Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, October 06, 1906, Image 5

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nxtlunb Nero A$
Established 1890 A. I). Qrimn, Mnger
Ofllco, Koom 317) Commonwealth Building
To insure publication U local new must
reach ui not later than Thursday morning of
each week.
Subscription price, ono year, payable. In ad
tsnoe, J.U0.
By Dr. Gcorgo Neely.
Can time's euro worn, spark of hope
Do blighted In ono hour?
Yet not to cease Its memory scope,
Dwells within Its given power;
I Though there'll be hours of loneliness,
Tho heart bound down In grief,
For love Is tho emblem of holiness
,Then why should we beg relief.
'Tls tho beginning of nn endless day
Though sorrow mlnglcth there,
Dut thou, Oh Fato, lot me employ
Thy protection everywhere.
When nnture In her mildest form,
.Supremo In nil degrees
Miss Lena Tumor returned homo yf we 8 tho"eh bo n,armct!'
Tuesday from a short visit to Tacoma. At ltB Iovo nntl flrm decree
(Then lot us to the helpless go
Mrs. O. L. Gregory entertained at with their thoughts of unbelief,
dinner last Friday, n few friends In Tench thom tho kind of seed to sow,
honor of Mrs. D. W. Qlbson, Jr. ,. ... .
' When wrecked on stormy reefs,
Wo nro very sorry to hear of tho Then must time's care worn spark of
death of Frank Nicholas In Missouri hope,
about a week ago. Tho cause was duo Be blighted In ono hour,
E !
t !
Mrs. Dudly leaves for Pcndloton
Join her husband.
to consumption.
Mrs. D. Gibson who has been tho
guest of Mrs. A. D. GrifTln for tho past
month, returned to her homo In Ta
coma, Wash., laBt Monday afternoon.
A society Is being formed of nil tho
taxpayers of Portland and which Is to
meet for tho first tlmo nt tho Bethel
church Tuesday evening. Don't tor
got. Mrs. J. G. Cowcb, of Oakland, Cal.,
after spending n couple of weeks visit
ing hor brother and family In Seattle
Is tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
nittcr of this city.
Ho who tho chnln of sin hath broko
With lovo of endless power.
J. Wallgrcen, dealer In staple and
fancy groceries. G34 Thurman strong
Afro-American Eyewitness on How. Telephone Pacific 911.
He Bettered Thlnge In Goldfleld. , . -
Link Dennis In tho California Outlook. ' S. m00'. BLnp' and, fKFr gr0
With a number of gentlemen of ? Twenty-flrst and Thurman
sportive proclivities of my own race I "; 'phono Hod B7. Fresh
Journeyed to Goldfleld to witness tho roasted coffeospecIalty.
Cans-Nelson combat In that mining Ryan & Jolm deaIcrB jn choIco gro.
camp. It was a novel experience for cere8( ment flh nnd pouitry phono
me, for I had never crossed tho Call- Main 622, 61 North Park Btreet, cor
fornla state lino, and had come In con- ner Davis.
tact with no other people but those in
San FrancUco and Oakland. Arriving 1 Royal Market, Balr & Worth proprl-
at Goldfleld wo found tho color lino ctors, fresh and cured ments, fish,
drawn to tho limit. A meal would cost poultry and game. 439 Union nvonuo
us $75 or n drink $160 In somo places, north, corner Tillamook. Phono East
rnd In others theso commodltlcB'wero 167.
not obtainable at any price. Fortu- North icuTstreet MaTket, A. Wur
rotely wo had taken with us a genor- tenberger, proprietor, choIco poultry,
cms supply of 1 quor refreshments In frC8n nm- BnIt mcntfli phono Maln 139Ci
anticipation of tho fact that wo might 230 North Slxteonth Btreet, Portland,
have to go with parched throats nnd oro.
hungry stomachs during our stay In i .
tho huBtllng, bustling mining camp. At c. A. Rhoads, tho only placo on tho
tho lnvltntlon of tho genlnl Joo, wo CoaBt ronnlrlnc rubber KOodB. Water
The Big Store in the Middle of the Block
Men's and Boys' Top to Toe Outfitters
69, 71, 73 Third St., Bel. Oak and Pine,
Portlnnd, Oregon, Sopt. 29, 190C.
