Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, May 01, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    mZ MOUSING OKfiGOXIAN. WLDNlialJAf, lUAY 1, 11101.
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TODAY'S "WEATHER. Partly cloudy, with
occasional showers; south to west winds.
"Taxpayer" writes us from Salem:
Since the commitment to the asjlum of
James G. Clarke of Souglas County, a number
of newspapers have renewed the discussion in
Jaor cf requiring that the expense of keep
ing patients be paid b their families when
they arc able to do so It seems to me that
after a man and his family have paid taxes
In this state for 00 years, and have thus aided
In tho support of an asvlurn for the insane,
they are entitled to the benefits of that Insti
tution free of charge, should one member of
"the family become mentally deranged. If a
man is not to have the use of a public Insti
tution when he needs It, why should he be
taxed to support It?
"Taxpayer" loses sight of the reason
lor the establishment and maintenance
of an asylum-for the Jnsane. The pri
mary objectis not a'charitable one, but
such an institution is necessary for the
protection of the lives and property of
the people from the violence of ttiose
"Who become mentally unbalanced. The
object is not only to protect society
irom the attacks of the insane, but to
protect the unfortunate from himself.
An insane man is a part of society, is
entitled to the protection of government,
and must not be permitted to Injure
himself or others. To accomplish this
end a place of restraint Is provided at
public expense. The whole public is
taxed for the support of the institution,
for all persons and property receive the
benefit of the protection it affords. But
the person who loses his mind receives
a double benefit He already had pro
tection from the violence of others, and
"Upon commitment to the asylum has
medical treatment, food, clothing, shel
ter, nursing, and in general Is supported
at public expense. He Is getting- some
thing that his neighbors do not receive,
and It is no more than just that he or
those who are In duty bound to support
him should pay for this additional ben
efit, if financially able to -do so.
The institution under consideration
was founded for the purpose of restrain
ing those -who are not criminal, but
jwho are "dangerous to be at large"
dangerous either to themselves or to
others. A man who does not come un
der this classification is no proper per
son to be committed to the asylum.
Dne "who is so mentally deranged that
Jhe cannot make a living and has no
means of support Is dangerous to him
self, for he would starve, and is there
fore a fit subject for public support
One "who can make a living and won't
dhould be allowed to starve. There are
scores of patients at the Oregon Insane
Asylum who should not be there, but
should be cared for by those who are
Tinder obligations to give them support.
There are many others who are right
fully confined in the asylum but whose
upport should be paid for from their
wn property pr by their relatives. A
lrd class have no means of support,
d this burden Is cheerfully borne by
e taxpayers in general.
To say that there are scores of per-
ons in the asylum who ought not to be
ere is not necessarily a reflection
pon the management of that instltu-
on, but is a criticism upon the reaal-
ess of County Judges to lend their ofll-
IeI sanction to acts of Injustice. When
patient Is taken to the asylum with
commitment in regular form, the au-
orltles have no alternative, but must
ccept the charge. When a, man Is once
the asylum, it Is not an easy matter
,0 discharge mm, ror the asylum au-
orltles are responsible for evil conse-
uences that might follow his dismissal.
e "who Is harmless and yet Is unable
:o provide for himself cannot be turned
ut TFith no one to care for him. It is
o be remarKea with regret tnat reia-
ves are less anxious to resume a bur-
en of tnis Kind tnan tney were to
ve it up. and It is perhaps not prac-
cable for the officers to go about the
tate hunting for those who should be
arlng for certain patients. The root of
he evil lies with the County Judges,
ho should refuse to commit any person
o the asylum unless sufficient evidence
produced to prove that he is "dan-
erous to be afclarge." There axe many
the asylum who should be In poor
ouses, but thesexpense of maintenance
about the same in one institution as
the other.
I In the development of modern indus-
rial and financial organization, fire ln-
irance has dropped behind the proces-
i;n. Toe Business is apparently un
ite to keep paoe with the demands
Jon It A fire loss of 5160,000,000 last
ar and the awful experiences with
itty structures so common nowadays
ive shaken up insurance circles pretty
sc!eotly, and it Is freely predicted by
aerts that within a few months sev-
il more companies" will be -compelled
dr ep out of the -race. Great fires are
fashion, now as aforetime. In New
srk the Hoboken steamship holocaust
and the destruction of a large hotel
within half an hour, despite the best
efforts of thirty engines, are examples
on a large scale of what .has been going
on in every large city of the land. In
Paris the danger of wooden structures
for (thronged resorts was .demonstrated
fcln. the loss of 124 lives, and the Cripple-
gate disaster in London enforced the
game lesson. At Berlin next month will
'occur the International Exposition of
Fire Prevention and Fire Protection, at
which exhibits and discussion will en
deavor to throw what light they can on
the'danger and Its remedy.
