Portland new age. (Portland, Or.) 1905-1907, May 12, 1906, Image 5

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gfartlmti. Nmtt Arn
Free 30 Days' Trial Free
: iauuiyia :
KitablUhod 1890
A. 1). atlflln, Mnnngcr
(JTJ9KN AND feiJlSwrjHSn
Offloo, 43U Second St., cor. Ab, Uuoun 1 nnd
2, 1'ortUnd, Oregon.,
To Iniura publication nil local ncwit mutt
Mach ut not lator than Thursday morning ol
ach weak.
Buhmlptlon price, ono year, payable In ad-
, f l.VV.
t 4
A chnTmlng .wcddlnR wns thnt of
Dolllo Blanche and Mr. Cash Vnnde
host last TucBdny nlRht at Uic Allen
A. M. K. church. Tho church waB
beautifully decorated. Mendelssohn's
wedding march was played by Mrs.
E. P. Edison and tho ofilclatlng cler
gyman was Rev. Freeman. Tho brldo
loolted very handsomo In her prin
cess gown of whlto silk radium. Tho
brldo was given away by Mr. Dragcr.
After tho ceremony tho reception was
hold nt tho residence of Mrs. D. W.
Gibson, tho houso being beautifully
decorated. Refreshments woro
served. At 12:05 tho brldo and groom
mado a flying trip to Portland. Thoro
woro 160 guests present.
Meredith BellB good butter, 1100
Commercial street, Tacoma, Wash.
Free ono car tlckot with each 1.00
purchase of teas, coffees, canned or
packago goods.
. MIbb Mabel Walker Ib 111 at her
Miss Dasslo Lawhorn Is 111 at her
Mrs. JohnBon nnd dnughtcr mado a
flying trip to Seattle.
Mr. Alfred Turner, of Victoria, wbb
visiting In our city last week.
' Mr. Chester Illrd. of Seattle, was
visiting In our city last week.
Mrs. Ethel TI III. of Portland, who
was visiting MIbb Mnbrl Walker, of
thin city, mado a flying trip to Scattlo
Mr. and Mth. Vnntleliost, tho brldo
nnd groom, hnvo Just ruturnnl homo
from their honeymoon In Portland
nnd roport hnvlng had a delightful
trip. They are now at their real
donco, 1010 South Yakima nvenuo.
Always auk tor tho Union General
Arthur eignr. Ksberg-GunBt Cigar
O., gonerul HRontn. Portland, Or.
Tho p I o
neer paint es
tablish m o n t
of Portland li
that of F. E.
Doach ft
Company, of
135 First St.,
the oldest
find .most re
liable bouse
of Its kind la
tho NorthwoBt. It carries an Immense
stock of tho host things In paints and
building materials, togcthor with an
unusual list of specialties. Those who
need anything In thoso linos can cer
tnlnly profit by going to F. K. Reach
& Company. Romombor tho number,
135 First utroot.
Tho Illinois Central maintains tin
oxcollod sorvlco from tho west to tho
oast nnd south. Making closo connec
tions with trains of nl transcontinental
lines passongors aro given choice of
routes to Chicago, I.oulsvlllo, Mem
phis nnd Now Orleans, nnd through
thoso points to tho far east.
Prospoctlvo travolors desiring In
formation as to tho lowest rates and
best routes nro Invited to correspond
with tho following representatives.
B. U. Trumbull. Commercial Agont,
142 Third St., Portland, Oro.
J. C. Llndsoy. Trav. Passongor Agont,
H2 Third St.. Portland, Oro.
Paul R. Thompson, Passongor Agont,
Colman nulldlng Seattle, Wash.
"Tho Pioneer Limited" St. Paul to
"Overland Limited" Omnhn to Chi
cago, "Southwest Limited" Kansas City
to Chicago,
No trains In tho sorvlde on nny
rnllroad In tho world equals In equip
ment that of tho
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul
Thoy own nnd operate their own
sleoplng and dining cars and give
their patrons an excellence of service
not obtainable elsewhere. Berths on
their sleepers aro longer, higher and
wider than In similar cars on nny
other line. Thoy protect their trains
by tho Dlock system. Connections
mado with all transcontinental lines
In Union depots.
H. S. ROWE, General Agent,
134 Third St., Portland.
UNftuvrotiMv Amarem.
A Western Cracker Made
for Western People
Ask your Grocer for
Western Crackers and Cakes
Take no other kind if you want the best
(WlPiirriiinir wniiinwimtmMniwwHWiMMiattMIMJaiaw
The "Ilnlnneo of ZVntnre."
