The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, September 08, 1900, Image 1

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    iiWiP'swws vjfvsywiwjn' .-1"' xiveiHrTwra"
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NO. 2: J.
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Uealcnatetl tlrpn-dlurj- nml I'lnnnrUt Agent of the United Atntes.
FrMldanU II. W.Coibcil) cashier, K. (I. Wllliltipliui: astlstatit caihter, J. W. Kewklrk; sacoma
Mn'attnt cililnr. W. U. A Word.
Vntttt of oredlt lntsed, aralUVls lu Kurop and the Eastern Plain. 6tht eiehanjt and
lr Wraplilo tramifer told on New nrk, Boaton, Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, 8u Ftanclico, and
lb principal pnlnta In the Nurtli-rcit. Sight and time bills drawn lu luma to lultMfclxmdoa,
Kris, Berlin, Vrankfort-oii-ttle-Maln, Hong Kong. -
Collection! made on favorable terms at all acceulbla polnti.
Established in 1809.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Collection" runtle at nil points on favorable turmi. Letters ot oredlt leaned
available in Europe and the Eastern states.
Nljht exohanga nml Telegraphic Trnnsferi told on New York, V.'nshlnjtm
Chicago, St. Louia, Denver, Oinnhn. Pan Francisco an'd various polnti It, Oie
gon, Washington Idnho, Montana mid British Columbia.
Exchange told on Loudon, Patia, Boillu. Frankfort and Hong Kong.
Pendleton, Oregon.
CapiUl, $70,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $00,000.00.
TtKSKRVtf AGENTS First National Bank, Chicago, 111.; First National
IlMik, Portland, Oregon ; Chemical National Hank, New Yoik, N, V.
OFFICERS ANf) DIRECTORS Uvl Ankony, Pres.; W. F. Matlock, Vice
1'res.; C. B. Wade, Cashier; II. C. Guernsey, Ass't Cashier; J. S. Mcl.eod, W. 8.
Byers, W. F. Matlock, H. F. Johnson.
Organized Mn'ch lt 1889; Capital, $80,000; Surplus, SB3.B00.
Interest allowed on time deposits. Exchange bought and soldon all princi
pal points. Special attention given to collections.
W. J. Furnish, President;.!. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris. Cashier.
La Grande, Oregon.
CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - - - $72,00(
No. I2S First Street.
TYLER WOODWARD, L. B. COX, Vice-President.
Pre. U.S.NatloTjal Bank, President. J. FRANK WATSON,
P. L.-WILLI8, KBQ.. Secretary. Pres. Merchant's National Bank, Treat.
Cost of Membership $100; Dries par annum. M0.
Box 728 O. L.PARKER, Manage.
DMtlianln Local Securities. State and Municipal Bonds, Bank Stocks,-Rail-read
BecaiitlM and Mining Stocka.
We Know a Stock
Handled on the Oregon Mining Stock Exchange
that is making steady advances, and an invest
ment in this stock will make a good profit,
Whatever you buy, get something active,
something you can sell at any time. See
Member Oregon Mining Stock Exchange,
Temporary Offices: 533-535 Chamber of Commerce.
We can name you a STOCK that will
double in value in less than ninety days,
Is a new flotation, get in on the ground
floor befor first block is disposed of.
List your stocks with us.
rimn. On It 1-481. : Hlark fltr.rt.
HEfSSitEo t Branch,
Mmrtmm am Stmtlmmmr
ImmamtlStmtlmmmry FafVwi mimmllmrm.
MNI, immmimm minFMimlmm Mmohlmmry.
OHmmlmg mm OorrmmmUmm Pmwmr Trm
tmmtly mwvmlmmimm
Manufacturers of
No. GO First Si.
Mmmmrm Mmmmlmmry Imr
mmwm mtmmt mi
From All Parts of the New
World and the Old.
Uiniiin-lipiiilt ltfpr of tltu Iiiipurt'
nut Htiil'ithK of tlic 1'nnt AVvnk
Oulli'il rrimi tint Ttrniih C'liluiiina.
