THB KOKNXKG- OBEGXKfsIAIT, MO-SDATT, 3A3TCAEY 7, 1B95. HARD TO INTERVIEW. Senator Gorman's Method of Keeping a. Nevrpaicx linn at Bay Senator Gorman was Sn town yesterday, says the Washington Post. He came in from Laurel In the morning to attend to someprivatebusinessand did not go near Ee democratic headquarters. He appears 4.0 be In magnificent health, and says that the never felt better in his life. But he will not talk politics. Indeed, while he was at Saratoga he successfully eluded Iheperslstent Interviewer, who approached him in various shapes and disguise, but the senator always detected the cloven foot and the forked tail, and thereby scored one against newspapers. Tester day, when the senator began to scent an Interviewer from afar, he would begin something like this: ' Did you ever drive a pair of fine trot Uig horses? No? Well, sir. half of your l.fe has been wasted. It Is the greatest recreation and pleasure in the world. Been to Saratoga, haven't you? Yes? Of course you have. Tou know what a great place it Is for fine horses. Well, sir. Senator Murphy picked out a couple of fine trot ters f-or me up there and I purchased them. They are out on my farm near Laurel now. The prettiest animals you ever laid your eyes upon, and they drive together like clockwork. I drove them CO miles last Saturday, and; they were as fresh and cool when we got back as wi2n we started. Their names? Oh. yes; Brent wood and Bijou. The prettiest horses in the country, and it's worth a dollar a mnute to drive them. It's making me feel a boy. The prettiest animals " By this time the newspaper man gener ally gives it up. Angostura Bitters, endorsed by physi cians and chemists for purity and wholc Eomeness. o To build up and strengthen the weak and tired organs, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. MEETING NOTICES. "HE PORTLAND HIBERNIAN BENEVO LENT SOCIETY will hold an annual meeting this (Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock, at which officers will be elected and other important business transacted. Every member is request ed to "vt present. T. B. McDEVITT, President. W. J. KELLY, Secretary. ATTENTION. KNIGHTS! Regular conven tion of Excelsior lodge. No. 1. K. of P.. "Wednesday evening. January 9. 3805, at 7 o'clock sharp. Golden Rule Bazaar hall. Third and Morrison. Installation of officers. Work in the three ranks. AH members requested to be present. Visiting members invited. A. M. SINGLETON. K. R. and S. WILLAMETTE LODGE. No. 2, A. F. V fc A. M. A stated communication will V p'c held at Masonic Temple this (Mon kday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Work in ' N E. A. degree. All M. M. are cordially lnited to be present. THOS. GRAY. Secy. & HAWTHORNE LODGE. No. 111. A. F. & A. M. Stated communica tion this (Monday) evening at 7:30. All M. M. cordially invited. By order of W. M. E. J. HALL, Secy. & HARMONY LODGE. No. 12. A. F. & A. M. Special communication Tuesday. January 8. at 9:30 A. M.. for the pur- v pose of attending the funeral of Brother Marshall Peterson. By order W. M. A. J. MARSHALL, Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE. No. 118. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Monday) evening at 7:30 o'clock. Marquam building. Work In the Ini tiatory degree. Visitors welcome. By order ot the lodge. E. R. BUSH. Secretary. EXEMPT FIREMEN'S ASSOCIATION. A special meeting of the trustees will be held In their hall this (Monday) evening. Jan. 7. at 7.30 o'clock. P. TAYLOR. Pres. DIED. TURK At Tacoma. Jan. 4. 1S35. James Turk. aged 63 years. Funeral services will be held at Edward Holman's undertaking parlors to day at 2 P. M. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend. PirTERSON In this city. Jan. C. at residence 514 Clay st.. Marshall Peterson, aged 50 years, Tra months. Funeral notice later. Columbia Falls, Me., papers please copy. Edward Holmno, tmaertalxer and cinbalme'r. 4tli aritT Yaniriin. Tel.' 507 AUCTION SALE TODAY At 292 10th st. cor. Jefferson. Fine furniture and carpets of private house. Sale at 10 o'clock. George Baker & Co., auctioneers. SEW TODAY. Blanket Sale today. HcAllen McDon nell. TO LEASE FOR FACTORIES. WARE houses. mills, foundries, stone yard, wood and coal yards 3 acres river front, wharf, build ings, two blocks south of Madison-street, on Hast Market and East Mill sts. Part for sale. M. Bane. 374 East Clay st.. Portland, Oregon. FIVE-THOUSAND DOLLAR MORTGAGE ON a farm of 840 acres, near Heppner, Or., with 600 acres in cultivation, to exchange for a busi ness, either dry goods, merchandise, groceries or boots and shoes; will also pay some cash for a business that suits. DeLasbmutt & Son, 209 Stark st. WE HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE RESI denco lots on Vaughn, between 21st and 23d. belonging to Johnson estate, which we will sell for one-half what Is asked for lots around them; street Improvements made; lots lay two to three feet above grade. Will be sold on easy terms. No one offering nicer quarter blocks for $2300. DeLasbmutt & Son. 209 Stark st. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT CHIN Dong. Chin Wong. Chin Kee and Chin Pon Tong have this day sold all their Interest In tha firm of Kwong Chong Tung & Co., doing business at No. S9 Second street. In the cltv rf Portland, to Chan Mon and Chan Ark Leong. who will continue to carry on said business at the tame place and under the firm name of Ark Kee & Co. CHAN ARK LEONG. CHAN MOW. Dated January 4. 