, CO days, $4 83; do sight, $4 S7. Dairy Produce at Chicago. CHICAGO. Nov. 1. On the Produce Ex change today the butter market was steady; creameries, 10&24c: dairies, 1521c Cheese Bteady, 10llc Eggs steady, loss off cases returned, 22c Cotton. NEW YORK. Nov. 1. The cotton market opened barely steady, with prices 1 to 2 points lower and closed dull and lower. STATISTICS ARE' BEARISH CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET" RULES WEAK AND LOWER. ' TONNAGE EN ROUTE AND IN PORT. Vessels Chartered or Available for Grain Cargoes From the Northwest. FOR PORTLAND Name. Flag and rig-. Master. From. : : 3CSyiIUKETJw..v- Grair Vlear, Tee A. Etc. 91m wheat market was dull Saturday, 'after ' wek of pronounced activity. Foreign ca--Mes came through weaker, 'and the East was f; but San Francisco- was higher. Local ex porters were not anxious to buy, and they quoted the market lc lower. Little or rioth lns was doing in the interior. WHEAT Walla Walla. CS70c; bluestem, 7476c; Valley, 70072c per bushel. FLOUR Valley,. $3 103 20 per barrel; hard wheat straights, $3 13(3:3 40: hard wheat pat ents, $3 40fr3 CO; graham, $2 0OQ3 30. BARLEY Feed, $23 per ton; brewing. $24; rolled. $24. MILLSTUFFS Bran.l 9 per ton; middlings, $23 60; shorts, $19 50; chop.; $17. OATS No. 1 white, $1 07&1 10; gray. $1 05 1 0H per cental. HAY Timothy, $10gll; clover, $7 00; wheat, $S per ton. Vegetables, Frnit, Etc. ' Sweet potatoes are scarce. The market at Merced has been cornered by one man. and higher orlces are expected. Three carloads of bananas in perfect condition were received Saturday. Lemons have advanced 50c VEGETABLES Tomatoes, Oregon, 4050c per box; turnips, $1 per sack; carrots, $1 X 10; beets, $1 per sack; cauliflower, $11 25 ' per dozen; cabbage, lUc per pound; cele'ry, Denver, $1 per dozen; peas, 3ff4c per pound; fceans, 4S6c per pound; lettuce, head, per dozen, green onions, per dozen, 12V4c: corn, 15 ac per dozen; cucumbers, 75c$l per box; -jfreen peppers, 34c. per pound: dry Chile pep pers, 17Hc per pound; Brussels sprouts, 6c per ound. GREEN FRUIT Apples, table. S5cQ?l 23 per -feox; cooking. 5075c; peaches. 75c per box; years, 75c$l 2o per box; cantaloupes, $1 25 jper crate; huckleberries, Oc "per -pound; grapes. Sweetwater, 40w)c per box; Niagara, 40c per rate; Concord, 3540c per basket. 22&c per aalf basket; California Tokay, $1 25 per crate: -Rose of Peru. $1 Zo per crate; Muscat, $1 23 -per crate; Cornlchon. $1 15; quinces. Oregon, .J5cf$l per box; cranberries, Tillamook, $7 per Jsarrel; Ilwaco, $8: persimmons, $1 25 per box. TROPICAL FRUIT Lemons, $3 5004 per ,feor; oranges. $425 per box; grape fruit. $3 50 per box; bananas, $2 25J?2 75 per bunch; plne .apples, $5 80 per dozen; pomegranates, S5c per DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 7&8a jer pound: sun-dried, sacks or boxes, Sg'Oc; apricots, 708c; peaches. 67&c; pears, OSlCc; -prunes, Italian. 3HS5Vjc; figs, California ilacks, 4H5&c; do white, S&GO&c; plums," pitted. 454c RAISINS Loose Muscatel. 4-crown. Sc; S crown, 7c; 2-croww, 7c; unbleached seedless Muscatel raisins. TMic; unbleached seedless Sul tans, 8c; London layers. 3-crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds, $1 85; 2-crown, $1 75. POTATOES Best Burbanks, C070c per sack; ordinary, 6055c per cental, growers prices; Merced sweets, $1 752 per cental. ONIONS Oregon and Washington, 73c$l per cental. Batter. Egrs, Poultry, Etc. It was a bad day in poultry, and nearly all dealers wero forced to carry over more or less stock. There were no changes In butter or gs. POULTRY Chickens, mixed, $3 50JT4 25; per pound. 10c: hens. $44 50 per dozen: per pound. 11c; Springs. $3ffS60 per dozen; fryers. $2 50 3; broilers, $22 50; ducks, $4 500 per dozen; turkeys, young, 12&13c; geese, $60 50 per dozen. CHEESE-Full cream, twins, 1516c; Young America, 15g?171e; factory prices, 1 V!c less. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 3032;Sc per pound; dairy. 2032214c; store, lSglSc EGGS 25S0c per dozen. Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc. HOPS Choice, 25&c per pound; prime, to tholce. 2425c; prime, 23c; medium, 22c WOOL Valley, 121i"(3,13c; Eastern Oregon, 89 M&c; mohair. 2028c HH3ES Dry hides. No. 1, 16 pounds and up, 1516c per pound; dry kip. No. 1, 5 to 13 pounds, 12c; dry calf. No. 1, under 5 pounds, 10c; dry-salted, bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint; salted hides, steers, sound, GO pounds and over, 8ff9c; 50 to GO pounds. Q Be; under 50 pounds and cows. 7c; stags and bulls, sound. 5?5Hc: kip, sound. 