"Wfi TC"" I ''I THE MORNING 0BEGOOTAN, WEDNESDAY, KAY f, 1901. 5 KIDNAPERS SICK OF IT WILIiUfG TO BETBRJf THE MOXEY. PAET OF Omaha. Packer Refuse to "Withdraw the Reward or Give Up the Search for the Criminals. fTWAfTTA, April 30. An agent of the kid napers has made a proposition -to Edward JL Cudahy to return $21,000 of the money paid for his son's ransom, demanding in return a -withdrawal of the $25,000 reward and a cessation of the search that is being prosecuted, together with an abandon ment of the determination to punish the criminals. The proposition came In a letter from Elgin, III., and Mr. Cudahy Is convinced of Its authenticity. He went to Chicago 10 days ago because of it, be ing summoned there by his brother In response to overtures that had been made. He refused to consider the offer for a. min ute, and declares his unchanged resolve to prosecute to the end the search for the men who stole his boy. 'I received a letter about 10 days ago," said Mr. Cudahy. "It was dated April 15, at Elgin, and bore the Elgin post mark. I cannot show It to you because I sent it to Mr. PInkerton; nor can I give you Its contents verbatim, as I did not . make a copy of It. It was very brief, and recited that the chief kidnaper had communicated with the writer, and was getting uneasy. It set forth that the ehase by the detectives was getting un comfortably close, and asked if I would "withdraw the offer of reward now out standing, and let up on the effort to find the criminals, 'and have $21,000 of the $23,- 000 ransom returned to me. "It seems that the writer got somewhat in a hurry, for as soon as he mailed the letter he must have slipped right over to Chicago, where he called on my brother, Michael, the same day, which was two weeks ago today. He asked my brother whether I -would consider a proposition of that kind. My brother told him that he did not know anything about it, but would ask me to come over to Chicago and talk the matter over, althugh he did not believe that I would consider it. That afternoon I received a telegram from my brother, asking if I could come over, and 1 replied that I would be over there In the morning. I left here on the afternoon train, and on reaching Chicago I learned what had transpired at that end of the line. I arrived home Thursday, and the letter from Elgin was here awaiting me. "The letter was signed and gave direc tions how a reply should be addressed to reach the writer at Elgin. I do not wish to make that public, as assurances were given that I would not, and that the party could submit such proposition as he de sired to make. So far as the offer Is concerned, It has been rejected. I refused absolutely and unqualifiedly to consider It, and am determined to prosecute this search as vigorously as I know how. That is what we started out to do, and I feel as If I would follow those men to the end of the earth. I realize that this means $46,000 to me, and that Is a sum that Is certainly an object to any man, no matter what may be his means. As I feel about the matter, I would spend my last $1000 rather than compromise with the criminals. I am desirous of having them punished for what they have done, and to deter any other daring gang from compelling other parents to undergo what we ha.ve undergone." BAD FOR EASTOIAK. Some Evidence Introduced Favor able to the Prosecution. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 30. The pen. dulum of evidence In the Eastman murder trial today swung slightly over to the state's side of the case through a fa vorable decision In the morning and some expert testimony late In the afternoon tending to show that the bullet taken from Grogan's body came from a center fire revolver, although Eastman in his many statements said that the accident took place while he had an old rim-fire revolver in his hands. Members of Gro gan's family testified that Eastman had said that he was not on good terms with Grogan. The expert testimony offered on the composition of the rim-fire and center fire cartridges was of Interest, as Profes sor Wood, of Harvard, who had made an examination, testified that he had found tin in the fragment of bullet taken from Grogan's body, which corresponds with the composition of the center-fire bullet, while the rim-fire bullet was of pure lead. John Grogan, brother of the dead man, described a quarrel between Eastman and Richard Grogan In November, 1S99, when Grogan told Eastman that he was tired of feeding Eastman and his family. East man was In the act of raising a chair when witness put his foot on It .and stepped between the men. Eastman with drew, saying to Richard Grogan: "I will plug you If I have to wait five years for this." Eastman repeated this declara tion twice. two volumes. On the inside of the cover was a depression three Inches square, snugly fitted wlth tae 15 blocks. These blocks are made variously of lead, wood or pasteboard. All the blocks are in pairs, -except one, which is a rhomboid; and all are exactly proportional, the sides being . either , half an Inch, an Inch and ehalfor-two Inches In length. The blocks of Chinese children are not used, as in our kindergartens, simply to familarize the child with geometric fig ures. The more specific purpose of the 15 magical blocks is to picture scenes of history and myth