Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, April 17, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Old Salt of the Branchflovrer Aaruln
In Court Salt Aualnst C.
x 31. Cnrtwrlcht.
Judge Clelana yesterday denied a mo
tion to dismiss the divorce suit of William
B. Branchflower ugalnst Mary E. Branch
flower, and allowed tlie defendant to file
a cross bllL The suit was filed July 3.
1154, the complaint alleging desertion. The
parties were married at Cloverdale. near
New Westtnlnrter. B. C February r.
1S33. Mrs. Hranchtlower filed an answer
setting up among other things, that her
husbund never gained a legal residence
in Oregon, and also that he filed an af
fidavit in which he falsely stated that
lier whereabouts was unknown to him In
order to obtain service of summons upon
her by publication.
There -was a partial hearing before
Judge Stearns, the plaintiff offering tome
evidence, and a continuance was granted
for further testimony. The matter was.
however, dropped for some reason and
was supposed to be at an end.
The dismissal yesterday was asked for
by Charles J. Schnabel, attorney for
Branchllower, who stated that no less
than three suits have been filed altogether,
the latest one being by the wife In Brit
ish Columbia. c
Judge "Ward, appearing as counsel for
Mrs. Branchflower. opposed the dismissal,
and was allowed to file a cross complaint.
It came out In the midst of various state
ments made, that Branchflower Is the
plaintiff In a suit pending In Douglas
The cross bill was filed, and the casa
will come up later on for further proceed
ings In its regular order. Mrs. Branch
flower in her cross bill avers that Im
mediately after their marriage her hus
band took her to the home of his parents;
at Chilllwack, B. C, where she remained
about three months. Ills mother, she as
serts, was cross and quarrelsome, and
repeatedly ordered her to leave the prem
ises, and her husband refused to protect
her, but told her she would have to sub
mit to his mother's Insolence. She fur.
ther avers that on May 16. 1KB. her hus
band Informed her she had better go back
to her people, which she did. Ills man
ner, she says, was cold and heartless: h
Jeered at her and made sport of her la
his mother's presence. When she went
home. Mrs. Branchflower alleges that phe
supposed It was a temporary arrangement,
and that her husband would rejoin her.
Learning of the divorce suit which he
filed here In July. 1S34, she states that
she at once came to Portland and offered
to live with him, and he declined.
She asserts that he Is In partnership
with his father In a large farm, and Is
worth ahout $2300. and the land owned
by his father is valued at about $30,000.
which he expects to Inherit. Mrs, Branch
flower asks for $20,000 alimony, and says
her husband has no grounds on which to
obtain a divorce from her. There is one
child, born December 23, 1SS3, the cus
tody of -yhlch she alleges was awarded to
her by the Supreme Court at British Co
lumbia until December. 1900, and she avers
that the father Is an unfit person to have
the care and custody of the child.
The answer filed by Mrs. Branchflower
five years ago sets up substantially thess
same facts.
Divorce CnKen.
Elizabeth A. Lawson has sued Enoch
Lawson for a divorce on the ground of
drunkeracas. cruel treatment and deser.
tlon. They were married in Canada in
1874, and she i!!eges that she was com
pelled by h:m to leave their home In Sep
tember. JEST for fear of extreme bodily
Cora E. Thomas was granted a divorce
from E. It. Thomas by Judge Cleland yes
terday on account of Infidelity on the
part of the defendant. The litigants wer
married at Seattle. Wash., Jn 1S31. The
case was heard by the Court on Saturday.
Mrs. Thomas told of receiving love let
ters sent by other women to her hus
band, and submitted further proof in the
favor of a deposition.
Ton-lnjr Cnmpnny Denies Necclltcence
When Deckhand Was Injured.
The Willamette & Columbia Towing
Company has filed an answer to the $13,000
damage suit of Humphrey H. Smith, deny
ing negligence on the part of Edward C.
Loomls. pilot of the steamer Maria, on
which plaintiff was employed as a deck
hand. It is denied that Smith sustained
a broken leg and was permanently crip
pled through fault of the defendant, and
the plaintiff Is alleged to have carelessly
placed his foot In the loop of the headline,
while the steamer was making a landing
April 17. 1SS7. It is alleged that Loornls
Is a competent, skilled pilot, and that J.
A. Fisher was in command of the steam
er. While making a landing on the Cow
litz River, the current was strong, and
the wind blowing, making It difficult to
make the landing. Smith, through his
own carelessness and want of attention.
It is stated, placed his foot in a loop or
coll In the headline or cable, and by rea
son of tho movement of the boat down the
stream the loop, was drawn fast about
his leg, and in spite of the efforts of the
pilot to run the steamer forward, the
leg was drawn against the bltts on the
forward deck and broken. It Is further
said that the wind and current Interfered
with the effort quickly to move the steam
er forward, and that Smith should have
In the first place exercised care and vlgl
lencc. and not have allowed his foot to
become caught In the loop.
For a separate and further defense It li
alleged that Pilot Loomls was a fellow
servant of Smith, and that the defendant
is not liable for any negligence on his
part. If any there was.
TO RECOVER $33,000.
O. SI. Cnrtirrlht Sued for Alleged
Mining- Profits.
W. C Kelman has filed an action In the
State Circuit Court against C M. Cart
wright to recover $33,000, alleged profits
due in a mining transaction. Kelman, for
cause of complaint, avers that on May
2G. 1S93 he entered Into an agreement with
Cartwrlght, whereby It was understood
that In consideration of services rendered
by plaintiff the defendant agreed to share
equally with plaintiff whatever right,
title or interest he should acquire In the
following mining properties In Crook
County: Silver King, Ruby, Bird, Deuce,
Dandy, Dude and Ella mining claims.
Kelman says Cartwrlght obtained a cer
tain Interest in these claims valued at
at least 570.000, and thereafter disposed of
a portion of the Interest and converted
the entire interest acquired, etc., to his
own use. The plaintiff alleges that he
demanded his share of the claims from
tne aeienaant ana was reiusea. tiy reason
of the alleged conversion Kelman avers
he Is damaged In the sum named.
