'amfca.iMiii.? W9SU IM awsjr..S JT'----'irvf ?' i TlOP HTJBVT AGUE, POOTIiAlfD. OREGON. TACOMA, WASHINGTON, ADVERTISING. HENRY LONGSTRETII, Pres. JOHN R. ARKLEY, Sec. and Trcaa. Tacoma Land and Improvement Co. TACOHA, WASHINGTON. Write for copy of hnndsomo illustrated booklet on Tacoma, Just issued. SUNRISE BAKERY. D. McNI ERBON, Proprietor. All kinds of Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc Wedding and Birthday Cakes A Specialty. TELEPHONE RED 15C. J 107 Sooth K St. TACOMA, WASH. THE JUNCTION ERICH BIBUnO, Proprietor. U34, 162l, IMS Porlfta Arcane, Tteoni, Wash. One-half Ulocx (ton N. P. Depot. 8to- pine point (or nit atreet can. Telephone Mack H7S. All the Leading Brands of Imported Liquors, Wines and Cigars Carried in Stock. Fresh Beer Al ways on Tap. One of tho Finest Places la the City. THOMAH S. nURLEY, Manager. Ilea. Tel. John Ml. R011ERT McCULLOUOH, Secretary. Hei. Tel. John 841. T1G0MA TUG MB BARGE GO. TUGfl FEARLESS, FAIRFIELD, FAVORITE end FALCON. General Towing. Coal, Ilallaat and Water tfnrnlehed. Bcows and llarf ei lor Kent. The "Fearleaa" ti fitted with powerful flro and 'wrecking pump. All business communica tion! to bo addressed Tacoma Tug and llargo -Co. Offloe: 1'aclflc Cold Btorage building, Xorthcru raclflo Dock. Telephono Uatn 69. Tacoma, Washington. Wm. B. Coffee Plumbing Do. Inc. Guarantco Everything They Do. Headquarters for Bathroom Trimmings Established 1883. 1015 A Street Phone, Main 070 TACOMA WASH C. G. MELLINGER. Funorml Bireotorm Embalming a Specialty by Mol linger Bros. Ofllce rhone Main 211. Resldenco I'hone John 254L 910 Tacoma Are. Tacoma, Waali, Ole D. Lien. ITarry B. Belrlg. LIEN'S PHARMACY. Hormorly Central Drug Store. Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles Prescriptions a Specialty. 1102 Tacoma Avenue. Telephone Jamea 141. Tacoma, Waah. Tacoma Baking Co. Wholesale Manufacturers of BREAD, CAKES, ETC. 043 Tacoma Avenuo, Tacoma - - Washington Ben Olson PLUMBING Hot Water Heating, Gas Fitting, etc. Telephone Main 392. 1130 Commerce St. Tacoma, Wash. OCCIDENTAL MARKET JAMES LONGMIRE, Proprietor. DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS. POUL TRY AND OAME IN SEASON. 1702 Jefiersee Ave. Tesephoa Jaiet 6138 TACOMA, WASH. FULTON MARKET Dealer! In Butter, Eggs and Cheese, Fresh aad Salted Smoked Meats. All Klnde of Poultry and Game In Beaaon lanes Market Price Paid tor all Kinds oi Poultry, Veal, Etc, IMS JeBereon Ave. Telephone Main 241 RAINIER MARKET faaUo Are, Telephone 877 rUNCKER BOTTLING CO. Manufacturer! and Dealer! la SODA AND MINERAL WATERS Sareaparllla and lroa, Ginger AU. Phone, Red list 2323 Jefferson At. TACOMA, WASH M ONTY'S TUIKST STORK Dsrlla Bnllalag. Ill South 11th Telephone, Mala IK TACOMA, WASHINGTON s AYRE DRUG CO. The moat reliable place to buy druge and r latent medicines, etc. Thla storo la noted for la carefulness In filling preacrlptlona and for fair prloea. 11M raclflo Arenue Tacoma, Waah. mllE PAC1FIO MQUOH AND WINE HOUSE. N. REUTKR, Proprietor. The beat of Wine, Ltquora and Clgart. Family Trade a Specialty. Tel. lied 1731. 