sSSSpBBP jHWIJiilff'iSlinTi'MrdtfT'r.iIvs .r.a , n. ... .jifct. j-j-... .v . ,. t.i,L. J..J. .. A....!mumammmmmMmmmm iStA ". CI - - y - J k t'v The New Age. POBTULND, OBEGON, SATURDAY, APKIIi 9, 1904. VOL. IX. NO. 2. S , LADD TILTON, BANKERS SEME , Established la ISO. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on time deposits. Collections made at all points on favorable terms. Letters of credit issoesl available In Europe and the Eastern states. Sight exchange and Telegraphic) Transfers sold on New York, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, Ban Francisco and various points in Ore gon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia. Exchange sold on London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong. - . BAINK OF COMMERCE, LIMITED. BOISE, IDAHO. OFFICEHSi n. F.OLDKN, President: M. ALEXANDER Vlco l'reildontj II. N. COF FIN, Cashier; J. M. IIAINKS. Assistant Cashier. UIIlKUTOIlSi Itobt. Noble, Tlios. Davis, II. P. Olden, J. M. ltalncs, J. K. Yfttcs, J. II. Morrow, T. Regan, M. Alexander, F. it. Collin. Aaaounta of Bank. Flrmm, Corporal lona and Individual Raomlvmd an tno Moat Liberal Tarma Oonmlatont With Sound Banking. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Wnlla Walla, Washington. (Flrat National Jlanlc tn tho Htnto.) Transacts a General Banking Business. , CAPITAL 100,000. SUIII'LUB 100,WO. LEVI ANKENY, President. A. II. ItBYNOLDS. Vlco Prcsldont. A. It. IlOItFORD, Cashier Aetna Banking and Trust Company BUTTE, MONTANA Capital 9100,000.00 Under stale supervision. Five per cent interest, payable quarterly paid on deposits Monoy to Loan on Roal Eatato F. AUO. HEINZE, Prmmldmnt A. B. CLEMENT, Oaahlar CEO. B. FLUS. Pram J. O. PEMOE, Via Prmm. CAPITAL STATE BANK OF IDAHO Llmttad Banking in all its branches. Your business solicited. BOISE, --.------ IDAHO H SUM M THE PUGET SOUND NATIONAL BANK SEATTLE JACOIl FUIIT1I, President. J. B. dOMMMITII, Vlco President. It. V. ANKHNY, Cashlor. Capital Paid Up, $300,000. Correspondents In all tho iirlnclpal cities ot tho United Rtatca and Ktirope. Hold dust bought. Drafts Issued on Alaska and Yukon Territory. J. W. SMITH, President L. 1). MANNA, THE FIRST NATIONAL, 3AINK Of Ftarjgo, North Dulcota RESOURCES s LIABILITIES s Loans and Discounts, $ 9.12,741.34 Capital Stock, I U. 8. Ilonds at par 300.000.00 Hurplui. .... llnnklmr Hnil.n. . . 40.000.00 Cash and Due from Uankt, 334,743.63 11,007,489.99 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY The Traders National Bank OF SPOKANE WASH. .., ,, OLDEST BANK IN THE OITY Capital nnd Coaurltlma $330,000 ALFRED COOLinoi! President A Ki II.V Vlco President C1IA8. K. ELTINOE. Cashier J. KLMKIC WKST Assistant, Cashier PIKF.CTOHB Alfred Coolldge. A. Kuhn, M. M. Cowlow, Patrick Clark, James Monaghan. UNITED STATES OF PORTLAND, OREGON. J. C. AINBWORTII, President t. w. 11. AYKH, vtce-rresiuew. A. M. WltlOHT, Assistant Cashier. Transact' a genoral banking business. States and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. NORTHWEST CORNER Fidelity Trust raid Up Capital, Doe Gr nerfttllanklng- Huilncis. Saving Dcpurttucut. Iatercst Credited bcml-Aiinuatly. A. r nkfottrnlir v-.M-ut A. n PltTfMlADTV PaattlVr 1oiIN 3. IIAKHK. Vice ITesldeut : c. KAUI'PMAN. ad Vice President r vi'miiiuiv l vlr Prrihltnt DIRHCTORS John C. Alnswotth.T. B. Wsllsce, an1 P.nrn First National Bank of Seattle SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO COLLECTIONS ON SEATTLE AND POINTS IN PACIFIC NORTHWEST I.ItSTKR TURN15R. President M. MCMICKKN, vice rmmcui DIRKCTORS-Lester Turner, M. MeMlcken. 8. O. Slropsou, W. D. Hofius, J. H. McGraw, Chas. P. Mastersott Aslc Vour Dealer for GOODYEAR'S RUBBER GOODS tho boHt thnt enn bu mmlo of rubber Goodyear Rubber Company P. II. PEASK, President. 