Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, August 18, 1906, Image 5

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Jtortlattb N?tu Agr
KfltabUahed 1S90 a. 1). Grimn. Manager
-...,., .. c .. .... ,.-..
2, 1'onunJ, Orgon.
Neh i not uur than Thurtdtr mornlnR ot
To inure publication all local newi muit
aom M,
vbMriptton prloa, ona year, payabla In ad-
f ! l(f 1W
n. . ., , . , .w.vu w..u..i.u. .suu ....o ,....
PORTLAND LOCALS 1 orsanzcdi " b"8,1?? momberB
Mllllllllllll ( Increase Us .membership to 500.
Tho Song Servlco held at the Zlon' Lawyer John Q. Jones will deliver
A. M. E. church was greeted by a very an address at the Ebcncezer Daptlst
appreciative audience. .church on Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock tho 19th of this month. His
Maa'a Day will bo hold at tho
Bethel church Saturday evening, Au- gress of the Colored People In Chi
gust 19, 1900. Como one! Come nil! cago.
Tho musicalo given at the residence ' L0'l!mvmll"T2nSC,!0fhnnUv
of Mr. and Mrs. Hall on last Tuesday ?nf.SJ" WrgTnnl,r T '," ,'
TarTi?"8 a gfand 8UCC088 ,n CVry olocteWdCCM'ostflortV "oS TatrT
panicumr. ,)ThB g th(J flr8t Royn, Counc of mBi
Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin have moved !lLSapr1,ln?rnnid '"."l0 "'S' Ju
. .v.i . i. . ion .. ai.. department of tho order was estab-
street and are now ready to receive
tho visits of tholr many friends.
ivf iuuii uun uuiiiu ut jv uaoi omuiuu
Mr, and Mrs. Drown, who were for-
mally stopping at Mrs. Goodwin's,
have now taken tip their rcsldonco
with Mm. Mlllnr 321". Union nvenuo.
Tho Old Maids' Convention which
was held nt Uethol church Thursday
ovenlng proved a grand affair. The ex
cellent program prepared by them
wiia iiiKniy uiiiuuiiiiuii ii) uiu uitv.il
clors In attendance.
.ui. vriiiiiviu u.iuuj, iiiuo.t-ui ihi.a..-
or of tho Zlon choir, has begun hla
preparations for his concort which ho
expects to give about tho first of Sop-
lembor. All tho best talentB nro being
Mccurcd and ho hopes to mako It tho
grandest literary entertainment of tho
. JJIrVAnt,hony. LoRnn' ono. If l!10
Plg ,F2 nn.d ,n,amcv .of ts, .plic'
nlcB left Saturday for un oxtcntlcd trip
of thrco months to Tacoma, Scattlo
and other places. Whllo In tho latter
city, It la rumored, ho will bo married.
Tho brldeto-bo Is said to havo been
ono of Portland'H noinilnr voiiiil' In-
Mr. William Dynum, musical direct-
dlea. Mr. William Duncan, Jr., hnB
been nnnolntod mnnnjjor In Mr. Lo-
gan's stead.
- soctation. Mr. H. v. Hcott or wasn- " ciobo man, uui no mnniignii
Tlio colored people of this city havo lngton, waB elected president; Dr. S. to looson up enough to give Tuskcgco
a fevor, and that fever Is a good one H. Stlllyard, of Wheeling, W. Vn., first Instltuto a substantial donation some
for them to have. It Is tho real cstato vice president; Rov. J. H. McQheo, of years ago. Tho widow is likely to
fevor. Tho Now Ago hopo for many Alabama, second vice president; Mr. ,nld to tho amount when tho tlmu
moro to tako tho fevor soon. D. O. Galnea, Worcester, Mass., third comes for tho distribution of the ben-
vlco president; N. F. Honry, Washing- c"s sho is said to havo In mind.
