- -' ,wmm,MFmmM&m rfdWWPlWWpgJ -mrpwi: THE NEW AGE, PORTLAITD, OREGON ' Y Y r i' i FAmwr. hhtfi c : (i i HOTEL PORTLAND. COST 01,000,000. The Portland H. O. mOWCHM, Mmnrngmr. Ammrlban Plan, S3 Per Day and Upward HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AMD OOMMEROIAL TRAVELERS. Portland, Orogon. loloiihuno SW-ll i'. O. lloxMl The Grand Pacific Hotel C1IA8. A. HOHHACIK, I'roprlotor. Handsomely Appointed and First Class In Every Particular. Corner Railroad St. and HlRglns Ave. MISSOULA, MONT. EUROPEAN. The Halliday HOTEL R. C. HALLIDAY, Proprietor. Cor. Sprague and Stevens SPOKANE, WASH. Rainier Grand Hotel Refitted Refurnished Under New Management Strictly First-Class European Plan Cafe in Connection WILSON & WHITE CO., Props. CHAS. PCRRY, Manager Seattle Wash. The Victoria Hotel SPOKANE, WASH. First-Class in All Its Depart ments. Headquarters for Tourists and Commercial Travelers When in Spokane Don't Fail to Stop at the Victoria amBmwnSaaaaaaamAwKKk V' aaaaaawkaaaaa:XW& flFi aaaaaaWmaaaaawFjaaA BaaaaaaaaaaaaaKASBfl aW&$EfcmaaaaaWrW trjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBn '(vn'ggCtanSBBBBBBBBBBlBH THE VICTORIA HOTEL ; i Rmiur. hotfi s ; Best furnished Iioubo in Southern Oregon New Depot Hotel A. H. PRAOIIT, Proprietor. All Trains stop 30 Minutes For Meals. ASHLAND, OREQON The New Bannock Hotel NO KM AN A AKM8TU0N0, I'ropi. Headquarters for Commercial Men American Plan. Rooms with Bath, Hot and Cold Running Water and Telephone in Each Room. RATES $2.00 to $4.00 PER DAY Poctitello Idaho . The Spalding Leading Hotel of the LAKE SUPERIOR REGION Enlarged and Improved American I'liui, 2.f0 nnd Up European Plan (1,00 anil Up Finest Cafe in Northwest DULUTH, MINN HOTEL WHITMAN UKDEK NEW MANAGEMENT t A Home for the Traveling Men Strictly First Class. American Plan Electric lighted. Steam heated. Good Sample Rooms in Connection. J. C. BROWN, Manager. COLFAX, WASHINGTON rr,:.. rsiet.2r ... rlmmiy,taattttWm fUmmcUnJfSiAaaaaaaam 1&r!aWkWaJaaaaaaaaal IStpBEEKftifiawttiSmaaaaaa'A '"Taaaaaaau ROBERT A. PRESTON PRESCRIPTION DRUOOIST Cor. 23d and Thurman BU. Phone Main 1010 PORTLAND, OREfJON First National Bank of Rook Springs HOOK BP1UKG9, WVOMIN'O CAPITAL and SURPLUS, $100,000 EVERY ATTENTION (1IVEN TO BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO US THF ?TAI " krambr 1 1 IE o 1 tl Proprietor Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars KRAMER'S MOUSE Flrit-Clns Furnished Hoorni from UWlo juu per week. S. W. Cot. Fifth and BiintUe $t. PORTLAND, OR Columbia Ice & Fuel Co Ice and Fuel Delivered to Any Part of the Gty Factory nnd Oftko FOOT OF HARRISON STREET Phono Main 809 PORTLAND OREGON Jack Unger's Liquor Store Jesse Moore jWhiskey Imported and Domestic Wines Families Supplied Phono Main 1014 370 Washington St. PORTLAND, ORE. Wilholt Springs Mineral Water r. W. McLCRAN, Sole lloltler and Proprietor Cures Dyspepsia, Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Uladder troubles; alio Jaundice, Graval, Rheumatiim, Nervousness and Stricture. Wilhoit Mineral Water SalU it the water in condensed form for trav elert' use. Water bottled at the springs