THE MfVRNTNff OttEGONTAN, MONDAY, APRITj 15, 1901. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Amusements Tonight. it aiAKQUAM GRANT Jame Neill company In "A Social Highwayman." CORDRAT'S THEATER The Elleford Com pany. Front-Street Controversy Settijsd. The controversy which has been raging among the employes of certain commis sion houses on Front street as to wheth er a live Jish placed In a pan of water would make the pan any heavier has finally been settled. Thoee of the dis putants who Insisted that the weight would be Increased were In the minority. -As they could produce no authority from scientific works or elsewhere to sustain their position, they had a rough time In their disputes. Finally, It was decided to make a practical test One of the -minority secured the assistance of the policeman on the Chinatown beat, and he borrowed from a Chinese dealer In live fish a large pan, a lot of water and a live carp. The carp was placed In the pan of water and carried to Seld Back's -store, where the whole was weighed. The weight was 48 pounds. The policeman, who had known all his life that putting fish In a, pan of water would not increase the weight, pronounced the plan for test ing the theory ""all foolishness," so when Jxe lifted the carp out of the water and the scale showed the weight to be four pounds less, he fainted. The carp was then weighed and tipped the scale at four pounds exactly. When the result of the experiment was announced to the Front street gang they threw up the sponge, but several of them immediately wanted to het that If a man ate the carp for his' breakfast he would weigh no more after .breakfast than before. This will be de cided as soon as a man willing and able to eat a four-pound carp for breakfast can be found. Wild Pigeons a Uuisance. Pigeons have made thomselves a nuisance about several buildings in this city by establish ing "roosts" and building nests on Inac cessible cornices and keeping these pro jections and the sidewalks In a filthy con dition. As no other practicable manner of getting rid of them has been discovered they are to be shot. At the request of the owners of the buildings Infested, a sure-shot sportsman had been granted a permit to shoot the birds. He gets out about 5 o'clock in the morning and knocks Over 10 or a dozen before any one Is around. .A smokeless powder, 22-caliber short cartridge makes so little noise that it Is not noticed by any one a block or go away, but it brings down pigeons all Tight, and does not Injure or cripple them. as shot often docs. The pigeons to be killed are "wild" birds, having no home nor master. "While they look pretty walk ing about the streets or flying around, when they locate on a building they, be come a nuisance to many, and It becomes the duty of the owner of the building to abate this nuisance. Portiands First Eicctric Launch. Portlands first electric launch arrived a ehori time ago and made a short trial trip on the river the other day. It is owned by J. C. Alnsworth. It Is 30 feet long, beautifully fitted up, seated with .arm chairs, furnished with a canopy top, and operated by storage batteries. The "batteries are located amldshlp. They serve to ballast the craft. The motor Is aft and connected with the shaft of the propeller. The helmsman sits near the forward, and has full control of the launch, which runs from six to 10 miles an hour, the bat teries being of sufficient capacity to main tain this speed for five to six hours. The river here is so well adapted to the use of electric launches that more will doubt lees be brought here. The cheapness and .simplicity of operating electric launches, their freedom from noise, smoke and cin ders, and the absence of danger from ex plosions, as well as the fact that they are ready for use at a moment's notice, make them desirable pleasure craft. Salmon Season Opened. The salmon fishing season opened at midnight last night. It is safe to say that every fish ermen and every fishing device on the river which could be operated in the night commenced business promptly on time, if not before. As Sunday is not to be a "close season." it te probable that nearly every fisherman utilized yesterday, for getting that it was out of the season. Lovers of salmon will now be able to find a good chinook In the market occasion ally, but not very often, as the -cold-storage and packing houses probably will pay more for these fish than the market men here care to give. From now on to the close of the fishing season the motto of every fisherman, seiner and trap man on the Columbia and Its tributaries will Tie, "Let no guilty salmon escape," .and thoee that get away will not be numerous. Removing Shade Trees. The last of the maple ethade trees on Fifth street, be tween Alder and Washington, has been cut down. Their removal Improves the appearance of the street. As a general rule, shade trees are no desirable on business streets, unless to shade some shady business. A stone-paved street on one side and a sidewalk on the other can scarcely be considered suitable surround ings for trees, yet the trees recently cut down