" wxr & 'tTit'r & s.'wsfr-' tofagpr1" ti"-' "v vr ' jf.T " ,j vrTf, t Tfr Yr.r a- 1 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF ?&9 Orjpo&&Ha TelephomtB. OBEGOK. drontlni Boom .'....... Main COT ManapWC Ettltor UUn CSO CJtr Ejltor ..4 ..........Maia-llM CompMn Room ...'MftlnCSe Bast ?de Ode ...... ..EastGl COLUMBIA. Ceunfnr. Boom ........ ........ 667 BflltqlaJ Rooiai .... 163 Ci tripsins Room .......t.t ....714 Bnca Room ... .298 Asatanenienta Tonlelit. jtAJQUAM GRAND THEATER Mrs. Mlnnla TxeU 'Bnlne, In "Theodora." Cb3RA.T'S, THEATER "Huntlns for Haw Ids.'" JiriROEQCITAN THEATER ilatine ana etnlnK' Hi Henry's Minstrels. s Charge Against John Dob Dis- ED.-oa the blotter of the Unitea SJtfe Court a day or twd ago appeared af entry. ''United States va. John Doe, dmlssed." The motion lor dlsmiBsal -wag de by a former officer of tho court, and 1 was hunted up to find out who John pa was. He said this was what he haa ten anxious to find out for two years, Ut had finally given It up and hid the fcse dismissed. Over two years ago two jrunks with peculiar Ipcke, which arrived fn this city by rail from Puget Bound, at tracted th,6 attention of a Customs In spector, who forthwith sefeed them.' Oh inspection It was found that one con tained 100 flve-tael cans of opium, and tho other 80 similar tins. The seizure waa kept quiet in the hope that the owner ot the trunks might turn up and Inquire about them. He had evidently kept him self informed in regard to the where abouts of his property, which he had hoped to smuggle in, and knew better than to ask any questions and thus betray himself. The opium was sold and the proceeds handed over to Uncle Bam, and an information was lodged against John Dbe for smuggllpg opium. The case haa remained on the- books of the court for over two years In the hope that some day John Doe might turn up, but as he never put In an appearance, the authorities finally concluded to dismiss the case. Yamhill Loess Repaired. The repairs and extensions of the slopes and dam at the locks in Yamhill River, In charge of captain iLangfltt, of the United States Engineers, have been completed. Assist ant Engineer Dai'id P.. Ogden, who has been superintending the work, has re turned to tho city and says that the works, aro now In such condition as to make practically Impossible a recurrence of such damage as was caused by the flood of last Winter. About 60,000 equate feet of surface of the slopes on the sides of the locks have been paved and rlp rappsd with rock, and the dam has been extended 55 feet Into the east bank. The wing wall at the head of the look has been extended about 25 feet Into the west bank, and the banks above the rlprapplng have been resloped at a lesser angle and seeded to grass. It la thought that with these Improvements tho works will be able successfully to resist future floods in the raging Yamhill. Boats are now running regularly between Portland nnd McMInn ville, up one day and down the next, ana are loaded" to their full cabaeltv with gxaln. The farmers of that section are much pleased with the regular service. HuNTswoMA Shot a ear. Will H. Rowntree, traveling agent of the Honey man Hardware Company in the sporting goods department, accompanied by hla wlfbt visited Spirit Lake, Idaho, a short time ago. Spirit Lake Is one of the fa vorite Summer reoorta of the people of Spokane and affords excellent fishing, when the fish are in the humor, and there is good hunting in the Neighborhood. Many of the newspaper men and other wealthy oltizens of Spokane have Sum mer residences on the ehores of this lake. EOme say the lake was gh'en Its name oh account of the vast quantity of spirits the Indians living about It used to consume. Others believe the name arose because the spirits of the aforesaid Indiana haunt the lake While Mr. and Mrs. Rowntreo were hunting for ruffled grouse along the shore of the lake, their pointer dog "put up" a bear; that Is It scared the bear, which climbed a tree. Mrs. Rowntree shot the animal, and her husband was so proud of her aklir with a gun that he has sent the bear's skin to a noted Eastern taxi dermist to be mounted. Hereafter the ani mal will stand in the hall of the Rowntree residence, holding a receiver for cards. Growth of Monet Order System. An abstract of the principal operations of the postal money