with its own gas; no recharging. Office and laboratory! Wilhoit, Clackamas Co., Oregon f LEADING HOTELS : ? The Grandbn The only First-Class American Plan Ho tel in Helena. Rates from $3 to $5 SrSffiSST iXttfriffRBaaX v:; irpk $m UUMUUattlXS FIRST-CLASS FIREPROO $3.00 PER DAY BOLLINGER HOTEL European Plan Lewiston Idaho Best Hotel in Northern Idaho The HELENA UEKRY A. MEYER, Prop. The only First-Class European Hotel in Helena &. i sw plnftreiOUifi Rates $1 to $2.50 THCWEEKLY OMAN 1102 Conrad de Monfcrrat assassinated. 1200 Edward I. of England defeated the Saits at buttle of Dunbar. 1370 A poll tax imposed by English Parliament. 147S Julian De Medici assassinated. 1030 Eruption of Mt. Aetna. Church of St. Leon destrojed. 1552 Council of Trent prorogued for two jears, but did not moot till 1502. 1557 Tho inquisition established in France. 1007 Christopher Newport and 100 oth ers entered Chesapeake Hay to es tablish first English colony In that section. 1010 Patent for Newfoundland granted to tho Earl of Northampton. 1005 Plnguo broko out at St. Giles, London. 1007 Milton disposed of the copyright of "Pnrndlso I-ost" for $25. 1001 Hank of England Incorporated. 1715 Alliance against Sweden by Rus sia, Prussia, Denmark and Saxony. 1711 Cartagena attacked by Admiral onion. 1711 Eiouli XV. or Prance declared war against Queen of Hungary. 1702 Tho Irish lovelorn suppressed by Lord Halifax. 1772 Count Struenseo executed In Copenhagen. 1777 Danbury, Conn., destrojed by tho British. 17S1 llattlo of Petersburg, Va. 178S Maryland rntlfled Federal consti tution. 1702 First execution by guillotine 1703 French defeated Austrlans at bat tle of Durcn, 170S Annexation of Geneva to Prance. 1700 French ministers assassinated by Austrian regiment nt Iladstadt. 1812 Baltimore privateer Surprise cap tured. 1S2S Unsaid declared war against Tur key. 1830 City of Guatcmaln nearly do Btrojed by an earthquake. 1831 Imprisonment for debt nbollshod In Now York. 1830 St. Jean do Arc, Palestine, surren dered to tho Egyptians. 1S3S Steamer Moselle burned nenr Cin cinnati, Ohio; 131 lives lost. 1&I0 llattlo of Fort King. 1817 Ship Exmoulh lost In Atlantic 230 kthoiih perished. 1818 Abolition of slavery In tho French dominions decreed. 1810 Insurrection nt Montreal. 1850 Greek government submitted to English dcmnmls. 185-1 Slaves of Venezuela became freo men by act of emancipation. 1855 Giovanni Planorl attempted to shoot Louis Napoleon. 1850 Crimean war terminated by rati fication of treaty of pouoe. 1850 Victor Emmanuel declared war ngalnst Austria .... Ship Pomnno foundered ou IrUh cotst; 305 llei lost. ISO I U. S. government accepted services of ono-hiinilri'd-iliiy men, nnd appro priatcd $20,000,000 for their pay meat. 1805 Gen. Johnson surrendered. 1871 U. S. Supremo Court decided gen eral government could not tnx sal nrles of State officers. 1872 U. S. vvarhlji ICansaH released American steamship Vlrglnlus from blockndo by Spanish men-of-war In port of Asplnuall. 1373 Attempted Insurrection ond proc lamation of Commune In Madrid. 1875 Prince of Wnles Installed as Grand Master of Masonic order In England. 