. U jy nun attempt (a bal Aovtalkt Aart.i.R I la, .kuul bit 0 tsi..l l -Cm. Pit. l)c (Orcgou CVrgus. W. L. Adams, Editor. OftEQOW CITVi SATL'ItDAV, Al'(L'STJ7, 1861. m Oaly tl Alaaa.M " All. wo akk I to bu li t nlone" uid Jiff llavin in bit message to Ihe Montgom ery Congress-. "Oh, jm, that all the South wants a my returnable request truly," ku il the orjanj of treason in thii Stuttf. When Floyd, Cobb, and Tbom nn, with more than two hundred traitor of smaller caliber, filling Important post in th Government, wero bury during a good part of Bm.hahun' administration in rob binj; Northern arsenals and plundering the United Stated Treasury, to furnish rebel with tlio sinew of an Internecine war, then agreed upon, they were indignant that the people should call thorn to account fur their t.ulcial conduct, and told u thnt " all we ask la to bo lit Moiic." " Ii'i nothing tnoro than lair to let 'cm ulonc Just let . 'cm alone!" Bald the Portluud Advertiser, and all the Lane organ of treason said ' amen.' Well, everybody did " let them iiloue." Being " let alone," the rebels bo cuino emboldened to steal all the forts they could readily lay their hands on, and rob the U. S. mint at New Orleans of half a million of Government money, brides Gr ing into one Government vcfscl and steal ing several others belonging to Northern merchants. As the rebel boro off the well-stuffed bags of Government gold, they cockwl one eye at Uncle Sam over the lull shoulder, and owmrcd thu old gentleman that tliuro ahouldn't b.i a bit of difficulty ubont the matter if tliry wcro only ' let alone.' " All wcnsk,"uid tliey, " is merely to be let ulonc.'' They dug trenches, reared breastwork), and planted batteries all around Fort Sumter, threatening every day to demolish the fort or take it by Bturving rait tho garrison sending messages to Bit- eh, iimn in the moan time, iulorining him that "nil tliry asked wiih to bo let alone." liuclinnnn told tho rebels they should " bo let nliiiie," and forthwith sent orders to .Major Anderson to " lit them nlone." Abraliam Lincolu hiving committed tho iiiiuo of attempting to feed tho starving garrison, the rebels opened their batteries on Fort Sumter, riddled its walls, shot licr.vii tho American flag, net I lie fort on tire, and drove out the little squad of half Kturrcd patriots tilling tlio North "we have humbled tho American Hug taken a strong U. S. fort by forco and thero will bo no difficulty about it, if you only . let us alone all ice aik in to be let alone." On tho morning of A pril 1 3, tho day following the full of Sumter, tlio Richmond Enquirer announced that nothing was more ; bublo thuu that President Davis would i-....n inarch at. iirmy through North Caro mil Virginia to Washington, and ..-ili, I on volunteers to kop l'ir arms in .1) i-vt n(t readiness to join in t It's march. " Wo can tuko Washington, mid drive out Lincoln or kill him, if we are only let nlone all wo want is to he let ulonc," suid tho rebels. " Wo hope to hen Ten they will bo I, t alone," said the-Advcrtier. " Oh, yes, it's an awful thing to coerce," sniveled poor Water. Well, tho Government let them nlone, till tho North and nil thu rest of tho world began to be uniwd, and tho rebels began to think that they could go where tiiry pleased, and do as they desired. Tlio Richmond Examiner, ol May 16ih, review ing tho situation of affairs, siys; " Wo have taken i great many forts and hun dreds of thousands of arms without opposi tion. If all tlio Slave States will push for ward troops, arm, and provisions to the lino of tlio Potomac, tho Administration will probably fly from Washington In dis grace, without striking a blow. So fur the South has dono well, hut slio must do better, and do it speedily. Forces in large numbers threatening Washington will drive away tlio Government from that city, or fjrcj thu Norlb to rxpend its whole strength In the attempt to defend it. Tho Northern troops and tho Northern Government, in stead of invading the South, must bt betieg ed li the South? " All we ask is to be let alone, we will do it, if not coerced," uid Jeff DaTis. The Memphis Bulletin, vf June 8, say Tho troops in the south west long for an opportunity to go towards Cairo, nod wo fear their patriotic fervor will