The p.iy n( Chinese ofllclals has been
Ex-Covernor Llewellyn, of Knuxna,
is dOHll.
Tlio Rritlrh K""i'l"i' t Liidyhnttid
ia in vetted.
German tioops hnvu beoti landed nt
Wu Sung.
Several forest Hres aro jugingiu Coos
county, Oregon.
An outbreak hits occurred in lloliol,
1'hilippino iilnntN.
Th'o ezar in trying to (rustmto Km
peior Willimn'H phtiiH.
War on the foruigunr.t was ordoted
by the. entpreiig dowager.
Tho entire Democratic Mate tickut
in Arkaumib wan elected.
Iord Itobertn lias tinned a proclama
tion formally annexing tho Transvaal.
Labor day celuhrntioiiR wuiu hold in
many cities Itoocovolt and ltryan
peaking in Chicago.
Labor day ua eulebtated in St.
LouiH by a labor parade, wherein nioro
than 15,001)' men of all trade partici
pated. In an altercation near Walla Walla,
Emanuel Kdvvurd nliot and n lightly
wounded I1.- H. Knight in the left leg.
Tlio trouble- 1h said to have Htaitud over
a hormi.
Labor day was celebrated in Cincin
nati by a parade of workinguieii, esti
mated from I'J.OOO to 15,1)00. It wan
tho bent-appointed pmce-islon over men
there on I.abor day.
Santiago, Cutu, is experiencing the
severest weather known niuuu IKJ7.
Tho lower part of the city in live fet
under witter. '1 he tlreiiieu and police
are HtmUting tho sufferer.
Having lived iiu years, Mins Kmily
II. Trevor, one. of the most popular
young woniii of Yoiikern, N. Y., ban
come into' a fortune of $1,1 SMTH.'S.
This large amount represent .Misa Tre
vors' aharo left by her father, the late
John It. Tievors, who died December
M. I8U0.
At a sheep slaughtering and dress
ing exhibition at IndiaiiHpollx, lud.,
Clmrlea J. (iarduer, of Indianapolis,
broke tho world's record, hi IH9H lia
killed and drossed 10 lieup in -TJ mill
utos and 1) seuouds; thin time he killed
and dieseed 10 hliceji lu DO minutes and
ii'i second.
The publiu dnbtiueieaiod uearlv .$3,
000,000 in AugUKt.
Philippine nltiiitceia will begin rt
turning in November.
There aro 8il Mippected cases of
plague in Glasgow, Scotland.
Charles A, Tow ne opened the cam
paigu in Idaho for the DeniorcaU.
General Otis lias been assigned to
command the department of the lakes.
The governor of Hihm Tung has :!(),
000 men ready to opitose German ex
pansion. Li Hung Chang is intriguing to cut
the foreigners to (piaueling aiming
themselves. '
Thirteen persons were killed and
many injured by a railroad collision at
Hntlield, Pa.
The Uhiuexe situation now depends
oil the responn-H of the powers to the
Jtufiwo-American pioponaU.
W. W. Hoekhill, AniHi-icuu lomuiis
slouer to China, aayx now in the time
toMttle the statin) of foreigners iu
The llrallamer copper minan, .sit tinted
uti Howe .Sound, near Vancouver, II.
U., have been cold to KuglUii capital
ist for $3, 000,000.
A 18-year-old boy accidentally abut
and killed his 10-year-old brother at
iliitchin.-on, Human, while attempting
to remoe cartridges from a revolver.
Secretary Fosters' annual repot t of
the cottuti irop of the Tinted Mutm
makeh thu .crop for Ib'.i'.M'.HIO OJIitl,
11U b.tle, agaiiut 11,37-1,840 latt year.