order system of the United Btates for the fiscal rear endintr Juno so 190L has been issued by James T. Mfetoali, j Bupenmenaent. Tne growth of the sys tem as shown by his figures Is something nonderful. The number of money orders issued during tho past fiscal year was 86,834,267, an increase over the previous .fis cal year of 3,671,217. The aggregate In crease in the amount of issues was 53S, D4S.658 01. The numbei1 ot money order offices In operation is: DomoStlo, 30.5ZJ; international, 4182. The fidelity and ac curacy of the employes of this system is evidenced by the fact that during the past two years thoy have paid 68,293,876 or ders, amounting- to $330,674,997 64, with ottly the trifling loss of W&jfc from Improper payments. The losses of the system from fire, robbory. bad debts, etc, have amounted to only J1E.016 83. Tho average amotlnt of eaoh order issued was: lio jnentic, 5?77; International, JIG M. Since Its organization the system has Issued 474,446,104 orders, amounting to 54,2S6,7S8.- New Beer t Old Bottles. Tho In ftdvlsablllty of putting new wine Into old bottles was explained many years ago. but the same rule does not appjy to beer this tipple bfeing a later discovery. Bot tles "which have been emptied of beer arc Just as good for refilling as when they were first used. As bottled beer now fray. Ma to tho ends of tho earth, so the empty bottles travel back from all sorts of places to the brewers. Probably few who road this paragraph would think of ship ping bottles for any distance in sacks, but many are shipped in this way. in erne of the breweries Ih this city are thou sands of bottles which have come all the way from Manila in sacks. Just plain, or dinary burlap faOks. About 50 quart bot t es fill a eack, and the breakage In the Wg Journey from Manila to Portland av erages about four bottles to a sack. For tMs reason It pays better to ship them u sacks than to pay for cases to put tlem In. Of course, when the bottles are filled with beer they are not shipped In fjeks. The contents are too valuable for tjat. &LAzn Asiono Grats. There was a slight fire last night at the Multnomah mills, near Nineteenth and Wilson streets lte to a lighted' lamp being overturned! Tne watchman placed the lamp on the tp of corn saoks, and It fell and set lira t( a small grain elevator, but the blase -sifts easily extinguished. The alarm was stnt from box No. 95 at 6.10 o'clock Iwo Scorchers Caught. Two scorch - Jers from Pulton, S. SpeakTe and O. eakie, started to rate on their bicycles breakneck speed yesterday along Third greet, from Burnslde. Policemen Bop els and Patton noticed their conduct, sd on the return journey they stopped re bicyclists and tooje them and their t heels to the police station. At the regular monthly meeting of tho pngragaUon Ahavai Sholom for the elec pon of officers, Mr. M. Gilbert was re jected president for the seventh term; ffacob Ashor, vice-president; secretary, L Swett, treasurer, Simon Abrahams; trus ses. John Dollar, L Kreodraan, A. Rosen Btcin, L Dauttof. S. H. Abrahams. r Patjcted Inside akd Out. The Uni tarian Church, corner Seventh and Yam Hill, 13 being" painted lnfelde and out at an exfoaasfc of J2SO, whloh Hon. D. P. Thomp son pajTs as his personal gift to the chureh. p j , , v Headino for Portland. T&e police 5rmeiP!e? "M10, io lBcafesr;Ru1taell Hill, 13 years old, who has run away from Tacoma. He Is supposed-'to be coming to this city. SrSNRWl's -holdfast ctfrtaOi pfna. You ed thecal "Tapy hdhJ f ask" Biacxi Bxw Ttotroscn TlHr-HumcroTs reports In regard to black bass of two to . Pounds m weight, and occasionally larger -oifes, being oaugHt In mafiy places In hath thq Willamette and Columbia, principally by persons, flsnlng'for calnsh, are hailed with delight by sportsmen. Tho immense numbers of young basd glvfi prpmlse of fitio bass fishing ifl a, few Years, and the duck hunters lOok forward to voracious bass rapidly decreasing the nuniber of carp by devouring the young ones. The carp has n& friends. The fish ermen despise It as '(rorthlcss, and h6 duck hunters hold it in high disrepute for Waving eaten, up the wappatoes initheir lakes andQestf oyed the canvasback ahoou lng. All soriS' of schemes hare been tried to rid tho lakes of carp, from draining oti the water to putting lime In 1 but eijough -ijj Unix xnemseives in tne mua