THE HORNING OREGONIAN,' TUESDAY, .TUNE 3, 1902. THE VOTE OF OREGON Republicans Win a Victory. ' Great THE GOVERHOR MS IN DOUBT FIrIyXnrgc Vole and Count Is glorr Surprise in Mnrlon Connty Both Repnbllcnn Canerc-SB- tneb Elected. (Continued from First Page) lain 626. C. W. Fulton, Rep.. C. W. Car nahan, Rep. and John Hahn, Cit., are probably elected to the Legislature. It Is too early to estimate the county ticket, though the Republicans probably elect nearly all. The vote for Congressman stands now: "Williamson, 039; Butcher, 82t. Complete returns from four outeiae pre cincts give Williamson S3, Butcher 40; Furnish 103, Chamberlain 75. The total city vote Is KS0. Incomplete returns from live city precincts give Williamson 121. Butchef57; Furnish 152, Chamberlain 13S. Coos County. MARSHFIELD. Or., June 2. Out of a total of 26 precincts, Incomplete returns irom two aVid complete returns from Ave give Furnish 251, Chamberlain 183. Con gressman, Rep., 253; Democratic, 193. The Republicans elect Schiller B. Hermann Representative. On county officers, the J Republicans elect Harlocker, Judge; Dul 3, Treasurer; Catbcart, Surveyor; Mcln tqsh, Commissioner. The Democrats prob ably elect Lawrence, Sheriff; Thrift, As sessor the Clerk is still In doubt. COOS CITY. June 2. Coos City com plete gives Geer S. Wood 1L Tongue 7. Weatherford 1L Chamberlain 14, Turnisn 5, Bean 13. Bonham 9, Dunbar 10, Sears S. Blackman 7, Ackerman 10, Wann , Crawford 10, Raley 7, Godfrey 8, Whit ney S. The vote for county officers is mixed. LIBBY, June 2. The complete vote for Llbby is as follows: Geer 40, Wood 20, Tongue 22, WeathTford 31, Furnish 35, Chamberlain 29, Bean 3S, Bonharo 29, Dun bar 22, Sears 26, Blackman 2S, Moore 32, Wann 34, Ackerman 31, Crawford 35, Raley 25, Whitney 25, Godfrey 25. EMPIRE, June 2 Empire complete gives Geer 49, Wood 30, Furnish 59. Cham berlain 2S, Tongue 55, Weatherford 23, Bean 63, Bonham 26. Dunbar 54, Sears 41, Blackman 30, Wood 49, Ackerman 49, "Wann 30, Crawford 50, Raley 31, Godfrey 29, Whitney 5L m Baker County. BAKER CITY, June 2. Returns are coming in very slowly." A partial count in Sumpter and Baker City, in three pre cincts, gives Chamberlain 132, Furnish SO. Smith. Dem., is leading Rand, Rep., for .Senator In this city. Chandler, Rep., for Representative, leads Robblns, Dem., in this city, while Robbins leads Chandler -two to one In Sumptex. Butcher, so far, leads Williamson for Congress, almost two to one in this county. Partial returns from the second precinct in this city give Chamberlain 75, Furnish 45; Butcher 63, Williamson 47. The pre cinct in 1898 gave Geer 168, King 116. SUMPTER, June 2. Incomplete returns give Chamberlain 103, Furnish 67; Butcher 5; Williamson 76; about 500 Votes cast. The count is progressing very slowly. HUNTINGTON, June 2. Complete re turns give Chamberlain SI, Furnish 83. The precinct In 1S9S gave Geer 109, King 74. Butcher for Congress receives 59, Will iamson S9. In 1900 It gave Smith 52, Moody BAKER CITY, June 3 (3 A. "M. Re turns from 30 out of 37 precincts give Chamberlain 300 to 500 lead over Furnish. The Legislative ticket is in doubt. Klamath Connty. KLAMATH FALLS, June 2. Plevpa precinct, complete returns, give Furnish 41, Chamberlain 20, Bean 44, Bonham 16. Dunbar 41, Sears 18, Moore 42, Blackman 16, Ackerman 41, Wann 18. Crawford 40. Raley 19. Whitney 40. Godfrew 17, Tongue -41, Weatherford 16. Geer 38, Wood 18. For members of the Legislature, Burgess 23, Doak 20, Emmlt 49. Mose 1&, Whealdon 33, Sanders 14. One hundred out of 300 votes, Llnkvllle precinct, give Furnish 54, Cham berlain 38, Bean 62, Bonham 32, Dunbar 62, Seara 30, Moore 52, Blackman 