BRPiSSwW?' ' fff" w. 'SfWf,''" a- r I a. r. cireiriir. rvnii" . .. omec, lloom 317, Commonwealth ItulMIng ', ...,, '- OIInc.D1OTfnM SUBSCRIPTION. one Year . p. y able In advanc $2.00 WMt&&i EDITORIAL ANOTHER VOICE AGAINST BOURNE. Tho Woodburn Independent, a Re publican paper, commenting on tho In creasing opposition among tho pcoplo creasing opposition among tile pcopio ... .1 to tho election of Jonntlmn uourno to . . it ,!.... .. I ilin' tno Bonaio, unu uiu tiuijiui, uuk i.. too common pian oi hoihub mu '; to tho highest bidder, sayfl: "Wo nro comment mut m Kiii !..... ". tho Republican voters of Oregon would applaud tho net of a representative, who bravely asHertcd his faith In tho . .. ,.... ...... .,.! I ,,,.. I I constitution or tno unucu buuc-b ( declared his Intention of voting In nc- . ...lit. II. MilnliiiH rt ftin Mil. v -v rtvY A .'can bo no doubt that Dourno, spcnu- ffiprtlttttll m K$t. ZBm money in tho contest, would b ' . . . . coruanco wiui mu niouuo . .." - po sent uown to tug uio x-onuum guuhi Jorlty of tho Republican voters of tho 8 though they could bo forced to go .I.l 1I Itn 1tnnrni1 llV tllCl'i- v.-u. .M.IH.I al.l.. ...Ill MMa. M.nM.. I niuiu. no wuuni w w... 1 majority, who voted against Bourno Ho would bo praised by all loyal Re publicans, who would consider as a blow at tho grand old party tho elec tion of a man who not long ago do Bortcd that party nnd McKlnloy for freo silver nnd Bryan, and who now not only nliim to gain n Boat In tho United StntuB Sonata, but sookH also to sent In that body from Oregon an other lJrvnn freo Bllvcr ndvocnto, W. u ii'fii.ii. Ihii'i It tltno to halt and' O. U Ilt-'ll. in., i. .- .... - nr BllCIl HCIIUIIHD HIIU IUU1III, lllltl iiidu i. an ,in,tn.i hv tho'. .... .. . . .... i-i puilliur, unu nut. " ,...... -, . . ... lavish display of gold na to forget for tho nonce tho vital Intorostu of tho Republican party of Oregon7" Thoro 1b a good deal of good, aobor Louse In thlfl. Tho plea Is mado that It In Bottled that Bourno Ib tho "cholco I-- " -" - - of tho Htato, but how ninny members nt tiw. i ...i-l Hint n rf bollovo tills? How many of them bollovo that as between him and any ono of half a dozen other men that might bo named, neither using any monoy to Influonco votes, Bourno could get a majority? Tho proposition Ib absurd, and legislators know It. Hut, It l eald, thoy aro bound by tho result of 111 primaries and olec tlon hiBt Hprlng. Lot thorn bo honost and ask thomselvoB, though thoy may huvo Blgucd Statement No. 1, If thoy would havo voted for Sonator (learln If ho had beaten llourno at tho polls lant Juno? No, thoy would not; uioy would eiiBlly huvo found nn oxcubo; thoy would havo nld that thoy had a mental rosnrvntloii In BubBcrlblng to that Btntomont, nnd mount to cnnflno their votes to a Hepubllcnn. Yet thoy could not havo dono bo and kept the ntrlct letter of their promise, If such it was. And they might well havo had another montnl reservation, that thoy would voto for tho nopubllcnn re ceiving tho highest number of votes last April, provided ho was a fit man nnd got tho nomination In a fair and siiuaro contest with othor candidates. This would havo boon only a fair, propor, Bonslblo mental modification of their pledge, for Biiroly tho people do not want to elect nn unlit man or ono who bought tho olllco. It would bo far hotter to depnrt from a foolish promlBO mado in tho excitement of a cnmpnlgn, than to keep It by olocUng such a man. And thoro Is no doubt that ii majority of tho pcoplo would not only forglvo ft member for using his honest Judgment noxt wlntor and acting in their Intorost, but would fully approvo such au act. Tho responsibility flnal.y fa. s upon tho members of tho Legislature to d what ,s best for the people, ana, &aA Dunl w,8h thoy know that this Is not likely to, Raloy q m1 u fltote prnter8i elected for bo dono by electing nounio who a(te PP onIy four yellrs. -providing they are all