Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, March 06, 1900, Image 1

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VOL. XL. NO. 12,240.
Goodyear Rubber Company
Rubber Boots and Shoes, Belting, Packing tnd Hose.
Largest and most complete assortment of all kinds of Bobber Goods.
F. H. PEASE, Vice-Pres. and Manager
Furs! Furs! Furs!
Manufacturers of Exclusive Novelties In Fine Furs, ALASKA
OUTFITS In Fur Robes, Fur Overcoats, Caps, Gloves,
Moccasins, etc. Highest price paid for Raw Furs.
G. P. Rummelin & Sons,
Orcsroa Phone Main 401.
Fifth and Washington Streets . . PORTLAND, OREGON
First-Class Check Restaurant
Connected With Hotel.
St Charles Hotel
American and European Plan.
We have them at our new location, . 4.
Portland Seed Company
Exhilarates and does not poison;
that's wh'y doctors drink it.
It is good for sick and old.
epd excellent for young and welL
Is an instrument
by means of which
anyone can piay the
piano. It is so
wonderful in its power
that it must be seen
to be appreciated.
!t will pay you
to come and see it.
Marquam Bidg., cor. Seventh Street
Dc Vries' Resolution for Repeal of
"WASHINGTON, March 5. Representa
tive De Vrles. of California, today Intro
duced a Joint resolution for the repeal of
duties on white or printing paper and the
material from which it is made, and direct
ing the Attorney-General to proceed un
der the anti-trust law against those main
taining a monopoly In euch paper and ma
terial. The resolution recites that the ex
isting duty of $6 per ton greatly aids In
the maintenance of the monopoly, that tho
prise of paper has been Increased CO per
cent to the consumer, and thai, the result
is a menace to popular education and tho
dissemination of Information.
Elections in Chile.
Galveston.) General elections were held
throughout the country yesterday. Per
fect order was maintained. The returns
indicate that the Liberals are "in the ma
jority. Visitor to Xnvnl Academy.
WASHINGTON. March 5. Among tho
names of tho members of the Board of
Visitors to the Naval Academy appointed
by the President today, was that of Dr. W.
W. Watklns. of Idaho.
imps V ww-"
111 J E. HOCH. 110 FourthSL
1 Bole distributor for Oregon
73 and 75 first St. Portland. Or.
- Frank Drug. CoKibutors
126 SECOND ST., near Washington.
Established 1S70.
Single rooms 73c to U.50 per day
Double rooms 51.00 to $2.00 per day
C T. BELCHER. Sec. and Treas.
American plan ..$1.25. $1.50, 51.75
European plan 50c. 75c. $1.00
Owners and controllers.
Even' pair of lenses that I fur
nfsh are warranted to fit your eyes
for one year. If any changes are
necessary within that time, I will
make them without charge. In
nearly all cases they will last a
good deal longer than that. Two
to three years is the average for
reading glasses, and five to twenty
years for distance glasses.
If the glasses that I sell you are
not satisfactory In every respect,
bring them back within twelve
months and I will make them right
Eye Specialist
Snpar Man Evidently Hurt the Have,
meyer Trust.
NEW YORK, March 5. The American
Sugar Refining Company today declared a
quarterly aiviaena or per cent on the
i common stock. Today's reduction in the
dividend rate is the result of the -war
between the American Company and the
new refineries built and operated by Ar
l buckle Brothers and John Doscher & Sons.
These refineries commenced operations in
October, 1S9S, and their appearance as re
finers of sugar was at once followed by
cuts in prices by the American Company
for the purpose of preventing the new com
petitors from getting any of its business.
The cuts were made so radical aa to pre
j vent any of these competitors from en
) tering actively in the refining business,
j but at the same time, according to trade
statements, the entire profit on refining
was wiped out Four hundred of the 10M
employes in the sugar house in Jersey
CItv. and 500 in Bronklvn worn lot ntt ti,i.
morning. Overproduction is given as the
Dally Treasury Statement.
WASHINGTON, March 5. Today's
statement of the condition of the treasury
Available cash balance $237,503,347
j Gold Reserve 2C4.933.702
British Force On the Way to
Raise the Siege.