Alxnit 35,000 idle tiuplnte wurkeii
of the Ajuencan Tiupmtu tTunp.niy
liavti, reiimed work, owing to the tin
pi te maker agreeiug to a new wage
Fire destroyed the plant ami yards
of the Otter Creek Lumber Company,
at IJainbletou, W, Va., with ll'.OOti,
000 feet of lumber, causing a Ins of
.A triou couriagratiou occurred at
fiunyuiafi, Souora, .Mexico, a few ilayn
ago, which consumed the general mer
chandise establishment of K. A. Aguil
lar. 'I he building covered au entire
block aud was the lai;at of it kind
on the west coast of .Mexico. The
stock of goods carried was valued at
$1,000,000, oa which a loss eX HV
900 ytm sustained.
Tho (loTnrnmnit Stunt Aid tltr ntlc
J of Aliiaku.
Washingtou, Sept. 7. Caplnin Tut
tlo, of tho revenue- porvico, iu charge of
the oittjer Hear, reports to tlie treasury
dopartnieut form Nome, August '2, on
tho operatioiiH of his vessel tduco July
0. Tlio report relates priuoipally to
tho condition of tho natives along '.ho
Alnskuit coast and tho adjacent Ul
nuds. 'At Siurock tho surgeon of tho
vossul,'who was sent ashoro, toportod
that menaloa woro cpldeniio, and that
puoumouiit was prevalent and fatal.
At Toiler Station, where tho govern
ment has a reindeer station, much sick
liens and many deaths among thu na
tives was roportod. At Capo York the
name fatal sickness was iouild among
the untlyen. Colug on to Capo i'riuco
of Water, practically tho pninu deeper
atu condition was found to exist hr nt
other places. From that point the
Hear proceeded to East Capo Village,
Siberia and thoiico to St. Lawrence
bay and Port Clarence. Everywhere
the veesel touched otllccrs woto sent
ashorugto Investigate tho condition,
nud reported that the natives never iiud
been injn worso condition.
Af Teller Station alTalrs worodoHpcr
nte JFnlly one-lnilf of tho natives
aroundjtho station havodied. In some
cates whole families huvo disappeared,
and Injbthcrs thu parents huvo died,
)euvliighclplcss children. Tho salmon
tiro running, but thorouronotsiifiluicnt
iiunib'ir'of wull'peoplo to catch them
nud tlitirjj provido food for the piosunt
and thej. coming winter. Tlio rav.tges
of tlio 'disease havo been so great that a
paulu has poized tho natives, and the
lend are loft tiuhurled in thuir houses.
In their distress thu natives in tho
vicinity of Tnllor itro collecting tbero
for food and nodical attention, ltev.
T. T. Devig, although not a physician,
has sot up it few tents ami is riimilng
a temporary hospital, htuMng 12 sick
Mild 1J orphan clilldieu under his enre,
luruisliiug them with food as bust hu
can. lie is said to bo in great neod of
pilot bread, Hour ami clothing for the
natives iu extreme dihtrws. Tlieie is
said to. ho no record during the last 60
years of tbu degree of destitution that
now prevalli upon thu whole llehriug
sea coast.
Captain Tuttle concludes His report
as follows:
"At it conference with GoveTnor
Jlrady, of Alaska, and J. K. I'.vans,
leclal ityeut of tho treasury, Dr. Shel
don .laukfou and myself, in reference
to the deplorable condition of the na
tives north of Unalaska, it was do
clsced'iat re!lf must, bo afforded
thorn or they would iwrish from cold
aud starvation duriiiu the coining win
ter. I offered to till tho Hear with
whatever could bo procured to distri
bute nortlfuf Cape Priuce of Wales.
Special Agent Kvaus at once oideted a.
load, vthich was put on board. I
steamed to Unalaska to get some stores
to he put on board."
Captain Tuttle savs he Is going to
make auotlier tiip north to distribute
the few things that woro received and
to attend to tho government business.
He reports that tho natives uru
thoroughly demoialied through thuir
condition end fright and suptrstltiou.
This is the first time they' havo not se
cured their winter supply of food.
Captain Tuttle Miya ho believes that
if it were not for tho little relief he is
taking to them on his present trip,
there would not hu 111 per cent of them
alive next June.