received but a .. M fm Ion o, ,W J. F q tho total voto of tho state, Tho law, u no ab,0 Rmo,umenUf ought not to bo gotten up by Mr. ITRen did no abn JWec Near y 1 Q h.loMIfed t0 Duy a plMl or to rent one gato tho constltuUon of tho Unit they Q. owned by R fomor printer at whatever States and of Oregon, and tho Leg , lrcclpUoUi, rocky and almost prl.e ho may choose to charge, Tho Uturo is still freo to do its duty and . good for sUte should provide the plant and ,ond to do it in " H It Zuro and od for bu, then pay tho printer a good salary people, regardless of Mr. U Rons law. n and 8hut off M grafUng Mr puutway If a test voto could to" 'govor mt ," D0 watchful to prc'knows about, if not quit. all. there is throughout tho stato, on tho question l0 agricultural to bo known about tho printing bus!, whether tho senator should bo Bourno en 8 ,n " Ja iQ oter. WM, aad lt no geU a ptanl ,t will be ;r tue Ld8 wwo one Md ho wm do BOtklDg but i . l.. ...vnM.w. 'I'n n 110. no nvcrwneiminKiy uuiwicu. 'um " (bounded duty of tho Legislature to i . i.i -rin nni ,11,1 nnt rottllv clCCt llltn. ThO pCOplO did not Teaiiy ' lust Apr... It was not a square Ideal, because Bourne's money was Iuu" Utl-"UD "uu u ' nnnrod out like water to offset tho re- r suit. It Is a prlnclplo of law that all con tracts tainieu wun irauu uru vum, mm , , . If It was Bourncte raonoy and not his tracts tainted with fraud arc void, and 'if It was Bourncte raonoy and not his i i . .. . .tit ii.. i. merits that secured his plurality, tho cholco was In a senso fraudulent; It , , . , was not fair and oven, and nobody is . . .. bound by It. THE RACE PROBLEM. mi I .t .tt .ll.,l, !! 1I1U1U IO U BUUU uuui Ul juviiidm ...... I bo overwhelmingly dcicateu. -inis In tha case It certainly Is not tho nib uiu uwv, j on j10 paTt 0f Southern statesmen or'ftgont and his favorites In Pendleton . .. I 0thcrwlso prominent men about tho ... ... .. -.1 ... r I boiuiioii ot wnai tnoy can mo iuKru or raco prouicm. Mticn or u is gCBtive of tho expatriation of tho col- orcu peoino. ounio uxiiruu u. nuim tint they will mostly movo up North nftcr awhllo Impelled thorcto, wo Buppoao tho thought Is, by unbearablo ... . .. . I ,,rescrlptlon and persecution. An- otucr brilliant suggestion Is that thoy ( . . a 1. .. a T.... .HMKt u x-aiiiiiuu UHUiiiai.,iuvii yiiii uuj muiu than whlto pcoplo and then If they did go, what would they do after tho cannl wnB finished? And how could they all or a largo ot tho land offleo nt Tho Dalles, do self and Is no great respector of preco bo maintained thoro7 But In Bomo way , ...., dents. Ho will find out all that a man or another thoy nro to bo gotten rid ... i, , , I. it .. of, If poBBlblo, for It BeomB to bo con-, ...... , . . ., .,., M coded that to oxtormlnato them would bo too big a Job. Thoro nro moro sons.blo Southern ers, However, -who perceive mu mny , I . , . . . i,. . i era, however, who percclvo tho folly .KIIOW llini tllO BOUIU IIL'UUH UIO iiiuiir I lillWIT illtV iMU hJUMfclt IIVUO ...w. of tho Negroes and could not well do without It, oven If a good many of them don't work much. Tho fact Ib that tho colored pcoplo havo a perfect right to ltvo In tho South, or In nny other pnrt of tho country, tho samo as UIIIVI I'll. 1. u. ..w vuuu.ifl ... .....- .-.. whlto pcoplo havo, and to tho samo rlghtB nnd llbortlce under tho law, nnd protection by tho law, because thoy aro full logal cltlzonB. A good many pcoplo who discuss "tho Negro prob lorn" socm to nssiimo that tho Negro Is a crcaturo to bo considered as ono entirely apart irom mcrnocriwuii m tho human family, as a part of tho ....... ,-t nntlrnlv itnnrt from mcmborflhll) In bruto creation uruiu uniiiiuu ui buiiiu yvv.v..v.. i ptaiuo not to bo compered at all ox- M.n nnat lAnllnl u i wi.i, nnmn means copt IU VU.ll.UVl.u.. -- , of getting rid of them. reoplo who entertain this sort of Idea cannot dlB curb tho matter Intelligently. Tho No- cubs uio manor