ynwfflyvmyAfi Hfl7 wHHW0ftt"py-;iiymtjig.'S; cat- THE NEW. AGE, PORTLAND, OREGON , I SPOKANE CASCADE LAUNDRY CO. A. J. RE1SE, Manager. Goods Called For and Delivered To Any Part of the City. 911 Bridge Avenue Telephone Main 286 SPOKANE. WASHINGTON E. H. STANTON CO. Wholesale and Retail Butchers Dealers in nil kinds of Fresh and Cared Meats. Jobbers in Hams, Uncon and Lard. All kinds of Hausngo a Spo clalty. Tolcphono 201. No. 212 Bernard St., SPOKANE, WASHINGTON The Crescent Bakery & Confectionery, Co 247 Riverside Avenue SPOKANE, WASH. Wo mnko tbo Original Pullman Dread. Clioico Pastry and Fancy Cakes. Wed ding Cukes n specialty. Confectionery and Ice Crcntn Parlors in connection. PHONE MAIN 1501 Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Retail The mod complete ttock of Drues and Patent Medicines to fee found in the Inland Empire. Prices guaranteed as low as the lowest. Our Prescription Department merits your confidence. 401 Riverside Ave. Granite Block SMITH & COMPANY Funeral Directors And Furnishers Lady Attendant Private Ambulance In Connection 117-119 Post St. SPOKANE, WASH. THE SLOANE-PAINE CO. SPOKANC, WASHINGTON Greatest Qrocry OK TIIK Northwt Iraportorsof Wines, Liquors, Delicatessen . Fruit and Groceries Wo mnko a specialty of supplying rrl vnto enrs. Send for catalogue .Mail ordora solicited. 521-523 SPR&DUE AVENUE New England Undertaking Go. -JjUJLi Fine funeral goods, Pine adult catkots, 925.00 (eautern price). Free ambulance, sua I'ost street, opposite poitofflce 1'bona if7'J erOKANE WASHINQTON II aBBJBW MmamWaamaamaamaamamm 8BBbS"ii9II 'flPQsrVnTRSsvMiiafGXul i INFORMATION ABOUT REAL ESTATE GLADLY GIVEN ROGERS & ROGERS OLD RELIABLE Eatahllmhod 1892 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON. mats S3MES(QEN a- sAb Bmmmmmmn STOP OFF AT SPOKANE And make your headquarters at THE QRESCENT The Largest Dry Goods Store in the State of Washington OUR STOCKS are as complete and up-to-date ai tboaa of tho large eastern cities. Whatever vou may need In Cloaka, Suits, Millinery, Dress Goods, Silks, Fancy Good, Gloves, Laces, Hosiery, Underwear, Carpets, Curtains, or in fact enything and everything usually found in a Firat-Clasa Dry Goods Store will be found here. NOTE Spokane Poatof fke Sub-Station No. S ia located right here in our store COUNCIL BLUFFS S. T. McATEE Fancy Groceries, Bakery Goods and IVIeats j Supplies for Dining and Private Cars Given Special Attention J j 230-32 Main St. 229-31 Pearl St. Telephone 191 Council Bluffs Iowa EVANS LAUNDRY CO Don't Neglect Your Negfigee Shirts lly having thorn carelessly or indlflbr ontly ironed. Send them to a flrsl-clans laundry, such ns the Evans, vrlicro thoy will recelvo proper attention, bo re turned to you clean and whole not half washed, torn or frayed. Goods callod for and dulivorod promptly. Modorato charges. Phono 200. 522 Pearl St. COUNCIL BLUfFS, IOWA r::vr::r"s : mimuula muni : at II. E. CHANKY, Proprietor. A. A. HOU AIM), Manager. Florence Steam Laundry THE GOOD ONE Established 1690. Telophono US Work Done On Short Notice 112-114 West Front St. MISSOULA, MONTANA THE GRAND PACIFIC SALOON Missoula, Montana. