Fee lit Argu$. Ttarcy eat ttlavsry. IVtlun Democracy, in bop of n eartb ly immortality, Liu token to iu boom tbnt , rile repealer of sacred compact, the Kan let-Nebraska bill. In point of fact tbo repeal of iho Mis souri Restriction waaa pro-lavr act It li a much at any slaveholder can ask of llio Government a permit to uso the only otu ar power known to tba alava system, viz: the individual power of tba master lo hold men in bondage. 13y tbia power slavery ex itta in Kansas. Yet Jot. Lane upon the itump declare that if a slaveholder were to take bia negro- to Kantaa lliry would be free under tbe Connitution, in the absence of positive enactment Then he nut be lieve that tbe Constitution i ojiputed to la ter y; consequently pro alavery lawa in tbe .Terri tone mutt bo unconstitutional. But, no 1 you can't "consequence" the Gen. to eatily. He believes that turritorial rcgula tiona for tbe protection of alavery are per fecily right and constitutional, and therein lie exhibits a moil beautiful consistency of pro-slavery and anti-slavery opinion. He would no doubt avoid tuch great and tub- lime blunder by a little attention to tbo vig orous thought and opinion of a greater, in democracy, than himself, I ho hitcheta of whote hoc ho it tcarcely worthy to loote. I commend him to tho tender mercie of ex-Senator Benton, and I beliere tbe groat man will look down upon him with consid arable commiseration. The Gen. in hit ipecchet appcalt to the Spirita of '70, and plead thut : Did our father not fight that they might be free 1 Did they not fight, bleed, end die, all, to nourish that gloriou tree of Liberty now towering amongst ut I and w ere they not capable of governing themselves I and arc we not competent to chooso for ourselves what kind of institution we tthall liavo? And shall not the people regulnto their own domestic affair I A ro not tho people of 'lie Territories a competent as they were be fore they left tho States t They are certain ly. Nobody will deny that. , vv hat a pretty stop could have been put to tuch loose and pointless political senti mentality by asking one or two plain and aimplo questions. Suppose n poor foreign er (and lam told the Gen. loves a rich brogue now) to hold the following conversation with tho Gen., who, I havo no doubt, would be very willing to initiate all foreigners into the delectable tnystorics of Squatter Sover eignty. . Foreigner Who makes your law in this Territory f - Gen. Lane (with exultation) V e, the free peoplo of tho Territory. , For. Arc your laws subject to any revis ion except by the people ? Oen. (hesitatingly) W-e-1-1, y-e-s : Congress hat a veto power, but don't use it. For Who elect your Territorial oflicev-.? Oen. Well, to tell you about that. They are appointed by the President. Jor. How ubout their pay, fcc. ? Tell us nil ab.mt it. Oen. Weill Congress pays the oiHcers the expmises of the Legislature, and for the public printing, and also gives us an organic act. For. Docs Congress do the same for otber Territories, and is this the custom f " XT .a . ven. ies, Mougu their organic a..: may differ somewhat. , ' , For. You want a change, I suppose you want a State. Gen. Look here I you sec now that I go with Messrs. Cass and Douglas in favor of Squatter Sovereignty, and for Liberty, yes, for the largest liberty to every body, wheth or in the Territory or not, and for the peoplo of the territory to regulate their own do mestio affairs. For. Gen., you say the Legislature is elected by the peoplo, and Congress don't use iu veto power J how then, don't you regulate your domestic affairs I Oen. Partly; but there is in our organ ic act a "Wilmot Proviso," preventing the people from holding slaves. I want to leave that vexing question to the people, where it belong. . Fory t appear that that vexing question i settled rightly now. The peo ple in righteousness could only settle it as it it already settled, and the agitation would only eosttime and trouble, and might end ia slavery a most horrible curse, i . Gen. Oh 1 I am a much opposed to alavery as any body, bat what I argue is a great democratic principle; the opposite of it ia in violation of the Constitution. Con gress has no right to legislate for Territories. - It it not to be expected that the poor for eigner, though he had tbe best of the argu ment, was a lawyer, for at the large word "Constitution" he became silent, and