iniciiigonuy. muiw ... i. n,w.nnin,i n n. imrt of groeB must bo accepted na a part of, tll0 cmz0ry of tho country nnd treat- ed accordingly. If thoy vlointo tno laws punlBh them. Kncourngo thorn by nil posBlblo menus to work, to b IndiiBtrlotiB nnd honest nnd to becomo Independent. Hut thoy nro not to bo exterminated nor expatriated. Thoro Is no need of full Baclal equality, and it Ib not or should not bo doalred on ono Bldo moro than on tho othor. Thoro Is no Boclalteauallty among whlto pcoplo olthor and no great fuss Is mado about It. But colored pcoplo ought to bo accorded their political rights, and encouraged to prlzo Amer ican citizenship by political rocognl tlon. Thrtr labor Is needed In many ... nva nml n lnri'n nmnoriion oi ilium ! - " nro capable and willing workers. If both races would behavo thoniBolvos better and work moro and talk loss, and each attond to Its own business, and rocognlxo others' rights, tho "raco problom" would soon dwlndlo Into In significance. PROBAiLY NO FRAUD HERE. i. n.nvim Hutt Hninn of tho Pondlcton , men suspected of landirrabblng havo . nM.A..inn f om nasturo K0Vernment BU aa fllll, DUVIIIVtl .ov .v.. ' THE 1N35W AGKB, PORTLAND, OREGON T. . .... .. . aooui mi Buu, uui. n. uv b u.. that prominent men should be accused ....! t . .M,i.hin. . fir ii.iiii ii.Liu.i. M.KJI .u. M.0.....t B'W. niv i " uu " " " tiers with tho money necessary to buy .... . .. - ..- a. ... ...... r n n. a. v.... a v. rr mew, .cruu -.--- them for pasture, in tniB transaction V tho government was ocnen eu, ror u, got all tho lands were worm, ana no- !,,, , imrmwi Mr Ralev savB ho body was harmed. Mr. ltaiey sayB no ... .. . . i.i .... t.i- ii Will UO OUl Ol jiuunuu ui "id icaoiiib speculation, which by tho way was 'not a secret transaction at all, as ho . ' nformed tho department of what 1) i """'"' y 'mi nlmiit nnd It mado no oblectlon . .. .. .. was about and It mado no objoctlon, ' purchased tho amount allowed by law " ..,., , .,, - . to each Individual and complied fully . Willi mo law in uuuuuiiik uuu, uuiu ...... ... . , u , .for tho Improper acts of a few of them, has been a good deal of fault, found ... ,,. ., . , . nnd which wero no worso than whit lately with tho management of affairs .. .... mi !,... J v on 1110 UM1UUIIU liounamu, auu luu . jmva been tho objdets of considerable . ... . .... ..... .t . criticism, nnu tins auacK on imioy anu bub-furnish looks a good deal into revenge nnd spltowork They aro men of too tnucn wcaitn nnu ioq iubu cimruciur to try to acquire lands by fraud, and 'nro ,neri 0f too good business sonso to j0 bo. oven If they woro so 'disposed when thoy know tho government was watching tho land buslnces ery close-1 . .... . a . .1 jy( nnd wnon mo lanus in quesuon wero scarcely worth fencing anyway. MMaMaM..aa... . RUCTION AT THE DALLES. Tho motives and reasons for the ,.i .. xr it Mnin ri-t ! .itxJ'can during tho tlmo ho Btnys about but Hon. M. A. Moody, on whoso ' tho big ditch, nnd thoro Ib likely to bo recommendation Nolan wap appolntod,, n ' inoro doing hi that ouartor hereafter nns Hinted at Bomo oi mo rcnsonB in a general way and can doubtlcsa go moro Into tlctnll If ho desires. Nolan owed tho ofTlco entlroly to Mr. Moody, but nftor ha was fairly installed In it 1n.n.Mn nn Im Inl Ittin tml nvnrKnnrmf uocn,no' nB ,B ". ovuro,-"","K ' and dlsagrceablo to tho patrons or tiio oiiico, nnu u muy uu uuuiubuu miuwuu Ingratitude tp 1;1 benefactor. M. Moody stood very high with tho ad ministration when ho wns a member of Congress, as In fact ho has dono over Blnco, probably having far moro Influcnco nt Washington man wli-' llamson ca-ot did oven boforo tho ln - .llnltnnnf nml lit mav lit thrnilirh ...v.....u..". ...... , . o- Moody's suggcBtlon that Nolan was ordered to mnko a report concerning cortaln transactions. Ho BOURht to I ld making tho report, but on an ( 'imnoratlvn order from Washington did tuiuviwiMV vmvt a.vm. , . .wm.mow. m... - i