Which In Taken to Mean That Somcw
thine; Has Happened or Is
Ahout to Happen.
LONDON, March G, 5 A. M. Mafeklng
is to be relieved as soon as the British
force already on the way from Kimberley
can raise the siege. This force is de
scribed vaguely as "strong." The Kim
berley Light Horse is mentioned as a
component. In view of the fact that the
Kimberley Light Horse Is under the con
trol of the Io Beers Company, Lord Rob
erts' visit to Kimberley probably had to
do -with an arrangement with Cecil Rhodes
to use this company of troops.
Mr. Rhodes and Colonel Kekcwich have
had differences ot policy, it appears, which
did not end with the relief of Kimberley.
"What shall I do with him?" Colonel
Kekewich is said to have wired to Lord
Roberts, who half humorously replied, ac
cording to a story circulated at the clubs,
"Put him in chains."
Fresh intelligence as to what Lord Rob
erts is doing has ceased again. This
silence is taken to mean that something
has happened or is about to happen.
Boer raiders are uncommonly active In
the northwestern section of Cane Colony,
where they aro stirring up tne Dutch.
Martial law has consequently been de
clared. Mr. Chamberlain's request for 2300 ad
ditional Australian bushemen is under
stood to be explained by the fact
that the war office requires this
force for the pursuit of Irrecon
cilable Boers, who, according to the
Intelligence department, have been quietly
collecting great quantities of ammunition
and stores In the mountain fastnesses of
the Zoutpansberg district. In the north of
the Transvaal, where they are preparing
to carry on a guerrilla warfare.
The mobilization of a powerful fleet be
gan yesterday evening, at Torbay. Fifteen
battleships arrived.
The British Placed Better Than the
LONDON, March 6. A dispatch to the
Standard from Osfontein, dated Sunday,
March 4, says:
"Lord Roberts' army now occupies a
most advantageous position. The Sixth
division, under General Kelly-Kenny, is
posted on the right, and holds all the
kopjes for a distance of five miles south
of the Modder. The Seventh division,
under General Tucker, Is In the center,
Immediately south of the river, and Gen
eral Colville, with the Ninth division. Is
on the north bank. The cavalry brigade,
under General French, is posted on the
under colonel Rldeley-Martyn, on the right
"The country around consists of wide,
grassy plains, broken 'only by ridges and
isolated kopjes. A body of the enemy
has taken up a position on one of the lat
ter, a flat-topped hill, to the north of the
river, five miles beyond General French,
who today took out horse artillery and
shelled them. Another force, 4000 strong,
holds an isolated group of kopjes south of
the Modder and In front of the British
mounted infantry. Their position Is sur
rounded on all sides by level plains, over
which the Boers must make their way in
order to reach the river. As a conse
quence their situation appears precarious
in the extreme.
"The veldt Is now in beautiful condition.
Water Is plentiful, supplies being obtain
able not only on the river, but also from
numerous small springs. The health and
spirits of the troops are excellent.
"The British cavalry and mounted In
fantry have been reconnoltering the ene
my's positions. There has been little
French'! Cavalry Engaged n Force
of Boers.
OSFONTEIN, Saturday, March 3. Gen
eral French yesterday evening noticed a
body of Boers trekking northwest and sent
a squadron last night to keep In touch
with them. This morning, the troopers
were followed by about 150 Boers, who ad
vanced around a high hill, but who re
tired precipitately when the British shelled
them. The Boers then opened a heavy
fire with Maxims and also began firing
from a kopje in the center of the position
with a long-range 15-pounder. The Boer
trekking. In consequence of General
French's movement was temporarily
Boers Invade the Country "West of
CAPE TOWN, March 5. Sir Alfred Mll
ner has Issued tho following proclama
tion: "Whereas, the enemy's forces have In
vaded the districts of Prleska, Kenbardt
Brltstown and Barkly West, and
"Whereas, many British subjects have
taken up arms, and
"Whereas, It Is necessary to repel In
vasion and suppress rebellion, now, there
fore, martial law Is hereby proclaimed In
these districts."
Transvaal Agency Says ICroger la
Ready for Peace.
