The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, August 25, 1900, Image 1

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THE 1 il W A(IE.J
NO. 21.
DeuPcnntecl Urpof ltnrj- unit I'IiihiicIhI Atrnl nf the United Stale.
rrmldent, 11. V Corbeti! cashier. E. !. Wltlilmrton; n'Mniit cmhltr, J. W, Kewklrk; ecoad
mlnmnt cnsliler. W C Alvord,
Lni'fi ol credit In-sued, ilnbl iu fc.ntuie ivvnl the ha-aem HiMei. 8lxni ezctittti. tun.
lrli;riitiU' traii'icT-" told on New V nrk, llunluu, Uilctjo. Si. I'nui, O milia. f ti!
tli prlniHnkl trtilnt lit tho Northwest, hu;lit and ituio lillli dr-iwu Iu iuim lo mlt on Ixindou
PrU, lierilti. FraiiLlori-oii-tlie-Miklu, Hon K Hon.
CoUcfltloiii made oil laurble terms at nil cie"lbl-i point.
EMHbll. licit In 1800.
Interest Allowed on time deposits.
Collections mnde si nil points on favorablo terms. Letters ol oredlt Issued
.liable In Europe and the Eastern statoa.
Hlght lohuuge and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, '.Vaslilngtin
Chicago, St. Louis, Denver, Omaha, Sun Francisco and various points lb Ore
con, Washington, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia.
Exchange s'lhl on Loudon, Paiis, Hutliii, Frankfort and Hone Kong.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Capital, $70,000.00. Surplus and Undivided Profits, $00,000.00.
RESERVE AGENTS First National Hank, Cliirnco, 111.: First National
Hank, Portland, Oregon; Chemical National Hank, Now Yoik, N. Y.
OFFICERS AN!) DIRECTORS Levi Ankonv, Pits.; W. F. Matlock. Vice
Pres.; C. B. Wade, Cashier; II. C. Guernsey, Ass't Cashier; J. S. Mcl.eod, W. S.
Byers, W. F. Matlock, H. F. Johnson.
OrganlzoH Mnoh I, 1880; Capita!, $00,000; Surplus, 803. BOO.
Interest allowed on tlino doH)slt8. Exchange bought and sold on all princi
pal points. Special attention given to collections.
V. .1. Furnish, President; J. N. Teal, Vice-President; T. J. Morris. Cashier.
La Grande, Oregon. .
No. ISO First Street.
TYLER WOODWARD, L. B. COX, Vice-President.
Pros. U.S.Natlonal Bank, President. J. FRANK WATSON,
P. L. WILLIS, ESQ.. Secretary. Pres. Merchant's National Rank, Treas.
Cost ot Membership $100; Dnea per annum. ffiO. ' v sr
Box 728 O. L.PARKER, Manager.
Dealings in Ixca1 Securities, State and Municipal Bonds, Bank Stocks, Rail
road Securities and Mining Stocks.
We Know a Stock
Handled on the Oregon Mining Stock Exchange,
that is making steady advances, and an invest
ment in this stock will make a good profit,
Whatever you buy, get something active,
something you can sell at any time, See
Member Oregon Mining Stock Exchange,
Temporary Offices: 533-535 Chamber of Commerce,
We can name you a STOCK that will
double in value in less than ninety days.
Is a new flotation, get in on the ground
floor befor first block is disposed of.
List your stocks with us.
I'hiuin (Ink ViOl. a NturU Street.
reFiru, $ Branch, No. GO First St.
Marine anil Stationery Engines anil Roller a.
Saw HUH, logging ana Mining Machinery m
ReH Grinding ana Oorruyatlng Power Tranmmlm
lorn Machinery.
We arm oonmtanily mevelmmlng Memern Machinery for
mmealelnurmomem, whloh our am-to-mate giant enahlea ua
to mmlM accurately and eeonomloaHy.
Manufacturers of
fisJu hi&Ai&.-M,L',L:i
From All Parts of tho New
World and the Old.