Probate Blotters.
Jllnnle Radlr, administratrix of the es
tate of her husband, "William T. Radlr,
deceased, filed a supplemental report,
showing that there Is $13,703 on hand for
distribution. -She and two children are the
Eva S. Hunter, administratrix of the
cnate of Robert Hunter, deceased, re
ported all claims paid and a balance of
$2SS4 on hand. A claim against the O.
R. & Jf. Co. for damages because of the
death of her husband was stated to be
In course of settlement. The receipts
of the estate Included $2000 Insurance.
O. E. Watklns. A. F. Flegel and It. A.
Letter were appointed appraisers of the
estate of Axel Peterson, deceased.
The final account of H. Wolf, executor
of the will of Richard Gerdcfl. deceased,
was approved. The property, comprising
lota In Couch and Watson's additions
and Improvements and acres In Clack
amas County, waa distributed to the wife
and six children.
.Thomas B. Foster was appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Alfred J. Ste
vens, deceased, who died in the State of
Washington in August, 1SSS, leaving prop
erty in Multnomah County valued at ISO.
Tho heirs are a brother and three olsters,
at San Francisco. J. W. Newklrk. C D.
W. Ross and W. C Alvord were appoint
ed appraisers.
Louise Mller filed a semi-annual report,
as administratrix of the estate of Lorenz
D. Mtler. deceased, showing $155 received
and J10 balance.
G. F. Caukln. executor of the estate of
Eliza A. Caukln, deceased, filed a report
and a petition for distribution. All claims
have been paid. The estate consists of
11 lots at Highland and personal property.
He and one child are the heirs.
The final account of Sophie Backus, ex
ecutrix of the will of John Backua, de
teased, was filed. The receipts were JSG3.
A claim held by the Merchants National
bank was pald'by the transfer of collat
erals. E. S. Snelllng. E. S. Edwards and C. A.
Hagberk were appointed appraisers of the
estate of Christ Scnn, deceased.
5evr Suits.
Suits have been filed In the State Circuit
.Court as follows:
Robert F. Bell against Ralston Cox and
Margaret H. Cox, to recover $1250 .on a
note executed to the First National Bank
at Vancouver. Wash., la May, 1S3S.
The Cleveland Oil & Paint Manufactur
ing Company against R, A. Graham, ta
recover a balance of $300 for goods sold.
Fred Tolles against Fannie I. Lorlng and
David Lorlng. mechanics' Hen suit
ngalnst lot 8, block 14, Goldsmith's Addi
tion. The labor was performed for Con
tractor P. Jungers:
Peter Rattle and Rene Rattle against
W. E. Newson, to recover $900 on a note
secured by a mortgage on tho steamboat
Denies That He Is Bankrupt.
D. W. Dorrarce yesterday filed in the
United States Clicult Court hM answer
to the petition of A. Bush asking that
ho be adjudged a bankrupt He denies !
that he has committed any act of bank-
ruplcy, and states that he ls Insolvent, and
is willing to surrender his property for ,
the benefit of his creditors.
Presbyterian Missionary Meeting; to
Be Held Tomorrow Evening. ,
Following Is the programme for Young
People's Missionary rally to be held to
morrow evening at 8 o'clock sharp, Rer.
Robert McLean presiding:
Organ voluntary, Mrs. Ernest Brass.
Report of secretary for Christian Endea
vor societies. Miss Eina Frotzman.
Music, Ladles' quartet.
Short addresses: Student Volunteer
Movement." Proicssor J. "F. Ewing; "The
ToungMan and the Kingdom in the Twen
tieth Century." W. AV. P. Holt: "The
Toung Man's Helpmeet In the Twentieth
Ceitury," Rev. Robert McLean.
Sales of Real Estate.
R. II. Larneon to Bertha K. Hohman.
K. 10 feet of lot 5, block 170, Couch
Addition; April lb $ SCO
G. E. Wi.hlngUn. tiustee, to E. H.
Wemme. W. of lots 2. 3, block R,
Couch Addition: Apr.l 16 3700
Jane G. Buckman to Mrs. AliLson
Prettyman. lot 10, Eastwood; Febru
ary 2S 250
Dan Dy.-on and wife to S. O. Sewcll,
lot ISblock 3, Center Addition: Jan-
Uury as avU
B. M. Lombard to Wm. Mackintosh,
trustee, lots 1. 2. 7. 8. 9, 10. U, 12,
block 2S. Fulton Park; April 16 1
M. Wl cox to H. M. Hamilton, S acres.
section 29, T. 1 S.. R. 1 E.; April 3 1
The Investors' Mortgage Security Co..
to Clara E. Northrup. S. Vi lot 6.
bock 319, Aiken's Addition; April
13 1SS0
Leander Lewis et a), to C. H. Welch,
release of tax deed; October 16. 1S9j 1
H. C. Allen and wlfo to Wm. Clark,
lots 6. 7. S. block 41. Caruthers' Ad
dition to Caruthers' Addition; Sep
tember 19, 1K 1
Wm. Clark ct aj. to R. Livingstone,
lots 6, 7, 8. block 41, Caruthers' Ad
dition to Caruthers' Addition: April 2 SO
W. N. Northrop et aL to Mary A.
Bloomfield, lot 13. block 8. Lone Fir
Cemetery: December 2C, li99 25
Henry Bush et ux. to W. H. Lane,
lots 21. 22, block 2, Willamette; No--
vcmber 16, 1S99 101
Executors of the estate of D. S. Baker
to Baker & Baker, lot 4, block 201,
Portland; February 8 10
Same to same, lot i. block 201, Port
land: February 8 10
University Land Co. to E. Rhodes,
lots 1. 2. block 190, University Park;
March 27 S
C A. Llndenbergcr to Pauline Jorgen
scn. E. 4i feet of lot 2, block A.
Portland Homes Tract; April 14 1
Same to same lot 1. block 174, Couch
Addition: AprlU 14 .-... 1
Same to same. 50x100 North Third and
Burnslde. northeast corner, block 30,
Couch Addition; April 14 1
Nevr Incorporations.