1S93. SACRIFICE OF BUSINESS PROPERTY WE have for sale three pieces of business proper ty, located In center of the city and oa the very best streets, that belongs to a party whose health demands an Immediate change It is no longer a question of making money, or of getting what the property is worth, but It Is a question of health, and hence we will sell It at a great sacrifice. But verv little money Is required down. The property is rented, and will be pold separately or as a whole. For one piece we ask $9000 1jvm casn. oaiance in August, jsus. .For an ther we ask SI ti.000-?0000 cash, balance in 1S90. For another we ask $35.000 S10.000 ( cash, balance in 1896. One of Portland's lead ing brokers valued the latter at 60,000. when the present loan of $25,000 was obtained upon 1, a year or two since. DeLashmutt & Son, 209 Stork st. LOANS AT LOWEST RATES Made promptly on mortgages and first-class notes. F. V. Andrews & Co.. 131 Third st. MONEY TO L-OTSISL On approved personal or collateral security; warrants, notes, time checks, certificates ot de posit and other pood paper discounted. EUGENE D. WHITE & CO.. 1st and Alder. ttOXEY TO LOAN Ou Improved city property. Russell, Blaclcod BIytb, S2U -Third st., cor. Oak. KECEIYER'S NOTICE. Haiinc been appointed receiver of the Port lard Saxlugs bank, in liquidation, bv Hon. L. B. Stearns. Judge ot department No. 3. with in-"M-n ns to cloe up its business a rapidly as Jossi'ijr. and having rited my report with. th jdgr noti-e U hereby guen t all debtors of Tse bank to make prnrapt settlement of their cb,lgatlon at my offlee. No. 505 Portland Sav-t-.gii Bank building, cor. Second and Wahlng t"i sts. to the end that the bank may pay Its own debts. This w imperative. O. N DENNY. Receiver. OUR WANTS BOILED DOWN. A lurthsser for a drug store in northern en cf the city, doing a good business. A purchaser for that dairy farm near Port la"!. .n the Columbia river. A lurchaser for a piece of business property to -en'railx located that to mention its locality w '! it the real st3te men alt agog to know wM huvp with the owner. fw purrbasera for tlMae rumire4-doMr -ts in City View Park addition, sway this side of Ft Iwood, on the Oregon City electric Mne. V p-ari hawr for that vt-asce tra-n fur rutins southeast of .the cety.for.JGW. at $ir prr acre. rrt aser for thoce ratal: tracts qf ours tu Beaverton at $ HO per acre. A f -n ' m fw a'svw f those tive-aere tracts be ns.n t the Jefensen estate, near Reed 5:ic .n Uaehtarum ommm. DE LASmilTXT & SON. 20 Stark st. .YEW TODAY. TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS IN FIRST mortgages en Eastern Oregon farms, to trads tor Portland property. Tbey range all the way from $300 up. are drawing interest, and are all veil secured. For particulars call oa or address DcLachrnatt & Son. 200 Stark St. BEGINNINg"jaxTAF.Y 7. I "WILL WITHIN 10 days close out my entire stock of milli nery goods, regardless of cost. C A. Lescher. 564 Morrison at. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. THIRTEEN ACRES. 11 MILES EAST OF Portland, on Base Line road; 3 acres in cul tivation, house and barn; price $850; must be sold to settle up an estate. DeLashmutt & Son. 209 Stark St. FOR SALENEAR CITY. ON MOUNT SCOTT motor line, 43 acres,, or any part of it; the land is cleared; water and 5-cent fare; easy terms. Inquire Charles E. Stewart, Imperial hotel. THREE HOUSES AND TWO LOTS, ON 14TH and J (Couch addition), for $00o0; will trade It for a farm. There is a mortgage of $2000. and we want to trade It subject to the mort gage. DeLashmutt & Son. 200 Stark st. FOR SALE TWO TRACTS OF LAND THE S. E. of sec. 24. township 16 S.. R. 1 W.. 1C0 acres, and the S. W. of sec 20. town ship 1C S.. R. 1 E.. 160 acres. Address Gust Breham. Port Blakeley. Wash. ABOUT 23FARMS IN YAMHILL COUNTY, the garden spot of Oregon: all sizes, shapes and prices. Come and take your pick. De Lashmutt & Son. 200 Stark St. IMMENSE BARGAINS LOTS. ACREAGE, farms, 5-cent fare. O. R. Addlton. Lent's Or., at St. Charles hotel, city, from 4 to 6:20 P. M. Large and small tracts of land, on easy terms; labor accepted as part payment. Franklin Fruit Land Co.. Port. Savings Bank building. FOR SALE 320 ACRES. AT $4. NEAR. RAIL road. Yamhill county; part exchange. J. G. Davidson, 132U Third st. FREE ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS OF cheap land. M. Griffin. Cottonwood, Cal. FOR REXT KAR3IS. FOR RENT 25 ACRES; 12 ACRES IN CUL tivation; house and well: one mile from Lent's P. O. Inquire ot L Vanduyn. room 714 Chamber of Commerce. rOR RENT 120 ACRES. 3 MILES FROM Portland; all In cultivation; good buildings: would make a good dairy. DeLashmutt & Son. 20a Stark st. TO EXCHANGE. 320-ACRE HIGHLY IMPROVED FARM. ONE mile from railroad town In middle Western state: good soil, level land; well watered; price. $10,000; will trade for Improved farm property, near Portland preferred: might as sume some incumbrance. M. Walton. 714 Chamber of Commerce. Los Angeles and Southern Cal. property for Oregon or Portland property. John Campbell. P. O. box 430. Los Angeles. Cal. TO EXCHANGE A LOT IN ASTORIA FOR piano. A. M.. care Oregonian. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. YOUR MONEY! WITH 200 PER CENT profit Long lease at nominal rent of Improved water power, with ample ground for fac tories; near two flourishing towns and two railroads, in the finest farming district ot the famous Willamette valley, the garden spot of this continent: available for pulp mill, paper mill, electric road or lighting, saw mill, sash and door factories, box factories or any kind of manufacturing; has been used for driving small saw and planing mill, which will be sold, with lease, or reserved, at option of pur chaser. Address box 139. Springfield, Or. 52500 WILL BUY A WELL - EQUIPPED lodging-house of 30 rooms, on Third St.. doing a good business. DeLashmutt & Son. 20a Stark st. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY; DANA. AL bee & Walker now occupy their new prem ises. East Water st-, cor. Taylor. WANTED A GOOD IMPROVED FARM, IN exchange for well-improved city property. E. R. Hickson. 31 Sherlock building. TOR SALE A HORSE. HARNESS AND light delivery wagon. Call at 375 Washington street. $75 WILL BUY A NEW TOTAL ADDING cash register. Call 321 Washington st. North west Electric Engineering Co. HELP WANTED MALE. GENTLEMAN RESPECTABLE AND INTEL llgent, with some capital, to .sell on commis sion a medical remedy, the rnly one In the market. Address W SS, care-Oregonfnn. WANTED 200 MEN TO UNLOAD SCHOON ers; beat beer on the coast: 2V4c per schooner. New York Barrel House. 