15 to 20 pounds, 7c; veal, sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 7c; calf, sound, under 10 pounds, Sc; green (un ealted), lc per pound less; culls, lc per pound less; horse b!es, salted, each, $1 502; dry, each, $11 SO; colts' hides, each, 2550c; goat skins, common, each, 1015c; Angora, with wool on, each, 25cfl$l. PELTS Bear skins, as to size. No. 1, each. July 4JBIdston Hill July 24IMus3elcrag Sept. 26Nal (Tasmania (Nantes Aug. 4fDowan Hill June 211Foyledale July 2(Ventura July 121Emille Axis. 24Hutton Hall July lllCornellle Bart June 12Gr. Duchess Olga uct. t tierzogm uecena 7IRiverslde 9 Wiscombe Parle S Jean Bart ..IMarechal de Gonta I Formosa Aug:. 29jCastor Aug. 20 Scottish Minstrel werra Aster Daniel Sept. lilBayonne Aug. 17Marle July 25RlversdaIe IWallacetown Oct . 2S!Cockermouth IVille St. Nazalro Sept. BjAlsterthal Sept lljBretagne July July July Sept. 26 Sept. 19 Fulwood Inveraore Oaeta Oct: 2SCanneblere. . Nesaia 4? "KM Br. ship Br. bark Ger. bark Br. bark Fr. bark Br. bark Br. ship Br. bark Ger. ehip Br. ship Fr. bark Fr. bark Ger. ship Br. ship Br. ship Fr bark Fr bark Br. bark Br. bark Br. ship Ger. bark Ger. ship Fr. bark Fr. ship Fr. bark Br. ship It, ship Br. ship Fr. bark Ger. ship Fr. bark Br. ship Br. snip Br. bark f Jor. BB1B Prjt-tearkc JtT. DOXK. Ger. shlp- Joncs Johnston Schutto Rhode Rlcordel Daviea Kerry Rehburg Dahn Thurber Cavelan Guirln Warneke McCully rower Goesat Gulllon Korft Campbell Mellln Gerdes Dummer Bacheller 24311 1871 2767 20S3 2029 1978 1666 1581 738 19S0 1730 156' 2840 J690I 1072 1724 1743 Monmolne Porter Russo Fall Darra Ellerbeck Canevot Law Thomas Fletcher Krause:- . P09 w- Ivefeuvro Gerkcns Antwerp Antwerp riiogo San Diego Nagasaki Algoa (Bay Liverpool Antwerp Antwerp Shields St. Nazalre Shields Montevideo Hamburg: Newcastle London Mauritius 1953 1611 57 1S19 1807 1709 1626 1297 1474Townsvllle Antwerp Antwerp Honolulu 1397 Valparaiso P. L.Angeles Hobart Cape Town 2027 Hamburg Honolulu .. Antwerp 1818ICape Town 1696iCallao ITSOHobart 1480;P- KAngeles 19S6Callao io3& Valpa raiso- sfMiM.iiwnmwi wnPyrtmtel: 121 101 Consignees. Balfour Puifour Taylor Meyer Olrvln Balfour Balfour Taylor 3alfour McNear olBalfour w; "Till : Total tonnage en route, and listed. 70,240. GRAIN TOXXAGE JJi THE RIVER Name. and rlr- Master. From. Agents or Charterers.. Berth. July Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. cept, Sept. Sept. Sept Oct Oct. Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct. Oct. Oct Oct Oct. Oct Oct. Oct Oct Oct Nov. 23Dimsdale lOIEuchrosyno lalMorven lGlJohn Cooke Chile Wega Nereus Dynomene Coplej' Ancenls Mafrdaleno Pass of Brander 12Adolf .Madagascar C'n of Denmark Holyrood SChristel 22 G. W. Wolff 23 Glenesslin 23lMatterhorn 24C'y of Roxburg 2SClan Galbraith 28 Ingeborg 29 Isle of Arran 30Allerton ljLodore Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Br. shin Ger. ship Ger. ship Ger. ship Br. snip Dan. ship Br. bnrk Ger. bark Br. bark Ger. ehip Br. bark Br. ship Br. ship Ger. snip Br. Phlp Br. ship Br. bark Br. ship Br. shin Dan. bark Br. shin i Br. ship Br. bark I Archard Thomson Hughes Qualle Spllle Fennckohl Baake Snodden Strlkman Salter Sunewind Rider Schlppmam Smith MUman Findley Wurthmant Butler Prltchcrd Warren Leslie Barker Knas Karse Toye Kllley 1779 1799 1997 175S 2054 1945 1714 isoy 1690Antwerp Newcastle Newcastle San Fran Liverpool Hiogo Hlogo Nagasaki victoria 1700 2732! 1993 1651 1996 19S7Sta 1992 1777 159S 1743 1839 2091 19S3 1079 1759 1938 126S Table Bay Yokohama Roval Roads San Fran. Algoa Bay bta. Rosalia Antwero Antwerp bwansea Victoria Hambunr lAntwerp Algoa Bay Guaymas Stn. Rosalia Barrow Acapulco P.F. M. Co. Astoria Disengaged . S. Paclno P. F. M. Co Stream Balfour Oceanic Balfour Astoria Balfour Astoria P.F. M. Co. Astoria Port G. Co, Astoria Kerr Astoria P.F. M. Co. 'Flour Mil- Ken- Stevens Balfour N. W. Co. Kerr Balfour Taylor Balfour . P. F. M. Co. Glrvin Eerg Balfour Balfour N. W. Co. IBalfour Astoria Grnw'ch Oceanlo Victoria Sand dock Mersey Col. 1 Gas dock Elevator Grnw'ch Astoria Sand docb Mag my 1 Stream Astoria Port G. Co Astoria Total tonnage in port, 47,668. GRAIN TOXXAGD EN ROUTE TO PtJ GET SOUND Name. Flag and riff. Master. From. June June Aug. Oct June July Aug. Sept. June Aug. lOlPengwern 17 Pass of Melfort 3Tarpenbek ljAnemone 2SEllrieda Oct 12 Aug. Sept Sept Oct Aug. Sept Oct Sept Aug. Sept Oct" Sept. Oct" Lamorlclere Kenilworth Penthesllea Glenlul Wendur 27IEaton Hall 20) Largo Law Beeswing Glenmark Bankleigh Lamorna 5!Mozambiquo ..lNorma 2Loudon Hill SjAlsterufer