that will have a moral (and Intellectual effect on the budding brain. Of course, Chinese children build houses, bridges and wagons Just as. ours do, but primarily their blocks are Intend ed lor education. The first picture ray child visitor built for men that afternoon was a dragon horse. I asked him to tell me about it. The little fellow explained that this was the.dragon horse of Fu HsL Fu HsI was the original ancestor of the Chinese peo ple, and he saw this animal emerge from the depths of the Menc River. On the hack of the dragon horse Fu HsI descried a map containing 55 spots. These 55 spots represent the male and female principles of nature, and out of them the ancient sage used to construct what are known as the Eight Diagrams. PETTIGREW AT WORK. FORESTERS OF AMERICA THOSE "WHO "WXLI. ATTEND MEET ING OF GRAND COURT. , Ninth Session "Will Be Held at Salem, Mar a4-10 Officers to Be Elected. SALEM, April SO. The ninth session of the grand court of Oregon, Foresters of America, will be held in this city May 14-16. In addition to the election of of ficers to serve for the next two years,, there will be two supreme representatives elected to represent the grand court of Oregon at the supreme court conven tion to be held in Baltimore on the fourth Tuesday in August. The jurisdiction of Oregon is composed, of 24 subordinate courts, all of which are' In good standing. The past term has been most prosperous, both in membership and finances, A net gain of nearly 100 per cent has been made in membership, while there is now nearly $10,000 in the treas uries of the subordinate courts. This good showing Is due to the liberal spirit mani- . erty, and TV". Ii.'Vanderpool the rest of the Dufur property, consisting of two unim proved blocks. Mrs. Rebecca "Wilson re ceived her thircl in coir The farm was sold to T. H. Johnston for the sum of $220ft prior to the settlement. Last Saturday the "farmhouse of Thomas Seavey, on the north side of the MoKenzie, a short distance below the mouth of the Mohawk, and about eight miles from Eu gene, was totally destroyed by fire. The fire was, caused by sparks from the chim ney falling on 'the roof, and no one was present at theJ time 'except Mrs. Seavey and her 3-yearold niece. Mrs. Seavey did all she could, to save the furniture from the flames, hut succeeded In getting out only a few articles. The house was built in 1S68 by John Coggswell, at a cost of about $3300. It was. Insured for $1500. Last- week, says the Arlington Record, a son of Isaac Clark, was out with sheep, and while standing 'on a. precipice It gave way and rocks rolled down on him and crushed one of his legs In a terrible man ner. The boy was alone, but he managed to drag himself to camp, where he lay all night. The next morning his father started on horseback 'to the camp. OA the way the horse he was riding fell on him and dislocated his shoulder, and cut a deep gash in his Head. Dr. Low was called Immediately, and reduced the dis location and dressed, tlvft scalp wound. The AND STEEL TARIFF UNITED STATES MANUFACTURES NOT ENTITLED TO IT. He "Will Try Hard to Be Returned to Senate in 1003. WASHINGTON, April 29. According to Senator Kyle, of South Dakota, bis late colleague, the vicious Pettlgrew, has not retired from public life, but. has begun a systematic fight for re-election to the Sen ate two years hence. Mr. Kyle says It is a grievous mistake to think that Pettlgrew will remain in retirement. The term of Senator Kyle expires in 1903, and -It la at this time that Pettlgrew hopes to re sume his place in the Senate. The for mer admits that he will have -a hard race, as Pettlgrew is a stubborn and persistent fighter, who unquestionably has a -large following in the state. The campaign of last Fall, which brought about the down fall of Pettlgrew, it is admitted, was largely assisted by the presidential cam paign, which of Itself did much to carry the state for the Republicans. Two years from now there will be no national In fluence at work. At the" same time if the present prosperity in South Dakota con tinues. Senator Kyle, who Is to be a can didate to succeed himself, hopes to win out over Pettlgrew. This announcement of Pettigrew's- activity in his own behalf Is somewhat of a surprise to many poli ticians In Washington, who had come to believe that he would remain lnaotive for a time at least. However, those who know him best, and recognize In him a man of boundless energy and persistence, are not surprised to learn of his present activity, and in fact would have been surprise", had the defeated Senator lost a single oppor tunity to strengthen his own cause. AT THE HOTELS. t H M t t H H H H H H t H M H t t "" NOTED AS A STRONG MAN THE PORTLAND. Leonora Georsres. S P J J G Jackson, Chpo ueo a Jjons ec w, s j'is H M Westervelt, Seattle Chester F LecVictorla J W Alexander.Seattle uus j well. .Buffalo .H Bell Irvine, Van couver. B C E C Bibson & wife, Victoria W F Eells. Phlla Al Jacob8, N T F J Batchelder. N T Dennis "W King & wf, jopnn, ja.fi Mrs Chas Leigh Had- ley. N T City Miss M K Hadley. do C C "Webber & wife, Minneapolis C H Brownell & wf, "Washington. D C L R Brownell, do R L Edmlston, Spokn' A G Almy. Spokane S M Cooper, San FT I L Fletcher. San FT THE PERKINS. Bearwald. San Fr A Hamburger, San I Newton Philips, S F J M Huddarti San FT H B Cornwell, San Fl W H Burnett &. wife, Newark, N J Gay Lombard, Tekoa Miss Douglass, San Fr M R Jacobs & w. NT H P Nye, San Fran J Davis. San Fran J J Gorman, city F H Lechler. city Chas RuefC S S Toplitz, San Fr M Silverthan, N T "W H.Ryan, Mlnnpls A "W Jackson, San FT C S Pierce. St Paul W "W Phllbrlck, Seattl Henry Jacob, San Fr H G Thompson, Chgo F J "Welnand. Chgo J McLelland, Chgo F C' Hammond, Juneau OLD MAN'S CONFESSION. Committed a Cold-Blooded Murder Last Month in Miitsourl. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. April 30. Dr. J. L. Gartrell, 70 years old, today confessed to Chief of Police Hayes that he killed D. B.jDonegan, a Colorado miner, whose body nvas foundJJln Mulberry Creek, be tween Amoret aiWTOslhart, Mo., yesterday. Dr. Gartrell and his son, "INT. P. Gartrell, were arrested here last night, after Dr. Gartrell had demanded the proceeds from a sale of Donegan's team and wagon. "When arrested both men stoutly denied complicity in the murder. Finally this morning the younger Gartrell gave way under a severe "sweating" and confessed that his father had killed Donegan March 19. Later he said they negotiated the sale of the dead man's outfit to a Kan sas City horse dealer, and came here to get the money. Dr. Gartrell, when shown his son's confession, broke down and con. .fessed. He admitted having murdered Donegan, saying he slipped, up behind the Colorado man and brained him with an ax. Dr. Gartrell is a benevolent-looking old man and until recently has made his home in Victoria, Tex. He fought In the Confederate Army under General "Price. Dr. Gartrell Is said to have served two terms In the Texas Legislature, be ginning In 1SS0. He was born in Callo way County, Mo. A dispatch from Em poria, Kan., states that the Gartrells were well-known characters in that city five years ago. Dr. Gartrell at that time deal ing In horses and representing himself as a Government buyer. T "E Jones, Weaver- viue, cai Rev A S Foster, Knap pa, Or O P Graham, "Warren toa D H Fretts. San Fran E E "Williams, Ores C H A Espy, Oaklnd,Cal a. h iicGowan, Chi nook. "Wash R H Espy, Oystervllle K K Churchill, Pen dleton. Or "W C Staatz, Oregon C J it ia xourrette, s ir J a wnitney, city J H St Arnold. Dalles A V Reeves, So Bend, ur Frank Bldwell, Union C XT tMflKiimr CnnVn TV F Matlock. Pendltn' Ben A Glflord, Dalles C B Upton, "Walla "W Harold Birdette, Seattle J K Schenck, Seattle L .Spraker, Seattle J Griffin, Seattle Geo "W Hlslop, N T John H Guendling, Ft "Wayne J H Cook, city F B Colvllle. Agent Royal Italian Band F A Bryant, city Chas Van Oterendorp, San Francisco Mrs Van Oterendorp, San Francisco J C Parell. Monmouth TVm L Harvey,. San Fr Miss Mayo, "Evil Eye" Co Miss Herndon. do Mrs Flsk Rutter, ClatsKanie Miss Marguerite Fish, ' Clatskanle T B Allen", city M Allen, city Miss S.Allen, city M C Strickland, Oregt R A Atkins, do Maurice L LonghouM Chehalls F H Moulton. San Fr "W F Slaughter, St Hel ens, Or Mrs W F Slaughter, do C C Alvord, Goldendalo Miss Hamilton Stevens, Scotland F F Deyo, Astoria W F Clark. Tacoma J C Mlchaux, Oregon Mrs Mlchaux, do Oscar Pames, CastleRk L "WBall. Qulnns Mrs Bali; Qulnns Miss Lena Crandall. do F R Mclntyre. San Fr I Cohn, San Fran Roy McCHnton. San Fr B L Bogart. Eugene Mrs Bogart, Eugene F H Yeaton. Ilwaco "Wiley B Allen, city Mrs w B Allen, city Miss Nettie Wilson, do W O Duvall, Lincoln, Neb E S Howe, Duluth Parke Gibson, Ohio J M Sponsel, St Paul, .Minn C H Hemstreet, Goble Mrs Svensen, Svensen J C Porter, Newberg Mrs sorter, JxewDerg J "E "Whitney, city C E Klouchek, city Mrs C E Klouchek, do Wm Turnbull, OceanPk E J sprague, do THE LATE PHILLIP SAGAR STAMP,. LA CAMAS, April 30. Phillip Sagar Stamp, who recently dledi at hla home near here, in his 85th year, was born fn Dryden, N. T., In 1810. He was the son of John Stamp, who served In Captain Franklin's company, of infantry under George "Washington. Mr. Stamp In his youth stood six feet two Inches In his stocking feet, and was noted for his strength and endurance. He had a record of shearing more sheep than any other shearer in his time. In hjs younger days ho was chle'fly engaged In logging and rafting on the Susquehanna River, and was renowned as the strongest man In that section. In 1854, with his family, he removed to Cass County, -Michigan, where he 'engaged In farming and well-digging. In 1850 his wife died, and left him with seven children. He again mar ried, and 'his second wife survives him. In -1809 they came to Clark County, Washington, and took; up a homestead, on-which-he lived till his death. Seven of 10 children, the fruits of hlsJ second 'marriage, also survive him. Mr. Stamp's funeral was largely attended, neighbors arid Acauaintancescomlng for miles to pa a last mark of respect to a good neighbor and upright man, -ccote ---a V C London, Roseburg THE IMPERIAL. C "W. Knowles, Manager. D M Miller. Seattle F W Jewett. Mlnnpls Eraiied From the Docket. CUTHRIE, O. T., April 20. The last act In the drama of the Shawnee postofHce Imbroglio was enacted today in the Dis trict Court room at Tecumseh, when the case against G. G. Boggs was called and erased from the docket. Boggs was charged with misappropriating postal re ceipts last February, when the real cul prit made a confession, completely