It Is a law of naturo thnt some of
the lower anlnmls prpy on others. Per
haps It has often occurred to you that
some provision might have been made
for the nnlmuls to sustain life In some
other wny, say, by eating vegetation,
or somo other product of the earth,
Instead of each other. Hut if that
were tho case, the lower animals would
multiply too fast, nnd to avoid this
there Is what tho wise men call tho
"balance of nature," by which tho pro
duction and destruction of animal llfo
Is adjusted for the benefit of tho whole
Mnn sometimes Interferes with tho
"balance," as happened In France, somo
tlmo ago, when so many smnll birds
were killed that the caterpillars de
stroyed all tho vegetation In certain
places. Nature always knows what sho
Is doing, nnd It Is best not to lntcrfcro
too seriously with her plans. Bo far
as tho slaughter of smnll birds and
somo largo ones Is concerned, It Is not
only unwise, but cruel, for thousands
are slain every year merely that their
feathers or Iwdlea mny bo hnd for dec
orating tho hats of women nnd girls.
Jrreml' mid Josephine.
As Jorcmi' nnd Josephine
Woro wnlky-tnlkliiK on tho green,
They mot a mnn who boro n dish
Of (nnj thing you like to wish I)
They stnrod to xeo the mnn no hold;
They really thought lie must bo cold,
For ho wiim elm!, though chill tho dny,
In (anything you chuoso to any I)
The mnn returned their ntnro ngnln;
Hut now tho story gives mo p.iin,
For ho remarked In scornful tone
(I'll let you mnnngo this nlouol)
And thero Is even worno to come;
Tho mnn, I'vo been Informed by ome,
Inflicted on tho lilnmolcm two
(I leavo tho punishment to you I)
Thin simple tnlo Is thus, you see,
Divided fnlr 'twlxt you nnd mo;
And nothing mora l'vn heard or teen
Of Jcreml' or JoHCphlno.
St. Nicholas.
A Little ISxperlment.
Lny a pleco of oilcloth on tho carpet
In your room and let tho room got good
and warm, Walt suvernl hours, If you
wish, until everything In tho room hns
had a chauco to reach tho samo temper
nture. Then touch your bnro foot to
tho cnrjet and the oilcloth, In turn, nnd
tho oilcloth will be found much tho
colder of tho two.
You know thnt tho oilcloth ennnot
really bo colder than the carpot, for
they arc both subject to tho samo de
gree of hent, and must necessarily bo
of tho snmo temperature. Why, then,
should tho oilcloth seem to bo so much
colder? It is simply boeauso It Is a
good conductor of bent, while tho enr
pet Is not. To put It more plainly, tho
oilcloth carries tho heat away from
your foot so fast that It gives you a
cold sensation, but 1he carpet carries
hardly any of the heat away.
A HtrniiKtt Cut.
High among tho mountains of Tibet
lives a beautiful cat that hits never
been seen In this country.
It hns tho most lovely bushy tall, and
Is marked with many coal-black rings.
Its coat has exqulslto shading of choc
olato and yellow, making It probably
tho prettiest of tlni small cat tribe.
In genernl appearaneo It Is llko our
pussies, but It Is n snvago llttlo animal,
nnd so fnr tho only specimens that
have been brought Into Kuropo or
America hnvo been dead ones, ns tho
hunters have been unable to tako tlieiu
It Is called tho Mnnucl cat, nnd, now
thnt something Is known about tho
Tibetan country, probnbly these pretty
creatures will bo brought to the Zoo
logical Gardens Iwfore long, nnd mny
not bo so dlfllcult to tamo as they nro
Imagined to be.
School I.lfe.
Off to school In the morning;
Back to our homes nt night;
Nothlnr to do the livelong dny
But study, learn, and recite.
Oh, yes, there's recess In the forenoon ;
And nn hour for luncheon, you know;
And recess again In the P. M. ;
Thn off to our homes we go.
So thus the hours bring changes,
A medley of study nnd play ;
And the school child's life Is full of fun
From dawn to the close of day.
AVIiy lie Xemltn! Help,
"Will you plenso open this gnto for
mo?" snld a youngster to a gentleman
! xi'lin wna nnsslliL'.
Tho gentleman did so. Then ho said,
kindly :
"Why, my boy, couldn't you open tho
gate for yourself?"
"Because," said tho youngster, "tho
paint's not dry yet Look at your
Wkat'i la a, Name.