SiAlsterberg 22ICalifornIa ..Gael ..Columbia 30lJohn Ena Cilnverlyon ..iRahane 14;Ernest Ryer CIGalgate 11M. E. Watson ...I Java 17'Crornnrtysblre ...IGlenalvon ..flslamount ...lMaelgwyn SPass of Leny ...I Vincent 3Austral-an Br. ship Br. bark Ger. ship Ger. ship Ger. ship Fr. bark Am. ship Br. ship Br. ship Br. ship Br. shio Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Ger. bark Ger. bark Br. bark Br. bark Ger. ship Am.bark Br. bark Br. ship" Fr. bark Br. ship Br. shlo Br. str Br. ship Br. ship Br. bark Br. bark Br. bark Br. ship Br ship Griffiths Hansen Houston Agartz Meyer Sauvlgnon Taylor Manson Scott Nlcoll Evans Henderson Griffiths Johnson Evans Cormack McCone McLaughlin Cruicksnank Jensen Neff Day Sloano Schutte Madsen Sims Scott Dlenhanged Griffiths Griffiths Gordon Nicoll Andrews Fraser Thomas Ball Brlce Jolifte 1492 2196 1793 1609 1649 1471 2147 1663 1S41 1S96 1671 15S7 1354 1250 1429 2169 305 1599 2066 2597 3132 2461 1516 2518 Lr.ndon Hnmhuri? Shields Sydney Hamburg Tntwerp Hamburg I Newcastle ' Hamburg Antwerp Co 11 ao Freeman tie Valparaiso Liverpool Liverpool Algoa Ray Honolulu Antwem ITaltal Montevideo jCape Town Valparaiso Hiogo 2706Kobe 1332 1549 2500 2227' 1670 Cardiff Liverpool Hobart ICape Town Cnllno K32I Vnlrn Vi n mn ll942iManila Liverpool Rotterdam Rotterdam 11980 14SS 1235 1776 1955 1279IValnarais-o ttotteraam Table Bay 155 Consignees. Total tonnage en route and listed, 71, 674. GRAIN TONNAGE ON PUGET SOUND Nam. Flag and rig. Master From. July 23IYola- . Aug. 16Allce a. Leigh Sept 24Fortevolt Sept 27Gertrud Oct l'P. of Balmaha Sept. 29 Sept 2S Oct Oct Oct Oct Gael Aljce Marie Lyderhorn Brabloch Octavla Solway Ecuador 201 Carl Sept 4JCeltIc Chief Oct Zi Lord Elgin Oct 25,'Muskoka Br. ship Br. bark Br. hnrk Ger. ship nr. snip Fr. bark Fr. bark Br: bark Br. ship Ger. brk Br. bark Ger. berk Ger. ship Br. ship Br. hrk Br. bark Agents or Charterers. Berth. Pennicnick Davidson XIdd Henke bcougell Agnlerag Salntlo Weston Baxter Butz James Diekman ilashagen ornes Sangster ' Crowe Honolulu Shanghai Shanghai Honolulu PtChalmers 17071 Hobart 17S0IHobart 1407 2817 2362 16271 149S 26S? 20001 230S ;699 2193 1916 1709 1497 2259 Hong Kong Sydney Sta. Rosalia Antwerp Yokohama Tslngtau Liverpool Lellh Victoria Disengaged Disengaged Balfour Balfour Kerr Kerr T. G. Co. Disengaged Disengaged Balfour Balfour McNear Balfour Balfour Berg Disengaged Van'cvr Pt Tnsnd Tacoraa Tacoma Taeomn Tacoma Tacoma Royal Rdf Victoria Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Tacoma Seattle Victoria Total form ace in pert, 51,5(26. Large Primary Receipts and Rabidly Accumulating Stocks Force Prices Down, CHICAGO,; Nov. 1. Statistics were all againsl wheat, and the market ruled weak throughout the day, with the exception of some steadiness early. Loners again threw a lot of stuff on tho market, and with no sup p'ort, prices declined steadily. Large primary receipts and rapidly accumulating .stocks were the principal bear features. Selling by tho Southwest waa also a weakening; Influence. World's shipments were estimated at about 12,000,000 bushels, and a liberal increase was looked for in the visible supply. December opened a shade lower to a shade higher, at 7272c. and after holding fairly steady the first hour, the market gave way, and - the price dropped to 72c The close was c lower, at 7272fcc Weakness In wheat affected the corn mar ket, and after a fairly steady opening, prices weakened. Trading was light. The close was weak, December closing' c lower, at 50A 50c. Oats ruled" weak, particularly Hay, on sell ing by commission houses influenced by weak ness in other grains. December closed ,4C lower, at 20K320c Provisions were subject to a steady selling pressure, longs being the principal sellers. The market was extremely . weak', throughout the day. January pork closed 27V4c lower, lard 20c lower and ribs 15c lower. Netv Yorlc Stoclc Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 1. The" range of stock quotations was as follows: The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Opening. Highest Lowest Close. November December ' May November December. May ....f0 72V4 $0 72 $0 72 64Vi December May 747 i 74 CORN. 54H 51V(. 42?i 421 OATS. 30H 30V1 31' 31 MESS PORIC 73 T3ii January May .... ..15 52 .14 70 15 52 14 70 November December January .. May 53 53 50H 50 41 42 20 20 31 31 15 S2 13 32 14 50 14 50 10 45 10 50 0 50 0 52 0 12 0 12 8 40 8 42 S 10 8 12 7 70 7 72 - LARD. ..10 62 10 62 .. 0 80 0 80 .. 0 22 1)25 .. 