-? .s -v J -r' THE INTSW AG-E, PORTLAND, OREGON. s my 100 Candle Light One Week So THE KCONOMY OAS LAMP is tho best nnd most econom ical light producer. No wick or Riuokcd chimneys. A pure white and absolutely htcudy incandescent light from ono-bov-with to one-thirtieth cost of all other lights. Own your own gas plant. Hun your own meter. A completo gas plant within tho lamp, portable; liaiig it anywhere. Maximum light at minimum cost. It is the only gasoline lamp approved by tho Pacific lionrd of Underwriters. Wo guarantee ovcry lamp. Agents wanted. Full Hue of mantles, shades and chimneys for gafolino lamps and gas. Mail orders filled when accompanied by moiffcy or tier or draft. Economy Gas Lamp Co. H. W. MANNING, 128 Sixth St., PORTLAND, OREGON rk-iiural Agent Oregon, Wnfllilligtoli, llrltMl Columbia nnd Alnikn, Tel. North i!81. 9 JUNE a.im. WEDDING, VISITING AND PROFESSIONAL CARD ENGRAVERS. kM (pmd-s EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKER Fourth and Yamhill Sts, BOTH 'PHONES NO; 507 RENA STINSON, Lady Asilslant. THE The Largest Plate Engraving House In the Northwest. VV. G. SMITH & CO., 22 and 23 Washington bld'g, PORTLAND, OR. caxxiariToy House ....BOTH EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PLANS.... (.'oritur l-'mirth nnd (.'oiii'h Streets 1'urtlniul, Oregon. It Ih Popular and Home-like and Famed for Square Dealing. Table Supplied with the Ik-Ht. Kindle JIohIh lific. Lodging IT) and COc. lk'Bt Family Hotel in tho City. 110 Kooiiih. All OuiHide and Well Lighted. BOARD AND ROOM ... 8I.OO PER DAY. l'rco Couch To nnd I'rom tlio House. R. E. CASE .... PROPRIETOR. I.itltve. No. 2. 11:15 n. m. No. 1. II'.IX) p. in. Union Depot Fifth and I Sis Knst nmll fnrTnrotiin, Penttle, Ulyiiiilii,Uriiy'M llnrhor nnd Houtli Ituiul points, Spokane. Kosh lntiit, II. C, I'lillman, Miwutv, I.mvUton, Iliif. falo litmip iiiIm'k coun try, llulenii, Mlhuenp oils, St. I 'mil, Umiilm, KiumnsClty. HI. Louis, ClileiiKO. nnd nil polntn Kim mid Southeast. J'liKut Sound Kxpre for Tocomii mill Scuttle mill nil luturmedlnto points. Arrtto. Ko.l 6:fi0.r. in. No. 3. 7:00 1). in. PSlS.iir Lvx tsr ; rft--a c .Trzr-T'.-. nwi 5SC ti-.,lsr- I I 1 - W "ILBL 1 I v T-JA VJ1 'vry-ii-' ENGINES BOILERS - ?' S& c-? RUSSELL High Grade Machinery SAW MILLS THRESHERS STACKERS Write for Catalogue nnd Prices. RUSSELL & CO. I'lilluimi DrHt'Clnss mid tourist slecperi to MlnnuiipoIlN, St. l'nul and Missouri river points without climm'o. Vestiliuleil trnlns. Union depot connections In nil prlnclpnl cities, llitKuiiKo checked to tlcMluntlou of tickets. I.'iix ! IiiLoiiiii Hlltal litil ilitftxtt.t It'n tnnll.i in iiiiiiu-ihiiiu inuniiitiii) nvrviijiutu uiiMii'lf tickets, KlvcpliiK-enr renervntlons, etc., cnll on or write A. D. CHARLTON AsxWtmit (leuetnl 1'nsseiiKcr AkuiiI, 'Vi Morrison Street. Cor. Third I'orilund, UreKon. fllUK AAC1IKN AND MUNICH l-'IKK INHUIt.VNUi: COMl'ANV. KMiihlMuil A. I). IS'23. Onirics A. Ilurckliiirdt it Co., Aleuts. Koom f, Worcester lllock, N. K. cor. Third nnd (Ink Streets, Portland, Or. SLITER'S CAFE 148 SIXTH STREET Between Morrison and Alder PORTLAND, OREGON. .CST.HI.IHI1KI I Hit. INCOHI'tmATEI) I8BT. ALLEN & LEWIS Shipping S? Commission Merchants WHOLE8ALE GROCERS To snvo time nddrcim nil Conimuulcutionii to the Company. Ifi... 411 to 54 I'roiil SlriMit, N. ii Hi. ' I'OltTI.A NI). OH. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK La Grande, Oregon. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - - - $72,000 IIKST (IKADKS Ol' ...Wines, Liquors and Cigars,,, Tho l'lncit Straight 10-ccnt Saloon In the Nnriliivot. THE PENDLETON SAVINGS BANK l'KN'DLKTON, OUF.GON. Ornnizod Mitroh I, 1880; Onpltnl, 8100,000. Inlorost iillouo I on tlino iloponilH. Hxclmngo bought and sold on All prin cipal pilllllH. w W, Slll'l'llll llttl'lltlDll iMVOIl to Collections. .1. Furnish, piiidini ; .1. N. Teal, vice-president; T. J. Morris, cashier. O. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO... P. E. BEACH & CO. THE- PIONEER PAINT COMPANY Of Portland, carry a complete assort ment of everything in the building line. They make a specialty of reliable brands and guarantee every article as repre sented. 135 First Street, Corner Alder 1 he Now A no rocoiiinieiidii this home. When in Vancouver CAM, ATTJIK STAR RESTAURANT Successors to Pick Bros. -. T, .i J II,' -"T WM !, FUnoa nud Fttrnlturo movtMl, pneked or atornl. Kzpivas and Bvgg hHuUnl. Doalere In Wood nnd Conl. All work guarunteod aud order promptly attended to. Office and Warehotuo 39 FIRST 8T. Bet. Stark and Oak cTukMsaa. iul T.i.uhou. i7a. rORTLAND. (JR. liVliUYTIIING FIRST-CLASS. MRS. A. F. ESTILL, Prop. BICYCLES MADE TO ORDER Ol.ll HKnVI.KS OUT DOWN AND MADK INTO IbWSIIAPK. ItopnlrliiK dono In nil linuieho. No job too Iiuko or too muhU. 1'rloos rouioimlilo. I.nli'st Improvi'd miu'liliiory mom klllr.l wurkiniin In tliUDtnto. WIN DM)lt mill 1.11IKUTV lUCYCl.Kri for mlo Itontcry Hliil.KV'S itirvoi.K AtiKNOY, HOSfxtli btrt'Ct. Til Muck 29.51. MARCH TO PRETORIA. THE DIN1NO CAK HOI'TK FROM TOUT LAND '10 Till: KA8T. ONLY DIUKfT LINE TO T1IK YKI. I.OWSTONK I'AIIK. Plnni of tlio Ilrltlnh nntl llorr Oenornli Joiiliort aiovliiR South. London, Nov. 22. Tho reports of heavy fljjhtiug at Lndysmith lust Wed nesday havo not been confirmed. On tho contrary, tho moat reliable advices from Efitcotirt indicuto that thero was uothinu: in oro than a desultory cannon ado. Probably tho rumor of n serious engagement grow out of tho fact that tho Uocrs throw a few harmless shells lato Tuesday night, leading to tho sup position that an attack was imminent. Nothing, however, happened Wednes day. Itoyond tho fact that tho Boers aro daily receiving fresh reinforcements nnd supplies, thero is practically nothing now from tho front. The JJoer invasion of Capo Clony con tinues steadily and rapidly. Thero aro 1,U00 lloors at Colosburg, and news has reached ICtiPt London that Ladygray, near Aliwal North, has been deserted by tho Hritish and now is in tho hands of tho enemy. From Dolagoa bay como roports of tho arrival of moro Gorman olllcers nnd nrtillorynien, who havo volunteered to servo with tho Transvaal forces. Tho war oillco somiolllcially assorts that all nows recoived from Africa has been published, with tho oxcoptiou of demands for tho renewal of stores, war material and tho like. Thero is an unconfirmed rumor that moro troops havo been ordered from In tlia to tho Capo. SMUGGLED PEARLS. W. A. WISE DENTIST ...Room 614 THE DEKUM... PORTLAND, OREGON. Tel, Red 2844, fill II .. Best of Cloth and Work Given at Remarkably Low Prices by Reason of Our "Wonderfully Low Expenses. Found In tho Old SIioom of n Providence 91 it ii. Now York, Nov. 22. Ton thousand smuggled pearls, of all sizes, some imi tation and somo