Articles of incorporation were filed of
the Pacific Coast Irrigation. Lumber,
Fuel & Transportation Company, incor
porators A. B. Smith. D. E. Budd, C. N.
Scott and Dell Stuart. Capital stock. $20,
000. The objects announced are to take
by proper canals, flumes and ditches, the
waters from Summit Lake, Its tributaries
and feeders In Lane County, and from
Crescent Lake and tributaries In Klam
ath County, and from the headwaters of
Deschutes River, south of the north line
of Klamath County, and use. rent, fell
and distribute and supply the same for
irrigation uses, upon the dry lands of
Irrigation uses, upon the dry lands of
the counties of Crook. Klamath and Lake,
Also to olot and lav out town sites, etc
Arltcles of incorporation of the Deep
River Logging Company were filed In the
County Clerk's office yesterday, capital
stock $30,000, incorporators S. Benson,
Articles of incorporation were filed of
.v. h.i... T-...C n....i r.
...v. ...u j .. ..... A.wtAuuc WW
pany. capital stock $1000, incorporators
J. R. N. Sellwood, Lewis C Garrlgus,
E. V. Sellwood.
Articles were filed of ths Union Re
lief Society. The objects are the relief
of members when disabled by sickness or
accident. The incorporators are William
Roles, Herman R. Btersdorf and George
P. Lent.
Bnlldlnc Permits.
O. P. Miller, two-story nous?. East An.
keny street, betwren East Eighteenth and
East Nineteenth; $1600.
H. Alger, two-story house, corner Ore
gon and East Sixth streets; $1000.
B. Selling, alterations to store south
eistxcorner Morrison and Fourth streets;
April 13 Mary Arpln; aged 15 years; 95
North Ninth street; peritonitis.
April 13 Frederick Meyer, aged 43 rears
3 months: 755 Savler street; valvular dis
ease of the heart
April 14 Zoe Rogers, aged 23 years; $31,
Michigan avenue: uraemia.
April 16 Blanche King, aged 3 years;
Forty-second and East Main; whooping
ContORlous Diseases.
Henrietta Deets, age 7 years; 730 Second
street; typhoid fever.
Ethel Eaton, age E years; Seventeenth
and Morrison; measles.
Slarrlcire Licenses.
W. D. Southworth. aged 43, King Coun
ty. Wash.. Anna M. Klatt, aged 23; Joseph
A. Gratton. 32. Carrie Brazer, 24; Collin
A. Beebe. 23. Missoula, Mont., Ethelyn E.
Hoagland, 20.
is. ,.
Try Allen's Foot-Eaw,
A povdar to t thskm lata tha ahec. Tour feaf
tMl awollan, aernaa aid be, tnd t Urxl attr It
jon hara amartiu taat or Usht abort, tr Jtilaa'i ijoow
Eaaa. It raolt Uu taat sad makaa walkifca aan.
Varrm nollea. aMthu fart, lasrowlJur Balls, bllattra
and callooa apots. Ballana eoraa andTjoaloaa of all
ata. and ciraa raat and eoiBtort." TtTtt tosat. Sold
hr aJldrmsiaU and ahoa aUraa tot He. Trial pack
an ntiKr Addraaa. Xllta 8. OhssM. La Bar. IT J.
Preparing; for Work on the Great
High. Line Ditch Fruit Some
what DiBifed by Frost.
M. P. Ward, of Portland, has Just re-,
turned from an eight days' visit In Jack
son County, where he has been looking
over the right of way of the High Llna
ditch, with a view to letting contracts for
Its construction the ensuing Summer. The
proposed ditch is 93 miles long, and will
tap Rogue River near tho upper falls,
for the purpose of bringing water to a i
point several hundred feet perpendicularly
above Gold Hill. According to the en
gineer's figures, the ditch will have a
width at the bottom of eight feet; acrors
, mm
Figures From the Six First-Class Offices in Pacific
Following Is a statement of the receipts from the sale of stamps, stamped
envelopes, and postal cards at .the six first-class Postofflces of the Pacific
Northwest for the year ending' March a, 1900:
Second quarter. 1F93
Butte. Helena.
xrira quarter, l
Fcurth quarter. 1!9
Mrst quarter, K00
Tear ended March 31, 190).
tno t0? lt wU1 tceasure H tect an(1 It will
h? a ?eDtb. ?f ?X tlV' U ls l cafTy
10-OM minr6 lnches of water' for Uie
""J""."; , J ",." ". " ".""":
irrigating farms under Its line, as It passes
down along the hillsides bordering on
Rogue River Valley. The contracts are to
be let In 10-mlle sections, and their carry
ing out will Involve a large expenditure
of money. Several hundred men and
teams will be employed for a number of
Mr. Ward says there will be some 2000
feet. of flumlng (o be constructed on tho
line, where the water Is to be led across
email s.rcams, or along steep hillsides,
upon which the ditch cannot be dug. Thera
are also 2000 feet of 31-lnch Iron plre tr
be laid where the line crosses Trait Creek
some 25 miles above Gold Hill. The lay
ing of this pipe will save the digging of
over 20 miles of ditch, as the water will
be carried down one hillside and tip the
other, where otherwise the line would
have to be dug along -the face of steep
Gold Product Quadrupled.
Mr. Ward says prominent Jackson C6un
ty miners figure that the county's gold
dust output this season will quadruple
that of any previous year In Its history.
The early and abundant rains and balmy
weather of the past Winter have enabled
them to run their hydraulic works night
and day for a much longer period than
usual, and many an acre of JackcCn Coun
ty hillside soil has been sent down to feed
the fishes and form Islands In io7cr
Rogue, River. Many old-time placer men
are now rejoicing In the possession of
buckskin bags well filled with nuggets
from the clean-up In progress, as water
has at last begun to fail and the bedrock
laid bare by tho monitors ls being scraped
into the sluices by way of final harvest.