BRUSSELS, March 6. The Transvaal
agency here confirms the statement that
President Krugei Is ready to conclude
peace with Great Britain on the basis of
the Independence of the two Reptfbllcs.
and that otherwise the struggle will con
tinue to the bitter end. The agency be
lieves that the Afrikander element In
Cape Colony and Natal will rebel rather
than allow annexation.
The Dutch members of the Cape Colony
Parliament will vote by acclamation In
favor of Boer independence.
British Force Marchlnpr to Seize
Fourteen Streams.
CAPE TOWN, March 5. A strong force
of British, Including the Kimberley Light
Horse, Is marching northward from Kim
berley. It Is expected the crossing of the Vaal
River will be disputed at Fourteen
Streams, where the railway bridge has
been, wrecked.
Boer System of Entrenchment.
LONDON. March 5. The Times' pub
lishes the following dispatch from Lady
smith, dated March 2:
"On til I had crossed the Tugela I did
not realize the nature of the ground and
the system of the Boer rifle entrench
ments. How these final positions were
ever forced by 15,000 men seems marvel
ous. It convinces me that the British In
fantry is uncqualed, and that the relief
column accomplished an almost super
human task."
Boer Retreat From Natal.
LONDON, March 6. The Standard has
tho following from Ladysmith, dated Sat
urday, March 3:
"The Boers conducted their retreat In
most masterly fashion, without the loss
of a single wagon or an ox. Only a few
small companies have fallen Into our
hands. In point of fact, we were able
to make only feeble efforts to interfere
with their retirement. Stores are pour
ing in today. The progress of relief, how
ever, Is slow, as only CO carts a day can
cross tho pontoon bridge."
Plnmer at Crocodile Pool.
LONDON, March 6. A dispatch to the
Times from Bulawayo, dated February
27, says:
"Colonel Plumer yesterday occupied the
position at Crocodile Pools which the
Boers evacuated February 25. It Is not
known whether the enemy have taken
another position or been ordered to re
treat, owing to the events in the south."
General Brabant's Victory.
DORDRECHT, March 5, evening; Gen
eral Brabant has scored a complete vic
tory. The Boers are in full retreat with
their guns and wagons, and ars being pur
sued. Extent of the Boers Front.
LONDON, March 5. A dispatch to the
Dally Telegraph from Osfontein, dated
Sunday, says:
"The Boers' front covers 18 miles to the
south of Modder River."
Some of Boiler's Casualties.
LONDON, March 5. General Buller'a
revised list of casualties from February
14 to February 27 gives 93 men killed, 6S4
wounded and 25 missing.
Boers Evacuate Stormbcrg.
STERKSTROM. March 5. Storrrfberg
was found evacuated when the British en
tered last night.
Statement of Chancellor of Exche
quer in the House of Commons.
LONDON, March 5. The House of Com
mons was crowded today in anticipation
of the budget statement The report of
the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir
Michael Hicks-Beach, Introducing the
budget, "shows that an expenditure of
154,082,000 has to be provided for In the
budget of 1S00-1901. The statement shows
that tho exchequer account of 1S39-1XK)
would have given a surplus of upwards
of 5,000.000, but the supplementary war
estimates of 23.OCO.C00 makes the expend
iture exceed tho revenue by 17,770.000.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, after
laying the figures before the House, point
ed out that the country had to face a
total estimated expenditure, in conse
quence of the war, of no less than six
1 times as much as had been estimated In
October last Against the estimated ex-
pendituro of 154.0F2.000 for tho coming
year, the Chancellor estimated the reve
nue on the basis of taxation at 115,000,000,
or a deficit of 37.000.000.
ft- -Dosllng fc'Uh, th war'cxpcniiiur,os,s 'htH
calculations as to the amount It ought to
ask from Parliament with the view of a
successful prosecution of the war. but it
was impossible to be certain when the
war would be concluded, and the expend
itures might be larger. On tho other
hand, however, a happy change In the mil
itary situation, and the fact that the
season now fast approaching was, In the
opinion of all the authorities, favorable
to Boer operations, rcid to be considered.
He might be obliged in July or August
to ask Parliament for further relief, but
he believed he was fairly Justified in hop
ing that the intended expenditures would
suffice successfully to conclude the war.