Nobody seems to be able to show defi
nitely what Is needed for fire preven
tion or for protection of fire insur
ance companies against ruin. The ex
pedient of a trust has been suggested,
but experts tell us that the business
does not lend Itself readily to combina
tion. Few if any of the strong compa
nies could be persuaded into a stock
deal such as our industrial concerns
have been passing through, and the
most that could be hoped for in any
event would be a distribution of the fire
loss over the 'whole field of underwrit
ing. This would equalize the loss, but
would not reduce it, and it is fair to
suppose that the strongest companies
would fancy their own methods too
well-advised to justify jeopardizing
them in a combination. Rates may be
advanced, it Is true, but present close
relations are adequate for that, and
every advance means a decline in poli
cies. Fire insurance is, we may be sure,
too much at the mercy of municipal
politics. Great loss can be Indirectly
ascribed to the control of fire depart
ments by bosses. How little compunc
tion Is felt at this practice was shown
by the recent Oregon Legislature's sum
mary destruction of a force here in
Portland which had the overwhelming
commendation of property-owners. If
the fire departments of our cities could
be taken out of politics, there would be
fewer fire losses for Insurance compa
nies to worry over, and rates would In
time be lower. It is money in the
pocket of every policy-holder, every
time he helps advance the merit system
among municipal employes.
It is astonishing that acts of youthful
vandalism, such as were described in
The Oregonlan of last Sunday by Mr.
r. C. Freeman, of Mount Tabor, as hav
ing taken place on his premises a few
evenings ago, should be permitted In
any civilized community, and amazing
that any man, even a parent of one
of the destructively mischievous gang
of youngsters, should attempt to palli
ate the outrage by accrediting It to the
natural exuberance of youthful spirits
the traditional desire, excusable if not
distinctly laudable, of boys to have "a
good time." There is an explanation of
the matter that is not in any sense an
excuse in the defense entered by a
father of one of the lawless lads who
created such a disturbance at Mr. Free
man s home, wrecked his dooryard
fence and defaced his dwelling. Other
wise it is inconceivable that boys in any
civilized community should dare so
rudely and scandalously to Interpret the
word "fun" as did these boys upon thai
"Veritable demons of mischief are boys
who go out under semi-parental sanc
tion to commit acts af wanton mischief,
whether simply to annoy neighbors
whom they may happen "not to like" or
mallclously to Injure property for the
same to them good and sufficient rea
son. Only a few months ago a resident
of this city was forced to defend him
self in court for inflicting injury upon a
boy who, with others, or In the com
pany of others, was endeavoring to
throw down his woodpile. Becoming
enraged through vain attempts to make
the boys desist from their outrageous
"fun," he wrathfully and Imprudently
discharged a gun as he supposed, in
the air wounding one of the number
more or less seriously, and subjecting
himself to prosecution for dangerous
assault Of course this man was inex
cusable, but if it comes to that, so was
the assaulting party, and doubly so
were the parents of the lads. Let the
public be emphatic upon this point un
til delinquent parents are forced to
confess judgment and set themselves
diligently to the task of preventing oc
currences of this exasperating and wan
tonly destructive type.
The plea of "young blood," as based
upon a recollection of a man's boyhood
days and pranks, Is one that any parent
should be ashamed to make. If, unfor
tunately, he was untaught In the com
mon principle of equity and behavior
that bids each member of the commu
nity respect the personal and property
rights of everx other member, he gains
nothlng.uStEtflfor his own cause or that
of his obstreperous son, through recital
of this fact In half-boastful, half-apologetic
strain. Back of it all Is the sim
ple fact that boys In this age should
be taught to respect the rights of oth
ers; or, to use a common term, to
"school themselves," whether their
fathers were so taught or not. The
Idea that during the transition period
between boyhood and manhood covering
a space of from three to seven years,
boys must be "put up with" rather
than brought by proper training to or
derliness and respect for their elders, Is
but the pitiful, cowardly refuge of par
ents who find, or seek to find, In It ex
cuse for dereliction of parental duty.
There is absolutely no reason In boy
nature why some boys of from 12 to 15
and 20 years should be an Infliction
upon the neighborhood, disrespectful to
their parents, to women and to their
elders generally, and a pest and annoy
ance to teachers. All boys are not pests
popular opinion, based upon parental
Irresponsibility, to the contrary not
withstanding. None should be permit
ted to be so, still less encouraged In
being so, by parental excuses. The
mother who takes an unruly schoolboy's
part against his teacher and the father
who harks back to his own unruly boy
hood in defense of his son's playful
habit of stopping his neighbor's chim
ney with straw on a cold morning, over
turning his store of wood, neatly piled
for the Winter, throwing rocks through
his windows, taking his gates off their
hinges and hiding them, battering the
fence and walls of his house with rails,
filling the dooryard with rubbish, etc.,
are enemies to law, decency and order.
If they cannot be Impressed with this
fact by any other means, it Is well and
Indeed necessary that they be haled
before the court and brought to a sense
of their own duty and the rights of
others by the levy of heavy fines and
cost of prosecution.- If tribute were
thus exacted of fathers for neglect to
control their boys, such acts of youthful
vandalism as have been frequently re
ported in this city durinxr tha nast few
months "would cease. Otherwise, they
are likely to continue until the Reform5
School at Salem becomes a burden upon
taxpayers too great to be borne.
