Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 13, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL. NO. 12,455.
Any Size
Rubber Boots and Shoes, Belting, Packing and Hose.
Largest and most complete assortment o f all kinds oC Rubber Goods.
Goodyear Rubber Company
R. H. PEASE. President.
F. M. SHEPARD. JR.. Treasurer.
J. A. SHEPARD. Secretary.
China, Crockery, Glassware
Hotel, Restaurant and Bar Supplies a specialty.
Shaws Pure Malt
The Condensed Strength and Nutriment of
Barley and Rye
Blumauer & Hoch,
Established 1S70
G. P. Runimelin & Sons, Furriers
Fur Neck Scarfs, -from $1.00 and upwards.
Pur Collarettes., with cluster of tails, 53.25 and upwards.
fur Collarettes, with yokes and cluster of tails, $350 and upwards.
Call and see our endless variety of Neckwear, In Animal Scarfs, Cluster Boas,
Loner Fox Boas, Storm Collars, etc
Fur Jackets Etons Capes Robes and Rugs
fifth and Washington Strcots
Flrst-Class Checlc Rentanrant
Connected With Hotel.
St Charles Hotel
American and European Plan.
You Play as You Darn Please
No amount of study can add to the natural power of expression of the player.
This is his own something he is born with; but the Pianola affords him full op
portunity to express himself in the kind of muslo for which he eares.
M. B. WELLS, Northwest Agent for the Aeolian Company
Aeolian Hall, 353-355 Washington Street, cor. Park. Portland, Or.
We are solo agents for the Pianola. It Is exhibited only at our warerooms.
Executive Committee at San Fran
cisco Elects Officers.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 12. A meeting
of the executive committee of tho Pacific
Coast Jobbers & Manufacturers' Asso
ciation vas held today In this city. The j
cities of Los Angeles, San Diego, Sac- j
ramento, Marysvllle, Portland, Seattle
and Tacoma were represented. Officers
were elected as follows:
President, Wakefield Baker, of San
Francisco, vice-presidents, Charles Hol
brook. of San Francisco; J. S. Goldsmith,
of Seattle, Frederic M&ttet, of Tacoma; I
Henry Halm, of Portland; H. Cornfortn,
of Marysvllle; William Shaw, of Sacra
mento; C. C. Reynolds, of Los Angeles,
and Melville K. Lauber, of Los Angeles;
eecretary, T. P. Smith.
Messrs. Baker and Loveland were se
lected to attend the final hearing in tha
case of the St. Louis Business Men's
League against the Atchison, Topeka &
Santa Fe, which will come up before the
Interstate Commerce Commission at
Washington. D. C, December 10.
Opening: of the Grand Opera Season
at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 12. The Grau
opera company, which came direct to San j
Fran'sco from Europe, gave the first
performance of a two weeks' season at
the Grand Opera-House tonight, present
ing 'Romeo and Juliet-" The big opera
house, holdtng about 9000 popJe, was
crowded to the roof with representative
San Franciscans attired in their best
clothes. Melba. De Rescke and other
principals received a most enthusiastic
Teceptlon. and It was probably the most
brilliant first night ever seen In San
Francisco. The sale of tickets for the
sesjw has been enormous, breaking the j
record fw all previous engagements In
uui air oi vper&uc r aramatic compa
Michigan Potatoes Damaged.
ST JOSHFH. Mica.. Nov. 12. Two
thirds of the entire petat crop of Mloh-t
4gaa has been ruined by the resent storms.
It is said tha loss will amount to over
Any Style
73-75 FIRST ST.
Beau BrummelL
and 110 Fourth Street ,
Sole Distributers for Oregon
Incorporated 18S3t
Rooms Single TOc to XLE0 per day
Rooms Double 41.00 to 32.00 per day
Rooms Family &.E0 to 53.00 per day
C. T. BELCHER. 5sc and Trees.
plan.. .....51.3. S1.E9, JL7S
plan 50c. 75c, (LOO
Dr. Murphy, of Chicago, Again Tele
graphed For.