160(1 Paclflo Are. 1603 Commerce tit. Tacoma, Washington Hopkins Bros. druoqists. Preecrlptloni aro our apeclalty. Orders by telephono promptly delivered. Can to all parte of the city pass our doora. 8. W. cor. K and Eleventh Uta. Telephone Main SU. A. S. JOHNSON & CO. Wholesale and retail dealera la Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glass, Wall Paper Wo carry a full line of Room Moulding, Doora. lndnwa, Etc. Eatlmatea given on Papering and Glazing. lei. John 'AMI. 1309 Pacific Avenue. TACOMA, WASH. Telephone Main W. Opposite Tacoma Betel ROYAL DAIRY. MILK, CREAM AND ICE CREAM. No. 013 A Street. Taeoaa, Was. Telephone 02 tat O Street . Lm Robert S Son UNDERTAKERS Mra. M. J, Finn, Aaalatant Tacoma, Waah noma Made Pastry Fine Coffee Oyateri and Game in Beaaon VIENNA CAFE RODERT SICKER, Prop. 1311 Paclflo Avenue, Everything Flrat Claaa and Up-to-Dato TACOMA, WASH THE LOUVRE. WILLIAM BinURO, Prop. Deat brand! of imported and domeatlo Wlnee, Llquora and Cigars. Sole agents for Parker Rye. Fine Free Lunch. Telephone Jamea 21SL 1300 Paclflo Avonuo. 1305 Commerce Street. Tacoma, Washington. We have everything you need in the Drug and Patent Medicine Line. VIRQES & CO., Druggists. 114a Pacific Ave. UNION MARKET & II. McKEE, Proprietor, Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. All Kinds of Poultry and Game in Season. TELEPHONE MAIN 817. 1104 South K St. TACOMA, Wash THE STAR Livery & Boarding Stable A. EFAW. Boarding Horses a Specialty. Phone, Main 139. 1134-30-33 O St. TAOOMA, WASH. CASCADE CEHUL COMPAKY MANurAciUBiaj or Rolled Oats. Daily Bread Flour. Cereals of All Kinds. Feed. H. A. DURR. Proprietor ot Cascade Steam Laundry Newly Fitted and Oae of the Best Lauadrlca la the Northwest. 1369-11 O Street 1310-12 Commercial Street Telephone Main 8 Walla Walla Advs. TVEPOT LUNCH COUNTER. FRANK M. CUMMINGS Proprietor. All Kinds of Lunches Put Up for tho Traveling Public. WALLA WALLA, WASH. LHWIB W. IIEATON Manager WMif ViHtrnHmklnm Pmrtorm. Graduate Embauncr and Dlalnfcctor. Licensed by Illtnole State Hoard of Health. Member National Association of Embalmen. P. O. Box 782' Phone, Main 149. WALLA WALLA WASH. J. W. COOKERLY. Undertaker and Qeacral Faaeral Furnisher. Embalming a Bpeclalty. Habcock'i Brick Block, lii Flrat Bt. Telephone Black SSL WALLA WALLA, WASH. pALL AT 120 AND 122 MAIN 8T. SCHWARZ'S SALOON Lunch Counter and Club Rooma open at nil houra. 120 and 122 Main Street WALLA WALLA, WASH A. BCHWARZ, Prop CITY BREWERY MRS. J. H. STAHL, Prop. Dealer in FINE EXPORT LAGER BEER. Beer In bulk or bottles. All ordera promptly filled. ..CHICAGO STORE.. eMfofYlae) . We aro sole agents for tho Qontmn Hmt, Wmtk'Ovmr Shoo. Hart Shaffmar Marx Olmthfng. Wo would appreciate a sharo of your patronngo. Walla Walla, Washington. McKean's DRY GOODS STORE Clothing-, Shoes. Hats, and Mens' Furnishings Office: Fourth and Main Street WALLA WALLA - WASH Walla Walla Bottling Works. ALL KINDS OF Soda Water and Bottled Beer. CHAS. VON THRON, Prop. Telephone White 171. 209 East Alder Street. Walla Walla, Wash. TAILKOAD EXCHANGE. TONY BILVA, Manager? Fine Wlnea, Llquora, Clgare. Private entrance on Third Btreet. Open day and night. Capital Phone 212. tiuuaet Blue 21&. Corner Third and K Btreeta, Sacramento, Cal. plONEER BAKERY. II. BCHNETZ, Proprietor. Fine Bread, Cakes, Plea, Rolls. Doughnuts, Etc., Etc., of All Klnda. Phones: Bunaei, Black 033; Capital, 3V7. 