Public dance, night of 4th, at "Taylor hall, Main street. -) Gay White, ' former Corvallis boy, now pastor of a San Francisco -' Presbyterian church, is in town. The auto got In its deadly work Sunday. It passed Dr. Per nors buggy from behind. . The horse reared, plnnged and finally daebed the buggy against a tele eranh Dole at the Farra residence. It stripped itself of harness, tore off parts of the buggy and ran away. Dr. Pernot was skinned about the forehead, but his wife and child es caped unhurt. Rev. J. H. Mohorter of St. Loois, Mo.. Field Secretary of the National Benevolent Association of the Christian church, will epeak at the Christian church in Corvall'e tomorrow, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. Mobortfr is tour ing the west in the interest of the aseociaticn and was one of the chief eptakerB at the Turner convection. William Bogus" was electa 1 a member of the water commistioo yfsterday, to serve four years, vice Robert Huston, term expired. The comroieion consists of four mem bers, and they are, William Bogue, F. L. Miller, W. S McFadden, S. L. Kline. Robert Huston was elect ed a member of the water commit tee, to flil the vcanev caused by the election of Mr, Bogue to the commission. Mr. Hueton wss a member of the commits dupn Mr and Mrs Robert Huston spent Sunday in Albany. . The store of S. I,. Kline will be open the evening of the 3rd un til, nine. Miss Teressa McDonald, of Philomath College, was in Cor vallis Monday. Railroad Commissioner West left yesterday for Salem, after a few hours spent in Corvallis. Rci Nash came out on the Sunday evening excursion and re turned to the Rock Ceeek farm yesterday. r , Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kiger left today for Newport for a month. They are to occupy the Horner Cottage at Nye Creek. ; Mrs Mary Barclay leaves Wednesday for a visit with her son, John Herron at Everett, Washington. , Mr and Mrs Vance Tayior are to leave the latter part of the week for a two weeks trip to Yachats. Waldport, Newport and other points. - ' . His Wife Which is proper, "disillusioned" or disillusion ized?" Her Husband Oh, just say "married," and let it go at that. Mrs C. T. Hurd, who is a member of that family, returned Sunday from Portland, where she BUY A tn3 capabje member? of that body "Glet 6redit is due him for the re markable .showing made by the committee in securing a great 'sys tem fcr Corvellis at low cost. ? The races began at two o'clock this afternoon. A number of fast horses from abroad are here, ic cloding three owned by Reamea of Eugene and two by Purciflage. The tra k is in fine condition having been thoroughly worked in the last few dayB. This afternoon's events include free for all trot, trot or pace for two year olds, half mile dash, and quar'er mile dash. The races tomorrow afternoon will be, free for all trot or pace, two best in three, mile heats, mile dash for Benton county driving horses, free for all quarter mile dash, half mile daeh for Benton county saddle hor ses, and boys' pony race. The racee begin at two o'clock in the after noon. .. The marriage of Fred Ireland and Miss. Mary Maud Whitaker oe- cu?Tea at the country home of the l3ride'8 parents, on Sunday. The officiating minister was Rev. Father Corbeit of Columbia University. Portland, and the ceremony took place at 4 o'clock. John Whitaker Jr., was the beet man and Miss Bessie Ireland, bridesmaid. Ooly tne immediate relatives ot the con tracting parlies were present. Ther were decorations and a wedding re past. In the evening Mr. and Mrs Ireland drove to a newly furnished home across the Willamette, where the groom is manager of the Ireland hopyard, and where they will be at home to mends. The bride is daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wrntaker, one of tSe old time and highly resoectediiamilies of Ben ton, and Mr. Frjed Ireland ia a well known CorvalJ'tft young man. U9Slllllil 111111 And you pick the H It works well in any condition of grain and will stand the most severe tests. Our prices are guaranteed. ihe construction days, and was one pir """ ui me uiuHi wiub uwane, aggressive) Koyal h,. Hurd, ot Canton Ohio has arrived and is a guest at the home of his brother. Rev. C. T. Hurd. He will remain indefinitely. It is the first meeting of the broth; ers in eight years. Rev. Handsaker returned yes terday from attendance at the Tur ner convention of his church. The meeting was one of the greatest that has been held. Several thou sand people attended Sunday. 1 Invitations are out for the wed ding of Miss Maxfield and Francis Wilkes, which is to occu. at the home of the brides mother in the north end of town at 8 o'clock to morrow evening. Miss Maxfield has been a popular teacher in the Corvallis public schools, and Mr. Wilkes is a late graduate ot O. A. C. The grocery business of Thatch er & Johnson has been sold to J.