Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, October 02, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Reception at Victoria "Was One of
the 3Ioxt Enthusiastic o
Their Trip.
VICTORIA, B. a. Oct L The Duke
and Duchess of Cornwall and York com
pleted their westward tour through Can
f ada today, and tomorrow set their faces
Eastward toward home. They arrived
nere tms morning:, ana were given one
of the most enthusiastic receptions of
their trip. There were many Americans
in the great crowd that gathered here
for the royal visit, and an address pre
sented to the Duke by the American
British League of Seattle, was acknowl
edged in the general response made by
the Duke to the formal welcomes. Per
fect "weather prevailed throughout the
day and the city was in an attractive
dress of flags and bunting.
The last stage of the westward trip from
Vancouver to Victoria was made in the
steamship Empress of India, which was
accompanied by the cruisers "Warspite,
Amphion, Phaeton and Condor; the de
stroyers Sparrowhawk and Virago and
the Dominion steamer Quadra. As the
fleet ncared Victoria the cruisers ran
ahead, and dropped anchor and dressed
ship, and when the Empress of India
steamed in their guns roarded out a royal
salute and the bluejackets manned the
yards. A shore battery at "Work Point
took up the refrain of the guns. ilring
another royal salute. Great crowds filled
the shore driveway, and the streets radi
ating from the outer wharf, and when
the royal party landed there was a long
cheer of welcome. Sir Wilfrid Laurier pre
sented Lieutenant-Governor Sir Henri
Joly and the members of the local re
ception committee, who showed the Duke
and Duchess to their carriage. The drive
to the Parliament buildings, where the
formal welcome was extended, was
through crowded streets decorated with
flags and streamers.
The civic address was read by Mayor
Hayward, after which addresses from
the Presbytery of British Columbia and
the American-British League of Seattle
were offered. The latter address was
presented by John TV. Pratt, of Seattle,
and said in part:
"We rejoice at the growing unity of
spirit "between the great constitutional
Empire and the great Republic, and we
have observed with intense gratification
the appreciation by the American people
of the friendly purposes manifested to
ward them by His Majesty and the Brit
ish Government."
The Sake in Reply.
The Duke in bis reply said in part:
"I desire to assure you of the gratitude
which the Duchess and I feel for the
kind words of welcome and good wishes
which are expressed in the address you
have presented on behalf of the citizens
of Victoria, the residents of Seattle and
other parts of the State of Washington,
and of the British Columbia synod of
the Presbyterian Church of Canada. I
shall have much pleasure in informing
my dear father, the King, with what
especial satisfaction I have noticed your
strong declaration of loyalty to the con
stitution and pride in the heritage of
British citizenship, and your unfaltering
resolution to share the responsibilities
of upholding the glory and integrity of
that heritage. I know what proof of this
you have already given In the bjood of
your sonse which has been -shed on the
South African veldt. I am confident that
the sacrifices you have made will not
be in vain. They have forged another
link In the golden chain which binds to
gether the brotherhood of the empire."
The Duke then presented meaals to the
Victorians who served In South Africa,
after which he and the Duchess went
among the school children, who were
were all marshalled In front of the
Parliament buildings. The royal party
drove to Esquimalt, and was entertained
at luncheon by Admiral Bickford, on the
flagship Warspite. When the Duke and
Duchess -reached Esquimalt the rhips
fired a royal salute and the yards were
Late in the afternoon the Duke and
Duchess returned to the city and drove
to the exhibition grounds, passing en
route through the Chinese quarter, which
was fantastically decorated in their hon
or. The Duke spoke briefly in opening
the exhibition, and with the Duchess
looked at many of the exhibits. Tonight
the Ducal party was entertained at din
ner at Government House, and In turn
gave a reception at the Parliament build
ings. The latter was brilliantly illumin
ated, and the reception made one of the
"prettiest affairs of the day. The Duke
and Duchess rest quietly tomorrow at
Oak Bay Hotel, and start Eastward to
morrow night.
New Westminster will be visited Thurs
day, and the next stop after that will
be at Banff, where the party divides lor
a few days. The Duchess will remain at
Banff, and the Duke will go on to Mani
toba for a two days' shooting. From
Manitoba the party goes to Toronto.
Mine at Nanaimo Is Now Sealed to
Smother Out the Fire.
NANAIMO, B. C, Oct. L The situation
at the Extension mines remains practical
ly unchanged. Seventeen are known to be
entombed in the fiery sepulcher of No. 2
slope. The list of the dead follows:
married; with family resided at Lady
smith; about 26 years of age; a native of
Australia; worked here about two years.
EUGENE GRIFFIN, timberman, mar
ried; family resides at Ladysmith.
WELSH, manager of the Ladysmith
baseball club.
JOHN PATTERSON, miner; married;
resided at Ladysmith.
JAMES WATSON, miner; aged 50; mar
ried; resided at Ladysmith.
MICHAEL DOLAN. miner; aged 25;
married: resided at Ladysmith.
WILLIAM POLLOCK, miner; aged 27;
single; residence at Extension.
E. L. LIN"D, miner; aged 30; married;
resided at Ladysmith.