exon erating Bogrs. M W Putney. Phlla Edmond Rice, Olympla J W Flnigan. san i-r J A Cooke, "San Fr A G Alexander, Los Angeles Mrs Alexander, do Miss Maud Alexander, J D Burch. Chicago Miss G Gray. BrldalVl Dr D T K Deering, Union. Or A J Hunter. ForestGr E M Beck, McMlnnvlll Mrs Beck. do Miss L Lleb,"The Evil Eye" J L Gulbneth, do Mary Vandrum, Pen dleton K R Chester. Butte Miss H Chester. Butte Master J Chester, do C Vi Keen. Portland S P Kimball. Salem H Wise. Astoria Mrs Wise. Astoria Mrs D K Warren, do Mrs Henry C Thomp son. Astoria THE ST. CHARLES, E Arnold. Corvallls D B Huntley, De La mar, Idaho A B Leckenby, Oregon H S King, Denver Miss King, Denver Master King, Denver Chas Thomas, San FT C Benard. N Y J B Foster, San Fran W R Grant. Seattle Martha Fischer, Cor- vaius . Geo H Kelly. Wendllng R A Booth, Eugene W J Mlddleton, St An thony. Idaho Mrs Mlddleton. do Fred Trogstad, Warren M Marrissay, Lincoln, Net) Mrs Marrissay, do Samuel Doblns. San Fr R E Klnkle. Corvallls C A Nowman. Chicago T T Gcer. Salem W J Cook, Astoria E L Geddes.. Astoria H B Burns, San Jose' Chinese Block". AInslee's. One bright Spring afternoon a Chinese official and his Htle boy called at our home, on Filial Piety Lane, In Peking. Father and son were dressed exactly alike boots of black velvet, trousers of blue silk, over which hung a long garment also of blue eilk, waistcoat of blue bro cade, and skullcap of black satin. In every respect, even to the dignity of his 'bearing, the child was a vest-pocket edi tion of his father. The boy carried a t'ao of books, which I recognized as "The Fifteen Magic Blocks." Xow, a t'ao is two or more vol .limea of a book, wropped'ln a single cov- ex.. The one that the boy had contained j T Lindsay, San Fran C R Lisle. San Fran R E Darnell, Kalama Mrs R E Darnell, do E W Guthrie, Toledo, Or Thos Lawson. Duluth A S Tilden. Tillamook W C Brlgham, city A D Blue. Pendleton M T Moore, city Mrs C Fisher. Toke- land. Wash Lena Fisher, do I A ;obbs E Ward. Oregon City F McGregor, city L B Thompklns, Glen coe Wm Shunta. Oregon C Jorgen Henrlksen. Washougal, Vt ash Man Cohn, San Fran , (A L Porter, Dallas. Ol A K Fratt. ScotfsMlli IGeo Wallace, Dallas T t: Miles. Scott'sMIlr W J Wright. Tacoma Mrs "W J Wright, do J M King. Stayton. Or Mrs E M Scanlon, Van couver, wash Miss Carter, do J B Tcon. Cathlamet jP Teon. Cathlamet a J .uougiass. uurur W J-Slater, Newberg Ray McCHnton. San Fr J Wood, Vancouver Chas B Brennan, Cot tage Grove P Brennan, Castle Rck R M Scott, Ft Stevens A L Morgan, city Wm Stewart. Yamhill C R Lee, city G N Woodward, Stev enson N A- Michael. Stella Mrs N A Michael, do F S Sentsmelr. Forest Grove Mrs Hattle Kelty Miss Bessie L Flack, I venetia, fa M S Dlppold, Rainier W S DlDDOld. Rainier W T Hall. Corvallla Harry Miller, do F A Bailey, city J H Thompson Geo Ecklett. Dayton L L Burthenshaw. Myrtle Point Mrs L L Burtenshaw, W H Hobson. Stayton Myrtle Point U Q Dart. Tacoma W Sllnchcount Geo F Nachteney. Wis J J Anderson, Sidney. 'Mrs Geo Nachteney, .do Or Swan Saxon. St Helens A S Tilden. Tillamook JGus Boss. St Helens Chas Van Wagner, Sa-IA Becker, Albany lem. Or 'R O Donaldson, Salem Hotel BrnnsTrlck. Seattle. European; flrst-class. Rates. Toe and up. One block from depot. Restaurant next door. fested by the order in keeping an or ganizer constantly In the field for the past year. The grand court, too, has been most prosperous during the past term, and points with pride to a substantial sum in its treasury. Among the pro posed, amendments to the constitution of the grand court is a change in the law pertaining- to the grand court funeral fund. This fund since Its adoption by the grand court two years ago, has proved to be of great benefit both to the various courts and the membership. There have been 20 funeral-claims paid, both to mem bers and members' wives, amounting to $1100. The following Is a list of the officers and delegates expected to attend the ses sion of the grand court of Oregon: Court Mount Hood, No. 1, Portland, A. Anderline, I. Goldenberg and H. Cleave; Court Columbia. No. 2, Portland, E. A. Gassell and George Houghton; Court Mult nomah, No. 3, Portland, P. F. Rogoway and M. Klapper; Court "Webfoot, No. 4. Portland, A. Brauer, James Bain and F. T. Bourgeois; Court Germania, No. 5. August Dehne; Court Scandia. No. 7, Portland, A. E, Schwartz and E. H. Ahl gren; Court Astoria, No. 8, Astoria, A. Schroder and Gunderson; Court Robin Hood, No. 9. Oregon City, S. O. Dillman and F. S. Baker; Court The Dalles, No. 12, The Dalles, F. "W"., L. Sklbbe; Court Ocean View, No. 13, Gardiner, T. E. Moee; Court Coos Bay, No. 15, Marshfield, F. A. Golden; Court Queen of the Forest No. 17, Bandon, A G. Hoyt; Court Shr. Forest, No. 19. Salem, A. L. Brown and J. M. Chase; Court Maid Marian, No. 22, La Grande, "W. H. Klepper; Court Liberty, No. 25, Albany, C. G. Burkhart and "W. H "Warner; Court Mistletoe, No. 26, Ash land, C. H. Gellette; Court Josephine No. 27, Grant's Pass, James Tremble; Court Unity, No. 28, Corvallls, J. J. Mulvey; Court Benevolence No. 29, Shedd, (not reported); Court Independence No. 30, Independence. E. L. Gale; Court Doug las, No. 32, Roseburg, "W. C. Gray; Court Bohemia, No. 33, Gottage Grove, T. "W. Jenkine; Court Poplar No. 34, Eugene, William S. Moon. Grand