B. 8"11 hla rcBlgnatlon alonK with t. tho presumption naturally being t,,nt ho know tno report wouiu invoivo I1IB UIBmiBBUI II UO Ultl IlUt rVDIIJII. Mention of tlicso mattors Invites tha .... ' reflection thnt It was a great mlstnUo , n tin Now Aco wild nt tho tlmo. for tho pcoplo of this district to defeat Mnmlv nml nnnilnntn Williamson. Moody had served two terms In Con gross and had becomo Influential, nnd wnB especially liked by tho President, and If kept In Congress till now could havo boon a grent power for Oregon .,. ,... ,. ,. William,, .lnn- Everybody knows tho history of bis." mado enough off tho stato? brief congressional career, and for tho last two years or so Oregon has had nn rAnrrRntatlon in tho hOUSO. TllO pcoplo of this district wero never sorved as ably and well in the house as when Mr. Moody was a rnomber,' and aro not likely to bo sorved so well run n Inni ff tmrt fft tfATTI A. i w o - THE STATE PRINTING PLANT. Stato Printer-elect Dunlway is to bo onnirrninlato.1 nn.l commended for his determination to buy a complete print Ing plunt for tho Btate houao, rather than aubmlt to P. O. Baker's exactions . . ., . Ident la 1908. Tho next best man Is In relation to tho plant which ho owns,"ieni m av ... 'elnht. In the people's estimation Is and which other state printers havo Bia "" t ..!! i ..A m TlaUAt'o Inrtna UC'UU UUIIKCU VU UHI uu i.i " v....w, Tho stato ought to own Its printing Plant, and If Mr. Dunlway provides one It would bo well for tho stateto ' take it off his hands if it Is what tho ., . a thn old slant left ,,,, I over from Baker's regl me nobody I wl shed any tears If ho couldn't get , , enough for It to pay him for hauling it ,nv Ho mnilo fnntieli out of tho I --- .l n a .a . a . ...". . vv ' . .. mnn " - - ,.,... l.1.ll .. r -n nrlnlri. w - -.-.-. -- - -"-;"-, - - -- , n r to pay tho price of a now plant, more it i ..... ... rr less, ror tno uso or uaKers oiu ' outfit. President Roosevelt always means 'right and generally does right, but ho b ... ia impulsive and Bomotlmes does peo- p0 nn injustlco unintentionally, and ' this wbb tho caso when ho discharged a wholo regiment of colored Boldlcrs buiuiuiu unuii iuuuisu , uuu rrw.u ,.... ilniilitlnsn tnllph nxntrnrnlni nv HOlltll. nrn Noirrnnlinlilnla. ) Labor unions will gain nothing by 'golng Jnto polu,c8 unlcflS they orgnn. (q solidly (ho candidates Izo to support solidly (he candidates '... B..i in. l . ,mrtCfl i ., . ,. ' thnt suit them best of tho two prlncl If they try to havo a jjui v u& iuvii unu UllU Uk u ,i.,i it. .m i.. party of their own and put up separate CIIIIU1UUIH, IHUJf Will Ulll aid tho Ltrongcr of thcB6 two groat partC8, as Prohbtlon,Bta nnd socialists do, and I accomplish nothing. For tho first ttmo In tho history of tho United States a President Is be- ond tho conflnc8 of lho country but Prfsldcnt RooBovolt is a law Unto him- tlmn "crotoforo- .. . . . ..... . .... u is rcpancu mui jacit iiuuiiuwo , ., ... ., ... . IB llglirillK UIl IIHIK "IB HIIU UB' . . . .,.., . ..... , n lirtltirr rr1 1 4 Innl Iviaa nannnlnllv nt m, uwitlf, VIIViWIM wvw. wui-wmm.,, Salem next winter, but ho doesn't find It very easy to get his hand In nga.n Times aro different from what they used to bo. Marlon county as well as Mult nnnmli nlunvc .lnlma ntitl nnnrlv nl wnya gcta ono ot tho prcfldlng offlcors . i,n 1 niaint.,rn mil imm nro otnor villamotto Valley counties and .. . ... uouinorn anu caaiurn wrvKuu, In anything like a closo election tho colored voters hold tho balanco of power In Boveral states. Yet some neonln think thoy nro nolltlcally Rood ..www.u ..... .... .w t.