m WM&tommmmitommBmmimym&itnmn -vr',''Ji- vi . vmw ab, irtlaito, oregoh. T,Jf isM '' ' r.' :u.. .. w r E sj t-i ..U"- 5V, ? mpw ,wV . l:u?a f, if( TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. HENRY LONGBTRETU, Pres. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, VASHINQTON. Write for copy of handsome illastrated booklet on Tacoma, Just issued. - R. MANNINO, trmm. A. T. HOSMBR, Bo'y. L,. R. MAlNINIiNCI db CO., inc. 'Real Estate Loans ansl Investments. City and Farm Property. Timber and Coal Lands. First-Class Mortgages and Investment Securities. EQUITABLE BUILXHNd TACOMA, WASH. Horn Made Pastry Fine Coffee Oysters and Game In Season VIENNA CAPE ROBERT 8ICKKR, Prop. Kit Paclflo Atenue, KTrythlnf Pint Class and Up-to-Date TACOMA, WA8H JVI ONTY'B THIRBT STORK Berlin Dulldlnf. 113 South 11th St. Telephone, Main 1M. TACOMA, WA8HINOTON SUNRISE BAKERY. D. MoPHERSON, Proprietor. All kinds of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc. Wedding: and Birthday Cakes A Specialty. TELEPHONE RED ISO. 1107 South K St. TACOMA, VASH.' Tacoma Baking Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of BREAD, OAKES, ETO. 043 Tacoma Avenue, Tacoma - - Washington FULTON MARKET Dealers In Sutter. Eggs and Cheese, Fresh and Salted Smoked Meats. All Kinds of Poultry and Game In Season Jlllhest Market Price Paid for all Kinds of Poultry, Veal, Etc, JUS Jefferson Ato. Telephone Main JU RAINIER MARKET Pacific Are. Telephone 377 TACOMA WASH. THE HORSE SHOE CLUB IRA J. PEAR ALL, Proprietor. THE TIGER WILL BE TURNED LOOSE IN TWO WEEKS Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigirs ALWAYS ON HAND Billiard and Pool Room in Connection 1115 Pacific ATinn TACOMA. WASH. SUMMERFIELD Men's Furnishings And Hats Special Agency Vandyke $3 00 Hat Monarch and Cluett Shirts. 1U9K Pacific Ave. TACOMA Tacoma Itarble t Granite Wks. ' BIZER 4 03TLUND,, Ptoprletors. ESTIMATES GIVEN IV US ON CUT STONE Yard Cor. 24th and Eut I St. Office 738 St. Helen's Avenue Telephone Black J 876 Tacoma, Washington Remember Jones .Sells Pure Drug's Successor to Stewart ek Ho'mes Drug Co. Drttcff Toilet Article, Etc. 912 Pacific Ave. C. A. BLAKK J. 11. SMITH EAT T. B. C. BREAD MADE BY Tacoma Baking Company M3 Tacoma Are. Telephone James 261 TACOMA WASH. Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted aad Ow el the Beet Lawadrlea la taw Northwest. 1308-11 O Street JJU0-12 Commercial Street Telephone Main 830 TacesM, Waefclagtsja vaaaaav I Lr T.AwaaaSaiit JOHN R. ARKLEY, Bcc. and Tress. s AYIIK DRUO CO. The moit reliable place to bar druse and patent medicines, etc Thli store la noted for its carefulness in ailing preoptions and (or fair prices. IK Paclflo Arenue Tacoma, Wash. mllK PACIFIC LIQUOR AND WINK UOOBK. N. REUTER, Proprietor. The best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. family Trade a Specialty. Tel. Red 1731. 1506 Paclflo Are. UOS Commerce Bt. Tacoma, Washington Telephone Main S3. Opposite Tacoma Hotel ROYAL DAIRY. MILK, CREAM AND ICE CREAM, No. 9U A Street. Tacoma, Wash Telephone 62 36 C Street a- L.'Rommrlm 5E Son UNOBtrAKBtt Mrs. M. J. Finn, Assistant Tacoma, Wash Ben Olson PLUMBING Hot Water Heating, Gas Fitting, etc. Telephone Main 392. 1130 Commerce St. Tacoma, Wash, UINIOIN MARKET B. II. McKEK, Proprietor. Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. All Kinds of Poultry and Game in Season. TELEPHONE MAIN 317. 1104 South K St. TACOMA, Wash MENZIES Th Man Furnlsshcsr UP-TO-DATE GOODS FOR MEN WAITERS' SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY lOOl Paclflo Avenui Tacoma, Wcuah. Muehlen br uch Manufacturer of the Finest Grade Chooolatv and Bonbons Ice Cream and Shrb0t PARLORS 1111 TACOMA AVENUE Tulephon Main 73 O Puget Sound Electric Railway Interurban Loavo Tacoma 0:00, 7:10, 8:10, 0:15 (Ltd., no stopH) 10:10, 11:10 a m, 12:10, 1:10,2:10,3:10,4:15 (Ltd., no Mops), 5:10, 0:10, 7:10, 8:10. 