24, Ack erman 59, Wann 32, Crawford 60, Raley 31, Whitney 60, Godfrey 29. Tongue 65, Weatherford 26. Geer 56, Wood 3L Mem bers Legislature, Burgess 54. Doak 30, Emmlt 62, Morse 23, Whealdon 5L San ders 19. Columbia Connty. ST. HELENS, June 2. Out of a total of 13 precincts In Columbia County,- Incom plete returns from three and complete re turns from three give Furnish 216, Cham berlain 184. Congressman, Republican 224, Democratic 133. Returns on Legislative nominees received from the same pre cincts are: Booth, Rep., 293; KJstner, Dem., 176. County officers Sheriff, A. L. Clark, Dem., 231; R. S. Hattan, Dem., 265. Clerk, D. Davis, Rep.. 217; H. Henderson, Dem., 174. Edwin Ross for County Treas urer, Is elected on the Republican ticket. He had no opposition. Indications are that Hattan, Dem., la elected Sheriff. The other county officers are In doubt. Douglas Connty. ROSEBURG, June 3 Meager returns indicate that Chamberlain carries the County by 250. The remainder of the Re publican state ticket wins, except Craw ford, who loses by about 50. One Dem ocratic Representative is elected; also the Assessor and Coroner, and probably the Sheriff and County Judge. The Republi cans are still hopeful, however, and say Furnish will, carry the county by prob ably 1D0 In West Roseburg, out of 24 votes count ed. Chamberlain received 19, Furnish 5. In Deer Creek, out of 20 votes counted, Chamberlain received 13, Furnish 7. Josephine Connty. GRANT'S PASS, Or.. June 2. Tonight partial returns in the three precincts of Grant's Pass give Furnish 143, Chamber lain 133; Tongue 152. Weatherford SI; Rep resentative. Hale. Rep., 129; Smith, Dem., 116. Three outside precincts complete that gave Geer 97 and King 116 now glvp Fur nish IS) andChamberlaln 136. The total vote, eo far, on Representative, gives Hale, Rep., 268, Smith, J3em , 272. The county ticket will be close. Indications are that the Democrats will elect Judge and Commissioner. Polk Connty. DALLAS, June 2. Reports are coming In very slowly. Complete returns from five precincts that gave Geer 240 and King 19S give Furnish 199 and Chamberlain 194. Returns from these precincts show sub stantial Republican gains. Indications are that Furnish will carry he county by 100. The Republicans will carry the Legisla tive ticket by greatly Increased plurali ties. Tongue's vote will be heavier than that of two years ago, ' 'i Lane Connty, EUGENE, Or., June 2. One hundred and seventy out of 181 votes in South Eugene, .No. 2, give Chamberlain 63. Fur nish 86, Hunsaker 2, Ryan 6, Wann 88, Ackerman 57, Tongue 95, Weatherford 60, Crawford SO, Raley 6L Tho, same pre- i inecs probably elected are: Marlon Hay clncts in, lfcS gave-CSeer 77t King 52. The den, Hep , Representative, and J. D. votetetwoen Kuydendall and Trais. for i Daly, Hep., Senator. Senator, Is close. 'TheremalnderQf ihe - I cits, bo far as counted. Is going Repub lican. The Republican legislative ticket. with the exception of Senator. Is prob ably elected. The voto was the heaviest ever polled. Tlllnmoqlc County. TILLAMOOK. June 2. From return re ceived Furnish is running 100 votes ahead of Chamberlain. On the rest of the state ticket the Republicans have a majority of two to one. Tongue is running ahead of "Weatherford by three to one. Eddy la leading Griffin by about 75 votes. Re turns on the county ticket Indicate that the following are elected: W. W. Condor, Dem., Sheriff; Homer Mason. Rp.. Clerk; P. W. Fodd, Rep., Treasurer; P. E. Rey nolds. Rep.. Coroner; H. H. Alderman, Rep., Sheriff; A. M. Hpre, Rep., Assessor; F, L. Fapplngton, Rep., Surveyor, G. "V. Bodyfelt, Rep., Commissioner. t Lincoln County. NEWPORT, Juno 