to Keep the lakes stocked. When the hunting sejison comes1 and grain Is pilt out for the4 .dtfeks, the carp will eat u,alllf they can get at it. Some, put the grain in troughs, supported on-stakest Jso "as to bj kept level with the surface of the water which serve Very well. Dan Howe has Inclosed a large tract 1lr shallow fcrater with g fence of wire-netting", which keeps me carp out. ae tnen feeds the dudkg in the inclosure. It is hojjed that the black bass will become so nttnterouB as to ex termlnato the carp, Id which case they will probably then proceed to exterxriinata some other, Bpecles of .fish. Halloween Prahes. Th people of Portland generally have been congratu lating themselves on the quiet manner in which Halloween passed. This is protn ably to be attributed equally to tho pre cautions taken by tho police to prteervd order, and to the storm which raged that evening and made it unpleasant to b abroad. Several cases of wanton deyiltry are however reported. A heavy truck and a covered wagon, apparently an expresa or delivery wagon, were pushed over the side of a bridge on Marshall street Into tha ravine below, where they still He, and frOmwhich it will be a troublesome Job to extricate them. Any hoodlum who could, consider such & piece Of malicious mis chief .fun has an evil and perverted Im agination whiOh will soma Cay get him into trouble. It la a pity he can not be detected and properly punished. Somo thlog more in the nature of fun was the action of a gang of boys In another part of tho city, who secured a policeman's unlrorm, helmet and star, and dressing the tallest of their number In the rig sent ,nim out to terrify, other gangs of boys In that district. They had lots of fun seeing their "Impersonator" chasing boys, and the impersonator was enjoying him self highly till a real policeman took in tne situation and began to chase the im personator with the Intention of arrest ing him for Impersonating a policeman. This brought tho fun to a close in a hurry. Paid Debts ot Drunken Husband, A rather pitiful affair took place in a broker's office the Other day, when a woman called with her husband, a rail road hand, to pay money to the amount of $90, which he had borrowed from the broker at "s'teen" per cent per month and had dissipated in drinking and gam bling. She said she had paid elmllar debts contracted by him more than once be fore, and gave him and the broker notice that she would not pay any mote debts of tho kind. The woman had money of her own Which the dissolute, drunken refc- robate was drawing on in this way dad squanderlhg, for a man who Is drunk stands a poor show of winning when ho gambles. The wdman -with tears in her eyes said ho was a good man and a kind and loving husband when he was not drinking, but as soon as he had leisure froqi his work he went off and got drunk. There are scores of men In every pro fession oT whom one frequently hears it said: "He is a talented man, and would be an ornament to his profession ir he did not drink, but he is always drUhk." Duck Hunters shoot in hard Luck. Duck hunters have been shooting in hard luck this season. The' continued fine weather and the low stags of water in the lakes and pohds have beeH unxavor ablo for them. As the best of the shoot ing Is Over by Christmas, there are not many Sundays left In Which good shooting "may be looked for. The late rains have brought up the water In tUe likes, and the1 stormy weather has Drought lri a gOba many ducks frOm the coast Baturday evening as the gldaming mas eetUinf down over tho landscape and Mount Hood, glowing in the Idst rays ot the setting sun, was the only bright or beautirui thing to be seen, several large flocks or ducks were spied passing over the city, winging their way south, bound, as an old hunter said, for the fields of tenddr young wheat up the Willamette Valley. as yesieraay was a nne day, it Is proo able that the dUfck hunters had another poor day's shooting. Duck hunters -say tho climate Is really becoming undeslr able on account Of too much fihe weather. Relioious Shoutees Debate. It is high time that some steps were taken tn care for the demented -tfOman. whose in coherent ravings artd wild actions, gener ally at the corner or TJiird and Morn sdn, form Mich -a paihfUl anc pitiable spectacle, shocking to all, and especially so to women. No