Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 02, 1901, Image 1

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VOL. XLL NO. 12,601.
B. H. PEASE. Fracldest.
F. 2C SHKPAHD. JR., TrescsraE.
J. a PHFPAHD Recrrttry.
Without a Rival Today
BIOFIiaUCr & HoCh, IDS and llOJourth Street
Sole Distributers for Orsaoa
a broiler....
But when you buy a steol range, get a "Van," which
has a BROILINO ATTACHMENT (distinctly Its own),
on which you can broil meats or fish, or make toast
without having them filled with the gases of the
fuel when dono.
w. q.
Heating nd Yeatilatlno Encjlneer.
Fifth and Washington Sts. . . . PORTLAND, OREGON
Rooms Single 75c to S1.E0 per day
Flrst-CIass Cheat Restaurant Rooms Bauble $1-00 to 32.00 per day
Connected "With. KoteL Rooms Family $1.50 to $3.00 per day
St. Charles Hotel
American and European Plan.
The Pianola.
The Pianola occupies a unique position. It has undertaken that which past ages
have pronounced impossible, and has made it practicable. It has followed principles
revolutionary to accepted standards, and hat won its strongest support from those
who were the greatest upholders of the old theories. It makes piano-playing pos
sible tor those who literally do not know one note from another; yet it has been ac
corded a popularity among the musically cultured which is unprecedented In the
history of music Come and hear it for yourself:
M. B. WELLS, Northwest Ajgcnt for the Aeolian Company
Aoolian Hall. 353-355 Washington Street, cor. Park
San Jose People Do Xot Identify the
SAN JOSE, CaL, May 1. Sheriff Lang
ford and Deputy Sheriff Bache have ar
rived here from "Wichita. Kan., bringing
with them a man who was said to be
James C. Dunham. This forenoon scores
of people who knew him intimately came
to the jail and positively asserted that the
prisoner is not the long-sought-for mur
derer. Deputy Sheriff Marcen, who yes
terday was positive that the man was
Dunham, is today equally positive that his
flrst opinion was erroneous. Many resi
dents of Campbell came In, and none iden
tified the prisoner as the man wanted.
The prisoner says that he did not make
a confession in Kansas, and that he is
not the murderer.
The crime lor which Dunham has been
hunted was most atrocious. The night of
May 27, 1S96, Dunham strangled his wife
as she lay in bed. Then he brained Min
nie Shesler, a servant, with an ax, and
almost killed Mrs. McGlincy. Mrs. Dun
ham's foster-mother. Colonel McGlincy,
James K. "Wells, Mrs. Dunham's brother,
and Robert Briscoe were shot -as they re
turned at midnight from a meeting near
San Jose. Dunham then saddled a
horse and escaped to the hills. No trace
of him was ever found, and, though 20
men have been arrested on suspicion in
various parts of the country, the man
who has Just been brought from Kansas
is the flrst to answer the description of
the murderer. The suspect says his name
h Charles F. Crlll; that he was born In
Rome. N. Y, in 1860.
PUEBLO. Colo., May L Charles F. Crlll
was formerly an advertising solicitor In
Pueblo, and left here for Cripple Creek
about Ave years ago. He was married
-while here to Miss Schrelber.
The Case of Callahan.
OMAHA. Neb.. May L James Callahan,
in Judge Baker's court this morning, was
permitted to withdraw his plea of not
guilty to the charges of grand larceny,
robbery and false imprisonment in the
Cudahy kidnaping case, and to enter a
plea, at bar that, having been acquitted
last week on trial for highway robbery
of Cudahy, he could not be put In jeo
pardy again lor that affair. "When the
trial Is called, if at all, on these three
remaining charges, the plea at bar will be
passed upon. The state will probably file
charges of perjury committed in last
week's trial, the maximum penalty for
which Is 14 years. General Cowin believes
that the plea at bar will effectually stop
any trial on the three charges in con
nection with the abduction to which it is
set up.
Mrs. Nation In Jail Again.
WICHITA. Kan., May L Mrs. Carrie
Nation returned to "Wichita this morning,
and went directly to the jail, where she
occupies the rotary cell.
"tjflftDEN HOSE"
t uua
Beau Brummeil
Pure Malt
Mcpherson, 47 First st.
C T. BELCHER. Sec. and Traas.