not oe inucn longer repressed. Lot the order to march be given, and not Cui ro only, but Evansville, New Albany, Can cinnati, Marietta, and Wheeling will all be taken, while tho Southern men will bo placed in charge of Louisville, and regular communication will be again opened from all points." " We will certainly do all thfs," anid Beauregard, " if they only let us alone." " Why, in God's name, don't Lincoln let 'em alone"? squeaks Slater's Union, while poor Curry whines out, " We're agin Lin coln's unconstitutional coercion." In tho mean time, loyal Uiiion-loving men and tromen in all the rvltcl States are net upon by the minions of Jeff Pavis, and, like the saints of old, have " hud trial of cruel mocking and scourging, yea, more- M...I j: r . . i. .. over, o. uuuu. am. ....prison..., ..try nave been .toned, they havo been aluiu with the sword," they liao been hulicd till the llooJ ron down their locerattd back', they have wandered around, liouitl.'f, homchw, nuked, and pnr.iud by blood hounds, wan deriiiL' in swamps and forests, hiding In dens and caves of the earth, being destitute, fllicted. tormented, of whom the slave- whipping empire was not worthy. They all suffered l.ko heroes, colling oa tho U. S. Gorcrnmcnt for protection, while tho toIco of Jeff Davis, hot iu pursuit along tho bloody trail of tho flying fugitives, can ' " ' IU w. I ftf (1,A l.l.,l.l,AHJ ,mw., suoiiiing lock iowuni i abuiugioii I .f I .1. . - 1 . I.! . ... II III we aik it to bt ht alone.'" Terriblk l'ln.ostox! Death or Can. Jauiksos! From on extr of the liritiili Colonist, at Victoria, we learn that on Friday morning, August 2, about 3 o'clock, the ktimnur Cariboo exploded her boiler shortly after leaving that port, destroying tho boat, and cnusing the loss of seven lives. Among the killed are the Captain, ...i.:..,...i T..,!.tn r t. ,i.t. ..ii. - - -vi his brother lately from Scotland, ossistont engineer, and John bpnrku, ir.ute, also formerly of this place. The chief engineer, Wm. Allen, was also among the killed. Tho Cariboo was a new and beautiful boat (this being her second trip), and cost about $35,000. Tlio coroner' Investiga- ttn.. -t,u wl ili ,ii.nte ,o ken been , . ,, , . ... , ... causru uj . ... " "oner. Capt. A rchibahl Jamieson formerly lived in this citv. and was well known in Ore- con as a commander on tho Upper Wil- " .. , lumciie. no was a man possessing raany fine traits of charwcti r-of plain, onassum- ing deportment mid had won tho regards nflinst.nf fi li-iiiln In thin trailer, all of whom lament hi. nntlmel. .leeenfo The mour... fill fatality which lint attended all brothers of that family on this coast I re- markable. A little more than four Tears niro. Arthur Jamieson was lost in tho ill- . .t t, , . laus ni 1 11 is pioce ihiui jamieson nan lilown np in tho steamer lale, on t rnser River, soma months siuce, and now loo .i.. i..h. t.... ,nnii,u I,. 11.. .m ... ... , ., ..u.u... .. ceded all four to tho spirit-land, dying in this city several years ago. They wero nntives of tho islo of Arran, Scotland, whero an aged mother still resides. Capt. Jamieson was about 35 yours of age, and the brother lost with him, about 40. The i residents .Mrssabb. within a few days past tho mail has brought us pa pers from tho East containim correct copies of tho Prcillei.t's M.ssigu to the Confess lat.-lv assembled, bv which wa ' T I nro enat.ua to detect somo lew error in tho telegraphic copy published on tins coast. Ouo in particular wo shall notice, We refer to that strung sentenco where ., ., . . ,. , . tho President, ... speaking of tho efforts I ueingnia.iu 10 preserve mo uovcrnmrni and our liberties fro in destruction, is made to s.iv ' A riu'ht result nt this tiino will Le.-n the Xorlh ,,:ore to the vork than .' ...... ., I tunca mo men mm urn units mo money. Wo felt convinced that Mr. Lincoln never penned nny such stuff as that, but nt tho 5ta.no time" wo could not supply the truo ...i. ,. ,f. ....i.i. ... . . tit il.i ei 'I h.i I'fniiliint e.itil 11 hit lit vn. I .....v.-. ... - "r."