was uo doubt confounded. If he had taken time to consider that the Gen. perpetrated no argu ment, but made a sweeping assertion, prob ably be would have answered him. But to it ia. Mr. Bush reiterates the same groundleu assertion, . and continue with this argu ment: "The right of Congress to keep Sla- ILTUrisf k letMucd by oanuuoa endurance very out of tho Territorial carriel with U'JnendbopaMwa.urby oomroon ojoyra.ut. the right to legislate Slavery into the Ter ritoriet; consequently he denies any right at all. Now, the redoubtable editor be liovtt in kgi.liiting Slavery iuto Territories by an abnegation of power, but he dou't be lieve In prohibiting Slavory by a direct exer cise of that power. For thn benefit of the opposition and iho eople Iihall quote the opinions and argu ment of the Hon. Tlio. II. Bentoti. from hi speech in Congress on the Nebraska Bill : " A lid what I all liii hotch-potch Air t hi lo MUb!ih t principle, they say iho prioeip! of non intervention of Squatter Sovereignty. Sir, linn i noaucb prineivlo. The Trrilorir in thcchil tor il.r. dreu of die Stat; they art minor under twen oil yesrsof ga, and It ia tbo busiueai of the States, through ihilr delegation in Congress, lo Ink car of the minor until Ihey r of sge, until (hey ar rip for Stale Government, then giv thorn tint government lud admit llirin lo an equality wilh their father: That it lb law and lh ttntt uf tho cast, snd has been acknowledged sines th That it lb law and lh of first ordiniM in 1764 by ill authorities, Federal and State, legislative, judicial, and executive. The Suteo in Congr am tho Guardian: of th Territories, and are Sound It extreitt th Ouar- diantkrp. ind ronnor abdicate it without a breach of trust and a dereliction of duly. Territorial Sootrtignly k a monstrosity born of timidity and ambition, hutched iulo cxiseuc In th hot Inouba liou uf a Presidential eanvuss, and revolting to th beholder when firat prrsented. " ell do I remember Hint day ben it wa first Mown In Uiebenata. Mark Antony did not belter remember Hie day when Lawir first put on that mamic, ui.uugn which ne wa anerwarua pivreeo wilb three and twenty 'euviou (tabs.1 It wa in the Senate in 1848, aud was received as nonsense, a the i-eneuce of nonsense a the quintessence of nonsense aa the five time diatilled etaenc of political nons usieality. Why, Sir, th. Territory lunlf it the properly of the States, aud they do what they please with it permit it to be settled of not, aa they please ; eut It up by linee, aa they please sell it or giro it away, a they plea ; ehaao while people from it, a thev please. "After til it farrago thi olla podrida come a little stump speech, injected in the bslly of the bill, and which must usve s prodigious ettcct when re cited iu the prairies, and out towards th frontier, tnd up toward th head of the creeks. I will read it, nd I bop. without fatiguing the Howe, for it la uoin brief and beaulilul, and run thus: 'it 'being the true Intent aud meaning of this act not 'to legislate Slavery into any Stale or Territory, nor to exclude it therefrom : but to leave the people 'thereof jierfectly frre lo form and regulate their 'domestic institutions m.their own way, subject on ly to the Constitution of the United Slates.' This is tho speech, and a pretty little thing iticlf, and very proper to be spoken from a stump in the prai rie. It has intent, and a truo intent, which is nei ther to legislate Slavery iulo or out of any State or l emtory. men why legislate at ill 1 vthyall tin disturbance if no eftect is produced, and things to remaiu just a they were! Let well enough alone, was the old doctrine ; to make well enough still better, is the doctrine of progress; and that in spite of the Italian epitaph, which says: 'I was well, and would be better; took physic, and here I am.' But the Start must be greatly delighted at the polltft'iecs and forbearance of this bill. It puts States snd Terrilori-.