73 and 75 front Street. PORTLAND. OKEOON. CARNATION BEST FRESH MILK SUBSTITUTE rcra QB PURE RICH AND UNADULTERATED Q U A L I T V TallmPhTk CREAM W. V. KETT8MBACII, President J. ALEXANDER, Vice Pres. CIIA3. II. KU8THR, Cashier LEWISTON NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus, $135,000 DIRECTORS W. P. Kettenbacb. Grace B. Pfafflln. R. C. Beach, J. Alexander, C. C. Bunnell. J. B. Morris, Geo. II, Kester, GREAT FALLS NATIONAL BANK OF GREAT FALLS, MONTANA. Capital and Surplus, $150,000. Undivided Profits, $48,000 Old, Reliable, Conservative. WE ENDEAVOR TO SERVE OUR CUSTOMERS IN EVERY WAY. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS jZflMlammmmmmmmW THB CELEBRATED UNION OAS ENOINE, H. E. MEAL, Oaahlar FAY D. YOUNO, Aaat Oaah'f Vice President S. S. LYON, Cashier IM.000.00 W.OOO.OO 4,083.20 1S0.000 00 ""u''u?" rul" Deposits, I 1.283,406.79 $ 1, 007,4tW. 99 NATIONAL BANK R. W. 8CHMEER, Cashier Drafts Issued, available In all cities of the United Collections mado on favorable terms. THIRD AND OAK STREETS. Compa Bank V. P. 1IASKH1.I.. JR., Asst. Cashier gkokbk ukuwnk, OI'ORC.K 11ROWNK. Secretary John 8. Baker, Henry Hewitt, P. C. Kauflraan Itrnwno CIIAS. P. MASTHRSON. Cashier K. V, PARKHURHT.sst. Cashier CHEAPER THAN FRESH AHLK Q u A N T I T Y -EJ- UNUXCRLLUO FOR COOKINO A DELICIOUS CREAM FOR COFFEE -B- ALWAYS TUB CREAM OF CREAMS L.EWISTON, IDAHO J. M. ARTHUR & GO. 40 and 42 First Street PORTLAND, - - - OREGON ion, Marine and Stationary Gasolin EHgims Laundry Machinery, Wood Working; Machinery, Iron Working Tools, Logging Engines, Flour Mill Machinery, Min ing Machinery, Engines, Boilers, Shingle Mills, Steam Iumps, Chain Belting, Baw Mills, Lace Leather, Belting, Wire Rope, Baws, Flies, Oils, Emery Wheels, Link Belting, Wood Pulleys, Mill, Machine, Mining, Railroad, Steamship sad Logging BuppUe. EVENTS OF THE DAY OATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happenings of the Past Week, Presented in Condensed Form, Most Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Reader. RiiBsln will endeavor to Join its Moots nnd attack Togo. Tho Jnimnceo linvo croBocd tlio Ynlu nnd occupy eovornl important noei tions. Ko'uropntkin hns now mnBsed tho forco ho desired boforo beginning nctivo operntiotiH. According to tho census bureau but 22 stntes now hnvo less tlinn a million inhabitants nnd 14 oxeced two millions. John W. Knlun, United Stntes judgo o( tho Second circuit, at Honolulu, has boon removed from oHlco by tho presi dent. Ground has been broken at tho Lewis nnd Clark exposition alto for tho first building of importance, tho stntes building. A special enr bearing 03 IndinnB en route to ceo Ttooaovolt collided with n nmll train in Illinois and tlireo braves woro killed and 20 injured. Tho census bureau lms issued a bul letin which gives tho estimated popula tion of tho United Stntes for 1003, ex clusive of Alnakn nnd tho insulnr pos sessions, nt 70,000,380. Of tho cities nf tho Northwest, Portland is given 08.055; Soattlo, 02,020; Tacoma, -15,-102; Spokane, 41,027; liutto, 38,127. Rupsinns will not allow Sorvinns to enter Iter army. republicans elected mnyor of Knn flns City, Mo, nnd will control tho coun cil. At Miwlnukco the Democrats elected their mnyor nnd 24 out of 40 council nion. Tho Labor Union tickols carried in the towns ot Colorado whero elections woro held. In Nobraska tho Robuplican tickot has GOO to 1,100 majorities. High liconso carriod in most cities. Noither fleet is to bo seen at Port Arthur and tho only indication of war is tho over nctivo searchlight. Republicans carriod Topoka, Law rence and Wichita, Kansas, and elected a majority of candidates at Kansas City and Leavenworth. Franco nnd Britain hnvo reached an agreement rognrding