kF The New Age. VOL. IV. PORTLAiND, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1900. NO. 44. -TTi $ " id FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0F0aAND' Designated Depositary nrt Financial Agent of the United Htatnu. rrttldsiit, W. W.Corbett; cashier, E.O. WlthltiRton: nssdstnnt ctahler, J. W. Ncwklrk; second Assistant csshlsr, W. C. Alvord. Letters of redtt lisufd, Tllnbls In Kurops nd the Eastern States. Sljht exchange n teUttrsphto trstuiers sold on New York, notion, Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha, San Francisco, nasi the principal points In tho Northwest. Sight and time bills drawn In sums to suit ou Loudon, Purls, Berlin, Krankfort-on-the-Maln, Hong Kong. Collections made on favorable terms at all accessible points. LADD fc TILTON, BANKERS aSSSE Established In 18S0. TRANSACT A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Interest allowed on timo depoBita. Collection m ml o at nil paints on favorablo terms. Lotters ol orodlt issued railable in Europe and tho Eastern Btntes. Right Axohnnga nnd Telegraphic Trnnsfora sold on New York, Washington, Chicago, St. Louis, Douvor, Omaha, San Francisco and various points in Ore tjon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Uritish Columbia, Exchange told on Loudon, Patis, Berlin, Frankfort and Hong Kong, The United States National Bank Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts Issued available in all cities of tho United States and Europe. TYLER WOODWARD, President. F. C. MILLER. IGnU Mm BIumauer-Frank Drug Co., Wholmle Distributor. OP ALL Floor Mill ana Warehonse MacmiierT Silk and Wire Bolting; Cloth of all numbers. Cotton, Leather and Chain Belting; of all sizes. The only Exclusive Mill Supply House. CROFUT, M'AYEAL & CO., Telephone Grant 861. 49 FIRST STREET. "KUSALANA" h the very finest grade of CEYLON TEA. Other brands are not JUST AS GOOD. KUSALANA Is packed in one pound lead packages, put up in Ceylon, while the -tea is still FRESH and AROMATIC. If your dealer has not got it he can t it from us. Corbitt Macleay Co.. Tea Importr.fi. PORTLAND, OR. Land and Immigration Agents M. L. CAUSEY, The Causey Real Estate Go. Farm, Fruit and Timber Lands, Stock Ranches, Mining" Properties. o o J Office: Foley-Roche Building. LA GRANDE, OR. INTO MORE BACKACHE! OREGON KIDNEY TEA... . Cures Haekache. Kidney. Liver and Madder troubles .Von. Retention of Trine. DrlclfDust He. fmait, Leurorrha-a, I'alnful or MU'pre.s.'d Menstruation, Urlo Acid I'oUonx, NorvouMicm, nil. ou.nesi, Constipation, and all complaint arising from a debilitated or diseased condition ol the Stomach, Kldnek or L'rtnry organs of either sex. Purifies the Wood by eliminating all polimious matter, sttmulatlnK the secretion", refMilutlni the bowe's nd aldiui; nature In throwing off that which make a ellov skin. The effect on the COMPLEXION Is quite pronounced, as a few days' use will demoiibtrate. OVERLAND WAREHOUSE Finest and Most Central Storehouse in the City. A CENERAL STORAGE BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Choap Insuranoe, Storage Rates Reasonable. SPENCER-CLARKE CO., Lessees. Cor. Fourth and Davis. I 'ttrsA isVV 'sssH TATUIVI BOWEIM JACOB KAMM, Vice-President. Cashier. Beau Brummel The Best 5 Cent Cigar Made For Sale bg All Dealers, J44-J46 Fourth Street, PORTLAND, OR. KINDS. Loan and Insurance Agt-nts General Manager. ENGINES,BOILERS, MILL SUPPLIES. WORTHINGTON STEAM PUMPS, Pumping" Plants of any Capacity, Wilfrey Concentrators, S. F. Air Compressors and Giant Drills, Mining Hoists, Cars, etc., Hoe Chisel Tooth Saws. Saw Mills, Shingle Mills and Woodworking; Machinery. Pittsburg" Boiler Scale Resolvent, (No charge If not satisfactory). ALBANY CREASE. 