President Tucker, of Dartmouth,
writes to the New Tork Evening Post
from San Francisco that he was mis
quoted in the New Tork Times' report
of his Boston sermon. He did not say
that "the Christian church has been
set back, nobody knows how far, ,by
the behavior of missionaries in China."
What he did say was that "the be
havior of Christian nations in China"
had retarded indefinitely the progress of
Christianity In that country. The point
he was speaking to was the lamenta
ble "break between the faith and the
morals of Christendom," in such a way
that "Christendom has been exposed
before paganism," and "the very na
tions which have sent out apostles to
preach the gospel have shown that they
have not learned to keep the command
ments." Taken In connection with Mr. Ament's
defense, and Minister Conger's lndorse-i
ment this denial of President Tucker's
leaves the antagonists of the mission
aries in unenviable case. Most of the'
asDersions of American missionaries are
referable to other sources than dispas
sionate study of evidence. The antl,
or course, needs no outside aid what
ever for his intuition that whatever is
American is wrong, missionaries in
cluded. Then there are our religious
Philistines to whom nothing appears so
sweet and reasonable as carping at
evangelical work, whether at home or
abroad. Commercial circles, which mis
sionaries have accused of stirring up
hatred In China, are doubtless disposed
to retaliate in kind.' Such trustworthy
evidence as we have had goes to show
that the missionaries have done about
as the average American of spirit and
of rough-and-ready action would have
done. They were disposed to protect
and feed themselves and their native
dependents the best way they could,
and they helped themselves to what was
handy, wltheut any more breaches pf
regularity than the peculiar occasion
warranted, precisely as an American
soldier or trader would have done un
der similar circumstances.
The rise of antl-ism in the United
States has incidentally intensified an
unlovely disposition to accept as true
the worst possible charge against our
representatives abroad. A little reflec
tion will remind us here in Oregon how
readily we were Inclined to credit slan
derous stories against our splendid regi
ment in the Philippines. An exaggera
tion of this willingness to think evil is
seen In the avidity with which some
of our people snap up allegations of
looting and cruelty against our soldiers
In China, as well as in the Philippines,
and in the magnification of saloon and
social evils at Manila. Wholesale cen
sure of our American missionaries Is of
a piece with this aspersion of the Army.
There Is a humiliating survival of su
perstition In the View some people have
of missionaries. We are ant to DUt the
missionary, as we do the bicyclist, or
the Mormon, or the Jew, or the Catholic,
off In a peculiar and uncanny class by
himself, forgetting that he Is, after all,
just our ordinary American human
nature In his own calling or society.
Dr. Hunter Wells and Dr. Maud Allen,
whose lives were humane and reputable
here at home In Portland, cannot have
changed, we may be sure, through a
mere sea voyage, Into fiends or ogres.
Credulity also Indulges heavy drafts
upon Itself In picturing the missionaries
as boldly endeavoring to tear out pagan
religious ideas, root and branch, and
plant orthodox creeds in their place as
deftly as the dentist puts a Richmond
crown on a decapitated tooth. Mission
ary methods have grown apace the past
few years, along with other things. In
the books of Henry Drummond, Phillips
Brooks and Lyman Abbott Is set out
very clearly the modern evangelism for
foreign work, which emphasizes educa
tional, medical and sanitary effort
among the "heathen," and seeks to
utilize whatever good is in Confucian
Ism or Buddhism. Mission boards do
not, as a rule, pick out thieves or imbe
ciles for the foreign fields.
It Is not Inopportune to call the atten
tion of Portland people to one fact bear
ing upon the local railroad situation
that has not been given much consider
ation. We have been striving to get
Eastern capitalists railroad capital
ists, of course to put up money for
our railroad enterprises, meanwhile for
getting that they have no particular In
terests in Oregon and would rather
favor the railroad or system with which
they already have some sort of rela
tion. In this way such an enterprise as
the projected railroad between Portland
and the Nehalem and Tillamook Coast,
when taken Into the Eastern market,
must run the gauntlet of great trans
continental railroad financiers and per
haps finally be lost In some vague but
effective assignment of territory calcu
lated to tie up the local project Indefi
nitely. There Is little room for doubt that the
Portland. Nehalem & Tillamook rail
road enterprise Is meeting some such
treatment as this In New Tork." To the
men there It Is merely the question of
augmenting "transcontinental tonnage,
and they see no reason why the Neha
lem country should not be drained to
the East by way of Puget Sound or
even by the Corvallls-Albany-Sacra-
mento-Ogden route. What do they care
for Portland? All they want Is the
long haul to market at goodly freight
rates. By keeping the Nehalem traffic
out of Portland It would be kept from
contact with competition among trans
continental carriers.
This makes it necessary for Portland
to provide her own relief. Portland
Interests will not be served by a road
that shall take Nehalem and Tillamook
commerce to some other point, passing
around Portland. It is preposterous
that so rich a region lying so near our
very door should be drained away Off
to foreign parts to the immeasurable
detriment of both this city and the
country to be developed; but this is
what is likely to be done if present ap
pearances are not deceptive.
An Independent line btween Portland
and Nehalem and Tillamook Bays is
what Portland needs and should have.