-e upon precise equality with respect to the power of Congress over them. Congress does not mean to put Slavery in or out of any Slate or Territory. To all that polite abnega tion I have tossy that, in respect to the States, it is the supererogation of modesty snd humility, as Congress happened to have no power to putSlavery in them or out of them, and in respect to the Ter ritories, it is aa abdication of a CONSTITU TIONAL POWER AND DUTY i it beiug the right of Cougriss to kgisluto upon Slavery in the 1 crritoneK, and its dutv to do wi when there is oc- casiou for it as in lib? aud 18W0." As to the assertion of Gen. Lane that slaves in Kansas are free under tho Consti tution, or can bo freed by that instrument, i't u.s hear Mr. lieiiton aL'uin. He says: "Sir, the Constitution was not made lor Terri tories, but lorbtatis. lis provisions are all applica ble to Stales, and camml be put in operation in Ti-rritniies. Tiny tsjnuul vole fur President or Vice IVesi ipnl, or inemiien nf Congress, nor elect tlicir own olli. ers. or prescribe the the qualifications of vote is, or administer their own laws by their own julges,slieriiVs, and attorneys: and the clause exlenoiiig the Constitution to them is a cheat and an illusion, and a trick to smuggle Sluvery into the 1 err, lories. Nor is it intended that they shall have any U g slativo right under the Coiiniituliou, even in relution to Slavery. They may admit it hecuure it is to be there by the Constitution ; they cannot exclude it, because the Constitution puts it there. That is the argument ( and it is a juggle worthy of the ti'icK of one e'g under three hnis ut the sumo time and under neither at any time. Besides, the Constitution is an organic, not an administrative act. It ie a code of principles, not of laws. Not a clause in it can be executed except by virtue of a law made under it not even the clause for re covering fugitive slaves." ' The same arguments which induced Mr. Benton to oppose the Kansas Bill should in duce lovers of Freedom and free institutions to demand its repeal. The pro-slavery dem ocrats of Oregon, not contented with the opening of Kansas and Nebraska to that direst of curses, Slavery, resolved Congress in regard to the anti-republican nature of the Wiltnot Proviso, and the right of tbe people to settle that matter themselves. I would advise the Hon. gentleman, who introduced those excessively democratic res olutions, in the language of Tom Benton, that those resolutions are a prelude to a i ci .u f Tl "trick to smuggle Slavery into the Tem-K tory." W. D. R. A 'Yonag AntUares boa verted U Roman tssa. A daughter of Mr. Charlotte Eaton, th. writer of that delightful book, "Rome in the Nineteenth Century,'' has lately been converted to tb. Roman Church a consequence, we infer, of th. mother's long residence in th. Papal eity. The teal of th. new convert wa recently exhib ited in a lingular manner. She would be married in tbe aubterranean chapel beneath tbe Church of Sc Peter's in Rome, in th. presence of th. alleged remain of St Peter himself. So the Pope granted tspecial permieiion, and on the 6th of the last mouth tb. bridal party, oompoaed mostly of Eng lish people, descended into the crypt, where the marriage ceremony wa performed. , Wa bare not beard that then wa any mirac ulous rattling of bones, in approval of th. important event. Botton Reg. 4tb of July Public Meeting I ! " fON'D AY even'ng next, at th Hall over Dr. Sieeie't Drug Store, th. PUBLIC will meet to make arraagesnents to celebrate the eoming 4th tntbi city. MAST CITIZENS. Kotlay. Trooecdlng of the City OoonelL Ussoo Citt, June 14, 1845. Th city oouucil met pursuant to a 011 of th Mayor. Thar, being p,.t M. Thorn.. Pope, Wm. Wbitlook, and A. K. Pott of th council, and Metara. Thuma Johnson, Mayor, Samuel P. Duiau, Reoordar, and Mr. K. Mallory, Marsbal. The meeting was called lo order by the Mayor, and the niinuws uf th previous OH-etiug were read and accepted. The Mayor read th resignation nf James O' Neill as member of the council, and also asuhief engineer of the fire department, which wa accep Id and placed upon file. Da motion th council proceeded to eieoi to mi . .. .. ...... I... th vacancy caused by aaid resignation, aud Mr. Robb receiving all lb votee cut was declared duly eleoled. The Mayor atatcd that Mr. Yf. C. Dement de dined serving a a member of the council, and on th -, prooedd to ,,et fill U . cancy.aud Mr. A. B. Spranger vh unanimously elected. The Mayor presented lh report of Jama O' Neill as chairman of th fir committee, reounv mendine tbe aooeptation of the engin house. The report ws read, aooeptcd, and the committee di charged. , The engine bout was accepted, and the Mayor authorized lo draw an order on the city treasurer In favor of the builder for the amount of their bill, I bill being 400,00 