American plan ........$1.23, $160, S1.T8
European plan BOc, 76c, $1.00
Fall List of Casualties In Southern
Pacific Accident.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 1. The list or
casualties as a result of the wreck at
Emigrant Gap last night has been received
by the Southern Pacific Company. There
was only one man killed. Fireman T.
Sanders, of the second section. The fol
lowing passengers sustained slight inju
ries: Max Wesendock, 20 Nassau street,
New York; Mrs. R. L. Rike, Dayton, O.,
slight bruise on the shoulder; Mrs. U.
Silverton, Colorado, bruise on the right
heel; her son was slightly scraped upon
the head; Mrs. L. H. Kenny, Philadel
phia, slightly bruised and contusion on
left cheek; Dr. J. D. Kalkers, slight abra
sion of chin; H. C. Breedon, slight cut
on face: Mrs. John Osbourne, nose
bruised; D. O. Mills, slightly bruised;
Whitelaw Reld, cut on face by broken
glass; G. L. Fisher, colored waiter, neck
bruised; S. Swenghelm, colored waiter,
right arm bruised; C. Swayze, colored
waiter, leg bruised; "W. H. Hays, colored
waiter, strained back and slight bruises.
The Engineer Was Killed.
HELENA. Mont., May. 1. A Great
Northern express train was wrecked 14
miles west of Fort Benton this morning.
The engine, tender, baggage and mall
cars were ditched, and Engineer John
Wilkinson was killed. The fireman was
thrown 150 feet down an embankment, but
received only slight injuries. -No passen
gers were injured. The wreck was caused
by a. washout. "Wilkinson lived in
Falls, where he has a family.
Attached a Patrol "Wagon.
ZANESVILLE, O., May 1. To satisfy
a judgment against the city which the
Council had neglected to pay. Attorney S.
M. "Winn secured from the Common Pleas
Court an execution under which the Sher
iff seized the city's patrol wagon and
team. Mayor Holden thereupon summoned
a force of police and recaptured the out
fit. Later, on meeting the Sheriff, the
Mayor is alleged to have cursed the court.
Judge Frilser has named a commission
of attorneys to report whether the Mayor
and patrolmen are in contempt.
"Apache Kid" Executed.
HERMOSILLO, Mex., May L The lead
er of a band of Taqui Indians, who was
captured a short time ago at Cueeta Alta
by a detachment of Government troops,
has been executed at Antejuda by order
of General Lorenzo Torres. Prior to his
execution he was positively Identified as
"Apache Kid" by Alexander MacDonald,
an American scout in the Government
troops, who 6ald he knew the
In Arizona.
"Kid" well
Disorders Renewed in Algiers.
ALGIERS, May L Anti-Jewish disor
ders have been renewed in Algiers and
the troops have occupied various part? of
the town.
O.R.&N. Co, Ready to Begin
Work at Once.
Hand of Northern Pacific Railroad
Sees. In. the Price Asked for Riffbt
of Way Across Mode's
The Oregon Railroad & Navigation
Company will build an extension to St.
Johns as soon as it can get the right
of way. Surveys have been made, the
line has been located, and the company
is anxious to begin work at once. Ap
plication was made to the County Court
yesterday for permission to build on
Bradford street In St. Johns. This be
ing a street in an unincorporated town,
is under the jurisdiction of the County
Court. County Surveyor John A. Hurl
burt was directed to Investigate and re
port. That the O. R. & N. realizes the value
of the Penslnsula as a manufacturing
field is shown by the following statement
which President Mohler made to an Ore
gonlan reporter yesterday:
"Yea, the Navigation Company is
endeavoring to acquire right-of-way
for the extension of tire St. John's
line, for the purpose of affording lo
cations to Industries likely, to seek
Portland, especially of a manufac
turing character, -where suitable
ground can ho obtained at reason
able cost.
"Portland's ultimate strength vrlll
lie in her being able to manufacture
a large per cent of vrhat she sells
--this is -what will make a solid and
permanent commercial center.
"Other than this, notwithstanding
the large outlay required, the Navi
gation Company has no other in
terest." It Is not unlikely that the O. R. & N.'s
move on St. Johns will precipitate a big
fight -with the Northern Pacific. This
company's protege the "Washington &
Oregon seems to he on the ground floor
at Mock's bottom, through which the
O. R. & N. asks right 'of way. A high
price is demanded for the privilege, and
as tne u. n. & n. considers It exorbitant,
the case will probably go Into the courts.