one dan say that any good purpose Is accomplished by such ex- niDinons, wnicn might have been put a stop to a year or more ago with benefit to all concerned, for . tha Unfortunate woman grows plainly more; artd more de mented. She had lohg been considered in sane by those who have heard her rav ings. If she has no ftiehds to care for her, it Is time for the authbrlties to take her dafio In hand. Yesterday she was challenged by another street speaker, who is an enthusiast In religion and holds forth down In the Whltechapel dlstricU His closely cropped, bullet-shaped head might well grate the shoulders of an an archist, and ho appeared to bo expostu lating with the woman because sho was preaching to tho chlldfen of Gdd. Th talking In this case Was mostly done by tho man. Whose broken English was about as unintelligible ao the woman's replies The scene was pitiful, painful and dis gusting. 1'obacco-suoke'rs Grow Tilub.-everhi cigar-dealers report that the statements published In regard to King Edward hav ing cancer of the throat, as a result bf smoking, have caused a perceptible fail-Jng-off in the sale of cigars. The state meius puDusned in regard to this matter have doubtless some foundation in fact. ?Ut, af ifci lssa!a that K1-n EdWarQ smoked 20 to 25 cigars dally, each costing 8, ana about the b!m of a Field Malv shal's baton, the tobacco being black and atrong Bmokers generally may console themselves with the; idea that the per centage of them likely to contract cancer Ih tho throat is yery small Probably the number of huge signs advertising Cigars, which are now being painted on blank walls of high buildings and other available places, are intended to counter act the malign influence of the roports about the King's throat Not for Governor. C. W. Pulton, of Astoria, who has been in the city for ev-( eral days, said yesterday to a represen tative of The Oregonlan: "I wish to state, Very emphatically, that I am not a candi date for Governor; nor will I, under any consideration whatever, allow my name to come before the state convention as such. All roports to tha contrary are ut terly without foundation. Under no clr cumstancoes will I be a candidate for tho office or accept the nomination' Mr Fulton did not care to be interviewed further, and very politely excused him self, taWls axd OlArk Meeting; Tomorrow. Chairman H. W. Cbrbett, of the Oregon State Commission 6n heLewis and Clark Centennial, stated y&ferdav that h Unh., I, all those Interested wilL attend the meet ing lf the Incorporators with the sub scription committee and the committees ffOhi the Chamber of Commerce, Board of Trade apd Manufacturers' Association to morrow (Tuesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock. In the permanent exhibit rooms, 246 "Wash ington street, t6 discuss tfie manner or raising the UbcTlbti6RfTand to inVh nun steps afl shall be deemed wise to fofwarfr 1 fVin nor.fonr.lht ft THE DALIiBB-fcoRT&AND RoUTS. REOOli tor Line .Steamers, Pnott'OAK-STREET Dog dail;, ay 7 a; MV " " THE MOUSING fcFrnsf Other Satlors Laurels. Two chip's apprentices of the Joker class, 'wefirififf sfaiaft Blue shits and gold-lace caps, attended th association football matOh last Baturday between the Clcoi bienes add' the Institutes, and schemed to got thuirinames In The Oregonlan to selid homo to England. They met the scbrer of the match and told him that ho Was In correct in stating that Kay was one of tho backs and Houghton one of the Wings, find they wrote the names of Bayno and WOotou matead. Further inquiry elicited tho fact yesterday that Kay and Hough ton did play, and played well, Readt for All Cohers. Two Women evangelists started to preach last night at Fourth and Couch Streets, When Edward Henry, aleaper of .Saloons, objected and said that tho women were spoiling sa loon traxle Tho women declined to deaso speaking and Henry suddenly threw a ba sinful of water over them. Policeman Roberta appeared In sight Just then, and he was attacked by Henry, who by this EAST COTTA6E5 AT BAST ELEVENTH AND ANKEtfY STREETS, time was furiously operating a small hose. x The policeman just escaped a drenching by making a flank attack on Henry, Who was taken to Jail. PERSONAL MENTION. Judge William R. Ellis, of Pendleton, Is In the city. v W. J. Furnish, of Pendleton, was at the Imperial yeSlefday. Mr. Hy Eilero, of Eiler3 Piano House, left for California Saturday. .Dr. WilUam Kuykendall, Of Eugene, who was in Portland sevecal days last week, returned yesterday morning. Mr. ahd Mrs. A. J. Farmer fahrtOUhde the marriage of their daughter, Betnice A. Farmer, to Mr. Fred O. Jennings. Mr. G. A. Heldinger, manager of Elldrs piano house at Spokane, and former man ager ot. the Wiley B. Allen Co., Of Port land, Is in the city. A. L. Stephens left last lght on the NEW DWELLING EAST EIGHTEENTH AID'BURASIDE STREDTS. steamer Eider f6f San Francisco, accom panied by his mother and sister, whbre thoywlll spend the Winter. