wsmtzmsEa ML.. i'Sesn-- -rrr-w7 T5 TSil THE NEW AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON y ftortlmti. 53tu Age EiUblllhod 1190 A. 1), Orinin, Mnnagcr Offioo, 43U Second St., cor. Aiu, Itoomi 1 and 1, 1'orUtnd, Oregon. To lmuro publication all local new mint reach ui not later than Thu radar morning o( ach week. Subscription prlco, ono year, parablo In ad-inoe,S;.Uu. Vanoe 9s&9mmmmst&9 PORTLAND L'OCALS ! a xstfi To Mr. nnd Mrs. Canto Stewart, n fine bnby girl. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bold have purchased a homo ou tho cast eldo. Barred concert at Bothol church Bun day, June 10, 8 p. in. Mia. Kmtna Richardson's mo'lier is expected la tho city booh. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob .Tones are in the city, the guest of Mrs. Wheeler. Children's day will bo observed in Bethel church Sunday, Juno 10, 2 p. m. Mr. Coffey roturned from California with a bride. Wo wish them much joy. TACOMA NOTES Meredith noils good butter, HOC Commercial street, Tacoma, WaBh. Free ono car ticket with each-11.00 purchase) of teas, coffees, canned or pacltngo goods, THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL maintains unexcelled 'service from the west to the east and Boutli. Making close connections with trains of all transcontinental lines, passengers aro given their choice of routes to Chicago, Louisville, Memphis and New Orleans, and through these points to tho far east. Prospective travelers desiring infor mation as to the lowest rates and best routes are invited to correspondence with the following representatives: 13. II. Trumbull, Cotnineielal Agent, 142 Third Bt., Portland, Or. J. 0. Lindsoy, Trav. Passenger Agent, . 142 Third Bt., Portland, Or. Paul B. Thompson, Passenger Agtnt, Colman Building, Seattle, Wash. THE PIONEER PAINT COMPANY. Tho pio neer paint co tnbllBh mon t of Portland is that of P. E. Beach A Company, of 135 First St., the oldest tnd .most re liable hOUBO of its kind in the Northwest. It carries an immense stock of the bost things In paints and building; materials, together with an unusual list of specialties. Thoso who need anything in these lines can cer tainly profit by going to F. E. Beacb & Company. Remember the number, 1SS First street Vote for FRED C. KING Democratic Nominee for Representative mf9mfmmmwAmm0AmmSLmWAmmW E. A. GESSELL Candidate for Representative Promise alwaya to vote for People'a Choice for U. S. Senator. Endorsed by Oregon Labor Party. 4 Free 30 Days' Trial Free "THE MILWAUKEE" The Ladies Aid Society A. M. E. chuich last week. mot at tho Mr. F. F. Koebln and Mr. Ornlgwoll of Seattle spent Sunday in our city. Mr. Young hns gone to Canada, whoro ho expcctB to mako his futuro homo. Tlio fair that was on nt tho Motho dlst church has just closed nnd it was a success. Tho Boosters Club is doing nicely. Como out Tuesday ovoning nt tho A. M. E. church. Mr. J. S. Hall received tho bad news of tho dcatn of hU Bister, who resided in Iodianpolis, Ind. Mr. Grcnno and Mr. Spann, who have been visiting our city for the past woek, hnvo left for tho east. Wedding bolls aro soon to ring in Ta corna and it is expected tho happy cou ple will make their homo in Portland. Tho Tncoma Hotel boyc aro giving a picnic out at Wapaton park Wednesday at nocn, nnd in tho evening nre giving a chatter social. All aro invited to como. Tho Occidental Lodge U. I)., A. F. nnd A. M., will glvo n eocinl entertain ment Juno 22, 101)0, nt Odd Fellows' Templo. A muslcnl program will Im rendered from 8:30 to l:3li, niter which rolrefllimonta will bo served music from 10 o'clock (ill 12 o'clock. Alwaya ask for the famous General Arthur cigar. EHborg-Gunst Cigar O,, general agents. Portland, Or. Chi "Tho Pioneer Limited" St. Paul to Chicago. "Overland Limited" Oninhn, to cngo. "Southwest Limited" Kansas City to Chicago. No trains in tho itervlco on any railroad In tho world equals in equip ment that of tho Chicago, Milwaukee and 8t. Paul Railway. They own nnd opcrnto their own Bleeping nnd dining enra nnd glvo their pntrons nn oxcollonco of service not obtnlnnblo elsewhere. Berths on their sleepers nro longer, higher nnd wider than In similar cars on nny other lino. They protect their trains by tho Block system. Connections mndo with nil transcontinental lines In Union depots. H. 8. ROWE, General Agent, 134 Third St., Portland. The Greatest Household Convenience Of the Age New Model Electric Flatiron INTEREST SA VINOS BANK OK The Title Guarantee & Trust Company Pays 4 per cent on Certificates of De posit. Pn ys :t per cunt on dully balances of deposit accounts, subject to check. Bunking hours ant unlays Saturday evenings ..On. in. to 4 p. m. .Da. in. to 1 ), in. .5 . m. to 8 p. in, DIltECTOHS W. M. Ladd J. Thorhim Boss T. T. Burkhnrt Frank M. Wnrren GoorgoII. Hill 240 WASHINGTON STREET Corner Second PORTLAND OHKGON The Union M eat All Dining Cum and First Clusi Hotels and Keitauranta buy tho UNION MEAT COMPANY'S rRESH AND CUHtD MEATS Tho Dost In the Market. 1'ntronUo Home In du,,rJr PORTLAND. OREGON OUR BRAND Horse Collars Karmera, TcixmMors and Horsemen, look to your Interval When In need til llorso Collars, bur tho best tho SHARKEY COLLAR It has stood tho lest of wear nnd tear and rllmato (or twenty jcars Ask otir dcnlt'r .(or them nnd Insist ou hnvlng tho "Shar key." P. SHARKEY & SON Portland, Oregon C (''J : TACOMA i Wo make a HpcclaltY of PINE POULTRY I'tlvato Our Trade Solicited Commercial Market MARRY HASH, Prop. Retail Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats 1114 C Street Telephone Main 292 I TACOMA Kill in Coupon and mail to us nnd you will rocelvo (reo of clinrgo an ELECTRIC fLATIRON RETURN COUPON PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., StTcnlh and Alder Sb.. Portland, Or., Gtnllcmtn: You' may deliver to me One Electric Flatiron, which I aereeiolry, and, If unsatisfactory to me, to return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If I do not return It at that time you may charge same io my account atj$4.00. It Is understood that no charge will be made for the Iron If I return It within 30 days. i f wAxnAM WiM& I NAME THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL maintains unexcelled service from the west to the east nnd south. Making close connections with trains of nil transcontinental lines, paHiengera nre given their choice of routes to Chicago, Louisville, Memphis ami New urleans and through thesa points to the far east. respective travelers desiring infor mation as to tho lowest rates and beat routes aro invited to correspondence with the following representatives: li. II, Trumbull. Commercial Agint, H2 Third 8t., Portland, Or. J. O. Llndsey, Trav. Passenger Agent, 142 Third St., Pottlnnd. Or Paul U Thompson, Passenger Agent, Colman Building, Seattle, Wash Jwkmmmmmwtkamrka. daLLE&TVikviLLV. WAmMMMMMMMMMMm aWMMMMMMm ADDRESS. Portland General Electric Go. Seventh and Alder Streets TELEPHONE EXCHANGE 13 Ailnu) rrtTiH" "m I r SALT LAKE CITY ! .. i ' ' ' f USE Salt Air Extracts, Baking Powder, Spices and Coffees ARE THE BEST OR MONEY BACK Salt Lako OoffeoA Sploe Mill MALT LAKE. UTAH LEAVER DRUG CO. Prescription Druggists Cor. Third West and Houtli Tomlo. phono liw2. Tolo- Salt Lake City, Utah. KOU Medicinal Purposes We recommend our Black Buffalo Pure Rye Whiskey Unexcelled In quality mitt excellence The Pederson Mercantile Co. Whole nnle Miiiinr Importers nil Whotrnnlo Liquor Dealers Moorchcod, Minn. Northwestern Agents Anheuscr.Busch Brewing Association's Celebrated "Huilwelser" Deer WmmmX VSHsssi SSL' IBBBvvBBb SSVBt Awmmm l!n:d. o "i"ioto Ktl0.0'. "iyMPic. -J A Flour Whose Best Endorsement It the Fact that the Number of People Who Use It Multiplies Every Year V C JS FII r.VMTMNGJ GROCERS PINE IMPORTED TEAS AND COFFEES PRIVATE CAR SUPPLIES THE LIVE ONES SELL. SHOES MEN'S Tho niuno (oIIh: Ilanniui, Flomhulm, Walkover, llenvywork. LADIKS' Tlio nuiiio tolln: Hannun, CroHH, Utr. it Dunn, I'iiiKrao. 