ST. PAUL, Minn.. Nov. 12,-JThe condi
tion of Senator C K. Davis took a turn
for the worse today, neiw complications
developing, and Dr. Murphy, the eminent
Chicago surgeon, has again been tele
graphed for and will reach hero tomorrow
morning. Dr. A. J. Stefe, the surgeon in
charge of the Senator's case, tonight is
sued the following bulletin;
"Senator Davis' elevation of tempera
ture and restlessness last night has
proved to be due to acute nephritis. This
abnormal condition was first observed at
2 o'clock this morning and the complica
tions revealed make the case so. serious
that I have telegraphed Dr. Murphy to
see the Senator again with me tomorrow.
Temperature tonight 99; pulse 108."
Inspects Propertr Reoently Bought
by His Syndicate.
liam Van Home, of the Canadian Pacific
Railway Company, accompanied by his
son and Perclval Farquhar and Dr. Shep
ard, officials of the Cuban company, ar
rived this nornlng on the freighter Adml.
ral Sampson.vfrom Philadelphia. Sir Wil
liam will Inspect the lands, railroads and
other properties recently purchased by
the company, including hundreds of thou
sands of acres of sugar and fruit lands
along the Gayuto River and near Nlpe
Bay, which will be developed as soon as
the necessary railroad construction, now
actively progressing, 1b completed.
President of a Hill Line.
DULUTH, Minn., Nov. 12. Louis W.
Hill, vice-president of the Eastern Rail
way of Minnesota, has been elected pres-
lAnnt trt ciiivm flamn.l TTIII -tri.....
apolls. Louis W. Hill has been the act-
lve manager of the road for more than
a year past, having succeeded his broth
er, J. N. Hill, in that capacity.
Captain Lawrence M. Murray Dead.
KINGSTON, N. T Nov. 12. Captain
Lawrence M. Murray, who commanded
the famous cruiser Nashville before her
capture by the Confederate Government.
4.1s dead at bis homo In Maiden.
Passing Away of the Well
Known Financier.
Death Was Caused hy Apoplexy sir.
Vlllard's Railway Enterprises
In the West.
NEW YORK. Nov. 12. Henry "Vlllard,
the financier, died early this morning; at
his .Summer home, Thornwood Park, near
Dobbs Ferry. The cause of death was
apoplexy, from -which he bad been a sut
ferer for several weeks. A week ago he
contracted a severe cold, which hastened
the end. Mr. "Vlllard had been uncon
scious nearly all the time since last
Tuesday. When death came there were
gathered around the bed Mr. Vlllard's
wife, who was a daughter of William L.
Garrison; his sons, Oswald G., Harold G.,
with his wife; Mrs. William I. Garrison,
of Boston, his sister-in-law, and Mr. Vll
lard's only daughter, Mrs. James W. Bell,
of Dresden, Germany. In addition to tho
family, Mr. Vlllard leaves a sister, Mrs.
Emma Von Xylander, wife of General
Robert Von Xylander, of the Bavarian
Army. Mr. Vlllard had resided in Dobb's
Ferry during the Summer months for the
past 18 years.
It has been arranged that the funeral
will take place from the residence
Wednesday afternoon. The services will
be conducted by the Rev. Theodore C.
Williams, of Tarrytown. The Interment
will be In the family plot In Sleepy Hol
low cemetery, where repose the remains
of his youngest son, Hllgard, who died
when 5 years old, and who drove the gold
spike completing the Northern Paciflo
Railroad, of which his father was presi
dent. Thornwood, Mr. Vlllard's country
home at Dobb's Ferry, Is a massive and
handsome villa of stone and brick, sur
rounded with spacious -verandas.
As soon as Mr. Vlllard's death became
known, messages of sympathy began to
It had been the intention of the Vlllard
family to return to their New York City
home about the middle of October, but
the health of Mr. Vlllard was so pre
carious that his physician persuaded him
to remain In the country until he should
become stronger.
Harold Vlllard tonight stated that a re
port had been circulated that his father
had died from the effects of a cancer in
the throat. This statement, he said, was
erroneous. Mr. Vlllard's death was
caused by apoplexy alone, and he had
never had a cancer In the throat or any
other serious throat trouble.
