&&SLM!3S3ZjuB Pii ,2ijriCI3IiIES3SSSi5 Bjil4Mttia.-.'lia THE KJflW AWE, PORTLAND, OREGOIC. . I: '& ;v. THE NEW AGE Established 1890 A. D. Oiimn Manager Telephone, Main 7J7 Offloe,43 Second Bt., cor. Ash, Rooms J and 2 Portland, Oregon. AQENT8 J.W.Duncan , Butte, Mont (loo. A. Hayes Seattle, Wain To Insur putlloatlon. ail local nw muat rtMt ui uot rater than Thursday morning ( I ww. Subaoriptlon price, ona rear, payable is aV vane, fil.DO. PORTLAND LOCALS G1 Mr. B. Prltchard la at Tho Butler. Mr. Curry, of Fargo, N. D., Is at Hotel Do Kcblc. Mrs. Seals, who undorwent an op oration, Is Improving. Mrs. M. Miller, who Is sick In tho hospital, Is Improving. Wo aro Borry to loam that tho Smart Set have disbanded. Mr. Leo Johnson was called homo on account of his mothor's Borlous Illness. v Mr. Brown, ono of tho members of the Smart Set, has gono South to vis It his mothor. Prof. Weir, of St. Paul, Minn., Is In tho city tho guest of his sister, Mrs. Watorfords. Mr. R. Lauralno has been confined to tho houso for tho last weok with a' sovcra sore throat. Tho Paul Lawronco Dunbar Liter ary Society met Wednesday evening nt 55lon A. M. E. Church. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hill will ro turn to the city tho first of the week. Wo aro glad to wolcomo them back. Mr Tjimnco nnd Mr. Charleston, tho famous twins, were In tho city this week looking as cheorrul as ovor, Mr. Harris was In the city on the 27th en route to Seattle. Ho Is think ing of going Into business In Portland. f ' . . died Inst. Saturday. Mr. Hubbard, for Mr. and Mrs. Mann havo moved to mnny years, was ono of tho eraployos tholr now residence, whore they will of tho united States circuit court of bo at homo to tholr friends after May nppcni8 0f Chicago, and was a prom- tho 1st. lnont member of tho Grand Army of ". 7T".. i . . . tho Ropubllc. Tho Housohold of Ruth entertained last Wednesday ovenlng at whist In Mr. Gcorgo M. Patterson, of Batav- tholr hall. Thoro was a largo crowd in. HI., was In tho city last weok on In attendance business. , , Lawyor John G. Jones sued John J. Mr. nnd Mrs. N. Thnmpson, of gionrii tho superintendent of tho Whntcom, Wash., Is at Tho Butler, i,0UB0 0f correction, last week for re- on route to Pocatella, Idaho., whoro f,,HnB to nllow him to consult nnd to they will rcsldo. BC0 Mr. John Coleman, n client of his. . , A . . Mr. Jones recovered a Judgment of Mr. Roborts H. Dalo, Into of Seat- ?l00 nnd costB agnlnat Mr. Sloan Uo- tie. is in tho city and expects to mnko foro jU8tCo Wnltor O. Kraft. This this his pormnnent homo. Ho Is tho w,n prouabiy teach Mr. Sloan a les- guest of Tho Hawk. Bon tnat h0 wm not soon forgot nnd . ,m . 7. i. i when practicing and roputablo law A. D. Griffin is out of tho city mnk- of Cncngo cnn t0 B00 nnu- con. ing his semiannual trip through Ida- slt wlu, tholr'clionta that they will ho, Washington, Montana and Mlnno- not Rnn bo rofUBOa- admission to sota, looking after his business In- do fl0i terests. . ' ... , . ' Wo aro pleased to announco that It is rumored around town that our no order nmong tho colored people of peoplo are going to have a baby show. Chicago Is making tho rapid progress Thoro being moro babies In Portland that Is now being mndo by tho Ancient nt present than in tho History of Arabic Order of Dnughtors of Sphinx. Portlnnd. Mrs. Maud Trlplot, Mrs. Clara Pow- oil, Mrs. Martha Cranshnw, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. O. Lynthecum cejo- Irono L. Androws, of Sahara Court, bratcd tholr marrlngo anniversary Mrs. Mabel Harris, Mrs. Walkor, last week. Thoso presont wero Mrs. Mrs. Grcon nnd Mrs. Emma Weaver, K. Gray, Mrs. L. Lapsley, Mr. Curd of Oriental Court: Mrs. S. J. amy, nnd Mr. Williams. Mrs. Hamilton, of Pnlostlno Court; Mrs. McSpaddon, Mrs. Jackson, of Hal Ha! Thero will bo a grand