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Mays left yesterday morning for San Frimcisco, Where Mr. Mays will argue a case before the United States Circuit Court of Appeals. NEW YORK, Nov. 3. The following Northwestern people are at New York hotels: From Portland E. J. Fallihg, at the" Murray Hill; Mrs. Q. Goodj Mrs. Flanders at the Albemarle. From Seattle-!. J. Pectraw and wife", at tho Holland; T. Burke, at the Mah hattan; E. H. Lewis, at the Herald Square: H. Humphreys, at the Grand Union. From Walla Walla Mrs. Truax, at the Plaza, Catarrh is a disease affecting the blood. Remove tho causae by taking Ho&d's Bar-saparilla. TWO NV EAST SIDE RESIDENCES. 1 " V hi. -VI Jui:Lafc " ' ft'" ' 1 f ! 11 DWELLING OI G. W. STAPLBTOW, E. FIFTEENTH AKD COUCH. fc OKEGONIAN, MONDAY. MUCH BUILDING ACWITY HO AMJKG OPF iff CiiNSTItlCTiON WOItfS ON THE EAST SIDE. tfeVr Cbttttgc ttna Handsome itesi- aetices Are, Elaine All Over That Pari ot the City. From, tho large number oJ htiildlng per mfta tesued for th6 East Sldgt the past two Weeks it is evident thdt there is no failing off! in tho erection of 'cottages this Pall, and indications are that the" build ing' activity Will continue" eVcn thrbugh the Winter months-. Which are approach ing. In Central East Portland, along East SIDE BUIXJDIKG SCENE. Taylor, at Sunnyside, along East Burn Side and East Couch, and in Hdlladay's addition, over 200 dwellings are being completed, and on others -work is Just parting. These buildings range fropi fHe $1000 cottage to tho attractive residence costing $3000 and $4000. There are places in this district where four and six cot tages are being built for rent, and tyhlch Are a much better class of houses than those usually put up for thi9 purpose. Northward, in Alblna, and out toward WoodlaWn, the building activity Is ex traordinary. In the digtrict between Williams avenue and East Seventh and Russell and Hart cock, where every street has been Im proved and sewers laid, it is estimated that IS0.050 in building residences and re constructing others has been expended this year. Thi was brought about bv tha- improvement of the streets. Itl Cen tral East Portland the Improvement fit the streets this year has greatly stimulated- building", and that part of the city OP D. C. POWELL. is rapidly being built Up with handsomft dwellings. The lettef-carrlers say fhnt Oicy notice the Increase In the number or residences all over the East Side. Out in tho suburbs, the building' activ ity continues. At MOunt Tabor. W. A. Laldlaw has his $7000 dwelling under way. H. C. Krty, of Mount Tabor, is having a WOO dwelling put up on the Bast Lino road, near the Methodist Church. tf uneuana, also of MOUnt Tabor has 1ul t finished 0 fine residence costing abbut 55000, Atr Sellwood about 12 houses are uhder construction. Here nho the Portland wOoleh mill is being finished ahd the ma- JSSIS1 Ji,W.6t5? lhai .nt I plant will bfe combleted and in nmntHn by the first or tho year, indicatidris ata that a number of dwellings Will be re quired at Sellwood to house the opera tives. A hotel will also be fitted out On tho Peninsula, north of St. Joans' the building activity is manifest. At Mdh taViila there has' been a remat'ltahin NOVEMBER 4, 1901. OAKUMS fsrowth, and ttailyl KeW dfitlagis hdVs oeen jnit up. So all over tha East Bide maj be seen the, s&ma wonderful progrsfc In tho building llnbr Notwithstanding' tofe great number of houses put up there ar few vacant ones and Ih demand seem to keep well up with the supply. Hatifeom6 $ Dwelling. The hatfdsorrfe dwelling of D. C. Powell, on tho northwest corner of East Burnslde and East Eighteenth streets. Is finished and his family Have ju"st occupied It. The fine, wide veranda