JOHN MacALLUM, married; resided at
J. BLACKLEY, miner; aged 23; single.
E. HAZEL, miner; single; recently came
from Idaho.
FRANK MOTTISHAW, pusher; single;
of Nanaimo
CHARLES NOYE, pusher; single; re
sided at Ladysmith.
ried; resided at Ladysmith.
BOYD, pusher; resided at Extension.
HAMILTON, pusher; single; re
sided at Extension.
ANTONIO PESCETTELLI, miner; -single,
resided at Extension.
Pescettelli worked alone in No. 1 level
and there was no hope whatever for him.
His escape was Immediately cut off when
the fire started.
James Thomas, a rope rider, had a thrllL
ing escape. He was riding down the slope,
and seeing the fire coming jumped off -the
car and ran. George Southcomb and Eu
gene Griffin, tlmbermen, called to him
to follow them, but he ran on up the
slope for 1000 feet to its mouth and barely
escaped with his life. The other men were
overtaken by the flames and perished.
A miner running from No. 2 workings
fell exhausted, and in falling knocked
open a door Into another gallery and thus
A sad case is that of Mrs. William
Blackley. Her husband and her father,
John McCallum, are both In the mine,
and the woman, who is In delicate health,
is distracted. Her condition is considered
The mines are now sealed to prevent
the ingress of air and so smother out
the flames. Notwithstanding other re
ports this is the only practicable way of
killing the fire, and it will take months
and perhaps years to effect the result
desired. All efforts have so far failed
to prevent a certain amount of air leak
ing In, and this has once or twice caused
explosions which have blown out. the
stoppings. Such an explosion on a large
scale would utterly wreck the mines,
and it is feared that it may happen at
any moment.
Premier Dunsmuir has promised to find
work for at least half of the 500 men
thrown out of employment. All except
two of the victims have families, and
relief funds have been opened on their
behalf. The bodies, of course, cannot
be recovered until the fire is extinguished.
His Contribution, to the Forthcoming
History of the President.
OLYMPIA, Oct. L Governor Rogers was
recently Invited to write a short letter
expressive of his opinion of President
McKinley's life and work, for Congress
man Grosvenor's forthcoming "Life and
History of William McKinley," and yes
terday the Governor sent the following
to the commission having the matter in
"To the Continental Assembly, Corcor
an Building, Washington, D. C Gentle
men: President McKinley was an emi
nent man, who attained prominence by
reason of marked abilities, both native
and acquired. In all the relations of life
he "was exemplary a model to be fol
lowed. As President of the United States
he conducted the Nation through the
Spanish War with great skill. I think
no man in his position could have been
more successful. And yet, with all his
abilities and attainments, it may be said
of him that nothing in his life honored
him so much as his conduct at the time
of his most lamentable taking-off. At
the time of the assassination, in all the
crowd that surrounded him, his was the
only calm and dignified presence main
tained. His command, "Let no man hurt
him." was Christianlike, and passed the
ordinary nature of man. When Presi
dent Jackson was attacked by a would
be murderer, on leaving the hall of the
House of Representatives, the doughty
old General struck viciously at his as
sailant with his cane. Jackson's . at
titude was proper enough and right
enough, from the human standpoint, but
McKinley, under like circumstances, as
cended to a vastly higher plane. And for
this, and in consequence of it, he incited
the universal admiration of the world.
This will cause him to be remembered
when all else in connection with his career
has been forgotten.
Hops and Potatoes Were the Only
Short Crops in Lewis County.
CHEHALIS, Oct. L The past season
has been a most successful one for the
farmers of Lewis County. With the ex
ception of hops and potatoes all crops in
this section have been good. Potatoes
now net the farmer $1 per sack. Wheat
brings the grower 56 cents per bushel at
the Chehalis mill, and oats are worth $18
to $20 per ton to the producer. Less
wheat has been raised this season m
Lewis County than for many years. This
is no doubt due to the strong demand for
oats, and the good price the. latter brought
last year. The shortage in wheat acreage
has no doubt been more than made up by
the increased oat acreage. Many of the
farmers are holding their oats for $22.
Hay was an excellent crop and was saved
in good shape. The yields of wheat and
oats were heavy, and all root crops, with
the exception of potatoes, have produced
excellent results. Cattle and hogs are In
strong demand, several carloads of eacn
having been shipped out of Chehalis
within the past two weeks. The hop crop
will run from 65 to 70 per cent of an aver
age crop. The shortage Is due largely to
the cold, damp weather In July, which
retarded the growth of the vines. H. J.
Betty, of Toledo, is the only man in this
section who has a larger crop than last
season. The shortage In the yard of the
Dobson Hop Company, at Chehalis, is
about 1200 boxes on 63 acres. The Pat
terson yard, at Olequa, Is fully 10 tons
short on 70 acres. Some growers have
only a third of an average yield. The
quality, however, is better than for sev
eral seasons. There have been no eales as
yet, tho crop being only a part of it baled
at this time. Picking was completed
without the loss of any of ' the crop by
mold, the first time for two or three years.