Mecca Court, aro tho promlnont nnd candy pulling nnd cake-cutting nt leading lights of tho order In this Mt. Olivet Baptist church, Tuosdny, city. May 3, 1904. A solid gold ring will John j Buckncr n coj0red mnn bo placed In tho cake. Admission wno wn onco ft momuor of tno iCR8. frco. By the Silver Loaf Club. Cap- ,ntur0 of tho 8tato of Illlno,8 nt that tain Mrs. O. Q. Lynthecon. tlmo ,md moro B00d luck tnnn 80nB0i ... . , . . , . for It seems that his position nt that Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Into of Gal- trno 8WolIed hl8 noad B0 that ho voston, Texas, nro thinking of re- th0UKUt ho wn8 a bjBgor man than turning to their old homo. Not bo- 0overnor John n. Tnnnor. of tho ing nblo to get a position, ho being 6tnto of minoig B0 that when Govor- employed ns shipping clerk nt his n(Jr Tnnnor EOt nfter nttlo swell hoad- former homo, his omployor having of- ed Bucknor n0 put Bucknor out of tho fercd him his position back. Wo ro- rnco on tho Btart and burJed hm po. gret to los tliora. illtlcally so doop that ho has nover ... , , o 1U been and will nover bo politically Mt. Olivet Baptist church, Seventh ro8Urrectod. It Is much to bo ro- and Everett 'streots, Sunday at 10:30. Ucd Umt o mnko Bomo peo- ono accord In prayer, and at 11:00 , t ,ko ,dotB a. m., covenant meeting for nil who nro concerned. Other meetings as Dr. Charles E. Bontloy, tho presl- the BIblo school nnd Young Peoplo dent of tho Equal Opportunity havo their tlmo fixed. Como at 7:00 League, Is doing a great nnd splendid p. m. Slstor Edwards will lead tho work for tho boneflt of his race of round tablo nt tho close of tho Sun- peoplo In Chicago, day cchool. At 8:00 p. m. worship! Rev Jordlin chavls, who Is Inspect- g,55. yT,,8,HB,"gnLD1.C88?d . Bo l? in tho grain office, wont to Qulncy, Tlo That Binds." Choir Blnglng. At j ,nBt weok on tt bUBnoss trip. 8:00 p. m. subject, "A Bruised Reed, ' ' , Shall Ho Not Break, and Smoking ' On last Tuosday ovenlng Sir Knight Flap Shall Ho Not Quench." By the Abnor A. Hodges. 32d, was elected Pastor, C, C X. Laws. i Eminent Commander of Westora Star uommunuury oi ivniguiH luiujiiur, ui F. D. HILL, POPULAR CANDIDATE. Chicago. F. D. Hill, formerly assessor of The colored people aro asking and Pierce county and ono of tho most making diligent Inquiry why Rev. A. popular young republicans In this L. Murray, tho pastor of tho Bethol part of tho stato, has announced his A. M. E. church, does not mako a re candidacy for tho nomination of Port to' tho public about tho money county treasurer on the republican that ho has collected In tho Max Wiley ticket. Mr. Hill Is well and favorably murder case. known to tho voters of Pierce county, and if given the nomination will prove Furnished rooms from 10.00 up, at a very popular candidate. Will Tur- Mrs. M. Keoble, 388 Everett Btreet. nor, tho efficient and popular chief Telephono Main 2651. deputy county assessor, wno nas served In that capacity for nearly 15 years, two years of which was under Mr. Hill. miiiintiMiw; I SEATTLE ITEMS iiiwhiiii ptMNAeMMMMft WHEN IN SEATTLE DON'T FORGET THE riuu uumyauy u obcdi ior panic- ulan, Afro-Am. Boclal Club, 110 Seneca meet, rear bldr. bet. Firtt and Second. H.T. Bailey, prea. GOD'S ART GALLERY OF THE A. Uuncanwn, ec. and ta'g't. fhoat Main ROCKIES, Edytb Tozler Weatherred says, in Mr. S. A. Thorno left .for Hadley, ,0ent number of "Tne ExPsJ' Alaska, on April 29. I ,.M. flrflt trfp hag recenUy becn Rev. J. Bailey left for Chicago made over the world renowned Den April 27 for the A. M. E. Conference, ver & Rio Grande Railroad. Any at- Mrs. Susie Wilson left on the City a VoSlecKl! toseo of Seattle for Ketchkan, Alaska f 'ISSIItod whll? SS April i. gare on the grand, glorious, beautiful Mr. J. Stafford and Mrs. Flowers, and sublime. 