-'- suit at this time will be worth more to the irorld than ten times tho men and tcu tunes dm ninnev " Aitrfiiendku Ixi'iAS Tr.onu.F.s. -Xll- than Olnev. Indian A.renl. wrilea to ,10 Mountaineer that a powerful conibinntit.il is being made by tlio Indians to drivo the whites from their country. He thinks nearly every Indian east of tho Cascade mountains belongs to it except tho Wasros, Teuinos, and Stock Whitley's band of Dos Clinics. The Nez lVrees have long been The Nez lVrees have long been divided, soma for war and some for peace, hut the rush of minora into their country k... ,i....m...i .i ...i .i...- .... .... ei has deeded them, and they arc now for war. Ho learns that four whites have been niurdcivd in Tygh Valley by Indians. Mr. Olney is better acquainted with tho Indians than any man on this const, and his warnings should not pass unheeded. MfRPF.UKn.-Mr. J. Eg.uon, of Marion county, ju-it in from tho Nez Perec miues, informs us that two men wero found mnr- dered iu tlio Cascade mountains ncur Bar- ow's Gate. From a piece of paper found ill tho pockets of one, nn old tntm, it seemed (hut his name was Holt, of Snntinm. Wu- . mm .i i . I rion county, itio oilier appeared to oo about 18 years a age, Olid bore Several . i I , . f . . . . marks of violoncc-lus faco being cut in several places, besides having a bullet-hole in hi. forehead. The body of the old man was much decayed. Victor Smith, Esq , Collector for lue 1 nget Sound district, has receutly to- ken possession of the Custom House at p,,, T , , . , . 1 ort lownscnd and has made a clean sweep of the whole nine subordinates in that dis- Irii.f tr e.niik :. t . v .- i-i. tnct. Mr. Smith is from Cincinnati, Ohio, where he was formerly connected with the Cincinnati Commercial. In addition to puuuiuii i the nuioe of Collector, he holds the annoint- ment of Special Agent of the Treasury De- ' ' I partincnt for this coast. A rroiSTKD. Jonathan L. Stout has been appointed a Inspector of Custom for Shoal Water Bay, Washington Terri tory. Rssiovsd. The Collector' office for th Oregon district ho been removed to I Astoria, the legal port of entrv for tbia di-1 ... tnci. LA TER I ROM TJIH LAST. Tin Pony Kxpren with date from St I.oui to Aug. 1st, viii. I'l. Kearney to Aug. 2'1, arrived at Kene river, Hi mile cat of I orl thurclu Wakiiinoton, July 27l!i. The Potomac hi'lunr uM.ih"tou ciinitot bo crowiid by tho rebels. It is guarded by a large Na P","urc0- ' ""- w ''7 ... . , . . . ortiuizatiou of the ormy, by placing each brigade oud divhviou on a more tatikfactory basis. ,A rcconnoisance was made la.t night, by Ln.lu jar MAwnlraf Mini iii(.inti In llta uu'7 V"f """ '".' " '". "'v ... . I,,,..!-.- l ourt-IIousa. 1 lie f0llll(j .jm 0j tlio enemy except 1 . . . mounted picket guurd. Tho rebels have withdrawn from beforo our line. Tboir whereabouts is not known It is supposed Col. Cameron's body lies unburied on the field or In tlio trenches tho rebel chiefs had agreed to exchange prisoners lol- Lander win lie autnorizeii to sum' roon the " men from the mountains and plains," with whom ho was associated on the overland route. Cairo, July 28tb.-An Englishman fl0in die rbel conip, say all troops at Un- nl Citr navo rpt.fjv,.d marching orders- their destination is UirU a l oiut Ft. Monro, July 28th. A flag of truce came to Newport Acws this morn inff, giving our troops twenty-four hour to withdraw. A heavy firing was heard at IV i l'oint. WismvoTow, July 28th. Tho Federal prisoners hnve lust arrtrcd. J hey were prisoners oi ouuirsa cnurcn. ino enemy n,.kn0Wt.jKM li600 la,, and har 600 of 0, f pnsonera. Tho enemy cluiius to hare 42 Federal officers and 12 medical men prisoners. Ciro, July 27,-The rebels hare not approached nearer than cw Madrid, Mo jcff ThompMn( with 7i000 Arkansas troops, had arrived at Ft. Luke, M. Ho has been elected to a generalship in place Of nalkm Ocn. Polk ha refucd passe to all per- WAsnisoroy, July SIDtli. Adrice re ceired to day, says tho rebels are not con templating an attack on Washington, but on Harper Ferry Dl.pnrtnU.it to justify the report that Hanks has evacuated liarpers terry. Ho is instructed to hold his position, which is a strong one, Johnson army, when Inst heard from, KM 0( i8 w., l0 WHichester. Hnnks has been much weakened by the withdrawal or the 3 months' men. Govern ment Is prepared lor tins. Tho Fire Zouaves, since tho retreat, havo been in a state of insubordination, which reached its climax last night; acting