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Draught Beer, Fine, 5c. Bottled Beer, 25c. a Quart. All trains Stop 15 Minute. Opp. N. P. Depot. Just a Word About Rolls Mttle Itnlli ami Me Holla; plain Holla and fancy Itoll.j Holla (or tirvalclait; Holla for lunch; Holla for nipper allKoutlsorlaof Hulls Crow to perfect proportions ar the reliable alcery most people In Ml.nouU know about TEVIS & CRAWSHAW GROCERS AND BAKERS Hay, Grain, Flour, Fruits, Vegetables Confectionery, Etc., Etc 131 Higgins Ave. Missoula, Montana 5P0KAN6 II (JREA1TST JlUiL j ST. PAUL MINN. C. J. EHRMANNTRAUT Wholesale and Itctatl Dealer In MEATS 179 Western Avenue. 438 Broadway. Both Phones. ST. PAUL, MINN. CASCADE LAUNDRY o. a. kcmmccy, . Tetmpttonmn N. W. 120G-JI T. O. 1208 128 W. 7 th St., St. Paul, Minn. Alfred J. Krank (Bncceisor to UJHNMLL KIIANK.) DEALERS IN ALU KINDS OP BARBERS' FURNITURE AND SUPPLIES FINE CUTLERY . RAZOK WORK A SPECIALTY. 142 h. Sixth St.. Opp. Ryan Hetsl. St. Paul, Minnesota Aguilas and Seal of Minnesota Cigars ARE SOLD ON ALL TRAINS Kubles & Stock Co. MAKERS ST. PAUL - - MINNESOTA Model Steam Laundry Illeo-rhllllps Mry Co., Proprietors. Office 156 E. 7th Street. Laundry, cor. Sixth and John its. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA EL FIRMA and DUKE OF PARMA CIGARS You Will Like Them HART & MURPHY, Makers ST. PAUL Established 1881 Incorporated 1900 GRIGGS, COOPER & GO, Manufacturers, importers and Wholesale Grocero 242-264 East Third Street ST. PAUL MINN, GEO. W.FUEKMAN 1'reildvnt 1'AUL.H.OOTZIAN bee, and Treaa. C. GOTZIAN & CO. Manufacturers and Wholeiale Dealers In BOOTS AND SHOES Proprietors of MINNESOTA SHOE CO. Factory: Cor. Fifth and Hoiabelsts. taleirooms and Offices, 'Hi to 20 Inclusive. K. Ulth St.. ST. PAUt, MINNCSOTA. Jlranch Factory: Chippewa Falls, Wis. Hranch: Portland, Die. tW" Exclusive Northwestern Agents far Wales Goodyear Rubber Goods. P.J.BOWLIH LIQUOR GO. Wholculc Dealers In Imported ana Damatlc' Wines and Liquors in m in Jiiiih It St. Paul Minnisota. bKbbB Mgtinf ILj awt. m WfJJ 8ho I wonder what ailment th kissing genu causes. He Palpitation of the heart Chicago News. "Have you met him socially?" "Dear me, no. Only in a business way. I married Ills daughter." Life. Wlgg Do you believe that every man has his price? Wagg No. Lots of men glvo themselves uwny. Phila delphia Hccord. "Vou two aro thrown together a great deal, nreu't you?" "i'ou bet We rldo home on tho samo car at six o'clock." Cleveland Leader. Ethyl Did Annette get anything out of her brcach-of-promlse suit? Habctte Nothing nt all; tho mnn decided to marry her. Detroit Freo Tress. Hurduppc If you will let mo have n fiver I shall bo everlnstlngly Indebted to you. Mlscrlelgh Yes, that's why I mujit decline to let you havo it Town and Country. "Are they college meti?' "No ; mere ly college boys. Just freshmen." "Ah I thoy'ro not tho llntshcd product " "No; merely 'Unit material." Phila delphia Press. Curate (who Is going to descrlbo his llttlo holiday In lovely Luccrno) My dear friends I will not call you "ladles and gentlemen," aluco I know you too roll." Punch. Llttlo Hoy My innmiim has so much money that sho con buy everything