I'Hrt f lli 'J li'kH N'hiiimI h'y Molilalia
Helena, Mont., S'ept. 7. The Itepub
lican state cuiivtntloii today nominated
Dalvd V.. I'o I k) m, a stockman of
.Meagher county, for gnvernor by accla
mation, A. .1. Ileuuott, of Virginia
Cltv, was also the unanimous choice of
the couvoutloii of lieutenant-governor.
T. .1. Porter, of Miles City, was nomi
nated for attorney-general, and A. N.
Yoder, of Butte, for secretary of state.
S. (L .Munay, of Missoula, was chosen
as candidate for congress. The ticket
will he completed tomorrow ami thu
platform, adopted.
The question which is causing the
delay in thu presentation of thu repoit
of tho committee on platform is tho
uutuie of tho declaration relating to au
eight-hour work day.
Tonight tlio members of the conven
tion and a largo audience of others
listened to speeches on the issues of tlje
day by Senator Knute Nelson, of Miu
ncMita, and ex-Hemitor John L. WIN
sop, of Wasliingt'.jn. The enmcutinu
is a large and uuthuiatii one.
Art tun- MtMvuii iiviul,
It.itb, Me., Nipt. 7. Ilou. Atthur
Sewall tiled of 'asiplexy at 8;.!0 A. .M.
today, at liis summer home, Small
Point, alsuit 13 miles tom this city,
lie was U vears of age. .Mr. Sewall
had not leen in good health for miiiiu
time, although lie was imt coimiilered
tube seriously ill. lie bad been ad
vised ty his physician to as early
as last June, and he attended the Dent
txirutio national convention July -i,
auaiiist the advice of his doctor. Ho
appeared to have suffered no HI effects
front the journey, however, aud was
planing the slimmer quietly at Small
Point, when the fatal ttroko attacked
him last Sunday, The unconscious
liens which followed the attack rontiii
led until dentil came.
The oder of tansy Is a positive pre
reMtive of moth iuvaelou.
Chinese Would Rid the City
of the Allies.
Cut IVIpgrnpii Wire for Vrnr Mlnlatar
Would Itcwal tho' lull ICali-iit f thu
lluplluUr of the (Internment.
Leiidon, Sept. ((. Today'sdiepatohcB
from Shanghai and Tien Tsln lefer to
tbo.hopeless confusion and mismanage
ment of tho Chinese telegraph system,
which may probably account iu part
ior the delay In getting nows from re
kin. Another rcauou for tho delay
doubtless is the anxiety of tho Chiueso
authorities to procure tho evacuation
of tho capital. No effort ia being
iparod by them to biiug this about.
llioir idea is should the foreign minis
ters in I'ckin bo allowed frco communi
cation with their governments, tho full
extent of the complicity of tho Chinese
government iu thu ant i-foreign out
inges would bo revealed ami would
cause tho alllos to decide to remain un
til retribution had been exacted. All
telegrams havo to bo conveyed by cour
ier to Pekiu, and probably all cipher
dispatches have been stopped.
According to Shanghai advices, Li
Hung Chang wiied tho Chlnusu minis
ter in Loudon, Sir Chili Chen Lob Feng
I.nli, as tollows: "Our St. Petersburg
miuistci has persuaded Kusniu to leave
fell ii. You are useless if you cannot
persuade Knghiud."
It Is averted that Karl Li has prom
ised ItiifTsla tlnuo Manuhiirinii prov
inces if she secures thu withdrawal of
lie allied forces (loin I'ckin and favor
iblo peace terms from the powers.
,lloth the empress dowager ami Li I king
Dhang are said to bo lavishing money
to attain these objects.