He estimated the total .war expenditures,
Including; the deficit of 17,770,000, at 60,
00?.O00. Tho Chancellor characterized the sug
gested methods of fresh taxation as in no
way Impracticable, saying that the Gov
ernment felt justified in raising a portion
of the war funds by a loan, but, he added.
It was also Justified In calling upon tho
taxpayers for on immediate and substan
tial sacrifice. In this connection he
thought they could reasonably anticipate
that the more acute and more costly
phases of tho war would not last long.
He asked tho taxpayers to subscribe to
the cost of the war by an Increase ot
tho Income tax to 1 shilling in the pound,
as producing an additional 6,500,000.
Sir Michael Hicks-Beach also said that,
In order to meet a war expenditure of
GO,CO0,O0O. he would propose that the
stamp duties on stock exchange contract
notes be extended to sales on the produce
exchange; that tho beer duties be In
creased a shilling a barrel of 35 gallons;
that there bo an increase in the duty on
spirits of 6 pence per pound, and tea 2
pence per pound. He anticipated that the
above changes would Increase the revenue
I 12,317,000, and he proposed to save 4,640,-
wai Dy suspencing tne sinking fund in re
lation to certain annuities. Ho proposed
to borrow the rest of the necessary fund.
A total of 43.000,000 had to be raised, of
which 8,000.000 was now In the treasury
and 35,000,000 would be raised by bond3
or stock repayable In a term not exceed
ing 10 years.
During the course of his remarks, the
Chancellor, referring to his previously ex
pressed opinion regarding tho capacity of
the Transvaal to bear a responsible share
In the expenditures of the was said he
still adhered to that opinion, but he was
bound to say that the events of the last
five months and the claims which would
undoubtedly be made by the local colo
nists of Natal for compensation for losses
sustained at the hands of the Boers, and)
tho enormous Increase In expenditure
since he last spoke, had made him feel
that the capacity of the Transvaal to bear
the cost of the war was a les3 Important
factor than he estimated In October last
Tho Houso adopted the budget pro
nenvy Fall nt Detroit.
DETROIT, March 5. For the second
time within a week, Southern Michigan
is In tho grasp of a furious snow storm.
Trains at Detroit are from one t6 12 hours
late. The local snowfall today has been
9Ms inches. maJcng e fall of 30 Inches in
the past six days.
Blizzard nt Mllvrunkec.
MILWAUKEE. March o. Milwaukee is
experiencing the worst blizzard ot the sea
son. Suburban street-car traffic is tied
up, and all steam railroad trains are be
hind time.
Storm at Chicago.
CHICAGO, March 5. The most disa
greeable storm of tho winter set In this
afternoon, and at midnight showed no
signs of abatement.
c o
"Sappho" Plnyern Held for Trial.
NEW YORK, March 5. Police Magis
trate Mott today held Olga Nethersole.
Hamilton Revelle. Marcus Mayer and
Theodore Moss for trial on a charge of
presenting an Immoral play, "Sappho."
Ball was given at $500.
Fighting In the Southern Extrem
ity of Luzon.
Brash "With Insurgents North of the
Totth -Sixty-four Dead Rebels
WASHINGTON. March 5. General Otis
has cabled the following account of the
recent military operations in Luzon:
"Manila, March 5. Bates, with two bat
talions of the Fortieth and Forty-fifth
Regiments, and detachments of artillery,
engineers and signal corps, a total of 2200
men, landed troops on the southeast,
northwest and southern coasts of San
Miguel Bay, Camarlnes Province, to move
on Nueva Caceres, in three columns. The
only strong opposition was encountered by
Godwin and a battalion of his Tegiment
at Libanan, northwest of Nueva Caceres.
Godwin's loss was Adjutant Callehes, who
died of wounds, and three enlisted men
severely wounded and five slightly wound
ed. The enemy left 64 dead on the field
and many wounded, who wero cared for
by our medical officers.
"Godwin captured a number of armed
insurgents, 18 Spanish prisoners, 30 rifles
and considerable ammunition and prop
erty. Particulars of minor engagements
of the other columns not reported.