Uiiiiilirrlii-ii-lv Iti-tli-w uf tlio Import
nut lIiiiiiiuliiKfl of tlin Viml Week
Cutli'il 1'rniii Him Tilii;niili Column.
Count von Waldersee started or
Roumania and Bulgaria are on the
verge of war.
Tho emperor and
huvo loft Pokln.
empress dowager
Sormtor Stewart, o( Nevada, will
support McKinloy.
A tornado did groat damngo in sov
eral Wisconsin towns.
Ex-Sonator John J. Ingalls loft an
astato valued at $L'60,000.
Japanese, aro beginning to distrust
tho Continental Europeans.
Chlcago'a population as shown by
tho United States cousus, is 1,(108,575.
More rebels are reported to have stir
rendorod in the United Mates of Co
lombia. A drunken Kansas doctor killed three
persons, and was shut dead by a shor-
William M. Johnson, of New Joraoy,
succeeds Perry lie.ith as assistant
Lord Roberts lshtied a proclamation
prescribing severe pelialtles for Boors
who violate their oaths.
Estimates of tho shortago in tho
Pacific coast Mtlmon pack vary between
000,000 and 1,000,000 cases.
A posolllco employe klllod a Kansas
City womau and wounded her husband
as a result of a iuarrul over runt.
'I ho Chinese government asks that
Conger or homo other American bo ap
pointed to opou peace negotiations.
Tho Willamette valley hop crop is
practically out of da'uger. The yield
will bo heavy and advancing;
Tho state Board of agriculture orders,
the erection of 1G0 additional italls'lor
livestock exhibit at the atato i&ir at
Salem, Or. '
Tho reported of tho plaguo in Manila
for tlio two weeks ending .July 17, as
just reported to tlio marine hospital
service, is seven new casus and live
deaths. Ol tho now cases four were
Filipinos and throe Chinese.
Tho Kansas Citv llroiuen, iu a class
created at tho Paris exposition for paid
firemen, won the world's champion
ship cup. Tho nfllcevs received gold
medals, and silver medals and the
money prize, 1100 francs, was divided
among tho olllcers and men. The min
ister of war. General Andre, pichonted
tho prizes to Captain Hale. Portugal
won tho volunteer championship.
American troops shared iu tho as
sault on Pekiu.
Firo in Wellington, Ohio, caused a
loss of $50,000.
1'rtuichiuon accuse Euulaud of dupli
city at Shanghai.
Uuirrigated crops in Idaho are suf
fering fiom drouth.
Another attempt was made to assas
siuato tlio shuh of Persia.
Tlio Typographical Union bus refused
to enter the political Hold.
Two porMHis wero klllod iu an acol
dent at tho Paris exposition.
'lho population of Greater Now York
is shown by tho cousus to be U, 1117,20-.
Four deaths and 15 prostrations as a
result of another hot wave in Chicago.
Stool mills at Wilmington, Data,
ware, shut down, uttectiug 1,500 men.
Tho Shaughai muddle is beginning to
assume a serious aspect, international
troops being landed.
Pugot sound salmon pack for this
season is about 11)0, 000, compared
with GJ8,000 for 180U.
Philip Koonlgborger, a New York
tobacco dealer, cut his throat in a bar
bur shop iu Han Francisco.
Caleb Powers was convicted nf com
plicity of in tho Goubel murder and
sentenced to life imprisonment.
Jrd Itoboi tn will be recalled from
Africa iu October and ajijioiuted commander-in-chief
uf the lliitikli army.
War in China earned the closing of
a largo mill iu Jliddeford, .Me,, throw
liug It.OOO hands out of employment.
.Shipments of lumber from the state
of Washington for tho year just ended
amount, approximately, to $7,500,000.
Foreign anarchists, said to have
come to this con u try to assatisiuate
President .McKinloy, are under arrest
at New York.
Ex-President Iwnacio Audrade, who
was deposed from the presidency of
Venezuela and succeeded by fipriauo
Castro, the present incumbent, is dead.
