The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, February 10, 1900, Image 1

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    .-X --.; -tI JJ,3CiI.v ."SBH.
The New Age!
v J
2STO. 45.
' Designated Drpoftltnrr anil Financial Agent of the United Htntc.
rro!dirft, U. W. Corbett; CMhlor, E. (1. WltliliiKton; assl'tnnt cashier, J. W. Ncwktrlc; seconi
iMlUnt CMliler, W. 0. Alvord.
letters of crtdlt Issued, aralUbl In Kurops and the Eastern Butts. Sight zchanit and
Ultiraphlo transfers told on New York, Boiton, Chicago, St. i'aul, Omaha, Ban Franclico, and
ihe principal points In tho Northwest. Sight and time bills drawu In mmi to tult on Loudon,
'aril, Berlin, Fraultfort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kong.
Collections made on farorablo terms at all accessible points.
Established In 1850.
Interest allowed on timo deposits.
Colloctlona inaclo at nil points on fnvornblo terms. Lottors of orcdlt Issued
arailablo in Europe and the Eastorn stntos.
flight Axohunga and Telegraphic Transfers sold on Now York, Wnslilti&tcn,
Ohlcngo, St. Louis, Donver, Oinnlin, Snn Francisco nnd various points in Oie
con, Washington, Idaho, Montana nnd British Columbln.
Exchange sold on Loudon, Put is, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong.
The United States National Bank
Transacts a General Banking: Business.
Drafts issued availablo in all cities of tho United States and Europe.
TYLER WOODWARD, President. JACOB KAMM, Vice-President.
F. 0. MILLER. Cashier.
v The Best
. tSni'
t) .
Blumauer-Frank Drug Co.,
Wholesale Distributor!.
FIiiii illilhiiiiiWiiraiiieiElii lit
Silk-and Wire Bolting Cloth of all numbers. Cotton, Leather and
Chain Belting; of all sizes. The only Exclusive Mill Supply House.
Telephone Grant 86 J. 49 FIRST STREET.
Is the very finest grade of
Other brands are not JUST AS GOOD.
KUSALANA Is packed la one pound lead packages, put up In Ceylon, white the
tea b still FRESH and AROMATIC. If your dealer has not got it he can t it from us.
Corbitt fc Macleay Co.,
Tea Importer.
Und and Immigration Agents Loan and Insurance Agists
M. L. CAUSEY, General Manager.
The Causey Real Estate Go.
Farm, Fruit and Timber Lands, Stock Ranches,
Mining Properties. o j j o J
Office: Foley-Roche Building. LA GRANDE, OR.
notfrnsj iinairv TIT A
Cures IUckache. Kidney. IJver and Bladder troubles, Non-Uetentlon of Urine. Jlrlck-Dust De.
.i.v .".rr....'' ii.i.:.. i... a.. ..,,. ,h u.i..iriuiinn. iirin And I'n tuim. Nervousness. 11 !
foulness, rcon"tutlon and all c'plalnU l,tnic
the Stomach. Kldnev or Urinary organ, ot either
iheboweU Mid aiding nature In throwing oft that which makes a yellow skin. The effect on
the COMPLEXION Is quite pronounced, as a lew days' use will demonstrate.
Finest and Most Central Storehouse in the City.
Storage Rates Reasonable.
SPENCER-CLARKE CO., Lessees. Cor. Fourth and Davis.
TATIIM . BsfWUEIM 29 to 85 First Street. PORTLANI
lAIUIfl m DUvwCllI 84 and 38 Fremont St., S. F.
Beau Brummel
5 Cent Cigar Made
Cn hrr All flnnlnfo
w. w.w .... w. ...,.
iU-U6 Fourth Street,
Iwm a debilitated- or diseased condition o
sex. .,..,. ,. sp(rfit!nn,. -,..
Pumping: Plants of any Capaelty,
Wllfrey Concentrators, S. F. Air
Compressors and Giant Drills,
Mining1 Hoists, Cars, etc, Hoe
Chisel Tooth Saws. Saw Mills,
Shingle Mills and Woodworking-'
Maehinery. Pittsburg- Boiler
Scale Resolvent, (No charge if
not satisfactory).
MikwWmi i
HON. J. M. CHURCH, President of the
the City
President Gutch received tho now
president at tho foot of tho platform,
nnd, escorting htm to tho chair, faith
"Gentlemen of tho Htato league, I
havo tho honor of introducing to yon
your now president, J. M.