Commanding: Place Attained by Vil
. lard in the Northwest.
fVlllard attained a commanding place In
the transportation field of the Pacific
Northwest in 1879. when, backed by East-
jS-igjij&llstsebght riagiralrcfd3-o;
lSTeaSt Navigation tympany 'forlsWYommSia Riveri Tha threcoml
000, and he became a capitalist on his own
account at the same time by turning tho
purchase Into the new company for $6,000,
009. For three years his rise was rapid,
and he attracted to himself more atten
tion and more money than any other rail
Toad financier in the United Statea His
ambition was to be tho head of one great
transportation system which should encir
cle the globe. His ability to raise money
for railroad enterprises was exceeded only
by his capacity to spend it In what he
considered legitimate schemes.
He consolidated the Navigation Company
with the Oregon Steamship Company,
which operated a line of steamers be
tween Portland and San Francisco, nam
ing the new concern thus formed the Ore
gon Railway & Navigation Company. In
this same year the Northern Pacific Rail
road, with Frederick Billings at the head,
began the work of finishing the line from
Montana to a Pacific Coast connection at
Wallula, Wash. The O. R. & N. at the
same time began construction of a line
from Portland to Wallula, where a Junc
tion was made with the Northern Pacific
thus forming the first transcontinental
railroad Into Portland.
Extraordinary earnings by the Oregon
Railway & Navigation Company during
1880 and 1881 made Wall street wild to get
in on the ground floor of any enterprise
with which Vlllard's name was connect
ed. The business done by the fleet of
steamboats and the five portage roads
was enormous. All the material for the
O. R. & N. main line and for the North
ern Pacific, which was building eastward
from Wallula, was shipped by the steam
boats. Freight was charged to the O. R.
& N. construction department, and to tho
Northern Pacific In addition to this Im
mense business, there was the steadily
increasing grain and merchandise busi
ness, and a large passenger traffic Divi
dends were Immense.
Vlllard next organized the Oregon Im
provement Company (now Pacific Coast
Company), which was to take care of the
coal and timber industry of Washing
ton. With part of the capital he bought
a controlling Interest in the Pacific Coast
Steamship Company.
Soon after he became president of the
Northern Pacific Railroad Company and
conceived the idea of forming the Oregon
& Transcontinental Company with $40,
000,000 capital (now out of existence) its
object to be the control of the Northern
Paclfio and tho O. R. & N., and to serve
as financial agent of both companies. Its
resources were dissipated in sustaining
the Northern Pacific, which was unable,
alone, to finish the line across the coun
try. Vlllard was also president of the Ore
gon & California Railroad, and had con
trol of the Willamette Valley narrow
gauge railroads (built and owned by
Scotch capital, under direction of Will
lam. Reid), under lease to the O. R. & N.
Co. In 1SS3, Vlllard was in control of every
important rail and water line In Oregon
and Washington, and of every steamship
from San Diego to Alaska. He began to
lose his hold late In 1BS3, very soon after
the Northern Paclfio was completed.
Mr. Vlllard gave $50,000 to the State
University of Oregon, liberally aided the
University of Washington, founded a hos
pltal and school for nurses in his native
town, and devoted large sums to the In
dustrial Art School of Rhenish Bavaria,
and to the foundation of 15 scholarships
for the youth of that province.
Completion of the Northern Pacific by
the driving of the last spike, at Gold
Creek, Mont., September 8, 18S3, was the
occasion of a great celebration. Five spe
cial trains brought distinguished men
from Europe and America. William M.
Evarts delivered the principal oration.
The most famous guest was Ulysses S.
Grant, and continued calls from the 5000
people there assembled brought him to his
feet, and he made a witty Impromptu
Three days later Portland held the
greatest celebration In her history. Every
business street was brilliantly illuminat
ed, and the decorations had never been
equaled. A public reception to Vlllard
was held in the Mechanics' Fair building,
which, was packed to tho doors. He and
his guests were honored with many pri
vate receptions.
Left the Career of a Nevrphper Man
for That of t Finanpler.