The O. R. & N.'s purpose. in extend
ing Its line to St. Johns Is to make as
cesslble to transcontinental railroad
transportation a large area on the Penin
sula which Is suitable to manufacturing.
Among the big enterprises mentioned in
connection with the Peninsula are a
$1,000,000 smelter, a sugar refinery and
a foundry and machine shops. The conv
pany is interested in having these plants
located close to its terminal asltsraU
way and steamship" lines tap the sources
of the raw material and have access to
the distributing markets. In addition to
this, if the East Side gets the new dry
dock, St. Johns will stand a good show
of being the location.
The route which the O. R. & N. has
surveyed to St, Johns passes from south
to north through what is known as
Mock's bottom, a tract of 370 acres lying
to the east of Swan Island. "When this
land was sold to Russel & Blyth for $50,
000 on April 6, the general impression was
that the O. R. & N. Co. was the real
purchaser. The sale was taken as the
indication of a very important movement
In which the O. R. & N. was thought
to have a hand. It was believed that
the plan In view included the use of a
large portion of the low-lying land for
docks for shipping. Slips for vessels can
easily be excavated at that place, and
there is ample room. Switches and tracks
can be run into every slip.
Asks JSIO.OOO for Right of Way.
It is now clear that Mock's bottom was
not bought for the O. R. & N., and that
the company has no interest in the land.
Mr. Russell and Mr. Blyth authorized a
statement to that effect when seen at
their office yesterday. They declined to
say for whom the land was bought, or
what use Is to be made of It. Neither
would they discuss the negotiations which
the O. R. & N. has had with them
relative to securing right of way through
the bottom. It was learned from another
source that Russell & Blyth ask $10,000
for the right-of-way privilege; that the
O. R. & N. has refused to pay this
amount, and that the negotiations are
practically off. The only course now
open to the O. R. & N. Co. Is condemna
tion proceedings against Russell & Blyth.
Mr. Russell and Mr. Blyth were told that
this would probably be the next step. Mr.
Blyth said the firm is not worrying; that
it owns the land and that there are other
railroads besides the O. R. & N.
It Is apparent that Russell & Blyth
get their stiffening from some under
standing or agreement with the "Wash
ington & Oregon, which Is building from
Kalama to Portland, crossing the Co
lumbia River at "Vancouver on a bridge
which will cost $1,250,000. This Is In real
ity a Northern Pacific enterprise, though
reports have it that the Great Northern
and the Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy
are interested. The preliminary survey
made by the "Washington & Oregon for
entry Into Portland begins at Fowler ave
nue, at the Northern boundary of the
city on the East Side. It follows Fowler
avenue until It comes to the high ridge
overlooking Mock's bottom, where a tun
nel is made to reach the bottom. From
the bottom the surveys diverge. One
strikes westward and contemplates a
bridge across the "Willamette, with piers
resting about the center of Swan Island.
If this route Is adopted, the "Washing
ton & Oregon will connect with the
Northern Pacific's present road to Puget
Sound and thus have access to the Union
Depot. The second survey, leaving the
point of divergence on Mock's bottom,
skirts the Eastern banv of the "Willam
ette to the steel railroad bridge. Lines
have been run for a new bridge to cross
the "Willamette approximately between
the old drydock site on the East Side
and the O. R. & N. boatyard on the
"West Side. The "Washington & Oregon
engineers do not think favorably of this
second bridge, and have put It on their
maps simply to show that the plan is
feasible. The purpose of the "Washing
ton & Oregon, of course. Is to reach the
"West Side. If this cannot be done by
a route leading to the steel bridge there
remains the plan of bridging the "Will
amette at Swan Island. Mock's bottom is
considered the best-route for the O. R.
& N.'s extension to St. Johns. It is also
the "Washington & Oregon's best way of
reaching the water front on the East
Side. The importance of the bottom to
the two great railroad systems doubtless
explains the stiffness of Russell & Blyth
in the right-of-way matter.
The O. R. & N.'s Petition.