Some of the requests at free librar
ies for books are intensely funny, ow
ing to the way In which the borrowers
muddle the titles of the volumes. Here
are a few authentic unreasonable ds-
niands : "Helen's Wnter Rabies," "Tho
Cluster on the Hearth." "The Aristocrat
of tho Breakfast Table," "The Sacred
Letter," by Hawthorne j "Alsop's Fn
bles," and "The Crocket Minister," by
Tito Conundrum.
When Is a bonnet not a bonnet?
When It becomes n woman.
If nn egg were found on n music
stool what lweui would It remind you
of ? "The Lay of the Lnst Minstrel."
Suann II. Anthonr "til Not Want to
11 o Hither Druilice or Doll.
Whllo sho was a schoolmistress Miss
Anthony received it number of propo
sals of mnrrlngu anil evidently ut that
time sho was Impressed to some extent
with tho traditional necessity of mnr
rlage. A dozen suitors mado tentative
overtures to her, but nono of them
seemed to bo nblo to draw from her
tho declslvo "yes."
Ono dny sho was riding home from
a meeting with a well-to-do young mnn
of tho neighborhood. Without nuy spe
cial warning so Miss Anthony main
tained ufterwnrd ho turned to her nnd
"Will you have mo?"
Miss Anthony, llko her box general
ly, pretended that sho did not under
stand what ho had said. Sho mur
mured: "What for?"
Then tho bold suitor mado himself
more plain. Ho blurted out: "Will you
marry me, Miss Anthony?"
Then ho began to tell her of his flno
homo nnd excellent prospects and she,
llko all other women sluco tliu worlfl
began, listened gravely to his fervid
avowal. Rut at last she remembered
tho training of her young llfo and told
hliu sho would consider tho proposal
very seriously.
This sort of n reply did not satisfy
tho headstrong lover. Ho persisted.
Tho young woman remained firm. Huo
reiterated that hIio must glvo tho ques
tion very serious consideration because
If sho married sho might hnvo to give
up her chosen work, nnd such a mo
mentous matter ought not to bo settled
In n moment.
Then sho went to n nearby town and
remained for n week, speaking- beforo
mnny large gatherings on tho question
of woman suffrage and thinking con
stantly of tho other question tho ques
tion of mnrrlnge. During tilt's inter
val tho young mnn snw nnothor girl,
proposed nnd Immediately married her.
When sho heard of this Miss Anthony
was naturally somowhnt chngrlncd.
Lntcr In llfo sho expressed thoso
views on mntrlmony: "I novor loved
any ono so much thnt I thought It
would Inst. In fact, I never felt thnt
I could glvo up my llfo of freedom to
becomo a housekeeper. When I was
young If a girl married poverty sho be
ennio n drudge; If sho married riches
sho became u doll. Had I married nt
lit I might hnvo been cither a drudgo
or n doll."
And sho nlwnys added nnlvely.
"Think of that cholco?"
So sho lived a spinster to tho end,
nnd. undiverted by tho cares of chil
dren or of a husband, attained tho
leadership of tho forces nctlvo In 1m
half of woman's legal rights. Boston
One of tho Cnril Trick.
One of the tricks of a well-known
slclght-of-haud performer Is to tnko u
pack of ordinary playing cards, tear It
In two In the middle with ono twist
of his wrists, nnd then tear each of the
hovered hulves In two In tho snmo way.
Tho entire operation occupies only a
few seconds.
At tho hotel whero ho was stayliig
during his engagement In n largo west
ern city n few years ago, a guest who
hns becomo slightly acquainted with
him said to him at tho breakfast table
ono morning:
"I'd glvo n pretty penny to know
how you jorform that trick of tearing
up a full pnek of cards as if It woro
a sllco of cheese. It looks easy, but
to my mind It Is ono of tho most mys
tifying of all your performances."
"I don't mind telling you how it Is
done," said the mnglclau. "It Is ono of
tho simplest tricks I have, but It re
quires n llttlo training, of course. You
tako an ordinary card, grasp It firmly
In your hand, and tenr It across tht
middle. Tear tho halves tho snmo wny.
Do this onco n dny for a week.
"Tho next week you tnko two cards,
hold them together, and tear them up
tho snmo way.
"Tho third week you tnko three cards,
nnd so on until you hnvo been practis
ing the trick fifty-two weeks, when you
will And that you can tear up tho whole
llfty-two cards with perfect ease, Just
as you snw me do It last night."
"Rut," snld tho other, In astonish
moiit, "thnt makes It look as If you
did It by main strength."