Newfoundland, Egypt nnd Morocco. Nowfoundlnnd is to bo glvon up by Franco. Ropubicans elected 18 aldormon and Democrats 10 In tho Chicago city olec tlonB. Municipal ownership of street railways was favored by a largo ma jority. Tho houso has been asked to sco that Jows got hotter treatment in Russia. Tho Poit Arthur channel is not so woll closed as Admiral Togo reports. Tho Prohibitionists nro likely to nominnto Gnoornl Nolson A. Miles for president. Tho houso committoo hns decided on n lump appropriation of $3,000,000 for rivers and harbors. The opening of tho Cubnn congress was attended by wild scenes of disorder. Fights woro qulto numorous. Russians will only harass Japanese forco in Corca, playirig tho waiting gamo decided upon by Kouropntkin. Secretary Hay wjll Intervono for tho release of two American nowspapor cor respondents hold by tho Russians at Niu Chwang. Sonator Gibson, of Montana, declares tlio Imo and cry about n land lobby urging tho repeal of several laws to bo largely baseless. Satisfactory negotiations are proceed ing rapidly for a settlement of tho striko in Colorado and it is bolioved tho troublo will soon be over. Japan will face big odds on tho Yalu river as the Russian force is tho larg est. Russians believe that tho Chinese of Manchuria aro secretly aiding the Jap anese. Wichita, Kan., women show their disapproval of Smoot by hanging him in effigy. Officers have a bandit rifle for a clew in search for Oregon express robbers. Circulation of counterfeit Japanoso money in Corea is causing great an noyance. Japan expects a long war and urges all her citizens to come to tho defonso of tho country. Ruseia will lot China mako protests, if any aro made, against the British advance in Thibet. The Santa Fe is building stockades around tho Topeka shops preparatory (for the expected strike. Kouropatkln is willing that the Jap anese shall win a few victories in tho hope of luring them on to Harbin. Secretary Hitchcock has assured Ore gon entrymen that filings made in good faith will stand, even if the timber and stone act is repealed. The house has voted down the senate amendment to build a military road in Alaska. St. Marys, Ohio, reservoir, one of the largest in the world, is in danger of breaking. OFFICE SECRBTS OUT. Stenographer Qlve Alleged Method of Land Buyers. San Francisco, April' 0. Sensational testimony was given today in tho hear ing befoio United States Commissioner Hcacock In tho Hydo and Dlmond land conspiracy caso. Mrs. Bolle A. Curtis, who was a stenographer for Hydo from October, 1807, to Novembor, 1800, was the chiof witness, and her evidence wont to show that affidavits wcro man ufactured by wholesalo in tho ofilec; also that Hydo and John A. Benson woro partners in the alleged conspiracy to defraud tho government. Sho de clared Hydo nnd Benson employed "dummies" to mnko out applications for school lands, nnd thnt tlio colored janitor was frequnotly instructed to bring in his friends to npply for school lands for their own use, nnd were then piloted to n neighboring notary to mako affidavits. Sho said that assign ments of thcEO clniniBto Hyde and Ben son wcro often mado at tho sanio time. Sho said tlio plan of Hydo and Ben son was to huvo theso school lands in Oregon and California transferred to forest reserves, with tho assistance of corrupt government officials. When the lands wcro so transferred, tho as signees of tho school land scrip had tho privilege of exchanging their holdings for moro valuablo lauds outsido of tho reservation. Thomas McCuskcr, freight agent of tho Southern Pacific, at Portland, Or., testified that ho had secured mnny ap plications of school lands In Oregon for John II Schneider, who wns Hyde's ngent. Mr.McCuskor said ho received