Rumors aro 'again floating of tho ton, D. C, secretary; Mr. Daniel Wll- ,
coming marrlago of one of Portland's Hams, Washington, D. C, treasurer; A noticeable development In tho re
popular young gentlemen to the clty'B Mr. John Q. Jones, Chlcngo, III., attor- "F,lom world Is tho wondorful activity
belle. Tho New Ago will withhold ney. TIiIh building association will o CathollcB among tho colored
their names until a moro convenient erect a Masonic tomplo at Washing- pcoplo of the South. Negro priests
time. ton, D. C. Stock in tho association la nr? ''olng educated In tho Catholic
, $1,00 a share .school, missions aro being established
Morodlth Bella good butter, HOG but wo hopo when tho Koystono Band
Commercial strcot, Tacoma, Wash, is fully organized It will bo tho best
Krco ono car tlckot with each 11.00 band In tho city of Chicago.
purchaso of teas, coffees, canned orl A1 m ,,
packago goods. At a mooting of tho Western Star
I Club held on last Thursday ovenlng,
Mr. Benny Thompson, of Seattle, Lawyer John O. Jones offered tho fol
was In our city last week. lowing resolutions, which wore adopt-
Mrs. Holman, of this city, left last,0'1!,. .. . ,
week to join her husband. LjhfrcM, tho Rebubllcan Conyen-
I tlon has soon fit to nomlnato and to
Mrs. H. C. Rico and daughter and plnco on tho tlckot against tho protest
Mies Qratoy aro 111 at their residences, of hundreds nnd hundreds or good.
Mr. Ury and Bonny Bandars, of 8c-,J1'al Co,,orod IWbubllcan vote of
attle, woro in our city visiting last iV'," fPV.' n,n ,?n8,,v? arlt h,Bh,jr
Sunday lObJectlonablo Individual by tho nnmo
Miss Maud Hoartsflold, who has'
been visiting Belllngham, has return-
cd home.
Mra. Estella Gibson gavo a concert cnn8 res'ding In tho City of Chicago,
and danco last Friday night which was n0NV unitedly pledge 1 oursolyea to work
a success and voto from thlB timo until tho olec-
tlon Is over in Novombcr against tho
Mrs. Anderson and family left last' said Oscar Do Priest and uso all hon
weok for St. Paul whero thoy will re- orablo means to cause his complete
main for a month's visit. dofeat nnd retirement at tho polls,
Mrs. Hunter Is going to givo an-1 Resolved, Ftirthor, That wo now np
nth an,.ini ni M. a i v i..,-ni, peal to tho consldenito judgment and
on August 20th. Everybody is Invited ,n.vo.ko, Ul? cooperation of all fair
to come 1 mlnd(1 voters In Cook County nnd nsk
them to voto against tho election of
Mrs. Carrina Horton, wlfo of Green the said Oscar De Priest.
llorton, died last week at her homo
on Suth J street. Sho was hurried
last Friday.
Miss Nellie Hall, who has been vis
Iting MIsBes Freeman for tho past
weok, left for her homo In Seattle last
Wednesday .
I 1 pick no quarrel with tho years
A great surprise will bo with tho Ta- Nor with tho fates not oven tho ono
coma people next week. They aro That holds the shears,
all expecting to see Mr. and Mrs. John '
Davis at homo again. I took occasion by the hand;
MIbb Gregory, of Seattle, Is visiting rm fln0' 1? n,co 'tw,xt weed and
Miss Blanch Rucker of this city. She' . ?Jj tn ,,,,,.
is on her way to Portland whero she..1 d.0 !iaLto.der8tand;
expects to mako it her home. ! tako m,no bour-
Mesdamea. S. S. Freeman, Clarke, The timo is short enough at best;
Phillips and Hunter gave a social at I push right onward while I may;
the Allen A. M. B. church last Tues-. I open to tho winds my breaBt.
day. They bad a large attendance.
August 9, 1906.
Lawyer W. F. Farmer has returned
from Covington, Ky.
Mr. and Mrs. Black, of Washington,
la., are in tho city on a visit. .
- Lawyer E. II. Morris went to Wheat-
on, 111., last week on legal business.
Dr. Charles E. Bentley and
have gone on a visit to Harpers Ferry,
, "" a"nie..3a?' ' ,?L 3
street has returned homo from Me-
tropolls, III. I
Mr. John Smith, of 4C50 Armour
avenue and Mrs. Charles G. Lewis, of .