- E. Winegar, formerly a Corvallis liveryman, out 01 late owner ot a laundry at Oregon City. 1 he pur chaser takes possession next Mon day. ; The members of the retiring firm do not expect to leave Cor vallis. - Excavation with a number of men and six teams employed, has oeen m progress lor the basement of the new Kline brick ever since last Wednesday, and is expected to be finished before the end of the current week. After that is done, the cement walls for the foundation will be run up, and the cement floor to the basement be laid. The first story of the new portion will then go up as fast aVmen can put brick and mortar together. The process of raising the present build ing to atwo story, together with the installation of a new front, witnout embarassmg business op erations in the 'store "will present interesting problems, but the archi tects know hew to do it, and traffic will be carried on as usual. The entire building is to be heated with a furnace to be located in the base ment under the new portion. It is expected to have the whale struct ure completed during the month of September. . - Willamette Valley Banking Company. 1 OF CORVALLIS. OREGON. INCORPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF OREGON. tf ANTED. r- WANTED. Woman, or girl "for second v cook in logging - camp. Address Mrs! A. Robinson, Hos- kins, Oregon. Men Wanted Smallest wages paid $ 2.25 per day by the Fir & Spruce Lumber Company , Tole do. Oregon. y Principal Stockholders: P. AVERY W. A. BUCHANAN PETER RICRARD A WIXHELM, SR. THOMAS LEESE WILLIAM SCARTH j A. LEASK. ' 1 N. B. AVERY R. S. IRWIN JESSE FOSTER W. A. MCRAE, MANAGER BANK OF CALIFORNIA N. WILKINSON Growing Fastest with Least Fuss And if you don't believe it, come and see MY MOTTO IS: "A CUSTOMER NEGLECTED, IS A CUSTOMER LOST." I GUARARNTEE YOU HONEST PRICES. EGGS, Chickens and Butter taken in exchange for mer chandise, can handle some wheat VICTOR P. MOSES DEALER IN EVERYTHING, Corvallis, Oregon. Officers: THOMAS LEESE, PRESIDENT; P. AVERY, VICE-PRESIDENT; NOEL WILKINSON, CASHIER;. A. LEASK, ASST. CASHIER. Representing cpnservative interests this bank solicits yotiT ness and will extend every accommodation, consistent with banking. 1 Safety deposit boxes for rent. Principal Correspondents. busi-safe K The Bank of California SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND SEATTLE TACOMA NEW YORK Messrs. J. P.' Morgan & Co. CHICAGO National Bank of The Republic. LONDON, ENG. N. M. Rothschilds & Son. CANADA Union Bank of Canada. Get your fireworks at Gun Hodes, he carries none but the best. ' ... n . . . THE McCORMICK CATA LOGUE contains .something . of value and interest to everyone needing harvesting machines. Call and secure one at : Huston's hard ware Store. - ' . ; ' : For Sale. SLAB WOOD At the Corvallis sawmill at'jiisp. per load, strictly . cash on delivery. .J FOR SALE E. J. Harringtorrhas some thorobred Poland China pigs for sale, from stock he bought at Lewis & Clark fair of Hazel wood. Spokane Wash. All pigs can be registered. Also Po land unma boar for . service, Vprices reasonable. E. J. -Harrington;' phone 704. Corvallis, 0. Ifegon. 6 71m .. s.ayi - , --' . Do you know : John Lenger J or No. 9 meets all iii and out going trains? No! Yes and he tends to all your baggage and small parcels with p'rompt delivery. Please call Res. 251 or Allen's Drug Store. " Dairymen's Notice - ; " After this date , milk will be seven and one-balf cents- per quart. We are compelled to raise the price on account of ad vapce in all lines of feed and great scarcity of laborers. - July 1,1907. - . . 8. C Dix6n. W. K. Taylor. . VEAL LOAVES, Ct AM CHOWDER ' cooked to order for families by notify- ing a day in advance. Fresh clams in shell ; or . opened. At Adam Assell' Lunch Counter. , 6 21 1 FOR SALE, : Furniture,'-' carpets wall paper, op poslte vHotel Corva His A; tl. K.EMPIN. FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE. One ; mower, , hav-rakes sickle-grinder and IDincier. gooa conamon. Uaeap. I B. LvTavlor, Phone 7O2. RFD t.Cnr- . vallis. ' - 3t ykkiug- Sewing done rea . Two doors south of the orks. on First St. tf Goldson & Graham. . ""presy sonahl 1 BEST BREAD and pastry can be HoteLUvallis ; t.idnal Steel! Ranges,' Kennpn's new store north at of Bigger Bon Bons Biggest Bon Bons Best Bon Bons Boss Belts ' B eautiful Beads - Bachelor Brushes Busy Bazaar Big Brigade Buying Bargains " . 7154 Main st. Sylva J. Starr c i o o Any one will be brighter and healther in warm weather if they buy their grocries at our store-our goods are always fresh and they are handled and kept -in the most cleanly manner. v We are Headquarters for all K ind of lunch and picnic goofo HOPES' GROCERY. PHONE 20 3. . S3 v No Prizes go with our Ctiase & Sanborn High Grafle COFFEE In fact nothing goes with our coffee but cream, sugar and SATISFACTION. P. M. ZIEROLF. Sole agent for Chase & Sanborn High Grade COFFEE The Grocer. We are not inclined to spend much time in writing advertisements we prefer to let our goods and customers speak for themselves.' OUR TRADE IS GROWING FAST. WE WANT YOURTRADE. WILL ASSURE SATISFACTION C Watch this space for Bargins in REaL ESTATe No 608 43 acres, 30 in cult, balance pasture and timber, some fine bot tom land, house of 5 rooms, small barn, young orchard, 2 1-2 miles of a good town, price if sold soon, $2000. This is a bargain. " 598 1 60 acres, 35 in cult, some good timber and pasture, good house and barn, fine orchard, well watered, this is a good stock ranch price $1 700. School house on place. 383 10 acres, all in cult, fine orchard, afl level, good house, fair barn 1-2 mile to good town, good garden land, nice little home, price $1 700. - AMBLER 6L WAITERS .1 J , c ' '.-sr.