pay for his services, but ho did not know that he wns engaged in an illegal business. Miss Mnrinn Doylo, who succeeded Miss Curtis ns Hydo's stenographer, will testify at tho next hearing. TO PRISON FOR LIFO. Mn. Ootkln Found rJullty of Murder In the Flrat Degree. Pan Francisco, April 0. Mrs. Cor delia Botkln, accused of killing Mrs. John P. Dunning, of Dover, Dol., by sending her poisoned candy through tho mails, was tonight convicted of murdor in tho first degreo, with tho penalty fixed at lifo imprisonment. Tlio jury was charged Into this af ternoon, nnd nt 4:30 o'clock retired to deliberate. Later thoy woro taken out for dinner nnd upon returning asked to hnvo some testimony read to thorn, At 11:15 o'clock tho tho jury reported that nn agreement had been readied. Iho omlnousncsa of tho announce ment was apparent in tho attitudo of tho defendant, who burled her luco In her hands nnd remained in that po sition until tho foreman of tho jury had finished speaking. Tho court in quired if a vordlct had been at rived at, and tlio foreman handed him a slip ot paper upon which was written: "Wo, tho Jury, find tho defendant, Cordolia Botkin, guilty ot murder in tho first degreo, nnd fix tho punishmont nt imprisonment for lifo." n Mrs. Botkin looked up ns tho court wns thanking tho jurors for- their close attention to tho caso, and presented a woo-strickon countonanco to iter coun sel, who spoke somo comforting words to Iter. Tlio court named April 10 for formal ly pronouncing sentence. BELIEVES TOQO WILL BLOCK IT. Military Expert Predict Succen ol Move on Port Arthur. London, April 8. Tito nnvol export ot tho London Times, in nn extended review ot tlio aspect of tho presont situ ation, expresses tho belief that Ad miral Togo will succeed ovontually in attaining his object in blocking tho entrance to Port Arthur harbor. "If ho does succeed," Bays tho corres pondent, "tho Itusslan fleet cannot pre vent tlio landing of Japanoso troops in Manchuria, or nnywlioro else, while the Jnpaneso fleet will bo freed from tho trying work of holding tho harbor entrance, nnd will bo available for servico elsewhere. It can then return to its original base, tind after refitting, proceed in tho search for tho Vladivo stok fleet." Strict Censorihlp Prevails. London, April 0. Tho brief dis patches from tho soat ot war in tlio Far East appearing In tho London news papers dining tho last few days havo all been of a curiously stereotyped char acter, indicating tliatl an active censor ship Is prevailing titero, and adding nothing to tho information contained in the dispatches of the Associated Press. This applies particularly to points under Japanese control, but from tho Russian Bide also it is evi dent that care is being exercised to prevent news of operations leaking out. China on Verge of Joining; Japan. New York, April 0. Roports are said to have reached an ambassador, says a Herald dispatch from Berlin, to the etlect that (Jltlna Is on tno verge oi throwing in her lot with Japan. Tlio first defeat on land for Russia will, it is asserted, be tho signal for a forward movement on the part of tho Celestial empire. Japan, the correspondent adds, shows no anxiety for help, rea lizing that China's intervention may cause more embarrassment than profit. Japan Olad Ruiiiana Bought It. IWHn. Anrll 0. Mr. Inouvo. tho Japanese minister hero, does not share the view that tno sale ot tlio Hamburg-American lino steamship Fuerst WsinarK is a ureacn oi nouuauiy. HLVm sinr. vft.u'nnt n " aiild flirt rnlmfl. tar. "wfi are L-lud to see the Russians buy good ships. Tito Russians buy tliern anu we capture uiem. HE IS SENT TO JAIL SENATOR BURTON, OF KANSAS, AC CEPTED A BRIBE. Court Sentences Htm to Six Months' Im prloonment and Fine of $2,300 