'God's Art Gallery of of Spokane, are in the city in pursuit the Rockies" Is unsurpassed and fills of health. I one's soul with more love for the Cre- T i,0ii ,j mh Mahelle ator and 7" are a,so Impressed with Mr. J. Pernall ,admM"'dMaa.be" the wonderful chlevements of man Rldeout were QU."1"1 at tnoiwho made It possible for the traveler bride's residence on April i. to enJoy 0 plcturesques of Ainer- A reception was given by Miss tea." Georgia Solby at the home of her If you contemplate a trip East, parents in honor of Mrs. Geo. Ride-' write W. C. McBride. 124 Third street, out on Friday, April 22, and a very Portland, Ore., for booklets picturing rlcasant evening was spent. Mrs. Colorado's famous scenery, and what Rldeout left the city Sunday, April ever information you may desire. . 24, for Bollarla, Ohio,, where she will caldo In tho futuro, to tho regrets of lior many friends. The T. H. Mission Society held a union meeting on tho 22d of April nt the A. M. E. church. A line program was rendered.. Song by the society: Everett; address by Rev. Collins, of Invocation by Rev. Nlcolot, of Ever ett ; address by Rov. Collins, of Tn coma; Miss M. O. Walker and Mrs. S. A. Clark, Mrs. Frank Dupro, of Ta coma, with tho asslstnnco of local talent .made the program a success. Mrs. Ben Kelso Is very III. Tho Ladles' Aid Society met at Mrs. L. Clark's last week. Tho Ladles' Aid aro preparing for tlolr May fair next month. Tho Ladles' Aid Society will meet nt Mrs. Sledge's, 311 So. 34th etroot. Mt. Brlgg, who has boon In this city for several months, has left for Portland. , Wondor If Miss Tumor Is still sing ing "Bill Bnllty won't you plcaso como homo." Tho trustees gavo an entertainment last Friday ovonlng for tho benefit of Rov. Goo. Bally. Mrs. N. Turner had a very bad no cldont. She will bo confined to her bed for sovernl days. Mrs. Ira Horton gavo a concert nt Parker's hall for tho benefit of the Ollvo Baptist church. Miss Walkor and mothor gavo a concert nt Scnttlo last week for tho benefit of Rov. Geo. Bally. Tho marrlngo of Mr. Ed. Mooro and Miss McCrno took placo nt tho par- sonoKO of Rev. F. Duvlorson last Wednesdny ovenlng at 7:30. Thoro will bo a grand concert given nt tho Germanlft Hall tho 9th of May, 1004. Given under tho management of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Tnnnn. Don't forget to got your tlckots NEWS FROM THE GARDEN CITY, Chicago, April 20, 1904. Mr. Theodore Hubbard, nnd old nnd highly respected, citizen of Chicago. CHEAP SUNDAY RATES. Between Portland and Willamette Valley points. Low round-trip rates have been placed in effect between Portland and Willamette Valley points In cither direction. Tickets will be sold Saturdays and Sundays and limited to return on or beforo the following Monday, Call on Southern tl..lal. St. .-.. i. LI - EZj 'PRACTICAL" MAN HEARTLE8S. Uele the Chop, Uemally, Who DnbeAil ltonianco "Stuff nnd Nonsense." It mny be posslblo to prcscrlbo for another's stomach, but raroly indeed Is It possible to prescribe for another's heart Only the foolish ones, full of negation, will endeavor to do so. Your practical men let mo say ngaln that I really do abominate html generally has no heart, according to his own showing. He calls romance, ono of the most beautiful glories of a rather sad and very puzzling world, "all stuff and nonsense." If, in a burst of confidence, very Ill-placed, you venture to tell him that your wholo life has been turned from gold to gray by the death of ono you loved, ho says: "Tako my tip. Sleep with your window open, Jump out nt 0 Into a cold tub, go for a brisk two miles before breakfast, and you'll forget all about It" Poor, silly, practical man. Uo has about ns much knowledge of the mysteries of human naturo as a wax doll has of the fiscal question. Let him cat his porridge, ply his dumb bells, nnd