SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR NEVUR DEBILITATES. Itii compounded entirely from OCMH, aud has become established luct, a Standard Medicine, known and ap woved by ll that Lava used It. and U now resorted to with eoniidencein alt the diseases f'f. mended ll has cured thoumu.ds within the List two year, who hud given up all hope of relief, us the numerous un solicited certificate in my possession show. The .lose must be adapt.-,! to the temperament of tht iudividmdtakingit, and used . as to act irenttv ou the llowels. . , - "fiat the dictate or your judgment guide yonni the use of wll cure Siik llea.laclu, .as thousands cui. tes .lv) ... rwentr .nin. tes, if two or three teaspoon! are take, a ,L coml"en.eut ot attack. All who use .t are giving thS:w.lh tLl,.viKorato,, and swal low both together. ...,, iA7t' Of K DOLLAR VER JJOTTI.h. 5als; 1 - Sanford's Family Cathartic Pills, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, ' And' put in glasa cases, air tight, and will keep in any cli- u,i?' c -i . niTil urrif! PIIX ia a gentle but active cSLSXSZr uscS in hi. practice z ,rom. .r'exp , rogaru l.n well know that dillcrent the reaciio. an. ..i.. tl... n' tel. of a II. i lie proiessi"" - inruonn ' , . I...- u'Wli Hut reference to tlnn uuimirucin. t.. T " of Wod and ...any diseases to which Heal . h '.r ,ao ",m uas to mention in this advertisement. Dose, oi.o to time. MICK, TIIRFE VI SI US. The I.iver Invigorutor and Family Cathartic Tills are sold bv the Druggist everywhere, and by I Redington & Co., Solo Agents for the Paeilic Coast, 410 and 41 Front street, Hun Francisco. nam sly: ' V AXILLA,. LEMON, OKASdE, PEACH, HITTER. AL MOND, ETC. THE.SK -Extracts posses in the most ,7c)dllfi,rr.: !. delicious taste aud inucli admired flavor ot tl.L enumerated, and for all cu Iiimry " ;n i. r,.A the most economical and convenient iSS of... "he ,h,vor. He pa, V e ada fsoid hv UKDINFTON A CO., 1 nparwai . street. Sun Francisco. lit Ullil Am Olio Who Trofesses TO UNDERSTAND ALL TRADES OR SCI- EMUJSS, unworthy aud biiouiu ai ou o . i c.wir "Pamilv Medicines i' .:n. nMnnniM f Thev Do not assume to ere a,, useases .. .... v . y . --v. - , hnva clevcu d Herein iiicuiciucs, .....w--- . Ear disease and time has proved beyond a qucs ... be certainty of these preparations. Thu. list : .1... t'..llitu-inr nii'dlCllU'S 1 COUlUriHi'B " inu"ii4 (ill KFF.NilKUO VEtlETAM.E PILLS i MAKSII ALL'S UTERINE C.U'IIOI.ICOX i if It E FK X H K K( I'S SAUSAPAIULLA ( ii-KFKNHKUU'rt P1I.K ltKMKI ; It KKKXHKIMM l.YSKX VF11V S ULP i (ill EKKNllKlttJ FKvV.'l AN I)' AOtIK REMEDY ; ()!i!kFKN ilKKti M ANLEL ObMlEAl.VlI. Tor sale by all Druggists throughout the State. nKSIWIAI. ai:nt: . RFDINUTON A CO., Wholesiilo Drun'ists, 41ll and 41S Front street, San Francisco. Bloom of Youth, -Olt- LIQUID PEARL, REU-TlFYlsa A.l VRKShiVI.XO COMPLEXldX AMI SKIX. THE roit MOST ISTAWt TOILKT ARTICLE VKU 1XVKNTKD. KKDISGTON A CO., Sole Audits for the Pacific Coast, 4U aud 41S Front street, Sun Francisco. Dr. Baker's Pain Panicea 14 composed entirely of healing gums '! vegetable oils and herbs. It ia perfectly sale lor the most delicate to use. lea." most aincerely say that I have ..ever known a.. v. however delicate, to be Injured by it ... tlx leas . . continue to asK me anucieu, " ' for t' following diseases. If they are not ea .s hed wit i lor l ie """"M . ,., ; beeheerfu v refnnd- us nea. ng pro , . - - . - ' ir von have Pain in the Stomach or liowcls, try a do. ,w . ..inMhi , nrir llin hurt or Pain ranacea .meniaiiy. ""-"" ' ;. : affected, and you will at once restore the proper action and "if'vou have. 