29 to 35 First Street. PORTLANB 84 and 36 Fremont St., S. F. NEWS IE From All Parts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS Comprehensive Utivlnw of tho Import ant llnppcnlni; of tho 1'Kst Week Culled From the Telocrnph Columns Dr. Loyds is bolng lionlzod in Perllu. I'coplo of China nro said to take impcriitl changes with great equani mity. Willinm .Tonuinga Bryan will nccopt .tho Populist nomination for tho presi dency. Lord Paunccfoto will rotiro aa am bassador of Great Britain to tho United States, April 1. Tho interatato comnioreo commission has sued tho Northern 1'iioiflo to on forco disregarded lawa. Senators aro Hiiid to want no change in tho manner ot their election. Tho Iiouho favors popular vote. Dundonald'H forces, for whom fears woro entertained, aro nufo on tho houth bank of tho Tugula rivor. Five business men of Walla Wnlhi woro victimized by a smooth forger, who cashed bogus checks. Tho I'rinco Regent of Bavaria has conferred tho Order of St. Michaels, llrst-clasB, on Dr. Nansen, the explorer. lit Ciiiciuuati, Cliarlos HarlrutF, a tanner, killed his wife, his sou and his daughter and then tried to hot tho houso on fire. A funeral traiih arranged by tho Southern Pacillc, will convey tho re mains of General Lawton and Major Logan to tho Hunt. James II. Hritton, ox-mayor of St. Louis, and for many years one of tho leading bankers of tho Wost, died at Ardloy, N. Y., aged 83. London papers scathingly criticizo tho language of lluller's report, and accounts of buttle from Hour sources aro accepted as correct. Judge li an ford has discharged lb of tho 23 jurors who had boon serving on tho regular panel in tho federal court at Tacoma. Tho remaining members will report again ou March 20. Captain C. II. Stockton, prosidont of tho naval war college, says: "Com mand of tho sea on our North Pacillo coast and tho waters of the western basin of tho North i'aoillo should bo in our hands in peace and war timo. This can only bo effected by readiness of a propor and sutliciont naval forco either ou tho spot, or to bo furnished from tho Atlantic through an tin tramelled canal. In addition to this, and ready for (ombining, should bo tho available forces normally attached to tho Philippines and thu waters about China, Japan and Covca. In other words, tho I'aoillo ocean, from Samoa northward, should bo within our control." Tho plight of Kimberloy is urgent. Tho kaiser's birthday was colohrated in tho usual way throughout Germany Puller's Army has H'trated to tin Fouth of tho Tugela, with heavy lossos. Revolution iu Venezuela, under tho leadership of Hernandez, is spieadiug. Firo in Minneapolis destroyed a four story brick building, causing a loss of $120,000. Kdgar Oswalt, u (I-year-old boy of Astoria, was run over by a street car and fatally injured, Tho Hank of Dcorflold, Dccrflold, Wis., was robbed of about if 1 7,000. The vault was blown open by dynamite. Firo destroyed tho works of tho Kloo trio Improvomout Company at San Jose, Cal., entailing a loss of '$100,000. Samuel Gompers, in a conforouco with President MuKinley, advocated an eight-hour law for all' government work. It is said that Lord Roberts favored leaving Ladysmith to its fate and marching ou liloemfoutoin, capital of Orango Free State. Tho surgeon-general of tho murine hospital service bus shipped to Hono lulu 1,000 doses of halirkino prophylac tic, a plague serum. Phil Armour Jr., son of tho Chicngo millioiiaiie, died suddenly iiutr Saiitu Uarbara, Cal. Deatli was duo to con gestion of thu limns. Dr. Leyds, diplomatio agent of tho Transvaal, says tho Poors do not need to apply for mediatiou, us everything was going splendidly. Three masked men entered tho fac tory of Dr. Peter Fahruoy & Son, at Chicago, blow open the safe aud escaped with $1,700 iu currency. Tho senate committee on Puerto Pico, has decided that thu island shall bo known as Porto Pico, and not Puerto Kico, as fixed by a recent execu tive order. Tho weather in the vicinity of Mel lourue, Australia, has broken all ru cords for heat recently, On Now Year's day five deaths occurred from nroHtratioii. Tho thermometer stood at ' 114 in tho shade, and 150 iu the sun. LATER NEWS. Tho Boera orodlt divino providence with their Tugela victory. No rivor and harbor bill will bo pre sented at this session of congress. Genoral Correa, formerly ministor of war for Spain, is dead at Madrid. Tho Uritish parliament has reassem bled. No disorder was manifested. Aloxandor Dunsmuir, tho coal king of tho Paeiilo co.ist, died in Now York city, agud 47 yours. Servicos in commomoratiou of tho martyrdom of Charles I, of Kugland, woro hold in Boston. Tho transport Missouri, on routo to Sau Francisco from Manila, has 17 in Hiino soldiers aboard. Firo destroyed tho business portion of tho town of Winllold, Kan. Hun dreds of peoplo aro hmnoless. Lieutenant Winston Churchill do scribes tho buttlo of Spiuukop aa tho hardoht .light of tho South African war. All is quiet in