"Nueva Cacares was found practically
deserted, the Inhabitants having taken
refuge In the mountains. The troops
aro covering Important points In the prov
inces of Camarlnes and Albay. The Navy
rendered most valuable aid in landlnc
troops and supplies."
Operations In North and South Cam
arlnes. MANILA.. March 5, 4:45 P. M. General
Bates' expedition to Southern Luzon, con
sisting of the Fortieth and Forty-fifth
Regiments, a total of 2300 men, has oc
cupied Nueva Cacares, Province of South
Mamarines; Daet, Province of North Cam
arlnes and tho neighboring smaller towns.
Tho enemy resisted at one point and
two American were killed, Including
Lieutenant John B. Gallagher, of the
Fortieth Regiment
February 20, the expedition arrived at
San Miguel Bay, landed, and In threo
columns pushed Inland, converging upon
Nueva Caceras and attempting to pre
vent tho enemy's retreat At Llbman
an, north of Neuva Caceres, the enemy
was concealed in the rice field and resisted
a battalion of the Fortieth Regiment,
which engaged them at close quarters with
bayonets. After 40 minutes' fighting the
enemy fled and Libmanan was occupied.
Tho Americans burled 64 of the enemv.
whose total loss In killed and wounded Is
estimated at 140.
From Libmanan tho expedition proceeded
to "ueva Caceresv tho gunboat Paragua iv minutes aneau, ot tner troops.
Ttie town was found practically deserted.
The Americans, dally scouting in the vicin
ity, report that the enemy have retreated
into the mountains.
Led Into Ambush.
MANILA, March 6. Lieutenant Edgar
F, Koehler, of the Ninth Infantry, was
shot in the abdomen and killed at a vil
lage six miles north of Tarlac, where ho
went In search of some hidden rifles. A
Filipino, promising to produce the rifles,
led .him Into an ambush away from his
command. Tho soldiers, in revenge, burn
ed the village, and killed 24 of the enemy.
The transport Sheridan will sail today
with 120 soldiers and convicts, and 20 In
sane soldiers.
President Sends a Mnss of It to the
WASHINGTON. March 5. Tho Presi
dent sent to the Senate today the corre
spondence called for by the resolution of
Senator Hoar, asking for information rela
tive to our course in the Philippines. It Is
a very voluminous record, containing
much that has already been made public
and contains instructions by the Presi
dent, proclamations by the Philippine Com
mission and General Otis, reports of of
ficers in the Philippines, all communica
tions received from Agulnaldo or his as
sistants or proclamations Issued by them.
Information concerning the treatment of
prisoners or other inhabitants of the Is
land by tho insurgents, and also such In
formation as has been received "as to aid
or encouragement received by Agulnaldo
and his followers from persons In the
United States, as to what pamphlets,
speeches or other documents emanating
in tho United States, and adverse to Its
authority, were circulated in whole or in
part among the Filipinos in arms against
the United States, among other Inhabit
ants of the islands, or among the soldiers
of the United States." Referring to Gen
eral Otis' proclamation, the President
"No disapproval of the said proclama
tion was expressed by my authority or
tho War Department It was in fact ap
proved by me, although no formal com
munication to that effect was sent to Gen
eral Otis."
Included In the correspondence of last
October between General MacArthur and
Agulnaldo's representative, General Abro
slo Flores. In regard to the delivery of
sick Spanish prisoners. Is a protest against
what he terms the "suspiciousness of the
Americans." He says:
"The treatment awarded necessarily cor
responds with our political condition," add
ing that "In the name of a soldierly honor,
I protest against such suspicion, as we
have never resorted to indirect means in
order to wrest by artifice tho recognition
of our beloved Independence."
In thlo connection a cablegram from
General Corbin is given, dated November
10. Indorsing General Otis' course In tho
matter of Spanish prisoners. He says:
"The letters of the Insurgents imply a
threat Unless you see strong reason to
the contrary, notify Agulnaldo that he
o.nd his advisers will be held personally
responsible for any injury done to Spanish
or American prisoners in violation of the
laws and tho usages of war among civil
ized nations."
