The new age. (Portland, Or.) 1896-1905, December 09, 1899, Image 1

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The New Age
NO. 30.
Dcslgnntctl Deimxltiirr nni! Flnnuclitl Accnt of tho 1'nlteil States.
Fresldent, II. W. Corbet t; cashier, E. 0. WltlilrtRton; nsMstnnt cashier, J. W. Ncwklrk: second
assistant cashier, V. C. Alvoril.
letters of credit Issued, avallHbla In Europe Mid the Kaitcrn States. 8luht exchange and
telegrai'hto tralifcrs sold on New York, Doaton, Chicago. St. Paul, Omaha, San Fratiulico, and
the principal points In tho Northwest. Sight and tlruc bills drawn lu suini to suit on Loudon,
farft, Berlin, Frankfort-on-thc-Maln, Hong Kong,
Collection! made on favorablo term at all accessible points.
Established in 1850. .
Interest nllowod on tirao deposits.
Collections nuitlo nt nil points on fnvornblo terms. Letters ot orcdlt issuod
Available in Europe nnd tho Eastern stntus.
Plant xohungo nnd Telegraphic Trnnsfors sold on Now York, Waahlngtzn,
Chicago, St. Louis, Douvor, Omnlin, Snn Francisco nnd various points in Ore
sou, Washington, Idaho. Montnnn nnd leli Colunibin.
Exchange eold on Loudon, Paris, Berlin, Frankfort nnd Hong Kong.
The United States National Bank
Transacts a General Banking Business.
Drafts issued avallnblo in nil cities of tho United States nnd F.urope.
TYLER WOODWARD, President. JACOB KAMM, Vico-Presldont.
P. C. MILLER. Cashier.
Blumauer-Frank Drug Co.,
Wholesale Distributor-.
Floor MillanaWareliDnseMacliinery
Silk and "Wire Boltingr Cloth of all numbers. Cotton, Leather and
Chain Belting: of all sizes. The only Exclusive Mill Supply House.
Telephone Grant 861. 49 FIRST STREET.
l.und ami Immigration AkoiiU I.ouu nnd Instirnncu Agents
M. L. CAUSEY, General Manager.
The Causey Real Estate Go.
Farm, Fruit and Timber Lands, Stock Ranches,
Mining- Properties. . o . o v
Office: Foley-Roche Building. LA GRANDE, OR.
Is the very finest grade of
Other brands are not JUST AS GOOD.
KUSALANA Is packed In one pound lead packages, put up in Ceylon, while the
tea Is still FRESH and AROMATIC. If your dealer has not got it he can get It from us.
Corbitt fc Nlacleay Co.,
Tea Importer. PORTLAND, OR.
rtnroriM KinMFY TEA... .
Cures pacVache, KldnoUver and 111
" '4u'"lEL"m
I. n '. l I i'j ,. ft l . nrtra na nt aitltOP
the bow els and aiding nature In throwing off that whloh wakw yellow skin. 'Die effect on
the COMPLEXION is quite pronounced, as a lew days use will demonstrate,
Finest and Most Central Storehouse in the City.
Storage Rates Reasonable.
SPENCER-CLARKE CO., Leasees. Cor. Fourth and Davis.
i i
Beau Brummel
The Best 5 Cent Cigar Made
For Sale bg All Dealers.
f 44-146 Fourth Street,
1DV .
Pumping Plants of any Capacity,
Wilfrey Concentrators, S. F. Air
Compressors and Giant Drills,
Mining: Hoists, Cars, etc., Hoe
Chisel Tooth Saws. Saw Mills,
Shingle Mills and Woodworking
Machinery. Pittsburg- Boiler
Scale Resolvent, (No charge if
not satisfactory).
29 to 35 First Street. PORTLAND
84 and 86 Fremont St., S. F.
From All Parts of tho New
World and tho Old.
Coiiiprtihonslvn Itovlow of tho Import
nut Happening of tho l'nnt AVeol
lulloil Front tho Tnlagrnph Coluinnt
Tho British transport Ismoro was
driven nshoro ucar Capo Town.
Privnto Mcrrltt, of Buttery 11, com
mitted suicide at San Francisco.
Archbishop Chapollo will sail for
Manila on tho transport Sherman.
Thirty-eight wheelmen started in a
6lx-days' bleyolo race in Now York.
General Mothuou is boliovod to lmvo
resumed tho advance to Kimberoloy.
Four vessols from Brazil nro qnuruu
tilled lu Now York for fear of plaguo.