1881 Statue of Admiral Fnrragut un veiled at Washington, I). O. 1880 Destructive tornado In Klloen, Texas. 1887 Battle between Arabs and Egyp tians at Sarrass; 210 killed. 1891 Imposing funeral of Gen. yon Moltko In Berlin, 1800 Suspension of London Chartered bank of Australia for 55,000.000. . . . Great International naval review nt New York.... Many persons killed by tornado In Oklahoma. 1804 Earthquake destrojed Ix cities In Venezuela. 1808 Matanzas, Cuba, bombarded by Admiral Sampson's squadron of United States warships. .. .U. S. Congress passed an act for Increase of tho regular army; IublliTlleut-h for .Netr Vork. The New York Legislature has author ized the city of New York to appropriate $2,500,000 for the purchase and $250,000 for the construction and maintenance of a great free ocean beach for tho people of the metropolis. This will bo controlled by the department of parks, but ulti mately a portion may be put under the department of health for the establish ment of a convalescent hospital. Also It U provided that phllanthroplcal societies may maintain fresh-air homes there. It I understood that th city will stcure Itockaway Reach, IteJHISI mmmsmm Wsam lJair!J-v:mwawl wsfBg "iff : LEADING HOTELS : ? HOTEL PEDICORD T. J 1M DK'OUI), I ruprlutor Rntcs50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 Rooms willi Private Hntln lloth Amcrlcnn and European Prlvntc Telephones In Rooms Hrst-Class Grill in Connection 209-219 Riverside Ave, SI'OKANE, WASH. RICHARDS HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Phono Kxchstigo 25 360-362 Alder St. Cor. Park PORTLAND, ORE. THE ESMOND HOTEL. OSCAIl ANDKKSON Manager Hates: Euroicsn Han 60c, 7fie, $1 00, f l.W, 2.oo per day Free llus to and from all Trains Front and Morrlion Streets rOHTLANl) ORROON HOTEL EATON PortlnnU, Oregon Tourists' and Commercial Men's Headquarters. STRICTLY riRST CLASS Hot and Cold Water. Private Baths. Phone In Each Room. All Outside Rooms. Cor. West Park and Morrison Streets I'MONCSl Motel, M 2077 Unr, M IIS Golden West Hotel AND BAR. M. PCTCRSCN, Proprietor. Everything Ncvv and Up-to-Date Cor. Washington St. and rirst Ave. SPOKANr, WASHINGTON RIVERSIDE HOTEL K1LBURY K1UURY, rwrklots EUROPEAN PLAN Now Houho, 100 ItnoniH. Elegantly furnished. Flrat-CluHH in nil nppolut muntu. Hot nnd told wntor in nil rooniH. St cm in I lent, l'rou llathn. Electric Lllit. Kntco 50c to 2 pur day. Cnfo meals 25c. A lit carlo. Freo bus. 212-220 Riverside Avenue SPOKANE, WASH. THE WASH I NCJTON- SEATTLE IP? mi, V k m. FIFTIIBN UKAhONa WI1V VOL 8HOUU) STOI AT TUB WASHINGTON. let It Is tho boat hotel on tho Coast. 2d It costs no nioro thnn pooror hotels, as shown by ratoa bolow. 3d Now liotol, now furnlturo. 4th Kxcollent servlco, Cth Tho Wnslilngton, wlillo tIk In tho centor of tho city, Is on an uio vatlon of 200 foot, which lifts you above tho nolso, dust and smoko of tho street hotels, 6th Tho hotel Is situated In tho centor of iVj acres of beautiful grounds, with thousands of roses and other fragrant flowers to beautify tho surroundings. 