'itruise or Wound, bathe it well will, the P.i . Panacea four times a day. It w ill n-lieve the pains and take out all the poison, and heal the wound ... a short '"Vf von are suffering from Neuralgia or Rheumatic Pains, the Pain Panacea freely, and lake a dose ot it inter nal, v morniiw. n.H.i. and night i H will not only cure the nai.i, hot will remote the cause ol the disease. ' II von have the Dyspepsia, and your tod distresses rrnir Stomach after eating, take a dose of Pain I anaeea knrrrTm iiZaVankercd or Sore Mouth or Throat, apply the Pain Panacea to tha parts, and gargle the mouth or throat ll.r, or four tunes a .lav If v.m have the l.u-a, or a relaxed slate of the bow els lake a few doses of the Pm Pa.weea. and they .11 So. ., be re-tond. If yin bait a painful sivelling. h.. hr the parts fni lv, and you will soon relieve the pa.,., and the swelling will be reduced. If you have a .even- too time e. app v Hi. Pain Panacea on a mece of cotton, and ... he ll.e g . ..'at the same time; .t w.l. stop he pa... '' k If von have a pain in the Breast. Side. It... k or K.dneja. bailie the parts affected morning and night; at the same time take a dose internally. . If r. mother has a Caked llreast, rrly thePs.n Pa.aeea at hoi as it ran be borne. ... . . If you feel .hillv or celd, as. bongo y.u were gomg to liare'a fever, take a dose of Panacea. If von he a wound, cut, or galls on your linrso, apply he Pain Panacea; it will take out .1.. ""'"'' ,.l the sore in a short tune. Sold " I" '"! reggists, and bv RLUIM.TON A . 41.1 and4U Front street, Sau rT M i.lir. WITIUH.'T HKAI.TII, V aud how few are tree from the numerous ailments ariMi.g from an impure .tale of the I.I,khI 1 He t,m,.. and pur.fv your blood and restore h,.l h, I y Snull s III.hhI and Liver Syn,p-tl.e be, bl.w I known, as the numerous cerl.tiratesof remai kaWe urw, in the hands ol the pn.prielors, nn....l.o..tly As .Spring remedy, to purify and cleanse the bhd. ,.avmg it free from all humors and impurities, we as.. U w,.h conhdeneeth-t there is no better t.ian Ml VII.L S lil.OOI) AN. UVKRMRIJ-.,..;,;. "... Wholesale Agents, 4H and li Front street, .San Fia.iviseo. NO, OPIUM OR CALOMEL. Dr. Win. Hall's Ualsam fur the I.imgs lias no equal as a lun: medicine, and is especially adapted to the Constitutions of females and those sullerii.j; from Consumption or any Lung complaint Give it a trial. Itcdinton & Co., Wholesale Agents, 41 and 418 Front street, San Francisco. SCOVILL'S Sarsaparilla & Stillingia! OH BLOOD ANDJLIVER SYRUP. It is hereby recommended by physicians to cure the diseases havinir their origin in disordered state of tiie blood: Canker, Ulcerations and Enlargement of tho Joints, Can cerous Tumors, Erysipelas, King's Evil, bt. Anthony s Fire, White Swelling.', Obstinate Eruptions, Pimples ou the Face, Rheumatism, Blotches, Pustules, Dyspepsia, etc.; Syphilitio mid ilereureiU Affections are eured ; Chloaosis or Obstruction in Female; Lencorrhea or Whites, are relieved by the useof this Medici ne. The medical properties of Sarsaparilla in conjunction will. Btillingb. are well known by allnieuicat men to peine best compounil ycl uncovered cicidm m pumj : blood, Biid eradicate all humors from the system. We have given tde receipt to most physicians in the conutrv, that they may know what they are usiii(r, and will continue to send' it bv mail to those desirous ol knowing the ingredients entering into this composition, that they iniiv prescribe it in their practice. This preparation stands at the head of the list or reme dies for curing all diseases nrising from impurities of the blood or diseased matter lin king ill the system. 