lire. Gen. McCunn ordered out one of his regiments, suppressed tho rebellion and dis armed the whole regiment; nino attempted to desert, but wcro arrested and lodged in jail. cw loi,tt' ,U-It Vnva ,,ntra0 flt J'18 Conl'edj ruto troops gave tho troops lit piviinrt Atvv ll hdiirs in Innvn Wasiiinotox, July 30. Ilice, from tho cominilteo on uvnl affairs, reported a bill to onthorizo the construction of small side- l,wl "teamera of light drau-ht and great swiftness, appropriating $120,000. The J nre J BiJ Clin ,,lMietrato into bays ami inlets, mid car- ry one or two urnns. Tho bill to prohibit tlio sale of intoxicn ting liquors to soldiers in tho District of Columbia passal sj(iaulding offered n resolution, tho Senate concurring, thnt both Houses closu the present session on Friday next. Adopted. l tlia Sc..nto the Tariff bill was taken up and passed The Ualtimoro Clipper tan nearly 400 ' . negroes appeared nt r't. Monroe, und claimed protection. They say Hampton was to be attacked by tho rebels, and they havo been advised to lice to the Fort. Gen. Iiutler ordered tiiciu to return. A dispatch to the !Now York Tost snvs '" '" '"' 'S auunuing .1 I.. I.. !..... I i:.. - lhn I'olittnnp nf. l.m.Kli.ril Heanregard had sent parties into Lou don county, to proc.ro provisions und wagons. Gen. MeClellan had issued orders for bidding departing soldiers from tuking arms with them Loi'isvillk, July 30. Tho Kiehnmnd bunk Convention adjourned nfter endorsing 'h Confederate G 100 000 000 in Trwu loombahn resign Government to issuo easury notes. ......i i... e...i- c ... 1TSlir, 0f the Confederate Stales. Hunter 0f Virginia succeoded him. Trenton, J., July 30. Gov. Olden received a call from tho General Govern- n,e"1 ,or" "(iimeut lor 'w"- steamer arrived to-day from Brest via Hal- y .sniN0TO j.,lv a6.Tha r,('Auv. special dispatch says the Navy Department received a letter from Commodore Crn- ve" rll, 1 otomac fleet, dated on steamer We o,cn . tire on ihtm which ibev returned, wiih rifled cwnon, one thoi lukinff rffect in the "'"-wi-iiwww, vui uiu nuk iiw niucn uaiimiro. Tir. r. at l.t a reeim.ntoi ti1.m and hove nwuntfJ five eannoa or morn on 0.poile td of the cret k ihere i. .noiher rfjinuni of rell. Kllnp:oTt.0. of lh, GLumat m .rr.- "1 ve.i.-rd.y by order of Grn.Seott. .,,1, VtftSXl liheJiffDiiviim.il, whioli . muking reguUr iripa ix-uvcsn n aniiigiou end irgmia. .. ' "f n mt " pu"i;i for- Airxandri.. ""k. h. U.000 meo in hie eemm.nd yeter- ly. Six rtgiineatt have joined h ui wiihiu the lui eiehi h.iura. Cu.a.iie.o, V... July SO. We have an exci- ""ft" r"mor '"',ay of " "girment belweeo Col. Tyler of the 7.1. Ohio Keg'! at the head of 3600 ,,oor. "' t'0'- W'w.wuh 7,000 rehfhi, t Hulls- Tea , "r T!? v lo0U of Wwei niei. were killed and wouuded. V ie rttreatiug. Vhi,oton, July 30. Cot- Sum. armed bere ''1 'V''' F"Z '", Y'" P" dmawn rei.ntcd there. He uvi Gen. Bank.'. Mrongly in.te.Mhed, .nd can with.Lnd nv nttat-k. 1 Keinrorcemeni. .rtivinj diiily. Little w known u to the rebel movement Gen. MCIeil.n vi.itcd the Senile lo-dav. and .. w.rm'r received. Detachment, of earalrv Uft .,). t li.nv.,'. Ferry. Lteol. Col. Fowler, repurled killed. Wiuliiiiftoa. ie alive in (.oto. Hunter and lleintrelm.n are wrriug thallhey will emu rep.,rl for duty rapidly , Jl,,,ll"w? ClIT- Jul' 30 -TheConventioa to- d.y declared vfiil the olf.eee of GoTera.. Lt Ooxtmr, and Secretary of State, by a rote of M ... 85. .ml II.. 4t. uf pr... B...nbr- it lh. A.-iib'y ' vacil.d by v.ueof i'J m Ji III. I uMvmllun W llionow Kill .no. a liawtutr, e'.o. Jkii:w Citv. Mo., July 31. Tin Conven t . iIik mora e(j . leeird Hamilton It. (iamb'., of Hi. Liu'., Ouiur by AUjurliy.if 0i voir. l II U l.irnl. I.uv.ruiir bv lit V.acfc Na voire were ct n(( iiiit the cai.UU'iiet. I iy will be iitau,'uMlrd by tlio Cuuveiil.ou at ll.ree o'clock. . W'elilHaTN, Juljf 31 . Il rrpoMed amonff Mcewvintl. that the Maryland Mwia.uie wou.u allemut lo im a fi-MMoii urtluui.ee In arciel aiea, but ll.ejf ate elowly walvlird by 0n. tr.a i 'I here ie a rumor in the cty tu-d.y thai Gen. Ie 1. adranuing ou l,.riier fretry w.in a latye ixtce Col. How-nid i brnjale M Dmiiy llirueiug up r. IrvnRlinicni. riieniilr rrom Alrsanaria. rlvrn ad.i.lu.iial rei(iiiieiii have rune up In