2 Two out of 14 pre cincts hi Lincoln County give the follow ing vote: Chamberlain C6. Furnish U, Hun saker 12, Ryan "36, Bean 5, Bonham 43, Bright 2. Dunbar 35, Sears 45, Blackman 45, McDanlel 28, Moore 8L Ackerman 34, Wann 44, Crawford 90, Moyne 22. Raley 27, Godfrey 27, W.hltney S6, Tongue SS, Weatherford S9, Geer 9S. Wood 48. Jackson County. ASHLAND, June 2. Returns from the various precincts of Jackson County are GEORGE E. WHO IS APPAREATLY ELECTED GOVERNOR OF OREGON. meager and the count progresses slowly. The indications are that Chamberlain has carried the county tor Governor. The Republicans are claiming the election of Carter as Senator. Hansbrough as Joint Representative and one Representative. The county ticket will probably be missed. The vote In this city was heavy and the count progresses slowly. West Ash land precinct, complete, gives Chamber lain BL -Furnish 92. Tongue 106, Weather ford 37. For State Senator Cartor receives 100. Nell 64. The vote of the City of Ash land w as 696, a "heavy Increase over the vote of two years ago. Umatilla Connty. PENDLETON, Juno 3. Furnish will carry Umatilla County by 200 plurality. Williamson for Congressman gets 3"K) plu rality. The Legislative and County tloket is Democratic. PENDLETON. Or, June 2. Incomplete returns -from Umatilla County Indicate glns for Chamberlain, Dem., for Gover nor, Out of a total of 35 precincts, in complete, returns from four precincts and complete returns from two precincts that gave Geer S4 and King 49 give Furnish SO, Chamberlain 56. ADAMS, Or.. June 2. Adams precinct shows a good Republlqan majority for slate and county candidates, with the ex- THOMAS III mSm W&f' b w draSHHI9BiPlili9 lffl$mWWmmWWWmBWmEBmWYmWmWmWWWVmmWWWm RE-ELECTED TO CONGRESS FR03I FIRST DISTRICT. ceptlon of Governor, which stands: Cham berlain, 87; Furnish, 59. Benton Connty. CORVALLIS, June 2. Out of a total -of 15 precincts Incomplete, returns from five complete and three Incomplete, that gave Geer 646, King 473, give Furnlsh 4JS, Charabcrjaln. 404. The Legislative nom- Crook Connty. PRINFVILLE. June 2,-Of a total of 24 preclpcts In the county Incomplete re turns from one and complete returns from three which in 190Q gave Goer 29," King To. glvcFurnish 50 and Chamberlain 40. For Congressman the same precincts give Williamson 144. Butcher 91. Union Connty. No. 4 precinct reports Chamberlain 9, Furnish 19; Hunrakor 9, Byan 8; Butcher 4S, Williamson 41; Bean 60. Bonham 41; Dunbar 42, Sears 45; Walter Pierce 61; Jeff Scrlbor S6. Precinct No. t reports Cham berlain 65. Furnish 29; Butcher 49, Will iamson 47. Sherman Connty. . MORO. June 2. The Republican Con gressional and Legislative ticket Is elected by a good majority. Only two small pre cincts have completed their count. Indi cations are that Furnish will carry the county by 100. Alwnlom HurrIcs Bninhrldtre. NEW YORK, June t. Ai'asnlorn. RUggles Balnbridge, who at one time was under sentence of doatb for assistance he -was charged with having given John Wilkes Booth, while the latter was, making his cecape after assassinating President Lin coln. Is doad from apoplexy at .his home in this city. Mr. Balnbridge was born in Virginia CHAMBERLAIN. ln 1S4S. He- entered the Confederate ArVny under Colonel Mosby when he was 16 years of age, and at the close of the war held the rank of Lieutenant. When Colonel Mosbys command was dispersed Balnbridge and a cousin. Major Ruggles, who died In this city two weeks agor were on their way home, when they met Booth, whom they unwittingly assisted t cross trfie river. The young Lieutenant and his cousin were arrested and sentenced to death, but subsequently