0:10, 11:15 n 111. Leave Seattle fl:S0, 8:00, 0:00 (Ltd., no stops). 10:00, 11 :00 a m, 12 m, 1 :00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 (Ltd., no Rtops). 5:00, 0:00, 7 j00, 8:00, 0:00, 10:00, 11:16 pm. PUYALLUP DIVISION TPftvn P11 vnllnn 5 -30. 7 iOO. ft :(V O .(V 11 :00 a in, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00, 5:00, 0:15, 7:15, 8:15, 0:15 pin. LeavolUh and Commerce Sts. 5:40, 7:00,8:00,10:00,12:00 am, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00,4:00,5:00,0:15, 7:15, 8:15, 11:16 pm. (6 :30 a m omitted Sundays) FROM HEAD TO FOOT EVERYTHING That a Man or Boy Wears Goods That You've Eeari About STHNBLOCK CLOTHING GORDON and STETSON HATS WALKOVER SHOES DUTCHESS and PARAGON TROUSERS MONARCH SHIRTS DICKSON BROS. CO. 1129-22 Pacific Ave. TACOMA WASH BSneBMhw if f I H H "T" rtniinr w Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ????????? UOTEL ALBERT John 8. Gtmble, Proprietor. 97 Rlreralde Ave. Furnished rooms, bar and Millard room la connection. Ilotal phone Main 1U4. SPOKANE, WABHINQTON D. A. CARMEL Dealer lh Staple and Fancy Groceries Phoac Main 467 242 Main Ave. SPOKANE, WASH. THE SPOKANE CAFE The Leading Cafe of La Grande Avenue. One block from the Depot. Meals at all hours. Everything first-class. J. F. JOHNSON, Proprietor UFRKNBK BUFFET 318 Howard Btreet. 1'hone Main 69. HrOKANE, WA8IIINOTON Watson Drug Co. Wholesale and Ratail The most complete stock of Drun and Patent Medicines to be found in the Inland Empire Prices guaranteed as low as the lowest Our Prescription Department mcris your confidence. 401 Rivaralda Ava. Granite Block Farmers and Mechanics Bank (Stato Hank) BrOKANE, WASHINGTON A State Bank. Transacts a Oeneral Banking Business. Capital 110,000.00. Individual worth of stockholders exceeds 11,000,000.00. OFFICKIIH AND MIIKCTOII81 Donald Urquhart, President. Hubert Htirfrrlt, Vice President A. It. Hwanion, Vic Prenldtnl. J. It, Clancy, Cannier. O. W. Thorns. Thorn Ilyslop, Wllllaro (Ifmmlll, Robert Ifslop, (Me Olimn, Paul Priest, Robert Uunnln. Liberal Interest paid on Time Deposits Cascade Steam Laundry Boil's OillMlfirui lillv initial? rut if tli Blty PImi Mill 2IB. IHIrMfiAvi. SPOKANE WASHINGTON Diamond Ice ind Fuel Co. ICE, WOOD ANO COAL. 120 Madison Street, SPOKANG, WASH. holeule and Retail BREAD, ICE CREAM, PASTRY SENQFELDER'S Salesroom and Office S. II Howard Street Factory S. 207 to 213 Washington Street Phone Main 306 We ship everywhere and anywhere Mmkmry Oom B. L. GORDON ACCOMPANY WHOLESALE QROCERS SPOKANE, - - WASH. CORNER MILL AND R. R. For Fine, Up to Date Men's Fur nishings, go to Youle Bros. MEN'S FURNISHERS Telephone Main 1800 508 Riverside Ave. Spokane, Wash. THE SLOANE-PAINE CO. SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Qr eat east Grocery OF THE INorthweevt Importers of Wines, Liquors, Deljcatessen Fruit ami Groceries Wo make a specialty of supplying pri vate cars. Bend for catalogue. Mail ardors solicited. W HI SHINE afUVe 1HC SECRET OF GOOD TIMES. AAAAWW It was a rainy evening toward, the end of the summer, and "the crowd" the four or tve famiMes of friends who had been spending a month together among the Vermont hills had gath ered about the Delanda open fire. Something perhaps it was the com bination of the rain without, and the glowing Are within, perhaps It was the thought of aatasan and work seemed to put everybody In a reminiscent mood, and for aa hour or so the talk ran upon the doings of their nearly ended holiday. "If holidays could only last forerert" Maud Hastings sighed. "Then they wouldn't be holidays," somebody retorted, quickly. "What makes good times, anyway r some one else asked. Their hostess rose with an exclama tion of pleasure. "What a fine question!" she ex claimed. "There are pencils and pa per right here. Suppose