Quarterly Report of State Treasurer
OLYMPIA. Oct L State Treasurer
Maynard today completed his report of
the state's finances for the quarter ending
September 20, and the report shows the
following amounts in the several funds
and on hand:
General fund $105,415 21
Miliary fund 70,895 65
Interest fund 9,10161
Permanent school fund 52,276 17
Current school fund :... 1C0.528 76
Harbor fund '. 3,091 41
Special land deposits 318 40
Revolving funds, penitentiary 12S.655 22
Grain inspection fund 3,48144
University fund , 967 73
Fish hatchery fund 3,749 63
United States fund, maintenance ""
Soldiers Home 1,698 03
Deposit for survey of tide lands.. 210 00
State Library fund 16,324 19
Scientific school fund 4,026 31
Capitol building fund 5,366 77
Agricultural College fund 6,272 20
Charitable, educational, penal and
reformatory institutions fund.. 14,418 34
Normal School fund 5.90S 30
Escheated lands fund 252 69
Wahkiakum County permanent
school fund 2,958 76
State capltoi commission fund.. 16S.299 74
Total .$770,226 56
Received during quarter $1,416,831 93
Paid out during quarter 646,605 37
Balance ...$770,226 56
Gun was Accidentally Discharged
They Were Out Hunting.
MMINNVILLE, Or.. Oct 1. A boy
named Smith was seriously wounded by
a shotgun in the hands of another boy
named Needier, at Whlteson today. Thirty-three
buckshot lodged in his hip and
could not be extracted. The gun was ac
cidentally discharged while Needier was
crawling through a barbed wire fence.
While hunting, the Smith boy killed his
brother with a shotgun, accidentally, in
this town eight years ago.
Paying Teller of Bank Arrested.
SEATTLE, Oct 1. Donald W. McKer
acher, accused of embezzling $2100 from
the Seattle National Bank, of which he
was paying teller, was arrested this aft
ernoon by United States officials. Mc
Keracher was suspected two months ago.
The money he is said to have taken was
deposited by J. W. McCrary last Spring.
McKeracher had credited McCrary with
a $5000 deposit on the latter's bankbook,
and had then charged McCrary with $2100
on a deposit slip, according to E. W. An
drews, president of the bank, who swore
out the warrant McKeracher Is the son
of a well-known Seattle contractor.
Another Hold-Up at North Yakima.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash., Oct 1. Lee
Taylor, an employe of the Fashion barn,
was last night relieved of $11 in money
by two footpads, within 100 feet of the
leading hotel of the town. One of the
thieves covered him with a revolver, while
the other went through his pockets. The
town is full of hard characters. Ex-Sheriff
Van de Vanter, of King Caunty, who is
here, says he has seen somfc of the most
notorious crooks 'on the Coast since he
came In. Sheriff Cudihee and two of his
officers will be over from Seattle tomorrow
to. look after the Seattle contingent
Monster Pumpkins.
NORTH YAKIMA, Oct L Will Brack
ets, who lives near town, today brought
in three monster pumpkins which he
raised this year for exhibition at the fair.
The largest weighs 137 pounds, and is six
feet -eight Inches in circumference. The
others were only a little smaller.
3Iany Important Questions Scheduled
for Consideration J. Picrpont
Morgan Is a Delegate.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 1. Everything Is
In readiness for the opening of the gen
eral convention of the Episcopal church
tomorrow. The convention will be opened
with an impressive communion service In
Trinity Church, where the main conven
tion is to be held. The convention will
continue in session for 19 days, with va
rious allied meetings. Prominent among
the delegates who arrived today were J.
Pierpont Morgan, Bishop Potter and a
party of Eastern bishops and laymen, the
guests of Mr. Morgan. x
The convention will be largely attended.
XXtCMtOMtt 00 o
Photo copyrighted by Glftord, The Dalles.
THE DALLES, Oct. 1. The-Dalles Street Carnival and District Fair is now In
full swing:, under cloudless skies, with the largest attendance from neighboring
sections ever recorded in the history of The Dalles. The'parade yesterday eclipsed
anything of that character ever seen. Several handsome floats appeared in the
parade, noticeable among which were those of the local order of Eagles, escorted
by the lodge en-masse, and that of the cereal committee of the fair. The latter
was especially handsome, being composed of beautifully arranged sheaves and
festoons of train. A pretty girl, dressed as Ceres, was throned above the
Tho Indian Midway is not the least among tho attractions. About 150 bucks
and sauaws are camped In the space allotted them, cooking, eating, dancing and
gambling, according to their best-established customs. The leader among these
braves is Martin Spadls, an Indian or more than ordinary Intelligence and per
sonal beauty. As a dancer or leader in sports Martin has no equal here. He Is a
Klickitat Indian, born in the village of Wlshram, on the Washington shore of
the Columbia, near Celllo Falls. His father still lives there, as did his ancestors
for generations back. Besides a fair English education, Martin Is skilled in the
working of silver, beautiful bracelets and trinkets coming from his skillful
The local order of "Woodmen, fire companies and numerous floats added ma
terially to the brilliance of the parade.