Officers. F. T: Rogers, grand chief ranger. Port land; J. H. Mathews, grand sub-chief rantrer. Astoria: Dr. Edward uieancn. grand treasurer, Portland; Samuel Kafka, grand financial secretary, .roruana; james Fisher, grand recoraing secretary, xue Dalles; J. G. Stephens, grand senior wood ward, Portland; G. N. Reynolds, grand junior woodward, McMlnnville; I. Green baum, grand senior beadle, Salem; James McKInley grand junior beadle, Portland; J. B. RImbold, grand trustee: A. P. Nel son, grand trustee; A. Friedman, grand trustee. . boy was taken to Arlington, and Is at the Vendome, under the care of Drs. Low and Ruedy. M'KINLEY PARADE. Committee Issues Invitation 'to Civic Organizations." The parade committee of the executive committee for the reception of President McKinley met at the Armory last night, General Beebe presiding. Colonel Jack son, Colonel Everett, Major Moore and F. "V". Holman -were present. The follow-'-Ing invitation to civic organizations was issued: , "Pursuant to the action of the general committee promulgating the plan of pa rade on the occasion of the arrival of the President in Portland, all civic organiza tions desirous of participating in the pa rade are requested to signify their in tention of so, Joing to the undersigned, chairman of ttie parade committee, on or before Friday, May 10 next, after which date it will be impossible to consider any such applications. Each organization de sirous of 'participating will report as near ly as possible its strength to be repre sented; whether uniformed or not, and, if so, in what features, and the address of its presiding officer or commandant, to whom will be communicated as soon as possible after the date designated all de tails in connection with hour and place of formation, -etc., etc. "CHARLES F. BEEBE. "Chairman Parade Committee." Tacoma Hotel. Tacoma. American plan. Rates. $3 and up. SoBBclly Hotel, Tacoma. European plan. Rates. 60c and up. Oregon Notes. The Sclo creamery will begin- operations the first of this month. Carnenters are at work at DeMoss Springs on a new hotel. "Work has started on the soldier's me morial monument at Eugene. R. E. Eastland has Been appointed As sistant Street Commissioner of Eugene. The board platform at the Lebanon sta tion will be replaced with granite sand. The 3-year-old son of T. J. Coyle, of Sodaville, swallowed a $5 gold piece last Wednesday. No serious results followed. J. W. Howard, of Crook County, de livered at The Dalles Monday 108 head of beef cattle, which he sold to Roe Grimes for the Union Meat Company. J. E. Drucks, of the Lebanon flouring mills, last week bought 2000 bushels of wheat at the Tallman warehouse. He has bought between 10,000 and 12,000 bush els at that place during the past season. A division of the property between the three heirs of the estate of the late Mrs. Mary "Vanderpool, of Dufur, was made last week. The estate was valued "at JG000, consisting of a farm near Dufur, town property In Dufur, and money and J-pool becomes owner of the "residence prop- Venezuela Expresses Regret. NEW YORK, April 30. A dispatch to the Herald . from Caracas, Venezuela, says: The incident, relative to the arrest of Ignacio H. Dalz, United States Consular Agent at Barcelona, was closed today. Consul Goldsmith, 'at La,Guayra, sent to Mr. Russell, the American Charge dAf falres here, a Jetter from the Venezuelan Government expressing regret for the accurrence and explaining that It was a case of mistaken identity. The situation of affairs here Is now quiet. Fair's Trnst Clause Invalid. SAN FRANCISCO, April 30. The State Supreme Court has reversed a former de cision and declared that the trust clause in the will of the late, James G. Fair is invalid. In his will, Fair' left his estate, valued at $15,000,000, in .trust, the proceeds to go to his heirs but the principal to be kept out of their hands. As a result of the decision of the Supreme Court, the estate will now ,be' divided among Fair's 'children, Mrs. Herman Oelrichs, Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt and "Charles Fair. Amateur Baseball League Formed. The Pacific Amateur Baseball League has been organized with the teams. of the Fontellas and .Stephens' Athletic Club, of Portland; the jolly Good Fellows, of Ore gon City, and the Vancouver Athletic Club, of "Vancouver,- as members. Games have been scheduled for Sunday between the Oregon City' and Vancouver teams at Vancouver, and the Stephens and Fontella nines on the professional grounds in Portland. Changes in the Postal. CHICAGO, Aprll.30. Charles Baker, for many years general superintendent of the construction department of the Postal Telegraph Company, today succeeded E. J. Tally as assistant general superintend ent of telegraph. Mr. Nally was recently appointed general superintendent. "Wldener May Recover. PHILADELPHIA, April 30. Joseph E. Wldener, who was ""dangerously injured Saturday by the overturning of a tally-ho coach; is much Improved. While his con dition may still:l)e regarded as critical, the chances" for his recovery are gooL Representative BnbcocU's "Western Trip Convinces Him ol "Wisdom of His- Bill to This End. WASHINGTON. April 29. Representa tive Babcock, of Wisconsin, after a trip of several weeks through the West, where he went to look Into industrial condi tions