This would encourage the development
of the vast native resources of that
richest quarter of Oregon, and It Is only
business logic that its trade should flow
this way. But what bond of fraternity
or reciprocity is there between the Nw
Tork investor and the Tillamook dairy
man and the Nehalem timberman?
There are fraternal and reciprocal re
latlons between Portland and the Neha-1
-lent Valley and the Tillamook Coast
These interests would work together for
mutual good. But the railroad that
shall weld them together will probably
fall to the lot of Portland to provide.
Of the Union Theological Seminary
senior class of thirty, the New Tork
Sun reports that four at least have been
refused licenses to preach after exami
nation before various ecclesiastical
bodies. One was rejected because he
was unable to bring" the doctrine of
evolution and Genesis into agreement,
and one because he averred that not
even Jesus' and Paul's belief in im
mortality made it Incumbent upon him
to hold such a, belief In order to make
him fit for carrying on the ministry of
Christian teachings in this world. The
student who could not reconcile evolu
tion with the story of the creation in
the first chapter of Genesis inspired his
questioners with the conviction that he
put more confidence in the teachings
of science than in the declarations of
the Bible. The other candidate was re
jected because he felt himself unable
to say that his belief In immortality
was identical' w.ith that of Jesus and
Paul. Among other things, this young
man said:
I am In a ministry of this world; I hold
that this life is worth living. I can only
preach what I have mself felt and expe
rienced. Nobody can preach anything else I
can't take declarations of the Bible or decla
rations of any one else except as my own ex
periences and moral convictions reveal their
truth to me They (his examiners) were ask
ing about beliefs of the future, and as I say,
I hold that there is a ministry for this life,
and the only truths I know are those con
firmed In my own moral convictions.
If parents will not, and the police
cannot lay for the unruly boys in the
Central East Side district, the former
with well-seasoned birch rods, the latter
with warrants for arrest for acts of
vandalism, property-owners and resi
dents will have to arm themselves .with
rawhides and go prepared to effect cap
tures and lay the law down in gbod,
old-fashioned style upon the backs of
the culprits. No man should be com
pelled to suffer without possibility of
recompense the damage to his prem
ises and the loss of labor Inflicted upon
Joseph Klstler Sunday night, as de
tailed In The Oregonlan yesterday, by
a raid upon and defacement of his
newly painted and papered house near
the Central School building. Words
have no effect upon these youthful van
dals; it may soon become necessary to
"try what virtue there 'is in stones"
thrown with a determined albeit a re
luctant hand.
The action of the President In ap
pointing one of his assistant secretaries,
Mr. Pruden, as Major and Paymaster
is not commendable. It is true that
President Harrison appointed his pri
vate secretary, Elijah W. Halford, to a
Paymastershlp In the Army, but It Is a
vicious precedent which Is more hon
ored in the breach than In the observ
ance. Such places belong to officers of
the regular Army who have followed L
the profession of arms for years and In
curred disability for further service In
the field, either through wounds or dis
ease. To confiscate these Paymaster
ships to pay the President's political
debts or reward his personal friends is
utterly wrong, for It Is bestowing the
legitimate rewards of faithful service
In the line of the Army upon civilians
and making Paymastershlps part of the
President's private fund of political
capital distributed as Presidential pat
ronage. '
A blizzard In all respects save that
the air, the rain and even the snow
were warm, swept over larsre areas of
the great plateau Saturday, watering
an 'immense drought-threatened section
following the Eastern slope of the
Rocky Mountains from Northeast Utah
to the British Columbia line. Not in
many years has a snow storm in April
been so general In that region, and it
may be added that not In many years
has It been so badly needed. Spring
lambs, caught out, suffered to a consid
erable extent, but the Iobs thereby will
be much more than offset by the abun
dance of grass which the moisture in
sures to the ranges. Stockmen and
mlneowners are congratulating them
selves and each other upon the heavy
precipitation, as it Insures a prosperous
season for both, and, indeed, through
them, prosperity for all classes of busi
ness and Industry In the state.
.Pobledonostzeff, the Chief Procurator
of theHoIy Synod, the highest priest of
the Russian Church, is the bitterest
enemy of reform and the principles of
constitutional government, for which
Tolstoi contends, in all Russia, and his
Influence with the Czar Is supreme. He
is a man of great learning, is familiar
with the works of John Stuart Mill,
Carlyle, Herbert Spencer and Ralph
Waldo Emerson, but opposes with great
vigor and bitterness parliaments, free
dom of the press, the education of the
masses and trial by Jury; deprecate,
the culture and civilization of all West
ern nations, which he regards as carry
ing national moral and Intellectual
death in their clothes. He is an ultra-
conservative In everything that con
cerns the state, with which In Russia
the church Is closely joined.
The dedication tomorrow of the mon
ument commemorating the foundation
of the provisional government at Cham
poeg ""fifty-eight years ago should be
largely attended, not only by pioneers
of the Willamette Valley and their de
scendants, but by those who came later
to reap whathese had sown. The del
egation from this city should be a large
and representative one. It should In
clude many boys and girls of the his
tory classes In our public schools, who
would receive thereby a most Important
lesson in our local history at first hand.