NEW TORK. Nov. 12. Henry Vlllard
was born Belnrich Hllgard, in. Speyer,
Rhenish Bavaria, on April 11, 1S35. His
great uncle, Theodore (father of Julius
Hllgard, who became superintendent of
the United States Coast SurVey) led a
migration of the family connection to
Belleville, 111., In 1835. His father. Gus
tav. -was in the ludicial service of the
Bavarian Government and eroded Judge
oi tne supreme court at juunicn.
Young Hllgard was educated' at schools
In Zwcibrucken, Pbolsibourg, and Speyer,
but In October, 1853, broke off his univer
sity studies and set out for the United
States? intending to Join the colony of his
relatives at Belleville. His father's oppo
sition to this step made him. borrow the
surname pf a French scnoolmato at Phal
sibourg, and he became Henry Vlllard.
Arriving at Belleville, he became a
newspaper reporter and continued in the
profession until 1S68. During these years
he served as a Legislative correspondent
in Indiana and Illinois; a political re
porter, reporting the Lincoln-Douglas de
bates, vai the Chicago convention, which
nominated Lincoln; the Lincoln campaign,
and later as a war correspondent and
Furopean correspondent. The papers he
served In this period were the Cincinnati
Commercial, the New York Herald, the
Chicago Tribune and the New York Trib
une, and part of the time he was at the
head of news bureaus at Washington.
Early In 1S81 Mr. Vlllard acquired the
New York Evening Post and the Nation.
In January, 1SG6, in Boston, he married
Annie, the only daughter of William
Lloyd Garlson. Iii 1868 he was chosen
secretary of the newly founded American
Social Science Association, having its
headquarters in that tlty, and did not
finally relinquish tho post until 1S7L
While living at Wiesbaden he engaged
in the negotiation of American railroad
securities; and when many companies de
faulted In the payment of interest, after
the crash of 1S73, he Joined several com
mittees of German bondholder doing the
major part of their work, and In April,
IB 1 4, returned to the United States to rep
resent his constituents, and especially to
execute an arrangement with tho Oregon
& California Railroad Company. On
visiting Oregon he was Impressed with
the natural wealth of the region, and con
ceived the plan of gaining control of Its
few transportation routes. His clients,
who were large creditors also of the Ore
gun Steamship Company, approved his
tchemo, and In 1S75 Mr. Vlllard became
president of both corporations'. He was
appointed In 1876 a receiver of the Kansas
Paciflo Railroad as a representative of
European creditors, and was removed in
1878, but continued the contest he had be
gun with Jay Gould and flnaljy obtained
better terms for the bondhqlders than
they had agreed to accept. The Euro
pean investors in the Oregon and San
Francisco steamship line, after building
new vessels, became discouraged, and in
1879 Vlllard formed an Amerlcah syndicate
and purchased the property. He also ac
quired that of the Oregon Steam Naviga
tion Company, which operated fleets of
steamers- end nnrtui-A raJitwawvrtSTtVin
that he controlled were amalgamated, un
der the name of the Oregon Railway &
Navigation company. He began the con
struction of a railroad up the Columbia
River, and, falling In his effort to gain a
permanent engagement from the Northern
Pacific Company, which had begun Its
extension Into Washington to use the Co
lumbia River line as Its outlet to tho Pa
cific Ocean, he succeeded, with the aid of
a syndicate, which was called a "blind
pool," in acquiring control of the North
ern Pacific property, and organized a new
corporation that was named the Oregon
& Trancontincntal Company
After some contention with the old
managers of the Northern Pacific road,
Vlllard was elected president of a re
organized board of directors on Septem
ber 15, 1S3L The main line to the Paciflo
Ocean was completed, with the aid of the
Oregon & Transcontinental Company; but
at the time when it was open to traffic
with festivities, in September, 1883, the
"bears" of the stock market arranged an
attack on the securities of the allied com
panies, and Vlllard, in the vain endeavor
to support the properties, sacrificed his
large fortune, and on January 4, 1884, re
signed the presidency of the Northern
Pacific Railroad.
After spending the intervening time in
Europe, he returned to New York City in
1886, and afterward purchased for Ger
man capitalists large amounts of the se
curities of the transportation system that
he was Instrumental In creating, becom
ing again director of the Northern Pa
cific Company, and on Juno 21, 1SS8, again
president of the Oregon & Transconti
nental Company.