23 North Third st. WANTED YOUNG MAN WITH SOME CASH; $10 week; no experience 3 North Third, room 11. MAN ENERGETIC. OF BUSINESS TACT. Address J. A. Bonnet. Salem, Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HOUSEWORK A GIRL FOR WORK: MUST be neat and a good cook. Apply 314 East Sec ond, cor. Weldlcr, Uolladay addition. HOUSEWORK A GIRL FOR GENERAL work. Apply Monday morning, 700 Flanders, near 22d. HOUSEWORK NEAT, CAPABLE GIRL FOR general work; must understand cooking. 2M Main St.. cor. 4th. BOOKKEEPER YOUNG LADY. WHO THOR oughly understands double - entry. Address Drugs, care Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. SITUATION WANTED TO WORK FOR board while attending high school. I am a young man of good address, and am willing to do any honorable work. Address X 45, care Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. SITUATION WANTED BY AN AMERICAN woman, as housekeeper: widower or bachelor preferred; references given and required. 313 Flanders st. SITUATION WANTED BY WIDOW. AS housekeeper: city or country; good references. 432 East Ankenj. Domestics. SITUATION WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS girl to do general honsework: first-class refer ences given. Call at 21 11th. cor. Bumslde. SITUATION WANTED BY A COMPETENT German girl from the East, to do second work. Apply Girls' Directory. 545) Morrison. WANTED TO REXT. BY GENTLEMAN AND WirE WELL-FUR-nlshed rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; private family only: southwest district pre ferred; references. X 37. care Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT BY A RESPONSIBLE party. 5 or 6-room cottage, on East Side, near Burnslde st. preferred; give full particulars. Address G. C N.. care Oregonian. WANTED DESIRABLE FURNISHED ROOM with modern conveniences and board in pri vate family. P. O. drawer 16. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TO BORROW ?2500. FOR 3 YEARS.'oN GOOD farm, worth $11,000. principals only need ap ply. DeLashmutt & Son. 209 Stark sL WANTED FOR CASH HOUSEHOLD FUR niture. carpets, etc. to any amount. Apply 354 Alder st. Geo. Baker & Co. Household furniture, carpets, cast-off clothing, etc bought. Loeffler & Cohn. 2G3 Trent. FOR REXT. RooniM. AT THE NEWCASTLE. COR. THIRD AND Harrison Ms. Rooms, furnished or unfur nished; stetsm. gas. hot baths, free telephone, dining-room; references. J. D. Hart and C C. Newcastle, owners. Mrs. Convert, manager. AT THE PORTSMOUTH. COR. PARK AND Alder; very central Nicely furnished, clean, homelike rooms; baths, parlor, office, tele phone; furnished housekeeping rooms. THERlc"liMONDT3533 YAMHILU CORNER Park Rooms from ? up: also housekeeping rooms; all newly furnished, free baths and all modern conveniences. NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE RE fused for either single, suites or housekeep ing rooms, at the New Plaia. 207 Third st. SEVENTH ST.. 72TneaR6aK LARGE, well-furnished front room: heat. bath, suitable for two, cheap, piano it de&lred. YAMHILL ST.. 2S1H. ABOVE HAT STORK Neat, quiet, furnished rooms. SUITES AND SINGLE ROOMS, reasonable; housekeeping. 20CiS 1st. Farmers & Meohan. FOR RENT 1SU 4Ui si. Furnished and unfur nished rooms, suitable for dressmaking. WASHINGTON ST.. 313. THE LAFAYETTE Rooms. $1 SO per week and up. TENTH ST.. 166 NICHLY FURNISHED rooms: furnace beat, gas, bath. for rent: ilooau. THE GOODNOUGH. FIFTH FLOOR FCR nished rooms, en suite or single: steam heat, bath and elevator service: gentlemen only. SEVENTH AND ALDER. N. W. CORNER Three neatly furnished rooms, suitable. for ladies or gentlemen; prices very moderate. JEFFERSON ST.. 267. NEAR THIRD ONE pleasant furnished room and bath; cheap to steady tenant. Rooms AVItn Board. ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN CAN HAVE board and room (terms moderate) tn an es sentially private family, with home surround ings. Address Snow, care Oregonian. FLANDERS StZ510-PORTLAND WOMEN'S Union boarding - bouse, for young women: terras, including 10 pieces of washing. $3 to 57 per week, according to room. THIRD ST.. 107. BETWEEN WASHINGTON and Stark Nicely furnished rocnui. with or without board. YAMHILL ST.. 304 FURNISHED ROOMS for two. and single, with board; gas, bath and furnace heat. TAYLOR ST.. SS3 FURNISHED ROOMS, EN suite or single, with board; furnace heat, gas and bath. AT THE STERLING. 533 COUCH. COR. 16TH Large rooms, en suite cr single, with table board. TAYLOR ST.. 351 NICE ROOMS AND GOOD board, with gas. bath, use of piano; low rates. FOURTEENTH ST.. 209. COR. JEFFERSON Two furnished suites, first floor, with board. THE WILLIS. SSI YAMHILL. COR. WEST Park Lovely suites and single rooms. Iloascljeeptnc Rooms. SIXTH AND MADISON STS.. 253-HOUSE-kceplng rooms; all conveniences: best loca tion. FIRST AND COLUMBLV STS. SUITES. FUR nished for housekeeping, only $2 per week, at the St. Georgc- SALMON ST.. 354 NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, cheap to responsible par ties. FIRST. 372i-NEWLY FURNISHED OR LN furnished rooms, for lpusckecplng: also rooms. DAVIS ST4S7. BETWEEN 13TH ANDI4TH Flat of 5 rooms; all modern improvements. THIRD ST.. 189U-TWO ROOMS. FURNISH ed complete for housekeeping, $6. Houses. FOR RENT ELEGANT S-ROOM HOUSE, NO. 128 13th st.. near Washington: furnace, gas fixtures in house, frescoed parlors, porcelain bath and stationary: every convenience; at low rental to desirable tenant. FOR RENT 9-ROOM HOUSE. BASEMENT and attic, furnace, modern improvements; 420 Burnslde at. Apply next door. FOR RENT HOUSE 3 ROOMS. CLOSET and pantry; water free; $5. Clinton & Mc Coy. 284 Morrison. FOR RENT HOUSE, 33 11TH. S ROOMS, latge yard. R. L. Gllsan, 420 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT HOUSES AND STORES IN ALL parts of city. Henry Ackerman, 249 Wash ington st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM HOUSE, 571 SEVENTH. and Ti-room house. 349 Grant. Inquire at 360 Grant. FOR RENT-5-ROOM HOUSE. 354 LINCOLN: 5-room house 358 Lincoln. Inquire SCO Grant. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE. 771 HOYT ST., near 23d. Apply at 40 Second St., cor. Ash. Stores. FOR RENT-STORES 47 FIRST ST. AND 46 Second St.; 25x200. R. L. Gllsan, 420 Cham mer of Commerce. FOR RENT STORE. 