Seventh-graders race for state Frohnmayer’s ‘quiet battle’ ends SPORTS • 4A PAGE 2A 142nd YEAR, No. 181 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 2015 ONE DOLLAR Bark park gets off to good start 5HVLGHQWV¿QG proposed dog park at John Warren Field quite fetching By DERRICK DePLEDGE The Daily Astorian JOSHUA BESSEX — The Daily Astorian Thomas Anderson waves to his father, Cmdr. Brian Anderson, as the Coast Guard Cutter Alert prepares to dock in Astoria Sunday. BACK TO BASE Cutter Alert returns after two-month patrol off Central and South America T The Daily Astorian he U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Alert returned to its homeport in Astoria Sunday after a two-month assignment in Central and South America that included the interception of two smuggling boats and the seizure of 2,300 pounds of cocaine valued at $28 million. $ORQJZLWKWKHQDUFRWLFVSDWUROWKH$OHUWWZLFHIUHHGVHDWXUWOHVFDXJKWLQDEDQGRQHG¿VKLQJJHDUDQGKHOGH[HUFLVHV LQVKLSERDUGHPHUJHQF\UHVSRQVHQDYLJDWLRQSUR¿FLHQF\DQGOLYH¿UHJXQQHU\DFFRUGLQJWRDVWDWHPHQWIURPWKH Coast Guard. “It is truly amazing to see a 46-year old cutter still maintain superior performance and capability,” Ensign John /RFNHWKH$OHUW¶VZHDSRQVRI¿FHUVDLGLQDVWDWHPHQW³8OWLPDWHO\LWLVWKHFUHZWKDWPDNHVDQ\PLVVLRQSRVVLEOH in a very dynamic global environment.” Photos by JOSHUA BESSEX — The Daily Astorian ABOVE: Cmdr. Brian Anderson greets his chil- dren aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Alert af- ter returning to Astoria Sunday. LEFT: Children watch as the Coast Guard Cutter Alert returns to Astoria Sunday. Spring forward? Oregon bills spark debate AP Photo/Elise Amendola, File Dave LeMote uses a wrench to adjust hands on a stain- less-steel tower clock at Electric Time Co. Inc. in Med- field, Mass., March 7, 2014. SALEM (AP) — The twice-a-year ritual of reset- ting clocks would come to an end under two bills intro- duced in the Oregon Senate. A Senate committee held a brief discussion of the is- sue Tuesday, but it did not vote on the bills. The idea has cropped up in more than a half-dozen statehouses, but it’s gener- ated more talk than action. In Oregon, there was no sign that lawmakers seemed ready to depart from the oth- HU WZR VWDWHV LQ WKH 3DFL¿F time zone. Still, the proposal invit- ed dozens of emailed com- ments from constituents to lawmakers “A great number of peo- ple have written in saying, ‘We should just abolish this. We don’t need to have this archaic practice any lon- ger,”’ said Sen. Kim Thatch- er of Keizer, a Republican who sponsored one of the bills on behalf of a constit- uent. “There are also a lot of people on the other side of the issue saying, ‘I would miss daylight saving time.’ “ Time-change lovers say it would be chaotic for Or- egon to depart from its West Coast neighbors, with which it shares the strong econom- ic and cultural ties, making LWPRUHGLI¿FXOWWRFRPPXWH or plan meetings. They say daylight saving time allows See BILLS, Page 10A The Astoria Parks and Recreation Board could recommend a dog park at John Warren Field after the idea re- ceived a positive reaction at a town hall meeting at City Hall Tuesday night. The city would lease the 1.4-acre former home of the Astoria High School Fishermen from Columbia Memorial Hospital until the hospital decides on future development. The interim site, which the city estimates will cost about $15,000 to $20,000 annually to maintain, would give dog owners a fenced, off-leash refuge for their dogs until a perma- nent location is found. “It’s very positive, what we heard today,” Norma Hernandez, the chair- woman of the Parks and Recreation Board, said after the town hall. “So I think we have a great base to give the information back to the rest of See DOG PARK, Page 10A Forage ¿VKJHW reprieve Feds ban new FRPPHUFLDO¿VKLQJ IRUKHOSHU¿VK By JEFF BARNARD Associated Press )HGHUDO¿VKHULHVPDQDJHUV7XHV day unanimously adopted a West &RDVWEDQRQQHZFRPPHUFLDO¿VK HULHV IRU IRUDJH ¿VK WKH OLWWOH ¿VK WKDWELJ¿VKDQGVHDELUGVGHSHQGRQ for food. 7KH3DFL¿F)LVKHU\0DQDJHPHQW Council adopted the ban by unani- mous vote while meeting in Vancou- ver, Wash. It now goes to the NOAA Fisheries Service for the develop- ment of regulations, which will take several months. $OWKRXJK QR :HVW &RDVW ¿VKLQJ boats are known to be contemplating QHZHIIRUWVWRWDUJHWIRUDJH¿VKFRQ cern has been mounting that some- one would start one to meet increas- ing demand for feed for aquaculture IDFLOLWLHV DQG ¿VK RLO QXWULWLRQDO supplements for people, said Mike %XUQHUVWDIIRI¿FHUIRUWKHFRXQFLO ,WLVWKHFRXQFLO¶V¿UVWDFWLRQXQGHUD QHZHFRV\VWHPDSSURDFKWR¿VKHULHV management. “The intent was not to change cur- rent practices, but prevent an uptick in the amount of removals,” he said. See FISH, Page 10A coast weekend THURSDAY Prelude to a festival