fronting on East Burn side and. East Eighteenth. suDDorted by stono columns and large piers, with the attractive appearance of the front of the house, Is a combination much admired, It is an eight-room, two-story residence, The veranda fs seven and one-hajf feet wide. There is a stone, foundation with concrete floor In the basement Qn the lh. side tha finish Is" In the natural wood, and It contains all the modern convenience's, The arrangement df the ro6m9, all of O-ttTTED fit" MRS. SfORGAtf. which aro large and convenient is particu larly effective. Mr. and Mrs5. Powell have Ohe of the most beautiful homes on East Burnslde street, where so many handsome dwellings hive been built the past few yedrs. Tho dost was about 27CO. Ort East Cdueh, between East Fifteenth and East Sixteenth streets, are the 'new dwellings of George W. StapletOh. and E. J. Hall. The former is No, Cll, It Is a two-etory, eight-room house of a very at tractive design, The foundation is bf con crete, and the inside is finished in the natural fir. It contains all the modern conveniences. The rooms are all large and well arranged. One ot tho tiarlofs IS 14S1S, and entered through column-supported en trances. The cost was about $2600. The dwelling of Mr. E. J. Hall, on the tforner of East Sixteenth and East CbUcih streets, id one Of the most attractive In that part Of the elty. Fronting East Couch is a wide veranda which Is reached by meahs of wide stepd. The lhside Is iirf ished In the natural wood. Mr. and Mrs. Hall hdve furnished their home in keep., ing With the finishing. The cost was hearty 45000. THANKSGIVING LfNENS. In honor of the annual event we have cut prices on all fine satin-finished, double-warp table linens and napkins. Our table linens stand the test ot the X-ray, We ore headquarters for table linens, blankets, quilts and curtains. MoAllen &. McDonnell, corner Third and Morrison. WHERE TO DINE TODAY. Go to 305 Washington for the best din ners and lunches In the city. Always the best Portland Restaurant. c DtfclRlons Todny. JUdge Cleland Will announce1 decisions' Monday at 9.30 b'cldck hi the following cases: Theodore StfUedker VS. John BrUchlerJ on merits. William Macbeth, trustee, vs. W. C. Dey; on motion for a new trial. O. R. & N. CO. vs. Columbia Real Estate Company; on motion for a hew trial. Decisions will bo anrtounccd by Judge Frafcer as follows: Black & Co. vs. P. W. Arlss"; motion to strike out pirt of answer. Portland Trust Company vs. J. C. Have lyj, objections to eohhrmdtiott Of sale. Title Guarantee & Trust Co1. v3. Mult nomah CoUhty; demurrer to complaint. Cleveland Rockwell vs. Multnomah County; demurrer to complaint. Judge George will decide the motion's In the Cases bf Quatsae Bfop. vs. Eggleson and Muagrove vs. Colflon, tomorrow morn ing. Colnn Arc fiot Bare. BUMPTER, Nov, 1. (To tho Editor,) Could you please tell a reader of The Oregonlan whoro to find out the prices of 01a coins. 1 nave a gold quartor that is perfect in every form date 1810, and nl30 a gold dollar of 1862. SUBSCRIBER. (It is not known that here Is arty fixed standard of prices for old coins. Gold " .; , 7 - -. ...o. um a.ollar haVe 0n6 0ut ot drctllntlon, but they are by no means a rare or old coin yet, and are not likely to ever be worth any largo sum. The gold quarter was never a legal coin, nor used in clrcula. tion. It was merely a curiosity and Is ndi likely ever to be of value as an did coin. ' ii Kevr Hleh-Qrade Flattox For rent and sold on easy installments, ta suit the purchaser, at lowest prices. Pi ?i3i?"tn,n 4?? repairing. Established 18GS H. Sinshelmcr, 12 Third street near Oak. Pfiohe North 65L RESIDENCE OP EDWIN J. HALL, E. SIXTEENTH AND. COUCH; . 