Samoa. Tho tmtivos nro inoro sottlod than at any timo sinco tho disturbance- hotween tho native factions. Tho EhoriiT of Colfax, "Wash., has o (Toted a roward of $500 for tho capturo of Clemens, tho murderer of a man named Poland. A special dispatch from Capo Town says 150 American scouts, who arrived thero as muleteers, have eullstud in tho British forces. A cold wnva is prevailing east of tho Kooky mountains. Tho temperature is oiglit degrees below zero at Chicago nnd six below at Omaha. Tho Fergus Printing Company, of Chicago, ono of thu oldest printing houses in thu citv, was thrown Into tho streets for non-payment of rent. Great Northern ollleials and em ployes' grievance committee hold a conference aud it is announced thoro will bo no strike, all diil'eruuces being Bottled. Governor Taylor declares that a state Df insurrection now prevails in Ken tucky. Ho has ordered tho legislature adjourned, but tho Democrats have re fused to obey his edict. It. V. Wilson has been arrostod in San Francisco on tho charge of having embezzled a paokago containing $1100, while ho was agent for tho Great Northern Express Company at Frank lin, King county, Wash. Leu Gong, a Chinaman of Fargo, N. D., who alleges St. Louis is his home, appealed today from tho United Stilton court to tho soorotary of tho treasury, iixl was released on bail. Ho was tho Irst of thu 70 Chinamen charged with I'iulating thu exclusion act, to ho heard jy tho courts. Plague at Honolulu is under control. Dawson ovil-doors aro forced to saw ivood. Genoral Pallor's position is becoming precarious. Surveyors aro now nt work on tho Oregon Midland railway routo. A big steol mill was wracked iu I'ittsburg by a boiler explosion. j j mn was wiiroiiucuu in congress to provide mining laws for Capo Nome. Money is now ready for tho purchase Df thu Salem, Or., federal building situ. Census Supervisor Kelly has loft for Alaska to enter upon his duties thoro. Owing to a split in tho National League, Paltimoro may losu her hasu ball club. An attempt to rob tho Missouri, Kan sas & Texas railway train at Holdeu, Mo., was frustrated. Tho United States transports City of Pueblo and Senator havo arrived at Sau Francisco from Manila Near Coruuua, Spain, a torpedo boat, imiiiu and nationality unknown, has been totally lost, with all on board. Quarantine nlllcurs in Sau Francisco tru adopting stringent measures to pro tect that Krt from tho bubonic plague. Tho Union hotel; at Povolstoko, II. C, was totally destroyed by firo, tho blaze originating iu the furnace room. The German steamer Hemus bus been wrecked near Aarhaus, Denmark, uhero she was lxmud. Thu captain and 13 men perished. Colonel Charles F. Williams, com mandor of thu United States murine corps at Maro Island, died suddenly of hemorrhage of the stomach. "Nick" llaworth, suspocted murder er of Night Watchman Saudall, at Kaysvillo, Utah, attempted to commit Hiiicldo at Salt Laku by bleeding. Robert Fitzsimmous now claims he was drugged when be mih whipped by James JoiTrius for the championship )f thu world at Coney Island, last June. A runaway olecti io car on tho Day ton & Xenia traction road, at Dayton, (J,, left thu track at a sharp curvu and was demolished, killing tiireu persons. An American scouting party of tho Twenty-fifth was caught iu ambush by Filipinos and an ofllcer aud three men killed. Insurgents lost 40 iu killed and wounded. Senator William Goebol, of Ken tucky, was shot and seriously wounded by a crazed Keutuckian, two shots pas sing entirely through thu Democratic leador's lody. BY Attaok Upon Scouting1 Party of the Twenty-fifth. FOUR AMERICANS WERE KILLED Insurgi-nM Lost Forty In Killed nnd Wounded Company In tho Heitr Ko colored tho Undies of Americans. Manila; Fob. 1. A scouting party of tho Twenty-fifth infantry, while op erating near Subig, was ambushod by Insurgents and a lieutenant and three privates woro killed and two or thrco privates wounded. A company somo distance in tho rear, on hearing tho firing, hurried to tho scotio and recovered tho bodies. The local papers assort, although tho statement is not continued, that tho insurgents lost 40 iu killed and wounded. FOR THE FILIPINOS. Hi'iiiitor Uui'on of (Jcurclii Spoko on Ilia Iti'Holiitlon. Washington, Feb. 1. For mora than tbreo hours today Bacon of Georgia oc cupied the attention of the senate with