were released. Verdict on Anto Accident. NEW YORK, June 2. The Coroner's jury today Investigated the deaths of An drew Featherstone and John Bogart In the automobile accident on Sta.en Island Saturday, and brought In a verdict exon erating W. G. Baker, of Cleveland, and C. A. Denser. Cloutlbnrgt in Iotvu. DBS MOINES, la.. June 2. A cloudburst live miles south of here this afternoon washed away several acres of corn, under mined six miles of track on the Burling ton route, blocking all traffic on the Keo kuk branch and drowned many cattle and sheep. "Wyoming- Rcjicrvolr Breaks. SHERIDAN; Wyo., June 2. The. Kear ney Lake reservoir, about 30 miles south- H. TONGUE west of this city, went out through a I break In the dam Sunday, It was three mites long and one-half mile wlde. with an nv orage depth of 13 feet of water. As a result of the wash-out, houses, barns, ireus, crops unu tences ttioijjf xne niie RIver.Valloy are seriously damaged. No loss of life Is reported. The reservoir was built in cost of about ?12,W. BY A SMALL VOTE (Continued from First Pase.) j Seventeenth Representative District. For Joint Representative 4 O, W. Nottingham, Rep 1S0 W. F, Youn Clt!...... , 754 Eighteenth Senatorial District. For State Senator Henry E. McGinn. Rep .1054 Harry Lane, Clt , 1119 For State Senator (to Ull vacancy) George T. Mvers, Rep 1369 H. D. Nicholas. Clt.... 810 For Representatives A. A. Bailey. Rep 1242 William yn Banks. Rep 1105 S. B. Cobb. Rep , 1121 H. J. Fisher. Rep 1141 John GUI. Rep., 1271 C. W. Hodson, Rep 1071 W. R. Hudson. Rep 1C59 J. S. Hutchinson, Rep 11&2 W. N. Jones. Rep 1077 Dan J, Malarkey, Rep 1114 George M. Orion, Rep 1240 Snndflrson Reed. Rep 1U2 E. A. Austin, Clt 943 fa. J. Barber, Clt S80 J. C, Bayer, Cit...t 5?l N. Df Beutgen, Clt 878 Frank H, Curtis. Clt 897 M. C. Davis. Cit 893 Henry Fleckensteln. Cit 890 Frank A. Heitkempor, Clt 930 E. A. McPherson. Clt 921 G. C. -Moser. Clt 847 Sidney Smith. Clt 510 A. F. Velgyth. Clt ,.. S50 J. Frank Porter, Soc 159 Charles Ream, Soc 221 Connty Ticket. For County Judge L. R. Webster. Rep ....1207 H. B. Adams. Clt 977 For County Commissioner Frank C. Barnes, Rep.- 1220 Henry Hewitt, Clt 930 For Sheriff ' W. A. Storey, Rep ,,. 94 John Drlseofl. Clt i733 N. H. Bird, Ind ,...... 740- For County ClerK Frank S. Fields, Rep 1153 J. P. Kennedy, Clt f 950 For County Treasurer John M. Lewis, Rep 1297 I. L. White, Clt 706 For County Assessor George E. Watklns, Rep 1066 Charles E. McDonnell, Clt 1132 For County Auditor . -Qui D. Brandes, Rep 1527 W. H. Pope, Clt ,... 933 For County Surveyor . John A. Hurlburt, Rep 1463 Lucius R. Lewis, CIt-Dcm ,. 793 For Coronor-- J. P. FInlcv, Rep 15S0 Edgar H, Tnornton, Dem v755 City. For Mayor .M George H. Williams, Rep 11S0 R. D. Inman, Clt 917 I. H. Amos, Pro - & William T. Houser. -Soc For City Auditor 1A Thomas C. Devlin. Rep-Clt .- 1640 For City Treasurer J. C. Jameson, Rep.... J. E. Wcrleln. Clt For City Attorney L. A. McNarv. Rep.... 973 S03 1013 E. C. Bronaugh, City 9a2 Fo Municipal Judge Harry W. Hogue, Rep 46 R. W. Thompson, Clt 644 George J. Cameron, Ind. Rep 625 For City Engineer William C., Elliott. Rep 1029 D. W. TayfoT, Clt .'93 Adoption of City Charter. Yce 1359 No. 144 Conntltuilonal Amendment. .For Initiative and referendum Yes 1630 No 1M Portland. District. For Justice of the Peace - William Reld. Rep J5J R. J. O'Nell. Clt 616 For ConsUble W. E. Jackson. Rep , 6S5 Lou Wagner. Clt 539 John Donnelly, Ind , 159 EHt Portland District. For Justice of the Peace - - Waldemar SetonRep v. 375 R. P, Graham. Clt,. . .,.. .,...... 5A"..'... 