OPINION 6A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • MONDAY, JUNE 1, 2015 7KH¿QDQFLDOO\LQVHFXUH$PHULFDQ about the realities of life But leave self-declared for those not yet elderly. conservatives and their Founded in 1873 Which is where that Fed- contempt for the poor on eral Reserve study comes merica remains, despite one side. What’s really STEPHEN A. FORRESTER, Editor & Publisher in. WKH GDPDJH LQÀLFWHG E\ striking is the disconnect 7KLVLVWKHVWXG\¶VVHF between centrist conven- LAURA SELLERS, Managing Editor the Great Recession and its af- tional wisdom and the re- ond year, and the current BETTY SMITH, Advertising Manager termath, a very rich country. edition actually portrays ality of life — and death a nation in recovery: In CARL EARL, Systems Manager But many Americans are eco- — for much of the nation. XQOLNHDVXE 7DNHDVDSULPHH[DP nomically insecure, with little pro- JOHN D. BRUIJN, Production Manager stantial plurality of re- ple, positioning on Social Paul tection from life’s risks. DEBRA BLOOM, Business Manager spondents said they were Security. For decades, Krugman 7KH\ IUHTXHQWO\ H[SHULHQFH ¿ a declared willingness better off than they had HEATHER RAMSDELL, Circulation Manager nancial hardship; many don’t expect WR FXW 6RFLDO 6HFXULW\ EHQH¿WV HV EHHQ¿YH\HDUVDJR