Chief of Police Ames, of Suffolk, Va.,
recently officially cowhlded Carrie
Palmer and Lavlnla White, disreputa
ble women, who were afterwards driven
from town. Shakespeare was evidently
familiar with this kind of a Sheriff, for
he makes Lear say:
Thou rascal beadle, hold thy bloody hand;
Why dost thou lash that woman?
Strip thine own back;
Thou hotlji lust' st, to use her In that kind.
For which thou whlpp'st her.
The Vanderbllts have long been work
ing for control of a through rail line
from seaboard to seaboard, though tney
have not made so much noise about it
as have other schemers in the same
field. If it shall prove true that they
have obtained control of the Union Pa
cific, this will be the first rail route
from ocean to ocean, under one control.
If the Injunction shall be found to be
an effectual bar to railroad combina
tion, it will reealn much favor in ouar-
ters where it was recently not popular.
New Tork Times.
On March 16 we reported the sale at
Llbble's, In Boston, of the previously un
known Whlttler poem, "Pericles." This
poem, which possesses marked Interest,
on account of Its being one of the earliest
poetical productions of the poet, is in
broadside form and antedates by one year
the poem of Whittler's long supposed
to be the first published in a book, "J.
G. Whlttler to the Rustic Bard." (print
ed In Haverhill In 1S28 In Robert Dlns
moor's "Incidental Poems.") This most
Interesting possession, we have learned,
is now In the collection of Joseph W.
Stern, of this city, and, with the per
mission of Its owner, a portion of It Is
here printed for the first time since its
original appearance.
The poem contains four verses of 12
lines each, with a quotation of seven lines
from Rollln at the beginning. At the top
Is: "Pericles, by John G. Whlttler," and
at the bottom Is: "Haverhill, Mass., 9th
mo, 1S27." The quotation Is roughly print
ed In this way:
Pericles at the funeral of his son did his ut
most to preserve his usual tranquillity, and
did not show any outward symptom of sor
row. But when he was to put the crown of
flowers on the head of hla dead son he could
-not stifle the transports of hlls grief, which
forced Its way In cries, in sobs, and a flood of
The first veree of Whittler's poem Is
as follows:
Stand back! stand backl je mourners all.
The father of the dead
Comes up the long, resounding hall,
With a slow and solemn tread.
There's gloom upon hla lofty brow,
There's sadness In his eye.
But a hero's bride hath nerv"d him now,
"With strength that cannot die.
He will not weep, as ye have wept.
But calmly gaze upon
The funeral shroud ye have darkly wrapt
Around his 'noble son.
The following Is the fourth and last
He wept the strong man bow'd hla head
To agony's control.
The memory of the past had shed
Its blighting in his soul.
Nor deem It an Ignoble part
By that worn father shown,
That pride was banished from his heart.
And nature ruled alone.
'Twas nature's high and holy claim
Upon his tenderness
Should warrior pride, should dread of shame,
That feeling e'er suppress?
.This extract will give some Idea of
"Pericles," which is undeniably the work
of Whlttler, the born balladlst, who was
only 19 when It was written. It Is not
Included In the "complete and definitive"
edition of his writings, and Is not referred
to In the authoritative "Life" of the
poet, written by his nephew-ln-law and
literary executor, Samuel T. Pickard It
Is, however, more striking and original
than 6ome of Whittler's other early ef
forts, which the poet printed in his col
lected works, and which he called "the
weak beginnings of a graduate of a poor
county district school." It is important
In both a bibliographical and a literary
way, and is unusually interesting because
it was probably the first of his poems to
appear over his name. Mr. Pickard says
that Whittler's early verses were pub
lished over the names of "Adrian," "Don
ald," "Timothy," "MIcajah," "Ichabod,"
and "W ," and then goes on to say that
"The first' poem that appeared with his
full name was a long one entitled 'The
Outlaw,' printed In thf Gazette October
28, 1828 " The Interest possessed by "Peri
cles" is increased by Mr. Pickard's state
ment, as this new poem is a year earlier
and also bears the poet's full name.
Great Britain's Position Affords
Cause for Alarm.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Once again Americans are asked to
shed tears over the blue ruin that threat
ens the British Empire by reason of the
Boer war. But if our lachrymal glands
refuse to exude a saline drop our British
cousins must pardon the seeming callous
ness to their plajnts, because we have
heard the same tale of woe before. We
refuse to believe that the second wealth
iest nation in the world is on the brink of
bankruptcy because, forsooth, its chan
cellor of the exchequer draws a long face
over a war deficit of 53,207,000.
There was much about the speech of
Sir Michael Hicks-Beach to suggest Gold
smith's immortal warning
ill fares the land, to Hastening ills a prey
Where wealth accumulates and men decay.
Goldsmith died in the year 1774, and in
that year the wealth of the United King
dom, estimated by Young and quoted by
Mulhall, was 1,100,000,000. In 17S0 the
population of the United Kingdom was
given as 9,561,000 and in 1763 the national
debt was 147,000.000.