Ihi Chaiu Ilridg. Un. .Homing, where there are 30 or .iiAi-a retfin.euul altejulv UiMl.d. Nsw Yuaa, July 31. Col Fnrnhnin. of llio Fife Zuuavre, ie rapidly recevt rii.g. The Zuuarea received oideti of pay. Ilmurieatd. in li.a olTi. i.l account oflheanvnr al Bull's Uun. .ay. 4U0 wete killed auJ IfiW wAiniiled on hi. eide. Ci. iKTi. July 31. Gen. Cvx reached Car uey Iliiiljre on the ifjlli. ami eapiurel 1,011) flint l k n.uketi and levernl ke.; of M.wiler lefi by U'ue in hie t.lrval. The br l( w a. totally burn ed, and II ia lhubt tl.ut VVm weuM make a a.iiiid nl Lou..bu-g. where lie expected re.n.une ineula from the Kail, lie lott 1 .1100 men by do aetlion while Irating Cl.arleilown. la l.ii reitral UKn Kanawha, he burned a Dumber of briilgce, and earned off uioel of the wac and leaitu. Wmii.fnToK. July 30. Intoriruilion hu been r. ee.ved here, Ihul aui. e .lie ulUir el nun a nun, the rvb.le have a-cumuleted an Immeiwe tinny ol 2I0.UU0 men. Virgma, Net.b Can.l.na. Mii- eippi and Alub-itmi have agreed to double lue quo la already levli d on Ihem. ll anuear. that the rebel troops da not Intend lo make an altr k on ua. A l.ieulmaul who w.a captured and eacaped from ManaMaalual Mundny nya thai il waa not Ihelr h.teiilion lo advan.-o. Tho queeltou had been dncuHed, aud oen. Ucau regiird wai oppjeod ""l'h policy. Th New Yurk dvlrgatiou had a meet'ng re. lerdny t Crninir. of Albany prvpoeed Ilia fi.l'uw ln rooluti.Hi I "In the opinion of Ihtl deb-galion Geo. Wool abuald be called into active aervice a!op:ed. Yeaterday Gen. Beauregird waa rrconnoilerlng with.a three or Tour ti.ileeof Cha n budge ana leu ten or twelve men ae ac-outs. but they wuro all made pritoneisby Capt. M.ul.of New York. The whole niiMin, killed and wounded of the Fire Zuavea U S35. Tl.rv are lo be recalled to Sw I rk, bomz thoroughly deinoraliied. There if a confirmation ci ttiaei defeat BulUiown, at Hnidqiinr.eta. WAaiiiNoroa, Aui. I. Gen. Cox reported lhal al Kauawhn the cava'rr cleane.l out the rebel troops. lVite'e forte completely routed and no chance (or a li .'hl there. Il la rumored tl.nl Gen. W unl will lake com. maud f Kurt Monroe immediaUly, and co-operate with MuCMIan. Prince Napel. on will be the gueat of the French UllnUIrr while Here. Gen. K. Hhiel, member fr'in Orejon, wai ad milled to his seat and link the oath. July 30. S&" It hus been telegraphed from Louis- villo thnt the Union men, although de pressed Iry the reverse nl Manassas, arc firm and resolute, mid so it ia in St. Louis as well as in Missouri. Tho St. Louis Democrat says the reverse will prove tho salvation of the Union cause, and arouse such a tornado that million of brave hearts havo already sworn to wipe out the disaster, and cover the rebel Stutes with whitened monuments of retributive justice. There will be fresh levies and additional calls for troops. The North possesses wonder ful elements ol recuperation, nud now is tho tinio to show them. It will muko the war bloodier than ever anticipated, and European nations will stnntl Pghast with horror. Such is tho result of trying to dis solve the Union. Another effect will now be uiodo by tho compromisers to bring their scheme into notice, but with North ern homes desolated, a cry of revenge will go forth so strong ns to threaten the per sonal safety of any man who dares to gay compromise more than ouco. Wilms Stand tub Masons. Tho fol lowing extract from nn address by .1. S. Kiuney, befure the Grand Lodge of P. & A. Masons, at Pluttsmouth, Nebraska, on tho 5th of June, pretty conclusively shows how tho Masons stand on the national crisis; " In this hour of our country's peril, what is the duty of the entire Masonic fra ternity of the country? Every true Mason has no difficulty in nnswering this question. Ou entering tho very threshold of Masonry, you promise to be a quiet, peaceful suhject, truo to your Government, and just to your country. You prouiiso not to countenance disloyalty or rebellion, but patiently submit to legal authority, anil conform with cheer fulness to the Government of the country in which you live. This obligation you cannot throw off loyalty to your Govern ment is next in importance, to fidelity to your God. Both tire tuught, oud should be rigidly enforced, by our order. No Ma