for engine house, and $35, UO for bridge to the entrance. The Mayor presented the bill of Thomas Johnson for goods furnished lh. oily school teacher amoun ting to $53,75, which ws alto read. , ' Ou motion, th Mayor aud Recorder were au thorised to contract for painting tbe engine house. On motion, the committee on accounts and printing was authorized to contract for printing. Ordinance No 8, levying a tax for corporation purposes, wa oantinued in force for the current year. On motion ordinance 18, a follow, was pas sed. Belt ordained and established by tho city coun cil of Oregon city That the sum of four buudred and twenty seven dollars, balunce of eighteen hundred dollar during the last fiscal year by the vole cast or the elector or Oregon eity, ana oy ordinance authorized to be raised for fire purposes, is hereby required to be assessed and collected durinir the present fiscal ydar. And the said sum of four hundred and twenty seven dollar shall be be assessed and collected in the same manner as the ordinary taxes of said cityar. assessed snd col lected. On motion ordinance 19, as follow, was pas ted. Be it ordained and established by the city coun cil of Oregou oity, that all person an forbiddeu to bathe in the water of the Willamette river, with in the corporation limitsof Oregon city at any time or place when or where a person so bathing would be exposed to the view of any oititen or vitilor of Oregon city; and every person who than bath, in th. watersof the Willamette river within th. cor porate limits of Oregon city iuview of any citizen or visitor of Oregon oity. shall forfeit and pay the sum of one dollar and cost lor each offence, to be recovered in a civil aclion befoie the Mayor of Oregon city, upon complaint of any .lie. On motion ordinance , 30, a follows, was pas sed. , ; .. , Be it ordained and established by the city coun cil of Oregon City That the running at large of swine iu the streets or alley within the corporate limits of Oregon City is prohibited from and after tbe first day of July, 1655, under the penally of one dollar; and each swine running at large in the streets or alleys wilhin the corporal, liiruls of Or egon City alter Iho first day of July next shall be subject lo a tine of one dollar, and shall oe driven to aud coulined in some secure pluco for that pur pose to be provided, and a written notice ahall be posted for three days on the outside of the door of the oity council room, containing a description of suchswiue, aud a notice lo the owner thereof to appear before the Mayor and thow cause why a fine of one dollur and costs snail not oe imposed on siiid swine: and the owner of such swine fmlinjj to appear, or appearing, fu.ling to show sufficient cause whv such fine and costs should not be imposed, aud it being made app. ar to the satisfaction of the Mayor thut tuch swine when taken up are running at urge iu violation ol this ordinance, tiro Mayor shall im pose upon said swine a fine of one dollar and cost, unci alter three duys written notice posted as afore suid snch swine shall be sold at public auction to the highest bidder to satisfy said fine and all cost, including the taking, keeping, leeding and selling thereof, and the money amine from such sale shall be paid into the city treasury, and the surplns after deducting such fine aud cost, and the costs of taking confining feeding, and selling sueb swine shall be paid over upon the order of the Mayor, lo the original owner thereof upon satisfactory proof of such ownership. 1 " On motion the proceeding of this meeting were ordered to be published in Hie "Asous." On motion the council adjourned to Saturday evening the 16th inst. Alteat, THOS, JOHNSON, Mayor. Samuel P. Duzan, Recorder. At the residence of Mr. MoCary, Linn County, on the 7tlt inst, by Kev. J, Mclvuiney, John a, Wright and Fredonia V. Tycer, both of Linu co. a . .i r c . tr : . i. ;,, u.. T) .... V. uie ITlttll, Dirnil House, m iiiw V rTI. K. Hines, Mr. Wm. H. Smith to Miss Marga ret Weston, both of Marion ou. In Oregon City, June 11, by Rev. G. H. Atkin faon, Mr. Charle Albright to Mr. Cynthia Mann. In Oregon City, June 10, by the same, Mr. A. Hpn to Wttry r. Albright, both of this place. Accompanying the above notice we received from th. hand of th. happy bridegroom (Sir. Sprenger) the most magnificent wedding caka it wa tin our fortune to lay eye on. Th