4 Thousands who have used the Stillingia and Sarsaparilla will testify to its remarkable effect in moving nil impuri ties from their blood, giving tone and vigor to the whole human frame, and restoring a healthy action to all the function of the body. The testimonials received in its favor from ninny mem bers of the Medical Faculty would, were we to publish them, till a large volume. It is prepared under the supervision of one of the oldest and best practical chemists ill the country, (Mr. W. S. Merrill, Cincinnati i, so as te insure a uniformity ot com position and purity in all the ingredients. As aspring remedy, to purity and cleanse the blood, leaving it free from all humors and impurities, we assert with eimtidpnce there is no better remedy. Sold by all Druggists, and by " REDINGTON A CO., Agents, 410 and 41 Front street, San Francisco, To whom all orders should be addressed. tfo-ly dish's Infallible ; HAIR . RESTORATIVE, Foil RESTORING GRAY HAIR OR1C8E3AL COLOR. It prevents the Hair from falling olT. It cures Baldness and removes nil dandfull' from the head. It allays all irritation ot the scalp. It cools and refreshes tho head, and imparts to the hair a healthy lively appearance. P. H. The properties which remove dandruff and aci'ltB from the head, ullay irritation and free tho scalp from hu mors, renders Ihis article invaluable us a lotion in till en laneous affections ; such as Itch, Rash, Salt Rheum, Chil blains, Erysipelas, Ringworms, Shingles, Hites and Stings of Insects, and ull eruptions of the skin, especially tl'ut caused by 1'iiinnt Out. This oiilu irenuine article is put nn in Vint Bottle, and has tho written signature of S. JIM, the oriyinul proprie tor ami mnnuftttturer, on the label and wrapper, llcwarc of all put up in different style, which is eviinterjeit. REDINGTON & CO., WHOLESALE AGENTS, 409 and 411 Clay Street, San Francisco. R. P0RTERFIELD. AG NT, STOCKTON, A. S. McCLURE. 1-Sm For sale by Dr. William Hall's IJalsam for the Lungs CONSCMPTIOV. ASTHMA, NIC.IIT SWEATS. SPIT TINO Ll.OOl), ( 'OI.DS. COL'UII, INFU'KNZA, PAIN IN THE SIDE. AND ALL DIS KASES OF TIIE LL'NliS. Dr. Win. Hall's llalsiim for the Lungs, in all cases gives the host of satisfaction. Dr. Win. Hall's Rnlsnm for (he Lungs, has wrought more cures since its introduction than any other cough uieili Dr. Win. Hull's llalsam for the Lungs, is endorsed by your lending physicians as the satesl auU ucst re.ue.iy now Ki.fitro the niihlie. Dr. Win. Hall s lialsain for the Lungs, is safe to use among children, and yet powerlul in cases of chronic pulmuiia rv .lisease. Dr. Wm. Hall's Unlsam tor the Lungs, brings in certificates upmost daily, of its wondertul cures ... ull parts ol the ptintilrv. The more striking proof the intrinsic worth and cxcel- Ull. WM. MALL'S BALSAM for the I.UM1S, slinwn in the rauiditv with which it becomes a Kcneral favorite with the people. There is nothing of a similar nature but w hat is cast int.. the shade when the ltalsum has been thomnchlv tested. The agenta tor Its sale, the conn try over, in ordering new supplies, are very enthusiastic in its favor, saving: " It is just the thing; it acta like phartn; its effects are truly .iiKirieal." The purchaser should be very particular t'i ask for, and take none but Dr. William Halls llalsam for the Lungs which is warranted to give satisfaction or the money re turned. For sale by all Druggists, and by REDINGTON &. CO. Sole Agents, 4"V and 411 