Jack Burns, a pioneer miner of Gall's
Creek, has his men employed on the
cleanings, while the Cook Bros., Lang
Bros, and Carr Bros., of Foot's Creek,
bavb each forccs'of men separating the
gold dust preparatory to closing down for
the schjon.
. T . .al .. . .
xne .uiacK upip. cnapnei. aiggings, on nas been adaeu znA the reail3t!c repro
Foots Creek, have a large gang of men ductlon of bombardments, engagements
operating giants night and day while the 1 and ncdcnts never falls to arouse the
water lasts. This company will clean up enthusiasm.
who has 360 acres of rich placer ground.
Is also cleaning up, after a long and
successful run, and Dr. Broman's placer,
near by, ls also making a good record for
the season of 1899-1900- When the High
Line Ditch Company gets Its canal com
pleted, placer mining can be conducted the
year around, as Its source of supply.
Rogue River, never gives out, but con
tinues a magnificent stream all through
the dryest portions of the year.
Some Frnlt Injured.
Mr. Ward saw a good many orchards
and conversed with a number of frult
ralsers .while he was in Jackson County,
and he thinks the peach. and prune crop
there has been injured somewhat by the
three nights' frost of last week, but he
feels assured that quite a large amount
of these varieties of fruit rwlll yet be
raised there. Much ot the young fruit
was too far advanced to be killed by frost,
and each day's developments created a
more hopeful feeling, after the first scare
had subsided. "There ls no mistake about
the night of the 9th being cold, though."
he says, "as the thermometer Indicated 21
degrees eight degrees below the freezing
point a thing It did not do during the
previous Winter."
He saw one peachgrower who had saved
his crop from the frosts by "smudging."
as ho called It. This smudging consists
In building fires un the windward s'de
of tho orchard and permitting the smoke
tp envelop tho trees. The fires are made
of old branches, logs and flump;, which
4" y t"1"'""1 '" i "'). "
there ls very little labor attached to the
process. Smudging, however, must be
are very plentiful In that country, and
kept up all night, while the mercury Id
below 32 degrees, and the peach and
prunernlser must make up his mind to
lose his usual rest on these occasions.
The farmer who saved his orchard by
J"'"""'" -'" ,.,',,. T
''es near Central Point. Mr. McLennan
t fStnV. v.n IViiMimw.. In Cim.ot, rifA-
gon could guard against the untimely
visits of Jack Frost by preparing the
smudge and keeping the fuel ready to
touch off when the thermometer begins to
indicate the approaching freeze.
Freight at Imnnha Mlninfr Camps.
Lewlston Teller.
The failure of tho steamboat to stem the
rapids of Upper Snake River, to reach
the mining country above, adds another
point to the urgent necessity of railroad
construction. Tho opening of the mining
district at and about Imnaha has so Im
pressed the O. R. & N. that It made a
special effort to add this territory to Its
na-vlgable territory. The Held ls a grow
ing one. and its needs will Increase rather
than diminish. There Is ore now on the
banks ready for shipment and tons of
supplies needed. The camps are new, but
their development shows excellent results,
and they have already urgent need for
transportation facilities. The develop
ment companies will" be In a position to
offer the P. & I. N. added Inducements
to complete its lines down the Salmon
and Snake, to give them on outlet for,
their ore shipments and a route to take
in their supplies and equipment.
Reorganisation of Louisville Air Line
NEW. YORK, April 16.-J. P. Morgan
& Co. authorized the announcement that
the company Jo negotiating for the ac
quirement of the Louisville. Nashville &
St. Louis air line, and a plan for the re
organization of that .company will be Is
sued, based on an agreement by the
Southern Railway to take over the prop
erty after the reorganization.
Where Are PolJc Democrats At."
MONMOUTH. Or.. April 14. To. the
Editor.) Having always adhered closely
to the principles of the Democratic party,
believing It to be the party for the peoplo
and by the people, we have, thought that
whenever an Idea foreign to .our tnstltu-
tlons. was born within Its own ranks and
embraced It should be briefly enjoyed, and
led to tho scaffold by its people. Through
the misguided methods of the Democratic
Central Committee, a peculiar condition
exists here in Polk. County among Demo
crats. On reading the proceedings pub
lished In The Oregonlan of the state Dem
ocratic convention, we note that the dele-
patft. fmm rll a h.h.Ihi.J V t.
central committee, and were mostly vot:d
- by proxy. As no precinct primaries were
theld. a number of us are at a loss to
knojr Just where we are at. If this mat
ter can be explained. It will be duly ap,
predated by many old-time Democrats
of Polk County.
At the V. .11. C A. Hall Tonight by
the Edison Picture Machine.
The Edison production of this wonder
ful play Is taken from the Selma Morris
version secured at the last rendition in-
Port- Spo- Ta-
lsnd. Seattle. tone. coma.
$47.(33 $.4.r.g $d.".5S J.3S34
47.rH 13,716 21.6.9 13,7
53.13! 33 94 14.7.11 1.163
51.5.2 .,Ul 2 ,34S IS. OS
i 9,TX
J40.53G $231,444 $153.(63 TU.IU $t2.1Sl
Bavaria, nearly 10 years ago, and consists
of W scenes. 6000 feet of Alms of the life
of Christ, from the discovery of the star
of Bethlehem by tho wise men to the
ascension after the crucifixion, and is his
torically correct In costumes, scenery, sur
roundings and detail.
The Passloh Play was first produced
nearly 300 years ago In the village of
Obcr Ammcrgau, and Its origin In Itself
is unique.
A terrible plague had been raging In
that section for a time, and people were
dying by tho hundreds. AH efforts to stop
It were unsuccessful until the people of
the church assembled, and, as an offer
ing to the Deity, agreed to produce a
play portraying the life of Christ once
every 10 years; and, strange to say, the
day followlrg th- first production the
plaguo ceased and has never repeated It
elf- True to their vow. each succeeding
generation has taken up the task and
given the play.