The Instructions to General Merritt aro
transmitted, but not those to General Otis,
which the report says were given In ci
pher. The instructions from the President
to General Merritt May 2S, 1S93, direct
the Issuance of a proclamation saying
that "We come not to make war upon the
people of the Philippines nor upon any
party or faction among them, but to pro
tect them In their homes. In their em
ployments and In their personal and re
ligious rights. All persons who, either
by active aid or by honest administration,
co-operate with the United States in its
efforts to give effect to this boneflcent
purpose will receive the reward of Its
support and protection. Our occupation
should be as free from severity as possi
ble." The President's Instructions to the Phll-
Ipplne Commission, of January 20, 1S99, are
given in full. The President wrote:
"Tho Commission may render valuable
service by examining with special care
the legislative needs of the various groups
of Inhabitants and by representing with
recommendations the measures which
should be Instituted for the maintenance
of order, peace and public welfare!. It is
"my desire that in all the relations with
tho Inhabitants of the Philippine Islands
the Commissioners exercise due respect for
all the Ideals, customs and institutions of
the tribes and races which compose the
population, emphasizing upon all occa
sions the Just and beneficial Intentions of
the Government of the United States. It
is also my wish and expectation that the
Commissioners may be received In a man
ner due to the nonored and authorized
representatives of tho American Republic,
duly commissioned on account of their
knowledge, skill and Integrity as bearers
of the good will, the protection and the
blessings of a liberating, rather than a
conquering nation."
The-rocord shows that May 4. 1829, Pres
ident Schurman, of the Commision, noti
fied Secretary Hay, of a cessation of hos
tilities in order to get a vote from the in
surgent Congress in favor of autonomy,
to which Secretary Hay replied as fol
lows: "You aro authorized to propose that un
der the military power of tho President,
I pending the action of Congress, govern
ment of the Philippines shall consist Qf a
Governor-General appointed by the Pres
isdent, a Cabinet appointed by the Governor-General,
a General Advisory Council,
elected by the people, tho qualifications of
electors to be carefully considered and de
termined, and the Governor-General to
havo an absolute veto."
Made an. Investigation at Guam on
Ills Way Home.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 5. The Unit
ed States transport Warren arrived hero
today, 41 days from Manila, via Hong
Kong, Guam and Honolulu. On the
"Warren are General Wheler and his
daughter, Lieutenant-Commander Brlggs.
United States Navy; Captain Johnson.
United States Volunteers, and several
passengers, including William Bengough,
the artist for Harper's Weekly. The
Warren made a stop of 10 days at Guam to
permit General Wheeler to make an in
vestigation of the government established
there by Governor Leary.
Tho Warren brings news from Honolulu
that of the three suspected cases of plague
reported February 20, but one proved to
be genuine, plague, and when the Warren
left Honolulu the authorities were of the
opinion that the plague had about died
out, though every precaution was being
taken to confine any fresh outbreaks. The
Warren was ordered to quarantine.
Transport Grant Arrives.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 5. The trans-
' port Grant arrived today, 27 days from
Manila. The Grant brought 201 sick sol
diers, 27 discharged men and 27 cabin pas
sengers. Six deaths occurred during the
voyage. Short stops were made at Naga-
saki and Kobe.
The soldiers who died on the voyage
were Sergeant John Swartz, Privates Ed
ward Klernan. A. Schwenberger, Morton
Nellson, John R. McKos and Albert Klein-
r&chmldt "
Stronsr Witness Pnt Forward by the
Craven Attorneys.
SAN FRANCISCO. March 5. The hear
ing of the suit of Mrs. Nettle R. Craven
against the heirs of the late Senator Fair
was resumed In Judge Troutfs court to
day. The first witness called, Mrs. Mar
garet S. Cossack, a nurse by profession,
proved to be one of the strongest wit
nesses yet put forward by the Craven at
torneys. Mrs. Cosack testified that In
1S92 she nursed Mrs. Craven through a
sickness which she thought would be her
last, and so drew up her will. When Sen
ator Fair, who was a frequent caller,
heard that Mrs. Cravon had been put to
tho trouble of making a will, he became
very angry that her peace should have
been so disturbed. He told Mrs. Cosack
that Mrs. Craven was his betrothed, and
appealed to Mrs. Craven by asking, "Isn't
that so, dearie?" Senator Fair left money
to supply the Invalid with delicacies and
Mrs. Cosack testified that she later called
upon Mrs. Craven, who was preparing to
go away, and that the Senator was there
when she got there, and that she asked
Mrs. Craven when the marriage was com
ing off. Then she took from her dress
the marriage paper and said that was her
marriage contract.