genuine gems, woro taken to tho custom-houso today nud spread out in Collector Uidwoll's oflleo. Tomorrow they will bo taken to tho ap praiser's stores, where tlio govcrricnt oxperts will pass upon thoir valuo. Tho pearls wero Foizod by Special Treasury Agent Theobald, from Francis Hook, n dealer in jowols and goms, of Provi dence, It. I. Hock arrived on tho French Hnor Protagno, but procoding him had como a rablo messago to tho customs ofllcials tolling that tho Provi douco man had pearls of great prico in his possession. To tho inspector Bock declared ho had nothing dutiable. Ho declared ho was goiug to Moxico at ouco, aud said nothing about his busi ness in Providence So special Agont Theobald and tho inspectors mado a rapid examination into his baggago, and in his pockots. In Pock's trunks woro threo pairs of worn shoes, tied togothor heels nnd too, and wrapped compactly in nowspapcrs. Inside each pair of shoes were many packages of half pearls. Thoro woro two quarts of gems altogether. A rough estimate of tho value of tho en tire soi'.uro is .$ CO, 000. Pock was taken boforo United States Commissioner Shields aud hold in $5,000 bail. Not being able to secure bail, ho was sout to jail. LABOR CONDITIONS. Before Using viuunTE m m about Corns.... Wllflt iS & Com? PhyslclMt H Clavua. a clou or borny thickening of tba akin, over a Joint In too, with a central coro or "kernel". A corn out in half would look very much Ilka thla a m vvra -r -!.-c-sttt t riuii 1' Sua k Jtinnt r What PrOdUCeS a' Com? PRE8aURE. Not noceawUy that the thoe i tUbt -but while apparently roomy, dooa, at aome position during walkiug, preai upon one apot; the teault la "CORN " Having a Corn, what shall i do tor m .aw u w tho to is tho quoation. 8omo pople'partf them, euttintr a little tempor ry roliof but eUuiulmum tho corn to twice aa rapid arowtb Wll. horo i a cluar aud colortes fluid callod Willamette Corn Cure it win Rcnove ccm; kid ttii: 4 hjitiirai . jkih w Hi . ruce Por Sale by O C Cent-. pr por Sale by All DruuulMs -.uotn. o) oruoulsis Often Using LV in ' m - -V J'00' ' WlUJUaUTTl 0RI CUHf (loinpiirn TcHtlNoil lltifuro tho Iniluitrliil CoiiiiiiIhhIoii. Washington, Nov. 22. Samuol Gompors, jnesident of tho American Federation of Labor, was tho only wit nes before tho industrial commiHsion today. Speaking of tho union label, Mr. Gompors said there aro 117 different organizations now using tho label, nud that it is growing in popularity very rapidly. Ho defended tho boycott as ti legal and proper weapon for working men. In roply to a question, Mr. Gompors said that organized labor views trusts simply as their employers. Thero had been cases in which tho or ganizations had beon benefited by com binations of capital, it is too early to decide whether men would ho moro steadily omployod by tho trusts than by other employers. Ho said that thoso combinations havo moro influenco in securing legislation than has unor ganized capital. Ho took a position ngaiust co-operative schemes, saying that experience lias proved that la borers havo socured no greater advan tages undor them than undor tho wago systoin. Ho has no fear of tho future for organized labor. Tlio condition of labor today is better than over boforo, nud ho attributes tho improvement to tho iufluenco of organized labor. Mr. Gompors favors an amendment to tho constitution fixing a maximum of