Since that date the wealth of the king
dom has grown to 12,000,000,000, the pop
ulation to 40,000,000 and the national debt
March 31, 1899, Including cost of Suez canal
shares, 627,562,585.
How much "ruin" Great Britain can
stand and prosper under may be best
shown by a comparison of Its debt and
wealth after the Napoleonic war and
now. in millions:
Wealth. Debt
1815 2,200 861
1899 12,000 627
At the conclusion of the war with Napo
leon the population of the United King
dom was less than 20,000,000, so the na
tional debt was then about 45 per
capita, while the wealth was only 110.
In 1899 the population of the United King
dom is 40,000,000, and Its debt is only a lit
tle over 15 per capita, while Its wealth
Is 300 per man, woman and child.
From .these figures It appears that the
lugubrious speech of Sir Michael Hicks
Beach is the squeal of the proverbial
shop-keeping Briton under a deficit
If John Bull will have empire he can't
always expect to avoid paying the price.
He must not complain if the Transvaal
comes higher than Egypt and the Suez
Millionaires of the Past.
Chambers's Journal.
Croesus was by no means the richest
of the ancients, despite his having had
his name adopted as the synonym for
wealth. The glory and grandeur of Sar
danapalus, the magnificence of the Ro
man Emperors, the dazzling splendors of
tha Pharoahe, of Cleopatra, of Darius, of
Alexander, were evidences of material
resources far exceeding those of Croesus.
Yet the actual bequeathable wealth of
even the Roman Emperors, with all their
power of'absorptlon by conquest, taxation,
confiscation, the exaction of tribute, and
what not, did not represent probably half
as much positive ownership as the wealth
of many a millionaire of today who pos
sesses neither title nor dignity beyond
that which his self-made position confers
upon him Tin. Emperor Tiberiu3 left at
his death above 28,500,000, it is supposed;
but LI Hung Chang of today Is reported
to be three or four times as rich as the
Imperial Roman, while Mr. Beit could
have bought him up several times over.
Nor is it likely that the fortunes of any
of the living millionaires named will van
ish as the fortunes of the ancients occa
sionally did. Tlberlus's millions were
squandered in les3 than a year by his dis
sipated successor, Caligula, which is not
to be wondered at when as much as 80,000
was spent on a single dinner; but it was
"easy come, easy go," with the riches of
the Roman rulers. Caesar was not given
to parsimony, yet even before he attained
supreme power he had feathered his nest
to the tune of nearly 3,000,000, and In his
later years had all the affluence he could
desire, but riches did not mean stability
even for Caesar. Cleopatra, at the height
of her power, had command of an enor
mous revenue, and was lavish In her giv
ing as In her spending. Did she not on
one memorable occasion make the favored
and infatuated Antony a present of a dla
mond valued at 800,000?
There is something about a play m
which the scenery assists in the action
and a dooryard gate becomes a low come
dian, while a windmill does a specialty
turu that is irresistible to all classes
of theater-goers. The element of sur
prise, always an important factor In com
edy, predominates, and the- spectator,
making a wrong guess at what is coming
next laughs at his own astonishment.
"The Evil Eye," one of the best of this
kind of plays, which was presented to a
big house at the Marquam last night, is
just as bright and amusing as ever, the
action is just as rapid, and the Illusions
just as Ingenious and bewildering. And
the company Is by far the best whicSi has
presented it in Portland, the changes
made in the cast being decidedly for the
The play has been brightened since seen
here last year, all the specialties are up
to date and clever, .while the songs are
really new. Portland has waited long
for new songs. It has weathered minstrel
shows, comic opera, musical farce com
edy and nearly everything else, only to
hear the same old friends, and when a
company comes along and omits "When
the Harvest Time Is Over" and "The Blue
and the Gray," and substitutes . a few
numbers that have not been heard be
fore, it should be held In grateful remem
brance if for that alone.
Of course the principal feature of the
evening's entertainment was the work of
BoranI and Elliot, two tongueless come
dians who are Inimitable In their llne3,
and who manage to have something doing
whenever they happen to be on the
stage. Charles Loder, as Peleg Kalsen
helmer, the eccentric German, created con
siderable merriment by his comedy, and
in his specialty number sang nls songs
so well that the audience forgave him
for the rather patriarchal character of his
Mayme Mayo, as Adora van De Vort
(under which Imposing name the soubrette
of the comedy struggles), possesses a
pleasing stage presence, which she en
hancpi by some stunning costumes, and
she knowj how to use a good voice effect
ively. Her song, "My Rainbow Coofi,"
was one of the hits of the evening.
The Phasey troupe gave a prettily-costumed
military dance, and their electric
ballet in the last act is certainly the
most beautiful dance ever given at the
Marquam. Charles E. Flynn sang a bal
lad with considerable expression, and Lora
Lelb displayed a clear soprano voice to
much advantage whenever opportunity
was afforded her.
It Is more concerted than Individual
work which gives the play its charm, how
ever. Every member of "the company
knows what Is expected of him and when
to do it, and so rapid is the action
that a panorama passes before the eyes
of the spectators so swiftly that it is
really confusing to try to follow it. The
scenic effects are remarkable In their in
genuity, and the costuming is all bright
and, new.