sho wants to. Little airl That's nothing. My mamma Is so rich sho can buy nil tho things sho doesn't want. Puck. "Women don't hnvo logical minds I" said Shrewd bluntly. "Thoy don't need them If thoy'ro na lucky ns 1 am," said bis wife sweetly. "You seo, I hnvo you think for mo I" Detroit Freo Press. "Yes," sho sneered, during ono of their frequent quarrels, "I married you for pity, and nqw " "You don't get any," ho Interrupted, "for all our friends lavish It on mo." Philadelphia Press. , Cntlley No ; ho Isn't In our social Hot any more. Wiseman So I understand. Cadley Yes, ho dropped out somo tlmo ngo. Wiseman Why, ho gnvo mo to understand ho climbed out. Philadel phia Press. Teacher Johnny, for what Is Switz erland famous? Scholnr Why m'm Swiss cheese. Teacher Oh, somo thltiit irrnnder. moro Impressive, more tromendouH. Scholnr I.lmburger? Clovoland Leader. Jones There aro somo queer turns In life. Jinks I know It; I turned up at n girl's houso to-night, got turned down and turned out, mid now I'm go ing homo to turn on tho gas and turn In. Town Topics. Gaston I tell you, old man, Mls Wntkyns Is a mighty Rcnslblo girl tho most sonslblo girl, I think, I ever know. Alphonso I think you'ro right, my boy. I wouldn't ndvlso you ip proiwso to her. Somcrvlllo Journal. "Say, did you hear that Cholly Soft ed lintl had a serious oioratlon per formed on him lately?" "What was It? Appendicitis?" "No; worso than tlint IUh rich undo cut him out of his will." Ilnltlmorc Amorlcan. Mrs. Crawford It's strango where all tho dust comos from, Isn't It? Mrs. Crnhslmw Yes, Indeed I As far as I can seo, tho only thing nround tho houso tlint doesn't gather dust Is tho servant. Ilnrper's llozor. "What was tho most Important bill you ever Una anyuung to no wmw nsked tho Intorvluwor. 'Tho bill that did most for me," answered Senator Sorghum, "wns a bill for services ren dered." Washington Star. "You nre an angel I" tho young mnn declnred. "Nonsense," retorted tho do vout high church damsel. "Do you know that tho foromost religious dlgnl tnrles have decided that thero aro no nngels of tho femalo sex?" Pittsburg Post. Elderly Mnn (greeting former nc qunlntnnco) I remember your fnca perfectly, miss, but your uamo has es caped me." Tho Young Womnn I don't wonder. It escaped mo thro yonm ago. I am married now. Chi cago Tribune. J'l would proposo to you, but I fear tho effects of tho excitement. When I nm excited my heart beats so faintly .. . .. . in. . that It Is scarcely notlceitnie. "en, you know wlmt tho proverb sn.vH?" "What proverb?" "Faint heart never won fair Indy." Cleveland Plain Deal or. "Judge," hold Mrs. Stnrvein to the innglstrnto who hod recently eomo to lioord with her, "I'm particularly aire lous to hnvo you try this chicken soup." "I hnvo tried It," replied tho magis trate, "ami my decision Is that tha chicken hnH proved nn nllbl." Phila delphia Press. Mr. Hrowno I regret to say, dear, that or concerning that birthday gift I promised you er diamonds lire up In price now, higher than I con afford. Mrs. Hrowno I'm Krry, dear. Mr. Hrowno Yes, It Is n disappointing Mrs. Hrowno Yes, it's too bad that you'll have to pay moro