hours por day for lalior. Speaking of the ofYeet of advanced labor legislation iu different states ho said thoro would be no backward btop. ltlir Gun IMiutiI In ronltlou. Astoria, Nov, 22. Tho two big guns that recently arrived at Fort Stoveii9 have been placed in position. As theso guns weigh J100 tons each, it required groat care to movo thorn. TThe common council of Hammond will potitlon tho government to havo tho niimo of tho postoflico of that place changed to Now Astoria. Child I)t uuroil hy ft AVUil Itenat. Spokane, Wash., Nov. 22. Tho boues of Uuth Inman, tho tl-year-old child lost in tho Pig Peud country four weeks ago, wero found yostorday a few miles from Creston, where hho disap peared. Tho indications aro that n wild nnimal had carried off aud de voured tho little oue. .General Funston denies that tho American soldiers robbed tho churches iu the Philippines. Automobile for Cunudn. Toronto, Ontario, Nov. 21. Tho Na tional Cycle fc Automobile Company .completed organization hero Saturday. The corporation will havo a capital stock of -f 2,500,000, and will control in 'Canada tho business and patents of the Amerlcau Picyolo Company as well as some Cauadlan concerns. 1 J. M. ACHESOH CO., THIRD AND ILDER STS. Enterprise Pickling Works T. e. FlNNi:OAN, Proprietor. CntMiti, I'lcklcs, Vlnetw, Hnuces, Cldor, Mils tiiriln, Cliow Climv, Olives, Olivo Oil, Ktc. riiiir llrnud llottlvd l'lcklcn. Kiist Aider Street and Union Avenue, rOUTLAKI), OIUXlON. Teleplioiicn, Oregon Wlilto 19, Columbia M82. WHKN VOLf 11UY Furniture, Carpets and Stoves FOIt IIOL'SEKEEl'INCl Cut This Out mid Get n Ileductlon nt ..HENRY JENNINGS.. 172-174 First Stroot. TTKSItY KVnitDIXG COMMISSION MKItCIIAXT W)iole5iilo nnd Itctnll Denier In HAY, Glt.UN, Ki:i:i) AND STAl'I.E GIIO-CKIUKS. IVI7 l'ront St. l'OUTI.ANM), OREGON 1 TNION IIOTKI. rit.VNK KU'.ltNAN, l'roprlotor. No, 81 North Sixth Street, Corner Everett 1'OltTI.ANI). OREGON. Table lionrd, ll.fptl ier week; Ilnnnl nud I.odB bur, t..viiei week. Klvo Monl Tleketf. Il.tHij Single MeulN, .'.") eentu: I.oiIkIiiks. 'J'i to M cents. Tnble supplied with tlio Ih'kI the market afford. 1? K. I.AIIEUTKAI'X Doaler In GROCERIES AND TA1II.E DELICACIES TERMS CASII We linndle nnd recommend GOLDEN WEST linking 1'ou tier. Corner lit li nud Morrison. , Yanconvor, P. C,, Nov. 23, Today's train carried to Boston nnd Now York 75,000 pounds of halibut from tlio northern t'tshim; croumls. Dr. Sanden Electric Belt My Dr. Sandeu Eloctrio Polt with special attachment for men, ombody iug a homo treatment, usurping none of the timo which, if a business man, must bo valuable to you, for It Is worn at night whilo you sloop, aud Kinds a soothing, strengthening, pleasant cur rent of Galvanic Kloctriclty throughout all tho weakened parts, passing through the prostrato glands, bladder, kidnoys aud strengthening tho digestivo organs. Free Book "THREE CUSSES OF MEN" Send for my Free Pook, "Threo Clnsj-os of Men," today. It explains all fully; or call at my oflleo and ex amine my appliances and test tho cur rent, free of chargo. It is a pleasuro to mo to givo a sufferer the ndvico ho re quires. If you do not live in tho vicin ity of city, by stating your ease fully to mo on blank I will send yon for that purpose, I will bo ablo to accurately advise yon. Do not delay, but write or call ou mo at once. Tir E. THOMPSON RENTAL AGENCY. Lonn. 1 