273 WASHINGTON ST. Inquire at 110 Fourth sL PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attorneys. GEORGE, GREGORY & DlWIWAY, M. C. George. W. M. Gregory. R. R. Dunlway. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. A. C Emmons. W. S. Smith. R. W. Emmons. EMMONS. SMITH & EMMONS. Attorneys-at-Law, Portland. Or. Seattle. Wash. J. S. WINCHESTER. ATTORENY-AT-LAW. 41 Sherlock bldg. Portland, Or. Notary Public Chiropodists and. Manicures. MRS. DR. ADAMS. CHIROPODIST. MANI cure and pedicure parlors, Raleigh building. Sixth and Washington sts. Dressmakers. Mrs. Hazeltlne's Dressmaking Parlors are now located at 341 Morrison; formerly 28S Third. Edacntlonal. ENGINEERING SCHOOL Civil, electrical, mining mach'n. survey, assay, architect; est. 1SG4. A. Vander Nalllen. 223 Market, San Fr. PRACTICAL ENGINEERING SCHOOL. 203 uwuuuugu uiuk.. i u imjiu. ur.; uay. evening SEWING SCHOOL EVERY AFTERNOON. 103 East 20th. Hair Dressers. WIGS. BEARDS. ETC.. WHOL. & RETAIL: all stales of ladles' hair goods and hair Jew elry. J. J. Borg. 350 Washington st. PARIS HAIR STORE REMOVED FROM 5TH and Alder to 30S Washington, bet. 5th and Cth. Mnssasc. ESPECIAL SOUTHERN LADY GIVES MAG netlc massage, with alcohol and perfume baths; refreshing and restful; gentlemen's patronage requekted. Room 81 New Dekum building, cor. Third and Washington. MRS. HELM AND ASSISTANT; BATHS AND sclentflc massage. 18 Raleigh building, cor. Sixth and Washington. Meilinms and Clairvoyants. MRS. L. F. PRIOR. TRANCE AND Busi ness medium, of San Francisco, will be In the city for a short time; consultations dally; hours, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Parlor 24, No. 2UVi 1st st. MRS. NELSON READS HEADS AND HANDS, tells past, present and future. Room G The Tctnpleton, 20C First it., cor. Taylor. GYPSY QUEEN FORTUNE - TELLER LA dies, 50c; gentlemen. $1. 267 Salmon st. Mnsle. COOK'S MUSICAL INSTITUTE, The Ablngton. Spiritualists. MRS. ADDIE R. SMITH. TEST MEDIUM. ISli First st.. parlor 22. HUSINESS CHANCES. A RARE BARGAIN FINELY FURNISHED brick lodging-house of 40 rooms, all on one floor; will sell at less than half cost: situated In the most central location In Portland, and doing a good business; transient trade pays the rent. Will take half In trade, or make easy terms. Must be sold, on account of sick ness. Address Y S. care Oregonian. TO TRADE A FINE FARM OF 100 ACRES. In blue grass: a five hours' ride from Kansas City. Mo., and notes for $1000. secured by two farms in San Diego county. California, and due in March this year, for some good-paying business or property in Portland or Oregon City. E. J. McCormlck. 207 Third st. OLDEST AND BEST HOTEL IN PORTLAND for sale on easy terms; or will trade for other property; owner has grown old and rich In the business, and wishes to retire and take things easy. This Is a splendid chance for a young man. DeLashmutt & Son. 209 Stark street. FOR SALS HALF-INTEREST IN A FIRST class general merchandise store, to competent man. to conduct the business, in one of the best Valley towns; stock about $12,000; no agents. Address B 3S, care Oregonian. FOR SALE A GOOD-PAYING HARDWARE business in one of the best towns in the Wil lamette valley. Address Hardware, care Ore gonian. LOST .VXD FOUND. $10 REWARD I WILL GIVE A REWARD of $10 for the arrest and conviction of any person caught stealing the Dally or Sunday Oregonian south of Alder st. South Route Agent. LOST DIAMOND SCREW-EARRING. FROM Park and Oak to 12th and Stark sts. Finder please leae at this office and receive a re ward. LOST SMALL BUNCH KEYS. LEAVE AT M. A. Gunst & Co.', cor. Third and Wash ington sts.. and receive reward. LOST-ON DEC. 4 A DIAMOND STICK-PIN. Finder rewarded by returning to 394 Seventh street. LEATHER FINDINGS. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE- CO. WHOLE sale saddlers and harness manufacturer. Leather and saddlery hardware. 74 Front it. HERBERT BRADLEY & CO.. 73 FRONT ST Importers of shoe manufacturers goods, shoe store supplies, blacaings, dressing, etc. SPECIAL 3OTTCES- DcItlBS WANTED ALL USERS OF LEATHER BELT ing to know that they can have their old belts repaired and made as good as. new, at the Portland Belt Shop. A stock of first-class water - proofed belting constantly oa hand. Agents for the Cocheco Lace Leather. C A. & W. L. Bryant, 27 North First st.. near Bumslde. Drasuworks. Francis Bros. Brass castings and finished work made to crder: blacksmlthlng. and machinery repaired. 2S2 East Water st. Telephone 5005. Coal and Wood Yards. COOS BAY COAL CO.. DEALERS IN COAL and wood; coal from $5 50 to 13 50 per ton. Office. 230 Second st. Telephone S1L Iron AVorJc. PACIFIC IRON WORKS nEINTZ & CO.. cor. 2d and D sts.. manufacturers machines, blacksmith and foundry wks. building fronts. Proposals Wanted. PROPOSALS FOR $200,000 WATER BONDS of Astoria. Oregon Office of the Water Com mission of the city of Astoria. Oregon, De cember 4. 1S34 Sealed proposals, addressed to the clerk of the water commlslson of the city of Astoria. Oregon, will be received at this office until January 10. 1S95, at two (2) o'clock P. M.. for two hundred thousand (200.000) dol lars of the bonds of said city, in denomina tions of one thousand (1000) dollars each, dated January 1, 1S95, payable thirty (SO) years after date, bearing interest at the rate of five (3) per cent per annum, payable on the first days of January and July of each jcar. Principal and interest arc to be paid in U. S. gold coin, at New York city. N. Y. Said bonds are to be, paid for and delivered to the pur chaser on the following dates and In the fol lowing months: April 1, ISO $73,000 July 1. IS95 75.000 October 1. 1S93 50.000 The bidder to pay the accrued Interest from January 1. 