generally, has returned to Washing ton more than ever convinced of the wis dom of his bill introduced late in the last session of Congress, removing the tar iff duties on steel and Iron products that are manufactured cheaper In this country than anywhere else. "It Is not material," said he, in discuss ing the bill, "whether it Is an individual or combination of Individuals that have obtained control of any single product, so that they can fix any prices they see fit and nifrkc the consumers pay that price. Congress and the representatives of the people will fall short of their duty if they permit a tariff to remain on such articles when the tariff Is not needed for protection on the lines advocated by the Republican party. This is by no means the Democratic theory. It Is in accord ance with the Republican theory of pro tection to American industries. When an article can be manufactured cheaper in this country than It can be made any where else, that industry needs protection no longer. If the Republican party falls to meet the new conditions. Its whole the ory of protection falls to the ground. "There is a difference, for example, be tween steel and sugar. Sugar demands protection to develop the beet-growing In dustries of the West, and for the cane growers of the South. Furthermore, su gar furnishes more revenue than any oth er article on the tariff schedule. Sugar should continue to receive protection un der the Republican policy. Steel and Iron manufactures not only produce no revenue to speak of, but It Is" a fact that they can be manufactured cheaper in the Unit ed States than in any other country. This is due to improved methods in the devel opment of American machinery and In ventions, and to the skill of American workmen. . ' "During my absence from Washington In the West I talked with the represen tatives of many of the largest interests of the country. I have not-met a single manufacturer who did not Indorse this movement. The only opposition I have en countered comes from a class of people who look upon the tariff with a reverence to be paid a Chinese joss to be admired, but not touched. The farmers and the laboring classes are deeply interested in this question. It is impossible for them to understand how these great aggrega tions of capital come about. This ques tion will be brought squarely to the Re publican party In the next campaign: Why do you permit a tariff to remain on articles which can be produced here cheaper than elsewhere? What answer will be made to that proposition? "It has been suggested to me by one or i to express one's thoughts easily andvcon vinclngly is a valuable accomplishment. It is probable also that to ati extent" the ability to converse well may be acquired, but able talkers, like the great poets, are born and not made. The "gift of the gab" Is with some men a birthright. They be gin when they are children to argue with and convince their Xellows. and when they grow up theJ' become successful lawyers. book agents or confl- dence operators. With no amount of special teaching can the average man ever hope to meet them in a conversa tional contest, whether the subject be the sale of a book or a gold brick, or the winning of a lawsuit. If In the over crowded public schools the pupils are taught the fundamentals of correct, not j to say elegant, use of the English lan guage, the niceties of conversation as a viTOMACHSSTKAT WON'T W.ORK That Retain the Food and Refuse to Digest It, Malce the Heed Heavy and the rNervea "Wealc, Need Stnnrt's Dyspepsia Tablets. There Is a. cure for dyspepsia. Sufferers who have tried noxious nostrums win probably be skeptical, but skepticism van ishes when Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are tried. Whether the trouble Is dyspepsia of long standing, or merely a. 3lmple casa of Indigestion, relief is prompt and pro nounced. The less the trouble the fewer tablets need be taken. Heaviness after eating, sour stomach. as indicated by belching, fatigue with fine art may perhaps be left for future ac- j slight exertion, or with no-exertion at air. qulremenL nes3, and "yet able, calmly, resignedly, to give to the world a letter In response to a universal manifestation of sympathy for him, which is scarcely excelled. In which he says: "Let me pray that not to me only, but to all others, your loving kind ness only, but as well to those in health. Give a helping hand and a word of com fort and hope to your struggling brother; clear his path of difficulties, rather than beset It with obstructions; help him to be a better man, and by so doing you will help yourselves to be better men. It can not be that all the love you have shown one comes from a perishable life. I cannot believe that It will pass away with my consciousness and be lost. We shall meet again in a land where love will reign su- the greatest railroad men In the United j preme. and where In eternal sunshine all HIS NOBLE EXAMPLE. Heritage Left by L. B. Cox to His Fellow-Men.. PORTLAND, April 29. (To' the Editor.) This community and this state has late ly lost by untimely death a most worthy citizen, and although The Orcgonlan, and. lastly, the members of the bar, have made fitting public acknowledgment of the event In the only way they can make It aside from Individual action, it seems to