My Dear Mr. Griffin:
I wns grieved nt tho sad occurrence
of yesterday, but you know that a bar
tender docs not represent tho senti
ment of tho fair minded citizens of tho
United Stntcs.
I had tho honor nnd plcnsuro of
drinking with you In tho finest bur In
tho country, tho Palmer Houso, Chi
cago, whero tho foremost men of tho
In ml gather and as nt San Junn tlicro
wns no question of your color. Ro
member brother, that In ovory strug
glo nur country hns had tho black man
has stood shoulder to shoulder with
his whlto comrades and tho honors
wcro nlwayB equnl tho black soldier
took nn nctlvo part In overy bnttlo
solgo nnd snlly of tho great rebellion nt
Richmond, Petersburg and Vlcksburg,
when tho nrtlllery of tho South leveled
with tho most deadly precision of
modern scienco played upon them
(when to hesitato for a moment wns
to lose) tho black mnn flinched not,
but stood llko n rock for tho salvation
of tho union, whero bullets showered
and steel was red. At San Juan their
steadiness and bravory won tho pres
idency for Roosevelt. Your peoplo
fought for their birthright, tho grand
est in tho world, n citizenship In llifs
glorious country. Your progressive
neBs during tho past fifty yenra stamp
your peoplo ns men of both hrnlns
nnd brawn.
Extending you my slncorest sym
pathy, I am your friend,
Dear Editor: Allow me space In
your paper to write a note to tho edi
tor of the hotel notes.
In behalf of tho young ladlcn nnd
gentlemen of this city, I wish to enter
n protest against tho use of tho word
"kindergarten." I think If ho fully
understood tho meaning of the word,
ho would not uso It. Tho word Is
tnken from tho German language.
If tho rest of tho peoplo of Port
land would do as well ns tho Lndd
estate did, tho Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. ( Ben Chandler of Portland, Burr Wll
C. A. would raise tho desired $360,000
wero to escort Mrs. GanB to tho nft
crnoon's entertainment.
Columbia, Cans' training quarters
and hotel, is three mlleB froni Gold
fleld. Thero nro no street cars and
nutomobilcs and busses nro the only
menus of transportation. The former
rent for $60 n day to whites nnd any
placo from $1,000 to $10,000,000 to col
ored folks. Tex Rlcknrd. however.
obviated this trifling Inconvenience by
courteously placing at tho disposal of
Mrs. GanB pnrty one of his And cars.
Again, In tho mntter of tho Cuban
Imbroglio, President Roosovclt has
shown that ho knows tho right thing
to do in an emergency.
Prohibiting men from playing n so
ciable gamo of cards for n cigar or
glass of beer Is carrying reform to
nn unrcnsonnblo degree.
Tho cntrnnco of tho Portlnnd & So-
nttlo rond Into this city should bo
encouraged In ovory posslblo way.
Tho exposition in Scnttlo In 1907
will undoubtedly bo n hummer. They
do things up there.
Joo Day seems to bo ablo to work
better for a prlvato individual than
for tho city.
In tho light of events Stntomont No.
1 looks rather silly.
Chicago, Sopt. 24th, 190G.
Morris has gono to
Lawyer E. H.
Richmond, Va.
Miss Blnncho Wright has removed
to 4830 Wabash, avenuo.
Mrs. J. II. Johnson of 368 E 27th
Btreet, has been on tho Blck list for tho
last fow days,
Rov. Thomas and Rov. E. J. Fisher
hnvo returned homo from tho National
Baptist association.