A few years later the companies in
whloh he was interested became so in
volved that there was a collapse, in which
Mr. Vlllard suffered very heavily. Re
turning to Germany, he formed new finan
cial relations, which enabled him to repair
his fortune, and. coming back to this
country, he; statled once more as a cap
italist. In 1S90 he purchased from Thomas A.
Edison his electrical manufacturing inter
ests, and with the Edison Lamp Company,
of NJewark. N. J., and the Edison works
at Schenectady, N. Y., as a basis, organ
ized the Edison General Electric Com
pany, of which he became president, serv
ing in that caoaclty for about two years.
Railroad Men Fay Tribute to Mr.
Vlllard's Ability.
The news of Mr. Vlllard's death was re
ceived with deep regret in Portland. Many
of the most prominent business men of
tho city knew him well, and fully appre
ciated what he did toward the develop
ment of the Northwest. Although a num
ger of those with whom he was asso
ciated in Oregon are now dead, many of
his warm personal friends now live here,
and to them the news of his death came
as a severe shock. C. H. Prescott, ex-vlce-president
of the Northern Pacific,
who was a friend of Mr. Vlllard for many
years, and was closely associated with
him in many business enterprises, said:
"While I have known that Mr. Vlllard
was very ill. the notice of his death Is a
great shock to me, as we have been
warm personal friends for many years.
In a letter from him dated the 21st of last
September, he said: 'I-regret tp say that
my hope of Improvement in any bodily
condition Is not yet fulfilled, and I hardly
expect ever to yet well again.'' In "his
letter to me of October 8 he says: 'I am
sorry I cannot as yet report any improve
ment In my health. A new visitation
came upon me week before last, in a most
sudden and severe attack of mataris,
-Which kept me on my back until now.
"Mr. Vlllard was greatly Interested In
our Northwest country, and has been
collecting data ever since his visit here
a year ago last June, with the intention
of writing a railroad history of this part
of the world. . ,
"Mr. Vlllard was a man of great busi-
(Conclttdtdioa Second P&ga4
Roberts' Report Reflects
Country's Prosperity.
Operations of the New Division of
Issue and Redemption Increas
ing: the Circulation.
"WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. The annual
report of Treasurer Ellis H. Roberts, on
the operations and condition of the Treas
ury, was submitted to Secretary Gage
today. Mr. Roberts says the growth and
prosperity of the country, and the gen
eral activity of business are reflected In
K.t j.
ordinary revenues of the-"Gqyernment;rof
the fiscal year were $567,210,852, the largest
In the history of the country, excepting
those of 1866, the next highest by $47 ,291,
288. The Increase of $51,280,232 over the
preceding year was contributed from all
the general sources, but chiefly from cus
toms and internal revenue. On the side
of tho expenditures, there was a net in
crease of $117,358,383, in comparison with
1839, so that the deficiency of $89,111,660 for
that year was converted into a surplus of
$78,627,060 in 1900. Tho gross receipts
under warrant, including those on ac
count of the public debts, were $1,387,295,
262, and the disbursements $1,195,941,477, a
large increase on both sides over the pre
vious year. Wth the exception of July,
1899, when there was a deficiency of $8,506,
832, a surplus was realized for every
month of the year, the one for June be
ing the largest, at $17,895,159. The larg
est receipts for a single day were $5,199,514,
February 26, 1900, and the largest expendi
tures S4.803.000. July 3. 1900. The largest
surplus on any ,one day was $4,047,3S, Au
gust 29, and the largest deficiency, $2,318,
621, July 5, 1899.
Promptly upon the enactment of the
new financial law the divisions of Issue
and redemption therein provided for were
established, and to them were transferred
the records and accounts relating to the
issue and redemption of United States
notes, gold certificates silver certificates
and currency certificates. Up to October
1, 1900. $22,530,854 in United States notes
and $3,594,703 In Treasury notes were re
deemed in gold out of the reserve fund
of $150,000,000. Each day the notes so
redeemed were exchanged for gold from
the general fund, so that the reserve was
kept intact in amount and character. Be
sides this reserve fund, the trust fund,
consisting of gold coin, silver dollars and
bullion, and United States notes, amount
ed on the day the act became a law to
$723,062,283, and increased by November L
1900, to $740,965,697.