1S95, to the date of delivery, in addition to the price bid. These bonds are to be issued under authority of an act ot the leg islative assembly of the state ot Oregon, passed February IS, 1S91. The proceeds are to be used for the construction of water works, and will be delivered, with coupons attached tor interest rrom January l, asao. The suc cessful bidder will be required to deposit within forty-eight (4S) hours after the award of the contract an approved and cer tified check for five (3) per cent of the par valu? of the bonds, payaole at As toria, Oregon, to the order -of the clerk of the water commission of the city ot Astoria. Oregon, as liquidated damages in case the bidder should fall or neglect to take and pay for the bonds according to tha terms of the proposal, advertisement and . contract. The water commission resenes the right to re ject any or all bids. The sealed envelopes containing proposals should 'be addressed to the undersigned, and marked "Proposals for purchase of water bonds." By order of the water commission of the city ot Astoria. Ore gon. H. G. VAN DUSEN. Clerk ot the Water Commission. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED PRO posals, addressed to II. G. Van Dusen. clerk, and Indorsed "Proposals for construction of Astoria Water Works," with name of party submitting bid, will be received by the water commission of the city of Astoria, Oregon, fintll two (2) o'clock P. M. of the 10th day of January, 1895. for the supplying ot labor and materials for the construction of a complete system of water works, involving the follow ing Items: Diverting works; a gravity con duit, consisting of 7VS miles of 18-inch wood stave pipe, 3 miles of 10-inch and 1 mile of 14-inch steel riveted pipe: a C.OOO.OOO-gallon reservoir; a masonry-lined tunnel WW feet In length, and a distributing system, requiring 28.000 feet of new pipe: 33,000 feet of plpe lajlng; 91 hydrants, gates, and all appurten ances necessary to make a complete system. Plans are on file at the office of the water commission, and specifications and form for proposals can be obtained by application to the clerk W. W. PARKER. Chairman. A. L. ADAMS, R. C GEMMELL. Engrs. H. G. VAN DUSEN, Clerk. Astoria, Or.. December 4, 1S94. Patents. INVENTIONS QUICKLY PATENTED AND sold: expert service: lowest charges; highest Portland ref.; handbooks free. Edgar Tate Sc Co.. Attorneys. 245 Broadway. New York. Rooilntr. E. F. Shaffer & Co.. felt, composition and gra-.el roofing; dealers in all kinds of roofing ma terial, sheathing, felts, etc. 1S9 Madison st. PORTLAND ASPHALTUM CO.. GRAVEL and asphalt roofers, repairing promptly at tended to. Telephone 461. ' Stockholders' Mectlnir NOTICE THE REGULAR ANNUAL MEET lng of the shareholders ot-the Commercial National Bank will be held, on Tuesday. Jan Oregon, at 10:30 A. M.. for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the n"ulng year and the transaction of such other busi ness as mav legally come beforo the meeting. Edw. Cooklngham. Cashier. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING THE REGU lar annual meeting of the stockholders of the Northwest Fire & Marine Insurance Company will he hld Wednesday. January 16, 1S95. at the Chamber of Commerce building, rocm No. D24. Portland. Oregon, at 10:30 A. M., for the purpose of electing a board -of directors for the ensuing year, and the transaction of such othr business as may properly come before the meeting. H. M. GRANT. Sec. Sljrn Painters. Jesse Waddell. successor to Bergcr & Waddell. sign and ornamental painter. 231 Second st. Tel. 579. Mr. Berger has retired from business. Storage. STORAGE OF ANY DESCRIPTION CAN BE bad reasonably at Pacific dock. Nos. 226 and 228 Front st. Advances made If desired. Miscellaneous. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for Multnomah county In the mat ter of the estate ot Elizabeth Lewlston. de ceased Whereas. Elizabeth Lewlston died on or about the day of February, 1S93. and D. F. Sherman was duly appointed administrator of her estate by the county court of Oregon, for Multnomah county: and whereas, said Eliza beth Lewlston. at the time of her death, was indebted to sundry- persons, firms and corpora tions, and since her death said D. F. Sher man Incurred an Indebtedness to various firms. perns and corporations In the running and management of the International Hotel, said hotel being a part of the assets of said es tate, and the claims presented against said estate being of two classes: claims existing against Elizabeth Lewlston at the time of her death, and claims Incurred by D. F. Sher man, administrator; and whereas, F. R. Strong Is now the duly appointed administra tor ot said estate since the resignation of D. F. Shertnaft as administrator; and wllertas L. H. Allen and C H. Lewis, co-partners doing business as Allen & Lewis, and I. Lang, E. Lang. Max Lang and Louis Lang, co-partners as Lang & Co.. are claimants herein, and by their attorneys. Cox, Cotton, Teal & Minor, have petitioned the above court for an order requiring and directing the administrator, F. R. Strong, to pay their claims in full; and whereas, doubts have arisen as to the propri ety of claims against said estate and claims in curred by the administrator, D. F. Sherman, and it being doubtful If said estate will have suf ficient assets in the hands of the administra tor, F. R. Strong, to pay the5 Indebtedness of the estate and of the former administrator in full, and the court being desirous of having all persons Interested In said estate, as cred itors or otherwise, to have a full hearing In the premises, so that proper orders may be made concerning the premises, it is hereby ordered that all creditors, and all persons in terested in said estate as creditors or other wise, appear and show cause in this court and cause on the 10th day of January, 1895. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. why said claims of Allen &. Lewis and. Lang & Co.. aforesaid, should not be paid, and other claims incurred by said D. F. Sherman, ad ministrator, and their objections make, if any they have, to the payment of said claims. It is further ordered that publication of this order andnoticeof said hearing be made in The Daily Oregonlan. a newspaper printed end pub lished in the city, once a week, for the period of three successive weeks. II. H. NORTHUP. Judge. December 11. 