son can conscientiously take up arms against his Government; if he does, ho for feits the friendship and protection of nil good Masons. I do not hesitato to hazard the remark that the large conservative cle ment of the Southern Stutes is composed chiefly of Masons, and of the thrco hundred and fifty thoiisnnd brethren in the North- cm States, fur more than their proportion, according to their population, have rushed to the deleuce of our glorious Republic." The Trofosed National Gparp. The bill for the organization of a National Guard, which Senator Wilson has intro duced, provide for the enrolment of 240,- 000 men, between 21 and 35 years old, to be divided iuto 200 regiments of 12 com panies each, appropriated among the Slates pro rata, according to their repre sensation in Congress. After lix year' service, those who enlist are entitled to an honorable discharge, and to exemption from service on the jury. Eighty thousand oro to be enrolled the flrgt year, 'and the same number the second and third, so that a third may go out of service nt a time. The President is to have tho power to call out the Guard, or any part of it, ii. case of invasion, or insurrection beyond the power of the civil arm. California Troop to Protect the Overland Mail. A dispatch has been received from Washington, dated 25th July, by Gen. Sumner, announcing that the government had accepted the service-. of a regiment of Infantry and five compa nies of Cavalry from California, to protect the Overland mail route between California ! and Salt Lake. I cm r ii . ; K txlr.ci is Iroill a sensible cditoriul tho Calaveras Chronicle, oil tho aiilclil connie now being pursued by tho friend r-luvery in tlio South: " The civilized world opposes tho prca of tJau'ry, still, while tho Nothrrn Htntc were bound to enforce nil mo couipniuiixca of tho Constitution, ond protect their Hon theru Sinters in oil their rights, tho combin ed armies of the world could not have lorn ouo star from our flag, or destroyed one ol tho Institution of the country. Thu North wa tho grail bulwark ol aluvery, for thww tho ehiild of its protection over It home and obroad. It was ready lo pro tect our br there, ol tho Bouth from ll rebellious slave, a well us the pysti-m, fro tho assault of a foreign foe. Secession leave tho Coiifcd.-ratu Slate, at the mi cr of nations ho.ttilo to tho " institution while it call forth vast armies from the North, ready to crush a rebellion, which while subverting tho Government, also opens our Southern portd to I he onrnilc our republican institution. That secession was an fll-ndvised and suicidal movement for thu South, no one at tho present mo mint can deny. Failuro ia written over its traitorous flair. The arch lender of tl rebellion oro even now meditating term of compromise. Let pmco ouco more ho restored to our divided country, and tho very idea of secession will bt bnnmhed from the mind of men, or only recollected to warn patriot against the folly of divid h.g, and thu enfeebling a great ond glo nou Kepuhlic Wo oro in.Mittd to W. C. John ion, Esq , for a copy of tho minute of tho Willamette Baptist Association for tho present year, from which we learn that thcro are 17C member at present jn tho churches belonging to tho Asaociotion. Tho following resolution was passed by tho Association Resolved, That it i tho dnty of all Christians to earnestly pray to Almighty God for a blessing on our Uovcriimtint that he would in his great mercy proven thu dissolution of these United Stutes, and that hu would bles ull proper mean iikc to preservo the Union and restore peace to our nation. The Association next year meet with the West Tualatin Church. New Book. " Infantry, Light Infant ry, llllemen, and Cavalry luetics: Uy Wm. C. Kibbc, Quartermaster mid Adjn taut-General of California." A sin ,11 and convenient work for tho uso of citizen sol diery r commended by Gen. Wool as " well adapted for volunteer and militia. " Souora: Its extent, population, Indian tribes, mines, mineral lands, etc. Trans luted from the Spanish by Wm. F. Nye." A small nud well-printod volume, containing much valuable information relating to Son ora, its mines, &o. Both these volumes nre published by II. II. Bancroft & Co., Booksellers, Sun Francisco. SiT