Tho schoonor Eureka, on tho bom
near Coquillo river, will bo a total los
After !$2 days tho Glory of tho Seas
has arrived ut 'Frisco from Fugot
Tho postmaster at Capo Nomo roports
to Washington that tho district ia as
rich as is represented.
Mr. Taylor, of Ohio, objected to tho
swearing in of Roberts, of Utah, us
toon as congress opened.
A big log boom gavo away at Clio
lmlls and 2,000,000 feet of logs aro
nlloat in Gray's harbor.
Appropriations for tho thrco Rtato
schools in Oregon aro running short
and tho schools may have to quit.
Tho United States supremo court ban
declared that a combination of pipo
manufacturers is unconstitutional.
Section men on tho Southern Pacific
near Milwuukio, Or., struck becauso
they could not go home to meals and
Eastern woolen mills lmvo bought
1,200,000 pounds of wool in St. Louis
at one salo. It is the biggest ualo over
nindo in tho West.
Tho latest roport from 'tho Moddcr
river camp says tho Poors wore- not
drivon to retreat, but marched away in
the night after tho battle
Tho Lako Whatcom Shlnglo Company
has purchased a block of 11,000 acres
of Huo timber, thought to contain 120,
000,000 feet, all in Skagit county.
Tho purchase prico was $00,000, and n
mil way will bo built to tho timber.
Among tho rlvor and harbor improve
ments eestimatd for under continuous
contracts on which tho mud asked for
is .$100,000 or moro aro tho following:
Oakland, Cal., harbor, .$180,000; San
Francisco harbor, $170,000; San Pcdio
liubor, $200,000; Everett, Wash., har
bor, $150,000; Gray's harbor, Wash.,
$!5 15,000. Also tho following rivor
and harobr improvements: Mouth of
Brazos rivor, Tex., $220,000; lower
Willamette river below Portland, Or.,
.$200,000; Columbia river at thn cas
cades, Oregon, $125,000; watonvay
connecting Lukes Union and Washing
ton, $100,000.
Tho Saiuoan treaty wa9 signod at
Tills ycar'H hop product of Washing
ton amounts to 33,08!! bales.
Tho now Austrian budget provides
for a consul-general in Chicago.
Tho tono of tho Japanese props on tho
war iu tho Transvaal is decidedly pro
British. Gonroal .Too Whcolor writes that tho
Filipino war is being prolongod by tho
autis in this country.
Tho British railway companios lmvo
agreod to convoy free to tho port of em
barkation, all books, papers and peri
odicals intended for uso of the troops
engaged iu South Africa,
Tho Hernandez revolution is gaining
ground in Yonozuola from day to day,
and is supported by leading mombors
of tho financial and commercial worlds,
who supply tho revolutionists with all
tho arms and money thoy need.
Genoral Leonard Wood will lo tho
mastor of all Cuba under tho direction
of tho president until tho timo comes
when congress takes action by provid
ing a new civil government for tho
Tho British dead and wounded at tho
hard-fought battle of Modder river
numbored hundreds. Tho war depart
ment has given out the information
that tho total number of causualties
was 452, and tho number killed, 73.
Tho Boor loss was slight.
Bnbonio plaguo has mado its entry
into Japan, five undoubted cases having
been rojwrted at Kobe, three already
proving fatal. Tho pest is traced to
cotton imiiorted from China. Much
dismay prevails in tho infected city
and tho most drastic measures aro be
ing taken by tho authorities.
According to lato advices the great
drought in Australia was broken iu
Ootobor. Terrific storms followed, do
iug great damago, epecially to build
ings. The Adamstown Human Catholio
school, in which 10 children were as
sembled, collapsed. One scholar was
killed ami two others fcurlously injured,
New; York wants both tho big con
ronflons. i
Tlio investment of Mnfckiiig is closer
John S. Chase, tho socialist mavor
of llaverhill, Mass., has been re
elected, Ton shipwrights from Scattlo took
tho places of tho strikers at Yallejo
Ex-Governor Lord, of Oregon, has
departed for Argentina, to tako his
postjjjls United States minister.
Legality of the war revonuo act is
involved in tho inheritance tax case bo
foro Jho United states supremo court.
TJo Six Chinese Companies, of San
Francisco, have subscribed $4,000 to
promoto commercial lelations between
Olilrjn and tho United States.
Tho Now York cotTeo exchango has
petitioned tho authorities to rcleaso
tho-jfeoffeo cargo of tho plaguo ship
Taylor. They claim thero is no danger.