( There is nu sign yet of any decision
on the part oHhu poworn regaidiug the
ltussiau pioposuls. The Japanese pa
pers unreservedly condemn the ithia of
evacuating 1'ekin, but hint that Ibeio
is a secret compact between (Jot many
aud I'.uhsla tu tho detriment of Groat
The .Moscow correspondent of thu
Stain dam, tuferrlug to the horrible ac
counts of Itussiaii brutality at Hlago
vestcheiibk after the bombardment,
"It Is rlimored that the Cossacks
mercilessly butcliored men, women
and children in thu villages on thu
Amur river ami Hung their corpses into
thu htieain. 'iheso stories aro con
firmed by an olllcial order just issued
couched iu a inild note admitting the
massacres, which aro described as
caused by uxaspeiatiou agulu-H thu
Chinot-e for Uginnlng Hostilities ami
threatening the utmost t-eerlty of mar
tial law fur any future violence to un
armed, peaceful Chinamen, at the name
time oiderlnu thu policu throughout the
Amur district to compol tlio low n and
country iopulatious to drag thu Chi
nese corpses out of thu river and bury
or bum them, iu order to prevent an
outbreak of infection.
"This order reads like a free waruuit
for the iniissaere of any Chinaman
wiioiii the Cosnauks may provoke into
a quarrel or prove to hu in imjhscshIoii
of arms."
Krlielllon In IVrla.
Chicago, Sept. II. A dispatch to the
Uncord fiom Moscow says: A teiiurt
comes fioili Teheran that, after a des
perate light, All .Mohamet Hoy, the
rebel who, at the head of a few hun
dred fulloweis, has been trying to get
possession of the Persian thioiiu, has
Iii-oii defeated by thu Cossacks hastily
tuiiimuued to oppose his maicli on the
capital and has been thrown into au
underground dtiugeuii. When cap
tilled, he emphatically denied that be
hail harlsired any Intention of usurping
the shahs thioue.
Velliioill KIim'IIoii,
White lilver J unci Ion, Vt , Sept, 0.
State issues, of which that of local
option was the nio-t Important, caused
a 1'0 per cent decreasu in tho Ifepithli
can vote today in tho statu election,
and a huge jnnportloit of that o- went
to thu Deuioreatii) part-,. Tim Itepub
lieiilis of ctuiise, ciltrlii the Male by au
iiimii-iiM, iniirL-In. It W liki-lc to fall
at least 10,0,00 under the vote of I Mill,
but at the same tliuu it is piobably
alsiut ZiJlOO iiheail of the gubeiiiatoilal
vote of two .vears ai-o,
VVIIuit IV-r In lliiwiim,
Havana, Mtpt, D. The ellow fuer
outbreak in Haviiua, although serious,
is t-oiiliiied to the Spanish colony,
'lite bent quartets of the cily me affect'
ei, the lower sutiiiiis being almost nv-t-iiipl.
'I be autboiitles contend that
cleanliness is of no effect in patenting
coiitagfoii and thu local condition
teem to Hihstnuliatii thix, KIgbty-ihe
cases uru under observation.
I'll Iff Charg-pr IIpmiI.
Pierre, S. D font, 0. Chief
Charger is dead at Ills home on the
Cheyenne ngeiiuy. He was one of the
party which helped to rescue while
captives fiom the hostile after the New
Him massacre. Tho surviving mem
bers of that party aro Swift lliril, Little
No I hurt, lour Jlear an-1 White Hwan.
Three vt them attendee" the fiiutrai, I
Report That r.tlitrni'n of Thrlr Harm
fiilnrp la Ovtit-M lioliiilue-
The conimitteo on manufactures ol
tho senato wore some time ago directed'
to Investigate tho food adulterations,
and accumulated a volume of testimony
upon thu subject from thu best inform
ed parties and highest ficientillc author
ities iu the country.
One of tho greatest sources of dnugcr
to our foods, thu conimitteo statu hi
their report, exists in alum baking
powders. The conimitteo found the
testimony, they say, overwhelmingly
condemnatory of the uso of alum iu
baking powdors, audrecniiimouded that
such use bo prohibited by law.
Senator .Mason, discussing in the .sou
ate tho report of the conimitteo and tin
sovoral hills Introduced to carry the
iccommcnilatluus of the committee In
to effect, said:
"When wo innilo this report we made
It based on tho evidence before us, aud
tho evidonco is simply overwhelming.