A forest fire near Encampment,
Wyoming, has burned over a territory
eight by 10 miles in extent and now
threatens two towns. Two thousand
sheep and oue man have perished la th
Borala won tho $10,000 trotting
Jtakcs at Hcadvllle, Maes.
,;Tlio Russian cxpodltlou to China
consists of ;!76,000 troops.
Wisconsin Democrats and Populists
fused on presidential electors.
..Eight thousand lloers, w itli artillery,
vra'assombled at Mauhadodorp.
Cnlilos aro received announcing tho
safety uf missionaries at I'okin. '
"tCarl Smith, tho well-known Ameri
can sculptor, died at Copenhagen.
yfwo persons wero killed and ninny
woundod by a mob at Akron, Ohio.
Aiuei leans attacked tho Imperial pal
Rco'ih l'ckia aud captured four courts.
Tlio United States' reply, rejecting
the Chinese olTur, was sent to Li Hung
ipLouls G. llnhmri'di was nominatod
for governor of Wisconsin by tho Dem
ocrats. $Tho population of Philadelphia, ac
cording to tlio United Status census, is
' jbLThroo nersoiis weio burnod to death
nt)Demer from ullorts to kiudlo a Hie , '"'
with coal oil. 'I''10 -Hootiug today was dovotutl en-
jWk ." .. ,,,,,, ,,.. tlrely to tho Cliineso situation. Socio-
u anarchist mooting ho M in llerlln ml ., ,. inill loot w,, lmvo bcoll
yvas dlsporsed by tho police, who ar- ,no,t notlvo , Mnetlns ttttnln, wero
rostod tho spoakors. ( I H,iwit ffJ t)u) m thlt timuttM,.
Captaiu II. J. Reillv, of tlio Fifth ' mice was coinpurativuly small, tho pros
United Status artillery, wiih klllod In Mont having with him Secretaries
the usault on Pukln. ( IJago, Hitchcock and Wilson and Post-
-United Statos Consul Fee, at Horn- mastor-Oonoral Smith. Several ques
bay, India, lepoits to tlio statu depart- 0h were awaiting attention,
nient that cholera is raging thoro. I ,'1'" "" cj,.,.ni.
ii,.i..i .. ..i...i nH... , I l-'irst of theso was tho application o
- wi.iiu.. jii..i;n .n..... . ...o.v , ...
Ketohikan, Alaska, shot and killed,
Daif Roblnsour a cannery boss, while I
(tlioMatter was lesistiug airest. '
jtThe vost makers of Now York city !
have 'won tliuir strlku foi tho union'
sjaIo of wagos
Ing day. Tlio
and tho lOdiour work
strike alTuctod I'.OOO
lu'oii. women aud girls.
Flro iu tho immemo ulovator of tho
JRjnorlcan Cereal L'oiiipiiny at Akron,
phiq, diimagod tho plant .575,000. A
hundred and fifty thousand bushels uf
grain wero mined.
King Oscar, of Sweden, has formally
agreed to act as arbitrator of tho claims
'for coiupeuratioii for 'losses sustained
by Brititl. nnrt Cierman subjects and
CAn.lcan citizens iu Samoa.
JJOrtug tne last low weow unois
;,'?TC'lf;e'1 HrerwctwiaugmeriHiiaiy.
An many as loin uueiisrs were Kinoai
in, oue day. During thu last year 2,400
duels have boon fought iu Italy, and
480 deaths have resulted. Most of
these combats wero between army
olllcers and based on tho most trivial
Tho foreign ohvov.s aro on tholr way
to Tien Tsiu.
Tlio flags of thu allies float from
thu imperial palace.
Two men went insane iu Des Moines.
In .it. ti..j.ttiti t ill limit
Five men wero sinoi'iered iu a coal
initio at Issaiuah, Wash.
Fitzimmous lufused to take $100,000
to losji his light to Shut key.
Forest tires earned $10,000,000 dam
age iu Colorado ami Wyoming.