1 j sohtaxAins . "Tire prodigal sox 1 A TAYfctJRStflti3E'r GHtrilGHV "WVli.fcUoydc lVirin n Jfoirtbld Triampa a tfondadtor Another Oratorio Coining. Not many sermons have been preached In Portland that were so effective as J3ui Uvan's oratorio, "The Prodigal Son," given yesterday afternoon in Taylor-Street Church, under tha direcflon of W. H. BoySr. From a musical standpoint It was a- noble pleco of worh, admirably worked OUt'ln all itt details, tho presence of tho ordheStra. of 2ff skilled musicians filling out tHd harmonies and addirtj that ridh rtesd of t6n4-col6r which was Jacklhg ht the former production- of tho oratorio last Spring. The work Of thft chorus Was superbly done, establishing it on & firm baslsi tts Probably the besttraln6d and most effective tihorus even though not the largest ever gathered together in Jott land. Dr, Edgar P. Hill, who, with other clergymen, oedUpidd a place on the plat form, raide a lO-minute address, in w'hlch in ft feW forceful wofds ho testified to the value of sacred mUalc as an agefit for good. The story of "The Prodigal Son" told in song, ho said, might well turn dis couraged, sin-sick wanderers back to theiz1 Father. The oratorio is one that naturally Iondd itself to men's rather than to w'omen'fl voices in tho solos. Nevertheless there is some very beautiful and effcotlve work for the soprano. Mr. Boycr was fortu nate In having May Doarborne Schwab for this. She introduced the element of dramatic fervor. Accompanied by tho chorus" aha threw a wild witchery of de liriousness into the words, "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die. Fetch wine, and WO will All ourselves with strong drink, and tomorrow shall bo as this day and much more abundant" The contralto, Mrs. W. A. T. Bushong. then broke in with a sober call to duty tho one number allotted the contralto. Tho soprano, in a recitative, descriptive of the famine that spread over the land, Jed up to an aria full of pitying sorrow artd protest; the words, "Turn ye, turn ye, why Will ye die?" in particular were full of soft appeal, and the most witchlnr grace. H. W HOgue, in the rolo of -the Prodi gal Son, had tho tenor solos, Which made heavy demands upoh his versatility, pass ing from reckless waywardness to suffer ing and abject remorse, these in turn giv ing way to love and gratitude. W. A. Montgomery, so Well known for his musical abilities, took tho bass solos. Mrs. W. E. Thomas rendered invaluable assistance on the organ. The sympathetio intelligence with which the clldruS entered into the contrasting emotional changes that characterlie tne dfatorio Was peculiarly satisfying. The number beginning; "Oh, that men wOUld praise the Lord," ending in a heavy fugue a sharp test Of their ability was a bril liant piece of work. They sang with a confidence born Of careful training and Unswerving faith in their conductor's ability to meet every .difficulty. Thorough ly well Balanced, altogether admirable ih attack attd phrasing, they gave forth a body of tone that might easily have been mistaken for that of three times tho num ber of singers. Caul's "Holy City" will bo the net oratorio to bo rendered. This will bo given December 8, with Misd Katherine Lawler, soprano ; Mr. Belcher, tehOr; Mrs. C. E. Farns worth, contralto; and Mr. Epplng, baritone. GERTRUDE METCALFE. Will Open Opportunities. Klamath Reptfbilcan, The coming Levis and ClArk Centennial celebration will afford enlarged opportu nities fdr Oregon to show its Inducements to homeaeekers and capital ahd thereby greatly increase Its population and devel. opment In the past decade Oregon has Data tar slowef in erowth than Its con tiguous neighbor to the north, Washing ton, though possessing fewer natural re sources and advantages, has been bene fited by tfio efforts of soveral rival rail road lines, whose unremitting endeavors: havo succeeded in bringing to tho state each year from tho overcrowded East thousands of new settlers. These hove Written to their friends to come, and alto gethdr , steadily growing Influx of new people has bH the result. Oregon, ahead of Washington in natuj-s gifts, has lagged in enterprise anil progress. But we believe a new era for tha better fjt dawning and that the state is ort the eve of large arid rapTH growth. This is coming as thft result of residents giving mbreint tentlort to securing immigration, the pros peots of more railroad building and the introduction of new capital and new in dustries. In this work of growth, the cen tennial celebration will be a signal help. " 1 1 Another Testimonial. Bohemia Nugget Tho Nugget is in receipt of a copy of tho handbook gotten out by The Oregonlan to cover the demand for Information in reference to the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion of 11X55. This little book Is elegantly gotten up and contains a wide rango 0 information on all subjects pertaining to the development of the Northwest, It Is handsomely printed and illustrated and will be of Incalculable Interest to the thousands who desire to know 6f the re sources of the Oregon country. -. SeiiTrood Alnmnf Association. Sellwood Alumni Association held its reunion and social In its hall Friday event ing. Tho event Was attended only by the members, of whom , there are now over 100. All are graduates from the grammar grade of the Sellwood school Within the past few years. It was a pleasing event, bringing together as it did So many of the old pupils of the atnuui. xnuru wis an miormai pro gramme and refreshments. "" 1 IaceR and nibbons, E'lneh-wide taffeta rlbbohs. 