Following is the O. R. & N.'s peti
tion to the County Court:
Your petitioner, the Oregon Railroad & Navl-
gatlon Company, presents this; its petition,
and respectfully shows to yopThonors as fol
lows: That the petitioner la a, corroratlon, duly or-
f gantzed and existing' -underCand by virtue of.
the laws of Oregon and .has its principal of
fice at Portland, Or. Tnarlt has -power among
other things, by Its articled of incorporation
as amended and by resolution of. its board of
directors, a certified copy of which has been
filed as required by law in the office of the
Secretary of State of the State of Oregon, to
construct a line of railroad front the City of
Portland, State of Oregon, to the town of St.
Johns, in said state, and to carry freight and
passengers thereon, and to collect tolls for the
carriage of the same.
That petitioner did, heretofore, by resolution
of its board of directors duly passed, adopt a
definite location of Its line of railroad be
tween said points;, that' a portion of the said
line of Tallroad as so loaded extends 'along
what is known as Bradford street. In St.
Johns, as the same is shown on the recorded
plats thereof.
And your petitioner farther Bhows to your
honors that It desires toconstruct said line of
railroad from said Clty of Portland, Or., to
said town of St. Johns, In raid state, at once,
and that in the construction and operation of
said line of railway It is necessary that peti
tioner acquire tee right to lay and maintain
upon said Bradford istieel the main track of
its said railroad, and'feo' to lay and main
tain upon the -easterly Wit of said street and
parallel to Its, said main line through said
street, a double-ended sidetrack, In order that
petitioner may properly and expeditiously
carry on Its said business as a common car
rler and to afford proper and convenient serv
Ice to the public '
The End of Organised Opposition in
partment this morning received the, fol
lowing cablegram from General Mac
Arthur at Manila:
"Quentin Salles surrendered at Ho Ho
April 2L All organized opposition in that
island ended."
Archbishop Ireland Confers on the
Question With Root.
NEW YORK, May li Evidence that the
Philippine trouble is rapidly drawing to
a close, says a special to the Tribune
from Washington, is found in the fact
that Archbishop Ireland has been- In
Washington for two or three days, and
has held several conferences with Secre
tary Root. From the beginning of the
negotiations looking to a settlement of the
church question. Archbishop Ireland has
been the representative in this country of
the Vatican. The distinguished prelate
has succeeded In keeping himself from
the public view in his present visit to
Washington, and this circumstance adds
strength to the belief at the capital that
he has come to confer with the authori
ties regarding the treatment to be ac
corded to the millions of church property
of which the friars have been dispossessed
by the insurrectionists.
In the last month Judge Taft has sent
to Secretary Root many confidential com.
munications on this subject. It is pre
sumed that they contain recommendations
which the Secretary is now studying c$re
fully so that he may assist the Taft Com
mission In formulating a policy to be pur
sued toward the church Interests. Arch
bishop Ireland also is supposed to
prepared to deal finally with the question
for Uje chutchandit jn therefor thought;
that he asd SecretarjRoot can soon ar
rive at a decision: satisfactory to all Inter
ests involved. Their decision will prob
ably be communicated at an early date to
Judge Taft for his guidance.
Deaths in MncArthur'a Army.
WASHINGTON, May l.-General Mac
Arthur, at Manila, reports the following
deaths since last report:
Drowned, bodies recovered April 11, Os
car E, Weeding, Twenty-seventh Infantry;
April 17, John Lessman, Twenty-eighth In
fantry; April 26, Corporal James D. McGUl
arA Robert L Tipps, Twenty-first In
fantry. All other causes April 22, Corporal El
wood A. Forman, Twenty-ninth Infantry;
April 21, John H. Halter, Sixth Infantry;
April 20, John E. Garnder, Third Infantry;
April 24, Robert C. Wood, Third Infantry;
April 22, Powell V. Diggs, Third Cavalry;
April 19, Samuel Boggs, Ninth Cavalry;
April 17, Green Badgett, Twenty-fifth In
fantry; April 27, Sergeant Henry Thomas,
Twenty-fourth Infantry; April 26, Joseph
H. Reafern, Third Infantry; April 23,
Clarence Dill, Fourth Infantry, and
Charles Norwood, Battalion of Engineers;
April 20, Elven Pace, Fifth Infantry; April
is, Jtvred Koblnson, Ninth Cavalry; March
14, Eugene E. SIgsbee, Fortieth Infantry;
April 20, Lorenzo Smith, Twenty-first In
fantry; April 19, Corporal Frank E. Wal
dron, Fifteenth Infantry.