The Seventh Regiment Infantry Band from Vancouver Barracks is in attend
ance. The races begin this "afternoon.
Ninety bishops, 400 clergymen and 2500
laity are expected to be present. The con
vention promises to be the most notable
since the original convention, 112 years
Many important questions are scheduled
for consideration. Foremost among them
are the final acceptance of the constitu
tion drafted by the convention at Wash
ington in 1898, and since carefully scru
tinized by every diocese in the country;
the canons or lawr9 of the church; the
marginal readings of the holy scriptures;
the missions; tho special report upon the
canon of marriage and divorce, as under
stood by the Episcopal Church, and the
course of the church toward Porto Rico,
the Philippines, Hawaii and Cuba. Ac
cording to the rules of the church, the
convention will be presided over by the
bishop of longest service present Accord
ing to this rule, Bishop Tuttle, of Missouri,
will be presiding bishop.
J. P. Morgan, on his arrival, was driv
en to the Crocker mansion, which has
been placed at his disposal during his
stay in the city.
Chinese Must Have Certificates.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. l.-Customs Col
lector Stratton has received an order
from Immigration Commissioner Powder
ly to allow Fel Chi and Hung Hslang
Hal. Chinese students, to remain here
until they can procure certificates from
China, as required by the exclusion, act.
The applicants are students on their way
to Oberlln College. They -came to this
city with a passport signed by LI Hung
Chang, but Collector Stratton decided that
a passport even from the Empress Dow
ager would be of no avail because the
act requires a certificate, not a passport.
Status of -Chinese in Hawaii.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 1. A decision
by the United States Treasury Depart
ment affecting the status of Chinese-born
citizens, or citizens naturalized in the Ha
waiian Islands before their annexation,
has been handed down to Port Collector
Stratton. It was in the case, of Tl LI
Hong, a merchant who became a citizen
of Hawaii several years ago. By the
ruling of the Treasury Department he
has been allowed to land at this port as
an American citizen.
Bound for Episcopal Conference.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 1. Passenger
Traffic Manager -McCormack, of the
Southern Pacific Company, states that up
to last night over 500 attendants upon
the Episcopal Convention, which convenes
in this city Wednesday, had passed the
Southern Pacific gateway, bound for San
Humboldt Brings the Second Largest
Shipment This Year.
SEATTLE, Oct. 1 The steamer Hum
boldt arrived from Skagway today with
21G passengers and about $1,000,000 In gold,
half of it in care of the Alaska Express
Company. It is the second largest ship
ment of the season from the Klondike.
Among the passengers were well-known
Klondike claim-owners, and Lieutenants
Camding and Blake, of the revenue ser
vice. The Humboldt brings the news that Sep
tember 25, the first day on which press
dispatches reached Skagway from the
States, was regarded as an-epoch in Alas
kan history. All the telegraphic news
was strongly featured. The story Is also
told of a fabulously rich quartz strike
in the Atlin district, assaying. $25,000 in
gold, to the ton.
Astoria Road and the O. R. & N. Will'
"Wort Together.
ASTORIA, Oct. 1. J. C. Mayo, general
passenger and freight agent of the As
toria & Columbia River Railroad, has re
turned from Portland, where he was in
conference with B. Campbell, traffic man
ager of the O. R. & N. He reports hav
ing secured for Astoria a common rate
with Portland on lumber over, the O. R.
& N. to all points north, east and south
of Pocatello, Idaho. An agreement was
also .reached whereby the two companies
shall interchange all kinds of traffic," east
and west-bound, similar to that which the
Astoria road now has with the Northern
Pacific. The new lumber rate goes into
effect on October 5.
Liens Against Brewery Settled.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Oct. 4. The legal
representative of Alvln Hemrich, of Seat
tle, was here today and settled all liens
- - o -e
against the Gray's Harbor Brewing Com
pany property. This is the plant started
hero a few months ago, and left in an
unfinished state. Mr. Hemrich will finish
the buildings, and begin the manufacture
of beer in a short time. The investment
will be $100,000.
Suspended From Office.
SEATTLE, Oct. l.-Dawson dispatches
state that J. Langlols Bell, Assistant
Gold Commissioner for the Klondike dis
trict, has been suspended from office. No
reason has been given for the change.
Dufferin Patullo, chief clerk for the office,
is taking his place for the time. Mr. Bell
has been in Dawson holding this office
for IS months. It is stated his official
affairs will be investigated.
Mrs. Nancy Roorlc-WItten.
SALEM, Or., Oct 1. Mrs. Nancy
Roork-Witten, an Oregon pioneer of
1852, died at Lincoln today, aged SO years.
She was the mother of Mrs. J. D. Lee, of
Salem, and Mrs. L. Abrams, of Lincoln.
Funeral services will be conducted at
Lincoln at 10 A. M. tomorrow, and at the
Odd Fellows' cemetery, at Salem, at 2
P. M.
Less .Gold at Seattle Assay Office.