8 55 8-55 SHORT RIBS. January 817 817 May 7 80 7 80 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Steady; Winter patents, $3 40-3:3. 50; straights. $3 103 30; Spring spots, $3 4003 70; straights. $2 003 20; bakers', $2 25 2 71. Wheat No. 2 Spring. 72c; No. 3. 7072c; No. 2 red. 7071c. Corn No. 2, 54-35c; No. 2 yellow, 50c Oats No. 2, 27c; No. 2 white, 34c; No. 3 white. 28c Rye No. 2. 40!4c Barley Good feeding. 3042-"; fair, to choice malting, 42S56c. Flaxseed No. 1, $1 15; No, X Northwestern, $1 18. Timothy seed Prlmef $4 10. Mess pork $10 5010 G2. Lard-$1') 7010 85. Short ribs sides Loose, $1Q 0210 8T. Dry salted shoulders Boxed, $1010 25. Short clear sides Boxed, $10 2510 75. Clover Contract crade, $10 75. Recflpts. Shipments. Flour, barrels Wheat, bushels . Corn, bushels ... Oats, bushels ... Rye. bushels ... Barley, bushels 15.000 203.600 237,000 3HI.000 ..' 21,600 Tf,10O' 17.000 111.800 400.2QO 311MW0 1,000 45,400 Grain and Produce at Ifew York. NEW YORK, Nov. 1. Flourr-Recelpts, 22, 501 barrels; exports. 22,600 barrels. Market nominally unchanged, but les3 active and jtrHle Tea Wirjp.t. en bi, $3 60 3 00; H;Wt ;)imMis- Mt'J---s.pot ia-sy. No.' 2 red. TTc elevatec;,T?cr'f. o.1 b. afloat; No. 1 Northern -lD.uluth.--&24- .f.o. b, afloat; Not 1 hard ataaltoba, 8BerT...d.b. aflca?. A flrnier ooenlBg lni wheat ien' vielded to a pressure from holders, who f elj- 'disheartened over big receipts and talk of a large visible suddIv. and the market closed' easy, at c net decline. ' May. 78H78 9-10, close'd - 78c; December, 78 11-lOc, closed 78o; December, 78 11-160 70c, closed 8c Hides Quiet; California, 21 to 23 pounds, 10c. Wool Quiet; domestic, 25g30c. Butter Receipts, 2700 packages. Market .steady. State dairy, 1824c; creamery, extra, 2jc; creamerj', common to cholco, 1824c. Eggs Receipts, 4800 packages. Market steady. State and Pennsylvania, 24025c; Western candled, 2224c Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov, 1. Wheat quiet, Barley quiet- Oats steady. Spot Quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1 33; milling, $1 37 1 40. Barley Feed, $1 1VA1 20; brewing, $1. 22 1 23. Oats Red, $1 151 35; white, $1 201 33; black, $1 151 35. Call board sales: Wheat Quiet; December, $133,May, $134; .cash, sn. Barley Quiet; December, $1 10 bid; May, $1 zs ma. Corn Largo yellow, $1 471 48. European Grain Markets. LONDON, Nov. 1. Wheat Cargoes on pas sago, very Inactive. English country markets quiet Indian shipments of wheat to United Kingdom, 29,000 tons; to Continent, 7000 tons, LIVERPOOL. Nov. 1. Wheat Quiet; No. : standard California, 6s 5d0s 5d. French country markets firm. Weather in England cloudy and threatening. EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current at Chicago, Omaha and Kansas City. , CHICAGO. Nov. 1. Cattle Receipts. 14,000. Market nominal. Good to prlmo steers, $0 50 SS; poor to medium, $3 5OS0 25; stockers and feeders, $2 254 75; cows and heifers, $1 4035; cannera, $1 402 60; bulls, $2(4 50; calves, $3 757; Texas-fed steers, $34 23; Western steers, $3 606 50. HOGS Receipts today., 22.000; Monday, 33.- 000; left over. 3000. Market 1020c lower. Allxed ana butchers, $0 30 0 70; good to choice heavy. $6 600 85; rough heavy, $6 30 (6 55; light, $6 350 55; bulk of sales, $0 43 (gO 00. Sheep Receipts, 1000. Market steady. Good to choice wethers. $3 604 15; fair to cholco mixed, $2 5033 50; Western sheep, $2 733 30; native lambs, $3 50g5 75; Western lambs, $3 5 23. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. 1. Cattle Receipts, 500. Market steady. Native steers, $4 258; cows and heifers, $34 50; Western steers, wgo ou; xexas steers, $3 Xtf4 40; cows and heifers, $2 754 75; canners, $1 602 75; Btockers and feeders. $2 75g4 75; calves, $3 50 C; bulls, atags, etc, $23 25. Hogs Receipts, 6000. Market &10c lower. Heavy. $0 45S6 55; mixed, $6 6006 35; light. $6 50S0 60; pigs, $66 40; bulk of sales, $6 50 u t. Sheep Receipts, SOO. Market steady. Year lings, $3 4C3 80; wethers. $3 2003 60; ewes. $2 503 25; common and stockers, $1 503 23; lambs, $iU 75. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 1. Cattle Receipts, 2000. Market " Steady; Shade lower; Native steers, $3 SO( 45; Texas and Indian steers. $34 25; Texas, cows. $2 .403; .jjatlve cows and, heifers, $1 504; stockers and feeders, $304; bulls, $2-253 65; calves. $35- 60. Hogs Receipts. 