we each an swer It, or try to, and then we'll read the answers aloud. Bach one may name three requisites for a good time." Tho plan "took" at once, and for a few minutes pencils woro busy; then the papers were collected and read aloud. The answers, ns was to be cxi pected, revealed very diverse tempera ments. The curious thing was that a most unexpected process of elimination began with the reading. "'A book and a shady nook' and time to enjoy them," was the first re sponse. "A book and time to read It would be enough," some one amended. "Oh, just a book!" a third correct ed. "Sometimes I think you enjoy It most If you can only steal a few min utes at a time." '"Health, a fine day, and all the world before you,'" another read, to be answered by a chorus of protests over the fine day. Did they not often have their best times on rainy ones? And a fragile girl In the corner added softly, "You don't even have to wait for health." So the papers went on, and finally a vote was taken, and the things most conducive to good times wero decided to bo a happy heart, friends and na ture. It was tho girl In tho corner who mado her discovery thon. "Why," she exclaimed, "I've so been pitying people who couldn't go away for vacations, but after all, the best three things are within reach of every bodyIf he -wants them enough I" The hostess, gathering up the scat tered papers, smiled ns If something had pleased ber. Youth's Companion. MANY USES OF SHEEPSKIN. Extant to Which It Ia Employed for Necessities of Life. "Many people use sheepskin without knowing It," remarked a Satem manu facturer. "The warm, soft furry rug In which baby Is wrapped aa winter approaches Is of sheepskin, and so are the little pink shoes that are fastened on baby's feet Very likely the little one's carriage Js upholstered with the same frock, too. '' The boy holds up his first pair of trousers with sheep skin tipped suspenders, and the snske skin or fancy leather holt that encir cles the waist of the girl Is only hum ble sheep In disguise. "The woman who admires a purse from the skin of a 'dear little African monk' la only paying tribute to the same old sheep, and tho man who fan cies that his cigar case Is from the skin of the arctic seal has only a small section of a Chicago slaughtered sheep In his hand. "The society belle who slips her tired feet Into a pair of boudoir slippers, or oven Ilniigor moccnslns, docmi't got nway from tho sheep, and tho young dudo who (leloctH a moleskin vest for winter wear becauso King Kdward wears 0110 Is only giving an order for moro sheepskin. "Tho college man onteia the world with his sheepskin diploma In his hand. The Judge passes down weighty de cisions ss bo sits on sheepskin uphol stered chairs, and the lawyer reads opinions from sheepsklu volumes. The traveling man bustles about with an alligator traveling bag, under the fond delusion that ho Is carrying a bit of the skin of tho Florida nioimter, but he has still got that same old sheep. "The pugilist puts on a bit of 'mut ton' when he dons his boxing sloven, and the youth who kicks the football about Is only giving a boost to the sheepskin trade. Nearly every pair of shoes has a piece of sheepskin about them, and nomo are made chiefly of sheepskin. "A number of the, modern-fashioned leather garments are also of sheepskin or aro sheepskin lined. Tho sleeping bag In which the traveler In the arctic or the huntsman In the woods crawls for a night's warm rest onco protected the flesh of the same old sheep, Tho chamois skin with which the society girl brightens up her complexion in the morning Is still the same old sheep. In fact, night and day, It Is hard to get away from sheepskin. Shoe Retailer. Iona; Division. "Most exalted darkness," reported the cannibal chief's lord High chancel lor; "the last storm delivered Into our hands a