3552 Armour avenue, died last week.
a new aaaonio oraw w "
ianiledJn..ih,l.c M TSS.'rM
. J-, - -
1UVU1UC4 0 UUUVI IUD M wwuu a vmv mm
Lodge of Illinois. Tbo BUCCeB8ful preacher deals with
Mr. F. L. Barnett, for several years the concrete, tangible lessons of life
assistant states attorney, was today and living, eschewing frayed-out dog
nominated for Judge of the municipal ma and unconvincing abstractions,
court by tlic republican convention.
Tho club that Mr. B. J. Murphy Is
the mnnngcr of nt 3117
street wan ralilnil liv tlio nnlleo nn tho
rhnrirn of immhlltiP lnt Wo.lnnRrlnV.
--- - 0- - 0...v-..-cf u i, .-. -----.
i .,, a,, . ,- ,,,. t.. ..
. I M11DO Utx. IU lllUllj J1.141D bt .!-
ler and assistant manager of tho Theo-
dorc W. Jones Transfer & Express
Co., has resigned on account of 111- e surpnseu to near uiai me uumuui uuriu min oireui niaritei, a. vnr
health and has gone homo to Mich- 1ms been "dissolved." itenberger, proprietor, choice poultry,
Igan, I irrcsh and salt meats, phono Main 1395,
... I For the Information of the curious, 230 North Sixteenth street, Portland,
A new republican organization i ivnn a i, ,,ni.inr imiinf Ore.
nUlCh B C8lK,n.t!tC(1 nTB th0 Coo.k County
subject will bo on tho rise and pro -
nt..i t... t. a..HMMMM !. i t
"?hcd-ft SBufpff2? SSll'!,J!IirLf
iJH8' nf. "A aVooJ
r,u" " "
Tho United 8upreme Council of
Scottish Rlto Masons nnd the Orand
Lodgo of tho District of Columbia havo
. fnrmirl n Mnqnnlr Tomnln hnlldlnir nn-
i . .. - . . ... .
Chlnnco. Auir. loth., inoc.
Mrs Marv F Hardv 3434 Dearborn
8trceti (1C(l ln8t WCek.
Mr. Sam Snowdon Is expected to
visit unicago, rram wow rone next
Mr, P L Darrctt, colored lawyer,
waB 0mJnatod for ono of tho Judges
of tho Municipal Court,
1 .. . . , , ...
Mr. Adam Decltloy, of 3C13 Dearborn
street, s recognized as ono of tho
in0Bt fnlthfttl nnd rollnblu men In tho
government innll scrvico In Clilcago.
Tho Palaco theatre on 31st street,
nIr tho management of Mr. Mooro
,B lmvllXK a Rrcnt 8UCC088. Mr. T. p.
McPnrlnnl haa moved to 4CD2 Dutler
1 . ' ....... ....
' A strong effort will bo mado In this
city nmong tho republicans nnd dem-
ocrats to defeat tho election of John
K. Prlndervlllo and Frank Crow who
nro candidates for Judges on tho mtp
nlclpal court ticket.
A now brass band which Is named
Koystono Band has been organized In
tills city. Tho City or Chicago needs
a good band of Colored Musicians In
thin city, which thoy havo not now.
1 or uscar uo pnost,
I I TlinrnfnrA Tin I
Thoroforo. Bo It Resolved. That
this Western Star Club with a mem
borahln of 17G and all loyal Ronubli
By R. W. Thompson.
, HiPiVll . UoA . , ..
Blrv" to Keep mo In tho sun
1 A tlxa
And walk the way.
. kind heart greets mo here and
I hide from it my doubts and fears,
trudge, and say tho path Is fair
Along tho years.
John Vanco Cheney.
People hear all of a twenty-mlnute
sermon. .
We strenuously insist that the
proper noun "Negro" should bo spelled
wlth caP,tal "N"
Tho i,meiKht never ,n,ure. the
right - thinking or right living.
It is
the grafter who fears tho calcium
of investigation.