American Beer in the Orient.
LOS ANGELES, Cal., May l.-1-Several
months ago a local brewing concern dis
patched an agent to Manila with 36,000
bottles of beer. The Government Inspect
ors examined the beer, commended Its
qualities, and it was Immediately sold
for cash. In addition, contracts were
signed by C. Helnzer & Co., of Manila,
for 500 barrels of beer per month for a
period of four years, and with N. Conau
guke, contracting agent for a large Chi
nese concern, for 100 barrels a month for
two years. Both firms previously Import
ed German beer, which it is claimed does
not keep well In the tropical climate. The
largest contract secured was with the
Russian Government's purchasing agent
at Port Arthur, who contracted on behalf
of the government to take 1000 barrels a
month. The local concern now has under
consideration a plan to establish a branch
brewery at Manila with a capacity of 50,000
barrels a year.
Volunteers Mustered Out.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 1. The Twenty
eighth Infantry was mustered out today
at the Presidio. The Thirty-fifth will be
mustered out tomorrow.
CounterfeitexV Plant Captured.
BUTTE, Mont., May 1. The arrest a few
days ago of William Dougherty and John
Mulligan for passing counterfeit $10 gold
pieces has led to the capture of a com
plete outfit for making spurious coin. The
movements of both men were traced and
It was found they made frequent trip's to
a cabin on the Northern Pacific a few
miles this side of Pipestone Springs. To
day, Chief of Police Lavelle and Detec
tive Murphy went to the cabin and there
found one of the most complete plants for
making bogus money ever seen In. these
parts. Jim Webber, the man in charge
of the cabin, was arrested. The police
say he has served a term in the Idaho
penitentiary for the same offense.
Canadians Challenge Oxford.
OXFORD, England. May 1. A challenge
has been received here by the Oxford
University Athletic Club from McGlll
University of Montreal and the University
of Toronto to an athletic meeting to take
place in Montreal previous to the Oxford
Cambridge and Harvard-Yale meeting at
New York. The general opinion here is
that the challenge should be accepted.
Dietrich Resigns- as Governor.
OMAHA, Neb., May L Senator-elect
Dietrich this morning resigned as Gov
ernor, and was succeeded by Lieutenant
Governor Savage.
First Visit of a President to
New Orleans.
Miss. Tfei. Evening: the Journey
to California Will Be
NEW- ORLEANS, La., May 1. The
Presidential party traveled across the cot
ton belt today from Memphis almost to
the Gulf of Mexico. Down the low-lying
Yazoo Valley, fertile as that of the Nile,
y. -.
it went to Vicksburg, teeming with Its
memories of 30 years ago, thence east to
Jackson, the capital of Mississippi, and
from there' down into the laud of the
magnolia and the orange to this romantic
city near the mouth of the Mississippi,
with its traditions of French and Spanish
The outpourings of the people to see the
Presidential train along the route today
were larger than on the two previous
days and the demonstrations at Vicks
burg and Jackson, the two principal
stops, were very striking. At some of the
stations the crowds actually Impeded the
passage of the train and the engineer was
obliged to slow down to avoid running
over enthusiastic people. As the. sun was
lowering, the train crossed the bayous
with their tangles of moss-covered cy
press and live oak, and, skirting Lake
Pontchartraln, steamed into New Orleans.
ever had a visit from a Chief. Magistrate
of the Nation and it was a royal recep
tion which the old city extended to Presi
dent McKlnley. The air was full of the
booni of cannon and the screams of
whistles of the harbor craft as the train
"drew Into the station. Here the Presi
dent and his party were greeted by Gov
ernor Heard, Mayor Capdevllle, Sena
tors McEnery and Foster, the entire
Louisiana delegation In Congress, the
City Council and representatives of the
various exchanges. While the Mayor
,was formally extending the hospitality of
the city to the President, a fine military
band was completely drowning his words
with New Orleans' favorite air, "Louis
iana Lou." The crowd around the station
was so dense that it required heroic
efforts of the police to keep the path to
the carriages clear. A big military pa
rade, consisting of the Louisiana Cavalry
troop, the Washington Artillery and all
the militia from this end of the state.