"The Evil Eye" will be repeated at the
matinee today and tonight.
"The Adventures of Nell Gwynn," at
Cordray's Theater.
"The Adventures of Nell Gywnn," a
Nell Gywnn play which Is said to be the
strongest comedy founded on the story
of the beautiful actress of the time of
Charles II, will be presented at Cordray's
Theater Friday night and the remainder
of the week by the Belasco and Thall
Company. Miss Florence Roberts, who
has been so successful in the role of
Sapho, will play the name part. Thus
fir ' Sapho" has proved one of the
strongest attractions of the season and
has firmly established the reputation of
the Belasco-Thall Company in Portland.
The Y. M. C. A. Carnival.
Over 100 athletes will take part in the
T. M. C. A carnival, which Is. to be held
at the Marquam Theater Friday night
The programme has been so arranged as
to provide a- rapid succession of marches,
drills, feats of strength and tricks, inter
spersed with music, which, the manage
ment 'promises, will be unusually good.
At the rehearsal Monday night the num
ber by the young women, the "Brownies."
number by the little boys, and the inter
esting and difficult work by the young
men athletes were all seen to be excellent
features. As neither pains nor expense
are to be spared to make the carnival a
success, the friends of those who are to
take part are eagerly looking forward to
it. The sale of seats will open at the
Marquam box office at 10 o'clock thi3
"Nathan Hale."
"Nathan Hale," Clyde Fitch's stirring
dramatization of the story of the noble
patriot spy of the Revolution, will be
seen at the Marquam Grand Monday,
TueBday and Wednesday nights. May 6, 7,
8. Clyde Fitch, the author of the play,
is a Connecticut boy, having been born
In Hartford. Nathan Hale himself was
born In Coventry, Conn., and graduated
from Yale in 1773. One of his stanchest
friends, who was also a Continental Cap
tain with him. was William Hull, also a
graduate of Yale In 1773. Alice Adams,
Nathan Hale's sweetheart, was born In
Canterbury, Conn., and her father, Colo
nel Adams, was one of New England's
contributions to the Revolutionary causo.
The early scenes of the play are laid In
New London, Conn. It may not be gen
erally known that the Rev. E. E. Hale,
the author of "A Man Without a Coun
try," is a grand-nephew of the Revolu
tionary martyr.
Notes of the Stage.
It Is said that Frances Wilson will tour
the Pacific Coa3t next Summer.
Honolulu is beginning to be figured as
a part of Pacific Coast theatrical routes.
The engagement of the Frawley Com
pany In Seattle, has, it Is reported, not
been as successful as was expected.
Blanche Bates lately distinguished her
self by knocking down a man who tried
to address her on the streets In New
Thomas Q. Seabrooke recently made
himself so unpopular In Detroit that the
manager of the local theater promised
that the actor should never again appear
on that stage.
Ben Howard, who was formerly with
the James Nelll Company, Is playing
Shakespearean roles this Summer. It Is
Mr. Howard's purpose to study every
form of the drama.
How Roberts "Won the "Victoria Cross
"The Life and Deeds of Earl Roberts," by J.
Maclaren Cobban.
Roberts noted that a sowar of the
squadron with which he rode was In great
danger from a Sepoy with a fixed bayonet
The contest of sword against bayonet
would have ended disastrously had not
Roberts intervened and disposed of the
bayonet That was barely done, when he
noticed in the distance two Sepoys fleeing
with a standard. He galloped after the
rebels and overtook them, and then he
had a close, light for the possession of the
standard. He cut down Its chief bearer.
While wrenching the staff from the man's
grasp with both his hands the other Sepoy
turned his musket on him and fired. The
muzzle was within a few inches of Rob
erts' person, and there would certainly
havo been an end of him had not the
muskt refused to go off. As it was, he
rode away unhurt with the standard, and
"or those two courageous and gallant acts
in close stccesslon Roberts got the Vic
toria truss.
Should See the Columbia.
McMinnville Reporter.
President McKlnley's only stops in Ore
gon as he passes through will be at Sa
lem and Portland. It is to be regretted
that he could not have visited the mouth
of the Columbia River, where the Gov
ernment will be asked to expend vast
sums of money in Improvements. A per
sonal knowledge would prove beneficial
to the President In making recommenda
tions to Congress.
Of course you have forgotten it but
this is Dewey day.
Speaking of red-hot Imperialists, la.thera
anything the matter with Emillo Agulnal
do, of Manila?
Captain Carter naturally wants to get
out of jail so be can begin to invest
his money In a Senatorial prospect
ilarj had a little lamb.
Its fleece was white as snow;
It looked still fairer la & dish
"With rich brown gravy, though.
Perhaps Admiral Sampson was right
after all when he intimated that Gun,
ner Morgan was not a gentleman.
Now Mrs, Nation is going to tackle
the cigar store. But she may find-a for
midable adversary of her own sex in "My
Lady Nicotine."
A Kansas evangelist recently made 555
converts. There must have beenjlsome
ground and lofty backslidbag there forfthav
next few weeks.