Case Will Be Appealed- It Is Only by a Strong Effort He Suppresses Ills Emotion When Sentenced. St. LouIb, April 8. Senator Burton, of Kansas, was today denied a new trial and sentenced to six months in tho Iron county jail nnd to pay a lino of $2,500. Senntor Burton, accompanied by Ills leading attorney, Judgo Chester II. Krum, enme into couit nt 12.30. A case wns being tried, nnd Judgo Adams granted a recess to tako up tlio Burton caso. Judgo Adams summoned Senator Burton to stand up, nnd then spoke of tho motions thai had been filed for a now trial and for arrest of judgment. Tho court, after briefly reviowlng tho motions, overruled them both. Tho court then said to tho defendant: "Hnvo you anything to sny as to why sontenco should not bo passed up on you?" Trembling nnd evidently suppressing his emotions with n strong effort, Senntor Burton stood loaning with both hands on a chair back aa ho said: "Your Honor will please allow mo respectfully to decline to Bay anything," Tlio courtroom was almost "triply and tho silenco was almost oppressive as Judgo Adams, in low, modulated tones, began delivering the sentence to bo imposed. At tho conclusion of the sontenco, Senator Burton, who had not tnkon his oyes from tlio court, nnd who had scarcely moved as ho supported him self by tho chair back, turned nnd sat down, with itis head bowed and his eyes on tho floor. Attorney Judgo Krum immediately filed n bill ot exceptions in tho caso and offeied n bond of $10,000 which wns ncceptcd, nnd court took a recess until 2 o'clock to resumo tho previous case. Senator Burton and Judgo Krum then hurriedly departed from tho court room. Tho caso will now bo appealed to tho United States district court of appeals, tho highest tribunal in tlio matter. It is a coincidence that tho amount ot tho lino (2500 imposed upon Ronator Burton is identical with tho amount which nccording to tho ovidonco ho re ceived from tho RialtoGraln k Securi ties company. Tho Iron county jail to which Senator Burton was sontenccd tor six months, Is located in the county scat at Ironton Mo., on tho Iron Moun tain railroad. Tito jail is a two-story brick strttcturo and in a portion ot it Sheriff Polk makes his homo with his family. According to tho rulo of tho jail which shortens each year's sentence of a prisoner by three months for good bo havior, Sonator Burton's period of in carceration there may bo reduced to four nnd ono-half months. FOR PURE FOOD. Hcyburn, of Idaho, Urges Senate to Take Some Action. Washington, April 8. Aftor waiting with much patienco for mnny dnys, Hey burn of Idaho today found oppor tunity to sponk to tho sonato on tho subject of pure food. Tcuhnicnlly, tho spoech was in support of n resolution calling on tho secrotnry of ngriculturo to sond to tho sonato tho results of the Investigations mudo by his department into adulterated foods, but in reality it was in support of tlio pure-food bill. I lev burn contended that a very large proportion of foods, drugs nnd liquors woro adulterated, and many drugs were absolutely poisonous. Tho greater part of tho romaindor of tho tiny was devoted to Quarles' amend ment for grading tho salaries of rural free delivery cnrrlora. I-innlly It wns declared out ot order. Tho committeo amendment bearing on tho salaries of curriers nnd regulating their norvlco for prlvnto individuals wns arc-opted. Tito postoflico appropriation bill wits still boforo tho senate when It ad journed. Canal Deal Soon to Be Closed. Paris, April 8. After a conforonco between Ambassador Porter and W. A. Day nnd CharleH W. Russell, tho assis tant attorney generals, who came from Washington to assist in tlio transfer ot tho Panama canal property, it lins been arranged that tlio signing of the con tract whereby tho United States will acquire tho ownership of the Panama canal shall tako place at tho United States ombassy, which is now nominally American soil. Tho duto of tho sign ing is not yet fixed, but probably it will bo about April 25. Miners Will Oo on Strike. LnniHville. Anrll 8. Tho conference between the dolegates representing tlio Kentucky coal operators and miners to which John Mitchell, of tho United MiiiHu-nrkurs of America, was u imrtv. ended today In n disagreement, and u strike seems inevitable. 