And this leuguo in honored in having r
man of hiu strength of character and
forccfulnot-s and fearlessness in politic
at tho head of it. Gentlemen, l pro
sent to you Mr. Church."
An outhusiastiu ovation gicotod
ident Church, in rospouso to which hMUroubles and mauago in some way each
said: v year, up to tho present, to got in with
"Gentlemen of tho Republican
League of Orogon: I tender you my
sincere thanks for tho honor you havo
conferred upon mo, and for rocogui
tion you havo given Eastern Oregon,
and Union county especially. It will
ho my endeavor to do everything in my
powor to advauco tho Interests of tho
Republican party in our section of tho
Union county has not boon a
Republican county for any great length
of timo. Wo havo had dilllculties to
overcome that other parts of this state
havo not had to meet,
is that at tho timo of
One of thorn
our beautiful
Resolutions of the
Tho resolutions adopted by tho Re
publican League of Orogou at its last
night session are as follows: They were
drafted by tho committee on resolu
tions: So long as either of tho great politi
cal parties advocates tho fieu coiuago
of silver, tho flnauoial question is tho
paramount question boforo tho Ameri
can people. Tho Republican olubs of
tho state of Oregon, in convention as
sembled, reatllrm their loyalty to tho
gold standard and their opposition to
tho freo coinage of silver. Wo believe
tho best and most stable dollar in the
world should bo issued by legislation
to tho laborer as tho fruit of his toil,
and to tho fanner as tho price of his
crop. Wo aro in sympathy with tho
efforts of the Republican senators aud
representatives in congress to enact
legislation for this purpose.
Wo heartily endorse tho Philippine
policy of tho presout administration.
Theso islands havo-beon won by Ameri
can blood aud purchased by American
treasuro; they should remain a perman
ent part of our national domain. Wo
cannot nogloot our duty to glvo them it
stable government nor eau wo aiford to
throw away tho great opportunity they
glvo us for tho development of our Ori
ental trade.
Tho Rupnlican party was formed for
tho purpose of lighting the battles of
freo labor. Throughout its whole his
tory, it has been the champion of the
Headquarters for CAMERAS
Free Dark Room for Amateurs.
Republican League of Oregon, and Mayor of
of La Grande.
Grand Hondo valley was Bottled, a
hugo section of Price's army got in on
tho ground floor, and it was protty hard
work to make Republicans of thoiu.
Some of them have gone into tho sheop
business, however, and various other
industries, and for other reasons added,
are now getting around to tho Ropuh
lican ranks. Wo havo also had our Ro
publican family jars, and wo had some
very nstuto Democratic statesmen up
thero, who tako advantage or our
us, and socuro tho olllcess, while a
huge mimhor of our bright Republican
men, who desire such positions, havo
to stay out. Wo propose this year to
fill theso positions with Republicans.
"Wo have not been in tho habit of
sending to the Orogou legislature a full
Republican delegation. Wo have been
mixed considerably; hut things
changed, and this year 1 find tho sontl-
mout all through the county is to stand
together and work for tho interests of
tho Republican party, and thus send a
solid Republican delegation to tho next
Republican Clubs.
people, and of tho Americiin lalmrcr ill
particular. Wu aro opposed to tho
i!ionoollzation of commerce and indus
try by trusts, and aro in favor of all
judicious legislation looking to the cur
tailment of their powor.
It is the sense of this convention of
Republican clubs of Oregon that tho
constitution of tho United States should
bo amended in relation to tho manner
of choosing members of tho United
States seuato, and that they should be
olocted by direct vote of tho people.
Furtbror rot-olvod, that our senators aud
representatives in congress bo lequostod
to work aud vote for any measure that
will bring about this proposed reform.
Wo .extend our sympathy to tho
families of the Oregon volunteers who
lost their lives in tho Philippines, and
wo request the secretary of war to make
provision for tho removal of tho remains
of these dead heroes to the end that
they may roposo in Oregon soil.
Whoioas, the war department has
failed to comply with the request of our
governor for tho return to the statu of
Oregon for burial, our soldier boys who
gave their lives for their country.
Thoroforo, bo it rosolved that wo
commend tho courso taken by our gov
ernor, and damaud that our dead heroes
bo returned to their families and friends
in our state, aud that tho governor be
requested to convey this resolution to
President MoKlnluy, with tho lequost
that he comply with tho same.