179 For. Constable . A. D. Keena'h. Rep , 319 A. M. Cox, Cit 292 S. W.Marks, Ind............) 4. MULTXOMAII FOR CHAMBERLAIN. IIU Plurality Over Furnish In Be tween 500 and 800. Incomplete returns from every precinct but two in the county, representing 262U of the 17,515 votes cast, give Furnsh, Rep., for Governor 11B0 votes, and Cham bcrlalp, Dem.. 1314. Chamberlain leads by 124 In a count of a little less than one seventh of the total vote cait. Chamber lain has apparently carried the county by 500 to S00 votes. In the vote so far ac counted for, Mr. Furnish runs far behind, Williamson, the nominee on his ticket tor Congress. Williamson leads Butcher by 700 votes out of 2134 votes counted for Congressman, and has carried the county by the usual Republican majority". Fol lowing Is the vote by precincts for Gov ernor and Congressman: Governor. Copg 2 f i. I m x? V o ; ; s : a WARD. l'lFlfst ... 24i 15 14 rirst ... First ... Second . Second . Second . Second . Second . 6 44 23 21 28 13 35 13 24 21 31 33 29 34 51 9'Thlrd .. JOlTblrd .. 11 Third ... 12ThIrd ,. WlThird .. HIFouTth . 15Fourth . lfijFourth . 17 Fourth . IS EOurth , 19IFourth . E Fourth , Fifth ... Fifth,... 23Flfth .. 24lFifth .. 251Flfth ... 26iFitth ... 27Slxth ., Ixth .. 29iSlxth .. SO.SIxth .. JllSlxth ... 32SIxth .. 33Seventh 34Seventh 35 Seventh 36(Elghth . 37iEIghth 28EIghth 33EIghth 40 Eighth . 41 Ninth .. 42INInth . 43Nnth .. 44 Ninth .. 45Nlnth . 46lNInth .. 47lNlnth ., 48!Tenth .. 49iTerth . fiOiTenth .. 51Tentb . 52Tenth . 25 22 20 28 15i 25 If 23 29 24 26 22 17 27 14 19, 11 7 411 zi -I 26 IS 32 1 29; 15 IS S3 21 14 16 10 23 30 21 27 26 M 25 19 10 9 8 12 18 11 13 10 11 12i 6 12 16 20! 16 7 16 Jl X i3 16 20 21 271 17 3SI i 20 19 IS n 21 15 l 53 54 Eleventh Eleventh Eleventh Eleventh Eleventh : St. Johns 19 8 12 16 21 17 17 5 3 25 7 27 21 34 29 Mount Tabor 60South Mount Tabor.. 61 Mouta villa 62 FalrvJew 63 Grrtham 12 16 13 10 14 8 64 PoT.ell'6 Valley 7 '! 65 Hurlburt 66 Bridal Veil 67HoIbrook 6S Burclbacb8 69 Sylvan ,.... 70Hl.lcdale 12 ii 13 25 16 21 18 Totals 1190 1314 117 1417 717 VOTE NBARLY 30OO SHORT. Greatest Decrease Wa In the Pre cincts in the'Clty of Portlands Complete returns from 68 of the- 70- pre clncjs. jwjth .estimates for Bridal Veil and the polling place at Burelbacb' building, on the 2t. Helens roud, show that the total vote cast was 17.515, agilnst a registration of 20,390. TLe shortage Is 2S75. of which the City of Portland contributed 26S7. The city vote was 14.949, against a registration of 17,636, Nearly every citjr precinct re ported considerable falling off from the registration, but in the country the vot ing was fuller, and In Powell's Valley It -exceeded the registration by six votes. Following Is a comparison of tho regis tration and the vote by precincts. City Precincts. , Vote Votel Vote Voto " Re"g. cast. rep. cast. 1 358 2227i 235 2 200 17231 283 3 .., 401 339,! 214. 4 ..."., 4S2 36633 1S4 5 , 364 30754 258 6 .., 324 283'K 144 7 ...., 351 3M56 21S 8 .337 297,87 419 9 657 440.SS S10 10 457 357139 316 U 380 336U0 251 11 259 211U1 3S0 13 .. 1S2 156U2 371 14 ..7. 252 200U3 ...- 377 15 326 21344 S6S 16 377 302i;5 365 17 357 202 46 437 IS 295 23617 277 19 234 259.1S 311 .20 123 114IJ9 .'.....279 21 264 20050 .309 200 233 163 155 234 L0 200 3S1 271 279 227 319 341 330 324 319 3SS 235 2&5 259 263 325 305 27i 271 229 22 43S 31915L 365 23 26S 223.