23,1,21 6A THE DAILY ASTORIAN • WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 2015 (YHU\SDUHQW¶VQLJKWPDUH Founded in 1873 STEPHEN A. FORRESTER, Editor & Publisher ‘I 7¶6(9(5<3$5(17¶6 QLJKWPDUH´7KDWSKUDVH has meaning in every decade of every era. It generally connotes dangerous activity in which their child’s life PLJKWEHLQMHRSDUG\ LAURA SELLERS, Managing Editor BETTY SMITH, Advertising Manager CARL EARL, Systems Manager JOHN D. BRUIJN, Production Manager DEBRA BLOOM, Business Manager Water under the bridge Compiled by Bob Duke From the pages of Astoria’s daily newspapers 10 years ago this week — 2005 Clatsop County woke up with its Port Commission intact after three mem- bers who supported the Calpine lease survived a challenge from opponents of WKHSURSRVHGOLTXH¿HGQDWXUDOJDVSODQWDQGWKHVHFUHWLYHZD\WKHOHDVHZDV handled. In the end, the trio of incumbents on the Port of Astoria’s Board of Com- PLVVLRQHUVEHDWWKHLUFKDOOHQJHUVE\IDLUO\VLJQL¿FDQWPDUJLQV7KHSRUWUDFH ZDVDKLJKO\FRQWHVWHGRQHZLWK¿YHFDQGLGDWHVFKDOOHQJLQJWKHWKUHHLQFXP- EHQWV/DUU\3KXQG*OHQQ7DJJDUWDQG'DQ+HVV 7+( ',*,7$/ 21/,1( world has come upon us so seem- ingly quickly that it has created wreckage that people struggle to understand. In the business world, one learns to be wary of online com- panies that make extravagant promises. It is an environment DNLQ WR WKH :LOG :HVW ZKHUH people talk big, take your money DQGGLVDSSHDU7KLVSKHQRPHQRQ revealed itself in former Gov. -RKQ .LW]KDEHU¶V &RYHU 2UHJRQ software fiasco. It is a wonder that Kitzhaber was not wary enough to protect himself and 2UHJRQ LQ LWV UHODWLRQVKLS ZLWK WKHJLDQW2UDFOH :KHQ WKH :LOG :HVW RI WKH online world invades a family, it is time to add chapters to the primer on parenting. :KHQ ,¶YH WDONHG ZLWK SDU- ents about the kidnapping story, I learn of strategies some of them DOUHDG\KDYHLQSODFH2QHPRWK- er knows the passwords on her son and daughter’s devices. 6($6,'(²³´6DEHUVZDYHG,WZDVSPDQGWKH ORQJZDLWZDV¿QDOO\RYHU 7KHUHZHUHPDQ\VDEHUVRQJXDUGDWWKHPLGQLJKWVKRZLQJRI³5HYHQJHRI WKH6LWK´:HGQHVGD\QLJKW7KHUHZHUHVDEHU¿JKWVLQWKHSDUNLQJORW7KHUH ZHUHFDSHV6WDU:DUV7VKLUWV6WDU:DUVKDWV/HLDKDLUVW\OHVDQGDORWRIHQ- thusiasm from the mostly teenaged and young adult crowd. ³7KH\¶OONLOOPHLI,GRQ¶WOHWWKHPLQ´DZRUNHUUHSRUWHGEHIRUHRSHQLQJ WKHGRRUVDWSP6RPHIDQVKDGEHHQLQOLQHVLQFH0RQGD\ 50 years ago — 1965 7KHPDQ\SKDVHVRISURJUHVVZKLFKDUHFKDQJLQJ&ODWVNDQLH IURPDVPDOOWRZQRIDURXQGSRSXODWLRQWRDFLW\RIDQH[SHFW- HGKDVFUHDWHGSUREOHPVIRUWKHFLW\FRXQFLODQGSURSHUW\ owners and business alike, since Crown Zellerbach corporation DQQRXQFHGWKHPLOOLRQPLOODW:DXQDDQGSURVSHFWVIRUDQHZ industry at the Beaver site appeared. 