121 J Street, SACRAMENTO KIRK, GEARY & CO. Photographic Supplies Sacramento and San Francisco, CALIFORNIA. SEND FOR CATALOG. ENNIS-BROWN COMPANY. WHOLESALE FRUIT PRODUCE Commission Merchants. Butter, Cheese and Eggs Potatoes, Onions, and Beans In Car Lots a Specialty. On.01 toi Hindi Products i Specialty 100 to 110 J Street and 1001 to J 123 Front Street, SACRAMENTO, CAL Billings advertising. E.ERICKSON. W.J.BCOTT. BILLINGS STEAM LAUNDRY. Work turned out on short notice. We make apeclalty of Traveling Men'a work. Billings, Montana Paul McCormlck, B.O.Bhorey, Chaa.Bpear. President. Vice President. Cashier BILLINGS STATE BANK BILUNOfi, MONTANA. CAPITAL STOCK, $50,000.00. -DIRECTORS- II. C. BOHTW1CK, Cashier Boutb Omaha National Bank. A, C. JOHNSON, Vice Pres, American National Bank, Helena. PAULM'CORMICK, Merchant and Stockman. C. O, OROWELL, Real Estate and Stockman. a), u, buuhb 1 , mocaraan. . if u.oiir uv..Wm RACING WITH PROA BOAT Vraaile Craft that Can Bail Twenty Mile an Hour. The most Interesting feature of the yacht club at Blscayne Bay, Florida, Is the number of proas owned by tho members; In no other section Is tho building of them carried on and their use encouraged and practiced, says the Illustrated News. Until within tho last few years, these frngllo craft did not come practically before yachts men. It was In countries where trade winds prevail that they were built and sailed, and wo are told by Fotknrd and others that they have been in use in the Ladrones and South Sea Islands for soTOrnl thousands of years. When wo sco ono of these dainty craft, twenty-four feet long and only two feet wide, with an outrigger look ing all tho world over llko a "straddlo bug," as it rushes through tho water enveloped In mist at the rate of twenty miles an hour, tho two men on bonrd, ond at tho helm (an oar) nnd tho other sliding up and down ("hiking" as they call It) on tho doltcato outrigger as human ballast, every tlmo the wind freshens or falls, tho crew scorn to bo amphibious, for, if tho "hiker" chances to miss stays, ns it were, by failing to movo quickly enough to pre serve tho equilibrium of the craft, over sho goes and the men, particularly If air tanks exist at tho Interchangeable stem and sttrn, as they do on all modern-built proas, topplo Into tho sea nnd, holding on respectively foro and aft, "unhitch" tho lug sail, set tho light boat "on its feet," ball her out, slide aboard over tho sharp ends, nnd away sho goes liko greased lightning through tho enveloping mist. Tho proa is tho roverso in model of any pleasure, craft In tho country; tho hull Is not symmetrical, tho sides being unequal nnd of different form. Tho leeward side Is Hat from stem to stern nnd acts ns a ieehonrd or cen terboard, whllo tho windward is round ed, ns in other boats. Tho outrigger, uiunlly about ten feet long, bus Attach ed at Its outer end a miniature Ixdit, n dainty ropllcn, six feet In length, of tho parent craft. When tho pron Is sailing on an even kcol it Is not An Impediment to speed, nnd