flourished as well, to all appear ance, as ''green hay trees." One of the trees was decayed to the heart, but it was bourgeoning and preparing to litter the street and sidewalks next Fall lh the usual lavish style of maples. A few trees are still left along Fifth, near Stark and Yamhill, but it will not be long before they will have to go. Second-Street Improvement. Work will be begun at once on the improve ment of Second, tpm Morrison to Madison. A contract was awarded Smythe & Howard for this Job some time ago, duc it nas oeen impracticable to commence sooner. The street will be dressed to a smooth surface at grade and paved with wooden blocks set on a layer or cushion of sand. This will not be no expensive as concrete foundation, but the blocks will, doubtless, last longer than those placed on a concrete foundation on Fourth street. The pavement, however, will have a tendency to become uneven after a time, no matter how carefully laid, Mothers' Meeting. -A mothers meet ing will be held at Working Woman's Noon Rest, 107 Third street, at 2:30 this afternoon. Mrs. Harvey Bailey will speak on "Christ in the Home." Mrs. Flora Montgomery will sing "'Will It Pay?" The topic of "The Sacredness and Responsi bility of Motherhood" will be opened by the superintendent of mothers' meeting. At 3:S0, a brief business session of the W. C. T. U. will be held. Women in terested in child culture are invited. Mascot a Hoodoo Name. Since the steamer Mascot's last exploit of sinking herself, a number of friends of Mr. Kamm have oeen joking him about the mistake he made In naming her. The fact Is, Mr. Kamm did not build or name the Mascot. One river man says she was built by Charley Bureau, and broke him up In business before Mr. Kamm purchased her, and that ever since she has been trying to break -up Mr. Kamm, but has not been able. Looking ron J. A. Rdmblt. Miss Mary Gertrude Rumbly, aged 16, who lives at Terre Haute, Ind., writes to Postmaster Croasnian, asking for the whereabouts of her father, John Armstrong Rumbly, who left Terre Haute for Oregon about 15 years ago. Miss Rumbly has reason to believe that her father is still living In this state, and is anxious to hear from htm. Strike Still On. There appears to be no prospect of an early settlement of the harness-makers strike. The men called at the shops Saturday afternoon and took their tool home. The Old Ladles' Patton Home, 975 Mich igan avenue; a tea for the benefit there of Wednesday, April 17. Friends Invited. The poor old mothers need our help, Doa Biscuits, dog medicines, popular prices. Woodard, Clarke & Co., Fourlh and Washington street. Meneniet Trio Concert Compant, Met ropolitan Theater, Friday evening, April IS. Eagle Fishes in the City. A hand some bald eagle spends two or three hours everj" morning catching fish at a place within the city limits. In plain view of the passengers on a trolley car line. He perches on an oak tree near the shore of a lake in which carp and catfish are plen tiful. When his "eagle eye" espies a fish In the shallow water near the shore, down he swoops, and, seizing the fish in his talons, flies back to the tree, where he eats, and then watches for another vic tim. The bird of freedom has chosen the position well, as the tree is on the ex treme end of a long peninsula, which no one can approach without being visible for half a mile. A man who longs for the skin of the eagle. In order to have It mounted, has laid his plans to kill the bird. He has constructed an artfully de signed blind In which to conceal himself. He will hide himself there- early In the morning before daylight so that the f eagle cannot possibly see him going there. He hopes to shoot the "proud bird or freedom, all hall; the bird which no one can inveigle, nor put salt on his beautiful tall." He hid himself In his blind one morning not long ago, but that morning the eagle did not come to fish, and every- 1 body will hope that he will have business elsewhere every morning the man goes to. the blind. The only excuse the man has for desiring to shoot the eagle Is that If he doesn't some one else will. Young Calves Sent to Market. A butcher who received a number of car casses of calves from a steamboat the other day, finding that there were no sweetbreads in any of them, accused the men employed on the boat of stealing them. One of the men replied that If the butcher knew his business he would know that none of the calves ever had any sweetbreads in them. They were too young, In fact, they were nothing but "staggering bibs," some of them only three or four days old, and not fit for food. The butcher had no more to say. It is understood that there is a law pro hibiting the slaughtering of calves for food In this city before they are three weeks old, but many are killed much younger, and sent in from the country. The dairymen, as a general thing, are anxious to get rid of the calves, so as to have more milk and cream, but some say It Is just as profitable to keep the calves till they are five or six weeks old. One dairyman from near Tancouver brought in several fine large and fat "veals" a few