than you can afford. Philadelphia Press. The pretty girl with the auburn hair hod refused him. "I never dreamed, Mr. Smyklns," sho said, "that your at tentions to mo were anything mors than thoso of n friend." "Oh, you didn't I" growled tho young mnn. "You thought I had been coming here regu larly onco n week during the last six 'months merely for the pleasure of seo ,lng you eat n 50-ceut lox of cuudy. did you?" Chicago Tribune. : SEATTLE WASH SEATTLE TRUNK FACTORY Manufacturers and dealers In Trunks, Suit Cases and Satchels Trunks Made to Order and Repaired 817 Second Ave. SEATTLE WASH Til nit) and Coi.umiua Tiionk Main 1.1 BONNY & WATSON CO ( SUCCIH50RS TO ) BONNY & STEWART WNKIUL MltKCTOSS AMU KMI1ALMKR Udy Assistant AI- C.afH "Wach ways In Attendance. Ocaiue,, WaSIl. F. R. YERXA & SONS WHOLESALE GROCERS Expert Dealers in Tea and Coffee Corner Main and Occidental SEATTLE WASHINGTON I MINNEAPOLIS MINN. 1 NORTH STAR WOOLEN MILL CO. Manufacturers ot Blankets, Flannels and Blanketings Minneapolis, Minn. A. Hack haul O, A. IlACKIUIIL A. Backdahl & Co. DUUQUIHTH. OpMiite Milwaukee are fully vomxiuuileil. miebotith. Ilot. rtocrltloni 3U WaahliiKtuit ave- AlliniuiipoIlM, AllniiUHOtit A, 0, THOMPSON DRUG GO, Modern Druggists Open Day and Night Vou, Quality Chocolates-Exclusive Agency 'TWO STORES First Ave and Third Street Opp. Postoffice Nicollet Ave. and Fourth Street A. D. T. corner Minneapolis Minnesota HOT 111 f SM TTftHrtTTjTfjiFHBBsSSBr'lll BH rtAT noopy iron oRAwauoaJsIr .amWamLmam H sass .SSX BL SSslV sl F BrPSsW BZf FREIGHT RATESJ rnmM f ' M wLjM HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1 Ao raoi B aaB bb BBBBiiBiaisssjBaMBMamiHBaniBBiiBi mWraam 0 WRITE US mJ L Seattle, Waah. mmWmW BBSBaWBBa H BBSH BBSBBSB RUSSELL-MILLER MILLING CO. Merchant and Kxnort Millors o( North DaVota. Capacfty 2,000 Ham-Is Dally Jamestown, Vulloy City an Grand Forks, N. Dak. (JENfRAL OFFIOE, When in Seattle visit HAINSOfV & CO'S BUllurcl Ptirlors The Finest in tho Northwest 621-23 First Avenue SEATTLE WASHINGTON Trunks Mode to Order and Repaired l'hono Main 2810 SEATTLE TRUNK FACTORY H. V. STRAUS, Mr. Mhniifncturera nml Dealers In TRUNKS, SUIT CASES AND LEATHER GOODS 817 Second Ave., Seattle, Wash. "A Whiskey Without a Repu tation." Try It El Kader Bourbon Served at All First-Class Bars Tliia whiskey is novor sold until it is fully matured by age, and is guaranteed to be moro reliable and uniform in qual ity than any other whiskoy ollbred to tlm public. HENHY FLKCKHNSTKIN CO. Distributors WATER TANKS Fit Spruoe and Oodar Lumbar BoxShooks Cedar Shlnglom Grays Harbor Commercial Co Semitic, Wash. J MiNNCAnJLB mm. Yerxa Bros. & Co. Wholesale and Retail Grocers 4W, 127, ?J Nicollet Ave. Minneapolis, Minn Wear CYGNUS $3.50 SHOE Manufactured by North Star Shoe Co. MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA Pillsbury's BEST FLOUR Leads the World Made In MINNEAPOLIS MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA vV ' 3sV tiswc6ftjs:r kiiLk3tZ".!-i?1t-?? H.iixHiimiim'imkSmH?Mtinit -A- ,.- . i "H.l. 'VsBWOj'STa'ij. --..... . T?W"f -...-.-.t-nvrn:. ,c ....,, . "rr"-"iTrniiiinn.il I I ' '! irinim i. .S4tart,