when on tho wind It Is sometimes tilted upward to an anglo of 40 degrees, but n movo ment outward of n foot or moro of tho "hiker" causes It to rcacli tho water, throwing upwnrd and around dnlnty specks of foam, which, blended with those dashed from tho bow of the fast sailing proa, produces n mist that en folds both crafts sometimes, so denso as to render them invisible. RATS NOT FOND OF TOBACCO. Tkejr Avoid the Weed In AU Ita Vorrua "I noticed that rat story told In tho Star by Colonel L. S. Drown, of tho Southorn Hallway recently," said an avenuo tobacco dealer to a Washing ton star man, "nnd I want to say that any tobacco man can put In a good word for tho rat, but I supposo he Is about the onlv ' man who would sav anything about tho' rodent faintly Unit was good. Besides, what ho says Is a ncgatlvo sort of goodness. Tho rat simply doesn't bother tho tobacco man During a long ezpcrlcnco In the to bacco business, au experience covering twonty-flvo years or moro, I can recall only a few instances whero tho rat be came at all bothersome around a cigar store. Thoy cannot stand the odor of tobacco, nnd I havo nevor known of rats eating tobacco In any form or oven of rats attempting to cut Into to bacco. I supposo tho tasto of tho weed Is offcnslvo to tho rodent palate. At any rate they will havo nothing to do with it "You might fill this place up with rats and 1 would open every box of cigars and, tobacco In tho plnco so tho trlbo could havo access to tho stock, and I would lay a wager wo could cotno in horo after they had remained overnight and And they had not touched a thing In tho place. Hats are not chewers, nor smokers, nor users of tho weed. Evou tho sinoko of tobacco soems to craze them. "I remember a few years ago of hav ing mado an experiment to sco what effect smoko would hnvo on tho rat I had caught a rat In a trap at my home. I put him in a llttlo cage and began to blow tobacco smoke In on him. I havo seen a great many panic-stricken ani mals, but nothing in my experience equaled tho wild alarm of that rat when I began to puff tho smoko through tho silts of tho cage. If the cage had been on flro ho would not havo been moro frlghtoncd than he was. I cnrrled tho experiment further than I had Intended, for heforo I knew It tho rnt becamo as limp ns a rag and was evidently very much nnusoated. Tho experiment taught mo that tho rat's stomach rebels nt clthor tho smell or tasto of tobacco and I suppose that's why wo nro not pestered by rats In cigar stores." A MUSICAL KING. "Music hath charms to sooth tho sav age breast" Tho picturo shows King Houallou, a Sputh Sea Inland chief, producing classical music in his "pal ace" on a self-playing instrument Cauglit- "Pshawl" she exclaimed, Impatient ly. "I'm sure we'll niUs the first act We've waited a good many minutes for that mother of mine." "Hours, I should say," be retorted, rather crossly, "Ours? OH, aeorgol" she cried, and laid her blushing cheek upon bis shirt 7 COLFAX ADVERTISING M ODEL STEAM LAUNDRY. Laundry called (or and delivered free ot charge. Traveling men'a laundry delivered the same day without extra charge. W make a apeclalty bf fine allka and woolene. 