leu I Estate. Hire Insurance 2.T0 Slnrk Ftrect. I RMORY DRUG STORE f'uro DrtiRs nnd Clicmlenl, Toilet Articles Stationery, Confectionery nnd Domestic Cigars. Prescriptions n Specialty. N. W. Corner Tenth and Everett Streets, Portland, Oretron, PORTLAND KLECTRICAL AND MACHINE WORKS. Electric llttlitliiR nnd electric work of nil kinds promptly executed. Gas engines for launches Machinery of nil kinds made nnd repaired. Gnsolluo engines for Irrigation pur poses. TOOT OV MORRISON STREET. I". J. Ciioucu, Mgr., Portland, Oregon. V 70LPF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS IRON AND STEEL SHIPBUILDERS. Marine nud Mining Machinery. s TEIINKEN & JULIEN- Wliolcrale and rcnlatl irroccrs. ni2-ni4 llnni. side street, corner Sixth, Portlnnd, Or. Tele phone, Oregon Dlnck i32, Columbia 680. mllIRD STREET PEED AND COMMISSION JL House. Dealers In hay, grain, Hour and nil kinds of produce. Express nnd trans, fer. W. S, Lnuthers, proprietor, J. W. Ilattlu, manager. Ill) N. Third St.. Pnnlaiid, Or. Columbia Telephono IC9, Oregon Red 1801. mltK VKI.KltKATKI) 8UIII.IT. MILWAUKEE 11EER On draught cor. Pourth nud Morrison streets, Portland, Or. rnilK Qt'ELLE-SECIITEM ,t SCHLENK, X Proprietors. S. E. Cor. Second and Stark Sts., Portland Or. Pino wines, Keillors nnd cigars. Wciuharil's Celebrated "Columbia" Ileer. Crnullsli, clams aud mussels In seaxni, Oiircrnwilsli aro noted. Oregon 'Phone, 019, Columbia 'Phono i.MJ7. i THE HARLOW N. P. J. FOLEN, Prop. 350 Glisan Street, Corner Eighth Portland, Or. Room with board, by the week, $3.50; single meals 20 cents. Rooms, by the month, $3 to $4; by the night 20 cents. A massive brick building, nicely fur nished; only three blocks from Union depot. ROTHCHILD BROS. IMPORTERS it WHOLESALE ..Liquor Dealers.. OUR CHOICE, HONEY DEW, YELLOWSTONE, HUNTER RYE Bar Room Furniture and Fixtures. Billiard Tables and Supplies. 20, 22, 24, 26 N. First St., Cor. Bumside PORTLAND, OREGON. & Ladies' Suits Fifteen coses just arrived direct from the Factory in New York. Every ap proved style in Jack ets, Suits and Capes. (7ffe L'oiesi styles... SILVERFIELD FUR MF'G CO. 283 and 285 Morrison St. Keware of impostors who aro .eoking to mislead tho public by claiming to represent my lmsine?s and my appli ances. I do husiuet's only under my own name, and my Uolta aro stamped with my namo and date of patent. Take no others. Write for my free liook, "Three Classes of Men." DR. A. T. SANDEN Russr.' Building. Cor. Fourth and Monlton Streets Ottico Hours: 9 tot): .Sunday, 10 to 1. I'ntrtinee mi fourth St., Second Floor Head Tho Xew Age, for it is growing more popular every week. " EASTERN OREGON Gold Mines Good money now in right kind of miuiui! stock. Weatherbv.ltonunzn. 25c; this is a miuo and has a stamp- nun in operation; owns 100 acros of mineral land. Buffalo Logal Teudor, 15c; shipping high grado copper oro. Paymaster Consolidated, 5o; working iu good enmrtz. Values inorpnsim will bo a mine. All our properties aro working. Ilich strikes nud tlio com ing boom insures big monoy uoxt year. For printed matter and information writo E. A. CLKM & CO, 515-516 Oregonian Building Portland Eye and Ear Infirmary Dl?euej of tho yo nd ear treated Jrom 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. Eyes tented or sUuet 8 a. m. to 0 p. tn. 133 SIXTH ST., OREGONIAN BUILDING V.ANP SOAP AND CH?S j PORTLAND, OREGON, ej im .1