-.. w ., for nothing except to vote tho straight Republican ticket. Frank Davoy of Marlon county seema to bo In tho lend for speaker i, linmin lmt ihii in n ciibo whoro of the. House, but this Is a caso wnoro . bn deceptive. The appearances moy bn deceptive Multnomah members nro to bo con Suited. If tho stato Is going to buy any printing plant It should get a new, good ono, nnd roject all overtures to buy tho old outfit of Frank Baker's, & W0Uld ,lk t0 Un,0atL Ka8n,t It Is pretty well known that Har- rlman is about tho biggest fraudulent land grabber in tho country, or that roads at which ho Is tho head havo beon, but thero is no danger of his being Indicted and convicted. Thoro aro not over 20 Btato senators who havo moro or loss hopes of being elected president It will bo something strange if Multnomah county gets neither that offleo nor tne. speaKeramp. President Roosevelt has again de clared that ho would not run for Pres. llUIU Any Republican member will bo easily forgiven for Ignoring Statement No. 1 to tho extent of voting for Bomo fit ma iBstead of Bourno for Senator. Nobody is going to worry much about Nrho will be nominated for mayor H&ul after the holidays. Then the busslac wM begin to be lively. "Coumt" Boal Castellalne had a high old time while the money lasted, but now he seens to be hard up against It aad serves him right. Sherlf Stevens doesn't have one tenth the fuss that Sheriff Word had, and some people don't like so much'! CATE Phone Main 2318 CON HILOERS H Portland, 0re.on For Fino Wine, and Ltqnor,, calUt m!l ! TPfl THE WEST 0, HUMUS, Prop. Fine wines, Liquors and Cigars Phono Pacific 1000 IN.FourtccnthBt. PORTLAND, OUE. Phono Hood 677 THE OLD HOME F. P. MEKHAN, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars Cor. Seventeenth ami Northrup m. Portland, Oregon GEO. W. HOCHSTEDLER Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Produce CIGARd AND TOBACCO Phone East 374 460-462 L Bumslde St. OLSEN BROTHERS GROCERS Freo delivery Phone Et 653 417 Union Ave. North Portland, Ore Lewis & Glark Cigar Co. CIGAR MANUFACTURERS Ask for tho Celebrated Lewis & Clark Cgar - I2c Sacajawea - - 10c UNION MADE Phone Pacific 2263 PORTLAND Courtney Music Go. Band Instruments Stringed Instruments Phonographs Cheap for cash or easy payment. Latest Popular Songs And Music 25c, Five for $1, Postpaid 10-Cent Sheet Music Postpaid. Standard Classical and Popular Sheet Music, 10c 88 NORTH THIRD ST. Portland, Oregon DRIFTED SNOW FLOUR "The Purest of Pure FootU" Tacoma Warehouse TACOMA, Jumping Jack MnnlintUn Mining Co, ttiray Dog Manhattan Mining .. Indian Citmn jianiiaiinn tuning iiiIIuii ('nini MnnliAtinn Funmco Creole Bouth C. A- STOCKTON, Broker Nevada Gold and Copper Mines Phone Main 6144 221 Lumber Exchange Weekly Market Letter or Dally Market Quotationi Pnrfclanri OrAflOTl FnrnUljea on Application Kni ol CharRO ITOIWeUlU, VrOKUIX.. Snappy Real We have choice city and suburban dwelling lots at reasonable prices. Our list is resplendent with bargains in city business property, water front property, farm lands, hop lands, etc. - Call on us before investing. ettatti Portland Realty and Trust Company 106 Sacond Straat Portland, Oregon PORTLAND COFFEE & SPICE GO. Importers and Manufacturers Tea, Coffee. Spices, Extracts and Baking Powder 24 ann 26 Front Street PORTLAND, OREGON Crane Bottle Co. Wholcnalo Dealers In BOTTLES Carry tho Inrgost stock of BottliB on. tho Pacltlc Coast. Mail Order ship ments given prompt attention- Office, 14th and Couch Sts. PORTLAND, OREGON: Portland Fluff Rug Co. Transforming of Worn Brussels and Ingrain Carpets Into Rugs Prompt Attention and Good Service Bmranteeoi: Phone 3052 790 Wh.BitoB St, Portland, Oregon-. Furniture oi duality We sell Quality goods Fur niture that it made from Natural Wood, that will give satisfaction under hard wear. The same will hold good of our carpets, and stoves. That's the kind we sell. ::::::::: COVELL FURNITURE CO.. 1M-188 FIRST AU the Credit You Want and Sperry Mills U. S. A. Lou Dillon Ooldfleil Mining Co. KukIu'h Net Hulrvlow Mining Co 'L.ilwulntv lluilatmitl MlltlllLT I'n. Co. HiivtT rioic Kxtcn.ion uiuub wo. ''"' """"' ". .. .' Kxtcmlon Co,,or to. Bargains IN Estate vwx i : .4 vV . " V ) serenity. bjsll tytiW1