"Yes," admitted tho magician, break
ing a biscuit In two with his muscular
hands and proceeding to butter it, "It
does look that way."
MIIU attentions to you have been
marked, have they not?" said tho
young woman's experienced friend.
"Oil. Tea. Ho has never tnkpn tha
price ticket off any of hU presents."
WronK Dlavnoala.
41.01. h hno nnnnn.iinwi.
Old Doctor Nonacnaul n'l lnrv
la only 912 a wwk.
The Greatest
Household Convenience
Of the Age
New Model Electric Flatiron
Fill In Coupon nnd mail to us nnd you
will receive free of charge an
Seventh and Aider SU., Portland, Or.,
Gentlemen: You may deliver to mc
One Electric Flatiron, which I agree to try,
and, If unjatufactory to me, to return to
you within 30 days from date of delivery.
If I do not return It at that time you may
charge same to my account at $4.00.
It u understood that no charge will be
made for the Iron If I return It within 30
Portland General Electric Go,
Seventh and Alder Streets
Tho BoHt HntM
Tho BuHt FurnlMhlnjEM
Tho BcMt Trontmont
Sixth and Wabatha
ST. PAUL, Minn. For Men Only
For Klrtt-Clani Work on Short Tlmo try tho
Oriental Laundry
TUU. 3U3.
62-04 W. Tenth St.
Minnesota Butter & Cheese Co.
Wholoiitlo Doalerv
Veal &
"The JutlKti Demand the Best"
Key Wt Gear
Ten-Cent Leader
King of Five-Cent Qeari
W. S. Conrad
t. I'uul
Telephone WS-ll. ItenMeiice Dale &fl3.j;i
John Grove Land & Loan Go.
Qreat Northern Railroad Lands
Seven to $15 per acre ii tho price, with eeven
annual payment at (1 lor cent. Intercut. The
Uinl of .S'o. 1 lUnl N'lioHt In Wiu lauioiu Ilea
Itlver Valley of Minnesota.
main omen
183 E. Third Street, St. Paul, Minn.
Itraneh Otllcen; t'rookntjn, Ada, Htephen,
Warren, Ilalloclc, Minn
Works BlSCUit Company
MlniKapjII.Tand St. Paul,
Manufacturer of Fine Cracker and
Cookie.. Uaed on All Dining Car. and
Bplced Crawfish Korvcil rroh Kvery Hay.
Clfttxott lloneh ltnzor Clitnis to Order, Any
Ysqutua Crnbs Are tho Heat.
The Quelle Cafe
C. 8. Ul'ItltlHT A CO., I'mpf.
Serves the Best the Market Affords
Makes a Specialty of Sea Foods
1520-22 Paclfc Ave. TACOMA, WASH.
Itcttiiurnnt Open AH Nl(tht
Renting Capacity 200
Olympic Cafe and Oyster Parlors
Imported Wines Liquors & Cigars
Headquarters Olrmpia Brewing Co.
Telophono Main K?
South Eleventh Street Tncomo, Wash
SBVl AV t Us
SBB ft I f BB
Hl laV 1 h 1
Interior of Compartment Observation Car on Great Northern's
New Train, the "Oriental Limited."
124 Third Street, Portland, Oregon
S. G. YERKES, G. W. P. A.,
Seattle, Washington
Call upon JOSHUA PEIRCE, 726 Pacific Avenue.
Land & Improvement
J.;0. AIXSWOKTII, President
Trust Company
Paid Up Capital $300,000 Surplusl$90,000
Deposits $2,000,000
Savings Bank Department
Int Semi-Annually on Deposits
Transacts a General
iiWmaiUti'J irmirtu tinm-am
MAM IN ANOGt., I'rop.
House of Fine Liquors
Phone Main 446.
Cor. Eleventh nnd Pacific Avenue
Morodlth Soils
Good Butter
1I06 Oommorolal SU
Taoama, Wamhm
the Mcdonald cigar go.
MU tho IllKhctt Urntlon ot
Mnntifneturctt liy tho bom fnctorlcn of Nor
Yolk unit Tumpn. Aim n ciiinploto lino o(
Imported Cigars, Cigarettes and
Smokers' Articles
Tel. Main 765.
956 Pacific Avenue
E. Regensburg & Sons
Havana Cigars
For Sale All Over the World
Offers exceptional Op
portunities for Real
Estate Investments.
JOHN R. ARKLEY, Sec. and Trcas.
TNO. H. HA K Kit, Vlco IWilon
Second Vim I'reHiderit
F. 1 HABKKLL, Jr., AmU. Ciinliior
Banking Business