days ago. He got $14 for one of them, which he said was more profitable than killing the calf when it was three days oia. s Professor Murphy Floors a Rival. Professor John Murphy, a well-known old-time resident and teacher of this city, has the reputation of being able to read, write and speak more langihrges,- ancient and modern, than any other person in this neck of woods. A short time ago a man from the country undertook to show that he knew more about the Irish language than Professor Murphy. He knew a few words and a sentence or two of the Irish or Celtic language, but he was laid out In a moment by the professor, who was not only born and bred In Ireland, but has studied four Irish grammars and commit ted to memory every word In one of .them which contains 766 pages. When at school he was accustomed to take up a Greek Testament and read it In Irish, or take an Irish Testament and read It in Greek. This made him familiar with both lan guages, but was not such a feat as some might Imagine, for every one knows there is a great similarity between the Greeks and the Irish. Any one who desires to contest with Professor Murphy for the championship as scholar of any language will do well to try him on something be sides Irish. Tailors Use Electric Irons. Few per sons would believe that the stringing of electric wires through the city would ruin the business of a Chinese charcoal burn er out on the hills of Washington County, but such is the case. An old Chinaman who accumulated a small fortune by mak ing nardwooa charcoal from vine maple, hazel and dogwood, laboriously collected and burned In a rude kiln constructed by himself, sold out and returned to China soon affer electricity came Into general uso here. His principal customers were tailors, who used the hardwood coal In their box Irons. When they began to ueo electric Irons, he saw that "the jig was up," and sold out to another Chinaman. The new proprietor prospered for a time, but his trade gradually fell off; the hard wood became more difficult to get, and the price of his coal was cut down from 75 cents per sack to 50 cents. Now all white tailors use the electric Irons, and the Chinaman's only customers are the few Chinese tailors still left who cling to the old-style box irons, and he has no prospect of making a fortune, like his predecessor. Young Car-Jumpers. The attention of the authorities Is called to the dangerous sport of small boys in the East Side rail road yards. They jump on and off the cars when In motion and at all kinds of speed. They are particularly annoying north of the Burnslde bridge. Their ages range from 9 years up. Engineers and trainmen are in constant dread of running over them It Is only a few weeks ago that a lad lost a foot near the Terminal grounds on this side. The latest exploit of the boys is to ride the brakebeam Dn the morning south-bound passenger train, drop off at why stations or Oregon City and return In the same manner on the Albany local. Small Fire at Sunnyside. While Mrs. Hannibal B. Keene, of 129 East Thirty fifth street, was at church, yesterday, a fire broke out In a second-story room of her house. It was caused by a defective flue. Mrs; Keene hurried home and found J her neighbors fighting the flames and try ing to save her household goods. A few zealous people threw pictures and mirrors out of a window. The Sunnyside fire company worked hard, and prevented the flames from spreading. The loss will amount to about $400, covered by Insur ance. The alarm was turned In from box 24S, at S o'clock. Debate on the Philippines. A debate has been arranged between the To-Logelon Society, of the Portland High School and the freshman class of the Willamette University, to take place in the High School assembly hall, Saturday evening. May 4. The Question Is: "Resolved, That the permanent retention of the Philippine Islands by the United States Is desirable." The High School team will take the neg ative and the Willamette University the affirmative. The debaters for the High School are Wade Bailey, Elbrldge Trayle and W. Dibble. Known in Portland. It was Mrs. John R. Jones, of Chicago, who was killed at Seattle, Saturday, by being struck and trampled upon by a runaway team of horses, and not Mrs. J. H. George, as The Oregonlan was made to -say yester day. Mrs. Jones was recently In this city visiting her brother, J. A. Wlsner, of the Colonial, and she was on 'her way home, visiting friends, when the accident oc curred. Inquiry for Mr. Allen. A man named Allen, believed to be a resident of Oregon, whose father's name was William H. Al len, of New York City, and whose moth er's family name was Callender, a native of that state, might learn something of interest by giving his postofflce address, directed to L. D. Hendricks, 39S7 Twenty fourth street, San Francisco. Collided With a Bicycle. While John Sullivan was crossing Third street, near Everett, yesterday, he was struck on the forehead by a bicycle propelled by Charles H. Bodley, of 270 Wheeler street. Sullivan fell insensible, severely cut on the fore head, and was sent by Policeman Barter to St "Vincent's Hospital. His injuries are not serious. Cathedral Class, Tuesday evening, S:15 o'clock, First Presbyterian Church. Doors open at 7:30 P. M. Rev. J. R. Wil son, D. D., will lecture on "Views in At tica and Argolls." Admission, 10 cents. Tickets on sale at Aldrlch Pharmacy. See local on last page. Dr. W. A. Roberts, dentist, moved his office to Failing bldg., 3d & Washington. Muslin TJnftetwear Sale Todar. New York Mercantile Co., 205 Third. IECT0R FOR 72 YEARS AMOS THOMPSON CAST NINETEEN BALLOTS FOR PRESIDENT. His Father Warn in the Expedition Against Quebec in the Revo lutionary War. Amos Thompson, who died Saturday at the home of his son, Charles H. Thompson, Mount Tabor, enjoyed the distinction of having voted for Jackson In 182S, and for McKlnley in 1300 His age was 93 years. 11 months and 18 days. Mr. Thompson was born near Bath, Me., April 26, 1S07. His grandfather accom panied Arnold's expedition to capture Quebec, and was In the fight In which General Montgomery was killed. His fath er was a Lieutenant In the war of 1812. In 1818 his parents moved to Belleville. 111., to make their home, and like many other pioneers of that period, they lived In a tent. Their stay In Illinois was short, as, soon after settling In the wilderness, Mr. Thompson's father died on- a Monday, and his mother died three days afterward. They were buried out side their tent. Four children survived, Amos Thompson being 11 years old when his parents died. He was apprenticed to a tanner, and afterwards became a car penter and a farmer. He married Miss Irene Charles, . of North Carolina, who died In 1852. Early In life Mr. Thompson was a Whig. He continued with the party until the organization of the Republican party In 1S56, after- which time he voted with the Republicans. It was his proud boast that he first voted for Andrew Jackson In 1828, and had voted at every subsequent Presi dential election since, having cast 19 bal lots for" Presidents. Mr. Thompson was Representative lor three terms in the Illinois Legislature. He was personally acquainted with "Stephen" A. Douglas and" Abraham Lincoln. He became known as a man whose word was as good as his bond. ar.d In politics he was esteemed for his strong common sense and probity. Tn 1S96 he came to Oregon to live with his son. Charles H. Thompson, and spend the few remaining years of his life In rest and quiet. At the Presidential election last November, Mr. Thompson, assisted by his sons, was able to walk most of the distance to the polls and cast his vote. He lived an abstemious life, and never in dulged In Intoxicants, except for medici nal purposes. He seldom used a cane while walltlng, and'almost up to the day of his death he read without using spec tacles'. , One who knew Mr. Thompson well writes: "While Mr. Thompson's educa tional advantages In early life were lim ited, he had a gcd mind and It was stored with usptul and valuable Information. He wa3 not a member of any church, but was liberal In his views toward all de nominations, and his motto was: Teach me to feel another's woe To hide the faults I see; That mercy I to others show, That mercy show to me. "His life span covered almost the en tire nineteenth century, with Its conflicts, Its enterprise, civilization, Improvements and Inventions, embracing steam, the tele graph, the telephone, and the manifold uses to which electricity has been made to serve man. No one stood higher or' had a better reputation In the communities where he had lived than he." Mr. Thompson Is survived by these chil dren; Alonzo Thompson, of Fullerton, Neb.; Mrs. Theophilus Harrison, of Colo rado Springs, Colo.; Cyrus Thompson, of Belleville, 111., and Charles H. Thompson, of Mount Tabor, Or.' The body will be taken tonight to Belleville, 111., for burial In the family lot, UNITARIANS EXCLUDED. Rev. TV. G. Eliot Protests Against Y. M. C. A. Discrimination. Of the $10,000 that the Salem Y. M. C. A. Is raising for its building fund there ha3 been subscribed ?S092. One of the recent contributions was $20 from Rev. W. G. Eliot, Jr., pastor of the First Unitarian Church of Salem. With the gift he sent a letter of protest to the soliciting com mittee of the Y. M. C. A., directed at the exclusion of members of the Unita rian churches from the full membership in the Young Men's Christian Association, which Is supposed to be undenominational. The letter, which vigorously expresses hl3 position, follows: "1 am happy to subscribe to the fund which you are now engaged in raising for a new building, but I ask that this letter be made as public as the fact of my subscription, because a close question of principle Is Involved whenever a mem ber of a ., "Unitarian church Is asked to give In the cause you represent. Through out the world, as you know, the Young Men's'Chrlstlan Association excludes from full membership any man who Is not a member of a so-called 'evangelical church. Under this rule, not all who hold Unitarian views, but all members of so-called Unitarian churches are accord ingly excluded. And thus Is presented, In this 20th century of grace, the spec tacle of a