Mrs. William Emanuel has returned
from Atlantic City and will bo at homo
ovory Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Clara Harding of 3G0 30th at,
who has been on tho sick list for somo
tlmo hns fully recovered.
Calumet Club will glvo n grand bnll
nt Graham's hnll, 6728 30th St., Tues
day ovcnlng, October lGth.
Mrs. Frank P. George and Mrs. Cot
ton hnvo returned from their trip to
Niagara Falls and Ontnrlo.
Tho noxt session of tho Grand En
campment of Colored Knight Templars
of tho United States havo been called
to meet at Buffalo, N. Y., on Wednes
day tho 10th day of July, 1907.
Rov, Martin tho pastor of tho Beth
csda tiaptlst church, Is making splen
did progress, and tho church is doing
well under his pastorship. Tho con
gregation Is contemplating buying a
church soon.
Mr. John G. Jones, n 33 degrco Ma
son, of Chicago, Is now writing tho
Origin and History of Freo Masonry
nmong colored men In tho United
Hams, Gllllo Richardson nnd tho writer
wero tho coterie, nnd nfter n rnmblo
through tho burg, the gold burdened
mines, etc., to luncheon, nnd then to
tho arena.
Joo, as the world knows, won tho
fight on n foul, after tho meanest, low
est, nnd most despornto tricks over
witnessed In n ring on tho part of
Nelson, nnd per contra tho most scien
tific, sportsmnnly, and gentlemanly
conduct over witnessed In tho nrenn
on tho part of tho champion. In tho
enrly part of tho first caste prejudice
especially from tho lower classes,
demonstrated Itself by tho vicious out
cries. "Kill tho Nigger!" "Break his
neck!" "Bit him I" "Kick him!" wero
tho particular selections of refined de
mands. Bnttllng Nelson tried to com
ply with ovory ono of thorn. Ho would
hnvo succeeded but for tho marvelous
cleverness of tho parfect mnchlno com
bating him.
Through tho long drawn out contest
of forty-two rounds Joo mnlntnlncd his
equilibrium. Ho wns Boroly tempted
to resort to tho most foul and vicious
Indies, but llko tho truo gontlcmnnly
sport that ho Is, ho refrained from
anything llko bad behavior. His con
duct gradually won tho lower element
of tho spectators. "Kill the Nigger!"
was "soft-pedaled," nnd choors for
Chnmplou Onns were tho tocsin, oven
from Nelson's nbottors. This was tho
Wo returned to Goldfleld wo col
ored folks I mean nnd $7C lunches
wcro changed to Invitations; $160
drinks wero supplnntcd by posltlvo
demnnds to enter nnd enjoy them.
"Shines" woro guests of tho town. Tho
victory that Oans won In tho ring wns
nothing compnrcd to tho victory ho
had won for his race. As a writer In
ono of tho dnlly papers said: "A" Nig
ger had to show n whlto man how to
bo n gentleman."
Concluding, I want to ropcat tho
query: Is a Negro fighter nny .moral or
commorclal good to his race? Could a
colored minister, orntor, or editor have
accomplished in n fow hours In their
soparnto or combined professions whnt
Gnns did In tho same length of tlmo?
I think not.
All colored taxpayers aro requested
to meet with tho undersigned nt
Bethel A. M. E. church No. 08 N. 10th
street, Tuesday 'ovcnlng, October 19th,
1900. Tho object of tho meeting Is to
dovlso n plnn for tho formntion of nn
organization nmong tho tnxpayors of
tho city and county. Every taxpayer
Is earnestly requested to attend.
bags, syringes, atomizers, rubber
goods nnd extrn parts for sale. Wring
ers nnd enrpot swecpors ropnlrcd and
for Bale. Established 15 years ago in
Snn Francisco. 423 Morrison street,
Portland. Phono Pacific 1882.
maintains unexcelled service from the
west to the east and south. Mnkinp
cloee connections with trains of all
transcontinental lines, paesenpers nro
given tbeir choice of routes to Chicago,
Louisville, Memphis and Now Orleans,
and through these points to the far
Prospective travelers desiring Infor
mation as to the lowest rates and beet
routes are Invited to correspondence
with tho following representatives:
B. H. Trumbull, Commercial Agent,
142 Third 8t., Portland, Or.
J. O. Lindsey, Tiav. Passenger Agent,
142 Third St., Portland, Or.
Paul B. Thompson, Passenger Agtnt,
, Colman Building, Seattle, Wash.