Air. luruie, ol Illinois, lately Ap pointed by Prcsdcnt Lincoln to tho office of Secretary of Washington Territory c.iiun up from California on tho Cortez last Sunday. Gov. Wulhice, having been elected Delegate to Congress, will soon leave for Washington City, when Mr. Tur- nic will be Governor ex officio in his steud Of Coitbk. Pr. Stephenson returned last Suturday from a trip to tlio Three Sisters, and pronounces the stories about there being gold in thnt locality, to bo t humbug. New Sciioum By referenee to unoll.er col limn iu (his tvirk's paper, tin advrriix mtul nil b1 etitk-e.l of llie ""-' 'Hljve opening nf new nhocila al Oawego ,-m ,1 Mi1w aul.jp. iimW ilm ).l peiinli'lUltlifje ol' B aiiot) Sjrott, nf the Knincnprtl illicit. Tlies.icccaa ntlenditi .he furmer nchool nt O.wego, under lite sujiorviron of the eitme gen tleman, i.a euffie'cul recommendation oftheeeiu- .millions to the attention of parent and othera in terested in tho welfare of tho youthful geueration, AcciurtiT. Mrs. Ilobson, of Cluliop Tlaine, ha l the t.vo mid, lie fingers of In r left hand lorn o.T r-t week, by gelling I hi in between the halter and a h U-huiE post while enunced in fitsteiiing a horse. The horso took a set back, and so coin pletely crtithed her two middle fingers that ampu tation became necessary. Sisaixo School. The first tern, of Professor Newell's Sinking School cloed last Saturday.- Tlio next term, we learn, will commence to-day at two o'clock, at the Congregational Church in this city. Mr. Newell has long beeu engaged in leaching music in Oregon, in which deparlmeut he haa been very successful. Thanks. We are under tbligation. to Capt.T. V. Smith, of this city, and George Ilardisty, Eq.. of Victoria, for lute copies of the Britith Coloniat Our friend Ilardisty w.it watchman on beard Ihe ill-fated Cariboo at the time of the explosion, but eacaped without injury. Tub Cocrt Housa Flag. W were Iu error last week in our reference to the banner which float, above the Court House. Mr. Wmiton in form, ua that Ihe flag wa. made and presented to the county by Mrs. Meldrum and her daughter Mr. Moore, of this city. IW A discourae auggesied by the death of Capt. Jamieson and others by the explosion of the steamer Cariboo, will be preached in Ihe Congregational Church by Rev. Mr. Atkinson, oa to-morrow afternoon at, 6 o'clock. Music. We would refer cur readers to the card of Mi Roger, in to-day's paper. Mia R. ie lately from the East, whence aha come, highly re eommended as a teacher of Vocal and Inatramen tal Mutie. ilnLr-MArr. On Monday hut, on receipt of the news of Ihe death of Capt Jamieeoo, the different flags in tbia elly were hung at half maM, in token of rerpect to the memory of the deceased. Niw Livr.iT Stash. Oa referring lo our ad vertising columns of to-day it will be teen that S. W. Mjm, Esq., ha. opened a new Livery Stab'e io town, where be ie narly to aceomnvilate the traveling public. in hia line, oa reasonable terma. e-ar TlinM f.vankl tA the formation mi w.',ti ry cocpany ihi. csonfy, wm notice a eJl m aeher eclomn T.IK BflCHUt 1U0KI.I ox.-1 110 O!0 The 1-hlr., ea, lory of tho great rebellion of l comes to bo written, it itlnil), V tably proved that It wa. .La JTT long plotted, well matured co.,.Mri" ' not on nprUug or tho people; not, lutlon to remove anrcdrtwed wrong,, u a foul conspiracy. Edward Kvcrctt, In o private cUw , dure hi knowledgo of tho fact u,,,' thirty year lending Southern tJ" had been resolved to break np the Unl and that the slavery question , pretext for keeping up agitation and ,0u Ing tho South together. Indeed JlrE erett clour hi record by iiilmttting uJt tho knowledgo of this fact was the 1, of hi political coureo, by v,,!,, B( Tavor nnd Influence at home for tie iak, rf trcngthciiing tho hand of patriotic IVio men of the South. And wo oro Informed from atroit0rtkr aource, that 01:0 of the Litest oceupnio,, of tho now di ceased Senator Douglu tu tho pnrtinl preparation of a pamphict . posing, from a personal knowledge ,1, to that from which Mr. K.peks, theircm muchinotion ond public plaus uf tLi remt Southern conspiracy. " The mills of God grind !ow!y, but they grind eifttdinglr small' It Is thii gigantic conspiracy, now actunlly ruining tho Sonth, ahich ioold fain