75 years ago — 1940 )ROJHU-RKQVRQDGPLQLVWUDWRUIRUWKH)HGHUDO+RXVLQJDXWKRULW\LQ2UH- JRQWROGWKH&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFHIRUXPOXQFKHRQWRGD\WKH)+$LVHDJHU to cooperate with Astoria home builders in meeting the expressed emergency QHHGIRURUPRUHKRXVHV -RKQVRQGHFODUHGWKH2UHJRQ)+$LVWDNLQJLQWRFRQVLGHUDWLRQSHUFHQW higher construction costs here, climatic requirements for more costly build- ing and is ignoring some neighborhood characteristics ordinarily devaluating SURSHUW\ +H GHQLHG KRZHYHU WKH DJHQF\ ZDV LQ DQ\ ZD\ GLVFULPLQDWLQJ against Astoria and declared sluggish building activity here is not entirely the IDXOWRI)+$EXWSUREDEO\WKHSRRUFRRSHUDWLRQDPRQJRWKHUIDFWRUVLQYROYHG 7HQWFDWHUSLOODUVDUHXQXVXDOO\DEXQGDQWLQWKHFLW\WKLVVSULQJ with trees in all sections of the town badly infested, numerous res- idents report. 0DQ\SHRSOHKDYHEHHQEXV\EXUQLQJWKHLQVHFWVEXWWKHLQ- road still persists. In some places they have invaded automobiles and houses and have dropped on the sidewalks in masses. 7KHFLW\JRYHUQPHQWKDVQRIXQGVWR¿JKWWKHFDWHUSLOODUVVR solution of the problem is up to individual residents. :LWK\RXQJVWHUVHQWHUHGLQWKH3HW3DUDGHWRGD\WKHVKRZZDV a grand success for the happy exhibitors, the thousands of spectators DQGWKHDQLPDOVWKHPVHOYHV,QWKHGRJGLYLVLRQDORQHHQWULHVZHUH reported. :LWK+DYOLN¶VMXQLRUEDQGOHDGLQJWKHZD\WKHSURFHVVLRQRISHWHVFRUWV VWDUWHGDWDP)URPWKHHPSW\ORWLQIURQWRI5HFUHDWLRQKDOODQG¿OHGZHVW RQ&RPPHUFLDO6WUHHW6KDUSH\HGMXGJHVPDGHDZDUGVDVWKHSURFHVVLRQFRQ- tinued down Commercial Street. 7KH¿UVWSLOFKDUGFDQQHU\LQWKH1RUWKZHVWZLOOEHLQRSHUDWLRQ KHUHGXULQJWKHFRPLQJVHDVRQ $WZROLQHSODQWZLWKDGDLO\FDSDFLW\RIFDVHVRIRQH SRXQGRYDOFDQVLVQRZEHLQJLQVWDOOHGLQWKHROG%HKPLGWFROGVWRU- DJHSODQWDWWKHIRRWRI)LUVW6WUHHW of Cabbages and Kings music-making. źźź A preliminary study of harvest plans for the Tillamook and Clatsop state forests indicates the proposed level of timber sales FDQQRWEHVXVWDLQHGZLWKRXWVDFUL¿FLQJZLOGOLIHKDELWDWLPSURYH- ments. 7KH2UHJRQ'HSDUWPHQWRI)RUHVWU\VWXG\FRQFOXGHVSURSRVHG ORJJLQJOHYHOVDUHDERXWSHUFHQWPRUHWKDQWKHIRUHVWVFDQVXV- tain if they are to boost populations of salmon, elk, spotted owls and other species. 5HGXFLQJWKHORJJLQJUDWHFRXOGWULPDERXWPLOOLRQLQDQQX- DOWLPEHUUHYHQXHVSOLWDPRQJVFKRROVFRDVWDOFRXQWLHVDQGRWKHU SURJUDPV %HQ*URSQHOO-HZHOOEURXJKWWR7KH'DLO\$VWRULDQRI¿FHVHYHUDODJHG UHFHLSWVIRUWKH$VWRULDQGDWHGLQDQGZKHQKLVJUDQGIDWKHU&DSW Spears, a river boat and sea captain, took the paper at the now-defunct town of .QDSSWRQ:DVK7KH$VWRULDQFRVWD\HDULQWKRVHGD\VDJDLQVWWR- GD\EXWPRVWFRPPRGLWLHVKDYHJRQHXSLQSULFHDJUHDWGHDOPRUHLQ\HDUV Through the Looking-glass 7KHNLGQDSSLQJVWRU\WKDWHQG- ed in Astoria last week gave new meaning to the parent’s night- PDUH $ \HDUROG &DOLIRUQLD girl had a disagreement with her mother. She shared her emotion ZLWKD³ER\´ZLWKZKRPVKHKDG EXLOW DQ RQOLQH UHODWLRQVKLS +H VXJJHVWHG D RQHGD\ ³YDFDWLRQ´ 7KH JLUO SDFNHG KHU RYHUQLJKW bag and went off to the meeting. 