4 escorted the party along Camp and Canal
streets to the new St. Charles notei. Tne
crowds In the streets were tremendous.
The Iron-wrought galleries which em
broidered the fronts ofcthe buildings fairly
groaned under their burdens of human
freieht. Never, except In Mardl Gras
times, were they known to be so choked
and jammed with surging humanity. The
feature of the crowd was the great num
ber of handsome women who watched the
procession from the windows and galler
ies. Mrs. McKlnley and the ladles of the
party dined quietly at the hotel and later
received the ladles of New Orleans.
TJie Nevr Orleans
' The President and his Cabinet, with the
other gentlemen of the party, were given
an elaborate banquet at the hotel In the
evening. About 300 of the prominent men
of New Orleans were present and the
banquet is said to have exceeded In
'every respect anything of a similar char
acter attempted heretofore In this city.
Senator McEnery presided. Governor
Heard, Mayor Capdevllle and the Presi
dent responded to toasts. It was 10:30
when the President rose to speak. He
"Mr. Governor, Mr. Mayor and Gentle.
men: I cannot nna praise or speecn to
express the profound appreciation which
I feel for the warmth of your welcome
and for the gracious words spoken In your
behalf by the Governor of your common
wealth and the Mayor of your city. Since
my Journeying through the South, leaving
Washington last Monday morning, I have
received In every state through which I
have passed, in every city and village,
town and hamlet, a genuine greeting from
all the people, and tpnight I have the
crowning consummation of a welcome
from the representative people of the
Crescent City..
"The Governor has well said that we
will always have differences. Men who
think for themselves will always have
convictions upon public questions, and
these convictions cannot always be the
same. The difference of opinion is grant
ed, and freely granted, among American
freemen, and fully exercised by the Amer
ican people. I was wondering, while the
Governor was talking, what really were
our differences. My eyes turned toward
Judge Blanchard, and I recalled that we
did not differ about river and harbor im
provements, and that we were in favor
of every just and reasonable extension for
the Improvement of the commerce of the
Mississippi River. When I heard the Gov
ernor tell what I knew so well, and had
occasion so many times to feel, how the
people of Louisiana rallied around the
Stars and Stripes, and were earnestly urg
ing for an opportunity to go to Cuba to
fight the battles for an oppressed people,
I could not but think that there were no
differences between us in the war with
Spain. And tonight, I remembered It Is
only a memory how the citizens of Lou
isiana gathered about the table of the
ways and means committee when I had
the honor of presiding over that commit
tee, assuring me that they must have
protection on sugar and rice. And then I
reflected that there was no difference be
tween us about protection certainly none
on the question of sugar and then when
I remembered that this banquet is held
tonight Jn the City of New Orleans, and
recalled that It was your territory that
ha'd expanded Into more states than any
other territory that ever came to the
United States, it did seem to me that
possibly we were not greatly in disagree
ment on the, subject of expansion. And
then I remembered also that you had al
ways been in favor of Internal Improve
ments and of external commerce-, and we
are all for those things.
"There is nothing we need so much as
commerce. Commerce Is a great diplomat
ist. Fair trading makes fast friends..
Commerce, like a circulating library, car
ries enlightenment wherever it goes. And
then I remember that we are all for the
open door in. China that we may send
our products of the cotton fields, made up
Into cotton goods, to the millions in the
A guest here called out: "But the isth
mian canal?"
"And then but I cannot pursue it fur
ther, for I don't think It Is well to dis
close too much unanimity here tonight.
Am I mistaken when I say that upon an
other subject we are in agreement? "We
are for good money, and plenty of it. So
when I remembered what had been told
me just before leaving "Washington that
I must be careful to speak of nothing
about which there would be differences,
,'.'Y" .5v
and my friends said 'You will be very
much limited In your field of discussion,
when I came to reflect to see what a
wide, broad field It is, to discuss only
those things about which we are in ac
cord would take more of my time than I
could claim of yours.
"My fellow-citizens, history cannot
omit New Orleans from Its pages. Its
past will always engage our admiration.