Clay St., San Francisco. HKlVnSTITOs at GO'S Superior Yeast Powders. llfARK ANTED to mako Light Sweet and nutritious V IIKEAD. E.iuallv adapted to T.. TV'S irT, Al vTHEIt I Kr i V 7s 'It" AV ll1 til ltT RTsrriT, ril l'K t.lMir.UniiEAlK 1 I t'.IKES E M.l. KIM'S. Warranted follv to any in the market. Ask for HKDI.NGTOX CO S V EAST POWDERS, and take no other, if vou would have uniformly goad bread. Manufactured and sold at wholesale, by REDINGTON & CO., 4 5 and 41 1 Clar St., San Francisco. IMJOOKr.YN I IOT1CU rouxEK am .v.i.v.wja streets, Xnn Kranctc. THE Proprietor of this well known and old es tablished Hxnse is still at his old tricks feeding the lmldic for the low sum of roi a im.i.i.aks per . ......I,.,. - fi.:- II. ....1 w.-rK. ami ll.e crv is " iiu inev eouip . mt iim,-i established in and the Proprietor proudly app-sls to its well kt.uwn reputation, and at the saiiw tune pledges himself te use eerv eiwleavor to add to the ennitort and of his guests. The Urooklyn Hotel WAGON will alwa be rraly on tlte wharf on the arrival of the steamers, to convey passengers and their haa-gnice to tbe House r.-ee of rhar'ae. To prevent imposition le positive and ee thai HROt.hl.YN HOTEL is painted in large let ters on the sides of the Oumibns. Hoard per dsv. 1 ! lloanl per week, ft M.-als, ..H-ts, - Lodgings, .Wis. Uxigings per week, l t ; Single rooms ,V. cent pernighl. JOHN hl.l.l.,Jr. June 1 1, -in Wheeler & Wilson's NEW STYLE SEWING MACHINE I NEW IMPROVEMENTS! NEW IMPROVEMENTS! NEW IMPROVEMENTS! NO LEATHER PAD! HO LEATHER PAD! NO LEATHER PAD! GLASS CLOTH PRKSSER. GLASS CLOTH PRESSER. GLASS CLOTH PRESSER. NEW STYLE 1IEMMER! NEW STYLE HEMMER ! NEW STYLE I1EM.MER ! . Tbe Greatest Improvement Invented. MAKING AN ENTIRE New Style Machine, Formerly the lastly celebrated LOCK STITCH, acknowl edged by ull to be the only Stitch fully satisfactory for Family purposes. NEW STYLE MACHINE. J'ltlCES It EDUCED 20 VEll CEXT. VHuCES 11 EDUCED 2. VEll CEXT. BUY TIIE WHEELER & WILSON! eT than any other Sewing Machine. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR! H. C. HAYDEN, Agent, Corner Sacramento and Montgomery streets, 49-Sm San Francisco. BUY None but the GROVER A RAKER Family Sewing Ma chine the best in use. Twenty different styles tor r ami- lies und Manufacturers. HONE So good us ft ROVER A RAKER'S. We now have Family Sewing Machines making the ' Lock" Stitch, ns well lis those making the eclcgrated " Graver A linker" Stitch. BUT Which Stitch is the best? Wo give our customers the privilege of testing our Machines making cither stitch, and exchanging if not at lirst suited. THE New No. 9 Shuttle Muchinc, for manufacturers, greatly ex els the more complicated styles of other makers. PRICE GROVER AND BAKER'S new slvla "Lock Stitch" Family Sewing Machine has manv new improvements for braiding, etc. PRICE $U0. AND Our "Orover A Itaker" Stitch Family Sewing Machines possess exelusivo advantages over nil others. They are uneiuulled for general Sew ing, und for Embroidery, liniid ing, etc., have no compeer. BAKER. Buy lone but the firover & Baker, either for Family Cscor Manufacturing. If you preferthe " Lock Stitch" or "(irover A linker" Stitch, a plain and serviceable or elegant and reliable machine ull tastes can be suited and satisfaction guaranteed. II. IIIKIWH, Aennt, 32!) Montgomery Street, 47 SAN FRANCISCO. TUALATIN ACADEMY. EDWARD A. TANNER, A. M., (of Jacksonville, III ) Principal. MISS MARY HODGDON, (of Ipswich, Msss.) Assistant. Tuition S, 8, 7 and 8 dollars per quarter of 11 weeks. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. REV. SIDNEY II. MARSH, A. M., Prks.iiknt, and Acting Professor of Languages. REV. HORACE LYMAN. A. M., PnorassoR of Mathematics. EDWARD A. TANNER, A. M., PaorassoR Elect of Ancient Languages. These two Institutions are at Forest Grove, Washington county, Oregon. Arrangements are being made by which students esn board in a club at about the cost of provisions. Hoard iu families is now fi TJ per week. lly help of Endowments obtained at the East, Collegiate instruction is furnished students, however small the num ber. The situation of the College is unsurpassed in beau ty and healthfulness, and ia in the midst of a moral com munity. The Library contains 2,.() choice books. I olleelions in Natural History are being made. Feb. IS, lsJ. HUMISTON, WILSON & Co., imi-oiitishs AND WHOl.KSALK DIALEKS 1 Fine Brandies, WINES' AND LIQUORS, Ftrt Vix Brick Slore, Front St., torntr of Out. rORTLASD, OliS., OFFER to the trade of Oregon and Washington Terri torv inducements second to no other house on this coast. Our stock consists in part of Fine Old Brandy, Ot;ml, Inpiiy & Co., J .mies Honnesey, A. Uoniott As Co., United Vinoyiml Proprietor, rinott, (.AMillon & Co., rniim of tho proprietors, L. JIarqiit, A. Storiette, And various other brands. Also, very choice OLD BOURBON WHISKY, Old Rye Whisky, And all other brands now in market. ruienoli nd Gin, St Croix nd Jamaica Ram. Cordials and Winds of .very (lescriptiorL Also, of our own bottling, which we claim to be superior to anything now in the market, OTARD, DITUY & CO. & C. MAtlQUETT'S OLD DOUKliON WHISKY, ot a superior qimliiy, and OLD UYxS WHISKY. Also, a general assortment of case goods, snd everything else appertaining to the Li.pior Truue, wiucn we oner ai San l iancisco prices. Jf Orders from country iner chants and dealers respectfully solicited. '. 1J. All liouors sold bv us are guuramecu in ue sieu- 1 . i .i:.......lii., .itch nine, ana as represent, eieepi niij'u. v- t , as Schnaiips, etc. V ortlaml, uregon, juiy oi, Hall's Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock and Idoide of Fotass. ti,;, n..l,rn.,.it nrvnaration has stood the test of six years with the California public who are justly coimid- . ... I..,.. 111. ... l.a m.i.pI.1 ereu as a coiniiiui.i.v m mu ,u.c,i, .n. during which period we are proud to say it has given more than satisfaction it has become the HOUSEHOLD REMEDY For Culifomians particularly, who, from much exposure, bad food, imperfect shelter aud irregular habits, suiter more from - - - . Rheumatism Than any community in the world; and we are safo in say ing that as a rule, California Rheumatism cauuot be cured thoroughly without a free use of iians sarsaparuia. It i thu onlv nronaration that will CURE Rheumatism, as thousands can testify who have tried the medicines of the Heat Doctors in tho country, wni.oui receiving any oene.u therefrom. In all cases it gives luiu.cuiute rcliul wtien takeu as per directions on the bottle. jtemaies In delicate health would do well to try the virtues of this remedy, as it insures a peculiar beneticial influence upon the vascular system not obtained by any other remedy. It quickly removes from the blood and other Uuids the im purities ot unlieniiiiy secreuons, wnicii eugeuuers a iuhu truiu of diseases, such as Scrolula. Ulcers, Roils, Blotches and Pimples on the Face and Ilody, Humors, Pustules, Tumors, Sores, Rose or Erysipelas, Tet ter, Scald Head, Swelled Neck, Liver Complaint, Lumbago, tiout, Chronic Sore Eyes, Cancer, Enlargement of the Ovaries, and discuses ot The Heart, are cured bv the