1 do not euro how big a lobby thore
may ho hero for the alum baking pow
der, 1 do not cure how many memorials
they publish, there is no place in the
human economy of human food for this
thing called alum. Thu overwhelming
evidence of the loading physician:) and
scientists of this country is that it is
absolutely unlit to go into human food,
and that in many cases if tho gentle
man will lead the evidonco, hoiiio of
tho physlclaus say they can traco cases
in their own practice theiu aiu dis
eases of the kidney duo to thu perpetual
use of alum iu their dally bread,
"When you mix a mineral poison, as
thoy all say that alum is, it is impossi
ble to mix it always to such a degree
that there will nut be a residuum loft
of alum, which pioducos alumina, and
which contributes largely to tho diseaiui
of the people iu this country.
"1 want tu give thu senate au tdoit
of the class of men wo havo called,
They aro the leading scientists from
every college of the United States that
wo could get hold of."
Seiittor Mason, front a long list of
scientists who had toHtillcd as to tltu
hurtfiilnoss of alum baking ixiwatra,
and as to the hcalthfulncss of cream of
tartar powders, mentioned tho follow
ing: Appleton, John Howard, professor
of chemistry, Itrowu University, Prov
idence, It. I.
Arnold, J. W. S., professor, Univer
sity of New York.
Atwater, W. O., professor and dlieo
tor, government, experimental station,
Washington, D.0.
darker, George P., profossor, Uni
versity of Pennsylvania.
Caldwell, G. C, professor, Cornell
Uiiivuisily, Ithaca, ,. Y.
Chandler, C, 1'. piofessor, Columbia
University, New York.
Chittenden, Ititt-soll II., profossor,
Yalo University, Now llavun, Conn,
Cornwall, II. II., piofessor, Univer
sity of Princeton, New Jersey.
Cramptoii, C. A., piofesxor, Division
of chemistry, Washington, D. C.
l-'rcar, William, piofcshor, Statu Col
lego, Pennsylvania.
Jenkins, I'M ward II., piofessor, de
partment of agriculture, statu of Con
necticut. Johnson, S. W., professor, Yale Col
lege, New Haven, Conn.
.Mallet, John William, professor,
University of Virginia.
.Mow, W. .M., professor, Army and
Medical Department, United Statos
Miiuroe, Charles Kdward, professor
of chemistry, Columbian University,
Washington, I), C.
Pit-scott, Albert II,, professor, Uni
veislty of .Michigan, Ami Arbor, .Mich.
Price, A. P., medical director, Unit
ed States Naval llonpital, Washington,
1). ('.
Wiley, Piof. II. W Chief Chemist
depaitmeut of agrieulttiie, United
Status, Washington, 1). C.
Wyuiuii, Walter, Surgeon-General,
United States .Maiinu Hospital, Wash
ington, 1), C.
.Mr. Piitilgitiw Was there any testi
mony which showed that theie weie
cases of injury to health as a losult of
constant use of alum?
.Mr. .Mason Yes; 1 can turn you to
the testimony.
Mr. Pultigimv 1 tlo nut care to have
the senator tain to it. I simply want
to cinpliasi.u the point. 1 agree with
thu senator, It has always boon my
own iiiipiession that alum baking sw
tier is injurious, hut I wanted tu bring
it out mid make it emphatic, if the
piouf sustains that sisitlou.
Mr. .Miimiii 1 quite agree with tho
senator. It is claimed that tbeio is
nut it country lu Knro'm that duos not
prohibit the in-u of alum. Certainly
thiee or four of thu leading countries of
Kuiiipe to which I li.twi had my atten
tion culled piohibit thu use of alum iu
baking powder.
Mr. Pettigrew Did the chemists
who came before the committee, thesd
plofessots, generally timtifj was it the
result of their uideiiee that tint
cream of tartar baking -xiu'der is
healthy and does not Irate a residuum
which is injurious to health?
.Mr, Masiui Yes; 1 say emphatic
ally, yes; that I be weight of the evi
dence is, that vthuiiHMir any of tbws
dUtingiiMicd men, who have a nation
al reputation, the leading chemists of
the colleges, were luterrogattd upon
the point, they stated that fact, every
una of them, to my lccollectlou.