Seven perr-ons were killed In a freight
train collision at Kcusuiu, N. Y.
The new trcalv with Spain has been
signed by Minister Storer at Madild.
Tho United Maten government has
rejeutod LI Hung Ch.Mig's peace terms.
Demociatio papers demand thu with
drawal of Amciiciiu troops from China.
Six men lost tlmir lives by thu cav
ing iu nf a well at (iiithrie, Oklahoma.
ChiuohU viceioys ask that no ludigui
ties ho shown the emperor and em
press. Intense heat killed four persons iu
St.Iouis, where tint thermometer iegis
tered 00 degrees.
The transmit Sherman left San Fran-
oisco for NagiiNakl witli
aud men for China,
1,1100 olllcers
. Qiiuuu Wilhelmlu.1, of Holland, is
engaged to Prince, Frederick Adolf, of
St. Paul's imputation, according to
tho United States cousus, is 1(1:1,03:.';
that of Minneapolis, aou',718.
Several lives were lost and much
property destroyed bj teiiillo electrical
wind and vain storms iu .Maryland,
Colonel Marchand, of French I'ashoon
fame, him been apimintcd to tho general
stall of the China uxteilitioiiary force.
One liieiiuui dead, four injured and
$:I0,000 worth of property destroyed is
tlio work of a firebug in two llies at
Peoria, III,
Operations have been ruMiiued at all
thu factories of the National (iluos
Coin puny at Pittsburg. The resump
tion gives employment to 1,000 men.
Sol llloom, a miuiu publMierof Chi
cago, has brought suit for $S,'i,000
damages agaiust tho Union lestauiaut of It, L, I'osburg, a contractor of Iluf
and hotel for refusing to mrvp liliir falo, N. Y,, was shot and killed early
'iile hu was clad in a xhirt waist and
minus a coat. The manager of the res
t.iurant, when miextioncd regarding
the refusal, said that patrons wearing tried to capture.
-I.- 2. t.l ....I.. I 1 ..!.!... 1...-..!...
shirt waikts would only be served at
tables adjoining tlio main dining room. '
No person would be permitted to enter
the dining room unless wearing a coat,
N "'
United States Cannot Accept
His OlTer.
tlultnl Hliilr. Will Art AVIIIi Kxtrmnn
Cm Hon In Tlutlrt-.r Action It Slny
Take on tho Mutlair.
Washington, August 'JJI, Thocabinot
icssiou today jiractlcally openod tho
consideration of tho momentous quus
tlons growing out uf thu capturu of
Pokln and tho war in China. Until
today's hcion tho absorbing ciucstlon
has been tho Mifcty uf Minister Conger
aud thu legatiouers in Pekiu. Now,
how over, that has given place to prob
lems bf a nioio intrlcatu and far-reach-ing
character, touching tho existence
of tho Chineno empire and thu part
which thu American government is to
taku iu thu reconstruction of that couti-
Li Hung Cluing for thu upiKilutmcnt of
Minister Congdr or somu other commis
sioner to negotiate for thu cessation of
hostilities. Tlio decision arrived at
was to reject tlio appeal, and a reply
uf this character will bo i-oiit to Min
ister Wu, to bo forwarded to Li Hung
Chang. The moving causo for this
action is that this government is at
present very much in thu dark as to
whether there is any existing govern
ment in China. With thu capital in
tho Jiands of tho allies, thu tmipiror
and emptors dowager fugitives in hid
ing, aud tlio untiru governmental fahriu
paralyzed, thoro is no evidence of an
authority adequate tu conduct negotia
, w
yfM Btatwl ;y
tions ami soouru results wuicli will mi
net that tho Chinese establiHlin
; instead ot imlnR-v.i.-goveumiPiit, up
pears to be anrenori
pears to uo an enormous iieHdlesaualr,
-. M - , .
without knowledge of what is for its
best good, and without power to en
force its wishes. With the lecgnl.ed
ruler in (light, no mm seems to know if
anybody is directing its aO'airs. Ah
China is an absolute monarchy, with
out any uxuoutlvo branch, thu emperor
and empress dowager aio all-iMivvurful,
aud practically they am thu umpire of
China. Under the present remarkable
conditions, thu United States will act
witli extreme caution iu whatever
J steps it may take toward a solution of
tno ponding promoms
In tho meantime there is reason to
believe that tlio United States and all
thu other xiwors interested will keep
tliuir armed forces on tho ground, mi
that order may be maintained aud at
least a semblance of stable government
brought out of thu existing chaos.
