143rd YEAR, No. 105 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015 ONE DOLLAR North CENTRAL SCHOOL LAND MAY GET Holladay redo up 'HYHORSHUH\HV for bid KRXVLQJRSWLRQV NEW LIFE LQKLVWRULF QHLJKERUKRRG I Joshua Bessex/The Daily Astorian Dennis Scovel talks during an interview with The Daily Astorian Monday. Sc ovel and the neighbors are holding a meeting on Monday to get and consensus of what they want done with the property at 10th Street and Irving Avenue . By EDWARD STRATTON The Daily Astorian QWHUHVW DPRQJ QHLJKERUV LV EUHZLQJ DURXQGDQRWKHUSRWHQWLDOKRXVLQJSURM HFW RQ WKH IRUPHU &HQWUDO 6FKRRO VLWH RII,UYLQJ$YHQXH$VRQHRIWKHODUJHVW UHPDLQLQJEXLOGDEOHORWVLQ$VWRULDWKH SURSHUW\KDVSOD\HGKRVWWRPXOWLSOHDW WHPSWVDWKRXVLQJ 1HZ5LYHUYLHZ3DUWQHUV//&RZQVRI WKHORWVERXQGHGE\,UYLQJDQG-HURPHDYH QXHVDQG(LJKWKDQGWKVWUHHWV7KHSURSHU WLHVFRPSULVHWKHIRUPHUVLWHRIWKH/HZLVDQG &ODUN6FKRROODWHUNQRZQDV&HQWUDO6FKRRO EXLOWLQWKHVDQGWRUQGRZQLQWKHV Researching Submitted P hoto Astoria’s Lewis & Clark School, later known as the Central School, was built in the 1910s and torn down in the 1980s. The site of the former school is now the center of interest for housing development. HOUSING MEETINGS Neighbors around the former Central School site have planned a meeting at 7 p.m. Monday at the Blue Scorcher Bakery Cafe to discuss development options. Don Hanson, a consultant for interested developer Richard Krueger, will hold a similar meeting at 6 p.m. Dec. 2, with the location yet to be determined. 'RQ+DQVRQDSODQQHUZLWK3RUWODQGEDVHG GHVLJQ ¿UP 2WDN LV UHSUHVHQWLQJ GHYHORSHU 5LFKDUG .UXHJHU ZKR KDV GRQH SURMHFWV LQ $VWRULDOLNHWKH(GJHZDWHUDW0LOO3RQGDQG WKH