Chaplain Shields, being tried at San
Francisco by court-martial for dtuuk
enncP8, will try to prove that hi
brother clergymen aro persecuting him
Bjjct-sugar men aro much disturbed
ovorvrecent discussion. Their industry
is flourishing, but free sugar from the
islands thoy say would bo disastrous to
Tho German ship Wansbek, which
hasiirrivod at Astoria, lost two men on
tho voyage from Philadelphia, and tho
boa&waiu says it was tho captain's
Crawford, tho soldier who permitted
Wawlner bull-pen prisoners to escape,
wiinalishonorahly discharged and sen
tonot'd to II) years six months imprison
incii. Lyspatchcs indicate that tho Boers
nro making all preparations for a hasty
retreat to tho Transvaal borders in tho
even't of defeat at Tugola and Lady
biniUi. AKentncky mob had no mercy for a
nojb who murdered and outraged a
woimin. Ho was dragged through the
stntets at tho end of a rope and dually
bo u Jitl to a stake and burned alive.
j'Siok soldiors wero compelled to light
nhvj'au. Tho Americans had but one
conpauy and 150 sick men. They bad
to light 800 "Filipinos. Tho attack was
made lu the early mo; 'dug, and it be
came a hand to hand ronllict.
Fighting has ceased between thu
Mexicans and Yaquis, tho Indians hav
ing retreated. It is said they may bo
joined by othors. A courier says the
Yaqui's losses iu killed and wounded
during 10 days fighting wero estimated
at 'J00. Thu Mexican losses wero 15
killed and !10 wounded.
Tho postmaster of Boston has re
signed. An illicit oleomargarine factory baa
been uuoirthod at Chicago.
Tho Payno-IIanua subsidy bill has
been introduced lu the house.
JelTrics and Corbott aro planning to
fight at tho Paris exposition and Franco
is horrified.
Ninety Boor prisoners aro said to
have been mass-acted at Eland's laagto
by British soldieis.
General Hughes is now occupying
20 Puuay towns. Ills lines extend !)5
miles north of Ho I lu.
Tho United States supromo court has
decided that tho conductor of a freight
train is not a vice-principal.
England is buying mules, horses,
canned goods, hay and rails in this
country for shipment to South Africa,
An Astoria contractor wants to haul
tho stranded lightship oveilaml from
Ocean beach to Baker's bay. Ho claims
it call bo done.
A cablogram from Hong Kong says
that Agulnaldo is now ready to stir
lender if Consul Wildmau will receive
him. Tho junta at Hong Kong advised
him to tako such action.
Tho industries of Cuba aro iu a do
plorablo condition. Iu two produces
tho destruction of sugar interests alone
is ostimatcd at $1180,000,000, and thero
aro no olt'ortH at rebuilding.
Huntington has bought another big
block of Southern Pacific stock and
thero aro said to bo others in on thu
deal. Bailioad men believe tho Van
dorbilts aro iu some way concerned.
Tho shelling of tho British camp at
Ladysmith Imh been far moro olTootlvo
than previous reports have led people
to believe. Hundreds wero killed and
wounded from tho Boor bombardment.
Bapid telegraph system will revolu
tionize all coirospondoiuo. Such low
rates will bo made that merchants can
a fiord to use the system imtead of thu
mails. It is to be placed in operation
at ouco.
General Andrado, tho exiled presi
dent, prophesies a gloomy future for
Venezuela. Ho says thero is a revolu
tion within a revolution and tho coun
try is on tho verge of anarchy. Ho will
rem tin iu Puerto Pico.
To avoid an injunction a telephone
company laid its wires in tho streets
of New York at midnight. Tho new
company will have a long distance lino
across tho country und will fight tho
Bell Company. Tolls will Lo ouly
one-half thoso at present.
Tho United States Senate
Down to Business.
ltixoltulniifl Offered Providing for mi
IiivcxtlKittlon of tint l'olyjfiimy yiien
t Ion -Iu thu llllllKU.
Washington, Dec. 8. Nearly 800
bills and joint resolutions, several im
portant concurrent resolutions and pe
titions numbering hundreds wero pi o
sentod to tho senate today. A major
ity of tho bills were old stagers. A
few wero of national interest and im
portance. Aldrich had tho honor of in
troducing tho llrst measure in the sen
ate. It wits tho financial bill drawn
by tho senate committee on finance
of which Alrdlch is chairman and
probabry was tho most important mea
sure introduced during tho day.