world-wide organization call ing Itself Christian and claiming to be undenominational, but yet excluding from J full membership Edward Everett Hale, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Ralph Waldo Emerson, James Martlneau. And so It Is that when we Unitarians are asked to give to the Y. M. C. A., we give rather cheerlessly because we dislike to appear ungenerous, or, oh the contrary, on the ground of justice to ourselves and the cause we represent, we decline to give, and so are condemned and misunderstood. . "To Illustrate the point still further and In Its local bearings, I am told that In the list of churches furnished the students j at the university, among which they must choose one which they must regu larly attend, the name Df the Unitarian church, of! which I am at present the minister, has been purposely omitted. As THE LATE AMOS THOMPSON. . illustrative of the same general point, I am of the impression that the Ministers' Association of this city Is organized upon such lines as to definitely exclude the ministers of Unitarian churches. "This Is enough to Illustrate. And what I have said here of the Unitarian churches la true in general also of several other honorable branches of the Christian church at large. "But It seems to me that there Is a greater principle at stake than the point of justice which I have just set forth; and to this greater principle I give precedence. Perhaps, Indeed, It may be more rightly called a larger aspect or truer statement of the principle above designated. I refer to the vital principle of Christian fellow ship. In the light of this principle, and provided I can afford to contribute, I ap prehend that I am truer to the very prin ciples which I conceive to be at stake If I contribute than If I decline to do so. I would so advise the members of the church of which I am minister, provided only that they do not subscribe at the sacrifice of other obligations, and pro vided also that they bo permitted, if they so wish, to have attached to their names on the list some word Indicative of the kindly protest under which they give. "It Is my earnest desire that nothing in this letter should be construed so as to convey anything but the kindest feeling and Intention; and yet I truer I have made clear the reason whywhat little I can give must Include the protest with which I cause it to be accompanied. That you should approach me in this matter challenges my best feelings of Christian fellowship; and If you are willing to put yourself thus In a position where you are virtually permitting me to include you, every Impulse of Christian sympathy com pels me to make light of the faot that you are excluding me." CORNER-STONE LAID. Nevr Catholic Church to Be Bttllt oh Eaflt Side. . Archbishop Christie laid the corner stone of the new Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart, Milwaukle .and Boise streets, East Side in the presence of 1000 K people yesterday afternoon. He was as sisted by Rev. Charles J. O Rellly, Rev. J. H. Black, Father ChistelH, Father Dft Roo, Rev. William Kramer, the pastor, Prior Adelhelm, of Mount Angel College, and others. Father Kramer wag master of ceremonies. The new church and the school building are under the charge of the Benedictine Fathers, of Mount Angel. The basement of the church Is finished. It was covered with rough boards yester day for the accommodation of the audi ence. When Archbishop Christie appeared, the Southern Pacific Band, which was sta tioned at the east end or the basement, played several selections, The archbishop was escorted to the platform, where a large cross had been erected. After In vocation the stone was laid. In the re ceptacle was placed a brass box, contain ing a document with the names of the building committee G. I. Smith, F. M. Dunn, V. B. Vesely and D. T. Sherrett the pastor In charge, and Archbishop Chlstle, and some facts concerning the new building. After the ceremony, ArchblBhop Christie made a few remarks. He nald: "I might refer at the opening of my brief remarks, this afternoon, after laying this corner-stone according- to the solemn rites and. ceremonies or the Catholic Church, to the enunciation of. Jesus Christ: 'Upon thjs rock have r built my church, and the hates of hell shall not prevail against "it. That church, which Jesus founded and endowed with author ity, has spread throughout the earth, and has withstood the shock of opposition and persecution, and yot has continued to stand .firm. It speaks today with the au thority of Jesu3 Christ for the salvation of all men. It is the church that has pre served intact and without adulteration the -teachings of the living Christ. It la the church' that speaks with authority. It speaks with authority on marriage, and holds that whom God hath joined lio man shall put asunder. It has Stood and still stands on marriage and on moral questions and commandments, where Jesus stood, and declares in no doubtful words that all shall heed the teachings of Jesus or they must be lost. Along this line the great Catholic church has extended the pure gospel of JesUs Christ throughout