"I said I did not like marriage by con
tract," said the witness, "and said to her
'that is a queer way for a good Scotch
Presbyterian to be married.' Senator Fair
seemed to bo angry at what I said, and
he said that marriage was simply a con
tract between the Interested parties, nd
that both he and Mrs. Craven were sat
isfied. So I said nothing more about It"
Kentucky Democrats Demand That
the Arms Be Returned.
FRANKFORT, Ky., March 5. The ship
ment of guns and ammunition to London
continued today.
Senator Tripplett offered a resolution to
investigate tho published reports concern
ing shipments of state arms to London by
Governor Taylor, and demand the return
of the same to the state arsenal. If th
return Is refused, the committee shall
bring In a bill making an appropriation of
$250,000 to buy new guns, also authorizing
General Castlcman to Issue a call for a
sufficient number of volunteers to take
the guns from, those now In possession of
them and return them to the arsenal.
The order for the shipment of guns and
ammunition was revoked this afternoon
and a car loaded with munitions of war,
consigned to London, was unloaded, and
Its contents returned to the arsenal in
this city. The Republican officials offer
no explanation of the change of pro
gramme. u
Ynquis Hen d eel for the Border.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 5. A special
from Benson, Ariz., says:
Rumors have reached here that a large
body of YaquI Indians are headed for the
International line. Orders have been Is
sued by General Merrlam, commanding
officer at Fort Huachuca. to hold his
troops In readiness for Immediate field
service to be used to repel any attempt
to crosa the line Into the United States.
Senator Wolcott Divorced.
DENVER, March 5. Before Judge Al
len, of the District Court, Mrs. Frances
M. Wolcott was today granted an absolute
divorce from Senator Edward O. Wolcott,
on the ground of desertion. The com
plaint was not filed until today. Senator
Wolcott was not present, and no evidence
was introduced for the defense.
Disturbance In Snvail.
SYDNEY. N. S. W., March 5. According
to mail advices from Samoa, the Samoa
Herald predicts grave complications in
connection with a serious native disturb
ance in the Island of Savall February 3.
Intends to Refute Some of Sen
ator Carter's Assertions
Outlook for the Puerto Rican Bill la
the Sennte Tlie Times-Herald's
WASHINGTON. March 5. Senator Si
mon will take occasion before the close of
the debate on the Quay case to reply
to the remarks of Senator Carter today,
especially so far as they applied to tho
failure of the Oregon legislature to elect
a successor to John H. Mitchell. Senator
Simon did not care to break Into tho
debate today, becauso other senators had
arranged to talk on the financial bill, and
ho did not wish to disturb the order of
business agreed upon. After Carter's
speech has been printed in the Record,
and each assertion Is laid bare. Senator
Simon intends to take them up and re
fute those which are Inaccurate. He saya
Senator Carter was not Informed on tho
situation or he would not have taken tho
course that he did in criticising Mr. Cor
bott and thq action of the Oregon legisla
ture. Davis Free Trade Amendment.
Senator Davis caused consternation in
the ranks of the Puerto Rican tariff ad
herents today in proposing his amend
ment for free trade with Puerto Rico and
by legislative acts to extend the Constitu
tion relating to taxation over the islands.
This Is not the Democratic contention,
which Is that having acquired the island.
It is entitled to all the rights and benefits
of the Constitution, and the moment the
territory Is annexed, the legislation ex
tends over it
Senator Davis' contention is that the
legislation only extends to new territory
when Congress authorizes it by legislative
enactment There is difficulty about this
resolution passing. The tariff advocates
on the Republican side will vote against
It, and probably the. Democrats will also
refuse to support It, on the ground that
such legislation Is unnecessary, and that
a simple declaration of free trade Is
It Is an Interesting fact that Aldrlch of
Rhode Island, the most pronounced pro
tectionist leader In the Senate. Is for ab
solute free trade with the Island.