'I lie delegates ivnrn in conference nearly all (lav. but despite tho efforts of President Mitchell to bring them together eaclt side Hold to its original terms, the minors de manding tlio full Indianapolis scale. Last of Russian Troops to Oo Soon. St. Petersburg, Anrll 8. It is stated that tlio manager of tho Trans-Slberlun railway has been personally thanked by tho czar for tho rapid work of trans porting tho Russian troops to tno i-ar East, It is stated that within a fort night all of tho men destined for ser vico will bo on their way to Manchuria. SURE IT IS SAFE. Oregonlans Bxpect 1905 BUI to Pass the House Soon. Washington, April 7. Thoro is n prospect that tho LowIb and Clark ex position bill will be passed by tho houso tho lattor part of tho present week, aftor boing considered undorBpec- ial rulo. Chairman Tawnoy today in troduccd a resolution authorizing con sidoration of tho bill nt any timo dur ing tho remainder of tho session, and had his resolution referred to tho com mlttco on rules. Thoro is every nssur nnco thnt this committoo will fnvornbly roport tho resolution rft its next meet ing, notwithstanding tlio fact that ttirce mombors of tho committeo voted against tlio Portland bill. Tho strong showing on both rollcalls establishes beyond question tho fact that tho bill 1b favored by a lnrgo ma jority of tlio members of the houso, and it is bolioved by those in touch with tho situation that tho committee on rules will rccognlzo tho wish of the majority, nnd consent to consideration ot tho bill. If Tawnoy'a resolution Ib reported ns expected, it will bo equiva lent to n special rule, and will glvonm pie opportunity for dobnto on tho bill nnd pormlt Its passngo by a majority voto. It Is now regarded ns certain by Ore gonlans hero that tho bill will bo passed by tho houso and that tho meas ure signed by tho president will appro priate nt least tho amount enrried by tho houso bill, nnrnoly, $475,000. Tho strength of tho bill, demon strated by tho votes on Monday, testi fies to tho effectiveness of the efforts of friends of that measure in working up sentiment in its behalf. PANAMA STRIKE OROWS SERIOUS. America Warns Marines and Seamen to Take No Sides. Washington, April 7. Tlio labor troubles on tho Isthmus ot Panama growing out of tho striko ot tho em ployes ot tho Panama railroad company liavo taken a serious turn, nnd tho facts hnvo been reported to tho stnto depart ment by tho United States chnrgo at Panama. Tho matter was doomed ot sufllclcnt importanco to warrant consid erably discussion at tho cabinet meet ing, and tho unanimous opinion was that everything should be dono to avoid nn entanglement of tho United States with any labor controversy. But it waB determined that tho government would not withhold in any degree tho protection of tlio Panama railroad, which it has assumed by treaty, and it was directed that tho railroad proporty, rolling stock, track and terminals should bo protected by forces from tho Umtod States warships at the isthmus if that becamo necessary. Thoro will, howover, bo no compul slon exorcised against tho strikers to compel thorn to return to work. If tho railroad management can secure a sufficient forco ot men to oporato tlio road thoy will bo