1S94. In pursuance cf the above order, all cred itors of the estate arc requested to appear in person or by attorney at the time and place in the order set forth. FRED. R. STRONG. Administrator of the Estate ot Elizabeth Lewlston. deceased. JAMES GLEASON. Attorney for Adrnr; THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT I will not be responsible for any debts con tracted by my wife. Louise C. Nelson, as she has left my bed and board. P. A. Nelson. UMBRELLAS MADE, repaired and recovered. Meredith. 168 3d. near Morrison. No agents. INSURANCE. THAMES AND MERSEY MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LIVERPOOL. Agency In Portland at No. 233 Washington st. G. ROSENBLATT. Agent. Capital 2,000.000 Reserve fund (In addition) 425,000 Deposit in Oregon $ 50.000 AUCTION AND COJIMISSION. A. B. RICHARDSON- AUCTIONEER Office. 240 Washington st-. bet. 2d and 3d. Residence at the cor. of Fifth and College sts. WHOLESALE GROCERS. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERS, cor. North Front and D sts., Portland. Or. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS, personal security or good collaterals. S. W. KING, formerly of Olds & King, room 45 Washington building. S. E. cor. 4th ana WasfcL MONEYTO LOAN LONG OR SHORT-TIME personal security; also mortgages. David S. Stearns, 246 Washington st. MONEY TO LOAN ON SHORT TIME ON ALL kinds of security. Call on the Pacific Loan & Trust Co.. rooms 3G and 37 Sherlock building. Third and Oak sts. BONDS AND WARRANTS OF OREGON. Washington and Idaho bought and sold. Cruthers & Morris, SOS Chamber of Com. MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. salaries. real estate, or any good securities: warrants or time-checks bought; easy terms. F. W. Graves, 814-15-1G Chamber Commerce. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON CHATTELS. REAL estate and other securities; warrants bought. Dave A. Epsteyn. 61S Chamber of Commerce MONEY LOANED: certificates of the Oregon. Northwest and Portland banks bought: war rants cashed. Koreff, S Chamber of Com. MONEY-TO LOAN $2500 ON CITY PROP erty. West Side, for two or three years. De Lashmutt : Son. 209 Stark st. MONEY TO LOAN-ON CHATTELS OR ANY satisfactory security. C. W. Pallett, 43 Mc Kay building. $20Tb $500 TO LOAN ON FURNITURE OR good collateral. H. Mann & Co., room Jt The Dekum. THIRTY AND NINETY-DAY LOANS: SUMS to suit. W. H. Nunn. room 11 Washington block. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT; NOTES and mortgages bought. R. L Eckerson Co.. room 10, Washington building. $3000 TO LOAN ON WEST SIDE CENTRAL property for from one to five jears. De Lashmutt & Son, 2C9 Stark st. TO LOAN-?1500 ON IMPROVED CTTY PROP erty. East or West Side. DeLashmutt &. Son. 200 Stark st. Money to loan on chattels cr satisfactory per- sonal security. R. A. Frame. S3 The Dekum. MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS OR ANT good security. M. A. Zellg, 515 Cham, of Com. $3000 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED WEST SIDE property. $2500 to loan on city property. $1500 to loan on Improved city property. Also small sums, ranging from $500 to $5000. De Lashmutt & Son, 209 Stark st. BANKS. SAVINGS BANK- PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 129 First Street. CAPITAL. SURPLUS AND PROFITS. $365,000 A general trust company and banking busi ness transacted. I i.t,.j. 1. .unrj. rrt;MuL(. ir t. ruT-rrwir t. ci rr.ipvi? vipa-tvo E." J. ALTSTOCK. J. O. GOLTRA...Sccretaries COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. PAID UP CAPITAL. $500,000 0C President JOHN J. VALENTINE Vice-President R. L. DURHAM Cashier EDWARD COOKINGHAM Assistant Cashier R. M. DOOLY TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSI NESS. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York. Boston. Chicago. Omaha, St. Paul. St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver and San Francisco. Exchanges sold on principal cities In Eu rope, and on Hong Kong. Collections a spe '''"ty. BANK OF BRITISH COLUMBIA Incorporated by Royal Charter 1SC2. PAID-UP CAPITAL $3,000,000 RESERVE 1.375.000 Head office, t0 Lombard street, London. Branches Portland. San Francisco. Seattle. Tacoma, and In British Columbia. Victoria, Vancouver. New Westminster, Nanalmo. Kan loops, Nelson. A General Ranking and Exchange Business transacted. Loans made. Bills discounted. Commercial credits granted. Deposits received on current account, subject to check. Interest paid on lime deposits. J. V.'. CURTIS. Actlnar Manager. LADD & TILTON. BANKERS Established in 153'J. Transact a General Banking Business. Interest Allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit Issued available h Europe and the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New ork Washington. Chicago, St. Louis. Dener. Omaha. San Francisco, and various points In Oregon. Washington. Idaho. Montana, and Brltuli Columbia. Exchange "ld on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort and Hong Kong. MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND. OREGON. I. LOEWENBERG President J. FRANK WATSON Vice-President H. F. McELROY Cashier It. W. HOYT Asst Cashier TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKUN'G SUSINESS. Interest paid on time deposits. Drafts and letters of credit issued, available In all parts of the world. COLLECTIONS A SPECLVLTY FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. OR. Deslgnated Depository and Financial Agent ot of the United States. President HENRY FAILING Vice-President H. W. CORBETT Cashier G. E. WITHINGTON Assistant Cashier J. W. NEWKIRK Second Assistant Cash.'cr W. C ALVORD Letters of credit Issued, available in Europe and the Eastern States. Sight exchange and telegraphic transfers sold on New York, Boston. Chicago, St. Louis. St. Paut. Omaha, San Francisco and the principal points in the Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit on London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort-on-the-Maln. Hong Kong. Collections made on favorable terms at all accessible points. LONDON AND SAN FRANCISCO BANK- LIMITED. Authorized Capital $3,500,000 Paid up 2.450,009 Reserve fund 500.000 Head office. 