hold, If he can, his tongue. Ho talks of ono "nice girl" ns If sho were exactly tho samo ns another nice girl. And, no doubt, to him sho Is so. He Is tho typo of person who replaces a dead wife within the year. Bomo years ngo I should havo been tempted to declare that tho exact fe rnnlo equivalent of tho practical mam my anathema bo upon him I did not exist. To-day I daro not go so far In assertion. For to-day thero bo women to mo they seem sexless as hockey ticks or golf clubs who take very much tho same line. Xhcy speak ns if passion might be doused, llko the burglnr's glim, by diet; ns If adoratloa could bo killed by a hearty regimen, n broken heart be mended with pins mon. Ono such charmer recently said to a tortured slBtcr, whoso llfo had been laid In ruins, by a man: "My dear, tako up typewriting!" The re mark would appeal to the practical fool. It Is often assumed nowadays that ny renl deep emotion Is "sheer senti mentality." I onco stayed In n house In Gcncvn with a German girl who lmu come there for n month to learn French. On tho day after her arrival I found her In n flood of tears. "What Is tho matter?" I asked. "Can I do anything?" "No, no! Lcnvo mo!" "But what Is It?" "I nm weeping "for my fatherland." I confess that this scemod to mo to bo sentlmcntnllty, a pcrhnps natural feeling, fostered and cherished nnd riotously Indulged until It beenmo unworthy nnd silly. There Is a grief that hugs Itself, numnn nnturo should not piny a bear's part But sentiment Is not sentlmcntnllty, whntevcr tho practical, ono mny bellow with machlnc-mndo eloquence. Thero nro people, nnd often they aro tho very finest, the most sincere, the moat dell, catc, tho most truly human, who, hav ing onco given their Iicnrts, can never take them back. They do love onco, nnd onco for nil. London Queen. mo enamel of the teeth contains over 05 per cent calcareous matter. Straight hairs are nearly cylindrical; curly hairs are elllpticnl or flat Tho weight of the average man is 140 pounds; of a woman, 115 pounds. The brain is supposed to contain over "00, 000,000 cells, In which thought works out problems. Do geese "quack?" "No," says tho obecrvunt critic, "geeso do not quack, but they squack," It Is tho ducks that quack, and tho story of the gooso going about froni dny to dny with a "quack, quack, qunck," Is declared to bo without good foundation. Thero Is, Indeed, qulto a difference in tho vo cabulary of these feathered creatures. But it requires a sharp ear to distin guish tho difference. Although man Is not well fitted by nature to bo a swimmer, and Is ono of tho few land creatures who cannot swim without being taught, yet In long-distance swimming he can give points to any other land animal. Mon tague Holbein, In September, 1800, swam forty-six miles In twelve hours. Even in the matter of fasting there aro few warm-blooded creatures who can emulate such a performanco as tho forty days' fast of Tnnnor. Man's memory is ono of the most wondorful attributes. What Is possi ble In this direction was proved a year or two ago at Naples, when a professor of rhetoric Arlllll by name repeated from memory 15,350 Hues of Dante. Uo began to recite at 8 o'clock in the evening and went on till 2:15 tho next afternoon. He was thus at work for 1,005 minutes, his rate being 830 lines an hour. He only stopped for a mln uto or two at long Intervals to sip a little brandy and water. Always ask for the famous General Arthur cigar, Esberg-Gunst Cigar Co., general agents, Portland, Or. Whenever you think that tho cor ner of Third and Couch streets Is a doad ono Just drop Into tho Alcazar and see what a little now llfo will do for a place. W. W. Harmon, former ly of Tacoma, has taken tho placo, and as usual he Is making it go like a three time winner. F. E. BEACH & CO., The Pioneer Paint Company, make a specialty of selling tho best things raado in paints. House Paint, Floor Paint, Barn Paint, Fence Paint and Roof Paint ; Enamels, Varnishes, Colors, Stains, Cementlco Kalfomine and general build ing material. 