Exclusive of the reserve fund, the avail
able cash balance of the Treasury was
greater June 30, 1900. by $24,887,193 than at
the same date In 1899, but this gain was
partly offset by a decrease of $3,663,273
in thrt next ensuing quarter. The cash
assets beyond liabilities were $49,723,017
June 30, 1899; $50,327,502 June SO, 1900, and
$41,183,160 October 1, 1900.
As the receipts of the Treasury were
greater than the needs of the Govern
ment, measures were adopted by the Sec
retary of the Treasury for the purpose of
restoring the surplus moneys to the gen
eral circulation, these measures Including
prepayment of Interest and an offer to
purchase 4 and 5 per cent bonds up to $25,
000,000, and notice that the $25,364,500 then
outstanding of the 2 per cent loan of 1891J
would be paid on presentation. Up to
November 1, the redemptions under this
notice were $23,109,500, leaving $2,255,000
outstanding. The bond purchases under
the call for 4 and 5 per cents amounted
to $19,300,650, with ah additional $2,373,503
for premiums. The exchange of 5 per
cents, the old 4 per cents, and thenew
3 per cents for 2 per cent consols under
the provisions of the financial act has
proceeded steadily. The total amount of
the" exchanreable securities outstanding
was $539,146,340, and by June 30. $307,125,450,
or S6.6 per cent of them, had been con
verted into the new 2s. The premiums
allowed under the provisions of the law
amounted to $30,773,552, and in the trans
actions, $30,404,850 was paid out of tho
Treasury after the adjustment of interest
and some other accounts. The saving of
Interest effected by the operation Is placed
at $42,592,771, and the net saving at $8,604,
7. October 1, out of $296,755,130 in bonds
held by the Treasurer as security for the
circulating notes of National banks, $263,
075,000 were new 2s.
The inflow of gold in consequence of the
material conditions, prominent among
which IH a favorable trade balance, aver
aging $563,283,209, in the last three years,
win also co-operate with the statute. The
National bank notes presented for re
demption during the year amounted to
j05iSS2,6O7, or 37.25 per cent of the average
volume outstanding, an Increase of $6,14,
303 over 1S39. The expense Incurred in
the redemption and assortment, including
$31,767 for transportation, amounted to
$122,955, Which sum will be apportioned
among the banks at the rate of L33658 of
their notes redeemed.
Postponement of Cases Relating to
Porto Rico and Philippines.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. The United
States Supreme Court postponed argu
ments In what are known as the Porto
Rico and Philippine cases until December
17. The postponement was made at the
instance of Attorney-General Griggs, and
the object is to have other cognate ques
tions now pending In the United States
fMrctitfc ffmirtR nrtnipd ""wfnr fYidt Rnnnm.
I Court together with the twn en, in
j their broader significance, these cases In
volve the question whether Porto Rico
and the Philippines are part of the United
States, and are, as such, entitled to free
commercial intercourse with It.
Justice Harlan today rendered the opln-
- i . .. .. . k.
NScranton vs. Eben S. Wheeler, comliig'tb
mo court on a writ or error from the su
preme Court of the State of Michigan.
The case Involves the riparian rights Of
owners on navigable streams to damages
for . the loss of accessibility to such
streams, caused by Government improve
ments made for the purpose of improving
navigation. A Dler erected at St. Mary's
Falls, Mich., cut off Scranton's access to
the river. The Michigan Court decided
against Scranton, and today's opinion con
firmed that decision. A dissenting opinion
was delivered by Justice Shlras, and con
curred in by Justices Gray and Peckham.
Transactions Since September 28,
1800, Are Illegal.