shipload of weather forecast ers. What are your wishers concent lug their disposition?" "Ah," replied the chief, "let them guess three tlmesabout the weather. If they hit It once they may go freo; but If not" he paused and swallowed In anticipation "tell the cook to di vide jhe prophets of the wreck." Judge. Japanese Advertising. Tho Japanese advance In advertis ing as In all else. Here Is an Illustra tion: "Our wrapping paper Is as strong as the hide of an elephant Goods for warded with the speed of a cannon ball. Our silks and satins aro as soft as the cheeks of a pretty woman, as beautiful as tho rainbow, Our par cels are packed with as much caro as a young married woman tukes of her husband." Kansas City Journal. A man Is usually a little timid about engaging In a lawsuit, but be foels better after bis lawyer goes over the esse, and says Imperiously; "Here's where we will skin bisa." ) i SEATTLE WASH I ee4e KaUroad Ave. foot ot Conn St. Phone Mala OT! NORTHWESTERN IRON WORKS MaaaSactirma ot St wheat, MM mi M!g ' Machinery. Arefit-Mlets Wetaa Kerosene Bngteee. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Tbied amd Columbia 'mows Main IS BOOTY & WATSOR CO ( svcctasoM to ) BONNY tc STHWART rVNISAL DIRKCTOM ANO BMBALMSSS Lady Assistant At (..lit. rUT-.t, waya In Attendance. dCauIC,, W5lw TIIK Quaker Drug Go. SEATTLE, WASH, Sell Drugs and Patent Medicines at Cut Rates, and Prepay Freight Charges to Points within one hun dred miles of Seattle. Claussen Brewing Ass'n Brewers and Bottlers of TANNHAEUSER AND SALVATOR BEER . 8KATTI.lt, U. S. A. Seattle Real Estate John Davis & Co, 709 Second Avenue Seattle, Wash. Insurance Loans Rentals FVFDPTT UTACH 1 )) dute Licence No. s. Lady Assistant II JOHN F JFIIFAn Undertaker and Embalmer Day and Night Berries 3939 llroadway Telephone Main 330 CARBANADO COAL Absolutely the best Coal on tho market No Clinkers, Rock, Done nor Soot, nothing but Pure Coal Bvcrett Coal Company C. P. CLARK, Prop. Phone Main 125 1905 Hewitt Ave. EVERETT BAKERY & LUNCH ROOM WEBSTER BROS., Proprietors Fine Bakery Lunch Served We make a specialty of Horn e Made Bread A full Line of bakery goods al ways on hand Order work a specialty MM 1-2 Hewitt Ave. 'Phone Red 1276 LoewenbergJc Going Co. Msnnfacturersot and dealers In Stoves, Ranges, Hollowware and Household Specialties Handled br all rirst'ClaM Peelers Royal Steel Ranges Are the Best aad Cheapest In the Market. 229 to 235 Taylor Street, 188 to 11M Second Street, Portland, Oregon OLYMPIACAFE Pine wl-ei, liquors and domett cellars and Kef Went tlg.ri always on hand. WULF & MOHLERS 1U 6th and Irving Street. A. eSWAINeSOlN TAILOR Full Dress and Business Suits to Order. Cleaning and Repairing Satisfaction Cluarasceed iff RuaMU St. PORTLAND L BUTTE MONTANA i JENSON BAKERY All Kiais of Breast aaet Cakes Bread at w'lMlessJa Prices Free Delivery to Ad Parts ef the City 315 South Mala Street BUTTB MONTANA CTATX SAVINGS BANC ' Under state supervision and jurisdiction. In terest paid on depoilta.. Bella xchanire avail able In all the principal cities ol the United States and Europe. C'ollee:lona prompt at tended to. BUTTS, MONTANA. Always Open. We Never Sleep. Telephone and telegraph orders promptly answered Secretary Mount Moriah Cemetery As sociation. Notary Public JOSEPH RICHARDS THE BUTTS UNDERTAKER Practical Kmbalmera and Funeral Directors. 10 West Park 8t. Telephone S07. Hesldence 409 South Montana Street, Telephone 708-M. BUTTE, MONTANA. WORL,D rack as Express Messenger Service. Tele phone 3UU. BUTTB, MONTANA. SMOKERS' ARTICLES, CIOARS TELEPHONE 491 JULIUS FRIED Cigarettes and Tobaccos j East Broadway BUTTB, MONT. Butte Transfer Co. THOa LAVKU.K, Proprietor. Baggage "- Passengers Checked TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Baggage Stored Any Length of Time Frco of Chnrgo. Phone No. 403. OPEN ALL NIGHT TAOY LAUNDRY CO. Will call for and deliver that Uuie dry. Ring up Telephone 2. Re member Troy Laundry, Telephone a. 23a South Mala Street. BUTTE, MONTANA. WWW WW W W WW NORTH YAKIMA XAA A AA A A A AAAdVdBadkA AAAAAA A WW wwvvwwwww MEADOYvTJRdBR: CREAMERY II. a WEINHTKIN COMPANY. Manufacturers ol Fancy Creamery BUTTER. North Yakima, Wash. FIRST NATIONAL BANK of North Yakima, Wish. (No. SUA.) Capital Slock. 