THE DAILY ASTORIAN • FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 2015 Webb got it right I so enjoyed Patrick Webb’s so useful and insightful ar- ticle, “Six things wrong with the America I love” (The Dai- ly Astorian, Aug. 7). I couldn’t agree with him more, and feel that what he wrote could well be used as a blueprint for mak- ing life-saving adjustments by people of good will, and honest politicians. Yes. Too, it was a pleasant and welcome change from so much of the put-down condescension and righteous “gotcha” stuff so prevalent in print and on TV any more. Stuff which daily ob- scures reality and helps to dig us ever deeper into the mire. Which we do know, of course, LVRIKXJHEHQH¿WDQGSUR¿WWR the particular few. So then I opened up my Aug. 13 Daily Astorian, and here is this column, “Ignoring the reality of America’s histo- ry,” absolutely full of it: Full of condescension, and “don’t you know nothing’s new under the sun” — go study some history and check out what we’re al- ready doing today, then you’ll EHDVTXDOL¿HGWRWDONDERXWLWDV I am, and you’ll see that we’re already doing what we need to do, and we always have. “Go out and do something positive.” Oh blimey. That’s ex- actly what Webb did by sharing KLV LQVLJKWV LQ WKH ¿UVW SODFH He’s way ahead of Don Ander- son already. And yes, of course, “the English are, and have always been, as rude as their Yankee cousins.” Saying they “have a reputation for avoiding rude- ness” simply means Brits are more subtle (and polished) in their expression of it, I think. Absolutely, I’d say. VALERIE LINDHOUT Astoria Webb is wrong R egarding the Writer’s Notebook article by Pat Webb, former managing editor of The Daily Astorian, display- ing his political bias (liberal/ Democrat): Throughout his “Six things wrong with the America I love” item (The Dai- ly Astorian, Aug. 7), he referred to President Ronald Reagan as “the failed celluloid unreality of Ronald Reagan.” Apparently Webb forgot (or never realized) that it was Reagan who saved the nation from the tragicom- edy that was the four-year de- bacle produced by that pathetic peanut farmer, Jimmy Carter. Reagan restored the U.S. to her former status as a world leader after having sunk to the depths of worldwide humili- DWLRQ UXQDZD\ LQÀDWLRQ HQG- less motorist gas lines, and the “misery index” under the Dem- ocrat bumbler. However, I do agree with Webb regarding the degenera- tion of our political leadership, especially at the highest level, EHJLQQLQJ ZLWK WKH DI¿UPDWLYH action so-called president — a Democrat, of course — who has imposed a disastrous health care program which isn’t ex- pected to last very long, who has renewed relations with a vicious, totalitarian communist dictatorship which still impris- ons dissidents just 90 miles from our southern shores, and was recently hoodwinked by a gang of Iranian cut-throat mul- lahs who are ridiculing the in- competence and naiveté of our negotiators in a months-long nuclear agreement. The current administration, highlighted by the Internal Revenue Service and the Jus- tice and State departments, is rife with corruption and incom- petence. Webb referred to Donald Trump’s presidential candidacy as making “some of the GOP candidates appear halfway civ- ilized.” However, he failed to mention the Democrat candi- dates, led by a woman who is an acknowledged pathological liar, whose only credentials is a long list of failures in her string of high-level government positions, with not one success- ful accomplishment. Her main talent appears to be an uncanny ability to stay out of jail — so far. An ancient socialist sena- tor, Bernie Sanders, is another Democrat candidate, followed by a few other nonentities whose names are quite forget- table. Webb failed to mention the disaster being engineered by an anti-semitic, Muslim sympa- thizer who occupies the White House, and also a member of the glorious Democrat par- FRIDAY EXCHANGE HelS SroteFt Zhat Ze haYe in the 3aFi¿F NorthZest I can say that because my geology TXDOL¿FDWLRQV FRQVLVW RI EXLOGLQJ sand piles at the beach, where I have learned a little about erosion. %XW¿UVWDIHZIDFWV7KH6NLSDQRQ Peninsula is made up of dredge spoils, which I will refer to as a sand pile. It has no bedrock to, at least, a drilled 350 feet. The water table level is only 6 feet deep (two inches over my head), according to Oregon LNG’s own geol- ogy report. Given my sand at the beach expe- rience, it leads me to wonder, if a sand pile is created (Skipanon Peninsula), and a heavy weight is put on it (Ore- gon LNG terminal), and a large hole is dredged beside the sand pile (131 acres or a 1.1 million cubic yard ship WXUQLQJEDVLQDQGÀRZLQJZDWHUULYHU ÀRZUDLQLVSUHVHQWLVLWSRVVLEOHWKH Skipanon could start eroding out into the turning basin, or possibly even the main channel, sort of like my beach sand piles? Now, a few reasons why disrupting ty. We have over 