SEATTLE, Oct 1. The report of the
first quarter of 'the fiscal year, as made
by the United States Assay Office In Se
attle, shows a deficit under last year's
receipts of almost $7,000,000. The receipts
of gold were $8,174,312. The falling off Is
attributed to the different methods em
ployed In the Klondike and t,he extremely
dry season at Nome.
Accidentally Shot His Brother.
WOODBURN, Or., Oct. 1. The 12-year-old
son of Harding Baughman, living
four miles east of Woodburn, today acci
dentally shot and probably fatally wound
ed his 1-year-old brother, while carelessly
handling a gopher gun. The charge en
tered the breast and neck, causing a
frightful wound.
He Is "Wanted la Oregon.
NORTH YAKIMA, Oct. 1. H. w) Smith,
wanted at Moro, Or., for the alleged mur
der of a Chinaman, was located at Tam
pico, this county, this wdek, and was ar
rested yesterday by Deputy Sheriff Leach,
of Yakima,- and Sheriff McGlnnis, of Ore
Dalles boats leave Oak-street dock,
Portland, 7 A. M. daily, except Sunday.
Portland boat leaves Dalles 7 A. M. daily,
except Sunday. Stops are made . both
ways at Mofilt Springs, Cascade Locks.
Stevenson, Carson (St. Martin's Hot
Springs), Collins (hot springs), White Sal
mon, Hood River, Lyle. On Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays, the steamer
Shaver also leaves same dock at 5 A. M.,
stopping at all way landings.
Special Carnival Rates.
From Astoria and Columbia River points
the O. R. & N. Co. has made a round
trip rate of one and one-third fare, plus
50 cents for two admissions to the expo
sition. Tickets will be on sale September
19, 25, October 2, 9 and 16, and will be good
for return at any time within, six days
from date of sale. O. R. & N. pursers will
sell tickets 'from- way landings where
agencies are not established.
Vessels Named lor the Trade in
"Which They Ply Steamship Kvar
ven Sails Freight Market Dull.
The Oregon grain trade is proving quite
attractive to German shipowners, and they
are not only sending their fleets here in
increasing numbers each year, but they
are doing the state the honor of placing
on some of their ships names .of local
significance. J. TIdemann & Co., of Bre
men, owners of the German ship Ecuador,
which sailed from Portland last week,
have just added a new ship to their fleet
and christened her the Oregon. The orig
inal fleet of this Arm was composed of
the ships Peru, Chile and Ecuador, and
they were intended for trading with the
countries whose names they bore. The
Peru was the first of the trio to come to
Portland, and the trade proved so satis
factory that the others were sent here for
cargoes. The British ship Lord "Woolsey
was then purchased, and put under the
German flag, bearing the name Columbia.
The Oregon, the latest addition to the
fleet, was formerly the British ship Port
Errol. She goes under the new flag in
command of Captain Ohllng, who made
several remarkably fast passages with
the Peru. Another German firm which has
sent a number of ships to this port has
added the old British ship Centesima to
its fleet. This vessel, which is now owned
by the Vlsurgls Rhederi Act Ges, of Bre
men, has been rechristened Nauarchos,
and will sail under the same house-flag as
the Najade, Nal, Neck, Nereide, Nereus,
Nlxe, Nesala, Nlobe. Nomla and Nymphe,
all of which arc well known in this port,
and some of which have been in the Port
land trade since they first started out un
der the German flag. The British ship
Seafarer has also passed under the Ger
man flag, and is known as the "See
fahrer." The Norwegians have also been adding
some of the old-time Britishers to their
fleets, recent changes being the British
ship Portia, which Is now the Norwegian
ship Oddero, and the Ravenscrag, which
is now the Norwegian bark Armenia.
Kvarven Loaves for a Roundabout
Journey to Orient.
The Norwegian steamship Kvarven,
which has been In port waiting orders for
several days, left down the river yesterday,-and
will go to Nanaimo for a part
cargo of-coal for San Francisco. She
cleared, from this port yesterday afternoon
with 3595 barrels of flour, valued at $9225,
and "46,030 feet of lumber, valued at $460.
The Kvarven is In the service of the Cali
fornia & Oriental Steamship Company,
which is the name under which the Atchi
son, Topeka & Santa Fe conducts its Ori
ental steamship line. The Kvarven came
to Portland quite unexpectedly several
days ago, and, as no one had been advised
of her coming, there was no cargo for
her. In retracing her route from British
Columbia and going thence to San Fran
cisco and San Diego, she will make seri
ous inroads on the profits of the trip from
San Diego to the Orient. The workings
of the "community of interests" will prob
ably prevent a repetition of such unprofit
able voyages, as that which is now being
made by the Kvarven
Sailing Ships Chartered for Oil Busi
ness at Lower Rates.
So far as known, neither of the disen
gaged sailing ships in port were offer
ing for wheat business yesterday, and the
owners are probably waiting for a rally
In the wheat market before pressing their
ships on the market. Oil freights, 'which
have held steady for a long time in the
East, are coming down in sympathy with
other freights, and vessels which could
secure 27 and 28 cents a year ago are now
taking business at 5 and 6 cents per case
less. Recent fixtures for this business are
the Khyber and Forrest Hall, both of
which cleared from Portland with wheat
a few months ago. They arc to receive
22 cents for December-January loading
for Hong Kong, and the British bark
Fortevoit, which loaded wheat at Tacoma
last season, has been chartered to load
at New York for Shanghai at 23 cents.