135 First St., N. W. cor Alder, Portland, Oregon. Hotel Northern BAH! t SIMPSON, Pro N. 12th mini Marshall Sis. AMERICAN PLAN $1.00 a Day and Up. EUROPEAN PLAN Rate on Application Special Rates by the Vek or Month. STRICTLY MODERN Pnoae Main 1459 Electric Lights ponruum (meson p E, CONN, FANCY GROCERIES TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES quality and l'rlco Guaranteed. Delivery to alll'arUoftheMty. I'hone. Union 6251. 40U Wllllamn Ave., Cor. Hancock St., POHTLANU, OREGON. Buluvant'b nnocEUV J. liulllvant Jr., Prop. STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES TEA, COFFEE, IIUTTER AND E(IG8 A Bi'ECIAITY Telophone, Main 243. 461-403 Jcflerion fit., N.W. Cor. Thirteenth I'ORTLANl) OUEOON JUTANN1NO & LEE STAPLE & FANCY GROCERIES Delivery to all parts of the city Sit E. Woldler St. Fhone, Eaat 6C8 rOIlTLAND OREGON NOB HIUL, MARKET SCHOLZ & KAKKITZ Dtalera In all kinds ol Fresh and Salt Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard and Sausage of All Kinds FRESH POULTRY Tolcphono, Main 818 21st and Irving Bts. 1'ORTLAND, OREGON OAKLAND MARKET CHAS. MILLER, Prop, Dealer In All Kinds of Fresh, Salted and Cured Meats Fish, Poultry and Gomo Free Dollvory to All Tarts of tho City I'hone, East Iocs 342 Union Ave. PORTLAND, OR. Emerprias Brewing Co. Of San Francisco, Cal. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS HENRY MEI8TER, Ocn. Agt. for l'ortlan Extra t'alo llofbrau Ilohcmlan and Export Deer. Red Peal l'nrter. Free Dcllvory In all l'arls of tho City. Jlcor Depot and Cold filorago at l'ortland, Orrgon, 13th and Juhntou Bts. PHONE MAIN 1933 W. I- McCabi, Seattle. E. B. Hamilton, Tacoma. H'GABE & HAMILTON ,. STEVEDORES .. PUGET SOUND Also Honolulu, H. L Head Offlomt Tmoonta, Wamh. Cable Addretst McCAllE GRACIE, BEAZLEY tc CO., Agents J 4 Water Street, Liverpool HARRIAGE DIVORCE Mass Meeting of Men at Llcbig Hall Tonight and Every Night Dr. Stoddard Speaks Subject "Man" The life we are now living, no other. No collection. Who should marry, who not, and why. Movlnit I'lcturci. grand views, anatomy of man and woman. Free, nil free NOTIL'E-Htrlcltire, Varicocele, Gleet, loss of vitality, unlltutsa for marrlare or work, speedily cured by new methods X-UKht and X-Vlolet and Red Ray, new way at half tho price and half tho time. Homo trentment guaranteed bv THE lilt. U1C1IK! HTAFF, only real socialists for men. FACTS FOR MEN'. Attend tho lecture tonlrht. Learn of tho upwexerpt methods of curing dlsvases of men without doping, drugging or rnorcury, Uu eiiualled sklltanddxperleuceof 27years. Boine who run pages of faka advertising, whose aim seems to be to make false promise, rarely euro. The new methods are the latest from Euro and only used by the Dr. Meblg Hlair. Hear frco Illustrated lecture tonight bv Dr.Utoddard himself, lA'arn and know thyself and be con vinced! not for yourself alone but for your posterity. It's your duty, Call or write. THE DR. L.EBIG STAFF 74 Sixth St., cor. Oak St., near I'ostotllce PORTLAND OREQON FROM HEAD TO FOOT EVERYTHING That a Man or Boy Wears Goods That You've Heard About STHNBLOCK CLOTHING GORDON and STETSON HATS WALKOVER SHOES DUTCHESS and PARAGON TROUSERS MONARCH SHIRTS DICKSON BROS. CO. 1120-22 Pacific Ave. TACOMA WASH. 9 asV 3 ,4T I J J)UFREN8E BUFFET. IIS Howard Street. 