taste and artaib skill exhibited in iu construction are indeed admirable. The whole top wa frorted over, on tlx aaowy of which etood up in exquisite workruaaahip device of Bowers, surrounding tba following, in large cap ital, "O. Asous.'' If we hadn't tbe dyspepsia a little to-day w. wonld try to perpetrate a few lines of poetry, exclusively for th. benefit of thi happy pair. A aw, we ahall only say, that w hope your honeymoon will last sa long w keep that eake, which will probably be about 80 yean. Tost TMnk of XtM - OVER even hundred dollars are yet due to the undemgned, and he wilt be obliged to lose it if not paid previoua lo the 1 Oth of July, at be is positive ly intending to leave th. Territory. Thoee indebted will confer a favor by paying up, now and will ever be entitled to bi gratitude. Try aad prove that while there no law ia Oregon for collecting printer bill, tht there ' tome houor left among the people. C. L. GOODRICH. Oregon CHy, Jon ICth. 1855. U. a MAIL LINE. Portland and Ailorla. Th Splendid Steimer SXVftSXrOBSAB, TTTILL continue to run regularly between Port- Y V land and Aetoria, tio Vancouver, twiob was,lvlng Portland on Monday aud jburaduy ? ria ' and Aon. uuoblng Vaacouvia, ST.Hstsat, Bsiataa.CATM. lahit, 4c, each way. For freight or passage, apply to K. MUX I, metier, jel 6 Or at Hoy t' W half-beat, Portland. t.mriA. Bs I THE bubtcriber is now offoring fur his entire land claim consisting of WU acrtt, aituuted on th. Abicaw one mile and half above lb Territorial road, In Marion county. His claim is well adapted to stork raising, farming or milliner purpose. He ha two excellent roiU seals on hi claim. Tbe Improvements ar not extensive, but sufficient to giv a eltler a fin trt. - II offer the claim to love, that it I cer tainly an excellent chanoe for some man to get a bargain. Com. along ana set tor yourselves. Jon 7. 1855.-913 J. B. POST. To bippen. BARK "C ti.vtnt" will load with Produce for San Francisco between SOth Inst., and lit July. For freight or passage apply to Captain on board, or to G. ABERNETHT ft CO. Juna 15, 1855. ' ; ' Wm. 0. Dement tV Co., WHOLESALE and retail Dealer In Groeor lea, Provisions, Paint, Oil, Boot and Shoes, Crockery, aVo. Opposite lh Land Office, Main 8t. Oregon City. June 1, 1855-7t3 The Summer Trade. WE are now receiving from New Tork and 8 an Francisco, the following good : 10.000 lb No I chin augar, . 60 bbls St half bbls N. O. sugar, 100 cheats Imperial, gunpowder tnd young hyson . teas, 150 sacks Rio coffee, 1U0 boxes saueratu, 100 boxes sperm and adamantia candle, 250 kegs E. B. syrup, 35 bbls orushed sugar, :. 30 cases pickles, , 200 boxes soap, 300 half-boxes raisins, ' 100 gros matches, (in word) 25 case table salt, 100 kegs whit lead, (pure) 250 gal. Linseed Oil. , , , j 250 " lamp " 60 " spirits Turpentine,' 50 boxes glass, assorted size, 30 doz broom, 5000 lbs tobacco, 200 kegs nail, : 6000 vds brown sheeting. Also, rope, tubs, buckets, window-aash, crock ry, wall paper, bruhe, tc, Ac; all of which will be old at th lowest market prices. ' . W. C. DEMENT c CO. Opposite the Land Office, OregonCity, June 1, 1855.-7t3 ' ! Wanted I i WOMAN to do housework In a private family. Addrea the Argus Offlca. XTotlee. ' District Court Clackaino Couuiy Territory of Oregon. ' ' A.JT Pope rt. Summon. ' J. S. Higgin. ) 1 ,' ToJ.S. lliggin , YOU ar hereby required, ia the nam of the United State of America, to appear before the District Court of Clackamas county to be h.ld in Oregon City on the 17th day of Sept. next (be ing th third Mondny of aaid month) to answer the complaint of A. J. Pope. And you ar hereby no tified that if you tail to appear and answer the said compla.nt, the plaintiff will bike judgment igaimt you for four hundred and twenty-four dollars, and interest from th 12th day of January, 1855, to gether with coat of suit. Ln Witness F. S. Holland, Clerk, and the Seal of said Court, this KJ 31st day of M iy, 1H55. 