'Phone lied VI. North Main St. Colfax, Washington. IRA MOORE, Mgr. J. N. BCOTT, Proa. Interior Warehouse Co. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE tc CO, Minigen. General Warehouse System Both 0. R. & N. and N. P. roads. All Kinds of Grain 'Bought and Sold. A. M. SCOTT, General Agent. Colfax, Washington. J. A. Perkins & Co. Railroad Land Agenoy In connection. REAL ESTATE. FARM LOANS Bargains In Farm Lands and City Property. Correspondence Solicited. Colfax, - Washington. IF YOU FEED STOCK of any kind, tt will pay you to buy one of Cariey's Roller Feed Mills THE ONLY MILL manufactured that will properly prepare Oats. Wheat or Barley 10 they will thoroughly digest when eatta by stock. THIS MILL will KILL WILD OATS. Manufactured In Five Sires, by Carley Brothers, at Colfax, Washington. MR. DEALER, It will pay you to han dle this Mill, as the terms to you arc ex tremely liberal. National Laundry 113-115 Second Street South Great Falls, Mont. JOHNSON & CASBY, rreprlrtora Work Done on Short Notice. The Only First Class Steam Laundry in Great Falls. Telephone 9. Hygiene Kola Co. Manufacturers of Pure KOLA TONIC WINE Made from Kola, Celery and Pepsin Beware of Worthless Imitations B. V. CLARK, Sole Propr. 282 Socond St. Portland, Or. Phone Main 285 P. Johnson & Co. Peerless Pure Foods Co. Wholesale Dealers in Flour, Feed and Grain Manufacturers Pure Foods. Mill and Ofllce Fourth and Hoyt Sts. PORTLAND, OR. OREGON FUEL COMPANY 344 Morrison Street, Bo tneen Seventh and Eighth. Coal, Coke and Charcoal. Fir, Oak, Ash and Kindling Wood. TELEPHONE GS PORTLAND LAUNDRY CO. II. A. CHAPMAN, Manager. Gents' Work a Specialty Newly Fitted and One of the Best Laundries In the Northwest. OREdON PHONE MAIN 410. 4042 North Ninth Street. PORTLAND, ORE . M. MEAR8. Pres. MARION WILCOX, Seo. THEUNITED GARRIAGEGOMPANY Rubber Tired Carriages, Coupes, Tally-Ho Rig and Carry-Alls. BOARDING AND CARE OF HORSES A SPECIALTY Phone. Main 222. 153 Eleventh Street, Cor. Morrison PORTLAND OREGON LoewenbergS Going Co. Manufacturers ot and dealers in Stoves, Ranges, liollowware and Household Specialties Handled by all yiral-Claaa Dealers Royal Steel Ranges Are the Rest aad Cheapest la th Market, 229 to 235 Taylor Stroot. 188 to 104 Second Btreet, : LA GRANDE CEDAR VALLEY SALOON. Holveraon A Chrlatoffersoa, Props. FINE WINES, LIQUORS A CIGARS. La Qrande, Oregon. TLDK FRONT SALOON. E. THORSON, ProprleW. One of the Best Places in La Grande to Gat a Nico Drink. LA QsUNDE, OREOOM Palace Saloon OHAS. AMOEItaOM, Prop. All kinds of Fine Liquors and Cigars. La Grando Oragon KERR&VERNAN All Kinds of Case Goods, The Finest Key West Ci gars In the City. GIVE US A TRIAL, La Grande Oregon THE MINT SALOON O. I MCLLQUiar, tVaja. REST BRANDS OF WINES AND LIQUORS...... IMPORTED AMD DOMKSTIO ClQAlia.