Swedish Antarctic Expedition.
NEW YORK, Oct. 1. Frank Wllbert
Stokes, an Arctic artist who was with
Lieutenant Peary In 1892, 1S93 and 1S94,
will start tomorrow on the Philadelphia,
of the American line, to join the Swedish
Antarctic expedition under Dr. Otto Nor
denskjold at Southampton. An agree
ment has been reached by which he will
be the artist for the Swedish expedition,
Mr. Stokes was to have accompanied the
Baldwin-Zeigler expedition, but at the
last moment he gave up this idea to go
instead into the Antarctic regions.
The Swedish Antarctic expedition will
start from Gothenberg In the steamer
Antarctic, October 8, . and proceed to
Southampton, where the ship will cohl.
The ship will go thence to Montevideo,
and will then touch at Buenos' Ayres.
Afterward she will touch at the Falkland
Islands, and then proceed to Graham
Land, which Is supposed to be practically
a part of the great Antarctic continent.
Mngdnlcne at Hamburg.
The big four-masted bark Magdalene,
which sailed from Portland late in May,
arrived out at Hamburg yesterday, after
an average passage of 130 days. This
leaves but nine of last season's fleet still
on tho way, and in less than GO days some
of the new-season ships will be showing
up on the other side. None of the ships
which left Portland late in the Spring
have made very fast passages, but those
which got away before the turn of the
year went out fast enough to make the
average passage of the fleet a very good
one. The Magdalene was one of the few
ships sailing from Portland that cleared
for a direct port, nearly all of the vessels
leaving here going to Queenstown or Fal
mouth for orders.
Transport Wilhelmina.
The Quartermaster's Department at Se
attle has accepted the bid of Messrs. Tay
lor, Young & Co., of this city, for the
Dutch steamship Wilhelmina to carry a
cargo of forage from Seattle to Manila.
The rate is $4 per ton measurement, and
if the steamer carries as well on a meas
urement basis as she does on dead-weight
loading, she will prove a money-maker.
She holds the record for big wheat car
goes from Portland, having carried 6440
tons of wheat from this city to Europe
last Winter.
New Hydrographic Officer.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 1. Lieutenant
Commander John B. Milton, U. S., N...
has assumed charge of the branch hydro
graphic office at the Merchants' Exchange
In this city. He relieves Lieutenant-Commander
Calkins, who goes to Portsmouth,
N. H., where he will take command of
the Vixen, one of the yachts purchased
during the late war, and now converted
Into a survey vessel.
French Bark Dismasted.
LONDON, Oct. 1. The British bark Lin
ton, Captain James, which arrived at Fal
mouth September 29, from Tacoma, re
ports having spoken the French bark
Duplex, Captain Harang, from San Fran
cisco May 1 for Queenstown, on August
13, in latitude 26 south, longitude 23 west.
The, Duplex was partially dismasted, and
wished to be' reported.
Supplying the Lighthouses.
The Manzanita was at Yaqulna last
week,. iand discharged 140 cases of A oil
and a large quantity of other supplies
to he taken down to Siuslaw by the
steamer Jtobarts, for the Heceta, Head
light station. The surf has been so rough
for the past few weeks that it was im
possible to land supplies at that point
from, the open sea.
Libel Suit Against the Oregon.
SEATTLE, Oct 1. Passengers of the
steamer Oregon on her last trip from
Nome, instituted libel proceedings for
damages against her today in the Federal
Court The aggregate amount asked Is
?21o,500. The chief causes alleged for the
suit are that the rudder of the vessel
was in a defective condition when she
sailed; that the supply of provisions was
insufficient, and that she carried more
than the allowed number of passengers.
Stress Is laid on the allegation that per
mission was refused the passengers to
be transferred to the steamship Empress
of China at their own cost Complaint
is also made as to the food and; water
supplied on the trip.
Pounded to Pieces on the Rocks.
SEATTLE, Oct 1. The little trading
schooner Emma May, of this port, wa3
pounded to pieces on Foulweather Head
in the lower Sound Sunday night The
crew of three escaped. The cargo of
general merchandise is a total loss. Tho
loss is about $5000, with no insurance.
Treacherous tides are assigned a3 the
cause of her going on the rocks.
Domestic and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA, Oct 1. Sailed at 6 A, M.
Steamer Alliance, for San Francisco. Con
dition of the bar at 5 P. M., obscured;
wind, northwest; weather, foggy.
New York, Oct. 1. Arrived Mesaba,
from London.
Tacoma, Oct. 1. Sailed Sept. 30 Ship
Henry Failing, for Sydney.
Seattle, Oct. 1. Sailed Bark St. James,
for New York; steamer Kamahara, for
San Francisco, Oct. 1. Sailed Steamer
Rainier, for Seattle.
Port Gamble Sailed Sept. 30 Schooner
Marie E. Smith, for Honolulu.