7100.1 F. S. HOLLAND, Clerk. Sagnerreotrping. THE subscriber will remain in Oregon City for two weeks, and is prepurtd to take daguerre otype iu the best style, ut his room over tbe r rench Store. Please call ind give me a trial. JOSEPH BUCHTEL. Oregou City, May 26, 1855-6t2 rriends of rreedom, Attention I ! THERE will be t general MASS MEETING of the friend of Free Soil, end Human Liber ty, held in Albany, I -inn Co. Oregon, on the last Wednesday (27th) of June, 1855, to determine a oourse of aclion for the opposers in Oregon to all Slavery Extension. Our foe in the Territory are already actively inoaocp, while we are slumber ing. Let us rally to oppose thcra. ' ,: ; Many Citizens. ' geel-Boat "Tre Trad" ! ! UM NAVIOASHUN ON Till Una WILSMIT tlVlal IX THtR SUCH ATHINO HWOT , HAM HA PUN, MAH AA VHIf j mj4 I AM noubildlng kel-bot, or barj, ov forti tuns ' burthen for the purpu. Wil be redi about the midl qf Jun '55. Aim tu kari frata ax chep, or cheperthau kan be karted Just let me sujett that if bot km get the fraling both wax, that she kan do it cheper, die. I wil here Male that if fratingkan be dun chep m.im i . . .. , , rim er than I kan du it, the "Fro Trad" wil "la tu" pro bono publiko. "The river" du not "belong tu me" or tu the "Fre Trod," but I and th. "Fre Trad" belong tu the Wilamet river and w. ar her for the good of the publik. .No inducement wil kox us tu "kombin" for th aak ov miking a "b g pile" of ov tb pnblik, if w can posibii liv. A liv ing iz ol we want, and muni enuf to bi the material for a nu bot hwen hi wun wen out. W kan bild it ounelvx ov rani dax. . : Wud lik tu hav a tmol shar ov ar patronaj at lest enuf tu "pa the printer. Tax du noti theror and wad on arordur akordiugli. r oL .itnn itiii is) JL.CMIKU XlVVll, Wilamet River, M 19, 18555y ' Onuirea ' RECEIVED upon th rrivl of vry (turn er. Don't fail to cell on CHARM AH at WARNER. Oeo. O. XAboiax, PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER, Portland, Oregon, devotes his entire attention to Re- J airing fine welches and having an experienced eweller in hi employ, ia prepared to manufacture very description of Jewelry, tad execute engra ving neatly, i . i i i . G. C. R. keep ceaaUntly aa hand fin as sortment of clocks, watch, and new and mshkm- alile Jewelry to which be invite th attention of thePaMtc. May 12, 1855-4m2 40 LBS of Osage Orange srrd for tale by JAMES O'NEILL 30 LBS of arn.t aeed for sale cheap by JAMES O'NEILL. Kit lb. Feather for sal by JWJ ap21tf T. JOHNSON. CIGARS Tbe bout ehanee lo pick at at th tor of CHARMAN f WARNER-, VortUadsTrloe Onrreat. . CORRECTED WfKILIf. DryCtoodf. ' 'Cinnamon. 5560 Sheeting, 4-4... 10l'Sop 810 Drilling it'; Bran Med, Bltach.d drilling.. ..121 From 4o to IUU pr. el hirling, lOkldj over N. Y. cost. Striped , do 13; aProdUO. Ticking 12)aMWlii, pr. bu. 91 Diin none.;0t . de -40 Blu drilling 13, Potato do 25 Plaid liasey Ma22;Oiiion do t1 SaUnet ..70a90Flour - S3 Kentucky jen...25a45SCorn Meal, fresh G Tweeds 55a"0 Buckwheat Flour 7 Vrlnta. i rrnlL Blu tnd white UjAppIetgr'ltd pr lb 2040 Blus snd orsnne ..11 " dried do. ...124 Fancy SaPetcae, dried do 15 " super.. 13151 " do peeled Furniture do 6125 11 Chili, dried. 2023 do. wid.121i rrorlMOM. M.do laiiies 1425. Pork, clear. .. S24 Gingham 1115 " mcas " Scolch.-SOsajIIIams- Alpac 2550Bcon Tabl damask 5075! Vowder. 130 ..16 .. 14 cloth 75f3iHBUrd' pr o flS Irish linens 40811 - . pr keg U ' OlothlntT. Shot. Sheep gray pants $2 ja3!Small site 2f2 Satinet do. ).'iJ;Buck i3i Fancycas. do. ...ja5) Lead. Black cats. do. 8451 Bar , U Fine clothing... 25 pr.cl.j White lead, lnoll.i..l4 advancson N. Y.cost. CortUre. . Redflaa'l shirt 8l218Mnilli, small 28 Blue do. do. glialbj " . larg 25 Hickorv shins 41 jus Hemp 1015 Calico do. ....Sfal3( OaUldlei. Boots fc Kboei. .dmuiiiia -32 Men' kip boots. S31a4!Sperm .....50 ' roper do. do...j4j WgMTM, heavy mux do. g-liHaraiia $4090 ' fine sewed. .. none ;Germsn t0a25 Boys' kip boot 82 American $2050 he'y w'xdoglj i TobaOOO. Men' bra' or. dox..atl7iPridoftho Uuion....40 ' ' kipbrg'a pr doz.$lb!Sun 37i40 etiraewed do....;3iluKe'a M Women's h'vv sh's...Rl) SxtrdWATe. fine do SItfShovel felClalS " buskin. SltalliSpade. 91416 Child'n's shoe 25a30 uriAxes ; .91317 ct advance on N. Y .(Mill saw. :..90$1 cost. I cut laws ...75ol OrOOerlei. JTahle cutlery, 1 0 to pr ct Coffee 16! advanc on N. Y.cost Tea 55 70Pockt eulUwy, 25 prot Sugar, no. 1 Clua 10? idvanca. " Peruvian non. (Other article of hrd- " oruthsd 13 ,! war from 20 to 40 pr Saleratu..... 