8nn), Htvlo. Quality Comfort. Wo noil inoro RIioch than any two HtoroH in DllllnKB. WHY? Our fihocH nro Now, Frt'Bli Stock. Wo Kimrantoo them. Not bettor tlian tho bent, but bettor than tho reHt. Haryaln HiiHcnient. ALL PULL TOGETHER. Oregon, Washington and Idaho Form Interstate Development League. Spokane, Wash., May 20. An Inter, state Development League, embracing the representative organisations of Ore. gon, Washington and Idaho, and work, ing harmoniously for the good of the entire Northwest, is the project that was launched at the conclusion of the elaborate banquet in honor of the Port land visitors at Spokane. It was de cided to leave the working out of the details to comittees to be appointed by the Portland Commereial club, the Spokane Chamber of Commerce and the Lewinton Commercial club. It ia expected to have the orRanisa tion perfected in time to have the first meeting of the new Interstate Develop ment league held at some point in Washington early next fall. Mr. Wilcox's plea for aid for an open river met with a most cordial response from all the speakers who followed him. President J. J. Browne, of the Spokane Investment company, and a former resident of Portland, made an exr9ptionally strong plea for aid. Mr. Wilcox very rleverly stated that the month of the Columbia was also the mouth of the Spokane, the Snake and every other river draining the Co lumbia basin. In asking the aid of Spokane in placing the work on the south jetty on a continuing contract basis, as he expressed it, "so some of us will live long enough to see it fin isbed." JOHN VAN ZANTE Democratic Nominee for County Judge Pledges prompt and per sonal attention to all County and Probate Business. GOOD ROADS THETOKEPOINTQYSTERCO. 29 Second St., Portland, Or. Tulophonu MAIN 693 Sols Growers of the Cilibntii Toke PointOysters An Entern Ojriter Transplanted and grown on our beds at TOKELAND, WASHINGTON "UNEQUALKD IN FLAVOR AND FUEBHNK83" Cannery at South Bend, Wash. Wholesale Dealers in All Varieties of Native Oysters. sSISSsSiiiiMy!3 Summer Outings IN Yellowstone Park The Finest Place in America for a vacation of a week, a month or the season. Special Excursion Rates East in June, July, August and September during Park season. Tickets will permit of Stopovers, affording an opportunity to visit the Park at a slight addi tional expense. THE REGULAR ROUTE iS VIA TWO TRAINS DAILY TWO seHfi TWO TRAINS DAILY TWO 3S- k r nrrr s- . - x A Western Cracker Made for Western People Atk your Grocer for Western Crackers and Cakes Take no other kind if you want tho boat St. Paul, Duluth, and the East. Minneapolis Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Joseph and the East. Livingston and Gardner Gateway Is the Government Official Entrance Send Six Cents for Wonderland, 1906. Full Particulars on application at TICKET OFFICE, 255 MORRISON ST., COR. THIRD Or by Letter to Am Dm CHARLTON, Asst. Genl. Passenger Agt. PORTLAND, OREGON tJVl15i ' '.-CiSiikifc, niimuj WIIIMliMBI'PllliMMaSMiBBIftaiSSBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBMBBBliBiilBM -" . ..J. '-... gPiv.. ,.1,swJ? t "Tl, .TP1 ..' .. .. "..., j .T- m "- -" .ta4if 4iJijajUUkMl yyipv-L.-i. ao SJJJJJJJ