73 Lombard street. London. This bank transacts a general banking and exchange business, makes loans, discounts bills and Issues commercial and travelers' credits, available in any city in the world. Chamber of Commerce building. Third and Stark streets. W. MACKINTOSH. Manager. AINSWORTH NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND. Cor. Third and Oak Sta. L. L. HAWKINS, President: W. K. SMITH, Vice-President; J. P. MARSHALL. Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business. Exchange bought and sold on all the princi pal cities in Europe. Also facilities for tele graphic transfers. Collections made on favor able terms on all accessible points. SAFE DEPOSIT DEPARTMENT Connected with the bank. Safes rented on easy terms. THB UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK- Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts issued available in all cities of tbt United States and Europe. President DONALD MACLEA1 First Vice-President .. TILER WOODWARD Second Vice-President JACOB KAMM ishier FRANK C. MII.LEP PERSONAL. MIDDLE - AGED GENTLEMAN. ENGAGED in business, desires the acquaintance of a lady from 35 to 50 years of age, with some means; object, matrimony. Address Business, care Oregonian. GENTLEMAN. AGED 25, WISHES TO MEET lady: mutual pleasure, possibly matrimony, the object. Aaron Max, P. O. CONSTIPATION INJURES THE COMPLEX ion; use Carter's Little Liver Pills. COM3IISSION 3IERCHAXTS. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool and tallow, and gen eral commission merchant. Front St.. near Main. Portland. Or. Liberal cash advauce3 on consignments. TAYLOR. YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants. Overland Ware house, cor. Fourth and D sts. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PROD uce merchants, Front and D sts.. Portland. Or. Sutton & Beebe, commission, insurance, clipper ships from New York; steel rails, pig iron. H. E. BATTIN z CO COMMISSIONMER chants and produce dealers, 134 Front st. J. O'CONNOR. GROCERIES "aND COMMIS slon, cor. Front and Alder sts. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO?, CORNER Fourth and Morrison sts.. Portland, Or. SNELlTHEITSHU & WOODARD CO.. ES tabllshed in 1S5L Portland, Or. TRAYELEX'g. GUIDE.. Railroads. EAST AOT VIA SOUTH Trains leave and are dne to arrive as Portlant: LEAVE ; FROM JAN. L 1S35. ' AR1UVE ! r OVERLAND Express! ' 1 1 alem, Ruiehurg. sh-1 1 6:15 pMiJ'a'acra'nentaOEa'a, !,., A1I o.w r-u.j-lvHm Francisco. Mojave, f! s'- Ail iLos Angeles, El Paso. 1 : New Orleans and East) ; oseburg and way stations 4:39 Pit f between Portland and MiTtKoo caiiy inuas, y (except Sunday. j . 17:30 AM ; tor vail Is and wsy stations X 5:35 PM I 4:40 PMJMcMmnMUe. wav stations . 8:25 AM Dally. (Dally except Sunday. DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. FCLLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all through trains. Through Ticket Office. 1S4 Flrrt street, when through tickets to all points In the Eastern States. Canada and Europo can be obtained at lowest rates from J. B. KIRKLAND. Tick: Agent. All above trains arrlv- and depart from Grand Central Station. Fifth and I streets. OREGONLVN AND FORTLAND & YAMHILu DIVISIONS. Passenger Dpot. foot ot Jefferson street Leave for OSWEGO (week days) at 6:00. 7:20, 10:13 A. M.. 12:15. 1:55. 5:15. 6:30. 8:00 P. M.. and at 11:30 P. M. (on Saturday only). Arrive at Portland 7:10. S:3l). 11:23 A. M., 1:30, 4:15. 6:20, 7:40, 9:05 P. M- Lave for SHERIDAN tweek days) at 4:33 P. M. Arrive at Portland 9 HO A. M. Leave for AIRLIE Monday. Wednesday and Frldav at 0:40 A. M. Arrive at Portland Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 3:05 P. M. Sunday trains for OSWEGO leave at 7:30. 9:00, 11:00' A. M-. 12:40. 2:00, 3:30, 5:00. 6:50 P. M. Arrive at Portland at S:40. 10:30 A. M.. 12:15. 1-fO. 3:15. 4M3, 6:30. 7:53 P. M. Ferry connects with all trains f or. Seltwood. R. KOEIILER. Manager. E. P. ROOERS. Asst. Gee F. & P. Agt. FOR ALL POINTS EAST. LK11E DEfOT FUTg 133 1 S71 IfilUVK f Tho Fast Mali, via ritintinsrton, bait Lake Omaha orKan sas City, or via po knnc. Minneapolis and S5. Paul, with throttsh rervico to ':COP. M. Daily 5:00 A L Dally I Eastern cities. For Pond eton. La Grande, Baker City. Walla Walla. Dav- 7:00 P. M. Daily 8:00 A.L ton. Colfax. Pull- f Daily man. Moscow and I Idaho mining points. J Local Mixed Train 1 for Hood River, iho . Dalies and interma- I dinte station. j F:00A.M Lx.Savlir r:00P.L Through Iullman Sleepers, Touri-Jt Sleepers and Reclining - Chair Cars are attached to through trains. OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULES. COLUMBLV RIVER ROUTE. "?wo-boat service ror'Astnrla and way-points. T. J. Potter leaves Portland 7 A. M.. except Sunday; leaves Astoria 7 P. M.. except Sunday. R. R. Thompson leaves Portland S P. M.. ex cept Sunday; leases Astoria 6:45 A. M., excep. Sunday. On Saturday night the R. R. Thompson will leave Portland at 10 o'clock. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. Steamers Modoc and W. M. Hoag. for Oregon City. Salem. Independence. Albany. Corvallla and way points. Sundays. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at C A. M. Return from Salem the following days at G A. M. TAMHIX.L EIVER ROUTE. Steamer Salem, for Oregon City. Buttcville. Qiampoeg. Dayton and way stations. Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 A. M. Return the following days. SNAKE RIVER ROUTE. Snake River closed temporarily. OCEAN ROUTE. Steamship State of California, for San Fran cisco, at 8 P. M., January 13, 23. Steamship Columbia, for San Francisco, at 8 P. M., January 8, 18, 2S. Steamships sail from San Francisco at 10 A. M. the day following departures from Portland. Ocean steamers sail from Ainsworth dock. All river steamera depart from Ash-street dock. For all Information, rates, etc, call at city office, corner Washington and Third streets, or address W. H. HURLBURT. General Passenger Agent, E. M'NEILL. Receiver and General Manager. Portland. Oregon. fmwm LOW RATES BEST SERVICE. TO AND FROM ALL POINTS EAST. GREATLY REDUCED RATE3 TO AND FROM EUROPE. For information apply to ALLAN CAMERON. 