6000. Market 610c lower. Market slow. Bulk of sales. $6 47C 52; heavy, $0 -iTsa 55; packers, $0 406 52: medium. $0 456 55; light, $6 356 52; yorkers, ?6 ougU 02; pigs, ' $5 006 30. Sheep Reselpts, 500. Market unchanged. SAN FRANCISCO MARKETS. Prices Current lor Produce at the Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1. Vegetables Cu cumbers, 5060c per box; garlic, 22c per pound; grcta peas, 3(?3o per pound; string beans, 24c per pound; tomatoes, 25 75c; onions, 3S53c; egg plant, 6075c Apples Choice, 90c; common, 25c Bananas 75c?2 50. Limes Meilcan, $4Vi 50. California lemons Choice, $2 50; common, 50c Oranges Navel, $1 504 50. Pineapples $34. Potatoes River Burbanks. 25 50c: river reds. 40ig50c; Salinas Burbanks, 65c$l 17; sweets, $1 23. Poultry Turkey gobblers, 15317c; do hens. 1517c; old roosters, $503 50; do young, $5 5 50; small broilers, ?3 253 50; do large. $4 4 60; fryers, $44 50; hens, $4 5036; old ducks, $34; do young. $35 50. Butter Fancy creamery, 28c; do seconds, 25c, fancy oalry, 23c; do seconds, 20c 1 Eggs Fancy ranch, 41c; Eastern, 2227c Cheese California cream Cheddar. 12313c; Young America. 133Hc; Eastern. 1410c Wool Jull Humboldt and Mendocino, 133 14c; mountain. 810c . Ilav Wheat. Sll14: wheat and oats. S10 50 13: barley, $8310; alfalfa, $811.50; clover, $7 5030 .50; straw. 3755c per bale. Hops 22325c. Mlllstuffs-Bran, $21322; middlings, $23 60S 25 50. Receipts Flour, 13,028 quarter sacks: wheat. 3325 centals; Barley.. 62.070 centals; oats, 883 centals; beans. 30.134 sacks; potatoes, 2740 sacks; bran; 910 sacks; middlings. 300 sacks; hay, 185 tons;' wool. 233 bales; hides, 133S. Coffee and Sugar. NEW YORK, Nov. 1. Coffee Futures -closed steady. Net unchanged to 5 points higher. Total sales. 18,500 bags, Including December at $5 1535 20; March. $5 40; May. $5 53; June. $3 70; September, $5 80. Spot Rio quiet: No. 7 invoice. 5c; mild steady; Cordova. 712c Sugar Raw Arm; fair refining, 3c; centrifu gal, 06 test. 3c. Molasses sugar steady; re fined firmer; No. 6, $4 20; No. 7. $4 10; No.- 8, $4 05; No. 0. $4; No. 10, $3 05; No. 11. $3 00: No. 12. $3 S3; No. 13, $3 80; No. 14. $3 73. Confectioners' A. $4 50; mold A, $4 00; cubes, $4 00. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. Nov. 1. The week has been quiet In all departments, with very narrow price changes. Today's market has been slow, but gencraly steady. Tin was quoted, at 20.65 26.75c. Copper was about steady, with lake at 11.6211.87c; electrolytic and casting at ll.00ll-.70c and standard at 11c. Lead was dull at 4c Spelter, 4.25c. Iron quiet and Unchanged. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. STOCKS. do Chi. Atchison' .. . do pfd Baltimore & Ohio do pfd Canadian Pacific Canada Southern Chesapeake & Ohio.... Chicago & Alton do pfd Chi.. Ind. & Louis do pfd Chi. & E. Illinois Chi. Gt. Western do A pfd B pfd & Northwestern Chi., R. I. & Pacific Chi. Term.. & Trans... do pfd C, C. C. Si St. Louis.. Colorado Southern .... do 1st pfd -. do 2d pfdi Delaware & Hudson... Del., Lack. & Western Denver & Rio Grande.. do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Great Northern pfd.... Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd Lake Erie & Western.. do pfd Louisville & Nashville, Manhattan L . .. Metropolitan St. Ry.... Mexican Central Mexican National .... Minn. & St. Louis..... Missouri Pacific M.. K. & T. do pfd New Jersey Central..,, .New. York Central.... Norfolk & Western do pfd .......... Ontario & Western.... Pennsylvania .... Reading .".;.. .'J.'.fU; do 1st pfd. 4f, bu Lcnu "TvC'l1.!' - do" 1st; . ao xa- pro ........ . .zo. st. Louis southwestern do pfd St. Paul ZiLi do pfd ..4 ..YT.. Southern Pacific ..C.'i. Southern Ry. . do pfd Texas" & Pacific Toledo. St. L. St Vfi do pfd ., Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling & L. do 2d pfd ! Wisconsin Central .... do pfd I Express companies Adams American United States Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous Amalgamated Amer. Car & Foundry. do pfd Amer. Linseed OH do pfd Amer. Smelt. & Ref.... do pfd Anaconda Mining Co. . . Brooklyn Rapid Transit Colo. Fuel & Iron Consolidated Gas Cont. Tobacco pfd .... General Electric Hocking Coal International Paper ... do pfd International Power . . . Laclede Gas National 'Biscuit National Lead North American Pacific Coast Pacific Mall People' s Gas Pressed Steel Car..;... do pfd Pullman Palace Car ... Republic Steel do pfd Sugar Tenn. Coal & Iron Union Bag & Paper Co, do pfd U. S. Leather do T?fd U. 6. Rubber do pfd -. U. S. Steel do pfd Western Union Amer. Locomotive do pfd Kansas City Southern.. do pfd 106 1,100 136130 8, COO 200 200 2.300 30 100 32 32 100 44 44 2,100 200 100 700 800 200 100 5C 50 4.000 27,700 1.000 100 itt EX. 2.100 200 100 1,100 5,100 o firm 1.000 BOG f, - 200 L. 0,700 000 500 1.500 1.100 10,100 100 "266' 100 300 300 400 100 SOO 20666' 100 100: 300 38 08 51 IN) 148W 43Vi 137 138 141 23 110 20 61 150 74 33 103 82 67 ieu ' 71 30 "VoU 30 48 104 01 48 26 37V4 300 62 52 50 30 73 38 67 51 180 147 43 136 13 140 2& 70 30 To" 30 47 10 01 'i8 20 37 2,300 80 100 186 180 100 10 10 i66"77' "77 200 400 300 100! 