351 Morrison Street)
From All Parts of the New
World and the Old.
nuinpriiliiinalvo Horlow of tho Import
nut Happenings of tho 1'nnt AVook
Culled from tlm TttlngrHph Columns.
Tho Democrats will not givo up tho
silver plank.
Tho British aro preparing to invade
tho Freo State.
William Henry Gilder, the explorer,
diod at his homo in Morristowu, X.J.
Tho transports Ren Mohr aud Meado
have arrived at San Francisco fiom
Conditions in Cuba aro such that tho
people aro not yet ready for solf-gov-eminent.
Major-Geuoral Otis has appointed w
civil governor in Northern Luzon aud
opened the hemp ports.
Tho Northern Paclllo has seleoted
Kverett, Wash., as tho point from
which thoy will ship to tho Orient.
Henry Watterson says tho Louisville
& Nashville Railroad is tho head aud
front of the presout troubles in Ken
tucky. Tho Kelio Mountain house, a largo
hotel near Pasadena, Cal., was de
stroyed by flro. Tho loss Is estimated
at .f 100,000.
Tho natives of Rorneo aro in ioIhiI
lion. Tho trouble is serious enough to
domaud the attention of a British gun
boat aud marines.
John G. Brady, governor of Alaska,
nays that there will bo lawlessness and
a reign of terror in tho new gold fluids
of Cape Nome noxt summer.
Tho Ilay-Pauncofotu treaty, amend
ing tho Ofayton-Ruhvor treaty, relative
to tho construction of tho Nicaragua
canal, was slguod at tho state depart
ment by Secretary Hay and Lord
The famous Cherokee hydraulic gold
mine, of Oroville, Cal., from which
$111,000,000 in gold has been taken,
and comprising 100 miles of water
ditches, ,'10 miles of "debris" canals
aud l.fiOO acres of patented channels,
has been purchased by a Pittsburg syn
dicate The adjutant-goueral has received a
telegram from Assistant Adjutant Gen
eral McCain, at Vancouver barracks,
stating that Colonel Ray, at Fort Gib
bon, Alaska, roxrta the safe arrival
thereof Lieutenant lloiron and party,
who wero tmppoHud to havo been lost
while exploring tho Copper river coun
try. Recruiting for tho Strathcona horse,
tho detachment which is being equip
ped and maintained by Lord Strath
cona, Canadian high commissioner in
London, has begun at Fort Steele, R,
O. Although tho number to be taken
from this section is restricted to 10,
there aro over 1200 applicants for enlist
ment. Tho houso passed tho Indian appio
priatiou bill.
The transitort Manuenso has arrived
at San Francisco from Manila.
Cardinal Gibbons commends cougresH
for its action in the Roberts case.
Nielson, of Minneapolis, lowered tho
two-mile skating record of 5:51 to 5:113.
William Stanley Haeltiue, the ma
rine artist, is dead in Rome, aged 01
A serious riot occurred in Porto Rico
during tho parades of two iolitlcal
Chicago trades-unionists in the Fed
eration of Labor denounced Governor
Taylor, of Kentucky.
The president has issued a proclama
tion fixing a tariff of duties aud taxes
for the island of Guam.
The passengers and mail brought
from Honolulu by tho steamer Austra
lia were released from quarantine.
The striko at Cramp's shipyard,
which has beeu in progress since Au
gust, has beeu olllcially declared oil'.
Wm. Goubel, tho contesting gover
nor of Kentucky, is dead from the re
sult of the bullet fired by an unknown
The British government Iiiih contract
ed with tho Philadelphia Sc Reading
Railroad Company for 1,000,000 tons
of coal.
Flro in St. Louis destroyed four
blocks, causing a property loss of
$1,500,000, Ouo man was killed aud
several injured.
A reward of $5,000 has beeu offered
for the arrest and conviction of the per
son or persons who uiadu tho attempt
on the life of William Goehol,,
General Kohbo has occupied the is
lands of Lamar and Ley to. In the
fight at Catbalogau 10 insurgents wero
killed and tho Americans captured five
cannon, with their artillerymen.
SecVetary Reitz, of tho Transvaal re
public, says that tho Boers have never
abused tho white flag, aud that tho
British murdorod women, children and
American citizens at Dordooort.
Lord Roberts and Gcnorat Kitchonor
havo started for tho front.
Tho insurgents havo been driven out
of Legappi, provinco of Albay.