Its romance of antiquity, the quaintness
of ancient days is combined with a spirit
of energy which makes it one. of the most
progressive of our modern marts of com
merce. Its historic associations have se
cured for it an enduring place In the an-
I nals of the American Republic. It has not
1 always been under the tame form of gov
ernment, and the same sovereignty. The
map of more than one nation has traced
It within Its boundaries, and In more than
oneslanguage its laws have beep adm!B?T
lstered within a period of little more than
a century.
"Jefferson appreciated more than any
other public man the commercial advan
tages of the Crescent City. The flag
which Jefferson ralsea over this clty
Jackson successfully defended with the
brave volunteers of the Territories of
Louisiana and Mississippi. Illustrious In
American history is the 5th of January,
the day on which was fought the battle of
New Orleans. If there are two names
to be revered more than others, they are
Jefferson and Jackson. , (Applause.) Pre
cious, however, as they -are in your hearts
and history, they don't belong to you
alone. The whole Nation claims them
and renders grateful homage for their
priceless services to country and to man
kind. They belong to civilization and to
the ages. What history they have made!
To be the author of the Declaration of In
dependence was honor enough for any
life. To have made the treaty with
France, adding to the Union a territory
larger than the 13 original states, and out
of which have been carved six entire
states, and parts of six others, resting
forever upon tne principles of that im
mortal Instrument, crowned a single life
with a record of achievement with few, if
any, parallels In human history."
Tomorrow the party will drive about the
city in the morning and In the afternoon
take a sail along the river front. At 6
o'clock In the evening the Presidential
party will resume Its journey towards
the Golden Gate.
Speecn of the Day
Wu at
VICKSBURG, May 1. Through the low
rich valley of the Yazoo the Presidential
special sped southward to New Orleans
today. Although the President- and his
party, did not reach the train after the
big demonstration at the Memphis ban-
jjuet last night until after 1 o'clock, the
President was up early this morning.
Several times he appeared on the rear
platform and acknowledged the cheers'
of the crowds at the small stations with
a wave of his hand.
Among the members of the Cabinet, the
President's speech last night, with its
pointed allusions to the principle of sub
sidies as a means of enlarging transpor
tation facilities for the expanding South
of Greater America, with the shining pic
ture he drew of the commercial possi
bilities In the Orient under the "open
door" policy in China, to which his ad
ministration has secured the adherence of
the other powers. Is regarded as an ex
ceedingly important utterance and one
which will instantly receive the attention
of the country. His reference to the ac
tion of the Tennessee Legislature, which
half a century ago claimed that the cot
ton trade of the Orient belonged legiti
mately to the South, Is considered partic
ularly forcible.
Vicksburg, with Its swarming memories
of the Civil War, was reached at 12:30
o'clock. In rpply to the welcome extended
by the Mayor and citizens, the President
spoke as follows:
"It gives me very great pleasure to re
ceive the official greeting of the Mayor
and the warm-hearted touch of the peo
ple as they give us greeting to this his
toric city. The highest expression of sat
isfaction at this most cordial reception is
in the single word that you make me
feel at home. Nowhere In my native state
of Ohio could I receive warmer or more
sincere welcome than I have received at
the hands and from the hearts of. the
people of Mississippi, and In the moment
that I have to enjoy with you I can only
make my acknowledgments and congrat
ulate you on the fact that you share In
the universal prosperity and contentment
so characteristic at this time of every
part of our common country. We know
that, whatever others may say or think,
this, to us and for us, is the best coun
try In the world. It Is the land we love
and it is the land of possibilities and of
(Concluded on Third Page.)
First Day of the Pan-American
Formal Dedication Ceremony Post
poned Until May 20-Efforta Be
ine: Made to Get Exhibits
In Place.
BUFFALO, May 1. The beautiful elec
trical display tonight was the culminating
event of the opening day of the Pan
American Exposition. The attendance
this morning was small, owing to the
weather, which kept many away from
near-by towns. Later In the day when
the sun broke through the gray clouds,
the crowd began to assume the propor
tlons of an exposition tnrong. and tonight
thousands passed through the turnstiles.
The gates were opened thl3 morning
without ceremony, the opening day cere.
monies having been postponed until May
20, when they will be combined with ded
ication day exercises. The change in tne
date, however, did not cause a. relaxa
tion of the strenuous efforts being put
forth by every one connected with the
exposition to have everything as nearly
ready as possihle for today's opening.