500! 300! 200 COO 000! 2.400 300 100 1.800 600 100 500 100 1001 4C0 04 a 18 45 05 07 63 45 20 124 73 42 103 22 70 123 00 13 1.100 14 13 40 88 01 30 04 35 07 04 35 03 18 45 05 07 02 88 45 ,28 123 73 42 103 t3 200 240 133 225 6411 35 03 18 43 43 05 00 02 83V 218 110 185 21 77 80 45 28 122 72 42 103 02 231 21 78 122 65 12 77 13 88 40 83 01 20 04 34 50 Total sales for the day. 160,000 shares. BONDS. U. S. ref. 2s. do coupon "do 8f, reg. do coupon do new 4s, do coupon do old 4s, do coupon do 5s. reg. do coupon Ex-lnt reg.100 100 103 108 reg.130 130 reg.. Ill Ill 104J ....104 Atchison adj. 4s. . C. & N. W. cn. 7s, D. & R. G. 4s.... N. Y. C. lsts North. Pac. 3s..., do 4s South. -Pdc. 4s.... Union Pac. 4s.... West Shore 4s.... Wis. Central 4a... 00 134 101 102 73 103 03 103 113 02 AT THE HOTELS. THE PORTLAND. Mr and Mrs Peacocke. Wetford, Ireland B C Martin. Tac J H Clark. New York D Cormier, St Joe A B McClellan. S F Chas Kemper. Boston F L Graves & wf, Clovoland, O F J Shelton, New I Zealand A McCosh Clark, do Wm W Taull. S F Wm Bastee. do C G Crawford Vncvr W R Ker. Victoria W H Parry. Seattle W L Clarke, USA L C Throne. Chtra tt. Wiley & wf. R C S M L Latham. Silver C J T Mallaway & wf, Astoria G Strachan. Toronto H Blacker. Los Ang C H Hand, Butte D M Clark, St Louis P H Seaton, Butte Simon Juda. S F W R Landram. do G D Searle & wf, Chgo J t Jtsrady, Kansas C Isidore Pesserges, S F O Bowman, Cleveland F M Garrison, do D M Fltrgerald, do THE PERKINS. G F Newman, Moro L C Jones, St Lou la Mrs Jones, do T S Poiter, do "J E Blackwell. Seattle W L Edger, city A Knight. Vancouver G L MacGlbbon, Butte Mrs MacGlbbon, do A W Mackenzie", city J H Halpln, Vancouvr. L A Blackwell, do J A Nelson, Seattle ! John Hunter, do W K Vosper, Olympla A R Williams, Balto J W Kimball, Pendle ton Frank Chapman, Sher idan Mrs Chanman. do Thos Wlthycombe, Far- rington. or Mrs W S Cone, Bay Cy i'erry wnitwortti. Echo L I Martin. Seattle C A Pague, S F Henry L Bents, city E A Burt Monmouth H E Tblxton, Louisville 57"' Sf?lth, Iowa auuic uutup, acaiuu jtira nctuui, q iv a uu)-, vnesier, a u j r. amy, jaon. w w weoo, spokane pirs cauiy. ao. Robt Bond, Jackson-. Mrs M E Gath da ville Mrs Bond, do C SImonson. Utah Arthur W Colby. Chgo a jo. Kioer, at Paul J J Dunn. Butte J E Devlne. do Dome Pierce. St Louis a W Blanchard. Wis J ill uibson. Wis T A Metcalf. Wis J P Anderson. Tacoma S J Beck. Oatrander Mrs J H Oakes. Mitch ell W H Wilson. Dalles W S Lysons. Kelso W S Whltehouse, Boise Airs wnitenousc, do J H Devlin. Tacoma W H Noyes, Grant's- pass G F Phltter. St Paul Dr L F IMtchell. Nome Mrs I D West, S F THE IMPERIA C W Fulton. Astorfx IE V S W M Cherrlngton, Sa- P J Sovey, Astoria ' C W Borders, cltv Mlsa Iva Harrington, mgniana E W Oaburn. Tacoma P J Scharback. S F S G Wimelnare. Mich airs 11 Burns. W W Mrs W P Wlmans, do r j cram, chlcaeo Waren Wiley. S F G W Watterhouse. Mich Mrs C H Berell. do Miss Clara Berell, do T H Crawford, Union J J Balleray, Pendletn John McCourt. do J D Voss. Baker City W O Hamlsch, Pendle ton Mrs Hamlsch. do J S Cooper, Indp F E Everett, lone J G Taylor, Seattle Dr. M G Call. Pendletn I Miss GathelL do V C E Jones, Wasco urs j ones, ao- I F T Hurlburt SharlkJ Aiex wnite. ynenaus 1 II E Van Hoasen, Po. catello 1W B Nessier. SeaUle x ti Aaams, J? orest uu if ti. iioota, s jr B P Bussan. Seattle Frank Benscn. do . A E Wheeler, w Whecier. TRAVELERS GUIDE. I ssl Bkftl HsrJ XSkto UAn mm mmwm I isWi ISL da I . do akk HJli j3- do R W Armstrong eouver Mrs Armstr'or M Armstrong B Armstrong S H Holmes Mrs Holm W H Kllfjner. W W Mrs E Ainderson-and 2i chdn: Jftstorla merer F C Htf-ywood. Spokan iirs Havrwooa, ao Walter 1 Mrner, do . A M Cattiel, Chemawa" Mrs CatCtitvo Miss JessiejfMcCloud, G C Brownfjl. "OrCity J P Nteleelsp Psndle ton.r F R;.chfec N" P SorrenSonr- Asto W E Wolff. N- Mrs C V HoffmJfr. "S.F J F Kelly, Eugem 4 H L J3ay. Burke ' S B Huston, Hillsbjoro Frank Menefee, Dit.ilc3 A S Bennett, doA Mrs Bennett do. .. Miss Anita Bennett do Miss Crystal Bennett The Dalles Miss G Kelly, do ML C Smythe, Balto A F Eastman, Seattle F Fairfield. do Alice Mortlock. do John Halbrooke, Omab A J Beann, Pendleton' Mrs Holbrooke & boys. Mrs Homer HIndman, uaKer uity H H Hunter. 