7KH\HDUROGWXUQHGRXWWR EH$QGDSUHGDWRU+HIRUFHG KHUWRMRLQKLPRQDURDGWULSWKDW HQGHGDWWKH0F'RQDOG¶VUHVWDX- UDQWLQ$VWRULD7KDW¶VZKHUHVKH contacted police. Police found her kidnapper on gated Cannon %HDFKIRUHVWSURSHUW\7KHJLUO¶V parents drove here to pick her up. AP Photo, File If you follow national news stories, you have read about B.B. King, left, and an accompanist perform during the opening of the the tragic outcomes of online 1980 New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. King died Thursday, EXOO\LQJ 7KDW LV RQH DVSHFW RI peacefully in his sleep at his Las Vegas home at age 89, his lawyer said. what the Internet has added to the adventure of childhood and There was joy in B.B. King’s child-rearing. Now we have this most recent example. HEATHER RAMSDELL, Circulation Manager 7KHFLW\JRYHUQPHQWREWDLQHGGDWDRQWKHDJHVRI$VWRULDSRS- XODWLRQODVWZLQWHUZKHQLWKDG3RUWODQG6WDWH&ROOHJHRI¿FLDOVFRQ- duct a census. This census showed the city had 9,672 inhabitants. 7KHPRVWVWULNLQJIDFWDERXWWKLVDJHDQDO\VLVLVWKHSUHSRQGHU- DQFHRIWKHYHU\\RXQJDQGWKHHOGHUO\1HDUO\DWKLUGRIWKHSHRSOH DUHXQGHUPRUHWKDQDWKLUGDUHRYHU$IXOOSHUFHQWDUH RYHU Astoria has lost population in the past two decades. It seems obvious from the above statistics that the people we have lost are PRVWO\LQWKHDJHJURXSVIURPWR:HKDYHIHZHUWKDQ LQKDELWDQWVDQGOHVVWKDQSHUFHQWRIRXUWRWDOLQWKHVHWZRDJH EUDFNHWVWKHRQHVFRQWDLQLQJWKH\RXQJDQGYLJRURXVHOHPHQWVRI the population. $VVRRQDV\RXQJSHRSOH¿QLVKHGVFKRROWKH\HYLGHQWO\KDYH GULIWHGHOVHZKHUH:HKDYHHGXFDWHGWKHPIRUWKHEHQH¿WRIRWKHU communities which have had jobs to offer them that Astoria could not. This population analysis shows why we need industry here. ‘The time has come,’ the Walrus said, ‘To talk of many things; Of shoes — and ships — and sealing wax — Of cabbages —and kings —’ of them focused on their mobile devices, not on each other. And, yes, sometimes these are mid- dle-aged couples. 7KH 0RGHUQ /RYH FROXPQ LQ last Sunday’s New York Times Style section was about a young woman who grew tired of a rela- tionship that was more electronic than personal. Being unable to get commitment from her boy- friend, she left him. +HU QH[W FRPSDQLRQ ZDV years older and this is how she described the new experience. ³:H HQJDJHG LQ IDFHWRIDFH eye-to-eye conversations about books (actual hold-them-in- your-hands books!) and about our ideas and hopes, unencum- bered by the need to take selfies or choose filters or stare at our SKRQHV´ Park Avenue, which I passed on P\ ZD\ KRPH 7KH DOEXP ZDV PDUNHG 'XULQJ WKH V P\ ZLIH and I saw B.B. King perform at &RQVWLWXWLRQ+DOOQHDUWKH:KLWH +RXVH +LV FROODERUDWRU WKDW night was Bobby (Blue) Bland, a 7HQQHVVHHERUQEOXHVPDQ :KLOH %REE\ ZDV RQ WKH downside of his career, B.B. was DOO WKHUH +H QHYHU VHHPHG WR lose the clarity of his voice or his JXLWDU SOD\LQJ 7KHUH ZDV D MR\ about his music-making. It was a great night. źźź ROLLING STONE 0$*$- zine’s obituary of B.B. King last Friday mentioned his two best albums, including Live at the Regal 7KDW VHQW PH WR WKH źźź collection of vinyl that my wife and I gathered in the years before 0$1< 2) 86 +$9( 6((1 we met. I must have bought Live the phenomenon of a couple at at the Regal LQ DW D VPDOO lunch or dinner with one or both UHFRUG VKRS RQ 3RUWODQG¶V 6: /HDUQLQJIURPKLVWRU\¶VPLVWDNHV supported it, too. :H¶G VHHQ WKH IDOO RI WKH :KDWFDQEHOHDUQHG" apartheid regime, which made South Africa better. 7KH ¿UVW REYLRXV OHVVRQ :H¶GVHHQWKHIDOORIFRPPX- I\RXFRXOGJREDFNWRDQG is that we should look at nist regimes, which made the intelligence products with a VWUDQJOH$GROI+LWOHULQKLVFULE Eastern bloc nations better. PRUHVNHSWLFDOH\H7KHUH¶V would you do it? 0DQ\RIXVWKRXJKWWKDWE\ a fable going around now At one level, the answer is obvi- that the intelligence about WDNLQJ GRZQ 6DGGDP +XV- RXV2IFRXUVH\RXVKRXOG sein, we could end another Iraqi weapons of mass de- ,IWKHUHKDGEHHQQR+LWOHUSUHVXP- struction was all cooked by evil empire, and gradually open up human development ably the Nazi Party would have lacked political pressure, that there David in Iraq and the Arab world. the charismatic leader it needed to rise was a big political conspira- Brooks +DV WKDW KDSSHQHG" ,Q to power. Presumably, there would cy to lie us into war. KDYHEHHQQR:RUOG:DU,,QR+ROR- 7KDW GRHVQ¶W JLEH ZLWK WKH IDFWV ,ZRXOGKDYHVDLG\HV,Q, caust, no millions dead on the Eastern $Q\ERG\FRQYHUVDQWZLWKWKH5REE6LO- ZRXOGKDYHVDLGQR,Q,VD\\HV DQG:HVWHUQIURQWV EHUPDQ UHSRUW IURP NQRZV WKDW and no, but mostly no. 7KHRXWFRPHVRIDULQ,UDTVKRXOG But, on the other hand, if there were this was a case of human fallibility. QR :RUOG :DU ,, \RX ZRXOGQ¶W KDYH 7KLVH[KDXVWLYHELSDUWLVDQFRPPLVVLRQ remind us that we don’t really know had the infusion of women into the IRXQG ³D PDMRU LQWHOOLJHQFH IDLOXUH´ much about how other cultures will workforce. You wouldn’t have had the ³7KH IDLOXUH ZDV QRW PHUHO\ WKDW WKH HYROYH:HFDQH[HUWRQO\FOXPV\DQG GI Bill and the rapid expansion of high- Intelligence Community’s assessments LQGLUHFWLQÀXHQFHRQKRZRWKHUQDWLRQV er education. You wouldn’t have had ZHUH ZURQJ 7KHUH ZHUH DOVR VHULRXV JRYHUQ WKHPVHOYHV :KHQ \RX WDNH WKHSDFL¿FDWLRQRI(XURSH3D[$PHUL- shortcomings in