Numerous efforts have been made by
speculators to secure a special produc
tion of the play. An offer of $50,000 by a
.New York syndicate being refused, on at
tempt was- made to produce the play on a
magnificent scale In the city of New York
some years ago., Over $100,01J was expended
in costumes, scenery and settings, but on
the 'eve of the. first trial, the promoters
were stopped In their efforts by an injunc
tion secured by the allied churches of the
city, and the entire outfit was stored
away until a few months ago, when It was
sold to Thomas A. Edison, who had con
ceived the idea of photographing the pro
duction for his anlmat:d-plcture machine.
Nearly $100,000 additional was spent In
purchasing fabrics and material for the
costumes and scenery, and the securing
of a competent cast to produce the play.
His efforts were highly successful, and as
a result, the management is able to offer
for. the first time to the general public a
magnificent reproduction of the life of
the Savior in animated pictures, compris
ing a. beautiful and Instructive entertain
ment. A short treatise on the late war
U A UlUli UCllI
Citizens of nockirood Form m Hall
After a great many futile attempts, the
people of Rockwood are now going to have
a fine hall, which has been a much-needed
Improvement. A meeting was held at the
residence of G. B. Prettyman Saturday
evening, and all tho necessary plans were
executed In regard to the building and
completing the proposed structure.
The hall proposition was presented to
the public this time In a very different
manner from tho plans heretofore sub
mitted. There is now an incorporated
company, known as the Rockwood Hall
oman7' . w.lth capital stock of $500.
.wic oiuviw is uiviuvu imo iuu snares ot
$5 each. Each stockholder ehall receive,
as .Interest on his investment an equally
proportioned amount from the receipts
from the rent of- the hall. The contract
for building the hall was given for the
amount of $265 to John Brown, of Rock
wood. The hall Is to be a two-story
structure, and is tb be completed within
two weeks from the time of the delivery
of the first load or lumber. The officers
of the company are" as follows:
President, A. H. Bell; directors. A. H.
Bell. G. B. Prettyman and Antone Shan
tine: secretary, John Brown; treasurer,
Eugene D. Landon. ,
The hall Is to be erected on the Landon
property, near tho Rockwood M. E.
Church. The rnmnd fnr th. k,,iHim. .
giv"C by Eugene D Landon anSir
, "'", fc. if?.0 -Vtn?' .a"d " '!
one of the most sightly locations that
could be obtained within a radius of sev
eral miles.
A. T. Kellihcr, of Salem, ls registered at
the Perkins.
E. H. Fox. of Olympla, ls registered at
the Imperial.
J. IL Johannsen and family, of Seaside
are at the Imperial.
S. Richardson, of Baker City, ls regis
tered at the Perkins.
Mrs. W. P. Ely. of Kelso, Wash., ls a
guet of the Perkins.
F. . Vail and wife, of San Francisco,
are guests of the Portland.
Judge J. J. Ballcray. of Pendleton, ls
registered at the Imperial.
J. H. Stevenson, of Forest Grove, la
registered at the St. Charles.
Robert A. Manary, a Bridal Veil logger.
Is registered at the SL Charles.
J. A, Tucker and wife, of Davenport,
la., are registered at the Portland.
M. V. Harrison, a business man of Eu
gene, ls registered at the Perkins.
H. M. Cockerllnc, a Eugene Insurance
man. Is registered at th; Imperial.
C. Altschall, a San Francisco banker,
and wife, are guests of the Portland.
J. A. Devlin, an Astoria capitalist, ls at
the Portland, accompanied by his wife.
' C. L. Ireland, a newspaper man of Moro,
Sherman County, ls registered at the St.
Mrs. Mary B. Kelssy. of Pomona. Cal..
is visiting Mrs. L. M. Foster, at 445 Fifth
R. D. and H. B. Campbell, of Table
Grove, 111., are registered at the St.
W. W. Stelwer, a prominent business
man and politician rf Wheeler County,
Is registered at the Imperial from Fossil.
BAN FRANCISCO, April 16. The fol
lowing Portland peoplo are registered at
local hotels: C T. Early and wife, at the
Grand: J. L. DeBevoise, at the Occiden
tal: J. E.- Falling, ot the Golden West.
and C B. Johnson and wife, at the Russ
Kirkcudbrightshire Wins, and. Tnree
Ships Sail, a. Tie for Second v
Place Marine Xotea.
The outward passages of the Portland
December grain fleet from this city are
the most remarkable on record for close
calling. Five more of the December fleet
arrived at QueeMrtown Saturday and Sun
day, and three of them sailed a tie race,
leaving the Columbia together and arriv
ing out on the same day, after very good
passages. The paseages of the entire Ave
stowed a variation of but 24 hours, and
nil wer fullv 10 cava better than the aver-
t-. fnr thf p.nnnn. indicating that there
was some pretty close rivalry among the
captains, who had sucn an even i-uin
nn a 17000-mile race. The British ship
Alclnous, Captain McCormalg. and the
British ship KlrkcudDrigntsnire, jpw"
Purrfi- arrived out Saturday, after pas
sages of 122 and 120 days. On Sunday, the
Sierra Miranda, captain ataMasiera.
Crown of Germany. Captain Mcllgorm,
and Beneda, Captain Jones, arrived out In
a bunch. Just as they left the coiumma
with the Kirkcudbrightshire, 121 days ear
lier. This makes a total of nine ships
that have left the Columbia in Decem
ber and reported out after fast passages,
the slowest of the lot being the Kale
Thomas. In 123 days, while the Arctic
Stream and the Fulwood sailed a tie in 120
It Is not an uncommon occurrence for
several ships in the course of the season
to call over the long course from Portland
to Queenstown In the same number of
days, but It Is a very rare occurrence for
two of them leaving a Pacific Coast port
In company to show up in the same posi
tion on the other side. It Is still more
rare for three of them to leave together
and arrive out together, and water-front
men In this city state that the three
cornered tie race of the Sierra Miranda,
Crown of Germany and Beneda ls the
only one that hnfl ever been recorded
for tho Northwestern grain fleet.
German Ship Xajade Reaches Port
Without Delay.