the earth, with authority. "Of the 250 different church religions, how many speak with authority? This church which we represent at this corner stone Jaylng has no Uncertain doctrine. It hasalways been the pioneer in Chris tian extension. Who has crossed the con tinents and paddled up oUr rivers to re mote districts, carrying, the gospel of Jesus Christ? My brother priests, And not for love of gold; but for the love of soulp. So, in laying this corner-stone, we have started a church that will be a part of the great Catholic church, in which will be celebrated th6 feast of Jesus Christ." At the close of the archbishop's ad dress Prior Adeihelm, of Mount Angel College, delivered a sermon In German. The church will be 42x80 feet. The steeple will be 90 feet high from the sidewalk. The church will cost $2500. MUSICIANS' CARNIVAL. The following Coupons Won prizes at the carnival on Saturday evening: 489, 801, 1301, 842, 824, 201, 915, 750, S35, 79, 601, 458, 604, 492, 971, 1933, 190. B50, 40, 157, 815, 708i 322. 656. 1169. 767, 1046, 1834, 563, 634. 1185 1170 1950, 1244, 145. 680, 1245. 1204 1122 14M, 331 1203, 76, 1206, 1162, 49, 319, 1231, 1118, 1243, 256. Holders of these numbers are requested to call this morning at 10 o'clock at 113 Third street, for their articles. . , SAN FRANCISCO. The O. R. & N. Co.'s nteamnr Columbia p.- M., April 17, for Sah Francisco. Low est rates. FEE WILL BE CHARGED OREGON- HUNTERS MUST PAY ?1 LI CENSE IN WASHINGTON. Same Lair Applies to Resident Hunt era and Those from Idaho Out siders Must Pay ?10. An impression has prevailed among Ore gon hunters that a law recently passed In. Washington required them to pay a license fee of $10 before they could hunt In that state. Such Impression is incor rect ,A.s near as can be ascertained from reading the law relating to hunting passed by the recent Washington Legislature, it Imposes a fee of only $1 upon residents of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, and a fee of $10 upon residents of all other states. In answer to many Inquiries received by the Oregon Fish and Game Association concerning the new game law of Washing ton, particularly that portion relating to license required of non-resident sports men, Secretary Gebhardt has prepared the following statement concerning the Wash ington law. A bill was Introduced In the Washington Legislature providing for a license fee to be paid by non-resident sportsmen or fishermen going Into that state to fish for trout or other game fish, but the bill failed to pass, and. therefore, the old law of Washington In regard to trout still obtains. But a new game bill was passed and approved by the Governor on March 18. Section 9 of It Is as follows: "Hereafter It shall be unlawful and It Is hereby prohibited for any resident or non-resident of this state (Washington) of the age of 16 years or over, to hunt for, pursue, take, catch or kill any of the animals, fowls or birds protected by the laws of this state (Washington) wlthQUt Having in his possession at the time of such taking, catching or killing, a license therefor, duly issued to him by the Coun ty Auditor In the county In which the said person Is then hunting, which county officer Is hereby authorized to issue such license under the provisions of this act; such license shall be numbered and dated, and shall contain the namp and postofflce address of the person to whom such li cense shall be granted. All licenses pro vided for In this act shall be issued as follows: Upon application therefor by any resident or non-resident of this state (Washington) an animal license shall be Issued by any County Auditor for the pur pose of hunting for, pursuing, taking, catching, or killing any of the animals, fowls or birds protected by the laws of this state, which shall entitle the holder to hunt for, pursue, take, hunt, catch or kill any of the said animals, fowls or birds within the county wherein said li cense Is issued for the term of one year In any manner and wherever such hunting Is not prohibited by law, a fee of $1 for each license Issued to a resident of this state (Washington) or of Oregon or Ida ho and a fee o"f $10 Issued to any other non-resident of the state shall be col lected by the County Auditors and paid over to the County Treasurer and by said Treasurer placed In the game pro tection fund. All fines collected under the provisions of this act or collected un der the provisions of any of the game laws of this state (Washington) shall be turned over to the County Treasurer and placed by him In the game protection fund, which .fund shall be applied to the payment of salaries of game wardens so far as the same will apply; provided, that in addition to the license hereinafter paid upon the killing of any male elk, the person killing the same shall pay Into the County Treasury In which such elk is killed the further sum of $20, which shall he placed in the game protection fund; and Upon failure so to do the person killing said elk shall be deemed guilty of a mjsdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine, of not less than $10tnor more than $100, together with -the cost of prosecution in such ac tion." Secretary Gebhardt says of the Wash ington law: "Inasmuch as the first men tioned bill failed td pass, and the title to the new game law does iot mention fish, but refers .only to "Imposing a li cense upon hunters," perhaps the fair and reasonable interpretation of section 9 is that it applies only to hunters and not to fishermen. , THE DISCIPLINED SOLDIER. Dr. Gne Preaches to Battery A, Ore gon National Guard. Rev. G. W. Gue, pastor of Centenary Methodist Church, East Side, preached last night to Battery A, Oregon National Guard. The members appeared In uni form, and were given seats In the body of the auditorium. One of the pleasing -features of th'e evening services was the solo, "Star-Spangled Banner," by Mrs. E. S Miller. Dr. Gue spoke on "The Dis ciplined Soldier," taking his text from II Timothy, 11:4: "No man that w'arreth ontangleth himself with the affairs of this life'." He said: "The Apostle Paul had great admiration for the soldier character, and honorable soldiers ard admired everywhere. , The saviors of our Government were her vol unteer, or citizen, soldiers, and a grander class of men were never marshaled under any flag. They were discriminated against at the beginning of the Rebellion, but they proved their valor on many well fought fields and carried away the laurela at the close of the strife. "The past week to many of ua has been memorable because Tuesday, April 9, was the 36th anniversary of the surrender of General R. R Lee and hlB army of 30, 000 men. which virtually closed the war. Last Friday, April 12, commemorated the fortieth anniversary of the firing on Fort Sumter and the beginning of the great Rebellion. Saturday evening, April 13, celebrated the storming of Spanish Fort, opposite Mobile, being the last con flict in which I was engaged and where sounded the last guns of the Rebellion. "The last time I Btood up to preach to a company of young soldiers like your selves was the first Sunday of August, 1865, in the City of Vicksburg, Miss. The war was ended, our arms were laid aside, the country was saved, and we were wait ing transportation to our homes in the North. Young men In age and appearance somewhat like yourselves, but they had had three years of awful experience, and Were glad to retire from the field. When we ehliBted we feared that we Wbuld never have nn "opportunity to hear guns and see a battle, but at the end of five months we received such a baptism of shot and shoil that we never prayed again for a similar experience. It is likely you would be pleased to have a taste of war. I hopo you never wilt. "Notwithstanding the distressed con dition among the nations, I believe wo are on the eve of the greatest peace the world has. ever known. I hardly think you will ever be tested on the field of carnage, but the soldier character is as much in demand in civil life as when armies a,re marshaling for battle. Life ltsdf IS a conflict and every true man a soidltsr. I want to emphasise the state ment of the text -tha.t 'no man that warfeth pntangleth himself with the af fairs of this life.' Singleness of purpose should characterize every roan. How true the saying, he Who is JacTc of all trades ts master of none, if you are to be a successful soldier that calling must pre dominate, and the love of It must per meate your whole being. "When we answered oUr country's call everything else was lAid aside business, home, loved ohes and all. Young men, have1 a purpose In life. Settle the ques tion" of business, then stay with It. En tangle not yourselves With everything else. Be masters of your business. Don't let it master you and lead you out beyond your depth. So many men are rUlned in business because they overreach. When you choosb A wife, young man, be sure she marries your business as well as you. It Will be unfortunate If It is otherwise. "Again, the well-disaiplihed soldier is temperate In all things. Discipline In the Army had to do not only with military drill, but with what the men ate and drank. It would have been a Godsend If the officials In our Spanish War had strictly adhered to thl3 principle. It would have saved us from the disgrace of em- f balmed beef, putrid canned meats and the Army canteen, or saloon. The Chris tian sentiment of this Nation has been awfully outraged by the declaration of the secular press that the canteen was a military necessity; that Is. the Govern ment had to follow our soldiers with a well-stocked saloon to save the men from greater corruption. If that Is true, then In God's name this Army had better be called home and send officers and men with characters that are moral and habits that are safe. We had no regimental sa loons during the war of the Rebellion. The orders were emnhaMr nhout the use of liquors. Young men, now, as well as In the Army, you need healthy bodies and clear heads, and that you can't have if you are prone to dissipation. "Again, the well-dlsclpllned soldier Is a man of courage. Uniforms and arms will not give courage. Some of the great est cowards I ever saw wore the blue and carried the musket. Recklessness Is not courage. A reckless man can no more be depended upon than the coward. Cour age can be cultivated. I knew of a man In the Army who swooned away when the battle opened, but later he became one of the bravest of men. "Young men, cultivate courage regard ing the right, courage to stand for prin ciple, even though It may be unpopular, courage to treat everybody well, to be a gentleman and to speak the truth. If the Christian religion is right, then es pouse it. Have the courage of your con victions. You are sworn to defend your, country's flag, but remember. 