KixIkIh Train I'ollMon,
Now York, August till. In a freight
train collision at Kenslco, N. Y., to
night, seven persons wero killed and
others aio missing. Keiislco is on thu
Harlem division of the Now York Cen
tral iiiilioad, itboui III miles from New
York. At 8::i(l tonight, while a freight
train was standing at the depot, a sec
ond freight dashed into tint tear end of
it. Tim engine of the second train
smashed tlio cabooMi of tho tirst train
iid then turned over. Reports from
the scene of tho iccldcut say that thu
engineer and fireman of tlio second
train am dead under tho wreck, and
itwo others of tho rutin crew aio buried
' In tli. i il.tltflu. S.i fill Hid imiii lift loiirluiil
the accident was caused by tho engineer
of tho second train running past a
block signal that had been set against
I :lllineolH llulnlifl- ( itliuhl.
' St. Paul, Augm-t ''!). An Ailing
ton, .Minn,, special to the DUputch
.says: Waller!, who yesterday butch
ered his wifu ami four ttop-childrcu
aud seriously wounded another HJ-yeai-old
step-son, was captured this morn
ing iu a barn on tho place of his sister,
; Mrs. Sleliiborn, about two miles from
'tho scene of tin crime, Ho vvum hid
den uudur a manger. Wallet t made a
'somewhat incoherent cnufc-Mnu, but
became more confuted under (Miention
ing. When Wallert, iu custody of ofli-
cers, p.isi-eii tiitougu wnern tun noillen
of tho murdfiod family lay, a liantily
orgaiiirtxl crowd attempted to lynch
him, but ho was taken away iir safety
by tlio olllcers.
VV'oiiihii Klllnl liy M lllirt;lHI'.
Pittstleld, Mass., August "i'.i,-
.May Fosburg, tho '-' I year-old daughter
this morning by a burglar, Her
brother, E. F. l-oshurg, was badly
beaten by one of the men, whom ho
Tliero wero three of
tho burglars and all escaped, Mr.
Fosburg is living in this city while en-
gaged on tome work for an electrical
J,A 'ti-i I'JJirLt ' il-tJL ,. ' iltijai,1JlxLf'JfrJ&fo.i-jL ,
rf. U
American-. Attii"kt-1 tlir tmierlitt I'wl
v In 1'i-klu.
London, Auguxt at. "Today 1,500
Americans attacked thu imperial pal
ace," says a dispatch to tho Morning
Post fiom Pekiu, dated August 15,
"and captured four of thu courts. Tho
Americans ling is Hying over tho tin
peiinl gtanary and thu imperial bank
lias boon looted."
Describing tlio relief, tho Dally
Mall's correspondent cables:
"August 1'.', thu Tsung II Yumun
requested u conference with a view to
peace. No arniis( was granted,
however, aud that ubt we endured
tho longest fusillade (iRSS whole siego.
It lasted l'J hours. Angust 13 tho
Tsung II Yamuii begged to bo oxcusod
from any conference, saying that tho
members wore too busy. Later thoy
wroto that thoy had forhlddou flriug on
us and would court-martial auy who
disobeyed. During thu evening tunny
shells fell In tho legation grounds."
Tho Daily Chronicle publishes an
interview with thu Japanoso minister
in London, which luprcseuta him as
having said: . '
"Thu empress is tlio heart aud soul
of China. As long as she lives, so long
as she remains iu China, whothor tho
stipiomo power is taken from hor or
nut, sho will always bo tho greatest
force, tho mm above all others to bo
reckoned with. Thu dilllculty will bo
to gut any one who can speak for tier.