Tho friendB of tho Fairbanks boom
are hop!nK ,t ,fl 8uraclently Btrong to
overcome tho handlcan of thn nnntnn
uuardian's support,
The editor's female
assistant or
nrlnrHf nfhn rliAQn'l s. nut nn.l n11 4k&
aecrets of the office to the public will
hold her job a long time.
I The saving habit, acquired while
rpR.i,lir iinj,if wi,on nco has sapped
.i.MM Mni.mttd nt. ItifltilcrnnpA 111 LUG
h. nniv vImi nmi itimmnii (he giicIc
.. '
. ,x" '
.. ,
Whon w lienr In mind what a hot
"" -- - w .
timo they are Having in miasm ior wu
past few months, no one ougiu to
thnt no whitewash waB left aftor the
commiitee ni rrovuienco got inrougii
with Its mastodonlc Job.
When wo sec a "dude" doctor in at-
tendance nt every dance, pink tea,
matlneo musicalp, moonlight oxcur-
8l". Ashing Junket and rag-time pic-
nlc wo trcmblo for tho welfare of his
. Pr patients if ho has any.
Haven't you notced a striking re
semblance between Castro, tho presi
dent of the Venezuelan Ropubllc and
Prof. Jesse Lawson, tho distinguished
New Jcrsoy leader and head of tho Na
tional Sociological Society?
Last week a colored woman of
KltlfTRtntl TVIIItntnann Mimdr Tnntl
Ba.Vo blrth to bIx children. All were
i a,,vo nml Aoln wo11 whott laBt hoard
iTom. i-resiucnt koobovcil ciouuuess
smolo a broad smllo when tho delight
ful news was telegraphed to him.
Russell Sage had tho reputation of
k H. .,t .. .. ...
wnerover they can get a foothold, and
'competent teachers aro being placed
nt s'rntcglo polntB throughout tho
i""",""'i J'"';"""!"" '" "r """
Binics. iNnsnviiio. xenn.. nns a we
attended Nokto Catholic church.
Rebuilding Operations in Sart Fran
cisco Begin With Vigor.
Ban Francisco, Aug. 14. Tho re
building of San Franciaco has begun in
earnest. There is llttlo talk, thero is
littlo boasting, bnt thero is a vast
amount of work. It may be observed
on every hand. It has suddenly grown
to large proportions, duo to increased
paymenta by the Insurance companies.
These payments now total 150,000,000
enough to wariant a decided step in
advance in reconstruction. But still
tho 160,000,000 represents only 20
cents on tho dollar of tho amount duo
the policy holders of the city. Tlio
thirty days' grnco allowed by law, attor
tho IhretT months allotted for the filing
ol proofs ot loss, havo elapsed and the
insuranuo corporations must now pay
or flatly refuse
The 160,000,000 has not been paid
with the same cheerfulness with which
the premiums were collected, in fact,
it is not an exaggeration to say that a
very large part of the amount has been
"wrung" from the companies. It Is
still a question as to tho sum which
the policy holders will collect in the
end. It la organisation that has cai
ried them to the point already attainod,
and it will bo organization that will
carry them further. There is very lit
tie single handed fighting against the
companies. Most of tho individual
suits filed are test cases to determine
the validity of certain doubtful clauses
and to decide how far the "earthquake
clauso" will prevail. Tho policy hold
era have been merged into a gigantic
organization, whicu has employed a
corps of lawyer and will either foics
tlio companies- to do the "equate thing"
or else announce their perfidlly to the
Seven Mutineers Condemned.
Helsingfors, Finland, Aug. 14. The
trial by court martial of tlio Bveaborg
mutineers commenced Saturday, and
Lieutenants Kochanovsky and Emllian
off, aged respectively 20 and 21 yearr,
and five soldiers were at the first sit
ting found guilty and condemned to
death. All were shot and buried in a
common grave without ceremony.
Kochanovsky's father la a colonel of
the guards at 8t. Petersburg. Emll
lanoff'a mother appealed by the tele
graph to the emperor for a reprieve,
but unsuccessfully,
A good place to get your aoft or stilt
hats renovated la 2494 Alder street,
between Second and Third.
Always aak for the faaa
Aitktu eifar. Keberg
., feaeral agenU, Fort!
faaasua Oaaanl
Quart Ghjat
Portland, Or.