Port Ludlow Arrived Sept. 30 Schooner
J. M. Coleman, from Port Townsend.
Seattle Sailed Sept. SO Steamer Roan
oke, for Nome.
Port Los Angeles Sailed Sept. 30
Steamer San Mateo, for Nanaimo.
Port Townsend Passed Sept. 30
Schooner Enterprise, for Seattle; steam
er Humboldt, from Skagway for Seattle.
Seattle, Oct. 1. Arrived Steamer Hum
boldt, from Skagway.
Hamburg, Oct. 1. Arrived British ship
Carradale, from Tacoma; German bark
Magdalene, from. Portland.
New York, Oct 1. Arrived Ethiopia,
from Glasgow. Sailed Servla, for Liver
pool; Cymric, for Liverpool; Crown Prince
Wilhelm, for Bremen.
Shanghai Arrived Sept. 21 Guernsey,
from Vancouver.
Liverpool, Oct. 1. Arrived Australasian,
from Montreal: Buenos Ayres, from. Mon
treal via Glasgow.
Queenstown, Oct. 1. Arrived Waesland,
from Philadelphia for Liverpool.
Cherbourg, Oct. 1. Arrived Pennsylvania,-
from New York via Plymouth for
Genoa Sailed Sept. 21 Herdot, for San
Plymouth, Oct. 1. Sailed Graf Walder
see, from Hamburg for New York.
Rotterdam, Oct. 1 Arrived Potsdam,
from New York.
Ushant, Oct." 1. Passed Klntuck, from
Tacoma and Scittle, via Coronel, etc., and
St. Vincent, C. V., for United Kingdom
or Continent.
Hoqulam, Wash. Arrived Sopt. 2S
Lille Boone, for Aberdeen. Sailed Sept.
29 Wlmpe Bros.
Blnnchnrd, the Falce Alarm Fire
Artist, Leaves Captors.
Frank Blanchard, alias Melville Blanch
ard, alias John McDonald, recently sen
tenced to 90 days' Imprisonment In the
City Jail on a self-confessed charge of
sending In more than 20 false alarms
of fire during this past year, escaped
from the jail yesterday. Blanchard Is
also the young hopeful who surrendered
himself to the police authorities of Lon
don, England, several months ago, as
serting that his name was McDonald,
and that he was implicated In the rob
bery of $4728 from the Western Lumber
Mills about 10 months ago. Blanchard
told this story in the hope that he would
secure free transportation to this coun
try. It is thought that Blanchard secreted
himself under the stairway leading- to
the Municipal Courtroom, waited until
the prisoners had their hearings, and
then stole out through the Courtroom
Centrnlla Public Schools Open.
CENTRALIA, Oct. 1. The public schools
opened yesterday. The enrollment at the
High School was 450, and at the South
School 222, making a total of 672. This
enrollment is much larger than for any
previous year, and considerably larger
than was expected. The list of teachers
First grade, Mrs. Elizabeth E. Vantlne;
second grade. Miss Lizzie Agnew; third
grade. Miss Bessie Gillespie; fourth
grade, Miss Ethel Royal; fifth grade, Miss
Bertha Bachtell; sixth grade, Miss Jessie
Copping and Miss Lou Pettlgrew: seventh
grade. Miss Julia P. Day; eighth grade.
Professor R. L. Sebastian; ninth grade.
Professor Z. N. Wallis; High School. Su
perintendent, D. T. Vantlne and Profes
sor Z. N. Wallis; South School, first grade,
Miss Nettie Wlngard;. second grade, Mrs.
O. A. Tiffaney; third grade, Mis.3 Sadie
Joyce; fourth grade. Miss Clara Bachtell;
fifth grade, Miss Lizzie E. Brown.
Suburban Growth.
W. S. Failing, of South Mount Tabor,
.says that the demand for houses In that
district is remarkable. He tells of a case
where a small house in Tobasco Addition
had been rented for a year at $S per
month, and the renter paid half the rent
In advance. In Tobasco, he says, most of
the houses were built on the Installment
plan years ago and their owners lost
them. These were vacant for a long
time, but have filled up. Every few
days someone Is out there looking for a
house. The betterment in the Mount
Scott car service has had much to do
with the Improved conditions. Mr. Fail
ing tells of a man who owned some land
No other soap in
the world is used so
much; or so little of
it goes so far.
All sorts of people use Pears' soap, all sorts
of stores sell it, especially druj;f;ists.
Nothing lmt a!ocal
remedy or change of
climate -will cure ca
tarrh. dot a well-known
It la tiulckly Ab
sorbed. Gives Relief at once.
Opens and cleanses
A& srssss COLD l HEAD
the Membrane. Bertowa tho Eer.sea oi Taste
and Smell. No Mercury. No Injurious drug.
Regular Size, 60 cento; Family Blaa. $1.00 at
Drug-gists' or by mall.