The appearance of the buildings and
grounds this morning bore ample evi
dence of their efforts. Storm and the In
evitable delays incident to any under
taking of such magnitude made Impos
sible the realization of the hope that
this might be the first of the great expo
stlons to be completed on Its opening
day. But so much more already has been
wrought than was deemed possible at the
inception of the project that all are sat
isfied with the extent and beauty of the
fair as It appears this morning, carried
through the beginning by the citizens ol
Buffalo without state or Federal aid.
William Hanuln was permitted by
agreement to purchase the flrst ticket
having offered some time ago o pay $500C
for the privilege. The ticket Tias sent tc
him yesterday. At noon the pi id admis
sions only aggregated about i,0CO, thi
majority of the visitors being employe!
or others entering on passes.
At noon the Government Building was
thrown open and General Brigham made
an address. The following message fron
Secretary Cortelyou conveyed the con
gratulations of President McKlnley:
"Memphis, Tenn., May 1. The President
directs me to convey his congratulation
to the citizens of Buffalo upon tne au
spicious opening of the Pan-Amerlcar
Exposition, so rich in blossom and rlpa
In expectations. May the hopes and am
bitions of its promoters be realized to th
fullest measure."
In the Government Building many of
th,e.,,,exhlblts were practically complete.
in tne miaway jbosiock-s ammais, me .In
dian Congress, the Hawaiian Village and
other features were ready for business
and attracted many of the visitors.
At 2 o'clock a salute of 45 aerial bombs
was fired and simultaneously hundreds
of flags were raised on the buildings and
Property Loss Amounts to Three
Hundred Thousand Dollars..
SAN JUAN, Porto Rico, May L The lire
which broke out on the pier here yester
day afternoon destroyed that structure
and Its entire contents. The total loss
is estimated at about $300,000, but the
losses are believed to be fully insured.,
with the exception of about $75,000 worth
of cargo awaiting steamers. Eight thou
sand sacks of sugar were awaiting ships
due here today.
Mayor's Resignation Demanded.
LOGANSPORT, 111.. May L At a session
of the City Council tonight a resolution
was passed demanding the resignation of
Mayor George Q. McGee. who is charged
in the resolution with being an exces
sive user of intoxicating liquors. Mayor
McGee is a Republican, and has held the
office two terms.
Federal Government.
The Presidential party Is la New Orleans.
Merchants of New Orleans gave & banquet to
the President. Page 1.
Venezuela satisfactorily explains the Blaz Inci
dent. Page 6.
A Congressional committee will Inspect harbor
improvements on this Coast. Paga 6.
The usual May day disorders were reported ln
Europe. Pace 2.
The man who robbed the American Express of-,
flee in Paris has been arrested. Page 2.
The amount of Chinese indemnity has been
fixed at $273,000,000. Pase 2.
The Pan-American Exposition, at Buffalo was
pened. Page 1.
Cooks and waiters are on strike at San Fran
cisco. Page 2.
Vanderbllt and Gould have been heavy buyers
of Union Pacific. Page 5.
Pacific Coast.
A company has bonded 1000 acres of land near
Koseburg for coal mining-. Page 4.
Apportionment of the 5 per cent fund from,
rale of public land has been made between
Oregon counties. Page 4.
Ex-Fish Commissioner Reed of Oregon has ap
plied for a writ of mandamus, to compel
payment to him of salary and expenses.
Page 4.
Portland market quotations. Page 11.
Domestic and foreign commercial news and
quotations. Page 11.
Transactions of New York Stock Exchange.
Page lL
British ship Cypromene ordered to Portland
from San Francisco head3. Page 10.
Big shipbuilding plants may form a combine.
Page 10.
Portland and Vicinity.
O. R. & N. Co. will build to St. Johns at
once. Page 1.
The 1001 carnival committee agrees on Exposi
tion building: and Multnomah field. Page 12.
Portland Traction Company asks for franchise
from Thirteenth and Washington to First
and Burnslde. Page 8.
City & Suburban will repair between tracks
on Morrison sireet. Page 8-
Mlss Carrie Flandera won the Mrs. J. Wesley
Ladd golf cup. Page 12.
Annual conference of the Evangelical Associa
tion of Oregon begins today. Page 8.
County Commissioners order a survey of the
Riverside road before taking steps to widen
K to SO feet. Pase 8.