HONOLULU, Nov. 6, (via San Fran
claco, Nov. 12.) Tho Honolulu Repub
lican will say tomorrow:
"Every lease and sale of public land
in Hawaii since September 28, 19), Is
illegal and void. That Is the position
taken by the Hon. John W. Griggs,
Attorney-General of the United States,
and suits will be instituted in the United
Statea District Courts for the District of
Hawaii to set aside every such lease and
sale made by the local government of
the Hawaiian Islands. At the meeting
of the Executive Council yesterday, this
was the all-Important subject of discus
sion. The Republican is in a position
to state that Land Commissioner Jacob
F. Brown brought up the subject before
Mr. Dole and his Executive Council. The
matter waa discussed for some time and
the Attorney-General was instructed at
once to begin preparations for answering
the suits which will be filed In, the name
of the United States by United States
Attorney Balrd. Brown, the Land Com
missioner, was instructed to prepare a
list of all the land and water rights
sold" and leased by the territory since
September 28, 1S99, in preparation for the
suit and In response to the demand fcr
such information on the part of the,
National Government. Congress ratified
and confirmed all sales, grants, leases
and other dispositions of the public do
main, granted by the Hawaiian Govern
ment, in conformity with the laws of
Hawaii, between July 7, 1898, and Sep
tember 23, 1899. But any sales, leases or
grants since the last named date, the
Attorney-General holds, are Illegal and
void and he has instructed United States
Attorney Balrd to Institute suits at
once in the United States Court to aat
aside all grants, sales, franchises and
"United States District Attorney Baird
admitted that he had received a letter
from Attorney-General Griggs on the
subject, but refused to say whether or
not It contained instructions for him to
begin the suits. The Republican, how
ever, is in a position to say that Colonel
Baird's letter contained positive instruc
tions for him to begin suits at once to
set aside every sale grant, franchise or
lease made in Hawaii since September 28,
18S9. It is also In position to state abso
lutely that the instructions to Mr. Balrd
were very imperative, leaving him no
discretion in the matter. Attornex-Gen-eral
Griggs believes that the granting of
lands and franchises In Hawaii by the
territory previous to tho organization of
the territory is Illegal. Ho demands that
the territorial government be Instructed
at once to furnlch a complete list of
every piece of land sold, leased or
granted, and every water franch'se
leased, sold or given away to the
United States Attorney, in. order that
suits may bo instituted to set aside each
and every one of such transfers."
Voted Against Revision.
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 12. The Pres
bytery of Philadelphia today voted
against a revision of the Westminster
confession, and recommended to the Gen
eral Assembly that the whole matter of
iAtr1a1rm t? 4foA iwinfiMslnn uh rilsm!adAV
jThd vote stood TO ajainsVGe for .revision. I
Guests of a Missouri Hostelry
Burned to Death.
Other Inmates Escaped by Leaping
From Upper Story Wlndoi
Building a Death-Trap.
Hemmed In by flames in the upper storiea
of the Gifford House, an old frame struc
ture that burned like tinder, a number
of persons were burned or suffocated to
death; others leaped from windows and
suffered the loss of limbs and other in
juries from which some died. Only one
or two of the 45 sleeping guests, got out
without Injury and none saved anything
but the night clothes that were worn at
12:30, when the alarm was given. Four
are known to be dead, one Is missing,
three are fatally Injured, and more tfrfln
20 are burned or otherwise hurt.
In the halls of the hotel a dozen op
more persons were overcome by heat and
smoke and this leads to the belief that tha
loss of life will be much greater than is
now known. There were a number of
unregistered guests at the place. The Us
of dead, so far reported, is as follows;
Curly Berry.
Heck Clark.
Shelby D. Hart.
Rebecca Owens.
Eugene Dalton Is missing.
Those fatally injured are: Etta Hap
grove, both legs broken. Internally in
jured by Jumping from third-story win
dow; Winslow Stowe and an unidentified
Those seriously injured are: R. A
Smith, terribly burned about the face and
hands; Barney Pernaud, hands and faca
burned; Charles Stradley. bruised and
burned; Mrs. Benjamin Shelby, back in
jured, burned and bruised. Pink Berry.