the way these assess- away basic order, people respond with cana, which led to decades of peace and ments were made and communicated to sectarian savagery. ,IWKHYLFWRU\LQWKH&ROG:DUWDXJKW prosperity, or the end SROLF\PDNHUV´ of the British and other 7KH ,UDT :DU HU- us to lean forward and be intervention- empires. ror reminds us of the LVWWKHOHJDF\RIWKH,UDTGHFLVLRQ We don’t +LVWRU\ LV DQ LQ- need for epistemologi- should cause us to pull back from the ¿QLWHO\ FRPSOH[ ZHE know much FDOPRGHVW\:HGRQ¶W excesses of that mentality, to have less RIFDXVDWLRQV7RHUDVH know much about the faith in America’s ability to understand about the mistakes from the past world, and much of our other places and effect change. 7KHVHDUHDOOGDWDSRLQWVLQDODUJ- is to obliterate your information is wrong. world, world now. You can’t A successful president HU HGXFDWLRQ ² DORQJ ZLWK WKH VXUJH go back and know then has to make decisions and the recent withdrawals from Iraq and much what you know now. while radiating hesitan- and Afghanistan. I wind up in a place of our You can’t step in the cy, staying open-mind- with less interventionist instincts than same river twice. ed in the face of new ZKHUH %XVK ZDV LQ EXW VLJQL¿- So it’s really hard information evidence, not falling cantly more interventionist instincts to give simple sound- into the traps that af- WKDQZKHUH3UHVLGHQW%DUDFN2EDPDLV is wrong. bite answers about past ÀLFWWKRVHZKRSRVVHVV inclined to be today. Finally, Iraq teaches us to be suspi- PLVWDNHV 7KH TXHV- H[FHVVLYH VHOIFRQ¿- cious of leaders who try to force revo- tion, would you go back and undo your dence. errors, is unanswerable. It’s only useful 7KHVHFRQGOHVVRQRI,UDTFRQFHUQV lutionary, transformational change. It to ask, what wisdom have you learned WKLVTXHVWLRQ+RZPXFKFDQZHUHDO- teaches us to have respect for trimmers, IURP\RXUPLVMXGJPHQWVWKDWZLOOKHOS ly change other nations? Every foreign leaders who pay minute attention to you going forward? policy dilemma involves a calibration. context, who try to lead gradual but :KLFKEULQJVXVWR,UDT)URPWKH 6KRXOGZHOHDQIRUZDUGWRWU\WRLQÀX- constant change. It teaches us to honor current vantage point, the decision to go HQFHWKLVRUWKDWUHJLRQ"2UVKRXOGZH those who respect the unfathomable WRZDUZDVDFOHDUPLVMXGJPHQWPDGH KDQJ EDFN ¿JXULQJ ZH¶OO MXVW HQG XS complexity of history and who are humble in the face of consequences to E\3UHVLGHQW*HRUJH:%XVKDQGVXS- making everything worse. SRUWHGE\SHUFHQWRIWKH$PHULFDQ $IWHU WKH V PDQ\ RI XV ZHUH their actions that they cannot fully pre- public who were polled at the time. I leaning in the interventionist direction. dict or understand. By DAVID BROOKS New York Times News Service I