90 million Americans unemployed, more than 50 million on welfare and over 40 million on food stamps. Finally, let me point out to Webb that with all our faults, the world keeps beating a path to our borders (often illegally), many in order to partake of our “freebies,” but also some to “breathe free.” We talk of build- ing a fence on our border, not to keep people in, but to keep un- desirables out. With that, I bid Patrick Webb cheerio, tally ho and keep a stiff upper lip. E. ROBERT NASSIKAS Astoria Beware reform laws R egarding the editorial “Clearing the air” (The Daily Astorian, Aug. 18): It is not a legitimate function of government to create “dis- incentives,” enforceable by law, to behavior that is not to some people’s liking. From the smoker, you can walk away; but the reformer will pass laws from which there is no walking away. LOUIS SARGENT Gearhart Attend LNG meeting T he city of Warrenton is holding a public hearing on Wednesday, Sept. 2 at 5 p.m. at the Warrenton Com- munity Center to approve or deny the proposal for Oregon LNG to site their terminal on the Skipanon Peninsula. To everyone in Warrenton: You have all heard the talk about the environmental risks, the tsunami risk, the two stor- age tanks taller than the Asto- ria Column, the disruption to ¿VKLQJDQGFKDUWHUERDWVOHDY- ing and entering the marina, etc. This is your community, your town, your future and your children’s future. If the terminal and pipeline are approved there are no do- overs. What are you waiting for? Why don’t you attend the meetings? Are you planning to go, and if not, why not? I know, there are many reasons. You are just getting off work FRPLQJ ODWH LV ¿QH \RX¶UH tired; the children started school; someone else will go so I don’t have to; it doesn’t matter because the city will do what they want. It’s only one night, maybe two, out of a year and if you don’t let your mayor and city council know your feelings, how will they know to make the correct decision? So get off your couch. You don’t have to speak if you don’t want to, or you can give writ- ten testimony, but come to the meeting. Oregon LNG is part of Leucadia National Corp, which is a large holding com- pany. They are in business to make money for their in- vestors. Oregon LNG was formed to obtain all the nec- essary permits to build the pipeline and terminal. Once that is done, they can sell it to the highest bidder and all their promises of jobs, etc will be null and void. And what about those promised jobs? Are we talking college educated engineers or security guards? Full-time or part-time? What pay, and how many people do they real- ly need from our area? Drug testing? Oregon LNG originally stated that they would abide WKHPDLQFKDQQHODQGDOOWKDW¿VKKDE- itat would not be a good idea, in my opinion: Approximated $22 billion of com- merce transports annually on the Co- lumbia River. This directly or indi- rectly affects an estimated 44,000 jobs WKURXJKRXWWKH3DFL¿F1RUWKZHVW7KH year of 2013 saw the Lower Columbia 5LYHU ¿VK GRFNV XQORDG PRUH SRXQGV RI ¿VK WKDQ DQ\ RWKHU :HVW &RDVW docks. Yeah, we were No. 1. Oregon LNG’s proposal is to build a gigantic terminal that will export another of America’s precious natural resources overseas, while releasing 2.6 billion tons of carbon dioxide, plus methane gas, annually into the atmo- sphere here. The terminal is proposed to be built near the water in an earth- quake/tsunami zone, on dredge spoils, not bedrock. For all those who are like me, I, too, thought, “Why would anyone even think of doing such a thing?” And, by now you may be wondering, “What can ‘little ol’ me’ do to help?” The Warrenton City Council will discuss the proposal at their meeting at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 2, at the Warrenton Community Center. Please attend and have your say. Also, call Oregon Gov. Kate Brown (503-378-4582) and ask her to use the powers of the Coastal Zone Manage- ment Act, and the Clean Air Act, to deny permits and stop the proposed Oregon LNG terminal. Remind her that the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) has upheld our Clatsop Coun- ty commissioners’ denial of the pipe- line, and the U.S. Army Corps of En- gineers appears to have an easement to dump dredge spoils on the land that Oregon LNG proposes to build their terminal on. As I said, I’m no geologist, but I do know living in America is special, and living in our part of America is price- less. Please help protect what we have. CARL DOMINEY Astoria by the decisions made by the city, county, state and federal agencies. So far, they have sued Clatsop County, and lost, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and lost. So much for abiding by decisions. They promise the world and tell us what we want to hear. The investors are in New York. What do they care about us, VRORQJDVLWEHQH¿WVWKHLUERW- tom line? Two-thirds of you vot- ed