a discussion of the Philippine question. His argument, which had for its basis his own resolutions declaratory of tho government's policy toward tho Phil ippines, was llstonod to carefully by his fellow-senators and by a largu gal lery audience. Ho maintained that ! u'utou niates owes as much to ino j H""w h It 1ooh to tho Cubans, to ' ' whom- b-v " f congress, Mill-1 government has been promised, and ho ; I nimiiij uii'ii iiiiii, inn lUMiiiiuuiin, uu- i . olarlug it to bo tho intention of this government to confer thu right of gov-1 eminent upon thu Filipinos, bo adopted I its a means not only of terminating the I war, but of extending to tho struggling peoplo justice aud freedom. In thu IIimihc The houso was in session a llttlo over ono hour today, and only business of minor importance was transacted. F.ddy (Rep. Minn.) rose to a ques tion of privilege, calling tho attention of tho houso to fraudulent representa tions mado by alleged agents of tho set of books known as "Messages aud Pa purs of thu Presidents of tho United States." Richardson (Dcm. Tenn.). who compiled tho volumes upon tho order of congress, explained that con gress had voted him a copy of the plates for thu volumes for his labor, and lie had mado a contract with tho publisher, from whom ho received a small royalty. Ho was as much op posed to fraudulent representations as any ono. r.ddy disclaimed any inten tion of rellectiug up mi Richardson. Resolutions were adopted calling upon tho secretary of the navy and thu secretary of war for information as to tho amount of money expended aud thu amount for which tho government ia liable remaining unpaid, for equip ments, transportation, supplies and naval operations in thu Philippine is lands from May 1, 1808, to November 1, 180U. Under tho call for enmmit'eos, a hill to authorize tho secretary of ,var to ac cept a site for a military jwst near Des Moines, la., was passed; also a bill to extend tho timo for tho completion oi tho incline railway ou West Mountain, Hot Springs reservation, Arkansas. At 1:10 P. M. tho houso adjourned. ht'iuitor (JihOm'I Shot Dunn. Frankfort, Ky., Fob I. While walk lug tluouL'h tho capitol grounds, on his way to tliu capltol uuildlug, at 1 1 : iu u':ioek tliis morning, William Goebol, thu Democratic contestant for governor of Kentucky, was shot down aud very dangerously wounded. Harlaud W'hittakor, a farmer from Putler county, the home of Governor Taylor, is now in jail in Louisville, charged with tho crime. There is no direct evidence against Whittakor, and ho was place under arrest more because ho was caught arotu'ul thu capitol build ing when thu shots were fired than fot any other apparent reason. Ho denied iu thu most positive manner that ho had any connection withtho shooting or know anything about it. He was running toward tho scene of thu shoot ing, and not axuy from it, when ho was caught aud arrested. llnMilluu Hill 'iiiilotiwl, Washington, Feb. 1. Thu Hawaiian bill has been praotically completed by thu housu committee ou territories, aud Chairman Knox, with a subcommittee, I is preparing a oiait oi tnu revised out with thu intention of presenting it to thu housu this week, SuvorpI imix)r taut changes have been rrlijdo in thu measure. The chief of tlinso is thu striking out of any and all property qualifications for eleotors to thu senate. Another ohangu eliminates tho super visor! given to?tho supremo court of Hawaii over Jtfie election iu tho senate aud houso and makes each thu judge ol its own elections, Thu omission of thu property qualifications for electors is in thu interest of thu natives. The Pandon Rocorder Bays that Co- quillo cattlu buyers havo been ou thu riser thu past week, offering $14 per head for choice last-spring calves, aud 0 couts per pound for dreaded beof. I II STATE OF ANARCHY. CJovernor Taylor Drclaron Sfnrtlnl Imw nt Frankfort. Frankfort, Ky., Feb. 2. Novor wa thero a mora copmlicatod political aitu ation than that which tonight con fronts tho politicians of Kentucky, and never was thoro ono of which it seemed so difficult to form an accurato guess at tho outcome All day through tho streets of Frank fort fioldlors marched and counter marchod. Drills in tho street woro frequently hold, in ordor that tho men might bo warmed by exorcise nftor they had lomaincd in tho biting wind. Around tho penitentiary