The German ship. Najade ls In a. fair
way to establish a record for quick dis
patch. She arrived in at Astoria late
Saturday afternoon, and lees than 48 hours
later woo discharging ballast In this city,
preparatory to loading wheat. The ship
suffered no unnecessary delay at Astoria
on account of quarantine and customs reg
ulations, and left up about 11 o'clock Sun
day morning. She came up In company
with the John Cooke, the Ocklahama
bringing both vessels, and Captain Bailey
hustled the pair of big grain carriers along
at a pace which landed them In Portland
shortly after daylight yesterday morning.
There is considerable current In th
river, and the time made with the double
tow ls ordinarily considered fast enough
for a single ship. Both of the ships have
their cargoes on the dock, and will be given
quick dispatch. Unless they are held after
they are loaded, both vessels will un
doubtedly figure In the April grain fleet.
Makes Round Trip and Handles Tiro
Carnroes In Less Than a "Week.
The steamer Elder arrived up from San
Franclfco at 11 o'clock Sunday morning,
completing one of the fastest round trips
that has yet been made between the two
cities. The steameV left Portland one
week ago Sunday night, and accordingly
was but six days 15 hours In making the
round trip. She was loaded to her fullest
capacity on her outward trip, and, after
discharging at the Bay city, loaded a part
cargo for the return trip. Much of the
credit for the fast time made by the
Elder Is due to Captain Randall, her mas
ter. On the' last trip up from San Fran
cisco, he crossed out of the Golden Gate
at midnight and entered the Columbia
at 2 o'clock In the morning. The Elder
left down again last evening, with a
full "cargo.
Inspecting Xctt Steamers.
Inspectors Edwards and -Fuller have
considerable work on hand this week, as.
In addition to looking after the old fleet,
they will Inspect three new steamers. The
first of these vessels Is the new steamer
Cornelia Cook, which was built for the
late H. B. Borthwlck. but which ls now
to be sent to the Sound to act as a can
nery tender. The Cornelia Cook will be
Inspected today, and tomorrow they will
inspect Captain Hosford's new steamer
B.onlta. Later in the week the new flyer
of the D. P. & A. N. Co., the Reliance,
will come up for inspection. The steam
ers Albany and William M. Hoag were in
spected yesterday.
Where Hill's Steamers Will Be Built.
NEW LONDON, Conn.. April 16. The
Eastern Shipbuilding Company today took
possession of the land at Croton on which
will be established Its plant, and at onco
set a gang of men at work clearing the
land. Within three months he keels of
two steamers, the largest In the world,
will be laid. The steamers are for the
trans-Pacific fleet of the Great Northern
Railway, and are to be of 34,000 tons dis
placement. Their dimensions will be:
Length. 630 feet; width. 73 feet: depth, 54
feet. They will attain from 12 to 14 knots
under forced draught.
Steamboats Sned. ,
The case of George H. Kllner vs. the
steamboats Walker and Lurllne came up
for trial In the United States District
Court yesterday before Judge Bellinger.
Complainant made repairs to the boats
mentioned, and J. Kamm, the owner. Is
of opinion that his charges were exces
sive, and so declined to pay the MIL Wit
nesses for the defense have been sum
moned to appear this morning, and th
trial will probably be concluded today.
Marine Xotes.
The Thomllebank and William Law will
probably secure their crews and clear to
day. The United States lighthouse tender
Manzanlta. arrived up from Astoria Sun-
.A New
sands, are wrought without medicines. Letters of gratitude pour in by each
mail Men are restored after years of suffering. The pages of my book, lilce
white-handed hope, tell you of that power which cures your lost vitality, your
racking pain. Call or write me and receive my book free.
Dr. M. A. McLaughlin,'
day evening, and will remain In Portland
for about two weeks.
The American ship Emily Reed, one of
the last of the Waldsboro, Me., fleet,
has been sold to San Francisco parties for
$40,000. She registers 1565 tons, and U 0
years old.
It Is reported that the steam schooner
Laguna, ashore 'at Tillamook, will be
obliged to make a trip of nearly a quar
ter of a mile overland. In order to again
reach deep water. It ls thought she can
be hauled across the spit with but small
expense and without damaging the vessel.
Domestlc and Foreign Ports.
ASTORIA. April 16.-SaUed Steamer
W. IL Harrison, for Tillamook. Condition
of the bar at 5 P. M., smooth, moderate;
wind, northwest: weather, clear.
Redona, CaL. April 16. Arrived Steam
er Despatch, from Portland.
San Francisco, April 16. Arrived
Schooners Western Home and Antelope,
from Coos Bay; barkentlne Gardiner City,
steamer Rival, from Wlllapa; barkentlne
Arago, from Columbia River; steamer
South Portland, from Oyster Harbor;
steamer Tltlnla, from Nanalmo. Arrived
April 15 Schooners Maxim and Daisy
Rowe, from Coos Bay. Sailed April IS
Barkentlne Gleaner, for Wlllapa Harbor;
steamer Queen, for Victoria; ship Oriental,
for Bristol Bay.
Seattle. Arpll 18. Arrived Steamer
Topeka, from Dyea: Japanese steamer
Rlojun Maru, from Hong Kong: steamer
Rosalie, from Dyea. Sailed April 15
Steamer Al-Kl, for Dyea.
Port Los Angeles Arrived April 15
Hawaiian steamer San Mateo, from Na
nalmo. San Diego Sailed April 15 Steamer Rob
ert Adamson. for Nanalmo.
New York. April 16. Arrived Pretoria,
from Hamburg; La Gascogne. from
Bremerhaven. April ''6. Arrived August
Korff, from PhiladelpMa.
Genos, April 16. Arrived Aller. from
New York.
Antwerp. April 16. Arrived Friesland,
from New York.
Southampton. April 15. Arrived Kaiser
Wllhelm der Grosse. from New York, for
Auckland. April 16. Sailed Alameda, for
San Francisco.
Halifax. April 16. Arrived Corean,
from Glasgow.
Portlanil. V AnHi -is am.i.- r.,
'nlslan. from Liverpool.
Gibraltar, April 16. Arrived Ems, from
New York for Naples.