'Boise Airs Hunter, do J M Sponsel. St Paul W A Dexter. S F F K Campbell, Salem alter Lyon, do J- W Sibbert. Clntl B R Pattlson, Heppnr u ii ispniey. 3alem T H Thomas. Shasta County A Hart, do J L Holllnrshead. Mitchell Mrs Holllngshead. do F Chandler. Hood Rvr W Lea. Wis B Ripley, do E C Little. Satem Miss K Nelson", Grant's Pass E V Cobby, Everett Joo Farrell. S F Albert Dunbar. Asto Mrs Dunbar, do Mrs F L Parker, do J E Qulnn, Castle Rk A L Frosled, Seaside C Schmat. Astoria Mrs Schmat do C H Payne, city H F Prael. Astoria C Borders, city Omaha R L -Robb. Astoria Mrs Robb. do W H Moyer, Spokane J R Bcntley, Sacto Mrs Bentley. do Ed C Henen, Salem Mrs Henen, do R A McCory, Salem Mrs McCory. do Mrs T T Geer. Salem jMrs F Spergcr. Silver- ton W It Dunbar. Vancvr Mrs Dunbar, do D G Andrews, S F C F Goddard, S F F L King, Salt like Stella Smith. Newberg V M Bennett. Mpls J A Gelnsdorfer, The Dalles W H Crowley, Long Ck Mrs Crowley, do D Sommers, Elgin Mrs Sommers, do L Rbspnthall, Spokane L Leyy, Union F J Claxton. S F E R Conarlff, S D M V Thompson, S D J E Reynolds. La Gran S B French. Detroit Mrs A E Schneider, Dorcy Hour Line. THREE TRAINS DAILY UIslU.V DEPOT. Leave. Arrlvs. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 0:OO A. M. 4:30 P. it SPECIAL. DalU DaUy Tor ths East via. Hunt ington. SPOKANE FLYER. 0:13 P. M. 7:00 A.M. Tor Eastern Washtas- Daily. Daily. taB..WalIa Walla. Lew Utos. Cocur d'Alen tad. Gt. Northern polati ATLANTIC EXPREriS S:50 P. M- $-10 A. 31. Yar th East via Hunt- Dally. o'ally. turtoa. RIVER SCHEDULE. FtpR ASTORIA and! watr points, connecting Wlt? steamer for Ilwa co od Korth Beach, stenmej- T. J. Potter. Ash-street Dockf FOR DAYTOX, Oregon City and 'YtjTiblll Rtver points, str. Modoc. Ash street Dock:. (Water permVttlng.l 8:00 P. M. Dally er. Sunday. Saturday. 10 P. M. :00A. 31. Tues., Thurs.. Sat 5:00 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 3:00 P. M. Mon.. Wed.. Fri. ST. CHARLES HOTEL. D Kelly. Kansas C E Thompson, do Bert Blanvclt, Marshland E J Wilson. S Band F M Smith. Rainier B F Blaisdell. Astoria Fred Blalsdrll, do Keslcr Chlsham. Spkne John Rice, Rainier C H Payne, city T Hedrlck. Saiem F Chandler, do Mrs M Garetson, city U Kutch. do P H Coleman, do F H Tllley, Downing F W Teekley. Spokane J H Enyer & bro. Spokane T E Walter. Ostrander L Lyman & wf, do A Barr, city II Brill, do W Kirk. St Paul Wall Harris, Tlllamk H Stevens, do May Smith, do H Osborn, Rochester Beatrice Crouse. do ?Jaa-McConneJlfc.,fitpsj J K rHagen trrti i-PMUlietiM '-t, Ti Uu ,& Wf4e R BrtQ o ? A M itawitzeB. Miss Lias. Hakey. Mrs J"N Watt, "Dalles! Mls Watt,, .do, J H Johnson, 5alem A Lafevcr. Dayton W H Corbett. Dalles J G Harper. & wf. Chicago S A Lauchlln. do J T Qulgg, Aberdeen Wm Teck, Hoqulam G Horgen, do F W Foley, city Miss Horn, do H T Dodge, Hoqulam Jas Detrlch- do Glen Harper, do E H Meade, do H A LAtourell, Lat Falls C Carder, Scott Mills J uagner. do J B Hull, do Anna Brady, Chicago Harriet Browne, S F Juliette Chandler, do J Van Cleve. do M R Potts, Holby G Evans. Brownsville Maggie Evans, do H Thomas, city S F Atkinson. Mascot A Watson, Cathlamet J A Kemp, do J Coffin, Eugpno F J Jaerg. Maruuam Miss. PcarlJennlngs,do J'P Tr-man"."Sppjane" nvettei. scohane JWki iel Sc. wf. do CO orris, X.L Yernoa, R Talbot; ? I) T MoKiln: JiHfolfwi'. P O Aiidersmi. Palni4 J'-VE PattonT Stevenoi W? .Udell. ida i ..XAt v j Aioegung, Seattle Hotel Brunswick, Seattle. European plan. Popular rates. Modern Improvements. Business center. Near depot Ta corca Hotel, Tncoma. American plan. Rates, $3 and up. Hotel Donnelly, Tacoma. First-class restaurant In connection. J W LCOX TAHSY PILLS I"or 30 years tae only safe and reliable Po Banle Kesnlater for all troubles. Relieves within 3 tys. At droggUta, or by mail. Frlpt S3. Fres trial ot "Tansy" ami WomiB'a Kai Ouard" fsr 18a Address' TRAVELERS' GUIDE. cv TIME CARD PORTLAND :25 am 4 :15 pm Departs. Arrives. Puget Sound Limited for Ta coma. Seattle. Olympla. South Bend and Gray's Harbor points North Coast Limited for Ta coma, Seattle, bpoKane, Butte, St. Taul, Minneap olis, Chicago. New York, Boston and all points East and Southeast 2:00 pm 7:00 am Twin City Express for Ta coma, Seattle. Spokane. Helena, St. Paul, Minne apolis, Chicago, New York, Boston and all points East and Southeast 11:43 pm 7:15 pm North Coast-Kansas Clty St: Loula Special, for Ta coma, Seattle. Spokane, Butte, Billings. Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and all points East and Southeast 2:00 pm 7:O0 pm All trains dally except on South Bend branch. A. D.. CHARLTON, Assistant General Pas senger Agent, 255 Morrison st., corner Third, Portland, Or. WHITE COLLAR LINE STR. BAILEY GATZERT. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. Round trip daily except Sunday. TIME CARD. Leave Portland 7 A. M. Leave Astoria ; TP. M. ' THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE. BTRS. TAHOMA AND METLAKO. Sally trips except Sunday. STR. TAHOMA. Lt. Portland Mon.. Wed., Fri 7 A. M. Lv. Dalles Tues., Thurs.. Eat ..7 a. M. STR. METLAKO. Lv. Portland Tuea., Thurs., Sat T A. M. Lr. Dalles Mon.. Wed.. Fri 7 a. ii. Landing foot ot Alder street. Portland, Or. Both phones. Main 351. E. W. CRICHTON. Agent. Portland. Or. Boston io MedlUrranian Boslon to Lfiarsool Portland is Lltersaol Sg If you are contemplating a trip, we will send you upon application a superb booklet. "The Mediterranean SJb Illustrated," together with other de--2,: scrlptlve ad-ertislng matter. Ad jaSj. dress Thos. Cook & Son. 621 Market .cr St., San Francisco, Cal., or Com !3f pany's Office, 69 Dearborn st.. Chgo. iiiilX TICKET OFFlJSS, Third and Washington. Telephpno Main 712. STEAMSHIP CO, For Yokohama and Hens Kong, calling at Kobe. Nagasaki and Shanghai, taking freigh; via connecting steamers for Manila, Port Ar thur and Vladivostok. INDRASAMHA SAILS ABOUT OCTOBER 23. For rates and full information call on or ad drcra officials or agents of O. R. & N. Co. EAST m 0m ULJin Leu vo 6:30 P. M. 8:30 A. M. 4:00 P. M. 7:30 A. M. IU:Sft P. M. IjuIuu Depot OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS, for Salem. Roaa burg, Aablund, sac-, luiucuto. O e d a n.1 San l.-1-uhoiMi... M! iave. Lea Angclen. c.1 iaso, Acw Or leans and the East. At W o o d b u r n dally except Sun day;, morning train con 11 ecu vrltn train (or Mt. AngeU Sll vrton. Browns v 1 1 le. Springilenld, Wendllng and Na .ron. ' Ibany passenxer .. Connects at Wood jura with ilu An sel " and Sllvertos ocal. urvallU passengrr. hrldan pssnirer 7:43 A. M. "7:00 P. 1L 10:10 A. U 3-50 P. M. A. M. Dally. UDally except Sunday. pdRTLADSWOSUBUJU .01 ofiicm Mre;. .11.13 P. liigiy. t-owm at 7:3 it:- A. M. Except Monday. 12:4u A. M. Sunday b- KU05 a. M. Leavo Iron; Eim.? 4oot for Dallas and inter mediate points daily except Sunaay 5:05 P. M. Arrive Portland 0:-0 A. M The Independence-Monmouth motor line oper ates dally to Monmoutn and Atrlle. connecting with S. P. Co.'a trains at Dallas and Inde pendence. Renste tickets on sate between Portland. Sac ramento and San Francisco. Net rates, $17.50 first class and $14.00 second clans. Second class includes sleeper, first class does not. Tickets to Eastern points and Europe. Also Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE, comer Third and Washington atreeta. Phono Main 712. REGULATOR LINE STEAMERS Dally except Sunday. DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE TIME CARD. STR. REQ ULATOR. Leaves Portland Tues.. Thurs.. Sat,. "A. St. Leaves Dalles Mon., Wed., Fri.. 7 A. M. STR. DALLES CITY. Leaves Portland Mon.. Wed., Fri., 7 A. M. Leaves Dalles Tues, Thurs., Sat., 7 A. M. LANDING OAK ST. D0CKPORTLAND. M. V. HARRISON Agent. Pacific Coast Steamship So. For South-Eastern Alaska. Leave Seattle, O A. M., Steamships City of Topeka 01 City of Seattle Nov. 7. 13. 10. 25; Dec. 1. 7, 13, 10, 25. 31. Steamers connect at San Francisco with company's steamers for ports In California. Mexico and Humboldt Bajv For.further Information obtain folder. Right Is reserved to change steamers or sail lng dates. AGENTS N. POSTON. 246 Washington st.. Portland: F. AV. CARLETON, 007 Pacific ave., Tacoma; Ticket Office, 113 James st.. Seattle. GED. W. ANDREWS, Northwestern Passenger Agent, San Francisco. Ticket OflI.ce. 4 New Montgomery st. C. D. DUNANN. Gen. Pass. Agt., San Francisco. b-BREATNQRTHERN Ticket Office 122 Third St. Phone 63) LEAVE No. 4 C:15 P. M. Tlio Flyer Coily to anil from St. Paul. Minne apolis, Dulutb, Chlcaro and all points East. ARRIVE No. 3 7:Oii a AT Through Palace and Tourist Sleeper. Dials and BuSat Umoklng-Llbrary Cars. JAPAN - AMERICAN LINE KINSHIU MAiU For Japau. Cnina and all Asiatic colnta, will leava Seattle About November 4 Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. LEAVER llejuit Firtli una I Streets. :00 A. 1L 7:00 P. M. For Maygers, Kamler. Clatskanle. Weatport. Clifton. Astoria. War teuton. Flavel. Ham mond. Fort Stevens. Gearhart Pk.. Seaside. Astoria and Seahor. Express Dally. Aatorla Express. , Dally. 11:10 A. U. 8:40 P. M. Ticket oQce. 255 Morrison at. and Union Depot. J. C. MAYO, Qca. Put. Agt., Astoria, Or.