-2 365 24 336 277 360 25 273 247i4 316 26 ,..279 2503 238 2T 277 25556 .131 28 330 226i57 129 1214 123 29 107 6S r Total for city 17,636 14,949 Connty Precincts. Vote Vote! Vote Vote, reg. cast. J reg. cast. r3 101 iu bo in 59 362 307,66 24S CO 33S 303S7 1SS 61 297 251,68 58 2 211 20o'G9 .......133 63 223 2191T0 ...177 115 220 181 4S 130 165 64 803 3121 Totil. county, outside city.... 2,754 .2,566 Total for city and county 20,390 17,515 Estimated., REPUBLICANS CONTROL COUNCIL. Pronpccts Good for Them to. Have Nine Scats. Partial returns received up to 2 o'clock thL morning indicate that the Republicans will have nine seats in the City Coun cil, Including Merrill, of the Third Ward, who Is on both the Citizens and the Re publican tickets, and the Citizens two iwats. In the First and Fifth Wards the race Is (.lose, but the official count Is not expected to change the present standing of the candidates. At all events the Re publicans are assured of a good working majority In the Council. Following Is the vote so far as counted: First Ward Baldwin, Ind., 27; Concan non, Clt., 43; RumellnRep, 4$. Second Ward FocllcrClt.,'90; Keegan, Ind.. 45, Kiernan, Rep.0. Third Ward Merrill. Clt-Rep., 03; Behoof, Ind., 56. Fourth Ward Bentley, Rep., 180; James aiackenrle. Pxo.. 13; W. R, Mackonzio, 0!L.,S7. jL.,.oi. Fifth Ward Cardwsll. Rep., 101; Wood - ward. Clt.. 103. Sixth WardMasters, Clt., 72; Slgler, Rep., 12L Seventh Ward Brown, Clt, 35; Zimmer man, Rep.. 52. Ejghth Ward Kern, Rep., 43; -Sherrett, Clt, 57. Ninth Ward Hosford, Clt, 102; Sharkey, Rep, 120. Tenth Ward Albee, Rep,, 94; Lewis, Clt, 61. Eleventh Ward-Davis, Ind.-Rep., 21; Flegel, at. 45; York. Rep., 52. IN EASTERN MULTNOMAH. Connt Up to This Morning Favor Republican Candidates. Indications in the county east of Mount Tabor are favorable" for the Republican ticket 8o far as the count had pro gressed up to 1 o'clock this morning all Republicans on the ticket had a majority except Furnish, who was running behind hto tjeket Yet he was ahead of Cham berlain and gaining slowly. Th vnt. in tho countrv nreclncts was .hort of the registration, although from 15 to 20 voters were sworn In during the day In each precinct who had not regis tered previously. Grjeat Interest centered In the election of Road Supervisors, and there were very tew who failed to make a eholce of a can didate 4n either of the preclncta Indlca tlpn are that all the Supervisors will be BSDubl,can and ln accord 'wlth tne bounty Court. However, two Independent Candidates, B. C. LIttlepage, of Trout dala, and Martin Kronlnberg, of Gresham, are making a close race for office. YT&Y THEY TRADE WITH US European Nations Must Bny From Us For Self-interest. Chicago Inter-Ocean. Now and th6n, despite efforts to as sume a calm and cheerful yet withal a dlgnlfled demeanor, England exhibits un consciously perhaps, considerable fear of the Yankee Hril' Germany, which Is not easily moved, and certainly not easily frightened, is also constrained at times to regard the Yankee peril with no small degree of anxiety. France worries over it more vlslbly than either of the others, because France is more inclined to hysteria, Italy too, has permitted herself to be scared by it JtUt up to ,aaie ma iiiuai y(uuuuv.c case of fright resulting from contempla tion of the Yankee peril Is to be found in Austria. e?r Koilscher, described as a promi nent member of the Polish party, and a large manufacturer, speaking In the Relchsrath At Vienna, last Tuesday, de clared that the tariff of the Austro-Hun-garlan empire "must be made prohibi tive unless Austria was willing to 'be de voured by America, whose Dlngley and MdKlnfey policies, followed .by Imperial ism, were enabling her to oppress the rest of the world." Now, heres a state of affairs. Here's a how-do-you-do. Only six short years agp "the Hon. Bryan, the Hon. Towno, the Hon. Hogg, the Hon. Stoe, and all tho Hohl Gentlemen at the head of the mighty Democratic-Populist movement, were running up and down