Yokohama Sailed April 15 Thlera, for
San Diego.
Hoqulam. Wash. Sailed April 15
Schooner Volunteer, from Aberdeen, for
Santa Rosalia. Arrived Schooner C A.
ThVyer, from Sura, for Hoqulam: schoon
er Novelty, from KahutuL now off bar.
ordered to Port Townsend.
reuennuon', Baunbonrsr and
cbanme In San Francisco.
Ths- following; message was received by
Manager Jones, of the Metropolitan, Im
mediately after the recital Of Petschnl
koff, Hambourg- and Lachaume at the
California theater last night:
"San Francisco, April 16. Clarence H.
Jones, Manager Metropolitan Theater.
Portland: Petschnlkoff. Hatrtbourg and
Lachaume a tremendous success; received
an ovation every number.
These artists will appear In Portland
Monday, April 30.
(notations of Mining Stocks.
SPOKANE. April 18. Ths dosing bids for
mining- stocks today were:
Blacktall (0 0!UMorrlson
4IPrincss Maud
Deer Trail Con.
Evening: Star
Gold Ledge ....
Golden Harvest.
Insurgent ..
Jim Hlaine ....
Lone Pine Surp.
Mountain Lton.
Morning Glory..
OUlPalmer Mt. Tun
7?i!RambIer Cariboo
(Reservation ....
ISlRoJ-'land Giant..
13iTom Thmib ...
14jIWaterloa t.
8T (St. Keverre ....
SAN FRANCISCO. April 16. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks today were
as follows: -
Alta .
Alpha Con
Andes ............
Best A. Belcher...
Caledonia .,
Challenge Con ..,
Chollar .........
Confidence ...
Con. Cal. & Vs..,
Crown Point .....
Gould & Curry...
Hale A Norcross..
,0 OdJustlce 10 03
31 Mexican 37
It Occidental Con ... 14
30Ophlr 17
SSjOrerman 27
-llPotosl 30
. 1 03Savare 15
. 24'Seg. Belcher 4
. HI Sierra Nevada ... 53
. 90 Silver Hill 13
. 1 70lSUndard 3 20
SOlUnlon Con 33
20! Utah Con Z
. 3Tellow Jacket .... 35
NEW YORK. April 10. Mining stocks today
closed as follows:
Chollar $0 101 Ontario ......
Crown Point ... 20 Ophlr
Con. CaL A- Va... 1 C3Plymouth ....
Deadwood COiQulcksilver ..
Gould & Curry... 2u do pref
Hale A Norcross.. 2hl Sierra Nevada
13 00
1 30
7 30
Homeatake 50 00 Standard J)
Iron Silver ...... (B Union Con 2S
Mexican SOJTellow Jacket .... 13
BOSTON, April 10. Closing Quotations:
Adventure to 05 (Humboldt 0 73
Allouex M. Co.. 1 Osceola , CO
AmaL Copper .. S3 Parrott ..-..... 43
Atlantic 23H Qulncy 134
Boston A Mont. 3 13 Santa Fo Copper fO
Butte A Boston. 77U Tamarack ...... 1 03
Cal. A Hecla.... 7 4TVUtah Mining ... 82
Centennial .... 21 Winona 4H
Franklin 13 Wolverines 40
PORTLAND. April 18.-8 P. M. Maximum
temperature, 73; minimum temperature. 47:
river reading at 11 A M.. 10.3 feet; change In
the last 24 hours. 0.2 foot: total precipitation.
8 P. M. to 8 P. M., 0.00: total precipitation
from Sept. 1. 1809. 32.32 Inches; normal pre
cipitation from Sept. 1, JSOO. 40.12 Inches; de
ficiency. 7.C0 Inches; total sunshine April 13.
13:32; possible sunshine April 13. 13:32.
The barometer is low over California and
high over Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho.
No rain has fallen In the Pacific Coast States
during the last 24 hours, and it ls much warm
er In this section. Light frosts occurred Mon
day morning In Eastern Washington, Eastern
Oregon and Idaho.
Forecasts made at Portland for the 2S hours
ndlng at midnight Tuesday. April 17:
Western Oregon and Western Washington
Increasing cloudiness; variable winds.
Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and
Idaho Fair; variable winds.
Portland and vicinity Increasing cloudiness;
variable winds.
EDWARD A. SEALS, Forecast Official.
EIGHTY PAGES, finely illustrated and
free to those seeking a cure. It
bristles with wholesome truths that
are worth hundreds to every man and
woman, and which concern your life,
your happiness. This work abounds in
those clear-cut crisp ideas and interest
ing facts which appeal to your reason
and are good to read. It shows how to
overcome your weakness, invigorate
your nerves and organs and live to a
ripe old age. This book explains how
I've brought to the people the grandest
of all treatments for Paralysis, Rheuma
tism, Kidney Trouble. Varicocele and
Nervous Diseases. It shows how this
method is gaining in favor, and that the
cures, which are numbered bv thou
Hesidqnjirters Northwest.
"Rooms.'" "Rooms sad Bosrd." "Houaekeep.
tar Rooraa." "Situation Wanted." 13 words vr
less. IB centa: 18 to 20 worta. 20 cents: 21 to 38
words. 25 cents, ate No discount for WltVil
Today." 30 cents for 18 words or lea;" 18 to 20
word. 40 cents: 21 to 23 words, CO cents, stss
firit Insertion. Each additional insertion, coe
talt: no farther discount under on month.
"NEW TODAY" (raus measure asate). 13
cents per line, ant Insertion: 10 cent per lice
tor each additional insertion.
Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday. April 10, IT
and 18. Matinee Wednesday.
Messrs. Smith and nice present the Comedian,
In His Own New Farce,
The Comedy Hit ot the Season, as presented ta
New Torlc and Chicago. A great cast and elab
orate production. Better than The Man From
Mast co."
PRICES Lower floor, except last 3 rows.
11.80: last 3 rows, fl; balcony, flrst 3 row.