In tho County Court of tho Stnto of
Oregon for Multnomnn County.
In tho Matter of tho Estnto of Sam
P. Tnrnor, deccnBcd.
Notice Is heroby glvon that tho und
ersigned hns been nppolntcd by the
County Court of tho County of Mult
nomah, State of Oregon, tho ndmlnls
trator of tho estnto of Snmucl P.
Turner, deceased, nnd that ha has
duly qualified nB such administrator.
All porsons hnvlng claims ngalnst snl
estnto or said deceased aro horoby
notified to present tho snmo to mo nt
tho oftlco of A. II. Tanner, Room 1109,
Commercial Block, Portland, Oregon,
nttornoy for said ostnte, or to mo per
sonally, duly verified ns required by
law. within six months from tho (Into
of tho first publication of this notice
to-wit: September 22, 190G.
AmlnlBtrator of tho estnto of Samuol
P. Turner, decensed.
Last publication October 20, 190G.
Jost Bros. Saloon, 340 Williams ave
nuo, fine wines, liquors and cigars.
Family trado a specialty.
A good placo to get your soft or Btlff
hats renovated Is 249 Vi Alder street,
between Second nnd Third.
Always aak for the lamoue General
Arthur cigar. Esberg-Ounst Cigar
,, general agent. Portland, Or.
Tho Anheuser, Henry M. Williams,
proprietor, 234 Morrison street, corner
Second, Portland, Ore. Telephono
Main 2517.
W niie a sptcUltr of liundnlnc Lice CurUlns
549 Morrison Street.
Wo supply tho Iltitohur trade with nice, clean
apron, why buy your aprons and then pay to
havo them laundered when wo will supply
them for jtut what It costs yon now to hnvo
thom laundered, Our waitou Mill call.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars
54 Sixth Street
Furnisher and Matter
480 Washington B'.., Opposite llelllg's Theater
Deiitor In
Notions and Fruit. Free Delivery.
JUCIlK.MlClt A CltAMKK, Props.
Manufacturers of Cnrhonnted llevcr
ne8, Svrup, Kxtrnct', Mineral Waterw
ami Clinti'pngno Cider. Sole tlitttrlb
utorsof Scunvlllo Mineral Water.
1'hotio Pacific 1703.
Office and Factory, 204 Mill Street
Electric Flatiron
IS4 Russell Street
I'hono Kast Hi 10
Real Estate
108 Jersey Street, ST. JOHNS, OREGON
On receipt of Coupon wo will deliver
an Electric Flatlrou to any address, freu
of charge, for SO days' trial.
You nro under no obligation to pur
chnso tho Iron wo want you to ecu
what it will do in the envlng of Lnhor.
Time nnd Expense.
All equipment delivered with cic'i
Iron, which may ho attached to nuy
Electric Lamp socket.
Fill in and mail Coupon to us AT
I hnvo choIco llusincsHnnd Residence
Tracts in nil parts of the city.
Corrcfpciulouco solicited from non
resident owners of property or those
leokiiiR investments hero.
Kinder Is tho plural of child and gnr- States. It will ho In thrco hooks. Tho
ten Is a school for children under tho
Bchool ngo. Every educated porron
knows that such a word should not bo
applied when speaking of the young
peoplo. Most of the so-called kinder
garteners are graduates of tho gram
mar school and students of tho high
school. A few havo had tho honor of
being graduates of high school. I do
not think the writer of tho hotel notes
1b a graduate of either or he would
first book will malto Its appearance on
the 1st of December.