have ruined the Union. Ratbr?r than that tho Union should perish, "ike nil, 0f God" will grind to dust tho lamiutio for whose oggrundizemcnt, and thttniienby whose ambition, it existence at ttrilu! Ocb Irish Ff.li.ow Citizkn in nt War. Tho following deserved tribal to the patriotism of American citizens of Irih birth, I from tho Illinois State Joonul published nt Springfield, tho home of Mr. Lincoln. Tho Journal says: In erory war that America has wined, for Independence, to repel invasion, or to snstnin notional honor, our felluw eiliicm of Irish birth huvo been found fighting be neath the Star nnd Stripes, and there ii scarce a bat lie from Hunker Hill to Oil- lultepec that has not drunk in the tniiielcd ife-tidu of Irish and American hearts. When the present unholy rebellion broke out, nnd when it brcumo apparent that terriulo struggle for the Lie or desth of free institution wa unavoidable, there were many who doubted the loynlty of Irishmen. They fen red that Southern sympathy and party prejudico would provo Htronjcr than uflictioii for their adopted country. Ikt these unworthy suspicion were soon dn- misted. Archbishop Hughe raised orcr his residence tho national ensign and tiro- cliiinu'.l it to be the duty of every man to defend it. Our glorious flap; waved from many n cathedral spire, and at tho lint call to arms thousands of the strong-nrmcd, brnve-hcarted sons of Krin pressed forward to swell the ranks of tho grand nrniy of tie Union. Tho gollnnt 69lh, of ew York, wa curly in the field to defend the nation al capital, nnd thn' Irish Brigade of Chica go fairly begged the privilege of proving on thu tented fi' ld, their devotion to Ihe land of their adoption nnd their love. Their prayer was granted. Thousand of those who nre driven from tha South ire Irishmen who manfully refused to tuko up arms against a government they hadsvors to support. Another Exploit of ti.r Gun Thief. Floyd, the gnit-steali-r, turns out to hire been also n cartridge thief. When Gen. Butler took command of Fortress Monroe e found himself with nbont three thousand men nt hi orJern. Iu the list of ordinance supplies of the Fort he found 175,000 car tridges which was the nmonnt reported to be stored there by John B. Floyd while Secretary of War. But when tho new com mander, preparing for nn expedition, came to look up his store", be fonud, instead of 175,000, only about 4,500, cartridge. Of course, with n bullet nnd a hnlf to each man, an army is not likely to do uinch; nd this uccounts not only for Gen. Bailer temporary inactivity, but also for the ac tivity of the rebels, who took up daring positions in perfect safety, knowing that our troop had no ammunition. When tw Montgomery pirates come to erect a rnon- ment to their founder, he will probably be represented in the net of running off with bundle of Uuited State mnskeU aid" nch arm and his coat pockets full of car tridges. Meantime, how Floyd nd b confederate must langh in their !' those Northern journals which flung words at Gen. Butler because he did not t once advance on tho enemy 1 Ths Government Loans. The Ke York World v- CaDitalist are waiting anrirmalv for tha lnrnnnent lOOSt tO come upon tie market, because they offer it.. nl ..,..;.. in roliera the BO ney market from its accumulating 0' There will berp competition to obtain the new United State securities as they are offered. To illu,t!'' this; the Secretary of the treasury m"" 1 ... .. n;.m A distant Tre surer in this city, to borrow $5,ow.w for Treasury notes having ixtj ayjw run and bearing six per cen. Before nine o'clock p. the entire ax 1 ..j o ksa onn mid in una suusiT.ueu, anil n,o," ' . nna There can be no doobt that $20,000,000 could have been obtained on the T term and in Ihe ame ahort space of tuw- The Statesman, on the anthority of Mr. Bosh, state that Dr. Henry i ap pointed Surrevor General of nasnuv Territory, and B. F. Kendall, Sopenotrt dent of Indian Affair. A Indian Ag he mention H. A. Webster, of Wash" ton Territory, W. H. Bamhart. Hatching and Simeon Franci. v"S j t- t r ,jt nhia. Tbomu Fr iU .U I . vnuL.v.p, - a land a Postmaster at Albany, United Kincarron. of Clackamas eoonty, a o... 11 l.i . lirl to be apr" atrd- i rorge Williams, of Salem, arT""" Lieutenant ia the army.