-- Conier Depot Btreet and Jeflersou Avenue, LA BHAMOtE, OR. A. B. C. STEAM LAUNDRY U Brandt, Orison. Work returned samo day as received If so requested without extra charge. C. S. & L F. DUNN, Proprietors J. T. Williamson ABSTRACTOR. Prompt Attention Glvon to All Business Bcforo U. S. Land Ofllce. Plata and Abstracts ot Records a Specialty. Ofllce in Lewis Building, Opposito Sotnmor Houao. La Grande, Oregon The EAGLE Saloon ULRICH LOTTES Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors md Cigars Lunch it til Hours All Kinds of Case Goods on Hind Jefferson Ave. Li GRANDE, OREGON Roseburg advertising T IIE UMPQUA BAKERY FRESH BREAD DAILY. Flea, Cakea. Cookies, Doughnuta, Huns. Rolls Cream Puns. Cakes fsr Hoclals, Partial and Banquets Made to Order, E. JENNINQ8 and MRS. FREEMAN, Props. Ffaono 418. Roseburg, Oregon Entertainers! CHAS. OILYIN. I1ILL PROTZMAN The Monogram PRANK KI2NNBDY, Prop. Cyrus Noble, Bourbon and Rye Whis kies. Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ROSEBURG, - OREGON. The LITTLE DRUG STORE Near the Depot, Roseburg, Oregon. Where you can And the BGST QUALITY OP Drugs, Chemicals, Perfumes, Stationery, Etc. M. F. RAPP, Proprietor. F. B. RISLEY & CO. Dealers in Flour, Feed and Groceries Country Produce Bought and Sold Cash or In Trade. Sheridan StM Opp. Depot, SJ44 Butte City Advertising CATS BAVIKOa BANC Under stats anperrlslon and Jurisdiction. In terest paid on deposits. Bells exchang stall able in all the principal cities of the Unite Btateaand Europe. Collections promaty at tended to. BUTTE, MONTAKA. Always Open. We Nerer Sleep. Telephoa Secretary Mount Morlah Cemetery As sociation. Notary Public JOSEPH RICHARDS TUB BUTTB UNDERTAKER Practical Embalmers and Funeral Directors. 140 West Park Bt, Telephono 807. Reeldenee) 409 Boutb. Montana Street, Telephone 70S-M. BUTTE, MONTANA. SMOKERS' ARTICLES, CI0AR8 TELEPHONE 491 JULIUS FRIED Cigarettes and Tobaccos 3 East Broadway BUTTE, MONT. Butte Transfer Co. THOB. LAVELLB, Proprietor. Baggage i Passengers Checked TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. Baggage Stored Any Length of Tim Froo of Charge. Phone No. 403. OPEN ALL NIGHT MONTANA DRUG CO. Exclusive Jobbers of Drugs Stationery and Cigars. , State Agents "BEN HUR" and "LA BINOERIDAD" Cigars. Only exclasfo wholesale house in Montana. 902 to 914 E. Front Street, Telephone 515. BUTTE. MONTANA. Dm Jim Hennemmy Mercantile Co. DEPARTM ENTS Groceries Carpets Dress Good's Draperies Domestics Furniture Notions Bedding; Men's Clothing1 Crockery Furnishings Cloaks Hats Millinery Shoes , Boys' Clothing Tailoring Stationery ButU Montmm WORLD Package Express Messenger Berrlo. Tetev phone !M. BUTTE, MONTANA. TROY LAUNDRY CO. Will call for and deliver that laun dry. Ring up Telephone 2. Re member Troy Laundry, Telephone a. 33a South Main Street. BUTTE, MONTANA. SEATTLE ADVERTISING Sohwabaoher Bros. 1 Co., Ins. WHOLESALE GROCERS COFFEE ROASTERS Agenta (or Heraan Cortez, White Knight aad Fontelta Cigars, Proprietors of Happy Home and Silver Shield Braae) Canned Goods. SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. Taiao amd Coldmsu 'Phomb Main IS BONNY & WATSON CO ( SUCCBMOM TO ) BONNY 6c STEWART rOHSaUL DIBKCTOKS AND SUBILHKU Udy Asalatant At- C.af tf rUT-icn ways In Attendance. uC4lllC,(TVdaM, Kallroad At. loot ot Conn Bt. Phone Mala m NORTHWESTERN IRON WORKS lUamtacturera ol Steaasfcnat. MUTa4 MacaJaery, Ageat-MUta Watas Kereeeoa Baftaea. mzWBmlm. TACOMA TASH. It VlllalllllTlasaa W aaMwaameiam A. . ..AIIIIDHK.WMI. CHAjJ.MJJA. front-;