Mrs. Augusta Jones of 392 31st at.,
tho grand secretary of tho St. John's
Grand Chapter of tho order of Eastern
Star, of tho Stato of Illinois, has ar
ranged and prepared the minutes of
the last annual session which will soon
bo oii.t of tho hands of tho printer, and
ready for distributing.
Tho .massacro of tho colored peoplo
In Georgia has stirred tho whlto and
I colored pfoplo In tho city of Chicago
Tho Oak Cafe. Choicest lino of
wines, liquors and cigars. P. W. Pick,
proprietor. Oregon Phone Pacific
2118. corner Fourth and Oak streets,
Portland, Ore.
not uso the word. Most all tho young to a high pitch of Indignation, nnd tho
ladles nro past tho ago of 16 years and onlv Negroes to bo found in this city
of courso are certainly past tho under that seem to express themselves with
school nee so I think It In time for oy aM satisfaction and In sympathy
scnooi nge, so I tnink it is time ror th (n) wh,(o Negr0.hatInK dement
him to stop displaying his Jgnornnco of tno Soutll a 8Mcn individuals ns ono
ns ho hns been doing for tho last year. R. R. Mooro, Rev. II. W. Knleht. J.
All due respect to him, wo do not wish W. Mooro. Luclan A. Renfroo nnd Rev.
to havo tho word applied to us any .IIam Grav "M"
uiuiu, ii its jn mauii uuu a biuiu uu mi
Vulcan Coal Company, wholesale
and retail dealers In houso, steam nnd
blacksmith coal. Foundry and smelter
coko. Puget Sound steam coal In car
lots, $3.50 per ton and up. Wo handle
all tho best gradeB of domestic nrid
foreign house coals. Phone Main 277C
Office 329 BurnBldo St., Portland, Ore
"Tho Pioneer Limited" St. Paul to
"Ovorland Limited" Omaha to Chi
cago. "Southwest Limited" Kansas City
t Chlcagb.
No trains In the service on any
railroad In tho world equals in equip
ment that of tho
Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t. Paul
Thoy own and oporato their own
slooplng and dining cars and glvo
their patrons an oxcellonco of sorvlco
not obtalnablo clsowhoro. norths on
tholr sleepers aro longor, higher and
wider than In similar cars on nny
other line. Thoy protect their trains
by tho Dlock system. Connections
niado with all transcontinental lines
In Union depots.
H. 8. ROWE, General Agent,
134 Third 8t., Portland.
Frank L. Smith Meat Co.
228 Alder St., between 1st nnd 2d Sts
Wo nro Portland's only Independent
slaughterers nnd Jobbers. Tho only
ones not controlled by tho trust. The
only ones who do not uso preserva
tives and adulterations.
Rolled Ronst Dcot 10c
Lcnn Roast Mutton 8c
Mutton for boiling Go
Mutton for Btow ,Gc
Loin Mutton Chops 12o
Shoulder Mutton Chops 10a
Loan Ronst Veal 10c
Ilrenst Vrnl Ronst 10a
Venl Stow 8c
Veal Chops 12VjO
Hnmburg Steak 10c
Pork Snusago 10a
Frankfort Snusago 10o
Dolognn Sausngo 8c
Rrcakfast Uacon 17c
Puro Lard 12c
Fine Shoulder Steak 8a
Round Stcnk 10a
Ilest Pot Ronst 8o
Flno Rolling Beef fie
Host Ilcof Stow oc
Pinto cuts nccf Cc
Brisket nccf Cc
Corn Boot Cc
It Is up to tho tnxpayors of Port
land. Aro you going to nllow tho beef
trust to continue robbing you or mou
sands of dollars nnnunlly through tho
moat supplied to tho Port or Portland.