and across the. country shouting at the top of their voices that Europe was about to devour, had. In fact, already begun to devour, the United States. We were playing second riddle to the effete empires and monarchies. Lon don. Paris, Berlin. Vienna, Frankfort-on-the-Miln the continental bourses wero gnawing at our vitals. Our sub stance was being delivered Into the hands of the money sharks of the old world. We were paying a premium to Lombard street and FrederJchstrassc, and Lelpzlgerstrasse. and Ringstraase, find the broker boulevards pf Paris, for the privilege of trading with Europe Upon Europe's terms. A feyr years more of Republican rule and we would be owned body and soul by the gold-hoarding nations. Two short years ago the same dire predictions wero made, with Imperial istic variations. In addition to all of our follies, we had plunged ourselves head lonsr Into Eurooean complications by our silly ambition to, be known as a worldn power. Herr Koilscher Is not, of course, exact-, Iy Tight in his head. Ho. is suffering from a Polish irenzy which bears a re semblance Jn many respects to what Mark Twain calls a French calm. Wo are no mora disposed to devour Austria than we are (to devour Great Britain, France, Germany or Italy. Nevertheless, Herr Koilscher gives expressions to a prevailing European sen timent or, rather, to a prevailing Euro pean fear... Or Jt may be simply Jealousy. Whatever it is, the fact remains that there is not a nation In Europe today, with the possible exception of Russia, that is notiorced by self-interest to pay tribute.-to the. United States. W are not AN. 3 1 yUItIt )lrwS!ijffiMfeMP HI SmmmWm L inl I a mw M wVVARW wJII1l0FTH' ii! Illl 11 1 1 DM FY! ; ' t engaged In clubbing the populations of Europe Into trading with us. Tney need j not buy our surplus products or our surplus manufactures If they do not want to. All we do Is to offor them bargains We give them more goods for less money i uiiui inuy can get eisewnere. we give tbcm better goods for less money than than they can get elsewhere. We give they can s:et elsew here. Austria, like her sister nations, is dojng her shopping with ! us, not because we are compelling her to do so, and not because she has any par ticular liking for us. but because "it pays to trade on the West Side." "Want to Leatfe Smelter. FLORENCE. Colo., June 2. Secretary Whitney, of the Rocky Mountain Smelter Company, of this city, has sent a letter to the stockholders of the company, noti fying them that Edward J. Seeley, of Denver, and associates has made an offer to lease the smelter for 10 years, with the prlvijege of an extension of Ave ears. He also offers, to bond the plant for pur chase for $350,000. On a lease he offers to pay 8 per cent per annum on pre ferred stock and 2 on common. The sec retary called a meeting to be held In Florence on July 1 at 2 P. M., to con sider the proposition. More Money for Policemen. An advance In salaries was determined on at a meeting of the Police Commission last night. Policemen were advanced ?o per month and Captain Holman and Cap tain Moore and Detectives Snow, Kerri gan, Ford, Cordano, Day and Welner were advanced ?10 per month. The advance dates from JUne 1. Castro Buy. Arms. NEW YORK, June 2. President Castro, of Venezuela, has ordered of a German firm 10,000 Mauser rifles and 5.000,000 rounds of ammunition, says a Wlllem stad, Curacao, dispatch to the Herald. This Is regarded as proof that te Vene zuelan Government Is short of arms and ammunition. Pelee Emitting: Cinders). PARIS, June 2. An official dispatch from Fort de France, Martinique, dated June 1, savs: "It Is useless to send further