me that the influences of his short life upon the rising generation should not be permitted to be lost In our rapid dally whirl of business and enterprise. It was my pleasure to know Mr. Cox but com paratively a short time, scarcely a year, and yet In that short space I learned quickly to admire and love him, not only for his business integrity and enterprise, but also for his personal traits of char acter so far above the average, as revealed to me in my Intercourse with men during a life of over 60 years. But It Is more particularly I want to write of his splen did example on his sick bed, of fortitude and faith in things present and things to come. Here was a man, entirely possessed of all his mental faculties, on a sick bed. afflicted with a malady which he wa3 entirely aware could only result In death in a short time; nay, at any moment, dis playing a calm fortitude scarcely par alleled, surrounded by a lovely wife and beautiful children, in the prime of man hood, impressed with a fervent desire to nve ana ueneuL ni3 leuow-men; assurea ot j . , ... . , . , ,,. : a prosperous cause in the lines of Uus!- ?T " wl t 2!! , d no nr,A -, om .ii ,,! V And showed the names whom love ot God naSJ disturbed sleep, nervousness, constipation. depression, "blues, tnese things can com monly be set down as symptoms of dys pepsia. And dyspepsia Is merely Indiges tion In an aggravated form. By promoting perfect digestion. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets produce strong nerves, restful, refreshing sleep, pure blood and good, sound, healthy flesh. They maka the skin clear, the eyes bright, the mind cheerful. Stuart'9 Dyspepsia Tablets are a medi cine and more than a medicine. They di gest the food and make it easy of assimi lation, and they relieve the inflamed, dis eased condition of the membraneous lin ings and the glands of the stomach end bowels. They help the digestive organs over tha.hard places, and put them into a healthy, active-condition. They effect a quick and permanent cure. You don't have to continue taking them lorevers still it is well to have a box handy,, and take one at the first return of the trouble. Perfectly well people are made sick bjf eating too much, or unwholesome food; but not If they take a tablet after eating. Treatment with Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets does not necessitate dieting or any change of habits. They digest the proper food, anil act upon the other kind in. such' a way as to- make it pass off quickly and harmlessly. You may eat and drink whatoi you like, when you like, and as much as you like if you take a tablet afterward. all druggists, at SO cents for fulWdset package. Send to F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall Mich., for little book on stomach diseases j maiieo iree. States, a man who has built up one of the largest systems, and upon a rock ribbed and rock-bottom financial basis, the stock of whose road has never sold for less than par, and often for more than $200 per share, to Incorporate a provision in the bill which will limit the floating of watered stock. It was been suggest ed '"it the stockholders of corporations doing an interstate commerce bus'ness, coming thereby In a measure under the control of Congress, should be liable for, say, two years after they dispose of their stock. In other words, that something like the law which prevails in Germany, where the liability extends for five years, and slmllarto the law In several of the Western States, which as a rule provide 'that all property taken in by a corpora tion shall he at Its actual market value, and 'any stockholder who disposes of his stock to a purchaser must practically guarantee that the property held by the corporation is scheduled at Its true mar ket value, and for two years thereafter said stockholder shall be liable, not only for the debts of the company, but for any false inventory or misrepresentation upon which the capital stock has been Issued." Commercial Valne of Conversation. Chicago Tribune. The principal of one of the Chicago Public Schools has just published a book in which he sets forth the value of conver sational power as a commercial asset. He points out that large salaries are paid to men who have conversational gifts, and that a young man will find few things of more value than the ability to express himself fluently and forcefully. Inciden tally the professor sets forth the methods which he has adopted in teaching his pu pils In the public schools to converse. There can be no question that the ability ' clouds will have passed away." O sublime fortitude! O universal love! O transcendant faith! Tell me not, ye scoffers, that there is nothing beyond this ! vale of tears! That when a man dies his eternal existence is at an end! In thinking of Mr. Cox, the words of the poet, J. G. Holland, came to my mind, and are reproduced here: God give us men! A time like this demands Strong minds, great hearts, true faith, and ready hands. Men whom the lust of office will not kill. Hen whom the spoils of office cannot buy. Men who possess opinions and a will. Men who have honor, men who will not He, Tall men, sun-crowned, who live above the tog In public duty and private thinking. To his dearly beloved wife comes the great hope of every believing soul that the Joys of Paradise are his, and while she mourns she finds comfort in teaching to his children his great example, and which is found in these words of another poet, Leigh Hunt: Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe Increase!) Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace. And Baw within the moonlight In his room, Making It rich, and like a Illy In bloom. An angel, writing In a book of gold; Exceeding praiso had made Ben Adhem bold. And to the presence In the room he said. "What wrKest thou?" the vision raised Its head. And, with a look made, of all sweet accord. Answered, "The names of those who love the Lord." "And Is mine one?" said Abou. "Nay, not so," Replied the angel. Abou spoke more low, But cheerily still, and said, "I pray thee, then, "Write me as one that lov3 his fellow-men." The angel wrote, and vanished. The next night blessed. And lot Ben Adhem's name led all ths rest! CORTLAND L. PARKER. A Love Letter of Prince Bismarck's Harper's Magazine. On my windowslll, among all eorts off crocuses and hyacinths, stand two came llas which always Inspire me with stranga thoughts. One of them, slender and prot- Ity. with its ornamental crown (.top), ana soft, pale, very pale pink blossoms, but little foliage and only two buds, transports me to Reddetin, holds itself rather stif fly and lisps English. The other makes far less impression of beauty as you look at It. and Its stalk betrays In Its gnarled I twisting lack ot care In Its pruning. From the midts of the foliage looks out a dead branch, but the crown is rich In leaves and the foliage is greener than that of Its neighbor: it gives promise of abun dant blossoming in its eight buds, and its color Is deep dark red and white In Irregular gay variegation. Do you tako the comparison amiss? It is a lame com parison, moreover, for I do not lovo camelias, because they are without odor. ; and you I love precisely on account of I the fragrance of the flower of your spir it, which i3 white, dark, red and black. Here Is a picture of the Man of Iron j with his armor doffed. Slated for Turner's Place. VICTORIA, B. C. April 30.-J. G. Brown, Minister of Finance in the late J Martin Government, and member fori New Westminster City, Is slated fori Turner's place In the Dunsmulr Govern-J ment. Federation of Mnslcnl Clubs. CLEVELAND, O., April 30. The seconds biennial convention ot the National Fed-i eratlon of Musical Clubs opened here to-l day -with a very large attendance. Thai session was devoted to the reading ot re- ports. Fell Sown an Elevator Shaft. MISSOULA. Mont.. AprU 30. Florences Putney, a Missoula young lady, was In stantly killed today by falling down ani elevator shaft in a department storaf where she was employed. Theodosins Secor. NEW YORK, April 30. Theodoslus Se cor, one of the earliest American builders! of marine engines, is dead at his home ln Brooklyn, aged 93. He left an estate val ued at over $1,000,000. You can always smell a "dead one." He has a costive-looking face. His breath knocks you down. Ml drags his feet. Listeners to his talk turn their heads the other way. His breath poisons God's pure air. He ought to keep clean inside; that means sweet breath, quick brain, swift moving feet. You can't feel well and act well with your bowels closed, sending poison all through your body. Clean them out gently but thoroughly and keep them clean with CA5CARET5 Candy Cathartic, and you will find that all bowel and liver ills and the nasty symptoms that go with them are quickly and permanently d!3r fcfSf lllSl V aaJ Jt" JdcJ MmrnJ? Mmm3 M. gd&k LIVER TONIC ji'ggff8' rnss. ,2l sasJs&SjSSSessKSiKisiwtesiOTia & &. asS"- -fa &3K3ft. Sfe SSS -j, T m TsSI s sas h gjMnrb tl E? joA-Sz1 ptsspsg SKliM? Es us JaSaj Hi SaJw-Ss' JOc 25c 50ct ALL DRUGGISTS all bowel troubles, appendicitis, bll lonffness, bad breatb, bad blood, wind on the stomach, bloated boweli, foal mouth, headache, ludlccatlon. pimples. pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow complexion ana aizzmesg. unon yonr oovrcjs aon'i move regu larly yon are gettlns sick. Constipation, kill mora people than all other diseases together. It Is a starter for the chronic ailments, and Ions years of tmtVbrlnz that como afterrvarUg. Ho matter what ails yon, start taking; CASCAHEXS to-day, for yon will never get well and be -well all the time nntll you put yoar bowels right. Tako onr advice; start with CASCAKETS to-day. under an absolute cnar antoe to care or money refunded. , NEVER SOLD IN BUIX TOCtTREt ITr 7ar iP tlte flnt box or CASCAJ1 ET3 -iros .Aid. Savr ItU arrtr six million boxeo a. icr. ffrcater than ny similar medlelae la the world. This Isj absolute proor or great merit, and liar bst testimonial. TV e hare tnlta ana will sell CA8CAKETS absolutely ipaaranteed to core or money reftanded. Go bay today, two Qe boxes, sirs inew lair, honest trial, as perslmole directions and If yot are not satisfied, aileratlnz one SOo box, return the annsedaoe box and the empty box to as by mall, or the drneSj" (roam trbom yon parennsed It, and jsetyonr money bnsk ibr bota poxes. inKe onr aavice no nsiwrwna nuiiuii-" dfiT. Hunlth Trill T!i!rrlT-rnllowr ana ' on Trill Mess the day XeasretstartedthQnseoruASl'A-Ucxn. -"".?,?" idrfu: STEBUNG BESEDI CO., REIT I0BK or ClUCieO. t- sbHbHm -L