1 fear that tho jkiwois must como to u
Until understanding quickly. Riots,
unarcliv, bloodshed and misery through
out China will bo the inevitable result
of thu policy that dues not immediately
disclose itself. Tho government must
bo ro-ostuhltshod."
Tho Jaapneso envoy expressed hl
approval of thu reported American sug
gestion regarding u couferouco of thu
powers and said ho believed that satis
factory peuunlary compensation could
bo Koctuod, despite the fact that thu
revenues aro pledged.
Fiold Marshal von Waldersee, ex
proses tho opinion that his lalxnn in
China will hu of long duration "as
pauillcatinu will ho a dilllcult under
taking." Three hundred ami soveuty-ilvu
thouMind Russian troops aru already iu
thu far East or already on tho way thorn
by laud and sea aud under oidurs to
Klglit TtioiiiMittl uf 'Diem .Ira tJalhtireit
ut Mlcliitihiiloi p. ' v" i
Twyoelaar, August -4. Through
secret Intelligence agents, the Jlritish
authorities learn that (ioueral Louis
ilotha, thu comiuauder-iu-clilof of thu
Doer foctes; lleueral Lucas Moyor,
the co'iimander of tho Oiaugu Fieo
State forces, and (.ioueral Suhalkhurgur,
vico-piesldcut of tho Transvaal repub
lic, with 8,000 lloers, liavo assembled
at Maihadodorp (generally understood
to bo thu hcadquaitcrs o' President
Krugur, on thu Pmioria-Dolagoa bay
railroad), with the whole Doer artil
lery, including the heavy pieces form
erly at Pretoria.
I'rxlnrlii I'IiiIIki- t'iMiv lulril.
Pretoria, August '!. Thu trial ol
Lieutenant ('orduii, foiuierly of the
'liausviml attilleiy, on charge uf being
concerned iu the plot to kidnap (iou
eral Lord Itobuits, was couuludud to
day. Thu piisouer was found guilty of all
tho counts iu tho indictment against
him, but sentence was defuned until
tho lludings of tho coin t shall have
been coullrmoil by loid Itobuits.
Colonel tiiulfiey, the judge, in sum
ming up, cau-ed a seiiMitiuu by deular
iug that a violation of p.nolu was pun
ishable with death. His speech, which
dilated on tlio weakness and vagueness
of the priMineis' defense, was listened
to with profound interest by the audi
ence, which was mostly com posed by
men of Dutch birth, A period of 45
miiiiilex was occupied in considering
thu verdict.
VI ail mail ltt-iiiiiaililH.
St. Luiiis, August til, In a verdict
rerrdemd today the coroner's jury,
which lias been hearing an inquest over
the remains of lllaueho E. Skuele, who
was beheaded irr an accident on tho
Tran-it lino Sunday, lluds Mntoriuurt
W, II, (iilberto guilty uf criminal car-lesi-ueHS.
(iilberto was locked up by
tho isilice. A crowd of South siderH
who niiw tho acclileiit made an attempt
to lynch tho uiotorman Sunday, but ho
r:(ioi luiioni I'liim Oniiii,
Washington, August U I, According
to a statement lnade today by thu di
v i'lon of customs and iiiMilar affairs of
the war department, thu total uxporta.
thins from Cuba through thu port of
Havana for tho seven mouths ending
July 111, IIIOII, was $HI,tlU8,U0fl, as
against $1(1,7.10,071 (or the same period
last year, a decreasu of $08, JUKI, Thu
total exports from Havana for tlio
month of July alone were $V-'-7.
llMkiilu l'n) IimiiidkimI,
St. Paul, Minn., August :':.'. Si
dais to tiro Dispatch toll o heavy dam
auo to property and crops in North Da
kota by severe electric storms, At
Muhu'rou, Towel and other places
many buildings wuiu wrecked and cars
lifted from thu track by the llereo
rvind. Tire raiufall was over two
. 'I