'The soul Is more than parchment scroll, or flags that winds unfold.' " OSTEOPATHY Removes the cause of dlseuee. Dr. R. B. Northrup, osteopathic physician, special ist In nervous and chronic diseases, 416 Dekum building, -Third and Washington streets. Examination free. WHERE TO DINE TODAY. There is one place in the city which gives satisfaction to all the Portland Restaurant, 305 Washington, near Fifth. WITTER SPRINGS MINERAL WATER Can be used both internally and exter nally. As a nasal douche for nasal and pharyngeal catarrh, It Is a remedy par ex cellence. For tonsllltis. canKered sore throat and mouth. It gives Immediate re lief, and performs a radical cure. As a face wash It Imparts to the skin a soft and velvety complexion. It Is a sure cure for dandruff. It gradually removes corns, warts and tetter. Applied warm as a spray, it will radically cure Inflamed and J. Hellen, sole agent. No. 130 Fifth street, Portland. AN INVESTIGATION Dr. Rogers Thinks This Is All That Is Necessary to Convince the World That Osteopathy Is "The True Art of Hcnling." The osteopath is always ready to dem onstrate his methods In any case. He does not pretend to do the Impossible, but, upon examination, he can tell you what he" can do. He nnas out the facts and conditions In each case by methods entirely different from all other doctors. If you have never had a satisfactory diagnosis of your case, try once more try the Osteopath. Dr. W. A. Rosrers, of fices, fifth floor, Marquam building. No charge for consultation and diagnosis. Telephone Main 27. Brings on bad eyes. Aid the sight by resting the optic nerve with a pair of our easy glosses. They act as a restful stimulant, relieve tne strain and bring back health. You can change your glasses, but not your eyes. Take care of those you nave that their use may not bo de nied you in old age. VMLTER REED Uye Specialist. 133 SIXTH STREET, OREUONIAN BUILDING. ENLARGED PORTRAITS. Crayons, water colors; satisfactory work guaranteed at moderate prices. Strong's 20th Century Studio, Goodnough building. LJU C j mV IT n Marquam big., room (28-7. Mohonk. E. & W. Mohonlc. A nevr lilprh handed collar. CAHN, Strained Vision A Pure Kye &?!i$&ey It tastes 0j$Mi old Because sgigg t IS OiCJ Library Association of Portland IIa1ktstarneIts HUrs rrsm 9 A. M. to 9 f. M., except Sundays and holidayi. 29,000 iZ3L-U5i-BS 250 PERIODICKLS $5 OO K V&7"R $1.50 R QUKRTER1 SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. ?1.00 A YEAR WELL BRED, SOON WED." GIRLS WHO USE i dP IS 1 IT I fLJ fL u Ler B r ARE QUICKLY MARRIED. epaSooQ(wog&je5w9 is dickering If gg Pianos boston gg WOM Weber Pianos NEW YORK M Kimball Pianos CHICAGO Kimball Organs Everybody knows their good- KV nAr I V..B.. n4 v r4fmtir J. IIU33. inuy iibtu nu auionuu- gs menl: It is only necessary lo Sl state where they are to be found. Riant; SPRING STYLES. This season offer Irresistible attractions In all lines of footwear especially at 3ed dard's, where the price is the converse of the quality; the latter high, the former low. Some one has said that well-kept shoes are a sign of refinement. Our shoea, good to start with, easily and long keep their shape, and Indicate elegance always. "Queen Quality" for Women $3 E. C. GODDARD & CO. OREGONTAN BUILDING No More Dread cfthe i TEETH EXTRACTED AND FILLED ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN by our late scientific method applied to the gums. No sleep-producing agent3 or co caine. These are the only dental parlors In Portland haVing - PATENTED APPLI ANCES And ingredients to extract, fill and apply gold crowns and procelaln crowns undetectable from natural teeth, and warranted for 10 years. WITHOUT THE LEAST PAIN. All work done by GRADUATED DENTISTS of from 12 to 20 years experience, and each depart ment In charge of a specialist. Give us a call, and you will find us to do exactly as we advertise. We will tell you In ad vance exactly what your work will coat by a FREE EXAMINATION. POPULAR PRICES NO PLATES New York Dental Parlors MAIN OFFICE: Fourth and Morrison sts.. Portland. Or. HOURS: 8:30 A. M. to 8 P. M.: Sundays. 8:30 A. M. to 2 P. M. BRANCH OFFICE: 614 First Avenue. Seattle. Washington. FRED PREHN The Dekum BUHdlijff.. Full Set T4tli-..$5.0O Gold Crowns B.OO Bridge Work ....... o.oo Examination free. Teeth extracted abso lutely without pain. Cor. Third and Wa3hInton- " BELT & CO., Baltimore, Md. ?2 Woa of IS THEY'RE SOLD BY II 351 Washington o)e(a v-'-u-CpHHQvrc JvZtGl -. FLECKENSTEW NAVER CO., ScU OdrtMors Portland, Oregon. fs