against the LNG plant in 2008. Show them that we are not the gullible little town they think we are. Come to the meeting on Sept. 2 and wear red to show your support for your community against Oregon LNG. Let your may- or and commissioners know what you expect of them. If you don’t tell them, who will? DIANA TALARSKY Warrenton sop County Fairgrounds. Two hearings are set, from 1 to 4 p.m. and from 6 to 9 p.m. Even if you don’t want to speak, I can assure you that your pres- ence alone will speak volumes. They may have more mon- ey, but we have shown we are on the winning team. Our in- credibly articulate, educated citizens, have rallied in Salem, marched downtown, written letters and attended meetings over the past 11 years, but per- haps there are more questions for FERC to answer: Is it wise to build a project of this magnitude in a tsunami zone/earthquake subduction zone? Are they listening to the testimony that has been given by the citizens, who have been saying “no” for 11 years? Have they read the work of Jerry Ha- vens, a professor of chemical engineering, who has studied the dangers of LNG? Can a VPDOO ORFDO YROXQWHHU ¿UH GH- handle an emergency Stand against LNG partment with LNG explosions? ost people say they don’t Who will want to buy prop- ZDQW D OLTXH¿HG QDWXUDO erty in Warrenton with an LNG gas (LNG) facility in Warren- facility in their backyard? Why ton. Now is the time to speak have we spent money rebuild- up: There is an important ing salmon habitat, to have it meeting with the Federal En- destroyed? Do they know that ergy Regulatory Commission schools with children are with- (FERC) Sept. 21 at the Clat- in the blast zone of the pro- M posed LNG facility? Are we making Warrenton a target for terrorist attacks? What about the air space above WKH IRRWEDOO¿HOGVL]HG WDQNV LQ WKH ÀLJKW SDWK IRU WKH DLU- port? How much noise/light/ river pollution will be caused? With huge guarded ships exporting LNG up to three times a week, how many com- PHUFLDODQGVSRUW¿VKLQJMREV will be jeopardized? How many good paying perma- nent jobs will there really be? How many jobs will be lost LQ WKH KRVSLWDOLW\ ¿HOG GXH WR industrializing our coast? Will tourists really want to come to see LNG on the river, and jeopardize the safety of their families? Why would we export our own natural resources, RQO\ EHQH¿WLQJ FRUSRUDWLRQV and stockholders? By having an export facility, won’t that increase the need for frack- ing www.dangersoffracking. com)? Won’t exporting our natural gas increase what we are paying here at home? Shouldn’t we be responsible and develop sustainable re- sources, instead of fossil fuels that are contributing to climate change? There are more reasons to 5A attend and ask FERC a few questions. Pick one, any one, and speak up, or submit writ- ten testimony. This is a chance to be part of the solution. Let’s give FERC a good show, and show-up. LAREE JOHNSON Astoria 7KDQN\RXRI¿FHU T his is a big, big thank you to the Astoria policeman who helped two old ladies (and old Anchor members) out on the Saturday of the Astoria Re- gatta. We had attended the Rose Planting Ceremony at the Fla- vel Mansion, and drove my car to the Astoria American Legion parking lot, and didn’t want to move it all day because of the WUDI¿F We didn’t know how we were going to get to our friends, who were several blocks from us. I called a taxi, and was told that it was a half hour wait. Just at that time a police car was coming by, and I hailed it down DQGDVNHGWKHRI¿FHULIKHFRXOG give us two old ladies a ride, and he said yes, he could. We were so thankful. We en- joyed our visit with our friends, and then we had a few minutes to get back to where I left my car so we could watch the pa- rade. The streets were blocked RIIVRWKHUHZDVQ¶WDQ\WUDI¿F to get a ride, so we started to walk. I use a cane (and my friend should use a cane). We walked for one long block, and the be- ginning of the next block, and our backs and knees were kill- ing us. We didn’t know what to do, and just at that time two of- ¿FHUVRQELNHVFDPHULGLQJE\ No, we didn’t hop on the back of them, but I hailed one down and asked him if he could call RXURI¿FHUIULHQGDQGDVNLIKH could take those two old ladies back to their car to watch the parade. (We were supposed to be in the parade, but decided to watch it this year.) Yes! He would or could come and get us. And indeed, he did, and we were so grate- ful, and thanked him more than once. A very special thank you to Detective Thomas Litwin, who helped make our day. COLLEEN HENSLEY BETTY CUNNINGHAM Astoria WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE TWO HOMES? HINT: IT HAS TO DO WITH SAVING ENERGY AND MONEY. /CJPBCORJCJH@NHD@I>TPKBM@DIO@MHNJA HJHAJMORCDG@M@?P>DIB@I@MBTPN@JNO I@MBT/MPNOJA*M@BJI>JIOM<>OJM@IODQ@NOCJNOJALP@NJPG?N@IOJITJPMCJH@@I@MBT>JNONRCDG@IJOCFJI>JHAJMOI?JNONG@NNOJJK@MJNONOJ?PNOJH@MNJA+JMOGOMD> +<>D—>+JR@M)2)