FEATURES 6A Tomorrow’s horoscope Sisters don’t help with mom Dear Annie: I am the young- est of three girls and have always been the black sheep of the family. I have two sisters who don’t have kids, yet they constantly tell me I’m not a good mother or daughter. I have always tried to be a good daughter, especially af- ter Dad passed away. My sisters don’t do much for our mom. One lives out of state, so I guess she thinks she doesn’t have to do any- thing. The other sister calls Mom often, but doesn’t bother to stop by and see her. Mom is on a limited income. We all work full time and have husbands, but I’m the only one who buys her groceries and takes her places. I recently told my mother how I was feeling about my sisters, and she told me they will never change. And why should they? Mom refuses to ask for any help from the other two. She never asks me to take her shopping, but I know she needs food in her house. I also enjoy spending time with my mom. She’s an awesome woman who worked hard and provided for her children. I had once before disappeared from Mom’s life because I was tired of putting up with this non- sense. I didn’t speak to anyone for to get your sisters to contribute ¿QDQFLDOO\ LI LW OHWV WKHP RII WKH hook otherwise. Calmly explain that Mom’s income limits what Creators she can buy at the grocery, and Syndicate Inc. though you are happy to take her shopping and supplement her sup- Kathy Mitchell SOLHVLWLVEHFRPLQJWRRGLI¿FXOW and Ask how much they can contrib- Marcy Sugar ute for these expenses. We hope they come through. a year. But I realized my mother Dear Annie: I felt the need to won’t be here forever, and we’ve respond to the letter from “Gary,” been attached at the hip ever wondering about appropriate since. Now I’m tired of the non- dress for a funeral. I have attend- sense again. What am I supposed ed more wakes and funerals than to do? I can count, and I know what is My sisters are perfectly aware considered “appropriate” attire. of Mom’s needs. I believe they My husband passed away sud- DUHVHO¿VK:KDW¶VLWJRLQJWRWDNH denly six months ago. We are a for them to wake up? I can’t talk quiet family and the attendance to either one of them because it at his funeral was astounding and just upsets me. But I can’t go back unexpected. We did not notice and keep taking care of Mom all what color clothes people wore, by myself. It gets expensive to their necklines, collars, hemlines, do this every week with no help sneakers or boots. What I can say, whatsoever. — The Black Sheep unequivocally, is that I, along with Dear Sheep: You sound like our 14-year-old son and 12-year- a caring daughter, but you can- old daughter couldn’t have cared not force your sisters to be the less what anyone had on. It only same. If you were an only child, mattered that they came. — would you continue helping Heartbroken in Connecticut Mom? It might be less frustrating Dear Heartbroken: Thank for you to think of yourself that you for making it clear what is way. However, you may be able important. Our condolences. Annie’s Mailbox THE DAILY ASTORIAN • TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2015 By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc. ARIES (March 21-April 19). How would you feel if nothing changed about your situa- tion — not in five years or 10 years or ever? If that thought is intolerable, you’re now mo- tivated to reach out and make a necessary adjustment. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The activities you’ve chosen for the day require a certain degree of hardiness. Bouncing back is as much a skill as not falling. There are rewards for stamina, though those rewards are most- ly self-created. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Create a plan for what to do if the worst should happen. Do- ing this will help you to stop worrying. Once you stop worrying, you will loosen up, adopt a better attitude, have some fun and succeed. CANCER (June 22-July 22). In matters of love, your judgment will be consistently stellar. You’ll make the choices that bring you closer to the ones you want to be close to and distance you from potentially negative influences. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). What you do to make the environment more pleasant for yourself will improve things for others, too, so don’t hesitate to speak up. Once you get the conversation rolling, everything will start to change. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). A raised eye- brow, a mysterious text, a finger point toward the horizon — it won’t take much to stir the curiosity and capture the imagination of those around you. Once you have their at- tention, you’ll do something useful with it. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). A person sees a big dog and thinks “threat.” Another person sees the same dog and thinks “friend.” Either one could be right. Your advantage today will FRANK AND ERNEST BLONDIE THATABABY SALLY FORTH STONE SOUP B.C. LOLA DILBERT SIX CHIX BIZARRO MUTTS NON SEQUITUR BABY BLUES WIZARD OF ID ZITS ROSE IS ROSE be your ability to adjust to how others per- ceive things. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). An intellectu- al approach may be appropriate for the situa- tion, but the wisest decisions get made when you also engage your emotions and let them weigh heavily into the equation. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). There’s really no such thing as pointless chatter today. There is a world of knowledge inside of small talk. It takes careful listening to know the right questions to open up the treasure trove. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). If you’ve heard it a million times, that’s because it bears repeating. Accept yourself for who you are, flaws and all. This helps you to accept other people. With increased tolerance, life gets easier for everyone. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The an- swers could be found in the attic of your mind, but climbing up there will be a lot of unnecessary trouble because the answers can also be found in your immediate envi- ronment. Slow down and look. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Honesty and integrity are important in all of your relation- ships, especially the romantic ones. You’d like to know the real person and not the per- son the other person thinks you want to see. WEDNESDAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. 9). This year is one big talent show that invites you to perform over and over. The improve- ments to your environment this month will favorably affect relationships. It will be espe- cially difficult to balance work and play when the yearend brings such a wonderful play- mate. Money months are March, May and July. Pisces and Scorpio people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 40, 2, 22, 14 and 1.