11G First Street, Portland, Or. Steamers. ST.MR. TELEPHONE FOR ASTORIA. Colurabta River & Puget Sound Navigation Co. Alder-street Dock. Telephone No. 35L -.! Leaves Portland dally, except Sunday. Leaves Astoria dally, except Sunday. A. M. P. M. OCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY Coolgardle Gold Fiekl3 (Fremantle). Australia. $230. first-class; $125, steerage. Round tha world. $610. 1st; $350. 2d. Lowest rates to Cap Town. Steamer Arawa sails via Honolulu and Auckland. Jan. 10. lbUTi. Steamship Aus tralia. Honolulu only. Jan. 19. isyp. Cook's partie3 to Honolulu. Jan. 19. Feb. lc. April 4 reduced excursion rates. Ticket office. 134 First St.. Portland. Or. J. B. Kirkland. Ticket Agent J. D. Spreckels Si Bros. Co.. General Agents. 133 Montgomery st., San Francisco. Send for Bound the World folder: VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER UNDINE. Captain Charles T. Kamm, leaves Vancouver at 8:30 A. M. and 1 P. M. Leaves Portland at 1030 A. M. and 4:30 P. M... Sundays excepted. For frejcht or passage.apply on board at-foc: bt Taylor street. Fare, 2Cc, round trip. ""sunset AjJ JO OfflENJi SHASTA 1J tiftV Rarres IqJ , i via woouDura tor MCI I Dally I Angel, Silverton. Wess ! Palty except 'lbcio, B ro wns vi lie. f excepi fcunday. 1 1 Springfield and Natron I ! Suuday fl -B9J1 J '9 i7 1 raiMillAKl llUi P5- B Xy4.'0. TRAVELER'S GUTDE. Railroads. Weill's HdsrsI Uw. THROUGH TICKETS THROUGH TICKETS i TO THE TO THE EAST AND SOUTHEAST. EAST AND SOUTHEAST. VIA THE UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. VL, THE UNION PACUTIC SYSTEM. Through Pullman Palace Sleepers, Tourist Sleepera and Free Reclining Chair Cars DAILY TO CHICAGO. DAILY TO CHICAGO. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 133 THIRD ST.. COR. ALDER, PORTLAND, R. W. BAXTER. E. S. VAN KUBAN. Gen. Agent City Pass. & T. Ash TeFAT ROCK-BALLAST unRTHJ track-no dust " RAH" SHORT LINE EAST The Great Northern owns and operates Its entire equlpmont. Its Palacs Sleeping Cars and Family Tourist Sleepers, attached to O. R. i N. trains, leave Portland every evening at '7:00 o'clock. Direct Route to Spokane. Kootenai country Flathead Valley. Montana points. St. Paul. Minneapolis. Chicago and East. For tickets, printed matter and other Infor mation, apply to C. C Donavan. General Agent, lllla Third st.. Portland, or address F. I. Whit ney. G. P. & T. A.v St. Paul. Minn. THE FKL7TIF5lL HI BUN DIRECTORY OF OCCUPANTS Rooms. AMOS. DR. W. F., Physician and Surgeon. 604-C03 ARISTOS SOCIAL CLUB 211. 212, 213, 211 ASSOCIATED PRESS, E. L. Powell, Man ager ... .. .. SOtJ BARBER. DR. S. J.. Dentist 60S-C0U BECKWITH. H.. Itouto Agent Pacific Ex press Company ...204 BISHOP. DR. J. S.. Surgeon 713 BELL. DR. J. F., Physician and Surgeon. 711-712 BINSWANGER. DR. O. S.. Physician and Surgeon 411-413 BROWN BROS. CO., "Continental Nurser ies" 612-613-614 BLANDFORD, S, M., U. S. Weather Bu- BUILDERS' EXCHANGE t 800 CATLIN, W. W.. Receiver Oregon National . Bank ... ..... 303-30(5 CAUKIN, G. E.. District Agent Travelers' Insurance Co . ........ 7QtJ CARDWELL, DR. HERBERT W.. Physi cian ................. 709 CARDWELL. DR. J. R.. Dentlst....808-S09-S10 CHAPPELL EROWNE. P., Architect- 700 COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO COO GUMMING, DR. WM., Dentist - 403-409 DICKSON. DR. J". F.. Physician- 713-714 DRAKE, DR. H. B.. Physician 512-513-514; EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCI ETY, J. B. Wrangham, Cashier-..500-510-518 EVENING TELEGRAM . 323 Alder St. FENTON, DR. J. D., Physician and Sur geon .... . . . . ... . . ...3bl FENTON, DR. HICKS C., Physician and Surgeon ... . . . ......303 FENTON & FENTON. DRS., Surgeons.30S-31O FENTON. DR. MATTHEW F Dentist.... 30J FERRIS, DR. FRANK E., Dentist -..311-312 GIESY. DR. A. J.. Physician 710 GIESY & CARDWELL. DRS.. Physlclans...70 GODDARD. E- C. CO., footwear, ground floor -. -...129 Sixth St. GRAVES. DR. J. L.. Dentist SO4-S03I HELMBOLD, R. P., Special Agent Manhat tan Life. .. .,... . 203" HURD. DR. EVERETT M., Dentist... 40q MACKAY, DR. A. E., Physician and Sur geon . . . ...... . ....704-703 MAXWELL, DR. W.E., Physician and Sur geon 701-702-703 MORRIS, E. C. Secretary and Manager Brown Bros. Co. . . .. 61-1 MOSSMAN. DR. E. P., Dentist 512-513-5141 MANHATTAN LIFE ASSURANCE CO.. of New York. S. E- Mulford, Manager.20S-209-2iq McELROY, DR. J. G.. Physician and Sur geon - 701-702-703 McMILLAN. N.. Real Estate. Loan3 ...501. M'GUIRE, H. D.. State Fish and Game Pro tector . . . . .... . .811 MILLER, DR. H. C, Dentist . . .408-403 MULFORD. S. E.. Manager Manhattan Life 20S-203-21Q M'FADEN, Miss Ida E.. Stenographer and Typewriter 203 OREGON NATIONAL BANK. W.W. Catlin. Receiver 305-303 PACIFIC BANKER AND INVESTOR, L. Stagge, Editor S03 PAGUE & BLANDFORD. Attorneys -at - Law 713 REED & MALCOLM. Opticians, ground floor 131 Sixth SL, RIGGS. DR. J. O.. Dentist 608 ROBERTS. A.. Merchant Tallor...l31 Sixth St. REID, JR.. R. R., Special Agent' Equitable Life 511 SAMUEL. L.. Special Agent Equitable Life 51T SCHMIDT & ROBLTN. General Agency 30 STOLTE. CHARLES EDWARD 803 STUART. DELL. Attorney-at-Law. . 616-617-618 STUART & YOUNG, Attorneys-at-Law 0IC-617-613 STEVENSON, W. R. and HELMBOLD. R. P., State Agents Manhattan Life.. 208-200-210 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE 203 TUCKER. DR. GEO. F.. Dentist 610-611 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU JW-OCS-OOU WILSON. DR. EDWARD N.. Physician and Surgeon 3O-305 WILSON, DR. HOLT C, Physician 507-503 WRANGHAM. J. B., Cashier Equitable 500 WHITING. DR. S.. Phjalcian and Surgeon 504-503 WHITE. LEVI 40Z WOOD. DR. JAMES B.. Physician and Sur geon 312-313 WOOD. DR. W. L.. Physician 413-414 YOUNG. GEO. D.. At:oraey-at-Liw.G16-617-6:3 A few more clesnnt office may be Iiacl by applying to Portland Trnx Company, of Portlnnil, Oregon. lil First street, or to the rent vlerlc la I this buliainff. PAClFiC