Resolutions wero offered providing
for an investigation by tho judiciary
committeo of all phases of polygamy
recently presented in connection with
what is known as tho Roberts case; ox
pressing tho sympathy of tho senate for
tho Boers in their war with Great Brit
ain, and declaring that Senator N. B.
Scott, of West Virginia, is not entitled
to a seat in tho senate. Harris, Popu
list, of Kansas, was appointed to a
temporary member of tho committee
on privileges and elections. Tho ap
pointment Is important and significant,
bocauso tho committeo has under con
sideration tho Quay, Clark and Scott
Tho senate spent half an hour in ex
ecutive session, but beyond tho ory
1 prompt confirmation of Secietary
Knot's nomination, sent in touay, aim
tho reference to committees of tho
numeious nominations today, it trans
acted no business
riuiilii'liil Kill Aiirotrd.
Washington, Doe. 8. Thu Republi
can members of tho house of represent
atives gavo their unanimous approval
tndnv to the limine (limneinl bill lecent-
My introduced, and recommonded its
immediate consideration by tho house
and nussaim after reasonable debate.
Ovorstreot, of Indiana, who intro
duced and who Is in general charge of
tho bill, will submit a resolution ask
ing that a special rule bo refuted for
tho immediato consideiatiou of this
measure. Tho terms of this special
rule aro practically agreed upon, and
provide that tho debate will begin
Monday, with a final vote at tho close
of tho week.
if tint IIoikd HkJimiU IMiii Hit Muy lln
AppolHti'il to tint l'iMi' llciily.
Now York, Deo. 8. A special to tho
Herald from Washington says: If
Roberts is finally rejected,
as seems inevitable, thero is a imssl
bllty that he may coiuo forward as a
claimant for a seat iu the senate. His
rejection by the house, it Is expected,
will add to his Kipularity iu Utah, ami
it is suggested that if Quay 1h seated by
tho senate, the Democratic governor of
Utah may appoint Roberts to fill tho
vacaiicythat exists in Utah's represent
ation lu that body.
As tho result of a canvass made by
Quay's friend, it is assorted that 4(1 of
thu 85 senators will vote to seat bin:
as senator from Pennsylvania. Tliost
figuros are obtained by counting the 111)
senators now in tho senate who voted
either for Corbott or Mantle and 10
others from whom, it is asset ted,
piomisos have been obtained favorablo
to Quay. .Senator Chandler has called
a special meeting of tho committeo on
uloutious to consider thu ease of Quay.
Aiilluiirrn of Safiily,
Washington, Doe. 8. Tho Interstate
commerce commisHiou gavo a hearing
to tho representatives of thu several
companies asking for a further exten
sion of the timo allowed tho railroads
to equip their lines with safety appli
ances. Two years ago tho commission
granted an extension until January 1,
1000. The further extension asked for
at tho present timo is one year. Thu
representatives of various IuImu orgunl
mtlous wero also present to oiler their
side of tho case. Representatives of
tbout 100 roads were iu attendance.
itt.t'itut Hliitlllni; ut I.Hilyxiiiltli.
Ladysmith, Deo. 8. Tho hottest
'lMimhardmcnt of the siege took place u
week ago Thursday. Tho Boors got fc
new big gun in ositiou on Lombard
skop, completely commanding tho
own, and shelled our camp that day
and yesterday, planting shells with
great accuracy iu thu camp of thu Gor
don Highlanders and the Manchester
regiment, wheio thero wero many nar
row escapes. Today the enemy resumed
tho bombardmoiit, doing some very
ellectivo shooting. Several of our
guns have been shattered by tho Boer
big guns.
(luriiiiiii. Am rii'iit'il.
Berlin, Dec. 8. Tho Gorman gov
ernment and press almost unanimously
wolcomo President McKinley's messugo
to congress. Even tho agrarian papers,
always opposing things American,
grudgingly admit that the message ia
fair and honest. Tho drift of private
comment is virtually thu same.
tho Itotiso Or lr red mi Investigation ot
Ills Cimo.
Washington, Doc. 7. Aftor an in
teresting debate of three hours, tha
hotiso today, by a vote of 002 to 80,
adopted tho resolution offered by Tay
lor, of Ohio, Monday, for tho appoint
ment of a special committeo to investi
gate tho chaiges against Brigham II.