Portland (Icncrnl Klcrtrln Coiiitmiiy,
rimt nml AIiIit Hln,, I'ortliiml, Ori'iton,
(li'iillcincii! You tuny deliver to mu ono
Kloctrlc Hatlrnn, whlrh 1 nitron tn Irv, hiiiI
If utisntlsfni'toiv o return to yon ltliln;iO
lIllVH from lllllo nl ilelliurv. It 1 iln nut rn.
i turn It nt Hint time you limy ehnrKUsnuiii
I return It within :wilnj.
to my iirrniint nt 11.00. It Is iiiiileratiHxl
that no chnrKii will lie iniiite fur tho Iron If
NA.MK i.
Dvpt. N.A. ADDItlXS.
Portland General
Electric Co.
Telephone MAIN 6630
Commercial Banking Savings Department
Cnpllal 16,000,000 Surplus 35O,O00 Total Avnllablo Assets $7,600,000
A. CIIILUERG, Presidont GEO. II. TAIUJKLL, Manager
A. V. IIAYDKN, Cashier
Tacoma Offlce No. 055 Commorco Et N. E. Cor. South lltli St.
the young folks. As I nm n graduate
of grammar school and a student of
high school, I don't call myself n kin
dergartener. Thank you for tho spaco
allowed mo.
We endorse the above;
Meredith Bells good butter. 1106
Commercial street, Tacoma, Wash.
Free ono car ticket with each 11.00
purchase of teas, coffees, canned or
package goods.
L. N. Nees, boot and shoemaker,
Fine repairing a specialty. Glvo lilm
n call when you need anything In
this lino, 322 Williams av., Portland,
Dealer In
Staple and Fancy Groceries
and Provisions
154 N. Fourteenth St., Cor. Irving
The Old Reliable
Has never failed to plcaeo. It has al
ways been tho etanuurdfor family uso
R. H. Guthrie
Portland Representative
Ask Your Grocer for
212 AbliftM Kit.
moae pacific 2251 The Original Diamond Brand
Until January 1,1907,!
THE NEW AGE will be
only $1 per year.
itzttttiuuzuutxzttti m nnsvr.1.
The p J o
ncer paint es
tablish m e n t
of, Portland Ii
that of F. E.
Beach &
company, oi i
185 First St..
th oldest
and most r
llabl house
of Its kind In
tfee Nortkwest. It carries an Immense
tock of the best things la paints and
bulldlnc materials, together with an
unusual list of specialties. Those who
need anything in these line can cer
tainly profit by golag to T. K. Beach
ft Company. Remember tbe number.
I saiSfll I
of the
Title Guarantee
& Trust Company
4 Per Cent
Yearly Interest
On Savings Accounts
Interest Compounded Semi-Annually
We Also Pay 4 Per Cent Interest
on Certificates of Deposit
And 3 Per Cent on Daily Dalances
of Check Accounts
Save a Dollar Today and It
Will Work for You Tomorrow
A Hank Account is tho first slop to
ward lia)jiInodu, prosperity and comfort
Hanking Hours, 0 n. in. to I p. in.;
Saturday, It a. in. to 1 p. in. ; Saturday
eveiiiuH, G. p. m. to 8 p, in.
PIKKCTOKS Win. M. Lndd. J.
Tliorburn Hots, T. T. llwrkhurt, Frank
M. warren, ucorgo 11. mm
OITICKH.S-J. Tliorliiirn Hobh. Ph-h.
Idcnt; Ciforito 11. Hill, N'lco President;
1. 1. luirkiiurt, Treusurer; John K.
We carry a Complete Stock of Medium and High
Class Goods, atf very moderately priced. The bett
and most careful attention wUt be shown to our AitchUon, Secretary.
patrons. Give us a can and be convinced tnot our
Goods and Prices are as we state.
240 Washington Street
M. L BECKER 375 Washington Street ported oregon