1U ot tdvance. Starch 12i:NaiU,s'd siies.prkg 7 Syrup E Boston 80 " horseshoe. ..3Ua33 do. S Island 60 Oila. Liv. Salt 2c fine salt 3, Lamp tUil 1 P.pper 26Llnseed boil II f Allspice.., 50;Turpentiue pr gill 8lj Siroroe Zfotioe. District Court, Cliokama County, O. T. George W Jackson, plaintiff, ) t. Miry A. Jackson, defendint ) THE'defendant above named will tak notice that the said plaintiff has this day filed acorn plaint in the abive entitled cause, iu the Clerk' office of said court, alleging among other thing th wilful desertion by th ssid defendant, of her hus band th id plaintiff, and their children, and praying for a divorce (torn th bond of matrimo ny, now. therefore, unlets th saia aeienaani shall appear before th. said District Court on lh. first day of th next term thereof, to be held in the Court House in Oregon City, in th eounty afore said, on th 1 7th day of September next, the plain tiff' will ask for the relief demanded in said com plaint. HOLBROOKft BANKER, May 33, 1855-014 All ys tor pisintin. Divorce XTotlee. ' Rachel Maybe 1 Dirt. Court S.mu.ls!M.yb... Cl.ck.ma. County. ; CJAMUEL S. MAY BEE, th defendant, is O hereby notified that the plaintiff, Kachrl May be, hss filed a petition in the District Court in aud for Clackamas couuty, praying lor a dissolution ot th bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiffand defendant, aud that thi causo will be for trial in th suid District Court at ins term com mencing on the third Monday of Sepiember next. ...-' a sf unn m em KAOHH.U MAI DUE., rin. Oregon City, May 19, 1855514 &nmO WaaaIva. ' A Splendid assortment of Family Groceries such as tea, synip, sugar, &.c. ; also fin miiA iuuim mI,. Aream iHrtar.annles. ohili neaehes i-inj.. avhUm. i.laniM. veatt nowder. also a larire quantity of superior cheroot cigars, and tobacco of every brand and oiinoti every niing eite in our line of business all of which will be sold low a at any other place in town, for cuh or pro- ' .i.r.ni.jfcr . itr j u uud due..' -i ' vn Ann Jin g- nannnn. 0 ATS wanted at tho itor of 1 n91 C. POPE, Jr. s EEU buckwheat for sale by ap21tf u. rurK, Jr. C"llAIN pumpe for sale by ap2llf . , C.POPE, Jr. TTVR. Jayne's medicine for sale by XJ ipaitf C. POPE, Jr. "fAU de Cologne, t superior 'artiole, at XJ apBltf ' POPES. BARRY'S Tricopherousforsaloby " " ' ap-jltf i.' ' i ' C. POPE, Jr. :' i.i i.. Nollre. !" A LL those indebted to Preston, O'Neill & Co., 2 are requested to cull and settle the same im mediately; by Caih or Produce. All debt re maining unpaid 1st of June, will be left for col lection. apSllf JAMES O'NEILL. . g 1 LOCKS ! Beautiful time keeper, at very lot prices. O. AbtllW 1 1IH ott.u T URN1TU RE. Bedsteads and chairs for sal M. low to dose the invoice, aP21 , . G. ABERNETHT It CO, -': Central Produce Depot. CAN EM AH. C CONSTANTLY receiving, fresh from rnch, J whet, ot, bacon, lard, butter and potatoes. - ....... rt nniniu p2 jun.i r. orv.njn.T. Jutt Received, " At the1 Old Stand,' Canemah, ylpn2155. 4AAf.f Lbs. Light Brown Sugar, , .fwW 1,000 lbs. Chiut No. l,do., 1,000 lbs. Rio Coffee, 15 Tons eoirae salt; 500 lbs. fin do., 3.000 lb. Oregon Bacon i : 1 fiOO bushel oat, for sale wholesal or retail, by i 'JUH.N r. BKUUK. Lot and Home for Sale I ! IOT N.n (1) rn Block No. five (5) In Ore A ton Citv With th baliding thereon lately oe- euoied bv Mewra. Allbright dc Price as a meat market For term and particulars a to title, address, TREVETT at CO., May 12, 1855-4t3 r . Portland, O. T. TN wr bakery w keep comtentlyoa bad A. bred, cracker, cke. pies, tie. CHARMAN 4 WARNER. CANDIES, nut, ramus, of aa excellent qusuiy just received and for nl lew by CUAKMA WAlttft- LADIES I "TOV will find in exerllcM tment of Drtt M. and Annul Sii. AstiM and YelxMl Bonnet Trimmtnrt, lltntry, Clone, Uu aM Ribbon; Table CMkt, Ctaaitromti: (., at lb store of CHARLES POPE. Jr., . (Min-t., oppoiit Abemtthy Hot J hrmf. be found aliiiot etryiWnj la to bu f , Dry Uowdat Such a Prints. Ginghams, Alpaca, Merinos, Plaid Liasey, Muslim, tisllinein, Jeso. Flaw nsis, Shearings, Bed Ticking, Hickory Strip, Cotton Bstllng, tic. i Oregon City, April 81, 1856-llf g 10COANUTS, Btnan, nd other lrapwl S fruit, just received from Sandwich Island. ap21 CHARMAN WARNER. Kemedy for Hard Timet 1 1 Farmtrt of Oregon 'Tit no um it o) tendegaintt fattllt You never tan get rich until you buy oh of our . , Peoria and Galesb argil Plow fBIIIE undersigned hss on hand, and i near .1. mking daily, every description of thssbovo WeU-know Plow; which for material snd wotk' niamhip ar vastly superior I uv In th Terri tory. All warranted lo scour and da ood work, nd which h will tll at modarel price, for Cat or Orain, Tliot