Elmer Fresh ear, James Upchurch, se
verely burned. About a dozen persons
more were slightly burned or received
bruises in trying to escape from the build
ing. . Only one person, the watchman, was
awake when the Are started and he was
unable to warn the guests for the flames
had spread so rapidly that he was drives
from the building. Escape for every ono
on the second and third stories was cut
off and tho Are department was unable to
give them any assistance. Here tho
deaths occurred and in jumping from tho
windows the others were hurt. There
were many acts of heroism in the rescue
of women and a number of guests had
very narrow escapes, feeveral having their
hair and eyebrows singed. It will be
several days before the number of dead Is
One man asserts that he saw 10 or 15
persons In the hallway overcome by
smoke. If this Is the case, a dozen or
more bodies may be found In the ruins.
The Gifford House was one of the oldest
hotels in Southeast Missouri, and. It has
beeqrigderecPa d.eatprap-fora nura
l ber-of yearsv W. F, Norris was the pro
prietor. He and his wife escaped, but
lost everything.
Killed br the Oregon Express.
ORLAND, Cal., Nov. 12. The Oregon
express struck and killed Ezeklel Lewis,
a section hand on the Southern Pacific,
today. Lewis noticed that a tie had been
left on the track. He -rushed to get It
off and Just as he grasped the tie, tho
pilot of the engine struck him, killing him,
instantly. Lewis lived at Butte, Mont.
Train Collision In Texas.
DALLAS. Tex. Nov. 12. Two passen
ger trains collided on a curve on the
Missouri. Kansas & Texas Railway, be
tween Sherman andv Dcnlson. D. H.
Weaver, fireman, was killed. A C. An
drews, vice-president of the Grayson
County Bank, of Sherman, was probably
fatally injured.
Federal Government.
Treasurer Roberta makes a satisfactory report!
of the year's business Page 1.
The military force In Porto Rico Is to be re
duced. Pace 2.
Big- naval guns are to b tested soon. Pare 2,
Talk of Cabinet changes Is revived. Pare 2.
Morocco declines to pay the United States de
mands for Indemnity. Pass 2.
The envoys at Pekln have agreed upon a basis
of negotiation. Page 2.
Chinese are worried by the recent executions at
Pao Ting Fa. Pago 2.
The powers may ask for bnt a moderate in
demnity. Page 2.
The election of Beckham, aa Governor of Ken
tucky, will not be contested. Pose 2.
Congressman Mercer, of Nebraska, Is a candi
date tor Senator. Page 2.
The Paris Exposition closed yesterday. Pages.
Three appointments to England's Cabinet an
nounced. Page 8.
Importation of American steel bars threatens
extinction of England's Industry. Page 8.
The Ministerial programme for Parliament yrVi
be formulated before Christmas. Page 8.
Henry Vlllard died at his home near Bobba
Ferry, N. T. Page-1.
Marcus Daly, the Montana copper king, la
dead. Page 8.
A fatal hotel 'Are occurred at Poplar Blun
Ma Pago 1.
Two Mexicans were arrested In New York fe
smuggling Carlotta-'s diamonds. Page 5.
The murderer of Louise Frost at Llmon, Colo-
Is believed to be under arrest. Page 8.
Paciflo Coast.
R. Alexander, of Pendleton, will represent Ore
gon at the Buffalo Exposition; D. H.
Steams, of Portland, at the Irrigation Con
gress. Page 4.
Mount Baker boundary lino will bo located by
Canadian and American surveyor. Page 4.
The late high tides were not-favorable to float
ing the stranded lightship at McICenxle
Head. Page 4.
Indiana's rood system commended to Oregon
legislators. Page 4.
Small piece of rock from explosion penetrated
"dug-out" near Nolln. and fatally injured
occupant. Page 4.
Commercial and Marine.
Wheat market shows a slight improvement!
Page 11.
New Torlc stock market suffers a bear attack
Page 11.
Cotton Is excited and higher. Page 11.
Oriental User Bersenhua clears with recpRt
flour cargo. Page 10.
First of the 1900-1 grain fleet arrives at,
Page 19.
Ship Cromartyshire reaches port. 'Page 10.
Local. T
Christian Eadeavorers will bold a district con
vention la Portland. Page T.
Forestry Expert Johnson tolls of great natural
wonders in Southeastern Oregon. Page! 8. -
Despondent telegraph operator commits uidda
Page 13. i
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