EL. BROTHERS. GS Warrea St- Xerr Torfc
1j $
Assisted by Cuticura Ointment, tha
Great Skin Cure, for preserving,
purifying, and beautify ingrthe skin,
for cleansing the scalp of crusts,
scales, and dandruff, and the stop
ping of falling hair, for softening,
whitenlng.and soothing red,rough,
and sore hands, for baby rashes,
itchings, and chafings, and for ail
the purposes of the toilet, bath, and
nursery. Millions of Women use
CUTICURA SOAP in the form of
baths for annoying inflammations
and irritations, or too free or offen
sive perspirations, in the form of
washes for ulcerative weaknesses,
and for many sanative, antiseptic
purposes which readily suggest
themselves to women, especially
mothers. No amount of persuasion
can induce those who have once
used these great skin purifiers and
beautifiers to use any others-.
and complexion soap, the BEST toi
let and baby soap in the world.
Complete Treatment for every Humor.
Ctrricmu. Soap, to cleanse the shin of crusts
and scales and soften tho thickened cuticle,
ConcrrKA. Oixtiiicnt, to instantly allay itch- '
ing, inflammation, and irritation, and soothe
and heal, and Cdticdka Resolvsot, to cool
and cleanse the blood.
Bold throughout tho world. Britlih Depot! J. Nav
SBB7 k Bo.nj, 2T Charterhonie Sq.. London. PottsS
JD3C9AXS Cau. Cosr., Coi Props., otm, U.S. -A-
near the car line which he had been try
ing to sell for a number of years, but a
few days ago he found a purehaser at
51200. Conditions have Improved all
through that district.
Internal Revenue IteeeiytM.
The receipts of the Internal Ravanue
Office in tills city for the month of Sep
tember amounted to 74,734 43, as follows:
Lists $ 1.692 92
Beer stamps 38,831 20
Spirit stamps 1.01S 33
Cigar and cigarette stamps : 3,149 25
Snuff stamps 1 92
Tobacco stamps 147 i5
Special tax stamps 5,3& 10
Playing-card stamps 5 00
Documentary, imprinted stamps.. 6,ff?2 -t
Proprietary stamps 381 o5
Total $74.71 43
The attorney for Morris & "Whitehead,
the Portland bankers, who bid on tho
bonds for a water system voted by Co
quille City, has rendered an opinion that
the bonds are not valid, owing to some
defect in the charter.
Strictly Reliable
Dr. Isicott
Practice Confined
to Disorders of
the Male.
There 13 no such condition aa weak
ness in a man under flfty years of age,
other than general dcbllltj" Prema
turencss. loss of vitality, etc.. are but
symptoms of some damage to tlw- re
productive system caused by a contract
ed disorder or early dissipation. In look
ing for the location of this damage we
generally find an enlarged, swollen and
inflamed prostate gland. As this gland
is the very center of the reproduotlv
system it can readily be understood
thnt Inflammation of It must cause dis
ordered function. The cases are prompt
ly benefited by proper treatment, other
wise the patient goes from bud to
worse. The essential point in all of
them is the necessity of the cure of
the focus of the trouble. In the pros
tate. Many men who have unsuccess
fully treated for a weakness now know
the cause of failure. In our experiemfe
there 1 no drur in the Pharmacopeia,
taken Into the stomach, that will even
benefit this class of cases. Our plan of
treatment 13 entirely a local one. and
prompt results are obtained. a Inrit
fcted by Increased circulation and re
turn of natural vigor. Our eolored
chart, which wo mall on application,
is Interesting to any one wishing to
study tho anatomy of the male.
! Contracted Disorders
Under tho- treatment pursued before
irrigations were established, six weekw
was deemed the duration of an acute
contracted disorder. If It proceeded be
yond six weeks It was considered to
have gone into a chronic condition.
From statistics compiled from our prac
tice the past 5 years, covering over 8500
case3. wc can show that 00 per cent of
our patients have recovered In fourteen
days or Ie3s. It la. therefore, equally
proper to hold that a case not entirely
cured within two weks must be con
sidered a chronic one. and some eomiMt
catlon has arlFcn, from which the pa
tient should see a specialist. We Invite
free consultation on this subject, and
offer an experience of over twenty
years: in fact, we can positively assert
that we have never failed to cure in a
single Instance.
Varlcocle Is an enlargement of the
mest vital bldod veeel in man. It la
commonly known as varicose veins. In
their normal condition their function is
to carry oft waste material, thus en
abling the organs to receive fresh nu
trition. Owing to the breaking down
of the valve1-, cauaed by the para lysis
of the muscular coat of the veins. thy
become dilated, and local stagnation of
the blood follows. The vital nerves,
being deprived of their proper quality
and quantity of nourishment, weakness
Is the result. Statistics prove that 25
per cent of the male population are af
flicted with varicocele in some stage of
the disease. Wo guarantee to euro
varicocele in one week at our ofllce,
or four week3 of home treatment. wlth
out the use of knife, caustic or liga
ture. AVe have cured 2Q0O cases with
out a single failure or unpleasant re
sult. We invite correspondence and tho
fullest Investigation o' our method, and
can refer to cured patents tf desired.
2503 Alder Street, corner Third t
San Francisco Ofllce, 00T Market St.