12c; 6-In-wlde laces at 5c. New York Mercantile Com pany, 205 Third. 1 . Tou can't help liking them, they are So very email, and their action is so per fect Only ofte pill a do3e. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Try them. CASTORS A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tha Bignatnio 6f(y A HEAD OF TIME CALENDAR PADS Prices 1,2) 3, and 5cts each. D. M. AVERILL & CO. The Cntlo Stove, 331 Morrison Street 1 902 'tssrrswsmrsvsw&tTvs'? snpysa i fi u i oi ) t 1 I ) I ) 3 ) I', ) CASES Where eyes require gradual strengthening) first with weak 18fiS03. followed b'y stronger, until normal vision is restored, buch cases are extremely rare, however, and the conscientious optician fits his patient's eyes at once, if prac ticable. Other practitioners nurse the eyes to accumulate fees for corisultatldns and Visits. The Port land Optical Institute, during IS years.' successful existence, has oftdii sunnllerl correct vision nt ons sitting to those whose eyes 7I5ve ) been thus profitably nursed, at ) rheir own expense, for several ) months. We make no charge for e) Consultations, and dur schedule or ) prices for spectacles and eyeglasses w speaks for Itself. ) Niokel frames. 51.00, $1.30, 350. ) Gold filled, $3.00 and up. 5 Solid gold, $5.00 and up. 3 ) ft WALTER REED, g The Optician. ) P 138 Sixth Street, f (o Oregohttm Dalldlngr. i) Zeffepi&ss JHu$ frsfon Prices C sr-. cgnj&terjf teftfi Xx f5n Good Work X LF-3 Engraving" Department OregonJ&n Pub.Co. MOST ACCEPTABLE TO DENTISTS. " Ihavealway3 regarded your prepara tion, Bozodont, as an elegaht, tiseful and saie dentifrice, it is ono or the (& 1 most acceptable of its class 3 juiuvru iy iuo pruicssion. g W I AKTISEPTIC mm Forth TSBTH nd BREATH. Bymail:35aadc. EAii&RrjCjan.Y.Citr, SHOES SHOES See us in our new store. We give Automobile tick with all purchases. E. C. GODDARD & CO. Sixth and Washington Sts. "hc Dental Chair TCm .' EXTRACTED AND PILLED ABSOLUTELY 'WITHOUT PAIN by olir lata rfqlentiflo method applied to the gums. No sleep-producing agents or cocaine. ThiMo ifo tha only dental parlors in Portland haVIrig PATENTED APPLI ANCES and ingredients to extract, nil and apply gold oroirns and porcelain crowns undetectable from natural teefh, and warranted for 10 years, WITHOUT THE LEAST PAIN. All woffc dono by GRADUATED DENTISTS Ot from 12 td JO years' experience, and each depart ment In charge of a specialist Give us a call, and you trill And us 16 do exactly as we advertise. We will tU you id ad. vantfa exactly what jour work will coal by a FREE EXAMINATION. POPULAR PRICES New York Dental Parlors MAIN OFIICE: Fourth and Morrison sts . Portland. Or. HOURS: 8S30 A. M. to Z P. M.; Sundays, 8:20 A, iL td 2 P. SI. BRANCH OFFICE: 611 First affenua. Seatilo. Washington. A PESTIFEROUS OER3I. SurroTTM rp the Scnlp Into Dandruff and Sap the Hair's Vitality. People who complain of falling hair as a rule do not know that It la the reeult Of dandruff, which Is caused by a pestif erous parasite burrowing up the scalp as It digs down to the sheath In which the hair is fed in the scalp. Before long the hair root Itf shriveled up and the hair drops out. If the Work of the germ Is not destroyed hair keeps thinning till baldness comes. The ohly way to cure dandruff Is to kill the germ, and until now there has been no hair preparation that would do It but today dandruff is easily eradicated by Newbro'a Herptcide. which makes hair glossy and soft as silk. FRED PREHN TBo DckUm BuUdlnz Full Set Teeth..,. $0 00. Gold Crowns 6 00 Bridge Work ... .. 5 Oo Examination tret. Tth extract nhm. r-- tw a r,. . .""'I wltnout pain. Car. Third and Washington. FtO6 NO PLATES SSia Dr. E. C. BROWN 3ES AN ear diseases. A Nerr Collar. fi. & W. "LUBECK." LUBECE." E. & W. I