In the Spring- the young- man's fancx turns to
thoughts of gladsome rags.
In the Sprins the soulless poet springs all
sorts of mildewed gags, &
In the Spring, when balmy zephyrs fanned
the trees with gentle breath.
Tennyson composed a poem that's been paro
died to death.
The grave and the toil-stained Kansxa-
Goes forth at early worn
And spends the day In labor
To raise the golden corn;
But wily Mr. Phillips,
Sans labor. In a trice
Doth make It pay still better
To simply raise the price.
In the morning call me early, call ine early,
mother dear.
For at the peep of dawn, mother, the landlord
will be hero.
You know It's the first of May, mother, and
we haven't a single cent;
Tls cheaper to move than pay rent, mother,
cheaper to move than pay rent.
The latest statistics of the Salvation
Army show that there are 732 corps now
In the United States, with 24 food depots,
which have furnished 110,000 monthly
meals, and 190 social institutions for the
poor, with a total daily accommodation
in the same for 7200. The worklngmen's
hotels number 66, and the working
women have six, with an aggregate of
6325 inmates. Five labor bureaus and
three farm colonies are established, the
latter having 240 laborers. Other minor
institutions and slum settlements num
ber about SO in alt The expenditure on all
these institutions in 1900 was 5253,000, oC
which 5210,000 wa3 raised by the work or
the payments of inmates.
Chief Engineer Melville, of the United
States Navy, la In the enjoyment of; ro
bust health, and has every reason to
hope for many years of life; yet he has,
caused hla own. tomb to be erected in
Arlington cemetery, Arlington, Va., and
has had the following lnscribtion engraved
: Born July 30, 1841.
: Died ,
The Admiral decided some time ago that
when he should die he would like to be
burled in Arlington cemetery, and In or
der to prevent any miscarriage of his
plans after bis death he ordered the tomb
to be prepared and placed in position.
The Opening Day.
Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. -"Play
ballt" Again the cry goes up
From where the umpire stands.
And forward strides a husky chap,
A willow In his hands.
A sphere of horsehlde cleaves the air
Like missile .from a gnn;
The batsman swings and looks amazed.
The umpire says, "Strike one!"
Again the batsman makes his pose.
The pitcher throws a fit;
Then with the bat the ball collides.
And thousands cheer the hit.
The rooters yell till they are hoarse.
The cranks their score cards dot,
"While peepers at the knotholes smile.
And those who bat wax hot
Another husky chap appears,
And at the pitcher grins;
Again the ball la fiercely banged.
And to the shortstop spins.
Two men are sprinting down, the lines,
While watching thousands shout;.
A rapid double play Is made
The umpire calls both out.
Then from all sides come hoots and Jeers,
And howls of rage and grief;
The rooters at the umpire scowl
And Join In shouts of "Thleft"
There's woe among the bleacherites.
In grandstand there's a kick;
And urchins on the fencetop yell;
"Say, swipe dat umpire qulckl""
The storm Is hushed, the game proceeds
Though oft the umpire's Jeered;
The ball Is banged, and thrown, and tossed.
And players oft are chceered. u.
The rooters' spirits rlaeJfiaa f&U -
The cranks note everyplay.
And if the game ends well all Join
In one great, glad "Hooray!"
The season's on. and now for months
All hands wilt talk baseball,
And pennant hopes will often rise,
And often take a fall.
And to the front again now comes
The old. familiar bore,
"Who never goes to see a game,
But asks about the score.
Cleaning: House.
Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
The air vibrates
with slow and measured
And o'er the landscape oft a dust cloud scuds;
For In the back, yard gloomily now stands
A man with face begrimed and blUtered
Across a rope the parlor carpet hang3,
And on It with a club he feebly bangs:
Hlo eyes are filled with dust, his ears th
same, . ,
His arms are sore, his back is stiff and lame.
But often comes this cry across the yard
"Why don't you beat that carpet real hard?
His Ire Is roused, but no retort goes back;
In-tead he hits the thing a fiercer crack.
And pounds away with grimness of despair.
While still the dust ascends to spoil the air.
At last, ere darkness hides his task from view.
Again he hears the voice. "I'll make It do.
But don't Imagine that your work s complete
For there are tea much worse than that U
The carpet from the rope is meekly tugged
And slowly to the parlor It Is luggad;
And then, though back and arms and handi .
are sore.
The wearied man must tack it to the floor.
And oft he growls about his aching- back.
And oft he hits his thumb Instead of tack:
But there he toils until the Job Is done. ,
Am! gets to bed Just as tha clock strikes one.
And there's a week or more of such distress.
Of ansulsh that no words can e'er express;
Confusion dire Is reigning everywhere.
And soap and whitewash odors All tho air;
Tho meals are late, and often fall to please.
Aid een when In bed there's lttle ease.
For not an hour of comfort can be sleum J
Until the house has been complexly cleaned.
Why wonder, then, that hubbies rol ani
When everything is thus turned upiide down?
The wonder Is they don't go far and fast
i Until the time for cleaning noma has passed.
gjtsLAba-'A !&