Tho Anheuser, Honry M. Williams,
proprietor, 234 Morrison street, corner
Second, Portland, Ore. Telenhono
Main 2517.
C. Anderson, staple and fancy gro
ceries, Twenty-flrst and Thurman
streets. 'Phono Hood 57. Fresh
roasted coffee a specialty.
maintains unexcelled service from the
west to the east and south. Making
clece connections with trains of all
transcontinental lines, passengers are
given their choice of routes to Chicago,
Louisville, Memphis and New Orleans,
and through these points to the far
Prospective travelers desiring infor
mation as to the lowest rates and best
routes are invited to correspondence
with the following representatives:
B. H. Trumbull, Commercial Agent,
142 Third St., Portland, Or.
J. O. Lindsey, Trav. Passenger Agent,
142 Third St., Portland, Or.
Paul B, Thompson, Passenger Agtnt,
Colman Building, Seattle, Wash,
.lost Uroa. Saloon, 340 Williams nvc
llllo. linn wlnnti llnitnra nml nlfrnra
Family trado a specialty.
- - -
I llvn r. ii. .i..nio- i i.i ..
ri;, .. n't. .. .iT-.T - i.
VIH,0, lllUllli 1IH11 llllll 'UUIll I11UUV
Main G22. 01 North Park street, cor
ncr uavis.
, ,. , . . ,
Tho p 1 o
neer paint es
tablish in o n t
of Portland li
that of F. E.
Doach ft
Company, of
185 First St.,
t h a oldest
fcnd .most r
llabla house
of its kind In
tho Northwest. It carries an Immense
tock of the best thlna-g In natnta and
bnildlng materials, together with an
unusual list of specialties. Those who
neod anything in these lines can cer
tainly profit by going to F. E. Beach
ft Company. Remember the' number,
111 first street
maintains unexcelled service from the
west to tho cnat and south. Making
close connections with trains of nil
transcontinental lines, rmmengorH are
given their choice of routes to Chicago,
Louisville, Memphis and New Orleans
and through these points to tho far
Proepoctivo travelers desiring Infoi
motion as to tho lowost rates and best
routes aro invited to correspondence
with the following representatives:
It. H. Trumbull, Commercial Agent,
142 Third St., Portland, Or.
J. C. Llndeoy, Trav. Passenger Agent,
142 Third St., Portland, Or.
Paul II. Thompson, Passenger Agent,
Colroan Ilullding, Scattlo, Wash.
"Tho Pioneer Limited" St. Paul to
"Overland Limited" Omaha to Chi
cago. "Southwest Limited'.' Kaunas City
to Chicago.
No trains In tho scrvico on any
railroad In tho world equals In equip
ment that of tho
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul
They own ami opcrnto tholr own
sleeping and dining enrs and glvo
their pntrotiH an cxcellonco of sorvlco
not obtalnablo elsewhere. Berths on
their slcoporn nro longer, higher and
wider than In similar rnrH on any
other line. Thoy protect tholr traliiH
by tho Block system. Connections
mado with all traiiHcontlncntal lines
In Union depots.
H. S. ROWE, General Agent,
134 Third 8t., Portland.
rurnlthtr and Hatter
4W WatliliiKlon Si . 0oltu llelllK'x Theater
The Savings Bank of the
Title Guarantee
& Trust Company
4 Per Cent
Yearly Interest
On Savings Accounts
Intiust Compounded Semiannually
Wi Also Pay 4 Per Cent Interest
in Certificates of Deposit
And 3 Per Cent on Daily Balances
of Check Accounts
Save a Dollar Today and It
Will Work for You Tomorrow
A Bank Account is tho first step to
ward happiness, prosperity and comfort
Banking Hours, a. in. to 4 p. in.;
Saturdays, 9 a in, to 1 j, in. ; Saturday
evenings, 6. p. in. to 8 p. in.
240 Washington Street
Corner Second
i 5tAnl nnrl Pnnrv r.rnrr!.
"I.. .r . ... ...
iTiiilM.mccllon:iKi.ri. lobacww nml iau-
- ' O' 1", Ion. ami Hplco nt I.i-t l'rlco.