in want of a good plow would do well lo eom tnd examine mint bsfor purclisslif iwhei. - i. i i i . ... They can b bid at all th principal tows a th river. Also at Forsst Grove, Day to tad L fytle, wber 1 hav tppuisli-d agent, wk wiB wll s low a at lh Factory, wilh lb addition of th freight. . ZRA POST, - Sir l Big i'w. Conrmok. , Apru xi, loos-iy . FliESII AKRIVAL OF GROCERIES, &C, THE subscriber has Just received a fresh tup ply of GrMfi-Mt, P revisions and WaraW, which, in addition I bis former stock, b will U at sztreuy low priocs for Cat or Product. Hi stock consist in part of th fallowing artiel t Nw Orlean sugar, Cruthsd do. Rio ot. Java coffee, '. New Orloan aynip, Sandwioh Ialaud da Ssleratus, Pepper It, AlUpic, ' Ssndwleh Ialaad aafti Powdered, Young Hysoo tad lav ' perial tea, Dr;tdApplfcPcbo Ytast a Seep Powders, Cinnamon a Clova. hstt Boston S) rup, Save. CM and Germin steel, mill snd crflav cut, hand, pannel, and whlp-mwa fit! and Hatpi Mill w file Irom iu I It Inches; flit bastard file fnm 10 toMlncbe; taper file from 3 to 7 Inches; hslf round files from 7 to 14 inches; round dafrom5toTincbt bat ratpe from 11 lo 14 inches. Carptnttri' Tool: Firmer chisel and gougo in setts or single j locket chtael) hnchpbuM iron and steel squares ; try squares; scratch awls aud saw driver : nlaln and flatted marking guar ta and bavel ; common and concave augur ; aaad exes hammer and lialcheta. Builderf Hardware. Rim, flat, pad and mor tice lack and latches; bras, mineral aad whit knobs: complole roud.tewn od fiat spring boll; cast butt of all sixes, tnd scraw ; (ito, round tad flat bar Iron; nail rod, da; horse tho btr, de., ind plow steel. , p21tf JAMES O'NtlLU IN DOW glass, by the box or single light, at apSllf i ; ii - ' PUPES. - RIFLE powder, also blasting powder, wbl tnlndretuil,t POPES. 3 AN U S saraaparilla for sals b AJSUS p21tf POPE, Jr. 5 do, mspl chair for sal by - -,p21tf C.POPg,ir. aT ADIES Gciter Shoe selling chtsp it lh MJ store of apailf) C. POPE, Jr. MARBLE toilet wire, a few mora sell left at ap21tf POPMi'i B IBLKS aud Ttttaineuls, all uses, may b found at ip2Ufl POPKH. , OS TON svrup. Niw Uiletns sugar, aud MM Liverpool all,for al,whleal and retail, by up'Jllf C. POPE, Jr. Blaokamlthi I Attention 1 1 ON HAND Plow steel, iron, bellow, aavil, horw shoes, vices, horse nail, mul shoe, crew bars, wrought nails, and Eugllsh bar Iron at 6 cent pr lb. i ' '' " 1 11 P21 0. ABERNETHT It CO. TTMTHEAT, OnU, nd Flour Wauled Ut T w - change for mrKhamllte. np21 ' (J. ABERNETHY it CO. 11 LOW STEEL-10 inch, and 4 inch, plow steel for sale In quantities not los Uisa 600 lbs., at th reduced price of 1CJ cent. p2l - GEO. AUERNETHY cV CO. ' 1 ERR Y ROPE. 2 and 3 inch cabl.( sultabl. . for Ferry Rope, just received. aP21 0. ADERNETHY & CO. CHAIRS, bedstesds, tvindow blinds, counter legs, wrought mils, horse nails, framing pins, mill aw, frying pins, gras scylhos, cart harnes. ,p2l GEO. ABERNETHY It CO. Allan, M'Kinlax & Co 'FT AVE just received . , ; .t ,., A NtilV STOCK OF G00t)8, 11 nd would invito all thnse who Wish to prerjura GOOD arliole at reasonibl prioMi to ell and see them. They cousmt ia pari of tat. follow mg t grindstones . , eaiial a. wheat barrow grain cradle i, . ; fancy broom.,,. , l; 7, gross cyine ol maina piaiu u" .,, . brush do do ' sssort'd colored palls lttsq harrow 2 J teeh ' painted tub garden rake 1 lino wash board i.,,-., blacksmith's bellow cross cut saws 7 ft ,,' do 6 ft 11 millw7ft "'' hair mattraaa douW i do singk hsir bolsters doubl da hoe do spade polished shoveli hayfork 1 . " 'I T manure fork . churn window glau 8 by 10 do 10 by iz do ' slngl '' do I . 7 by sperm candle ' wiudowiashe 8 by 10 adainanun d grape brand tobacc do 10 by 13 ot bowa ind voke lucke tooacoo BLANKETS, BA1SE, L1NDSEYS, Sheelmge Iv.ki, etc etc. And keep constantly en hand a large ripply f GROCERIES, clothing, hardware, and many articlee lo aaiMf. ou to mention. '' ALLAN, MKINLAY f VV. Oregon City, April 21, IB55-ly UEAPERS A. TH R AS HEKS oe in vtr cup advertisement. ap21 ' '' G. ABr.KNtllix aiiU. "g f k tons Salt, mi, ported direct from 8andwieh MW Islmds.1 Islands, for sal in lot to suit purchasers, by apSltf THOS. dUrfJNBUIH. o IL and syrup in barrels, for sal by p21tf THOS. JOHNSON. A LARGE aaaortmenl of bwcoboM furaitata furalby apSl) THOS. JOHNSON. , DAPER Hanging, a Dw lot, for l. by L afltf , T. JOHNSON.