Si; second 3 rows. T5c: last o rows. 50c; ral
lery. 55c Matinee 23c. 50c. 75c and $1. Chil
dren to all parts ot the house. SOc
Seats now selling-.
One Week. Commenclns April 13
Tne beautiful Southern comedy-drama ot rax
Regular price Orchestra and dress circle,
BOc: allerr. 2Sc: loses. 30e and 73c
1. N. S. O. Regular meeting
this (Tuesday) evening. Elkvs
Hall. Marquam building, at 8
o'clock. Every member is re
Quested to attend, es the mat
ter of attending the dedica
tion of the first cabin in the
state, at Buttevllle, Or., ca
rrlday next. mjmn Inst., win
come before the meeting.
P. M. DEWITT. Rec Sec
A. & A. S. RITE. AINS-
CROIX. NO. 1. Regular meet
lnc this evening at S o'clock.
Work In ISth degree Elec
tion of oncers, py order .
COLUMDIA LODGE. NO. 114. A. F. i A. M.
Stated communication this (Tuesday) even
ing. M. M. degree. All M. M. cordially tn-
Ttted. By order W. M.
At salesrooms. 1S2 First St.. cor. Yamhill, at
10 A. M. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer.
At salesroom. 411 Washington St.. at VI
o'clock AM. S. L. N. Gtlman. auctioneer.
At 2 P. M-. at Central Auction Rooms, cor.
Alder and Park. Geo. Baker & Ca. auction
eers. DIED.
SMITH In this city. April 16. 1900. Cyrus
Smith, aged 70 years: late First Lieutenant
Co. B. 17th 111. Cav.: also 1st Mich. Inf.
Mexican War Veteran. Funeral will take
place today. April 17, at 2 P M.. from F. S.
Dunnlngs undertaking parlors. 414 East Al
der at. Interment at Lone Fir Cemetery.
All comrades are tequested to attend.
EDWARD HOLMAX. Undertaker, 4tb
and Yamhill sts. Rent Stlnson, lady,
assistant. Doth phones Xo. 607.
J. P. FIJTLEY & SOX, Undertakers.
Lady Assistant. 275 Third st. TeL U.
F. S. DC.M.C, Undertaker. 414 East
Alder. Lady Assistant. Both phones.
Floral pieces 1 cut norrers. Clarkej
Dros. UM) Morrison. Iluth phones.
40c and 43a
Extra choice creamery ...... 33c and 40a
Dairy butter, fresh 30c and 3So
Oregon rancn eggs. 2 dozen.. ...........23a
New mild cheese. 2 pounds 23a
Oregon cheese 6c. 10c, 1240
Java corlee ............... ...........H
Lion coffee. 2 for .....................2Tic
Rock Candy Drips, 1 gallon 40o
Eastern sugar-cured hams ....124o
Eastern picnic bams
Eastern breakfast bacon 0a
Look up your bill. See what you have bei
paying. We can save you 25 per cent. AJl
goods sold at wholesale prices. La Grands
Creamery Ca, 2M Yamhill at., near Third.
Both phones.
124c per lb. cottage hams, sugar cured, no
bone, lie per lb.: breakfast bacon, lie per
lb.; crackers, fresh every day. either oyster
or square. 2 lbs.. 13c: butter, very best, full
weight. 45c per lb.; this butter we receive
freshwlce dally: dairy, from 25 to 33c tr
2-lb. roll; 10 lbs. pure lard. In bulk. SOc, 3
loaves fresh bread. 10c made from hard
wheat flour, or 50 tickets for a dolUr. Avail
yourseU es ot this offer, as It won't last. An
other fresh roast of Costa Rica today, only
t5e per lb. This coffee Is sold everywhere at
25c per lb. Hewitt pays the freight on all
S20 orders within a radlu of 2u miles of
Portland. 1S3 Third St.. near YamhllL
P. 3. We sttll cut our Cfc and jc per lb.
teas to 40c all kinds. A IL
Best creamery butter. 45e square. 5-pound
bucket of pure lard, 45c: Eastern hams. 12Ja
pound: lean baton. He pound. 10 lb. No. 1.
rolled oats. 25c: 2 big packages mush. 15c;
best Valley flour. 70c a sac. Hi-pound sack
Graham flour. 13c; 10 pounds rye flour. 20c:
2 10-pound sacks cornmeal. 35c: best Burbans:
potatoes. COc per sack; 11 bars good launilry
soap. 25c; 0 bars Rabbttfs best soap. 25c;
15 poundsu-itashlng soda. 25c: best blueing,
per bottle. 8c Both stores. 412 Washington
street, and 232 North 14th street. Oregon
Cash Grocery.
per 2-pound roll: fresh Oregcn eggs. 2 dozen
for 25c: 1 gallon table ayrup (In bulk). 40c:
2 pint bottles catsup. 25c At McKlnnon
Grocery. 173 Third. Both phones.
for cattle and horses. Apply1 to F Miller, on
the premises. Ladd &. TUton. Agents.
On improved grj&gg&g'nM .
Has been leading coal on coast for 20 years.
Pacific Coast Ca. 248 Washington st. Tel. J.
Mortgage Loans
On tmproTed dry and farm property, at lowest
current rates. Building loans. Inaullment
uHSL Macmaster A BlrrelU 311 Worcester b.k.
Mortgage Loans
On Improved city property, at lowest ratex
Title Guarantee A Trust Ca. 7 Chamber oj
Boilers, engines, pumps, engineers' supplies.
Highest market price .paid fr municipal an!
school bond. Lowest rates on mortgage loans.
Will take charge of estates as agent or trustee,
on reasonable terms.
W. H. FEAR. 416 Chamber ot Oxnmerw.
The undersigned ls now prepared to build
houses in Irvuigton. Portland's most desirable
suburb, on the installment plan, whereby ths
monthly payments will be ACTUALLY less
man rental cnargea tor simitar reoiueu.-.
IX you cannot csll. send for circular.
212 and 213 Chamber cf Commerce, j
Sunnyslde, 1773. a E. Bennett. 127S4 4th it
oca or B. jr. tuiey, 60S chamber 01 i-oo.