renovating action of this truly valuable medicine. It acts like a clurm, purilying the b.ooii ol an morbid and corrupt matter, and at the same tunc strength ens and invigorates the entire system. Salt lUieum will positively yield to the medicinal powers of this reme dy, in conjunction with Hull's JCo.seinary tcrnte, it has cured cusesot over twenty years siaiiuing, .lie uiseuse covering nearly the whole surface of the body. Mercurial Diseases, and all diseases arising from Lend, Mercury, and Arsenic, such as Aching pains in the Rones, Dimness of Sight, Low Fevers, and worst of nil, Mercureul Rheumatism, are re lieved by one bottle of this remedy. Night Sweats, Wasting of Flesh, Spitting of lllood, Habitual C'ostiveness, and Piles thousands can'testify to the ettiency of Hall's Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock und Idoide of Potass in the above named diseases. It increases the appetite and thu llesh, gives a healthy tone and vigor tu the whole system, building up A New Constitution. As the constitution is the blood and this remedy thorough lv nuritios. elenses. and purees it of impure .natters, und at the same time stimulates into healthy action the whole Visceral Svstem, which is engaged in the iiiuiiul'acttire of the blood, 'hence the health of the whole system will fol low and a long life, with a healthy und cheerful mind sure 'mdicutions of a healthy bodv can be obtained by the most delicate person, by thoroughly purging the hlood in the spring ami lull ot the year, Willi null a oarsapRiiua, Yellow Dock, and Idoide of Potass. Imitations. Owing to the great and unparalleled success of th reniedv, hundreds of unprincipled persons seek to palm nil on tlie'piihlic, woiiTHi.Kss tiiaii called by the same mime. The (lenuiue Hall's Sarsaparilla coutaing neither Spirits, Mercury nor Arsenic. R..M l.v DrowisLs" J Dealers everywhere fr SI, and by r the proprietors, 15. IIALIj & CO, Ml and MS Clay street, San Francisco. T XT II 1ST 1) 11 S' FORREST WIXE BITTERS, The Greatest Remedy of iht Age. ...FOIl THE CUKE OF... Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, "Weakness of the Stomach, Or Deraugemeut of the Digestive Organs. " Turners' Forrest Wine Diltet ," Aro sure to regulntc the stomach, tho main avenue to the whole body ; Are sure to counteract llilliousness, when in a malarous climate ; Are sure to agree with the most weakly, as well as the most robust person ; Are sure to create a good appetite j Are very pleasant to the taste as a beverage, Are economical and cheap. All travelers should carry these bitters with them to pre . . , vent Billiousncss and Fevers caused by change of climate and water. Seamen should carry them to prevent Scurvy, Ship Fever, and the like, when they are deprived of cooling, nutritious vegetables. They are a very rich, nutritious Wine, formed by the addition of nine different kinds of roots, barks and herbs, making a very palatable as well as one of the most nourish ing Hitters in the known world. Sold Wholesale bv TURNER BROTHERS, Corner Washington und Franklin slreets, X. 1. Ninirara street, llurlalo, X. Y. Corner itroadway and Front streets, SAX FRANCISCO. And for salo by Merchants and Druggists, everywhere. Tl UAERS GIXG ER WISE. Turners' Ginger Wiuo ! ! Turner' Ginger Wine ! ! This article is prepared from pure White and Jamaica Oiuger Knot, ill such manner as to form the best and most pleasant Ionic ever introduced : and is an invaluable rem edv for Dyspepsia. Indigestion, and for all diseases where a gentle atunulant is requ.reu iu uriug " ...... healthy actiuu. One