It" I'nlon Ae. Hiw Delivery I'lmiic i:t I ID
Denier In
Staple nml Puney Orncci'lcH
Vegetables, Frutl and Dairy Produce
Phone Kat .V.W
IC'J William Au POUTI.ANI). (HtK(lt)N
The Portland Hat Works
Manufacturer of
Ilata Djctl, Oteancil and Itlocked. ()uri0
daily: Panamas t.'Icnncd and llleaelied.
2l9$Atdcr8t..bel.Bceond and Third,
llraueh 4 Washington 8t. Portland, Or.
Pioneer Soda Works
(It'NDKI. 111103. A CO.
Manufaeturcra of
Kaclory, 419 Water Street
Telephone, Main 2MI
Ivory Wood Fibre Plaster
Ivory Cement Plaster
Portland Fluff Rug Co.
Transforming of
Worn Brussels and ingrain
Carpets Into Rugs
Prompt Attention and Good Service Guaranteed
Phone 3052
700 Wmhlngton St., Portland, Oregon
IH'ftlcrn III
Groceries, Flour, Feed,
Hay, Grain, Coal, Wood and Build
ing Materials
101-103 Fourteenth St. North
Phone Pacific 611
Corner Flanders
Portland, Oregon
Courtney Music Co.
Band Instruments
Stringed Instruments
Cheap for cash or easy payments
Latest Popular Songs
And Music
25c, Five for $1, Postpaid
10-Cent Sheet Music
Postpaid. Standard Classical
and Popular Sheet Music, 10c
Portland, Oregon
Thu only ntvamhoat limkliiK h riiuml trip
Kxcqt HiiikU)- liclwci'ii
Portland and Astoria
Ami Way I'oInU
Uavo 1'ortlainl 7:W A SI
ArrUo Attorla I::l' M
Uava Aitorla 2:ao V M
Arrive I'artUml fl:) I' M
PrtUn4 landing. AUr St. Dock.
Aaterla LanaNnf, CaUndr 0xk.
r. B. SCOTT, Agent. Phone Main 36S
One Week Only
Woven Madras & Oxford
New Novelty Plaids
Mu $1,50 a $1.75 Values, $1.10
"SuMthifii Different in Men's Weir"
302 Washington
S. n MiiKton Prop I, Wllklmon. ManaROf
The Alpha
Fine Wines, Liquors & Cigars
Hcadquartvrp for Ituihoad and All Pro
fcfsiotitil People.
Pliono Pnclllc 151
A. H. Griswold
Sui'tCMorioi.lllhni.U A PIIUOI.KV
No Dm noli Stor
Horse Collars
l'Mmem, Tenmnlcru nil lloriamen. took
to Minr hucrmt. When In need ol llorto
ColUm, uujr the lct - tho
It hna looi I tho let of nrcnr nmt tour unit
cllinr.te for tont jert, Auk your iltilr
for tliem nml ImUt ou having tho "Hhr-
Portland, Oregon
'n.iSKTOT '
..Olympic ,
A Flour Whose
Best Endorsement
Is the Fact that the
Number of People Whl
Use It
Multiplies Every Year
No matter how sultry or uncomfort
able the day, an ELECTRIC FAN will
insure comfort for the business man at
his deskfor his employes at their
work for the customers in his store:
and for the entire household at hi
The cost of all this SUMMER COM
FORT is a mere trifle. A 16-inch fab
un be operated at a cost not to ex
ceed one cent an hour, and a 12-inch
fan un be run for even less. Think
of ten hours of solid comfort for less
than ten cents.
Keep your store cool and breezy and
your customers will find shopping a
pleasure, and your store an inviting
place in which to linger. ELECTRIC
FANS will increase your business,
whether it be a restaurant, an ice
cream parlor, a dry goods emporium
or an iron foundry.
We have fans of all kinds, all styles,
suitable for every purpose. Don't de
layorder your fan TODAY.
FAN nuke a strong combination for
summer comfort.
Send us a post card with your name
and address we will do the rest.
Portland General Electric Go.
Seventh and Alder Struts
'l'9r r
LTJT . '"'"? to.fMH- -