provisions, of which there are sufficient on the Isl and. Tho situation Is unchanged. Mount Pelee continued Its eruption, and is emlt- rtlng cinders." Crnelty of a P.olo Player. LONDON, June 2. In the West London Police Court today a summons was sworn out by the Earl of Shrewsbury, charging Lawrence Waterbury, the American polo player, with cruelty to animals In using sharp spurs In the game at Hurllngham Saturday. Mollnenx' Second Trial. NEW YORK, June 2. Justice Scott, In the criminal branch of the Supreme Court, today set September 22 as the date for the beginning of the second trial of Roland B. Molincux, accused of the murder of Mrs. Kate B. Adams. Killed by Gnu Explosion. VIENNA, June 2. Sixteen persons were killed and four wounded as a result of an explosion of gas today In an ozocerite mine in the Province of Gallcla. Prenitlent of Oberlln Dead. OBERLIN, O., June 3. President John Henry Barrows, of Oberlln College, died at 2:50 o'clock this morning. It is commonly inherited. Fevr arc entirely free from it. Pale, weak, puny children aro afflicted with it in nine cases out of ten, and many adults, suffer from it. Common indications are bunches in the neck, abscesses', cutaneous erup tions, inflamed eyelids, sore ears, rickets, catarrh, wasting, and general debility. Hood's Sarsaparillk and Pills Eradicato it, positively and absolute ly, This statement is based on the thousands of: permanent cures these medicines havo wrought. uMy daughter had scrofula, with eleven sores on her neck and about her ears. Hood's Sarsaparilla was highly recommended and she took it and was cured. Sha is now in pood health." Mes. J. H. Jonss, Parker City, Ind. a ' Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cur nd keopo tho promise. MAN'S MISSION ON EARTH. Medical Book Free. "Know Thyself." a boo'., lor men only; reg. ular price. 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Portland. Or. ttei(ietae(aotsttt SICK HEADACHE Posltiyely curod by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from IJyspep. gkt. Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Bad Taote In the Mouth, Coated Tongue, Pain In the Side, TOR PID liIVER. They Regulate the Bow bu Purely Vegetable. Small PHI. ' Small Dose. Small Pile. C GEE WO, The Great Chinese Doctor Is caired great be cause his wonderful cures are so well known throughout the United States, and because so many people are thankful to him for saving their lives from op erations. He treats any and all diseases with powerful Chi nese herbs roots, buds, bark and vege tables, that are en tirely unknown to medical science In this country. and ihmiurh thf use of these harmless reme dies. This famous doctor knows the ac tion of oer 500 different remedies that he has successfully used In different dis eases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism ner vousness. Btomach, liver, kldnejs, female trouble, and all private diseases. Hun dreds of testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and see him. CONSULTATION FREE. Patients out of the city write for bfank and circular. Inclose stamp. Ad dress THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MED ICINE CO. 132 Third street, Portland, Or. Mention th paper. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE For Inflammation or Catarrh ot tho Bladder and Diseased Kidneys. No cuto no pay. Cares quickly and Perma nently the worst cases of Gonorrhoea and Gleet, no raatt'rof how long stand ing. Absolutely harmless. Bold by druggists. Prlca 31.00, or by raall, postpaid. 81.00 , S boxes , $2.75. THE SAHTAL-PEPSIN Cu., BELLEFONTAINE. OHIO. lrAPE-DA.VIS DRUG CO., Portland, Or. "3 MORPHINE pRTERlF hA