The situation In Indiana Is acute. Both
Indiana Senators have been flooded with
telegrams and letters, showing that every
prominent Republican, almost without ex
ception, is against the house bill. Fair
banks and Beverldge cannot possibly seo
their way clear to vote for tho bill, un
less some change Is brought about, al
though they are very strict partymen
and earnest friends of the Administra
tion, and desire to carry out Its wishes.
They were confronted with the Presldent'3
message at every turn.
In West Virginia, the situation Is such
as to cause great apprehension in the
rnlntls " of-Elklns and Scott These -men
aro preparing to Insert an amendment
leaving the whole matter to the President,
In order to moke him shoulder the re
sponsibility which he has levied upon Con--gress.
This is not likely to go through,
because tho protection Republicans and
tho Democrats are very apt to oppose It
Wnphlnjrton Republicans Alarmed.
A strong editorial In the Chicago Times
Herald of this morning was published
here today, and Us utterances are viewed
with alarm by the Republicans. Kohl
saat, the proprietor of the paper, was ono
of the men who assisted McKInley's Presi
dential candidacy and was one of- tho
seven men that prepared the goTd plank
of the St Louis platform and supported
the Republican candidates on every oc
casion. This being well known to every
legislator In Washington, the vigorous
assertion of Kohlsaat's paper that tho
passage of the Puerto Rican bill means
defeat of the party for Congress, surely,
and tho President, almost, has had a ter
rifying effect In certain directions, and
many of tho Republicans today aro
whistling to keep up their courage.
A cry Is going up from members of tho
House that by the ways and means com
mittee their future success has been very
much endangered. Speaker Henderson
has taken a large contract, and with his
usual blg-heartedness he promised to go
Into every district where there was any
doubts and make a speech because of this
fact. At least half of tlie Republicans
are now trying to hold Henderson to his
Senator Cullom's Canvass.
Senator Cullom Is having a very serious
time with his canvass for , e-electlon In
Illinois. Tanner, who controls the Stato
machine, has been winning victories In
the counties which Cullom supposed ho
had solid. Cullom handled nearly all
the patronage for Illinois, for it was gen
erally supposed he had made himself
solid; butj this only proves that Federal
patronage does not always re-elect United
States Senators. Mason, Cullom's col
league, gets little or nothing, and tha
general understanding was current In
Illinois that Cullom was the boss, and
everything he said regarding appoint
ments was accepted by the President He
now finds it necessary to get Illinois to
counteract the effect of the State ma
chine, which seems to be doing better
work than the Federal machine.
Utah Vacancy in Sennte.
If Quay Is seated. Governor Wells will
appoint a Senator for the Utah vacancy.
Wells was elected as a Republican, and
went over to the Silver-Republicans, and
the belief is general that he will appoint
a silver man to fill the vacancy.
Alaskans Given n Hcarlnpr.
The House committee on territories
gave a hearing today to Governor Brady,
of Alaska, and a delegation from that
section, concerning the pending bill to
establish a territorial form of govern
ment for Alaska. Most of the delega
tion do not favor the appointment of a
territorial delegate to Congress unless he
can be chosen by the people of Alaska.
Governor Brady favors the appointment
of a delegate In case one Is provided for.
The general conditions of Alaska were re
viewed, with a view to showing the ca
pacity of the territory to maintain a
regular territorial establishment
For Prohibition in Philippine.
Representative Glllett today Introduced
a bill prohibiting the sale of distilled or
Intoxicating liquor In the Philippines In
quantities less than 20 gallons, except on
a physician's prescription for medicinal
Kaiser Favors More Liberality.
BERLIN, March 5. Emperor William
today listened to a statement by Count
von Bulow regarding the difficulties
which have lately arisen between .the
United States and Germany over the meat
inspection bill. Later he received Baron
von Hummerstein, Prussian Minister of
Agriculture, who explained the reasons
why the "Agrarians object to the present
status of meat Import and Insist upon
the passage of the bill In the form of
which tho Agrarians have all along ap
proved. The Emperor advanced some
powerful arguments in favor of more liberality.