Roberts, tho Mormon rcpreseiitatlvo
clect from Utah. Previously tho houso
had rejected a substitute resolution
offered by Richardson, ' tho lcador of
the minority, to allow Roberta to bo
sworn in and to scud tho whole case to
the judiciary committeo. Tho substi
tute resolution, howovor, by no means
commanded thu full Domocrutio
strength. Only 57 mombors voted for
it. Of tho !10 who thon voted against
tho Taylor resolution, all wero Demo
crats oxcept two Loud and Nowlands.
By tho terms of tho resolution Rob
erts is not only excluded from all par
tiuipatlou in tho proceedings of tho
houso until tho committeo reports and
tho houso passes ujxm his case, but ho
is denied a seat in tho hall. Whether
this will bo Interpreted to deny him
admission within tho chamber pending
tho disposition of his case is yet to bo
Tho reading of tho president's mes
sage was completely overshadowed by
tho dramatic proceedings which result
ed in tho action of tho houso today.
Tho galleries wero thronged with spec
tators, mostly women, who sat pa
tiently through tho three weary hours
that preceded tho debate, and then
waited on three hours moro until it was
Tho most remarkablo featuro of tho
debate was tho fact that Roberts' pres
entation of his own side of tho case,
which lasted almost an hour, bucamu
ho absorbing that he won thu sympathy
of many of those iu tho galleries, and
was sovoral times showered with ap
plause. It was evident that he realized
that the houso was overwhelmingly
against him, and at times he spoko de
fiantly and fiercely.
During tho debate Grosvenor of Ohio
rose to repel Indignantly an insinua
tion of Roberts that thu president had
knowingly appointed men guilty oi
polygamy to federal olllces in Utah.
Tint Day In thu Semite,
Washington, Deo. 7. Today's ses
sion of tho senate lasted two hours and
40 minutes, practically tho entire timo
being consumed in tho reading of thu
president's message. Thu reading was
largely perfunctory, few senators ac
cording It any attention.
Tho anouueemeut of tho death ol
Senator-elect M. L. Hay ward, of Ne
braska, was received by tho senatu
with sincere regret. Although ho wuh
not olliuially a member of the body, he
was well-known to many of tho sena
tors and by them was hold iu high re
gard. At tho conclusion of the reading
of tho message, tho senate adopted reso
lutions of regret presented by Senator
Thurston, of Nebraska, and as a mark
of respect adjourned immediately.
Filipinos AmhiiiiIIi'iI tint (liirrUmi, KIM
In? l.'lulit Aiiiai'leiiliM.
Manila, Dec. 7. Last night a force
of insurgents, estimated at 800, at
tacked the American garrison of 200 at
Vigan, proivneo of South I locos. The
American loss was eight killed and
many wounded.
After very hard fighting the Filipinos
wore driven oil' and through tho moun
tains, leaving three dead. Colonel
Blsbeo is now reinforcing tho garrison.
Fears aro entertained regarding vari
ous small ImhIIcs of General Young's
troops iu tho province of A bra.
Manila, Deo. 7. Genoral Hugbe.i
now occupies1 Santa Barbara and Cabu
tau, Island of Puuay, his lines extend
ing 115 miles north of Ilo Ho. Holms
occupied 20 towns. Tho inhabitant!!
aro returning with white flags. Timir
fear of tho Americans is diminishing as
they learn they will bo well treated.
It is impossllbo to get tho insurgents
to light. They aru retreating to thu
mountains, and no moro organized re
sistance is expected. Hughes contin
ues advancing north and spreading his
rifteun to Tiveuty Thoii.iiiul Itoers
'Wnltliiif for
New York, Dec. 7. A dispatch to
tho Herald from London says:
It is now certain that the Boers aro
iu great force on thu further side of tho
Tugola river. Tho Boer army, which
Invaded Natal, was put by good judges
ut 25,000 to .'10,000 men. If we accept
the latter figure, and deduct 2,000 from
losses which may lmvo been mado good
by disloyal Dutch recruits fiom Natal,
and another 10,000 for tho remaining
force at Ladysmith, tho total of thu
army coufiuutiug General Duller may
bo from 15,000 to 20,000 men.
Iu tho meantime, some news has
come through from Ladysmith showing
that while on tho one hand tho Boer'H
lMunbardment was becoming severe, on
tho other one of tho naval guns hud
ouco moro silenced tho big Boor 40 or
General Gataero has occupied and
socured a large quantity of corn which
would doubtless have been command
eered had tho Boors been allowed to
maku a longer stay,
. ji a .us