7th Eight hundred feet of wldo ver andas surround tho hotel, giving to tho guest opportunities "for rest and promenade not found ulsewhoro, 8th Tho view from theso spacious verandas cannot bo described. Moun tains lakes, tho Bound nnd tho city Itself form ono mngnlflcent panorama not found anywhoro elso on earth. 9th Tho hotel lobby, parlors, Turk ish room, etc., aro exqulslto, and form a continuation of comfort and luxury not often found In hotels. 10th A Dutch grill has recently been added, whoro servlco may bo had at all hours. 11th The dining room cannot bo excelled. Breakfast and lunch are sorved a la carto, at most reasonable prices, and a tablo d' hoto dlnnor for 11.00 Is pronounced by all to bo above criticism. 12th Rates Extremoly reasonable. European plan Room, without bath, fl.00 per day and upward. Room, with bath, $2,00 per day and : LEADING HOTELS : ? The Kenyon Don Porter Salt Lake City's NEW HOTEL Salt Lake City Utah fSi sasfs The Tacoma W. 11. ULACKWELL, Prop. One of the best hotels on the Pacific Coast. American Plan $3.00 per Day and Upwards TACOMA, WASH. PHONE M 1331 NEW THEATEH 1II.OOK THE Kenneth Hotel SPOKANE, WASH. Novvly furnished rooms. Btcnin liont. Hot and cold water. All llnd-clmm out side rooms. PRIVATE AND FREE BATHS Entrance 18 Bernard St. Cor. Sprague, Bernard and Riverside. Opposite Depot , Spokane, Wash u ; lLi'v upward. 'Bus sorvlco to nnd from nil trains mil bouts, 2C cents, Trunks, each way, 25 cents. Carrlugo faro (private), CO cents. Special rates miido to pnrtleu for ono month or moro, 13th-rl)olnK abovo tho street and nwny from tho nolso, you will enjoy u night's rest better at tho Washing, ton thnn any other hotel In tho city. 14th Oo to tho Washington and If you aro not satisfied that It surpasses all othor hotels on tho Pacific Coast for excellent servlco nnd reasonable, prices, your bill will bo nothing. ICth Do not bo deceived by bolley. Ing that some othor hotel In tho city Is as good as tho Washington, for such Is not tho caso, Tho Washington utnnds nlono us tho most charming and nttractlvo hotel west of Now York. Tho following ncnnln linvn ntnnnn.1 at tho Washington during tho past year i.mi nuvo given uiimi.itun pralso and declared that In many respects It oxcols any other hotel on tho conti nent: President Thcodoro Roosovelt, Wm. H. Moody, Secretary of tho Navy; Oov. Odell, of Now Vork; Uaron Rothschild, Mr. Smith, or tho DoBoors Diamond Mines, South Africa; Hon. Cornelius N. Bliss, Kx-Socretary of Interior; Hon. C. S. Mellon, President N Y. & If. n. Ilv . Mm T T mil Louis Hill and J. N. Hill, of the Great Nonnorn uy.: iion, Howard Elliott, Prosldont N, P. Ry.; Adollna Pnttl. B, II. Sothnrn. ftnv. Ilrnrlv nt Alnukn. Mmo. Nordlca, Maud Adams, Nat Goodwin, Mrs. Flsko, all Raymond ft winicomo kounsis, iticnnra Aiansneia and other celebrities of tho commer cial and professional world. XTiTJa . srJwwaht$K$rti W"mWlt . &s ,i tSWl WATis.' . . . t.iiurvis TraJftft ru.i i tw . x BUI . irT Til im an v n, ? "i t w - uk ,. a,. M"wm.w ' t ISBU J " T f r",-iK.iB ill AWJ TTt 1. h JU -T "A. ii. iwq ,yn '..i'jui.,iun' "w im J, JKje.,. ititimtt- - i - Steiii'i AaAitL aAs. mmnttmnrnxmn n -- "- - - - -m.4,xi m mmt . llijijitMliaaaiaaaaaMaaaaaawajftaaaaaaaa