550,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, 5!,56?.J7 Htatementat Close of Ilutlntss, Bept. 13, 1903 W. M. LADI). President. C1IAH. L'Altl'KNTKIt. Vice Pres. W, U HTKINWKd. Cashier. A. II. CMNK.Asat Cashier READ'S ..Steam Laundry.. Special orders returned same day, Domestic finish or uloss. No saw edges on collars or cuffs. Get ucquuihUxl with our methods. Oir luiiry Wtrk li tit Ctaiftrtafest FlUkto, WtarUfKUI. LAUNDRY AND OPI'ICH FIRST AND A STREETS, Phone St. North Yakima, Wash I ELLENSBURG j $ -pIXENBIIUItO HTKAM LAUNDRY. BHATHWKLL & IIAVKN, Patronise a Home Industry. Goods Called for and Dellrered TKLKPHONK ItKD UL ;. U. 8MITHBON, President. C. II. OTltWAitT, Vice Preddent. C. W. JOllNHO.NK, Cashier WASHINGTON STATE BANK. ELLEISIUM, WASH. DIRECTORS. Jacob Furth. C.J, Lord. J, II. btnlthsoa. C. M. Stewart. Jos. Weveaseu. C.W.JoBBsoae GREAT FALLS : Wn. OEOKOK, (Successor to Oee. BertheU) UNDERTAKER A BMBAIUB1. Open der and night. Telephones. Graduate of Champion BchMlolKasetelafff Licensed from Colorado and Montana, 40 Central Avenue, Oreat Falls, Moateete W. H. LKARD. Pres. II. noTBKTH, 1st Vlee Pres. aad See. W. L. JOHNSON, 2nd vioe-Pree. aad Trees CASCADE STEAM LAUNDRY, w. H. Leard, Manager. Teleohone 74. 117 ruse at, nana Short order work a speclaltr. Oreat Falls, .... Neatssia. Cloths Man, Woman, Boy ia Modern Urto-Date Fashionable Clothing at Popular Prices. Visit Often the Popular Prhwi Store for Men aad Womaa. Qreat Falls, Montana. JOHN D. RYAN. President. 1). J, HKNNEB8Y, vice President, JOHN O. MOItONY. Cashier. E. J. IIOWMAN. Ass't Cashier. MARK 8KINNKIt,Asa't Cashier UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. Capital, 1300,000. Deposits, flMN AB80CIATK BANKS: Daly Hank 4 Trust Co., Rutte. Daly Dank a Trust Co., Auaconda. B. A. RK1CIIKL. President. W. K. BKNdliUBCII. Vlee President. U. w. URUNWALDT, Bee. Trees THE AMERICAN BREWING S MALTING COMPANY Brewers and Bottlers of extra quality lager beer. "American Family" bottled boor a specialty. Ofnoo: 100 Central Avenue. P. O. Box 80, Qreat Falls, Montana. CONRAD BANKING COMPANY, GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. Paid unCanltal.... IndlTldual Responsibility.. Me e eee. e eee -. !!.? s,swjse O. CONRAD. Ft ealdent. JAMEHT.HTANFORD. Vice Pres. and Manager. P. kklly? Caefeler SAM R. WILBUR City Dray Line Piano Moving and Heavy Freighting Dealer in Coal and Wood Warehouso on H. It. Track, Ninth Ave. South, l'homi M M Olllco with Great Falls Hardware Co., 410 Central Ave. Phones, Hesldenco 6(1 A, Olllco 102 GREAT FALLS, MONT. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee OMAHA NEBRASKA ! $ X OMAHA TRANSFER GO. Istheonljr exclusive bifiraze Hue In Omaha and the only on. recosjiilted by the railroads. Commercial and theatrical business a spe cialty. City rates the lowest. vet Ymui- f Aammt Oh Tfmlmm ew t Dmmmt 131 Howard 9trt ASK FOR KRUG The Ileer you like. Agonclos in all Western Cities and Towns. FRED KRUG BREWERY CO. OMAHA, NEB. TO OET THE BEST THINGS TO EAT AND DRINK ALWAYS ORDER ADVO Which Means the Best Quality McCORD BRADY CO. Omaha, Neb 1 iM Mill PIXTQN AND GULIGIEI CO. j I BMSiAls4Ma '" IIHfaTWI 111 Coffaa Roastara and Jobbing Grocara Oldut Jobbing Grocers in the WtU. IV Ublkhci 1863-1904. Special attention rive enull orders. Omaha, Nab. u, w. I V '! u. i ii! L'Xi&t,A tJ-frJOc- , aSftuirA-., .. . ,iva, " i 'irW'-'L .s L4-UIV jsu. 'H u. ik. wi . ViA. . Cf .1 ,