was n lino of troops, iu front of tho opera-houso was a guard, three companies stood nt rest iu tho opon space in front of tho Capi tol hotol, sentries patrolled every sldo of tho building in which ox-Governor Bradloy resides, and a detachment of infantry held thu courthouse against tho possiblo coming of tho members of tho legislature with tho intention of declaring that not tho living William S. Taylor, hut tho diyng William Goo bol, was the lawful head and chief exe cutive of thu commonwealth of Ken tucky. It was largely n matter of sentiment with tho Democarts which led thorn to make such desperato efforts to crown their king before ho died. They want ed him to leave tho world a victor be fore tho world. Tho (lovt'rimr'n rroiiliiiiiiitlon. Governor Taylor at 10 o'clock thla morning Issued tho following proclama tion: "To tho General Apsombly, Com monwealth of Kentucky: Whereas, a statu of insurrection now prevails in tho stale of Kentucky, and especially in Frankfort, tho capltol tliuteof, by virtue of authority vested in mo by tho constitution of Kentucky, I do hereby by this proclamation adjourn at ouco tho general assembly of thu statu of Kentucky to meet at Loudon, Laurel county, Ky., Tuesday, tho 0th day of February, 1000, at IS o'clock. "(ilven under my hand at Frankfort, Ky., this 111st day of January, 1000, at 0 o'clock P. M. W. S. TAYLOR, "Governor of Kentucky. "Py Caleb Powers, Scctotaryof Stato." (Iim'IikI Hivnrn In. - Frankfort, Ky., Fob. 2. William Goebol was shortly before 0 o'clock tonight sworn iu as governor of Ken tucky, and J. C. Peckham a few min utes later took thu oath as lieutenant governor. Tho oath was administered ' t !' "" I'J C'hiof Justice Hazel- rigg, of the court of appeals. MAY FLOOD THEM OUT, IIimii- rroptiNti to Irani tint Klip V.lvrr llflow I.lllt,! Nlllltll. Loudon, Feb. 2. Tho supplemental lists of casualties till two columns iu nonpareil typo iu tho mniniug papers, making l.JIOl) roortod thus far from General lluller's uporulimw north of tho Tugela. Thu Daily Clironiclo esti mates that tho total exceeds 2,000. Tho 40 per cent loss jit Spionkop is gieater than any llritlsh forco over sulVoied, except lxissibly alA Alhuunt, Spain, in 1811. . N '' Tho corresjK)udont of tho Times at Lourenco Marques, telegraphing yester day, says: "Information has been received horu from thu Transvaal that tho war de partment, convinced that it would bo useless to storm Ladysmith and that thu bombardment will continue in tellective, has decided upon a chanu'o of tactics. Huge quantities of timber and sand bags aud hundreds of Kafllrn havo been sent from Johannesburg and Pretoria for tho purpose of damming Klip river, some miles below Lady smith, thu idea being to flood tho town and to drive tho soldiois and inhabit ants out of the bomb-proof caves, so ait to oxihiso them to shell tire. The Portuguese authorities aro at last exor cising stricter surveillance. Tho gov ernor lias unfilled the consuls that they must personally guarantee that appli cants lor passports aro not going to as sist tho Doer army before p.insportH will bo granted. It is rumored that ho has also conveyed a hint to 1 1 err Pott, thu TransMial consul, of set ions conse quences if lie continues to infringe thu uoutiulity of thu port." A I'miliiii I, nun, St. Petersburg, Feb. 1. It is serni oflicially announced that tho govern ment, at tho request of tho government of Persia, aud iu view ofiliu good rela tions between tho two governments, has authorized thu Loan bank of Persia to take up tho loan of 22,500,000 rubles about to bo issued in Persia under tho designation of the 5 per cent Persian gold loan of 11)1)0. Thu Loan bank, theiofore, has contracted to take up tho loan, which is repayable iu 7fi years, guaranteed by all the Persian customs receipts except tho ro opium iir tho custom-house at Pars and the custom houses of the Persian gulf, In thu event of a delay iu the payments, tho Loan bank will havo the right to con trol thu custom-houses. Russia guar uitoos thu bonds of thu Persian loan. '' Clilnitxn A in ,V(it Niill.lliol. Shanghai, Jnuj- .11. Tho dotHvdtion of Kinperor Kwangeu creates great dis satisfaction among Chinese ollleials in thu Vang-Tso valley, aud merchants aro considerably disturbed, fearing trouble, it is rumored that lie will bu. reinstated iu one vear i A.