Million Gallon, in ISarrth ami Cases, told Annually ThrouL-lniiit the world, thereby proving its nnequaled and unrivalled merits, ll has received the approbation of the Medical Faculty throughout Ihe l'nited Mates, and wher ever known. S..ld tVhnlo.ile by TURNER BROTHERS, Corner Washington and r rsnkl.n streets, y.. Niagara street. Hottulo. S. Y. Corner llroadwav and Front streets. SAN FRASCISCI And for sale by Mereh.tnt and Druggists, everywhere. TURNERS' ESSENCE OF Jamaica Ginger, It is not only harmless, but it is eminenilv benchcinl in all cscs where a warm Cordial or a saitiful stimulant is re quired. Especially is this lb ease when thtr fs felt by the jaticni a sense o. exnauauim, anting num ..-..i.e. v. taijrue. Under such circumstances a few droia taken ia half a tumbler of water, with a little sugar, fll be useful. It will be found in such case a pleasant and elletive resto rative : on this account this Essence is a highly important addition to the voyager and traveler's portmanteau. It ia also importuut to the family collection of remedies for dis eases. This article, like the Olnger Wine, is carefully and elabo rately prepared aud selected from the best .quality ol aril clcs. It possesses all the true properties of the Jamaica (Jiuger, and we do not hesitate tu warrant it to be free from any aud every injurious or irritating propertiea. When there is a great Nausea of the stomach, or opprea- sion of Spirits, arising trom imperfect fllgestion, irom riding in a carriage, or from the motion of a vessel at ses, this Essence, if taken in accordance with the above direc tions, will be found iuvuriably to give relief. In ordinary Diarrhoea, Cholera, and indeed irr all diseases bv which the nervous system may become pros trated, and the uigestive organs deranged, tins Isaenso will be found most invaluable.- TURNER BROTHERS. Corner Washington and Franklin streets, New York.- Magara street, Jiunaiu, n, 1. Corner ilroudway and Front streets, SAN FRANCISCO And for salo by Merchants and Druggist ' i everywhere. TURNER BROTHERS, Manufacturers of every description of SYRUPS, CORDIALS. BITTEPiS, &C., Corner Front and Broadway streets, SJiV FRANCISCO CAL. June 5, lbG2. HOLIDAY CIRCULAR. A. Roman & Co.. BOOKSELLEES, Importers and Publishers, Not. 417 Itud 419 Montgomery Street, (Lecouut's lluilding,) SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. We would most respectfully Invite the attention of the Public to the Magnificent Stock of Holiday Goods, Wc arc now opening, comprising the latest and most bountifully bound uud illustrated Gift Books and Annuals For the coin in i; year, toirethpr with nn extensive nnd Io gunt utiaoi'tinent of Fureiy u mid iJomecttic Photograph Albums, FOR THE CEXTER TAI1LF, In new nnd improved styles 'and sizes plain, rich and fancy many in exquisite taste, bound in the lincst Tu-key Morocco or Velvet, with Cold plated Ornaments and Clasps, and suitable for Holiday, Marriage or I;irtU day (jilts. A UTO-VHO T'XIRA Pit A T. V. CJIS, VHOTO-ALB CMS UF VIC TIRES AM Vol'. fit VIIOTO lilliLES AXO VVAXKIi-llvVK.S. Our stock of these novel and unique articles, toclher with the life-like Cartt da finite Vnrtruitt for the am, is imtch the largest on this Co-.;st, and for vrriety and geaersl execllenie is second to none in the L'nited Stales. SUPERB FAMILY GIBUS, Elegantly illuminated and illustrated printed with mw anil beaiiiil'ul type, on flic finest paper uud bound in tke most substan'.ii l.:..:.nei', with inns-ire (.L-ps ai'.dOiaa- ?ms. rraycr Bock?, In evotT Tai ict." of aiitu nnd kUU of