uphold in such an nt tompt. Tills will bo dono with tho lull consent oltlio l'ananm government, though undor broad treaty provisions this is not absolutely necessary. Sccrotary Moody was charged with tho duty of carrying out this decision and with Instructing Admirals Glass and Sigsbeo as to tho course they shall pursue. Thoro Is ample forco on tho isthmuB for any emergency. BOLD DASH FOR LIBERTY. Missouri Convicts Hold Up duard, but Are Soon Overpowered. Jefforson City, Mo., April 7. Four convicts at tho penitentiary today at tempted to escape by holding up the guard with revolvers. They woro forced to surrender, nnd when searched several sticks of dynamite were found in their possession. Thoy had succeeded in cutting thoir way nut of their cells, and when Guard John Williams, in making Ills rounds, came upon them in the corridor, thoy called upon him to halt. Williams lied nnd gnvo the alarm, nnd n corps of gtiurdH responded nnd soon overpowered tho convicts and placed them in other cells. Tho convicts assert that they secured tho revolvers mid dynamite by express, hut the prison authorities be lieve the weapons and explosives went smuggled to them by friends. Russia Will Aprcal the Cases. St. Petersburg, April 7. Russia has completed arrangements through tho French minister at Tokio to appeal tho cases of tho Russian merchantmen now before tlio Japanese prizo courts. Three Japanese lawyers have been en gaged to presont tho cases. Appeals will bo mado on various grounds. Most of tho ships woro taken before the actual declaration of war, several of thorn wero captured on the high seas, having left port before the outbreak ot hostilities, while others woro in neu tral ports. Kouropatkln Has a Surprise. Paris, April 7, A 8t. Petersburg dis patch declares General Kouropatkln lias been notified by tho commander of tho Cossack division that tho Russian cavalry will not bo heard of again for somo timo, and when it is again brought to notice, it will bo through nn oxploit thnt will both please and as tonish Russians. Another St. Peters burg dispatch states that tho Russians have sunk a largo numbor of mines and torpedoes at tho mouth of tho Ynlu. Battleship Virginia Slides Into Action. Newport News, Va April 7. With bands playing "Tho Star Spangled Ban ner" and "Dixie" and 30,000 people cheering Godspeed, tlio Battleship Vir ginia was launched today at tho yards of tho Newport News shipbuilding com pany. Miss Milday Gay Montague, daughter of Governor Montague, was sponsor, VICTORY IN SIGHT MAJORITY OP HOUSE PAYORS IMS BILL ON TEST VOTE. Necessary Iwc-Thlrdg to Suspend Rules Lacking Tawney Not Discouraged and Will Try to Secure Special Rule and If Unsuccessful, Appropriation Can Be Placed on Sundry Civil BUI. Washington, April 6. Tho Lewis and Clark exposition hill scored a great victory in the Iioubo yesterday, al though the necessary two-thirds voto to pass tlio measure was not secured. On two separate votes, it waB shown that thoro waB a very largo majority in tlio houso in favor of an appropriation. It now romains to bo seen whother a majority ot tho houso, desiring to aid a laudable undertaking, can bodofeatcd through Inabilltyto bring tho bill bo foro tlio house. Tho first voto was on tho bill direct, and tlio second on a proposition to mako it a privileged mcaBuro, bo aa to mako it possible to call it up nt any timo. Threo membors, or tho majori ty, of tho committeo on rules opposed tho suspension of tho rules on both votos. Somo might tako this to moan thnt it will bo impossible to secure a rulo bringing tho bill to a voto, but nn Speaker Cannon is undoubtedly in favor of tho appropriation, and General Gros vonor, of Ohio, a rnomber of tho com mitteo on rules, is with him, tho prob abilities aro