The daily Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1961-current, July 20, 2015, Image 5

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Naked neighbors make him nervous Tomorrow’s horoscope
By Holiday Mathis, Creators Syndicate Inc.
Dear Annie: My wife and I are
lucky to live near the friendliest,
most helpful neighbors we could
ask for. They are a middle-aged
European couple who moved to
the United States two years ago.
Here’s the problem. They have
a swimming pool in their back-
yard, and when they use it, they
do not wear swimsuits. I assume
they are just doing what is normal
in their native country.
When I am outside, I simply try
to look the other way and ignore
them. However, when they see me
or my wife, they almost always
call out to say hello and start a
conversation. My wife is not both-
ered by it, and will go over and
talk with them. However, I’m not
so comfortable. Generally, I wave
and go back into the house until
they are out of the pool.
My wife says I am overreact-
ing, but I don’t think I should be
uncomfortable in my own yard.
She does not want to put up a
fence, as she thinks it would be
unsightly and unwelcoming. Can
you help? — Neighbors of Lord
and Lady Godiva
Dear Neighbors: You cannot
stop the folks next door from sun-
bathing nude unless there are re-
strictions in your town. You also
Syndicate Inc.
Kathy Mitchell
Marcy Sugar
should not be reluctant to use your
own yard when the neighbors are
out. The solution truly is a fence
or perhaps shrubbery that would
allow each of you to have more
privacy. There is nothing unwel-
coming or unsightly about nice
bushes, plants or flowers. Unless,
of course, your wife likes to look
more than she is willing to admit.
Dear Annie: Why do some
people insist on arriving late for
family dinners? My husband and
I are great-grandparents with the
only home large enough to host
the entire family. We wake up ear-
ly enough to set up and cook, and
I set the time that seems most con-
venient for our family members.
When there is a football game
in the evening, I set the dinner for
noon. When there is early morning
rain, I set the time for late after-
noon. When asked if we can set a
specific hour, I always agree. On
Memorial Day, I told everyone
to be here at 1 p.m. Ten people
were here waiting, and the last
two came in 45 minutes later. We
didn’t sit down to eat until after
2. This is awkward for everyone,
but especially for young children
who are hungry, seniors who ha-
ven’t eaten since early morning,
and one family member who is
diabetic and needs to time her
Why is it no longer polite to be
punctual? — Late Arrivals
Dear Late: It is still polite to
be punctual, but some folks are
simply inconsiderate. If there is
only one couple that does this reg-
ularly, feel free to tell them that
the festivities start an hour earlier
than you tell everyone else. Oth-
erwise, here’s how it works for
chronically late family members:
Set the time, and when that time
arrives, sit down and start eating.
Those who show up late can be
told to find leftovers in the kitchen
or join you for dessert. They will
either accommodate themselves or
make a greater effort to show up
on time at the next family event.
Either way, the rest of you should
not be held hostage waiting for
ARIES (March 21-April 19). It hurts
you that you do not possess the magic
wand to make your wish happen today,
but don’t worry. You will accomplish
through perseverance what you couldn’t
make happen through power.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The spirit
of play is awakening inside you. There
are certain people who bring it out more
than others. The right playmates help
you keep your buoyant energy through-
out the day.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’re in
the mood to rock the boat. This makes
things more interesting. The question:
How hard should you rock it? The an-
swer: Hard enough to move it, but not so
hard that people will tumble out.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). As you
lose yourself in the activity that draws up
your passion, there will be no wondering
about whether you’re doing it right or wor-
rying about how you’ll be received when
you’re done.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Don’t let finan-
cial issues throw you off balance. Your cur-
rent paycheck is merely an income chan-
nel, not the source of abundance, which is
the universe itself.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Usually
love is a priority, but today isn’t the usual
kind of day. Romance may seem an un-
welcome distraction, even a hindrance to
your quest to better yourself. Paradoxical-
ly, this makes you all the more attractive.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). In your cur-
rent state of ultra-efficiency, there are a
few things that will bother you: people who
amble, dawdle or have a generally cava-
lier attitude about time.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). That you
feel so deeply is an asset in many situa-
tions; however, today’s situation presents
an exception. The more emotionally re-
moved you are from a conflict the stronger
your position will be.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
You’ll be drawn to those who have a
mind as flexible as yours. Bonus: You’re
also open-minded enough to realize that
close-minded people have something to
teach you, too.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You’re
all on the same team, though it won’t ap-
pear that way at first. Let the others know
that when you win, they win. Your sense
of humor will help to resolve any issues.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). As a
rule, you’d prefer that people not make a
fuss over you. It’s embarrassing! If they
have to do it (and today they probably do),
grin, bear it and say thanks.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Friends
don’t see you as you see yourself. They
may have a point. Even though you tend
to think of yourself in a certain light, stay
open to other lighting schemes, too.
Someone you’re crazy about will set your
mood sailing. Your personal life bubbles
with excitement over the next 10 weeks.
A talented partner can make all the dif-
ference in your work, drawing out your
best and helping you get paid for it, too.
Your path veers in November — this is
what you wanted in disguise. Aquarius
and Scorpio people adore you. Your lucky
numbers are: 4, 17, 28, 1 and 42.