himlin, iI;in ori;h- Iv pnnnele.i Muioccu, with or willtotit Ciafjis, for the few. Krticuie or rocker. Elegant nnd Accurate HJiticn of the Pcetn, In Morocco Antiipie. from Homer to the liiore morteni I.oiigt't'llow, Teiinvson, .Mrs. llruwiiinjr, Miss J'roctur, et. STANDARD AUTHORS, Fine Library Sets of the works of Dickens, Cooper, Ir ving, D'Isrui'li, I'rrscott, Gibh(n, llnui.', ilooil, etc., as wll as the (Murtsics, Addison, Swift, etc. A J ho full sett of Holm's Tiiiiuible, IlIicmntcM,, Setentiiic, Cliissical. Ili.iturical and Antiquarian Libraries. WaWEiiLY NOVELS, Twenty diCVrcnt editions froni five to fifty volumes baiidnomelv bound. AMBROTYPE COPIES OF FIXE PIC TURES AND ST A TV AH V, Plain and elegantly framed, inclmlinir in purt, Ilnphael'a Miifloiinas, uud jrcnts fi-oni MuriHo, C'orreio, c i.aHoclie, l.andseer, llerrinir, l.unt, etc., more hciiutuul than engra- viiis, and much cheaper. Juvenile Books Including; I.inen Primers, Movevenhle Toy Rooks and choice single qolumes and sets of books for the vounjr; an assortment unsurpassed in quantity, quulitr and excellence anil to which we rcspecllullv invite the attention of fa tents and Teachers, and those havinir the care of Children and Youth. To those wishing to nurchute Gifts for the cominc Holf- days, (and nothing is more beautiful or more cherished than an elegant bookl, we offer hv far the largest stock of fresh and desirable good ... our line, from an Aldine Edition of the I'oeta, in 1 -' vols.. 18 mo. half: calf, extra uilt ; Encyclopedia llrittanica, 811. edition, 22 volumes, roraV quarto ; Audubon and Bacliman's Minis and Animals of Americo. in lo vols., rovul octavo, Morocco Antique and elegantly colored platea ; Down to the Hox of Mocks or Toy Primer. Feeling satis-, fled from the care used in i.urclnisins: and sclectinir. and from patronage already received, that no one need leava our Establishment without being satisfied in tase and price Orders fro the Trade and from Parties throuirhout the- Country aic respectfully solicited, and we pledge ourselves, to till the same with the utmost care and attention. Any desirable work, published within the last forty years, may be found upon our shelves, and at the qery lowest rates. A. ROMAN & CO., Xos. 417 and 419 Montgomery street, 4-3m SAN UtAXClSCO. $10tf REWARD. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD is offered for a, better Antidote for all affections of the URINARY ORGANS and PROSTATE GLAND " . THAU Dr. FlASK ALLERTOS-R Antidote and Hose Injection. The wont eases of Onxoaanoi are rdirallv cored by two or three bottles. Slight cases in two or three davs. Thist C reparation will do what no other remedy can, or has been, nown to do. vis r Cure every case, no matter how compli cated. Thousands en a testify to this fact, who had, previ ous to nsing Dr. Allerton's Antidote and Rose Injection, expended hundreds of dollars on worthless nostrums and: humbug doctors. TRY TIUS REMEDY! Two or three doses is sufficient! to convince vnn of its superior medicinal virtues. Tbe only restrieyiwt while wsing the Antidote is to avoid sll Spirits snd Rcer. or Ale. 'te sutv to ask lor Dr. IRAN hi AI.Fa TON'S Antidote and Rose Injection. Take it accor ding to directions on the bottle and it will cure yon. Ndd by all regular Druggists and Dealers in California.. Oregon and ltritih Columbia. Price for Antidote, l ,"k: Rose Injection, 1 of; Three bottles is nearly alwsvs suticienl to perform a radical cure leaving no traces of the malarfy in the system, which can. not bo truthfullr said if auv other known preparation.