that tlio committeo will docldo that tho majority of tho houso Is entitled to pans this legislation, and therefore a special rulo will bo granted. Iho Oregon delegation is much plcaecd with tho character of tho men who voted with them. Tho majority was composed of tho leading represent atives on both sides of tho party aislo, prominont Republicans and Democrats both giving voico to tho idea that tho exposition ought to bo encouraged, at least to tlio extent of government par ticipation. Thoro is anothor toaturo of this prop osition which is encouraging to Oregon people. If thoro is any great delay in tho matter of securing a special rulo to consider tho bill, tho appropriation will bo put on tho sundry civil bill by tho sonato, and it is certain that tho houso will support it, tho votes record ed today being bucIi a guarantee. Tho sundry civil bill is still in tho hands of tho sonato committeo on appropria tions, but boforo it is roported from that committeo, tho Oregon men can definitely ascertain whother thoro is to bo a special rulo for the consideration of tho bill in tho house. If the tlireo mombors of tho committoo on rules who voted againBt tho appropriation adhere to their position, then the bill will 1)0 enrried ns part of tho sundry oivll bill. TROOPS POURINQ INTO HARBIN. Nearly Every House In Town Is Occupied by Soldiers. St. Petersburg, April 0. An Associ ated Press correspondent en routo to the front, writing from Harbin, March 13, describes tho scono thoro as ho ob served it. From all sides Boldiors wore pouring into Harbin. Tho uncom pleted railroad station thoro had been transformed into n barracks, and al most ovory houso in the town was oc cupied by soldiers. Pristan, a short distanco away, which until recently had been n small villago on tho hunk of tho Sungurl river, had beromo a city with temporary buildings which woro being used by tlio troops and witlr storos, a hotel and restaurant. Merchants and restauraiiteurs, tho cor respondent adds, wero accused of extor tion, hut money was cheap. WILL SINK STONE LADEN SHIPS. Russians Hope to Thus Keep Japanese Out of Nlu Chwang. Niu Chwang, April 0. In connec tion with tlio Russian plana for tho for tification nf Nlu Chwang, tho Russian port cammaudor hns prepared 12 junks laden to water edgu with stones, which will ho settled on tho first appearance of tho enemy in such n position that it will bo Impossible for any vessels eith er to enter or leuvo tho harbor. Tito river between hero and Yinkow is ex tremely mined. Railway Traffic Not Congested. St. Petersburg, April 0, A high Russian official, who has just returned from a trip over tho Trans-Siberian railway, contradicts tho report that there is great congestion of traffic. He declares that ten trains dally traverse hto roud in either direction as far aa Irkutsk, and nine freight trains, in ad dition to many passenger trains, daily run irom beyond Lake isnllkal to Har bin. He says that thoro is no concern. for tho safety of tho lino. Every foot of It is strongly guardod. This ia es pecially so at all bridges. Japanese Surprise Them, London, April fl. Eight weoks from the opening of tho war sees Japan, without any real lighting, apparently in possession of Corea, and the first stage of tho campaign meet ended. Tho correspondent of tlio Standard at Tokio reports that tho Japanese corre spondents at tlio (ront who followed tho army through tlio Ghlno-Japanese war, express great stirpriso at the Im provement of tlio Japanese troops in tho past docado. Again Shell Port Arthur. Chefoo, April 0, -Russian officers hero admit that thoro wasanothor bom bardment of Port Arthur by the Jap- aneso on Sunday, April 3, No au- tnontio particulars oi tue engagement aro obtainable, U m MU.JeJuu