1'hono Main 69. HrOKANE, WASHINGTON TJNITED STATES LAUNDRY W. H. Hazzard, Manager. High-grade hand work a specialty. Corner Crand avenue and East tialmon street. A request by mail or phone East C3 Is all that Is necessary. rORTLAND, OREGON. ORDERS FROMITLY FILLED. FAMILY TRADE MY BI'HCIALTY. FREE DELIVERY. A. NEUBERGERS FULL MEASURE HOUSE 108 SIXTH STREET Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars PORTLAND, OREO.ON. W. A. MILLEP BAKER All Kinds of Bread at Wholesale and Retail Prices. Free Dallvc-y. PHONE SCOTT 3802 315 Holliduy Ave. Portland, Ore. C. O. I'ICK, I'rop. All Work Guaranteed C. O. PICK Transfer and Storage Co. Bates, I'lanos and Furniture moved, stored or packed for shipping. Flra-proDt brick warehouse, Front and Clay, Express and baggage hauled. W5 Of fie; Beth Pfiettmm MBB, BtmUm mimekima. Portland, Oregon Portland Club and GafOm.m 130 Fifth Street OUR SPECIALTIES: II Monogram and III Gyrus JNoble WhlBklus. A Resort for GoniSomen. 'Phone OretfonMaln 1108; Cc'.umbta4D7 WARWICK TURF EXCHANGE 131 FOURTH STREET Bmt. Alttmrmna Wmmhlnatmn Mtm. Commissions Received on all Eastern and California Races. Direct Wire on all Sporting Events Phono Main 1414 Tull A Gihbm Muoommmorm H. O. BREVE OO. Second & Morrison Straits v Furnlturm Cmrpmtm Drmperlmm We Have What You Need Do You Know the News ? You can have It all for rCI.... Ells? cr.... 50c Month Month In The KTenlng Telegram, of Portland, Oregon. It Is the largest craning newt paper published In Oregon ; It contain all the news of the state and of the na tion. Trr It for a month. A sample copy will be mailed to you free. Ad dress THE TELEGRAM, Portland, Oregon. 1 OTEL ALI1EUT John 8. (limbic, 1'roprlctor. 2.17 Riverside Ave. Furnished rooms, bar and billiard room , In connection. HoUl phono .Main 1121, SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 'JMtE IIURL1NOTON, Wlms, Liquors and Cigars, R. E. Mlsnor, proprietor. 211 Alder street, between 2nd and 3rd. 1'hono Main 28M. Pri vate rooms. PORTLAND, OREGON. The Old Corner J. A. COLFELT, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors sad Cigars I'hono, Hood 855 Cor. Fourteenth and Oltsan Sts, PORTLAND ORGOON SHAVER TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMER GEO. W. SHAVER, Will leave Portland, foot ol Washington Ht., Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday evening nt S o'clock, for l-auvlos Island, M. Helens, Caples, I'vi-r iiinuu. iiinriins, Mimma, recr uiiy, llanlcr, Mt. C'onin, Maygcr, Htella, Oak Point, rrrcmaiis, MBuiauino.uiaiSKanie ana an pending. way WE HAVE THE TRADE LA INTEORIDAD " " EL SIDELO " Qood H fcWmSE33vesmSalt. I ALLEN & LEWIS, Distributors, liHTAIILIHUKO 1851. AULJBIN & LEWIS. Shipping: & Commission Merchants WHOLESALE OROCERS. To savo tlmo address all communications to the company. Nos. 46 to 84 Front St. North, PORTLAND, ORBOON. St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co. Wholesale Hardware, Ship Chandlery, and General Supply Store for Contractors. Agents for Roebling's Wire Cable and Judson Dynamite & Powder Co. Sf. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co. Tacoma, Wash. J p"i ' IIJi I &y Mi I e9T !3l" i aaaaaaaaaVn Haw Bmt j!gaw says kassaH THAT YOU CAN DRINK lOOM ' I IF YOU TESNT TO - IW$rJ jEJsrocrGor said u BfiSI pjRnao- jjPjlO iHII I I rXUfU VSEATTLEBREWINGl I I VT151?n MALTING CO. MmmW sJ DEER. SEATTLE, WASH. UJK. B 'r-W ELECTRICITY Brings comfort and cheer fulness during the long win ter nights. Enjoy a few comforts while you are alive for you are a long time dead Portland General Electric Co. Star Brewery Company lirewcrs and llottlera of Hop Gold Beer Vancouver, Wash, East Third and Burnsidc Sts., Port land, Oregon. IMPERIAL DRUG CO. 64 North Sixth St. Between Davis and Everett PORTLAND OREGON FREE PHONE Main 1997 t - - i - - - THE EDWARD HOLMIN UNDERTAKING COMPANY Funeral Elrectors & Embalmers Modern Ambulances Lady Assistant Telephone 607 220-222 Third St., cor. Salmon PORTLAND OREGON ON FINE CIGARS. WHY? "HENRY THE FOURTH " Reason? Portland, Oregon INOOItl'UUATKU 1807. IN YOUR HOME M ta 'a if .j4jV. '- - '---' V-.ast.jj. ,