Thousands viewed tho remains of
Senator Goehol at Covington, Ken.
Affairs in Santo Domingo aro in a
turbulent condition. Insurrection is
It is said tho dowagor empress of
China is afraid to depose tho emperor
at presout.
On account of tho sorious roadbed
washout on its Lowiston division, tho
Northern Paoltlo will loso $100,000.
Tho transports Pathan and Sherman
arrived at San Francisco from Manila.
On board tho Sherman aro 75 invalid
Firo at Little Rock, Ark., destroyed
property to tho value of $205,000. Tho
J. P. Quinn Dry Goods Company will
loso $150,000.
British troops crossed tho Upper
Tugola rivor at Kolondrlft with tho ob
ject of storming tho Boer positions, but
wero driven back.
Three hundred Spanish prisoners re
volted nt tho treatmont they received
at tho hands of Filipinos, dispersed
their captors and hold tho fort.
Tho largest ofllco building in tho
world is to bo erectod in Now York
City, by tho Alliance Realty Company.
It will bo 20 stories high and will cost
President Havemeyer, of tho Ameri
can Sugar Refining Company donic
that the leading rolinorios of tho com
pany wero closed down as a result of
the loss of busluoss.
Fish commissioners of Oregon and
Washington havo issued a statement
that only citizens wero granted licenses
aud that falso claims may have been
made in sumo Instances.
Tho mortality in tho city of Bom
bay, India, in ono day was unprece
dented. Thero was a total of 40R
deaths. Tho situation is aggravated by
tho advent of famine refugees.
Word has boon roculved by tho de
partment of Indian affairs and by tho
pollco authorities of fresh trouble
among tho Indians of Uppor Laird, It.
U. Seven members of n Scotch family
are said to have been murdorod.
Tho- Sunset Telephone. Conn
Oakland. Cal.. has mortgaged to tl
Old Colony Trust Company of Boston,
its entire H)ssessions in California, Ne
vada, Arizona and Now Mexico, as so
ourity for tho payment of gold interest
bearing bonds to tho amount of $2,500,
000. Tho Nicaragua canal
unshed through both
hill will bo
houses thl
Mexican liberals favor tho candi
dacy of President Diaz for ru-electioii
by a vote of tlneo to ono.
Tho league of Republican clubs of
Oregon convened at the armory in Port
laud, with 800 delegates present.
Mrs. Lillio Devereaux Blake ban
announced her candidacy for tho presi
dency of tho National Women Sulf raglst
Members of tho Algonquin Club, a
leading social organization of Bridge
port, Conn., havo declined to entertain
W. J. Bryan.
Tho plague in Honolulu has biokeu
out in seveial isolated places outside of
the orgiually infected district, aud its
progress is regarded as serious.
John D. Rockelellor is no longer
president of the Standard Oil Company.
Ho resigned last December, but tho
facts were kept secret until now.
Fifty-seven paintings, tho property
of Austin II. King, of Providence, R.
I., wero sold at auction in Now York
for $77, U75, an average of $1,!15(1 per
Adalbert S. Hay, tho new United
States consul at Pretoria, was received
by tho Transvaal government, and pre
sented his credentials. Ho created au
excellent impression.
Secretary Root has sent to congress
an abstract of tho militia forco of tho
United States. It shows the total num
ber of men available for military duty,
but unorganized, as 10,:ii:i,150 aud an
aggregate organized strength of 1011,
iiUO. Astoria, Or., now has tho right of
immediate transporation. A dispatch
from Washington states that Senator
Georgo W. Mollrido's bill providing for
such has passed the heuato. Thin
moans a bonded warehouse at Astoria
and the unloading of Oriental height
at that place.
By way of preparation for the great
struggle now In progress, tho Boors in
the year 1808 lsnight from l'rancu
alone, guns, swords, carbines, pistols,
cartridges, lead, ziuo, jxiwdor cups,
fuses, etc., to tho invoiced value of
$1180,000, according to a report of thu
state department from United Statea
Consul Covert at Lyons.
A movement has begun in Oakland
and Berkeley to i-oiid relief to thu
Doukliobor colonies in Manitoba, which
aro suffering for food. Tho Donk
Jiobors aro represented as worthy peo
ple, greatly attached to their religious
belief, which resembles that of tho
Quakers. Thoy will not bear arms,
and wore driven out of Russia by thu
compulsory military service,